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path: root/pkgs/os-specific/linux/kernel/generic.nix
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Diffstat (limited to 'pkgs/os-specific/linux/kernel/generic.nix')
1 files changed, 42 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/os-specific/linux/kernel/generic.nix b/pkgs/os-specific/linux/kernel/generic.nix
index cab11cc87ae..7f4f0f2d6bb 100644
--- a/pkgs/os-specific/linux/kernel/generic.nix
+++ b/pkgs/os-specific/linux/kernel/generic.nix
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 , gmp ? null
 , libmpc ? null
 , mpfr ? null
+, lib
 , stdenv
 , # The kernel source tarball.
@@ -20,6 +21,9 @@
 , # Legacy overrides to the intermediate kernel config, as string
   extraConfig ? ""
+  # Additional make flags passed to kbuild
+, extraMakeFlags ? []
 , # kernel intermediate config overrides, as a set
  structuredExtraConfig ? {}
@@ -41,15 +45,19 @@
   # symbolic name and `patch' is the actual patch.  The patch may
   # optionally be compressed with gzip or bzip2.
   kernelPatches ? []
-, ignoreConfigErrors ? != "pc" ||
+, ignoreConfigErrors ? != "pc" ||
                        stdenv.hostPlatform != stdenv.buildPlatform
 , extraMeta ? {}
-# easy overrides to stdenv.hostPlatform.platform members
-, autoModules ? stdenv.hostPlatform.platform.kernelAutoModules
-, preferBuiltin ? stdenv.hostPlatform.platform.kernelPreferBuiltin or false
-, kernelArch ? stdenv.hostPlatform.platform.kernelArch
+, isZen      ? false
+, isLibre    ? false
+, isHardened ? false
+# easy overrides to stdenv.hostPlatform.linux-kernel members
+, autoModules ? stdenv.hostPlatform.linux-kernel.autoModules
+, preferBuiltin ? stdenv.hostPlatform.linux-kernel.preferBuiltin or false
+, kernelArch ? stdenv.hostPlatform.linuxArch
+, kernelTests ? []
 , ...
@@ -61,22 +69,17 @@
 assert stdenv.isLinux;
-  lib = stdenv.lib;
   # Combine the `features' attribute sets of all the kernel patches.
-  kernelFeatures = lib.fold (x: y: (x.features or {}) // y) ({
+  kernelFeatures = lib.foldr (x: y: (x.features or {}) // y) ({
     iwlwifi = true;
     efiBootStub = true;
     needsCifsUtils = true;
     netfilterRPFilter = true;
-    grsecurity = false;
-    xen_dom0 = false;
     ia32Emulation = true;
   } // features) kernelPatches;
   commonStructuredConfig = import ./common-config.nix {
-    inherit stdenv version ;
+    inherit lib stdenv version;
     features = kernelFeatures; # Ensure we know of all extra patches, etc.
@@ -84,7 +87,7 @@ let
   intermediateNixConfig = configfile.moduleStructuredConfig.intermediateNixConfig
     # extra config in legacy string format
     + extraConfig
-    + lib.optionalString (stdenv.hostPlatform.platform ? kernelExtraConfig) stdenv.hostPlatform.platform.kernelExtraConfig;
+    + stdenv.hostPlatform.linux-kernel.extraConfig or "";
   structuredConfigFromPatches =
         map ({extraStructuredConfig ? {}, ...}: {settings=extraStructuredConfig;}) kernelPatches;
@@ -97,7 +100,7 @@ let
     in lib.concatStringsSep "\n" ([baseConfigStr] ++ configFromPatches);
   configfile = stdenv.mkDerivation {
-    inherit ignoreConfigErrors autoModules preferBuiltin kernelArch;
+    inherit ignoreConfigErrors autoModules preferBuiltin kernelArch extraMakeFlags;
     pname = "linux-config";
     inherit version;
@@ -108,13 +111,16 @@ let
     depsBuildBuild = [ ];
     nativeBuildInputs = [ perl gmp libmpc mpfr ]
-      ++ lib.optionals (stdenv.lib.versionAtLeast version "4.16") [ bison flex ];
+      ++ lib.optionals (lib.versionAtLeast version "4.16") [ bison flex ];
-    platformName =;
+    platformName =;
     # e.g. "defconfig"
-    kernelBaseConfig = if defconfig != null then defconfig else stdenv.hostPlatform.platform.kernelBaseConfig;
+    kernelBaseConfig = if defconfig != null then defconfig else stdenv.hostPlatform.linux-kernel.baseConfig;
     # e.g. "bzImage"
-    kernelTarget = stdenv.hostPlatform.platform.kernelTarget;
+    kernelTarget =;
+    makeFlags = lib.optionals (stdenv.hostPlatform.linux-kernel ? makeFlags) stdenv.hostPlatform.linux-kernel.makeFlags
+      ++ extraMakeFlags;
     prePatch = kernel.prePatch + ''
       # Patch kconfig to print "###" after every question so that
@@ -128,18 +134,25 @@ let
     buildPhase = ''
       export buildRoot="''${buildRoot:-build}"
+      export HOSTCC=$CC_FOR_BUILD
+      export HOSTCXX=$CXX_FOR_BUILD
+      export HOSTAR=$AR_FOR_BUILD
+      export HOSTLD=$LD_FOR_BUILD
       # Get a basic config file for later refinement with $generateConfig.
-      make -C .  O="$buildRoot" $kernelBaseConfig \
+      make $makeFlags \
+          -C . O="$buildRoot" $kernelBaseConfig \
           ARCH=$kernelArch \
-          HOSTCC=${}gcc \
-          HOSTCXX=${}g++
+          $makeFlags
       # Create the config file.
       echo "generating kernel configuration..."
       ln -s "$kernelConfigPath" "$buildRoot/kernel-config"
       DEBUG=1 ARCH=$kernelArch KERNEL_CONFIG="$buildRoot/kernel-config" AUTO_MODULES=$autoModules \
-           PREFER_BUILTIN=$preferBuiltin BUILD_ROOT="$buildRoot" SRC=. perl -w $generateConfig
+        PREFER_BUILTIN=$preferBuiltin BUILD_ROOT="$buildRoot" SRC=. MAKE_FLAGS="$makeFlags" \
+        perl -w $generateConfig
     installPhase = "mv $buildRoot/.config $out";
@@ -147,7 +160,6 @@ let
     enableParallelBuilding = true;
     passthru = rec {
       module = import ../../../../nixos/modules/system/boot/kernel_config.nix;
       # used also in apache
       # { modules = [ { options = res.options; config = svc.config or svc; } ];
@@ -167,16 +179,20 @@ let
   }; # end of configfile derivation
-  kernel = (callPackage ./manual-config.nix {}) {
-    inherit version modDirVersion src kernelPatches randstructSeed stdenv extraMeta configfile;
+  kernel = (callPackage ./manual-config.nix { inherit buildPackages;  }) {
+    inherit version modDirVersion src kernelPatches randstructSeed lib stdenv extraMakeFlags extraMeta configfile;
     config = { CONFIG_MODULES = "y"; CONFIG_FW_LOADER = "m"; };
   passthru = {
     features = kernelFeatures;
-    inherit commonStructuredConfig;
+    inherit commonStructuredConfig structuredExtraConfig extraMakeFlags isZen isHardened isLibre modDirVersion;
+    isXen = lib.warn "The isXen attribute is deprecated. All Nixpkgs kernels that support it now have Xen enabled." true;
+    kernelOlder = lib.versionOlder version;
+    kernelAtLeast = lib.versionAtLeast version;
     passthru = kernel.passthru // (removeAttrs passthru [ "passthru" ]);
+    tests = kernelTests;
 in lib.extendDerivation true passthru kernel