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path: root/pkgs/os-specific/linux/minimal-bootstrap/default.nix
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pkgs/os-specific/linux/minimal-bootstrap/default.nix')
1 files changed, 229 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/os-specific/linux/minimal-bootstrap/default.nix b/pkgs/os-specific/linux/minimal-bootstrap/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a246b587dd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/os-specific/linux/minimal-bootstrap/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+{ lib
+, config
+, buildPlatform
+, hostPlatform
+, fetchurl
+, checkMeta
+  # Prevent using top-level attrs to protect against introducing dependency on
+  # non-bootstrap packages by mistake. Any top-level inputs must be explicitly
+  # declared here.
+  (extra: lib.callPackageWith ({ inherit lib config buildPlatform hostPlatform fetchurl checkMeta; } // extra))
+  (self: with self; {
+    bash_2_05 = callPackage ./bash/2.nix { tinycc = tinycc-mes; };
+    bash = callPackage ./bash {
+      bootBash = bash_2_05;
+      tinycc = tinycc-musl;
+      coreutils = coreutils-musl;
+      gnumake = gnumake-musl;
+      gnutar = gnutar-musl;
+    };
+    binutils = callPackage ./binutils {
+      tinycc = tinycc-musl;
+      gnumake = gnumake-musl;
+      gnutar = gnutar-musl;
+    };
+    bzip2 = callPackage ./bzip2 {
+      tinycc = tinycc-musl;
+      gnumake = gnumake-musl;
+      gnutar = gnutar-musl;
+    };
+    coreutils = callPackage ./coreutils { tinycc = tinycc-mes; };
+    coreutils-musl = callPackage ./coreutils/musl.nix {
+      bash = bash_2_05;
+      tinycc = tinycc-musl;
+      gnumake = gnumake-musl;
+      gnutar = gnutar-musl;
+    };
+    diffutils = callPackage ./diffutils {
+      bash = bash_2_05;
+      tinycc = tinycc-musl;
+      gnumake = gnumake-musl;
+      gnutar = gnutar-musl;
+    };
+    findutils = callPackage ./findutils {
+      tinycc = tinycc-musl;
+      gnumake = gnumake-musl;
+      gnutar = gnutar-musl;
+    };
+    gawk-mes = callPackage ./gawk/mes.nix {
+      bash = bash_2_05;
+      tinycc = tinycc-mes;
+      gnused = gnused-mes;
+    };
+    gawk = callPackage ./gawk {
+      bash = bash_2_05;
+      tinycc = tinycc-musl;
+      gnumake = gnumake-musl;
+      gnutar = gnutar-musl;
+      bootGawk = gawk-mes;
+    };
+    gcc46 = callPackage ./gcc/4.6.nix {
+      tinycc = tinycc-musl;
+      gnumake = gnumake-musl;
+      gnutar = gnutar-musl;
+      # FIXME: not sure why new gawk doesn't work
+      gawk = gawk-mes;
+    };
+    gcc46-cxx = callPackage ./gcc/4.6.cxx.nix {
+      gcc = gcc46;
+      gnumake = gnumake-musl;
+      gnutar = gnutar-musl;
+      # FIXME: not sure why new gawk doesn't work
+      gawk = gawk-mes;
+    };
+    gcc8 = callPackage ./gcc/8.nix {
+      gcc = gcc46-cxx;
+      gnumake = gnumake-musl;
+      gnutar = gnutar-latest;
+      # FIXME: not sure why new gawk doesn't work
+      gawk = gawk-mes;
+    };
+    gcc-latest = callPackage ./gcc/latest.nix {
+      gcc = gcc8;
+      gnumake = gnumake-musl;
+      gnutar = gnutar-latest;
+      # FIXME: not sure why new gawk doesn't work
+      gawk = gawk-mes;
+    };
+    gnugrep = callPackage ./gnugrep {
+      bash = bash_2_05;
+      tinycc = tinycc-mes;
+    };
+    gnumake = callPackage ./gnumake { tinycc = tinycc-mes; };
+    gnumake-musl = callPackage ./gnumake/musl.nix {
+      bash = bash_2_05;
+      tinycc = tinycc-musl;
+      gawk = gawk-mes;
+      gnumakeBoot = gnumake;
+    };
+    gnupatch = callPackage ./gnupatch { tinycc = tinycc-mes; };
+    gnused = callPackage ./gnused {
+      bash = bash_2_05;
+      tinycc = tinycc-musl;
+      gnused = gnused-mes;
+    };
+    gnused-mes = callPackage ./gnused/mes.nix {
+      bash = bash_2_05;
+      tinycc = tinycc-mes;
+    };
+    gnutar = callPackage ./gnutar/mes.nix {
+      bash = bash_2_05;
+      tinycc = tinycc-mes;
+      gnused = gnused-mes;
+    };
+    gnutar-musl = callPackage ./gnutar/musl.nix {
+      bash = bash_2_05;
+      tinycc = tinycc-musl;
+      gnused = gnused-mes;
+    };
+    # FIXME: better package naming scheme
+    gnutar-latest = callPackage ./gnutar/latest.nix {
+      gcc = gcc46;
+      gnumake = gnumake-musl;
+      gnutarBoot = gnutar-musl;
+    };
+    gzip = callPackage ./gzip {
+      bash = bash_2_05;
+      tinycc = tinycc-mes;
+      gnused = gnused-mes;
+    };
+    heirloom = callPackage ./heirloom {
+      bash = bash_2_05;
+      tinycc = tinycc-mes;
+    };
+    heirloom-devtools = callPackage ./heirloom-devtools { tinycc = tinycc-mes; };
+    linux-headers = callPackage ./linux-headers { bash = bash_2_05; };
+    ln-boot = callPackage ./ln-boot { };
+    mes = lib.recurseIntoAttrs (callPackage ./mes { });
+    mes-libc = callPackage ./mes/libc.nix { };
+    musl11 = callPackage ./musl/1.1.nix {
+      bash = bash_2_05;
+      tinycc = tinycc-mes;
+      gnused = gnused-mes;
+    };
+    musl = callPackage ./musl {
+      gcc = gcc46;
+      gnumake = gnumake-musl;
+    };
+    stage0-posix = callPackage ./stage0-posix { };
+    inherit (self.stage0-posix) kaem m2libc mescc-tools mescc-tools-extra;
+    tinycc-bootstrappable = lib.recurseIntoAttrs (callPackage ./tinycc/bootstrappable.nix { });
+    tinycc-mes = lib.recurseIntoAttrs (callPackage ./tinycc/mes.nix { });
+    tinycc-musl = lib.recurseIntoAttrs (callPackage ./tinycc/musl.nix {
+      bash = bash_2_05;
+      musl = musl11;
+    });
+    xz = callPackage ./xz {
+      bash = bash_2_05;
+      tinycc = tinycc-musl;
+      gnumake = gnumake-musl;
+      gnutar = gnutar-musl;
+    };
+    inherit (callPackage ./utils.nix { }) derivationWithMeta writeTextFile writeText;
+    test = kaem.runCommand "minimal-bootstrap-test" {} ''
+      echo ${bash.tests.get-version}
+      echo ${bash_2_05.tests.get-version}
+      echo ${binutils.tests.get-version}
+      echo ${bzip2.tests.get-version}
+      echo ${coreutils-musl.tests.get-version}
+      echo ${diffutils.tests.get-version}
+      echo ${findutils.tests.get-version}
+      echo ${gawk-mes.tests.get-version}
+      echo ${gawk.tests.get-version}
+      echo ${gcc46.tests.get-version}
+      echo ${gcc46-cxx.tests.hello-world}
+      echo ${gcc8.tests.hello-world}
+      echo ${gcc-latest.tests.hello-world}
+      echo ${gnugrep.tests.get-version}
+      echo ${gnused.tests.get-version}
+      echo ${gnused-mes.tests.get-version}
+      echo ${gnutar.tests.get-version}
+      echo ${gnutar-musl.tests.get-version}
+      echo ${gnutar-latest.tests.get-version}
+      echo ${gzip.tests.get-version}
+      echo ${heirloom.tests.get-version}
+      echo ${mes.compiler.tests.get-version}
+      echo ${musl.tests.hello-world}
+      echo ${tinycc-mes.compiler.tests.chain}
+      echo ${tinycc-musl.compiler.tests.hello-world}
+      echo ${xz.tests.get-version}
+      mkdir ''${out}
+    '';
+  })