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path: root/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/src/eval.nix
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Diffstat (limited to 'pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/src/eval.nix')
1 files changed, 35 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/src/eval.nix b/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/src/eval.nix
index 7c0ae755215..bf9f19d8e46 100644
--- a/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/src/eval.nix
+++ b/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/src/eval.nix
@@ -18,19 +18,42 @@ let
     callPackage = fn: args:
         result = super.callPackage fn args;
+        variantInfo._attributeVariant = {
+          # These names are used by the deserializer on the Rust side
+          CallPackage.path =
+            if builtins.isPath fn then
+              toString fn
+            else
+              null;
+          CallPackage.empty_arg =
+            args == { };
+        };
       if builtins.isAttrs result then
         # If this was the last overlay to be applied, we could just only return the `_callPackagePath`,
         # but that's not the case because stdenv has another overlays on top of user-provided ones.
         # So to not break the stdenv build we need to return the mostly proper result here
-        result // {
-          _callPackagePath = fn;
-        }
+        result // variantInfo
         # It's very rare that callPackage doesn't return an attribute set, but it can occur.
-        {
-          _callPackagePath = fn;
+        variantInfo;
+    _internalCallByNamePackageFile = file:
+      let
+        result = super._internalCallByNamePackageFile file;
+        variantInfo._attributeVariant = {
+          # This name is used by the deserializer on the Rust side
+          AutoCalled = null;
+      in
+      if builtins.isAttrs result then
+        # If this was the last overlay to be applied, we could just only return the `_callPackagePath`,
+        # but that's not the case because stdenv has another overlays on top of user-provided ones.
+        # So to not break the stdenv build we need to return the mostly proper result here
+        result // variantInfo
+      else
+        # It's very rare that callPackage doesn't return an attribute set, but it can occur.
+        variantInfo;
   pkgs = import nixpkgsPath {
@@ -39,14 +62,14 @@ let
     overlays = [ callPackageOverlay ];
-  attrInfo = attr: {
+  attrInfo = attr:
+    let
+      value = pkgs.${attr};
+    in
+    {
     # These names are used by the deserializer on the Rust side
-    call_package_path =
-      if pkgs.${attr} ? _callPackagePath && builtins.isPath pkgs.${attr}._callPackagePath then
-        toString pkgs.${attr}._callPackagePath
-      else
-        null;
-    is_derivation = pkgs.lib.isDerivation pkgs.${attr};
+    variant = value._attributeVariant or { Other = null; };
+    is_derivation = pkgs.lib.isDerivation value;
   attrInfos = builtins.listToAttrs (map (name: {