summary refs log tree commit diff
path: root/pkgs/applications/misc/sigal/default.nix
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* treewide: misc: use top-level fetchPypiWeijia Wang2023-05-25
* treewide: switch to nativeCheckInputsGuillaume Girol2023-01-21
* sigal: fix crash when building galleryRobert Helgesson2022-08-31
* Merge pull request #179366 from amesgen/sigal-fixWinter2022-07-17
| * sigal: add `setuptools` to depsamesgen2022-06-27
* | sigal: fix build on darwinSebastián Mancilla2022-07-10
* treewide: pkgs/applications: mark broken for darwinRick van Schijndel2022-05-29
* sigal: 2.2 -> 2.3Fabian Affolter2022-04-26
* sigal: remove optional dependency botoRobert Schütz2021-07-05
* sigal: 2.1.1 -> 2.2Robert Schütz2021-04-25
* sigal: 2.0 -> 2.1 (#88759)Matthias Beyer2020-10-05
* treewide: use ffmpeg_3 explicitly if not wanted otherwiseDoron Behar2020-06-12
* treewide: Per RFC45, remove all unquoted URLsMichael Reilly2020-04-10
* sigal: 1.4.1 -> 2.0 (#55155)R. RyanTM2019-03-15
* Revert "Remove maintainership"Matthias Beyer2019-02-20
* sigal: use python3Packages (#54187)Robert Schütz2019-01-19
* sigal: 1.4.0 -> 1.4.1R. RyanTM2018-10-14
* sigal: add ffmpeg to PATHRobert Schütz2018-04-08
* Remove maintainershipMatthias Beyer2018-04-06
* sigal: 1.3.0 -> 1.4.0Matthias Beyer2018-02-21
* sigal: 1.0.1 -> 1.3.0Matthias Beyer2018-01-12
* sigal: Use fetchPypi instead of fetchurlMatthias Beyer2018-01-12
* sigal: Move to applications/miscMatthias Beyer2018-01-12