summary refs log tree commit diff
path: root/pkgs/development/tools/misc/watson-ruby/default.nix
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* treewide: add meta.mainProgram to many packagesMalo Bourgon2022-05-04
* watson-ruby: deprecate phasesFelix Buehler2021-07-27
* pkgs/development/tools: stdenv.lib -> libBen Siraphob2021-01-23
* treewide: Per RFC45, remove all unquoted URLsMichael Reilly2020-04-10
* treewide: fix redirected urlsPatrick Hilhorst2020-01-22
* treewide: fix types for mkDerivation paramsRobin Gloster2019-12-31
* treewide: remove redundant recvolth2019-08-28
* treewide: name -> pname (easy cases) (#66585)volth2019-08-15
* bundlerUpdateScript: init and use (#64822)Nick Novitski2019-07-22
* watson-ruby: hide bundlerEnv to avoid collisionsJoerg Thalheim2017-09-25
* watson-ruby: init at 1.6.3Roberto Di Remigio2017-09-25