summary refs log tree commit diff
path: root/pkgs/applications/video/pyca/default.nix
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* pyCA: fixup the embedded sqlalchemyVladimír Čunát2023-07-21
* treewide/applications: use top-level fetchPypifigsoda2023-05-25
* pyCA: 2.1 -> 4.5Philipp Middendorf2023-05-12
* treewide: pkgs/applications: mark broken for darwinRick van Schijndel2022-05-29
* treewide: use pythonPackages.python-dateutil instead of pythonPackages.dateutilRobert Schütz2021-07-03
* treewide: remove stdenv where not neededPavol Rusnak2021-01-25
* treewide: with stdenv.lib; in meta -> with lib;Profpatsch2021-01-11
* treewide: Per RFC45, remove all unquoted URLsMichael Reilly2020-04-10
* pyCA: init at 2.1Philipp Middendorf2018-11-24