summary refs log tree commit diff
path: root/pkgs/os-specific/linux/jool/cli.nix
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* treewide: pkgs.pkgconfig -> pkgs.pkg-config, move pkgconfig to alias.nixJonathan Ringer2021-01-19
* treewide: with stdenv.lib; in meta -> with lib;Profpatsch2021-01-11
* treewide: Per RFC45, remove all unquoted URLsMichael Reilly2020-04-10
* treewide: replace make/build/configure/patchFlags with nix listsMerijn Broeren2019-12-30
* jool: unstable-20180706 -> 4.0.0embr2019-04-20
* jool: add licenseMarkus Kowalewski2018-08-30
* fix source root locations.Piotr Bogdan2017-11-02
* misc pkgs: Basic sed to get fix `pkgconfig` and `autoreconfHook` `buildInputs`John Ericson2017-09-21
* jool: 3.5.3 -> 3.5.4Franz Pletz2017-08-01
* jool: 3.4.5 -> 3.5.0Franz Pletz2016-10-03
* jool: init at 3.3.2Franz Pletz2015-07-12