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path: root/pkgs/data/fonts/redhat-liberation-fonts/default.nix
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Diffstat (limited to 'pkgs/data/fonts/redhat-liberation-fonts/default.nix')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 70 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/data/fonts/redhat-liberation-fonts/default.nix b/pkgs/data/fonts/redhat-liberation-fonts/default.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 1cb0eb349e4..00000000000
--- a/pkgs/data/fonts/redhat-liberation-fonts/default.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-{ stdenv, fetchFromGitHub, fontforge, python3 }:
-  inherit (python3.pkgs) fonttools;
-  common =
-    { version, repo, sha256, nativeBuildInputs, postPatch ? null }:
-    stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
-      pname = "liberation-fonts";
-      inherit version;
-      src = fetchFromGitHub {
-        owner = "liberationfonts";
-        rev = version;
-        inherit repo sha256;
-      };
-      inherit nativeBuildInputs postPatch;
-      installPhase = ''
-        find . -name '*.ttf' -exec install -m444 -Dt $out/share/fonts/truetype {} \;
-        install -m444 -Dt $out/share/doc/${pname}-${version} AUTHORS     || true
-        install -m444 -Dt $out/share/doc/${pname}-${version} ChangeLog   || true
-        install -m444 -Dt $out/share/doc/${pname}-${version} COPYING     || true
-        install -m444 -Dt $out/share/doc/${pname}-${version} License.txt || true
-        install -m444 -Dt $out/share/doc/${pname}-${version} README      || true
-      '';
-      meta = with stdenv.lib; {
-        description = "Liberation Fonts, replacements for Times New Roman, Arial, and Courier New";
-        longDescription = ''
-          The Liberation Fonts are intended to be replacements for the three most
-          commonly used fonts on Microsoft systems: Times New Roman, Arial, and
-          Courier New. Since 2012 they are based on croscore fonts.
-          There are three sets: Sans (a substitute for Arial, Albany, Helvetica,
-          Nimbus Sans L, and Bitstream Vera Sans), Serif (a substitute for Times
-          New Roman, Thorndale, Nimbus Roman, and Bitstream Vera Serif) and Mono
-          (a substitute for Courier New, Cumberland, Courier, Nimbus Mono L, and
-          Bitstream Vera Sans Mono).
-        '';
-        license = licenses.ofl;
-        homepage = "";
-        maintainers = [
-          maintainers.raskin
-        ];
-      };
-    };
-in {
-  liberation_ttf_v1 = common {
-    repo = "liberation-1.7-fonts";
-    version = "1.07.5";
-    nativeBuildInputs = [ fontforge ];
-    sha256 = "1ffl10mf78hx598sy9qr5m6q2b8n3mpnsj73bwixnd4985gsz56v";
-  };
-  liberation_ttf_v2 = common {
-    repo = "liberation-fonts";
-    version = "2.00.4";
-    nativeBuildInputs = [ fontforge fonttools ];
-    postPatch = ''
-      substituteInPlace scripts/ --replace \
-        'font = ttLib.TTFont(fontfile)' \
-        'font = ttLib.TTFont(fontfile, recalcTimestamp=False)'
-    '';
-    sha256 = "14bn1zlhyr4qaz5z2sx4h115pnbd41ix1vky8fxm2lx76xrjjiaa";
-  };