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path: root/pkgs/development/libraries/glibc/common.nix
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Diffstat (limited to 'pkgs/development/libraries/glibc/common.nix')
1 files changed, 221 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/development/libraries/glibc/common.nix b/pkgs/development/libraries/glibc/common.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4bff795ba5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/development/libraries/glibc/common.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+/* Build configuration used to build glibc, Info files, and locale
+   information.  */
+{ name, fetchurl, fetchgit ? null, stdenv, installLocales ? false
+, gccCross ? null, kernelHeaders ? null
+, machHeaders ? null, hurdHeaders ? null, libpthreadHeaders ? null
+, mig ? null
+, profilingLibraries ? false, meta
+, withGd ? false, gd ? null, libpng ? null
+, preConfigure ? "", ... }@args:
+  version = "2.21";
+assert cross != null -> gccCross != null;
+assert mig != null -> machHeaders != null;
+assert machHeaders != null -> hurdHeaders != null;
+assert hurdHeaders != null -> libpthreadHeaders != null;
+stdenv.mkDerivation ({
+  inherit kernelHeaders installLocales;
+  # The host/target system.
+  crossConfig = if cross != null then cross.config else null;
+  inherit (stdenv) is64bit;
+  enableParallelBuilding = true;
+  /* Don't try to apply these patches to the Hurd's snapshot, which is
+     older.  */
+  patches = stdenv.lib.optionals (hurdHeaders == null)
+    [ /* Have rpcgen(1) look for cpp(1) in $PATH.  */
+      ./rpcgen-path.patch
+      /* Allow NixOS and Nix to handle the locale-archive. */
+      ./nix-locale-archive.patch
+      /* Don't use /etc/, for non-NixOS systems.  */
+      ./dont-use-system-ld-so-cache.patch
+      /* Don't use /etc/, but /etc/  */
+      ./dont-use-system-ld-so-preload.patch
+      /* Add blowfish password hashing support.  This is needed for
+         compatibility with old NixOS installations (since NixOS used
+         to default to blowfish). */
+      ./glibc-crypt-blowfish.patch
+      /* The command "getconf CS_PATH" returns the default search path
+         "/bin:/usr/bin", which is inappropriate on NixOS machines. This
+         patch extends the search path by "/run/current-system/sw/bin". */
+      ./fix_path_attribute_in_getconf.patch
+    ];
+  postPatch =
+    # Needed for glibc to build with the gnumake 3.82
+    #
+    ''
+      sed -i 's/ot \$/ot:\n\ttouch $@\n$/' manual/Makefile
+    ''
+    # nscd needs libgcc, and we don't want it dynamically linked
+    # because we don't want it to depend on bootstrap-tools libs.
+    + ''
+      echo "LDFLAGS-nscd += -static-libgcc" >> nscd/Makefile
+    ''
+    # Replace the date and time in nscd by a prefix of $out.
+    # It is used as a protocol compatibility check.
+    # Note: the size of the struct changes, but using only a part
+    # would break hash-rewriting. When receiving stats it does check
+    # that the struct sizes match and can't cause overflow or something.
+    + ''
+      cat ${./glibc-remove-datetime-from-nscd.patch} \
+        | sed "s,@out@,$out," | patch -p1
+    ''
+    # CVE-2014-8121, see
+    + ''
+      substituteInPlace ./nss/nss_files/files-XXX.c \
+        --replace 'status = internal_setent (stayopen);' \
+                  'status = internal_setent (1);'
+    '';
+  configureFlags =
+    [ "-C"
+      "--enable-add-ons"
+      "--enable-obsolete-rpc"
+      "--sysconfdir=/etc"
+      "--localedir=/var/run/current-system/sw/lib/locale"
+      "libc_cv_ssp=no"
+      (if kernelHeaders != null
+       then "--with-headers=${kernelHeaders}/include"
+       else "--without-headers")
+      (if profilingLibraries
+       then "--enable-profile"
+       else "--disable-profile")
+    ] ++ stdenv.lib.optionals (cross == null && kernelHeaders != null) [
+      "--enable-kernel=2.6.32"
+    ] ++ stdenv.lib.optionals (cross != null) [
+      (if cross.withTLS then "--with-tls" else "--without-tls")
+      (if cross.float == "soft" then "--without-fp" else "--with-fp")
+    ] ++ stdenv.lib.optionals (cross != null
+          && cross.platform ? kernelMajor
+          && cross.platform.kernelMajor == "2.6") [
+      "--enable-kernel=2.6.0"
+      "--with-__thread"
+    ] ++ stdenv.lib.optionals (cross == null && stdenv.isArm) [
+      "--host=arm-linux-gnueabi"
+      "--build=arm-linux-gnueabi"
+      # To avoid linking with -lgcc_s (dynamic link)
+      # so the glibc does not depend on its compiler store path
+      "libc_cv_as_needed=no"
+    ] ++ stdenv.lib.optional withGd "--with-gd";
+  installFlags = [ "sysconfdir=$(out)/etc" ];
+  outputs = [ "out" "dev" "bin" "static" ];
+  buildInputs = [ ]
+    ++ stdenv.lib.optionals (cross != null) [ gccCross ]
+    ++ stdenv.lib.optional (mig != null) mig
+    ++ stdenv.lib.optionals withGd [ gd libpng ];
+  # Needed to install share/zoneinfo/  Set to impure /bin/sh to
+  # prevent a retained dependency on the bootstrap tools in the stdenv-linux
+  # bootstrap.
+  BASH_SHELL = "/bin/sh";
+  # Workaround for this bug:
+  #
+  # I.e. when gcc is compiled with --with-arch=i686, then the
+  # preprocessor symbol `__i686' will be defined to `1'.  This causes
+  # the symbol __i686.get_pc_thunk.dx to be mangled.
+  NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE = stdenv.lib.optionalString (stdenv.system == "i686-linux") "-U__i686"
+    + " -Wno-error=strict-prototypes";
+# Remove the `gccCross' attribute so that the *native* glibc store path
+# doesn't depend on whether `gccCross' is null or not.
+// (removeAttrs args [ "gccCross" "fetchurl" "fetchgit" "withGd" "gd" "libpng" ]) //
+  name = name + "-${version}" +
+    stdenv.lib.optionalString (cross != null) "-${cross.config}";
+  src =
+    if hurdHeaders != null
+    then fetchgit {
+      # Shamefully the "official" glibc won't build on GNU, so use the one
+      # maintained by the Hurd folks, `tschwinge/Roger_Whittaker' branch.
+      # See <>.
+      url = "git://";
+      sha256 = "cecec9dd5a2bafc875c56b058b6d7628a22b250b53747513dec304f31ffdb82d";
+      rev = "d3cdecf18e6550b0984a42b43ed48c5fb26501e1";
+    }
+    else fetchurl {
+      url = "mirror://gnu/glibc/glibc-${version}.tar.gz";
+      sha256 = "0f4prv4c0fcpi85wv4028wqxn075197gwxhgf0vp571fiw2pi3wd";
+    };
+  # Remove absolute paths from `configure' & co.; build out-of-tree.
+  preConfigure = ''
+    export PWD_P=$(type -tP pwd)
+    for i in configure io/ftwtest-sh; do
+        # Can't use substituteInPlace here because replace hasn't been
+        # built yet in the bootstrap.
+        sed -i "$i" -e "s^/bin/pwd^$PWD_P^g"
+    done
+    mkdir ../build
+    cd ../build
+    configureScript="`pwd`/../$sourceRoot/configure"
+    ${stdenv.lib.optionalString ( != null)
+      ''makeFlags="$makeFlags BUILD_LDFLAGS=-Wl,-rpath,${}/lib"''
+    }
+    ${preConfigure}
+  '';
+  meta = {
+    homepage =;
+    description = "The GNU C Library"
+      + stdenv.lib.optionalString (hurdHeaders != null) ", for GNU/Hurd";
+    longDescription =
+      '' Any Unix-like operating system needs a C library: the library which
+         defines the "system calls" and other basic facilities such as
+         open, malloc, printf, exit...
+         The GNU C library is used as the C library in the GNU system and
+         most systems with the Linux kernel.
+      '';
+    license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl2Plus;
+    maintainers = [ ];
+    #platforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.linux;
+  } // meta;
+// stdenv.lib.optionalAttrs withGd {
+  preBuild = "unset NIX_DONT_SET_RPATH";
+// stdenv.lib.optionalAttrs (hurdHeaders != null) {
+  # Work around the fact that the configure snippet that looks for
+  # <hurd/version.h> does not honor `--with-headers=$sysheaders' and that
+  # glibc expects Mach, Hurd, and pthread headers to be in the same place.
+  CPATH = "${hurdHeaders}/include:${machHeaders}/include:${libpthreadHeaders}/include";
+  # Install NSS stuff in the right place.
+  # XXX: This will be needed for all new glibcs and isn't Hurd-specific.
+  makeFlags = ''vardbdir="$out/var/db"'';