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path: root/pkgs/games/dwarf-fortress/df2014.nix
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Diffstat (limited to 'pkgs/games/dwarf-fortress/df2014.nix')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 82 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/games/dwarf-fortress/df2014.nix b/pkgs/games/dwarf-fortress/df2014.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a0d30ea89f..00000000000
--- a/pkgs/games/dwarf-fortress/df2014.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-{ stdenv, fetchurl, SDL, SDL_image, SDL_ttf, gtk, glib, mesa, openal, glibc, libsndfile
-, copyDataDirectory ? false }:
-assert stdenv.system == "i686-linux";
-stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
-  name = "dwarf-fortress-0.40.05";
-  src = fetchurl {
-    url = "";
-    sha256 = "1b9nd33yz5a945v9jyqii1k4s71i701m2d0h7fw6f5g9p6nvx43s";
-  };
-  phases = "unpackPhase patchPhase installPhase";
-  /* :TODO: Game options should be configurable by patching the default configuration files */
-  permission = ./df_permission;
-  installPhase = ''
-    set -x
-    mkdir -p $out/bin
-    mkdir -p $out/share/df_linux
-    cp -r * $out/share/df_linux
-    cp $permission $out/share/df_linux/nix_permission
-    patchelf --set-interpreter ${glibc}/lib/ $out/share/df_linux/libs/Dwarf_Fortress
-    ln -s ${libsndfile}/lib/ $out/share/df_linux/libs/
-    cat > $out/bin/dwarf-fortress << EOF
-    #!${}
-    export DF_DIR="\$HOME/.config/df_linux"
-    if [ -n "\$XDG_DATA_HOME" ]
-     then export DF_DIR="\$XDG_DATA_HOME/df_linux"
-    fi
-    # Recreate a directory structure reflecting the original
-    # distribution in the user directory (for modding support)
-    ${if copyDataDirectory then ''
-      if [ ! -d "\$DF_DIR" ];
-      then
-        mkdir -p \$DF_DIR
-        cp -r $out/share/df_linux/* \$DF_DIR/
-        chmod -R u+rw \$DF_DIR/
-      fi
-    '' else ''
-      # Link in the static stuff
-      mkdir -p \$DF_DIR
-      ln -sf $out/share/df_linux/libs \$DF_DIR/
-      ln -sf $out/share/df_linux/raw \$DF_DIR/
-      ln -sf $out/share/df_linux/df \$DF_DIR/
-      # Delete old data directory
-      rm -rf \$DF_DIR/data
-      # Link in the static data directory
-      mkdir \$DF_DIR/data
-      for i in $out/share/df_linux/data/*
-      do
-       ln -s \$i \$DF_DIR/data/
-      done
-      # link in persistant data
-      mkdir -p \$DF_DIR/save
-      ln -s \$DF_DIR/save \$DF_DIR/data/
-    ''}
-    # now run Dwarf Fortress!
-    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\$DF_DIR/df_linux/libs/:${SDL}/lib:${SDL_image}/lib/:${SDL_ttf}/lib/:${gtk}/lib/:${glib}/lib/:${mesa}/lib/:${openal}/lib/
-    \$DF_DIR/df "\$@"
-    EOF
-    chmod +x $out/bin/dwarf-fortress
-  '';
-  meta = {
-      description = "control a dwarven outpost or an adventurer in a randomly generated, persistent world";
-      homepage =;
-      license = "unfree-redistributable";
-      maintainers = [stdenv.lib.maintainers.roconnor];
-  };