summary refs log tree commit diff
path: root/pkgs/development/libraries/ndn-cxx
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* treewide: name -> pnamevolth2019-08-17
* waf: use wafConfigureFlags for waf flagsMatthew Bauer2019-04-09
* treewide: use wafHookMatthew Bauer2018-11-13
* ndn-cxx: fixed broken build and updated to latest release (#48706)Stewart Mackenzie2018-10-20
* ndn-cxx: mark as brokenxeji2018-04-12
* misc pkgs: Basic sed to get fix `pkgconfig` and `autoreconfHook` `buildInputs`John Ericson2017-09-21
* pkgs: refactor needless quoting of homepage meta attribute (#27809)Silvan Mosberger2017-08-01
* Fix lots of fetchgit hashes (fallout from #15469)Tuomas Tynkkynen2016-06-03
* boost: Kill unnecessary 'lib' outputTuomas Tynkkynen2016-04-28
* new package: ndn-cxxStewart Mackenzie2014-11-11