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path: root/pkgs/development/interpreters/pypy/2.3/default.nix
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Diffstat (limited to 'pkgs/development/interpreters/pypy/2.3/default.nix')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 109 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/development/interpreters/pypy/2.3/default.nix b/pkgs/development/interpreters/pypy/2.3/default.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ed13e2f646..00000000000
--- a/pkgs/development/interpreters/pypy/2.3/default.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-{ stdenv, fetchurl, zlib ? null, zlibSupport ? true, bzip2, pkgconfig, libffi
-, sqlite, openssl, ncurses, pythonFull, expat, tcl, tk, x11, libX11 }:
-assert zlibSupport -> zlib != null;
-  majorVersion = "2.3";
-  version = "${majorVersion}.1";
-  pythonVersion = "2.7";
-  libPrefix = "pypy${majorVersion}";
-  pypy = stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
-    name = "pypy-${version}";
-    inherit majorVersion version;
-    src = fetchurl {
-      url = "${version}.tar.bz2";
-      sha256 = "0fg4l48c7n59n5j3b1dgcsr927xzylkfny4a6pnk6z0pq2bhvl9z";
-    };
-    buildInputs = [ bzip2 openssl pkgconfig pythonFull libffi ncurses expat sqlite tk tcl x11 libX11 ]
-      ++ stdenv.lib.optional (stdenv ? gcc && stdenv.gcc.libc != null) stdenv.gcc.libc
-      ++ stdenv.lib.optional zlibSupport zlib;
-    C_INCLUDE_PATH = stdenv.lib.concatStringsSep ":" (map (p: "${p}/include") buildInputs);
-    LIBRARY_PATH = stdenv.lib.concatStringsSep ":" (map (p: "${p}/lib") buildInputs);
-    LD_LIBRARY_PATH = stdenv.lib.concatStringsSep ":" (map (p: "${p}/lib") 
-      (stdenv.lib.filter (x : x.outPath != stdenv.gcc.libc.outPath or "") buildInputs));
-    preConfigure = ''
-      substituteInPlace Makefile \
-        --replace "-Ojit" "-Ojit --batch" \
-        --replace "pypy/goal/" "pypy/goal/ --withmod-_minimal_curses --withmod-unicodedata --withmod-thread --withmod-bz2 --withmod-_multiprocessing"
-      # we are using cpython and not pypy to do translation
-      substituteInPlace rpython/bin/rpython \
-        --replace "/usr/bin/env pypy" "${pythonFull}/bin/python"
-      substituteInPlace pypy/goal/ \
-        --replace "/usr/bin/env pypy" "${pythonFull}/bin/python"
-      # hint pypy to find nix ncurses
-      substituteInPlace pypy/module/_minimal_curses/ \
-        --replace "/usr/include/ncurses/curses.h" "${ncurses}/include/curses.h" \
-        --replace "ncurses/curses.h" "${ncurses}/include/curses.h" \
-        --replace "ncurses/term.h" "${ncurses}/include/term.h" \
-        --replace "libraries=['curses']" "libraries=['ncurses']"
-      # tkinter hints
-      substituteInPlace lib_pypy/_tkinter/ \
-        --replace "'/usr/include/tcl'" "'${tk}/include', '${tcl}/include'" \
-        --replace "linklibs=['tcl', 'tk']" "linklibs=['tcl8.5', 'tk8.5']" \
-        --replace "libdirs = []" "libdirs = ['${tk}/lib', '${tcl}/lib']"
-      sed -i "s@libraries=\['sqlite3'\]\$@libraries=['sqlite3'], include_dirs=['${sqlite}/include'], library_dirs=['${sqlite}/lib']@" lib_pypy/
-    '';
-    setupHook = ./;
-    doCheck = true;
-    checkPhase = ''
-       export TERMINFO="${ncurses}/share/terminfo/";
-       export TERM="xterm";
-       export HOME="$TMPDIR";
-       # disable shutils because it assumes gid 0 exists
-       # disable socket because it has two actual network tests that fail
-       # disable test_mhlib because it fails for unknown reason
-       # disable sqlite3 due to
-       # disable test_multiprocessing due to transient errors
-       # disable test_os because test_urandom_failure fails
-      ./pypy-c ./pypy/ --pypy=./pypy-c -k '-test_sqlite -test_socket -test_os -test_shutil -test_mhlib -test_multiprocessing' lib-python
-    '';
-    installPhase = ''
-       mkdir -p $out/{bin,include,lib,pypy-c}
-       cp -R {include,lib_pypy,lib-python,pypy-c} $out/pypy-c
-       ln -s $out/pypy-c/pypy-c $out/bin/pypy
-       chmod +x $out/bin/pypy
-       # other packages expect to find stuff according to libPrefix
-       ln -s $out/pypy-c/include $out/include/${libPrefix}
-       ln -s $out/pypy-c/lib-python/${pythonVersion} $out/lib/${libPrefix}
-       # verify cffi modules
-       $out/bin/pypy -c "import Tkinter;import sqlite3"
-       # TODO: compile python files?
-    '';
-    passthru = {
-      inherit zlibSupport libPrefix;
-      executable = "pypy";
-      isPypy = true;
-    };
-    enableParallelBuilding = true;
-    meta = with stdenv.lib; {
-      homepage = "";
-      description = "Fast, compliant alternative implementation of the Python language (2.7.3)";
-      license =;
-      platforms = platforms.linux;
-      maintainers = with maintainers; [ iElectric ];
-    };
-  };
-in pypy