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path: root/pkgs/stdenv/darwin/default.nix
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Diffstat (limited to 'pkgs/stdenv/darwin/default.nix')
1 files changed, 309 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/stdenv/darwin/default.nix b/pkgs/stdenv/darwin/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bc3b433e922
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/stdenv/darwin/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+{ system      ? builtins.currentSystem
+, allPackages ? import ../../top-level/all-packages.nix
+, platform    ? null
+, config      ? {}
+  libSystemProfile = ''
+    (import "${./}")
+  '';
+  fetch = { file, sha256, executable ? true }: import <nix/fetchurl.nix> {
+    url = "${file}";
+    inherit sha256 system executable;
+  };
+  bootstrapFiles = {
+    sh    = fetch { file = "sh";    sha256 = "1siix3wakzil31r2cydmh3v8a1nyq4605dwiabqc5lx73j4xzrzi"; };
+    bzip2 = fetch { file = "bzip2"; sha256 = "0zvqm977k11b5cl4ixxb5h0ds24g6z0f8m28z4pqxzpa353lqbla"; };
+    mkdir = fetch { file = "mkdir"; sha256 = "13frk8lsfgzlb65p9l26cvxf06aag43yjk7vg9msn7ix3v8cmrg1"; };
+    cpio  = fetch { file = "cpio";  sha256 = "0ms5i9m1vdksj575sf1djwgm7zhnvfrrb44dxnfh9avr793rc2w4"; };
+  };
+  tarball = fetch { file = "bootstrap-tools.cpio.bz2"; sha256 = "1lz1b0grl4642h6n635xvi6imf0yyy1zyzdr9ing5aphzz0z5iic"; executable = false; };
+in rec {
+  allPackages = import ../../top-level/all-packages.nix;
+  commonPreHook = ''
+    export NIX_ENFORCE_PURITY=1
+    stripAllFlags=" " # the Darwin "strip" command doesn't know "-s"
+    export SDKROOT=
+    export CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=x86_64
+    # Workaround for on 10.11.
+    export gl_cv_func_getcwd_abort_bug=no
+  '';
+  # The one dependency of /bin/sh :(
+  binShClosure = ''
+    (allow file-read* (literal "/usr/lib/libncurses.5.4.dylib"))
+  '';
+  bootstrapTools = derivation rec {
+    inherit system tarball;
+    name    = "bootstrap-tools";
+    builder =; # Not a filename! Attribute 'sh' on bootstrapFiles
+    args    = [ ./ ];
+    inherit (bootstrapFiles) mkdir bzip2 cpio;
+    __sandboxProfile = binShClosure + libSystemProfile;
+  };
+  stageFun = step: last: {shell             ? "${bootstrapTools}/bin/sh",
+                          overrides         ? (pkgs: {}),
+                          extraPreHook      ? "",
+                          extraBuildInputs  ? with last.pkgs; [ xz darwin.CF libcxx ],
+                          extraInitialPath  ? [],
+                          allowedRequisites ? null}:
+    let
+      thisStdenv = import ../generic {
+        inherit system config shell extraBuildInputs allowedRequisites;
+        name = "stdenv-darwin-boot-${toString step}";
+        cc = if isNull last then "/dev/null" else import ../../build-support/cc-wrapper {
+          inherit shell;
+          inherit (last) stdenv;
+          inherit (last.pkgs.darwin) dyld;
+          nativeTools  = true;
+          nativePrefix = bootstrapTools;
+          nativeLibc   = false;
+          libc         = last.pkgs.darwin.Libsystem;
+          isClang      = true;
+          cc           = { name = "clang-9.9.9"; outPath = bootstrapTools; };
+        };
+        preHook = stage0.stdenv.lib.optionalString (shell == "${bootstrapTools}/bin/sh") ''
+          # Don't patch #!/interpreter because it leads to retained
+          # dependencies on the bootstrapTools in the final stdenv.
+          dontPatchShebangs=1
+        '' + ''
+          ${commonPreHook}
+          ${extraPreHook}
+        '';
+        initialPath  = extraInitialPath ++ [ bootstrapTools ];
+        fetchurlBoot = import ../../build-support/fetchurl {
+          stdenv = stage0.stdenv;
+          curl   = bootstrapTools;
+        };
+        # The stdenvs themselves don't use mkDerivation, so I need to specify this here
+        stdenvSandboxProfile = binShClosure + libSystemProfile;
+        extraSandboxProfile  = binShClosure + libSystemProfile;
+        extraAttrs = { inherit platform; };
+        overrides  = pkgs: (overrides pkgs) // { fetchurl = thisStdenv.fetchurlBoot; };
+      };
+      thisPkgs = allPackages {
+        inherit system platform;
+        bootStdenv = thisStdenv;
+      };
+    in { stdenv = thisStdenv; pkgs = thisPkgs; };
+  stage0 = stageFun 0 null {
+    overrides = orig: with stage0; rec {
+      darwin = orig.darwin // {
+        Libsystem = stdenv.mkDerivation {
+          name = "bootstrap-Libsystem";
+          buildCommand = ''
+            mkdir -p $out
+            ln -s ${bootstrapTools}/lib $out/lib
+            ln -s ${bootstrapTools}/include-Libsystem $out/include
+          '';
+        };
+        dyld = bootstrapTools;
+      };
+      libcxx = stdenv.mkDerivation {
+        name = "bootstrap-libcxx";
+        phases = [ "installPhase" "fixupPhase" ];
+        installPhase = ''
+          mkdir -p $out/lib $out/include
+          ln -s ${bootstrapTools}/lib/libc++.dylib $out/lib/libc++.dylib
+          ln -s ${bootstrapTools}/include/c++      $out/include/c++
+        '';
+        linkCxxAbi = false;
+        setupHook = ../../development/compilers/llvm/3.6/libc++/;
+      };
+      libcxxabi = stdenv.mkDerivation {
+        name = "bootstrap-libcxxabi";
+        buildCommand = ''
+          mkdir -p $out/lib
+          ln -s ${bootstrapTools}/lib/libc++abi.dylib $out/lib/libc++abi.dylib
+        '';
+      };
+    };
+    extraBuildInputs = [];
+  };
+  persistent0 = _: {};
+  stage1 = with stage0; stageFun 1 stage0 {
+    extraPreHook = "export NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE+=\" -F${bootstrapTools}/Library/Frameworks\"";
+    extraBuildInputs = [ pkgs.libcxx ];
+    allowedRequisites =
+      [ bootstrapTools ] ++ (with pkgs; [ libcxx libcxxabi ]) ++ [ pkgs.darwin.Libsystem ];
+    overrides = persistent0;
+  };
+  persistent1 = orig: with stage1.pkgs; {
+    inherit
+      zlib patchutils m4 scons flex perl bison unifdef unzip openssl icu python
+      libxml2 gettext sharutils gmp libarchive ncurses pkg-config libedit groff
+      openssh sqlite sed serf openldap db cyrus-sasl expat apr-util subversion xz
+      findfreetype libssh curl cmake autoconf automake libtool ed cpio coreutils;
+    darwin = orig.darwin // {
+      inherit (darwin)
+        dyld Libsystem xnu configd libdispatch libclosure launchd;
+    };
+  };
+  stage2 = with stage1; stageFun 2 stage1 {
+    extraPreHook = ''
+      export PATH_LOCALE=${pkgs.darwin.locale}/share/locale
+    '';
+    allowedRequisites =
+      [ bootstrapTools ] ++
+      (with pkgs; [ xz libcxx libcxxabi icu ]) ++
+      (with pkgs.darwin; [ dyld Libsystem CF locale ]);
+    overrides = persistent1;
+  };
+  persistent2 = orig: with stage2.pkgs; {
+    inherit
+      patchutils m4 scons flex perl bison unifdef unzip openssl python
+      gettext sharutils libarchive pkg-config groff bash subversion
+      openssh sqlite sed serf openldap db cyrus-sasl expat apr-util
+      findfreetype libssh curl cmake autoconf automake libtool cpio
+      libcxx libcxxabi;
+    darwin = orig.darwin // {
+      inherit (darwin)
+        dyld Libsystem xnu configd libdispatch libclosure launchd libiconv locale;
+    };
+  };
+  stage3 = with stage2; stageFun 3 stage2 {
+    shell = "${pkgs.bash}/bin/bash";
+    # We have a valid shell here (this one has no bootstrap-tools runtime deps) so stageFun
+    # enables patchShebangs above. Unfortunately, patchShebangs ignores our $SHELL setting
+    # and instead goes by $PATH, which happens to contain bootstrapTools. So it goes and
+    # patches our shebangs back to point at bootstrapTools. This makes sure bash comes first.
+    extraInitialPath = [ pkgs.bash ];
+    extraPreHook = ''
+      export PATH_LOCALE=${pkgs.darwin.locale}/share/locale
+    '';
+    allowedRequisites =
+      [ bootstrapTools ] ++
+      (with pkgs; [ icu bash libcxx libcxxabi ]) ++
+      (with pkgs.darwin; [ dyld Libsystem locale ]);
+    overrides = persistent2;
+  };
+  persistent3 = orig: with stage3.pkgs; {
+    inherit
+      gnumake gzip gnused bzip2 gawk ed xz patch bash
+      libcxxabi libcxx ncurses libffi zlib gmp pcre gnugrep
+      coreutils findutils diffutils patchutils;
+    llvmPackages = let llvmOverride = llvmPackages.llvm.override { inherit libcxxabi; };
+    in orig.llvmPackages // {
+      llvm = llvmOverride;
+      clang-unwrapped = llvmPackages.clang-unwrapped.override { llvm = llvmOverride; };
+    };
+    darwin = orig.darwin // {
+      inherit (darwin) dyld Libsystem libiconv locale;
+    };
+  };
+  stage4 = with stage3; stageFun 4 stage3 {
+    shell = "${pkgs.bash}/bin/bash";
+    extraInitialPath = [ pkgs.bash ];
+    extraPreHook = ''
+      export PATH_LOCALE=${pkgs.darwin.locale}/share/locale
+    '';
+    overrides = persistent3;
+  };
+  persistent4 = orig: with stage4.pkgs; {
+    inherit
+      gnumake gzip gnused bzip2 gawk ed xz patch bash
+      libcxxabi libcxx ncurses libffi zlib icu llvm gmp pcre gnugrep
+      coreutils findutils diffutils patchutils binutils binutils-raw;
+    llvmPackages = orig.llvmPackages // {
+      inherit (llvmPackages) llvm clang-unwrapped;
+    };
+    darwin = orig.darwin // {
+      inherit (darwin) dyld Libsystem cctools libiconv;
+    };
+  };
+  stage5 = with stage4; import ../generic rec {
+    inherit system config;
+    inherit (stdenv) fetchurlBoot;
+    name = "stdenv-darwin";
+    preHook = commonPreHook + ''
+      export PATH_LOCALE=${pkgs.darwin.locale}/share/locale
+    '';
+    stdenvSandboxProfile = binShClosure + libSystemProfile;
+    extraSandboxProfile  = binShClosure + libSystemProfile;
+    initialPath = import ../common-path.nix { inherit pkgs; };
+    shell       = "${pkgs.bash}/bin/bash";
+    cc = import ../../build-support/cc-wrapper {
+      inherit stdenv shell;
+      nativeTools = false;
+      nativeLibc  = false;
+      inherit (pkgs) coreutils binutils;
+      inherit (pkgs.darwin) dyld;
+      cc   = pkgs.llvmPackages.clang-unwrapped;
+      libc = pkgs.darwin.Libsystem;
+    };
+    extraBuildInputs = with pkgs; [ darwin.CF libcxx ];
+    extraAttrs = {
+      inherit platform bootstrapTools;
+      libc         = pkgs.darwin.Libsystem;
+      shellPackage = pkgs.bash;
+    };
+    allowedRequisites = (with pkgs; [
+      xz libcxx libcxxabi icu gmp gnumake findutils bzip2 llvm zlib libffi
+      coreutils ed diffutils gnutar gzip ncurses gnused bash gawk
+      gnugrep llvmPackages.clang-unwrapped patch pcre binutils-raw binutils gettext
+    ]) ++ (with pkgs.darwin; [
+      dyld Libsystem CF cctools libiconv locale
+    ]);
+    overrides = orig: persistent4 orig // {
+      clang = cc;
+      inherit cc;
+    };
+  };