summary refs log tree commit diff
path: root/pkgs/applications/window-managers
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pkgs/applications/window-managers')
18 files changed, 105 insertions, 7864 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/window-managers/cage/default.nix b/pkgs/applications/window-managers/cage/default.nix
index ce4031b92f5..fe5e9c4e2e3 100644
--- a/pkgs/applications/window-managers/cage/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/applications/window-managers/cage/default.nix
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-{ stdenv, fetchFromGitHub
+{ stdenv, fetchFromGitHub, fetchpatch
 , meson, ninja, pkgconfig, makeWrapper
 , wlroots, wayland, wayland-protocols, pixman, libxkbcommon
 , systemd, libGL, libX11
@@ -6,14 +6,20 @@
 stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
-  pname = "cage";
-  version = "0.1.1";
+  pname = "cage-unstable";
+  version = "2020-01-18";
+  # The last stable release (0.1.1) would require at least the following 3 patches:
+  # -
+  # -
+  # -
+  # Which need to be adapted due to other changes. At this point it seems
+  # better to use the current master version until the next stable release.
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "Hjdskes";
-    repo = pname;
-    rev = "v${version}";
-    sha256 = "1vp4mfkflrjmlgyx5mkbzdi3iq58m76q7l9dfrsk85xn0642d6q1";
+    repo = "cage";
+    rev = "cc1f975c442ebd691b70196d76aa120ead717810";
+    sha256 = "1gkqx26pvlw00b3fgx6sh87yyjfzyj51jwxvbf9k117npkrf4b2g";
   nativeBuildInputs = [ meson ninja pkgconfig makeWrapper ];
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/window-managers/i3/layout-manager.nix b/pkgs/applications/window-managers/i3/layout-manager.nix
index 85d103e172a..c7454981400 100644
--- a/pkgs/applications/window-managers/i3/layout-manager.nix
+++ b/pkgs/applications/window-managers/i3/layout-manager.nix
@@ -6,13 +6,13 @@ in
 stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
   pname = "i3-layout-manager";
-  version = "unstable-2019-06-19";
+  version = "unstable-2019-12-06";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "klaxalk";
     repo = pname;
-    rev = "80ade872bfd70d9c6039024097ceb8c852a2816a";
-    sha256 = "02xhyd737qwni628mjzr9i5v2kga5cq4k8m77bxm1p6kkj84nlmg";
+    rev = "064e13959413ba2d706185478a394e5852c0dc53";
+    sha256 = "1qm35sp1cfi3xj5j7xwa05dkb3353gwq4xh69ryc6382xx3wszg6";
   nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ];
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/window-managers/notion/default.nix b/pkgs/applications/window-managers/notion/default.nix
index 60900bd2a3c..2b9e8237a04 100644
--- a/pkgs/applications/window-managers/notion/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/applications/window-managers/notion/default.nix
@@ -1,45 +1,39 @@
-  enableXft ? true, libXft ? null, patches ? [], stdenv, lua, gettext, pkgconfig, xlibsWrapper, libXinerama, libXrandr, libX11,
-  xterm, xmessage, makeWrapper, fetchFromGitHub, mandoc, which
+{ stdenv, fetchFromGitHub, pkgconfig
+, lua, gettext, which, groff, xmessage, xterm
+, readline, fontconfig, libX11, libXext, libSM
+, libXinerama, libXrandr, libXft
+, xlibsWrapper, makeWrapper
-assert enableXft -> libXft != null;
+stdenv.mkDerivation rec{
   pname = "notion";
-  version = "3-2017050501";
-  inherit patches;
-stdenv.mkDerivation {
-  name = "${pname}-${version}";
-  meta = with stdenv.lib; {
-    description = "Tiling tabbed window manager, follow-on to the ion window manager";
-    homepage =;
-    platforms = platforms.linux;
-    license   = licenses.notion_lgpl;
-    maintainers = with maintainers; [jfb];
-  };
+  version = "3-2019050101";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "raboof";
     repo = pname;
     rev = version;
-    sha256 = "1wq5ylpsw5lkbm3c2bzmx2ajlngwib30adxlqbvq4bgkaf9zjh65";
+    sha256 = "09kvgqyw0gnj3jhz9gmwq81ak8qy32vyanx1hw79r6m181aysspz";
-  patches = patches;
-  postPatch = ''
-    substituteInPlace --replace '#PRELOAD_MODULES=1' 'PRELOAD_MODULES=1'
-    substituteInPlace man/Makefile --replace "nroff -man -Tlatin1" "${mandoc}/bin/mandoc -T man"
-  '';
+  nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgconfig makeWrapper groff ];
+  buildInputs = [ lua gettext which readline fontconfig libX11 libXext libSM
+                  libXinerama libXrandr libXft xlibsWrapper ];
-  nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgconfig ];
-  buildInputs = [makeWrapper xlibsWrapper lua gettext mandoc which libXinerama libXrandr libX11 ] ++ stdenv.lib.optional enableXft libXft;
+  buildFlags = [ "CC=cc" "LUA_DIR=${lua}" "X11_PREFIX=/no-such-path" ];
-  buildFlags = [ "LUA_DIR=${lua}" "X11_PREFIX=/no-such-path" "PREFIX=\${out}" ];
-  installFlags = [ "PREFIX=\${out}" ];
+  makeFlags = [ "PREFIX=\${out}" ];
   postInstall = ''
     wrapProgram $out/bin/notion \
       --prefix PATH ":" "${xmessage}/bin:${xterm}/bin" \
+  meta = with stdenv.lib; {
+    description = "Tiling tabbed window manager, follow-on to the Ion";
+    homepage = "";
+    license   = licenses.lgpl21;
+    maintainers = with maintainers; [ jfb AndersonTorres ];
+    platforms = platforms.linux;
+  };
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/window-managers/notion/notion-xft_nixos.diff b/pkgs/applications/window-managers/notion/notion-xft_nixos.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 542aa446c3f..00000000000
--- a/pkgs/applications/window-managers/notion/notion-xft_nixos.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,662 +0,0 @@
-diff -ur notion-3-2015061300/de/brush.c notion-3-2015061300-PATCHED/de/brush.c
---- notion-3-2015061300/de/brush.c	2015-06-13 10:37:26.000000000 -0400
-+++ notion-3-2015061300-PATCHED/de/brush.c	2015-07-13 10:37:23.093298917 -0400
-@@ -48,6 +48,9 @@
-     gr_stylespec_init(&brush->current_attr);
-+#ifdef XFT
-+    brush->draw=NULL;
-+#endif /* XFT */
-     style->usecount++;
-     if(!grbrush_init(&(brush->grbrush))){
-@@ -128,6 +131,10 @@
- {
-     destyle_unref(brush->d);
-     brush->d=NULL;
-+#ifdef XFT
-+    if(brush->draw!=NULL)
-+        XftDrawDestroy(brush->draw);
-+#endif /* XFT */
-     gr_stylespec_unalloc(&brush->current_attr);
-     grbrush_deinit(&(brush->grbrush));
- }
-@@ -139,6 +146,21 @@
- }
-+#ifdef XFT
-+XftDraw *debrush_get_draw(DEBrush *brush, Drawable d)
-+    if(brush->draw==NULL)
-+        brush->draw=XftDrawCreate(ioncore_g.dpy, d,
-+                                  XftDEDefaultVisual(),
-+                                  DefaultColormap(ioncore_g.dpy,
-+                                  0));
-+    else
-+        XftDrawChange(brush->draw, d);
-+    return brush->draw;
- /*}}}*/
-diff -ur notion-3-2015061300/de/brush.h notion-3-2015061300-PATCHED/de/brush.h
---- notion-3-2015061300/de/brush.h	2015-06-13 10:37:26.000000000 -0400
-+++ notion-3-2015061300-PATCHED/de/brush.h	2015-07-13 10:37:23.096298747 -0400
-@@ -15,6 +15,10 @@
- #include <ioncore/gr.h>
- #include <ioncore/rectangle.h>
-+#ifdef XFT
-+#include <X11/Xft/Xft.h>
-+#endif /* XFT */
- #include "style.h"
-@@ -33,6 +37,9 @@
-     GrBrush grbrush;
-     DEStyle *d;
-+#ifdef XFT
-+    XftDraw *draw;
-     DEBrushExtrasFn *extras_fn;
-     int indicator_w;
-     Window win;
-@@ -108,5 +115,8 @@
- extern void debrush_fill_area(DEBrush *brush, const WRectangle *geom);
- extern void debrush_clear_area(DEBrush *brush, const WRectangle *geom);
-+#ifdef XFT
-+XftDraw *debrush_get_draw(DEBrush *brush, Drawable d);
- #endif /* ION_DE_BRUSH_H */
-diff -ur notion-3-2015061300/de/colour.c notion-3-2015061300-PATCHED/de/colour.c
---- notion-3-2015061300/de/colour.c	2015-06-13 10:37:26.000000000 -0400
-+++ notion-3-2015061300-PATCHED/de/colour.c	2015-07-13 10:37:23.098298633 -0400
-@@ -12,9 +12,21 @@
- bool de_alloc_colour(WRootWin *rootwin, DEColour *ret, const char *name)
- {
-+#ifndef XFT
-     XColor c;
-     bool ok=FALSE;
-+#else /* XFT */
-+    if(name==NULL)
-+        return FALSE;
-+    return XftColorAllocName(
-+        ioncore_g.dpy,
-+        XftDEDefaultVisual(),
-+        rootwin->default_cmap,
-+        name,
-+        ret);
-+#endif /* XFT */
-+#ifndef XFT
-     if(name==NULL)
-         return FALSE;
-@@ -25,11 +37,13 @@
-     }
-     return ok;
-+#endif /* ! XFT */
- }
- bool de_duplicate_colour(WRootWin *rootwin, DEColour in, DEColour *out)
- {
-+#ifndef XFT
-     XColor c;
-     c.pixel=in;
-     XQueryColor(ioncore_g.dpy, rootwin->default_cmap, &c);
-@@ -38,11 +52,20 @@
-         return TRUE;
-     }
-     return FALSE;
-+#else /* XFT */
-+    return XftColorAllocName(
-+        ioncore_g.dpy,
-+        XftDEDefaultVisual(),
-+        rootwin->default_cmap,
-+        &(in.color),
-+        out);
-+#endif /* XFT */
- }
- void de_free_colour_group(WRootWin *rootwin, DEColourGroup *cg)
- {
-+#ifndef XFT
-     DEColour pixels[5];
-     pixels[0]=cg->bg;
-@@ -54,15 +77,26 @@
-     XFreeColors(ioncore_g.dpy, rootwin->default_cmap, pixels, 5, 0);
-     gr_stylespec_unalloc(&cg->spec);
-+#else /* XFT */
-+    de_free_colour(rootwin, cg->bg);
-+    de_free_colour(rootwin, cg->fg);
-+    de_free_colour(rootwin, cg->hl);
-+    de_free_colour(rootwin, cg->sh);
-+    de_free_colour(rootwin, cg->pad);
-+#endif /* XFT */
- }
- void de_free_colour(WRootWin *rootwin, DEColour col)
- {
-+#ifndef XFT
-     DEColour pixels[1];
-     pixels[0]=col;
-     XFreeColors(ioncore_g.dpy, rootwin->default_cmap, pixels, 1, 0);
-+#else /* XFT */
-+    XftColorFree(ioncore_g.dpy, XftDEDefaultVisual(), rootwin->default_cmap, &col);
-+#endif /* XFT */
- }
-diff -ur notion-3-2015061300/de/colour.h notion-3-2015061300-PATCHED/de/colour.h
---- notion-3-2015061300/de/colour.h	2015-06-13 10:37:26.000000000 -0400
-+++ notion-3-2015061300-PATCHED/de/colour.h	2015-07-13 10:37:23.099298576 -0400
-@@ -12,12 +12,19 @@
- #include <ioncore/common.h>
- #include <ioncore/global.h>
- #include <ioncore/rootwin.h>
-+#ifdef XFT
-+#include <X11/Xft/Xft.h>
-+#endif /* XFT */
- INTRSTRUCT(DEColourGroup);
-+#ifndef XFT
- typedef unsigned long DEColour;
-+#else /* XFT */
-+typedef XftColor DEColour;
-+#endif /* XFT */
- DECLSTRUCT(DEColourGroup){
-@@ -34,5 +41,6 @@
- bool de_duplicate_colour(WRootWin *rootwin, DEColour in, DEColour *out);
- void de_free_colour_group(WRootWin *rootwin, DEColourGroup *cg);
- void de_free_colour(WRootWin *rootwin, DEColour col);
-+#define XftDEDefaultVisual()    DefaultVisual(ioncore_g.dpy, 0)
- #endif /* ION_DE_COLOUR_H */
-diff -ur notion-3-2015061300/de/draw.c notion-3-2015061300-PATCHED/de/draw.c
---- notion-3-2015061300/de/draw.c	2015-06-13 10:37:26.000000000 -0400
-+++ notion-3-2015061300-PATCHED/de/draw.c	2015-07-13 10:37:23.109298008 -0400
-@@ -20,6 +20,14 @@
- #include <X11/extensions/shape.h>
-+#ifndef XFT
-+#define PIXEL(x) x
-+#else /* XFT */
-+#define PIXEL(x) x.pixel
-+#endif /* XFT */
- /*{{{ Colour group lookup */
-@@ -84,8 +92,7 @@
-     w--;
-     h--;
--    XSetForeground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, tlc);
-+    XSetForeground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, PIXEL(tlc));
-     a=(br!=0);
-     b=0;
-@@ -104,7 +111,7 @@
-     }
--    XSetForeground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, brc);
-+    XSetForeground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, PIXEL(brc));
-     a=(tl!=0);
-     b=0;
-@@ -141,23 +148,23 @@
-                             GrBorderLine line)
- {
-     if(line==GR_BORDERLINE_LEFT && geom->h>0 && tl>0){
--        XSetForeground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, tlc);
--        XSetBackground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, tlc);
-+        XSetForeground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, PIXEL(tlc));
-+        XSetBackground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, PIXEL(tlc));
-         XFillRectangle(ioncore_g.dpy, win, gc, geom->x, geom->y, tl, geom->h);
-         geom->x+=tl;
-     }else if(line==GR_BORDERLINE_TOP && geom->w>0 && tl>0){
--        XSetForeground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, tlc);
--        XSetBackground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, tlc);
-+        XSetForeground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, PIXEL(tlc));
-+        XSetBackground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, PIXEL(tlc));
-         XFillRectangle(ioncore_g.dpy, win, gc, geom->x, geom->y, geom->w, tl);
-         geom->y+=tl;
-     }else if(line==GR_BORDERLINE_RIGHT && geom->h>0 && br>0){
--        XSetForeground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, brc);
--        XSetBackground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, brc);
-+        XSetForeground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, PIXEL(brc));
-+        XSetBackground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, PIXEL(brc));
-         XFillRectangle(ioncore_g.dpy, win, gc, geom->x+geom->w-br, geom->y, br, geom->h);
-         geom->w-=br;
-     }else if(line==GR_BORDERLINE_BOTTOM && geom->w>0 && br>0){
--        XSetForeground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, brc);
--        XSetBackground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, brc);
-+        XSetForeground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, PIXEL(brc));
-+        XSetBackground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, PIXEL(brc));
-         XFillRectangle(ioncore_g.dpy, win, gc, geom->x, geom->y+geom->h-br, geom->w, br);
-         geom->h-=br;
-     }
-@@ -388,7 +395,7 @@
-     }
-     if(ISSET(a2, GR_ATTR(tagged)) || ISSET(a1, GR_ATTR(tagged))){
--        XSetForeground(ioncore_g.dpy, d->copy_gc, cg->fg);
-+        XSetForeground(ioncore_g.dpy, d->copy_gc, PIXEL(cg->fg));
-         copy_masked(brush, d->tag_pixmap, brush->win, 0, 0,
-                     d->tag_pixmap_w, d->tag_pixmap_h,
-@@ -437,7 +444,7 @@
-     GC gc=brush->d->normal_gc;
-     if(TRUE/*needfill*/){
--        XSetForeground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, cg->bg);
-+        XSetForeground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, PIXEL(cg->bg));
-         XFillRectangle(ioncore_g.dpy, brush->win, gc, geom->x, geom->y, 
-                        geom->w, geom->h);
-     }
-@@ -605,7 +612,7 @@
-         attr.background_pixmap=ParentRelative;
-     }else{
-         attrflags=CWBackPixel;
--        attr.background_pixel=brush->d->;
-+        attr.background_pixel=brush->d->PIXEL(;
-     }
-     XChangeWindowAttributes(ioncore_g.dpy, brush->win, attrflags, &attr);
-@@ -621,7 +628,7 @@
-     if(cg==NULL)
-         return;
--    XSetForeground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, cg->bg);
-+    XSetForeground(ioncore_g.dpy, gc, PIXEL(cg->bg));
-     XFillRectangle(ioncore_g.dpy, brush->win, gc, 
-                    geom->x, geom->y, geom->w, geom->h);
- }
-diff -ur notion-3-2015061300/de/font.c notion-3-2015061300-PATCHED/de/font.c
---- notion-3-2015061300/de/font.c	2015-06-13 10:37:26.000000000 -0400
-+++ notion-3-2015061300-PATCHED/de/font.c	2015-07-13 10:37:23.118297497 -0400
-@@ -13,7 +13,9 @@
- #include <ioncore/common.h>
- #include <ioncore/log.h>
- #include "font.h"
-+#ifndef XFT
- #include "fontset.h"
-+#endif /* ! XFT */
- #include "brush.h"
- #include "precompose.h"
-@@ -106,6 +108,9 @@
- DEFont *de_load_font(const char *fontname)
- {
-+#ifdef XFT
-+    XftFont *font;
-     DEFont *fnt;
-     XFontSet fontset=NULL;
-     XFontStruct *fontstruct=NULL;
-@@ -120,7 +125,8 @@
-             return fnt;
-         }
-     }
-+#ifndef XFT
-     if(ioncore_g.use_mb && !(ioncore_g.enc_utf8 && iso10646_font(fontname))){
-         LOG(DEBUG, FONT, "Loading fontset %s", fontname); 
-         fontset=de_create_font_set(fontname);
-@@ -149,13 +155,34 @@
-         return NULL;
-     }
-+#else /* XFT */
-+    if(strncmp(fontname, "xft:", 4)==0){
-+        font=XftFontOpenName(ioncore_g.dpy, DefaultScreen(ioncore_g.dpy),
-+                 fontname+4);
-+    }else{
-+        font=XftFontOpenXlfd(ioncore_g.dpy, DefaultScreen(ioncore_g.dpy), fontname);
-+    }
-+    if(font==NULL){
-+        if(strcmp(fontname, CF_FALLBACK_FONT_NAME)!=0){
-+            warn(TR("Could not load font \"%s\", trying \"%s\""),
-+             fontname, CF_FALLBACK_FONT_NAME);
-+            return de_load_font(CF_FALLBACK_FONT_NAME);
-+        }
-+        return NULL;
-+    }
-+#endif /* XFT */
-     fnt=ALLOC(DEFont);
-     if(fnt==NULL)
-         return NULL;
-+#ifndef XFT
-     fnt->fontset=fontset;
-     fnt->fontstruct=fontstruct;
-+    fnt->font=font;
-     fnt->pattern=scopy(fontname);
-     fnt->next=NULL;
-     fnt->prev=NULL;
-@@ -175,11 +202,13 @@
-     style->font=font;
-     font->refcount++;
-+#ifndef XFT
-     if(style->font->fontstruct!=NULL){
-         XSetFont(ioncore_g.dpy, style->normal_gc, 
-                  style->font->fontstruct->fid);
-     }
-+#endif /* ! XFT */
-     return TRUE;
- }
-@@ -194,11 +223,13 @@
-     if(style->font==NULL)
-         return FALSE;
-+#ifndef XFT
-     if(style->font->fontstruct!=NULL){
-         XSetFont(ioncore_g.dpy, style->normal_gc, 
-                  style->font->fontstruct->fid);
-     }
-+#endif /* ! XFT */
-     return TRUE;
- }
-@@ -208,10 +239,15 @@
-     if(--font->refcount!=0)
-         return;
-+#ifndef XFT
-     if(font->fontset!=NULL)
-         XFreeFontSet(ioncore_g.dpy, font->fontset);
-     if(font->fontstruct!=NULL)
-         XFreeFont(ioncore_g.dpy, font->fontstruct);
-+#else /* XFT */
-+    if(font->font!=NULL)
-+        XftFontClose(ioncore_g.dpy, font->font);
-+#endif /* XFT */
-     if(font->pattern!=NULL)
-         free(font->pattern);
-@@ -239,6 +275,7 @@
- void defont_get_font_extents(DEFont *font, GrFontExtents *fnte)
- {
-+#ifndef XFT
-     if(font->fontset!=NULL){
-         XFontSetExtents *ext=XExtentsOfFontSet(font->fontset);
-         if(ext==NULL)
-@@ -254,7 +291,14 @@
-         fnte->baseline=fnt->ascent;
-         return;
-     }
-+#else /* XFT */
-+    if(font->font!=NULL){
-+        fnte->max_height=font->font->ascent+font->font->descent;
-+        fnte->max_width=font->font->max_advance_width;
-+        fnte->baseline=font->font->ascent;
-+        return;
-+    }
-+#endif /* XFT */
- fail:
- }
-@@ -271,6 +315,7 @@
- uint defont_get_text_width(DEFont *font, const char *text, uint len)
- {
-+#ifndef XFT
-     if(font->fontset!=NULL){
-         XRectangle lext;
- #ifdef CF_DE_USE_XUTF8
-@@ -298,6 +343,18 @@
-     }else{
-         return 0;
-     }
-+#else /* XFT */
-+    if(font->font!=NULL){
-+        XGlyphInfo extents;
-+        if(ioncore_g.enc_utf8)
-+            XftTextExtentsUtf8(ioncore_g.dpy, font->font, (XftChar8 *)text, len, &extents);
-+        else
-+            XftTextExtents8(ioncore_g.dpy, font->font, (XftChar8 *)text, len, &extents);
-+        return extents.xOff;
-+    }else{
-+        return 0;
-+    }
-+#endif /* XFT */
- }
-@@ -307,6 +364,7 @@
- /*{{{ String drawing */
-+#ifndef XFT
- void debrush_do_draw_string_default(DEBrush *brush, int x, int y,
-                                     const char *str, int len, bool needfill, 
-                                     DEColourGroup *colours)
-@@ -366,6 +424,43 @@
-     }
- }
-+#else /* XFT */
-+void debrush_do_draw_string_default(DEBrush *brush, 
-+                                    int x, int y, const char *str,
-+                                    int len, bool needfill, 
-+                                    DEColourGroup *colours)
-+    Window win = brush->win;
-+    GC gc=brush->d->normal_gc;
-+    XftDraw *draw;
-+    XftFont *font;
-+    if(brush->d->font==NULL)
-+        return;
-+    font=brush->d->font->font;
-+    draw=debrush_get_draw(brush, win);
-+    if(needfill){
-+        XGlyphInfo extents;
-+        if(ioncore_g.enc_utf8){
-+            XftTextExtentsUtf8(ioncore_g.dpy, font, (XftChar8 *)str, len,
-+                               &extents);
-+        }else{
-+            XftTextExtents8(ioncore_g.dpy, font, (XftChar8 *)str, len, &extents);
-+            XftDrawRect(draw, &(colours->bg), x-extents.x, y-extents.y,
-+                        extents.width+10, extents.height);
-+        }
-+    }
-+    if(ioncore_g.enc_utf8){
-+        XftDrawStringUtf8(draw, &(colours->fg), font, x, y, (XftChar8 *)str,
-+                          len);
-+    }else{
-+        XftDrawString8(draw, &(colours->fg), font, x, y, (XftChar8 *)str, len);
-+    }
-+#endif /* XFT */
- void debrush_do_draw_string(DEBrush *brush, int x, int y,
-                             const char *str, int len, bool needfill, 
-diff -ur notion-3-2015061300/de/font.h notion-3-2015061300-PATCHED/de/font.h
---- notion-3-2015061300/de/font.h	2015-06-13 10:37:26.000000000 -0400
-+++ notion-3-2015061300-PATCHED/de/font.h	2015-07-13 10:37:23.119297440 -0400
-@@ -12,6 +12,9 @@
- #include <ioncore/common.h>
- #include <ioncore/gr.h>
-+#ifdef XFT
-+#include <X11/Xft/Xft.h>
-+#endif /* XFT */
-@@ -27,6 +30,9 @@
-     int refcount;
-     XFontSet fontset;
-     XFontStruct *fontstruct;
-+#ifdef XFT /* XFT */
-+    XftFont *font;
-+#endif /* XFT */
-     DEFont *next, *prev;
- };
-diff -ur notion-3-2015061300/de/init.c notion-3-2015061300-PATCHED/de/init.c
---- notion-3-2015061300/de/init.c	2015-06-13 10:37:26.000000000 -0400
-+++ notion-3-2015061300-PATCHED/de/init.c	2015-07-13 10:37:23.122297270 -0400
-@@ -165,17 +165,26 @@
- {
-     bool bgset;
-     DEColour padinh;
-+    DEColour black, white;
-+#ifdef XFT
-+    de_alloc_colour(rootwin, &black, "black");
-+    de_alloc_colour(rootwin, &white, "white");
-+    black=DE_BLACK(rootwin);
-+    white=DE_WHITE(rootwin);
-     de_get_colour(rootwin, &(cg->hl), tab, "highlight_colour",
--                  (based_on ? based_on->cgrp.hl : DE_WHITE(rootwin)));
-+                  (based_on ? based_on->cgrp.hl : white));
-     de_get_colour(rootwin, &(cg->sh), tab, "shadow_colour",
--                  (based_on ? based_on-> : DE_WHITE(rootwin)));
-+                  (based_on ? based_on-> : white));
-     de_get_colour(rootwin, &(cg->fg), tab, "foreground_colour",
--                  (based_on ? based_on->cgrp.fg : DE_WHITE(rootwin)));
-+                  (based_on ? based_on->cgrp.fg : white));
-     bgset=de_get_colour(rootwin, &(cg->bg), tab, "background_colour",
--                        (based_on ? based_on-> : DE_BLACK(rootwin)));
-+                        (based_on ? based_on-> : black));
--    padinh=(based_on ? based_on->cgrp.pad : DE_WHITE(rootwin));
-+    padinh=(based_on ? based_on->cgrp.pad : white);
-     de_get_colour_(rootwin, &(cg->pad), tab, "padding_colour", 
-                    (bgset ? cg->bg : padinh), padinh);
-diff -ur notion-3-2015061300/de/style.c notion-3-2015061300-PATCHED/de/style.c
---- notion-3-2015061300/de/style.c	2015-06-13 10:37:26.000000000 -0400
-+++ notion-3-2015061300-PATCHED/de/style.c	2015-07-13 10:37:23.128296929 -0400
-@@ -70,10 +70,17 @@
-     /*gcv.function=GXclear;*/
-     gcv.stipple=stipple_pixmap;
-     gcvmask=GCFillStyle|GCStipple/*|GCFunction*/;
-+#ifndef XFT
-     if(style->font!=NULL && style->font->fontstruct!=NULL){
-         gcv.font=style->font->fontstruct->fid;
-         gcvmask|=GCFont;
-     }
-+#else /* XFT */
-+//    if(style->font!=NULL){
-+//        gcv.font=style->font;
-+//        gcvmask|=GCFont;
-+//    }
-+#endif /* XFT */
-     style->stipple_gc=XCreateGC(dpy, root, gcvmask, &gcv);
-     XCopyGC(dpy, style->normal_gc, 
-@@ -201,6 +208,14 @@
- bool destyle_init(DEStyle *style, WRootWin *rootwin, const char *name)
- {
-+    DEColour black, white;
-+#ifdef XFT
-+    de_alloc_colour(rootwin, &black, "black");
-+    de_alloc_colour(rootwin, &white, "white");
-+    black=DE_BLACK(rootwin);
-+    white=DE_WHITE(rootwin);
-+#endif /* XFT */
-     if(!gr_stylespec_load(&style->spec, name))
-         return FALSE;
-@@ -223,11 +238,11 @@
-     style->textalign=DEALIGN_CENTER;
-     style->cgrp_alloced=FALSE;
--    style->;
--    style->cgrp.pad=DE_BLACK(rootwin);
--    style->cgrp.fg=DE_WHITE(rootwin);
--    style->cgrp.hl=DE_WHITE(rootwin);
--    style->;
-+    style->;
-+    style->cgrp.pad=black;
-+    style->cgrp.fg=white;
-+    style->cgrp.hl=white;
-+    style->;
-     gr_stylespec_init(&style->cgrp.spec);
-     style->font=NULL;
-diff -ur notion-3-2015061300/de/style.h notion-3-2015061300-PATCHED/de/style.h
---- notion-3-2015061300/de/style.h	2015-06-13 10:37:26.000000000 -0400
-+++ notion-3-2015061300-PATCHED/de/style.h	2015-07-13 10:37:23.130296815 -0400
-@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@
-     Pixmap tag_pixmap;
-     int tag_pixmap_w;
-     int tag_pixmap_h;
-+    int xft_style;
-     DEStyle *next, *prev;
- };
-diff -ur notion-3-2015061300/ notion-3-2015061300-PATCHED/
---- notion-3-2015061300/	2015-06-13 10:37:26.000000000 -0400
-+++ notion-3-2015061300-PATCHED/	2015-07-13 10:38:14.921332013 -0400
-@@ -103,6 +103,19 @@
- ##
-+## Xft support
-+ifeq ($(USE_XFT),1)
-+EXTRA_INCLUDES += `pkg-config xft --cflags`
-+EXTRA_LIBS += `pkg-config xft --libs`
- ## Localisation
- ##
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/window-managers/sway/default.nix b/pkgs/applications/window-managers/sway/default.nix
index c9427fbf695..a020c10a348 100644
--- a/pkgs/applications/window-managers/sway/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/applications/window-managers/sway/default.nix
@@ -8,13 +8,13 @@
 stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
   pname = "sway-unwrapped";
-  version = "1.2";
+  version = "1.4";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "swaywm";
     repo = "sway";
     rev = version;
-    sha256 = "0vch2zm5afc76ia78p3vg71zr2fyda67l9hd2h0x1jq3mnvfbxnd";
+    sha256 = "11qf89y3q92g696a6f4d23qb44gqixg6qxq740vwv2jw59ms34ja";
   patches = [
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/window-managers/sway/idle.nix b/pkgs/applications/window-managers/sway/idle.nix
index bc917e76f97..486ab79598d 100644
--- a/pkgs/applications/window-managers/sway/idle.nix
+++ b/pkgs/applications/window-managers/sway/idle.nix
@@ -5,15 +5,20 @@
 stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
   pname = "swayidle";
-  version = "1.5";
+  version = "1.6";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "swaywm";
     repo = "swayidle";
     rev = version;
-    sha256 = "05qi96j58xqxjiighay1d39rfanxcpn6vlynj23mb5dymxvlaq9n";
+    sha256 = "1nd3v8r9549lykdwh4krldfl59lzaspmmai5k1icy7dvi6kkr18r";
+  postPatch = ''
+    substituteInPlace \
+      --replace "version: '1.5'" "version: '${version}'"
+  '';
   nativeBuildInputs = [ meson ninja pkgconfig scdoc ];
   buildInputs = [ wayland wayland-protocols systemd ];
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/window-managers/sway/lock-fancy.nix b/pkgs/applications/window-managers/sway/lock-fancy.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..aa2db698f74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/applications/window-managers/sway/lock-fancy.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+{ stdenv, fetchFromGitHub, coreutils, grim, gawk, swaylock
+, imagemagick, getopt, fontconfig, makeWrapper
+  depsPath = stdenv.lib.makeBinPath [
+    coreutils
+    grim
+    gawk
+    swaylock
+    imagemagick
+    getopt
+    fontconfig
+  ];
+in stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
+  pname = "swaylock-fancy-unstable";
+  version = "2019-03-31";
+  src = fetchFromGitHub {
+    owner = "Big-B";
+    repo = "swaylock-fancy";
+    rev = "35618ceec70338047355b6b057825e68f16971b5";
+    sha256 = "06fjqwblmj0d9pq6y11rr73mizirna4ixy6xkvblf1c7sn5n8lpc";
+  };
+  postPatch = ''
+    substituteInPlace swaylock-fancy \
+      --replace "/usr/share" "$out/share"
+  '';
+  nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ];
+  makeFlags = [ "PREFIX=${placeholder "out"}" ];
+  postInstall = ''
+    wrapProgram $out/bin/swaylock-fancy \
+      --prefix PATH : "${depsPath}"
+  '';
+  meta = with stdenv.lib; {
+    description = "This is an swaylock bash script that takes a screenshot of the desktop, blurs the background and adds a lock icon and text";
+    homepage = "";
+    license =;
+    platforms = platforms.linux;
+    maintainers = with maintainers; [ ma27 ];
+  };
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/window-managers/sway/lock.nix b/pkgs/applications/window-managers/sway/lock.nix
index fe445a6b7ad..dcff3a5c47f 100644
--- a/pkgs/applications/window-managers/sway/lock.nix
+++ b/pkgs/applications/window-managers/sway/lock.nix
@@ -5,17 +5,18 @@
 stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
   pname = "swaylock";
-  version = "1.4";
+  version = "1.5";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "swaywm";
     repo = "swaylock";
     rev = version;
-    sha256 = "1ii9ql1mxkk2z69dv6bg1x22nl3a46iww764wqjiv78x08xpk982";
+    sha256 = "0r95p4w11dwm5ra614vddz83r8j7z6gd120z2vcchy7m9b0f15kf";
   postPatch = ''
-    sed -iE "s/version: '1\.3',/version: '${version}',/"
+    substituteInPlace \
+      --replace "version: '1.4'" "version: '${version}'"
   nativeBuildInputs = [ meson ninja pkgconfig scdoc ];
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/window-managers/sway/wrapper.nix b/pkgs/applications/window-managers/sway/wrapper.nix
index bd59ac5fa45..7c59b8b7cde 100644
--- a/pkgs/applications/window-managers/sway/wrapper.nix
+++ b/pkgs/applications/window-managers/sway/wrapper.nix
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 , makeWrapper, symlinkJoin, writeShellScriptBin
 , withBaseWrapper ? true, extraSessionCommands ? "", dbus
 , withGtkWrapper ? false, wrapGAppsHook, gdk-pixbuf
+, extraOptions ? [] # E.g.: [ "--verbose" ]
 assert extraSessionCommands != "" -> withBaseWrapper;
@@ -39,9 +40,9 @@ in symlinkJoin {
     export dontWrapGApps=true
     ${optionalString withGtkWrapper "wrapGAppsHook"}
     wrapProgram $out/bin/sway \
-      --prefix PATH : "${swaybg}/bin" ${optionalString withGtkWrapper ''\
-        "''${gappsWrapperArgs[@]}"
-      ''}
+      --prefix PATH : "${swaybg}/bin" \
+      ${optionalString withGtkWrapper ''"''${gappsWrapperArgs[@]}"''} \
+      ${optionalString (extraOptions != []) "${concatMapStrings (x: " --add-flags " + x) extraOptions}"}
   passthru.providedSessions = [ "sway" ];
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/window-managers/way-cooler/bar.diff b/pkgs/applications/window-managers/way-cooler/bar.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index e60ebabe983..00000000000
--- a/pkgs/applications/window-managers/way-cooler/bar.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
----	2017-12-05 18:10:20.108569182 +0300
-+++ ./	2017-12-10 21:42:10.622781945 +0300
-@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import datetime
- import json
- from time import sleep
- from pydbus import SessionBus
-+from glob import glob
- BUS = SessionBus()
- LAYOUT = BUS.get(bus_name='org.way-cooler', object_path='/org/way_cooler/Layout')
-@@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ def main():
-             output += func()
-         print(output)
-         sys.stdout.flush()
--        sleep(.1)
-+        sleep(1)
- def get_workspaces(layout_json):
-     """Gets the workspace names from the layout json"""
-@@ -49,9 +50,14 @@ def get_time():
-     return'  %a %b %d  %H:%M  ')
- def get_battery():
--    with open("/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/capacity", "r") as f:
--        bat = f.readlines()
--    return bat[0].strip() + "% Battery"
-+    try:
-+        [path] = glob("/sys/class/power_supply/BAT?/capacity")
-+        with open(path, "r") as f:
-+            bat = f.readlines()
-+            result = bat[0].strip() + "% Battery"
-+    except Exception:
-+        result = ""
-+    return result
- def format_workspaces(layout, workspaces, active_workspace):
-     workspaces = "  " + workspaces.replace(" ", "  ") + "  "
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/window-managers/way-cooler/crates-io.nix b/pkgs/applications/window-managers/way-cooler/crates-io.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 01638c6332c..00000000000
--- a/pkgs/applications/window-managers/way-cooler/crates-io.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3004 +0,0 @@
-{ lib, buildRustCrate, buildRustCrateHelpers }:
-with buildRustCrateHelpers;
-let inherit (lib.lists) fold;
-    inherit (lib.attrsets) recursiveUpdate;
-rec {
-# aho-corasick-0.5.3
-  crates.aho_corasick."0.5.3" = deps: { features?(features_.aho_corasick."0.5.3" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "aho-corasick";
-    version = "0.5.3";
-    description = "Fast multiple substring searching with finite state machines.";
-    authors = [ "Andrew Gallant <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1igab46mvgknga3sxkqc917yfff0wsjxjzabdigmh240p5qxqlnn";
-    libName = "aho_corasick";
-    crateBin =
-      [{  name = "aho-corasick-dot"; }];
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."memchr"."${deps."aho_corasick"."0.5.3"."memchr"}" deps)
-    ]);
-  };
-  features_.aho_corasick."0.5.3" = deps: f: updateFeatures f ({
-    aho_corasick."0.5.3".default = (f.aho_corasick."0.5.3".default or true);
-    memchr."${deps.aho_corasick."0.5.3".memchr}".default = true;
-  }) [
-    (features_.memchr."${deps."aho_corasick"."0.5.3"."memchr"}" deps)
-  ];
-# end
-# bitflags-0.4.0
-  crates.bitflags."0.4.0" = deps: { features?(features_.bitflags."0.4.0" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "bitflags";
-    version = "0.4.0";
-    description = "A macro to generate structures which behave like bitflags.\n";
-    authors = [ "The Rust Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "0an03kibhfcc0mcxf6a0mvbab0s7cggnvflw8jn0b15i351h828c";
-    features = mkFeatures (features."bitflags"."0.4.0" or {});
-  };
-  features_.bitflags."0.4.0" = deps: f: updateFeatures f ({
-    bitflags."0.4.0".default = (f.bitflags."0.4.0".default or true);
-  }) [];
-# end
-# bitflags-0.6.0
-  crates.bitflags."0.6.0" = deps: { features?(features_.bitflags."0.6.0" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "bitflags";
-    version = "0.6.0";
-    description = "A macro to generate structures which behave like bitflags.\n";
-    authors = [ "The Rust Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "1znq4b770mdp3kdj9yz199ylc2pmf8l5j2f281jjrcfhg1mm22h6";
-  };
-  features_.bitflags."0.6.0" = deps: f: updateFeatures f ({
-    bitflags."0.6.0".default = (f.bitflags."0.6.0".default or true);
-  }) [];
-# end
-# bitflags-0.7.0
-  crates.bitflags."0.7.0" = deps: { features?(features_.bitflags."0.7.0" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "bitflags";
-    version = "0.7.0";
-    description = "A macro to generate structures which behave like bitflags.\n";
-    authors = [ "The Rust Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "1hr72xg5slm0z4pxs2hiy4wcyx3jva70h58b7mid8l0a4c8f7gn5";
-  };
-  features_.bitflags."0.7.0" = deps: f: updateFeatures f ({
-    bitflags."0.7.0".default = (f.bitflags."0.7.0".default or true);
-  }) [];
-# end
-# bitflags-0.9.1
-  crates.bitflags."0.9.1" = deps: { features?(features_.bitflags."0.9.1" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "bitflags";
-    version = "0.9.1";
-    description = "A macro to generate structures which behave like bitflags.\n";
-    authors = [ "The Rust Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "18h073l5jd88rx4qdr95fjddr9rk79pb1aqnshzdnw16cfmb9rws";
-    features = mkFeatures (features."bitflags"."0.9.1" or {});
-  };
-  features_.bitflags."0.9.1" = deps: f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    bitflags = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "0.9.1"."example_generated" =
-        (f.bitflags."0.9.1"."example_generated" or false) ||
-        (f.bitflags."0.9.1".default or false) ||
-        (bitflags."0.9.1"."default" or false); }
-      { "0.9.1".default = (f.bitflags."0.9.1".default or true); }
-    ];
-  }) [];
-# end
-# bitflags-1.0.4
-  crates.bitflags."1.0.4" = deps: { features?(features_.bitflags."1.0.4" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "bitflags";
-    version = "1.0.4";
-    description = "A macro to generate structures which behave like bitflags.\n";
-    authors = [ "The Rust Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "1g1wmz2001qmfrd37dnd5qiss5njrw26aywmg6yhkmkbyrhjxb08";
-    features = mkFeatures (features."bitflags"."1.0.4" or {});
-  };
-  features_.bitflags."1.0.4" = deps: f: updateFeatures f ({
-    bitflags."1.0.4".default = (f.bitflags."1.0.4".default or true);
-  }) [];
-# end
-# c_vec-1.2.1
-  crates.c_vec."1.2.1" = deps: { features?(features_.c_vec."1.2.1" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "c_vec";
-    version = "1.2.1";
-    description = "Structures to wrap C arrays";
-    authors = [ "Guillaume Gomez <>" ];
-    sha256 = "15gm72wx9kd0n51454i58rmpkmig8swghrj2440frxxi9kqg97xd";
-  };
-  features_.c_vec."1.2.1" = deps: f: updateFeatures f ({
-    c_vec."1.2.1".default = (f.c_vec."1.2.1".default or true);
-  }) [];
-# end
-# cairo-rs-0.2.0
-  crates.cairo_rs."0.2.0" = deps: { features?(features_.cairo_rs."0.2.0" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "cairo-rs";
-    version = "0.2.0";
-    description = "Rust bindings for the Cairo library";
-    authors = [ "The Gtk-rs Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "0bcbhbyips15b7la4r43p4x57jv1w2ll8iwg9lxwvzz5k6c7iwvd";
-    libName = "cairo";
-    build = "";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."c_vec"."${deps."cairo_rs"."0.2.0"."c_vec"}" deps)
-      (crates."cairo_sys_rs"."${deps."cairo_rs"."0.2.0"."cairo_sys_rs"}" deps)
-      (crates."libc"."${deps."cairo_rs"."0.2.0"."libc"}" deps)
-    ]
-      ++ (if features.cairo_rs."0.2.0".glib or false then [ (crates.glib."${deps."cairo_rs"."0.2.0".glib}" deps) ] else [])
-      ++ (if features.cairo_rs."0.2.0".glib-sys or false then [ (crates.glib_sys."${deps."cairo_rs"."0.2.0".glib_sys}" deps) ] else []))
-      ++ (if kernel == "windows" then mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."winapi"."${deps."cairo_rs"."0.2.0"."winapi"}" deps)
-    ]) else []);
-    buildDependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-    features = mkFeatures (features."cairo_rs"."0.2.0" or {});
-  };
-  features_.cairo_rs."0.2.0" = deps: f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    c_vec."${deps.cairo_rs."0.2.0".c_vec}".default = true;
-    cairo_rs = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "0.2.0"."glib" =
-        (f.cairo_rs."0.2.0"."glib" or false) ||
-        (f.cairo_rs."0.2.0".use_glib or false) ||
-        (cairo_rs."0.2.0"."use_glib" or false); }
-      { "0.2.0"."glib-sys" =
-        (f.cairo_rs."0.2.0"."glib-sys" or false) ||
-        (f.cairo_rs."0.2.0".use_glib or false) ||
-        (cairo_rs."0.2.0"."use_glib" or false); }
-      { "0.2.0"."gtk-rs-lgpl-docs" =
-        (f.cairo_rs."0.2.0"."gtk-rs-lgpl-docs" or false) ||
-        (f.cairo_rs."0.2.0".embed-lgpl-docs or false) ||
-        (cairo_rs."0.2.0"."embed-lgpl-docs" or false) ||
-        (f.cairo_rs."0.2.0".purge-lgpl-docs or false) ||
-        (cairo_rs."0.2.0"."purge-lgpl-docs" or false); }
-      { "0.2.0"."use_glib" =
-        (f.cairo_rs."0.2.0"."use_glib" or false) ||
-        (f.cairo_rs."0.2.0".default or false) ||
-        (cairo_rs."0.2.0"."default" or false); }
-      { "0.2.0".default = (f.cairo_rs."0.2.0".default or true); }
-    ];
-    cairo_sys_rs = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "${deps.cairo_rs."0.2.0".cairo_sys_rs}"."png" =
-        (f.cairo_sys_rs."${deps.cairo_rs."0.2.0".cairo_sys_rs}"."png" or false) ||
-        (cairo_rs."0.2.0"."png" or false) ||
-        (f."cairo_rs"."0.2.0"."png" or false); }
-      { "${deps.cairo_rs."0.2.0".cairo_sys_rs}"."v1_12" =
-        (f.cairo_sys_rs."${deps.cairo_rs."0.2.0".cairo_sys_rs}"."v1_12" or false) ||
-        (cairo_rs."0.2.0"."v1_12" or false) ||
-        (f."cairo_rs"."0.2.0"."v1_12" or false); }
-      { "${deps.cairo_rs."0.2.0".cairo_sys_rs}"."xcb" =
-        (f.cairo_sys_rs."${deps.cairo_rs."0.2.0".cairo_sys_rs}"."xcb" or false) ||
-        (cairo_rs."0.2.0"."xcb" or false) ||
-        (f."cairo_rs"."0.2.0"."xcb" or false); }
-      { "${deps.cairo_rs."0.2.0".cairo_sys_rs}".default = true; }
-    ];
-    glib."${deps.cairo_rs."0.2.0".glib}".default = true;
-    glib_sys."${deps.cairo_rs."0.2.0".glib_sys}".default = true;
-    libc."${deps.cairo_rs."0.2.0".libc}".default = true;
-    winapi."${deps.cairo_rs."0.2.0".winapi}".default = true;
-  }) [
-    (features_.c_vec."${deps."cairo_rs"."0.2.0"."c_vec"}" deps)
-    (features_.cairo_sys_rs."${deps."cairo_rs"."0.2.0"."cairo_sys_rs"}" deps)
-    (features_.glib."${deps."cairo_rs"."0.2.0"."glib"}" deps)
-    (features_.glib_sys."${deps."cairo_rs"."0.2.0"."glib_sys"}" deps)
-    (features_.libc."${deps."cairo_rs"."0.2.0"."libc"}" deps)
-    (features_.winapi."${deps."cairo_rs"."0.2.0"."winapi"}" deps)
-  ];
-# end
-# cairo-sys-rs-0.4.0
-  crates.cairo_sys_rs."0.4.0" = deps: { features?(features_.cairo_sys_rs."0.4.0" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "cairo-sys-rs";
-    version = "0.4.0";
-    description = "FFI bindings to libcairo";
-    authors = [ "The Gtk-rs Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "062nxihlydci65pyy2ldn7djkc9sm7a5xvkl8pxrsxfxvfapm5br";
-    libName = "cairo_sys";
-    build = "";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."libc"."${deps."cairo_sys_rs"."0.4.0"."libc"}" deps)
-    ])
-      ++ (if kernel == "windows" then mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."winapi"."${deps."cairo_sys_rs"."0.4.0"."winapi"}" deps)
-    ]) else []);
-    buildDependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."pkg_config"."${deps."cairo_sys_rs"."0.4.0"."pkg_config"}" deps)
-    ]);
-    features = mkFeatures (features."cairo_sys_rs"."0.4.0" or {});
-  };
-  features_.cairo_sys_rs."0.4.0" = deps: f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    cairo_sys_rs = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "0.4.0"."v1_12" =
-        (f.cairo_sys_rs."0.4.0"."v1_12" or false) ||
-        (f.cairo_sys_rs."0.4.0".v1_14 or false) ||
-        (cairo_sys_rs."0.4.0"."v1_14" or false); }
-      { "0.4.0"."x11" =
-        (f.cairo_sys_rs."0.4.0"."x11" or false) ||
-        (f.cairo_sys_rs."0.4.0".xlib or false) ||
-        (cairo_sys_rs."0.4.0"."xlib" or false); }
-      { "0.4.0".default = (f.cairo_sys_rs."0.4.0".default or true); }
-    ];
-    libc."${deps.cairo_sys_rs."0.4.0".libc}".default = true;
-    pkg_config."${deps.cairo_sys_rs."0.4.0".pkg_config}".default = true;
-    winapi."${deps.cairo_sys_rs."0.4.0".winapi}".default = true;
-  }) [
-    (features_.libc."${deps."cairo_sys_rs"."0.4.0"."libc"}" deps)
-    (features_.pkg_config."${deps."cairo_sys_rs"."0.4.0"."pkg_config"}" deps)
-    (features_.winapi."${deps."cairo_sys_rs"."0.4.0"."winapi"}" deps)
-  ];
-# end
-# cc-1.0.25
-"1.0.25" = deps: { features?("1.0.25" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "cc";
-    version = "1.0.25";
-    description = "A build-time dependency for Cargo build scripts to assist in invoking the native\nC compiler to compile native C code into a static archive to be linked into Rust\ncode.\n";
-    authors = [ "Alex Crichton <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0pd8fhjlpr5qan984frkf1c8nxrqp6827wmmfzhm2840229z2hq0";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-    features = mkFeatures (features."cc"."1.0.25" or {});
-  };
-"1.0.25" = deps: f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    cc = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "1.0.25"."rayon" =
-        ("1.0.25"."rayon" or false) ||
-        ("1.0.25".parallel or false) ||
-        (cc."1.0.25"."parallel" or false); }
-      { "1.0.25".default = ("1.0.25".default or true); }
-    ];
-  }) [];
-# end
-# cfg-if-0.1.6
-  crates.cfg_if."0.1.6" = deps: { features?(features_.cfg_if."0.1.6" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "cfg-if";
-    version = "0.1.6";
-    description = "A macro to ergonomically define an item depending on a large number of #[cfg]\nparameters. Structured like an if-else chain, the first matching branch is the\nitem that gets emitted.\n";
-    authors = [ "Alex Crichton <>" ];
-    sha256 = "11qrix06wagkplyk908i3423ps9m9np6c4vbcq81s9fyl244xv3n";
-  };
-  features_.cfg_if."0.1.6" = deps: f: updateFeatures f ({
-    cfg_if."0.1.6".default = (f.cfg_if."0.1.6".default or true);
-  }) [];
-# end
-# cloudabi-0.0.3
-  crates.cloudabi."0.0.3" = deps: { features?(features_.cloudabi."0.0.3" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "cloudabi";
-    version = "0.0.3";
-    description = "Low level interface to CloudABI. Contains all syscalls and related types.";
-    authors = [ "Nuxi ( and contributors" ];
-    sha256 = "1z9lby5sr6vslfd14d6igk03s7awf91mxpsfmsp3prxbxlk0x7h5";
-    libPath = "";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-    ]
-      ++ (if features.cloudabi."0.0.3".bitflags or false then [ (crates.bitflags."${deps."cloudabi"."0.0.3".bitflags}" deps) ] else []));
-    features = mkFeatures (features."cloudabi"."0.0.3" or {});
-  };
-  features_.cloudabi."0.0.3" = deps: f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    bitflags."${deps.cloudabi."0.0.3".bitflags}".default = true;
-    cloudabi = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "0.0.3"."bitflags" =
-        (f.cloudabi."0.0.3"."bitflags" or false) ||
-        (f.cloudabi."0.0.3".default or false) ||
-        (cloudabi."0.0.3"."default" or false); }
-      { "0.0.3".default = (f.cloudabi."0.0.3".default or true); }
-    ];
-  }) [
-    (features_.bitflags."${deps."cloudabi"."0.0.3"."bitflags"}" deps)
-  ];
-# end
-# dbus-0.4.1
-  crates.dbus."0.4.1" = deps: { features?(features_.dbus."0.4.1" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "dbus";
-    version = "0.4.1";
-    description = "Bindings to D-Bus, which is a bus commonly used on Linux for inter-process communication.";
-    authors = [ "David Henningsson <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0qw32qj2rys318h780klxlznkwg93dfimbn8mc34m4940l8v00g9";
-    build = "";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."libc"."${deps."dbus"."0.4.1"."libc"}" deps)
-    ]);
-    buildDependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."pkg_config"."${deps."dbus"."0.4.1"."pkg_config"}" deps)
-    ]);
-  };
-  features_.dbus."0.4.1" = deps: f: updateFeatures f ({
-    dbus."0.4.1".default = (f.dbus."0.4.1".default or true);
-    libc."${deps.dbus."0.4.1".libc}".default = true;
-    pkg_config."${deps.dbus."0.4.1".pkg_config}".default = true;
-  }) [
-    (features_.libc."${deps."dbus"."0.4.1"."libc"}" deps)
-    (features_.pkg_config."${deps."dbus"."0.4.1"."pkg_config"}" deps)
-  ];
-# end
-# dbus-macros-0.0.6
-  crates.dbus_macros."0.0.6" = deps: { features?(features_.dbus_macros."0.0.6" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "dbus-macros";
-    version = "0.0.6";
-    description = "Convenient macros to use the dbus crate";
-    authors = [ "Antoni Boucher <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1nymk2hzzgyafyr5nfa4r4frx4hml3wlwgzfr9b69vmcvn3d2jyd";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."dbus"."${deps."dbus_macros"."0.0.6"."dbus"}" deps)
-    ]);
-  };
-  features_.dbus_macros."0.0.6" = deps: f: updateFeatures f ({
-    dbus."${deps.dbus_macros."0.0.6".dbus}".default = true;
-    dbus_macros."0.0.6".default = (f.dbus_macros."0.0.6".default or true);
-  }) [
-    (features_.dbus."${deps."dbus_macros"."0.0.6"."dbus"}" deps)
-  ];
-# end
-# dlib-0.3.1
-  crates.dlib."0.3.1" = deps: { features?(features_.dlib."0.3.1" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "dlib";
-    version = "0.3.1";
-    description = "Helper macros for handling manually loading optionnal system libraries.";
-    authors = [ "Victor Berger <>" ];
-    sha256 = "11mhh6g9vszp2ay3r46x4capnnmvvhx5hcp74bapxjhiixqjfvkr";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."libloading"."${deps."dlib"."0.3.1"."libloading"}" deps)
-    ]);
-    features = mkFeatures (features."dlib"."0.3.1" or {});
-  };
-  features_.dlib."0.3.1" = deps: f: updateFeatures f ({
-    dlib."0.3.1".default = (f.dlib."0.3.1".default or true);
-    libloading."${deps.dlib."0.3.1".libloading}".default = true;
-  }) [
-    (features_.libloading."${deps."dlib"."0.3.1"."libloading"}" deps)
-  ];
-# end
-# dlib-0.4.1
-  crates.dlib."0.4.1" = deps: { features?(features_.dlib."0.4.1" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "dlib";
-    version = "0.4.1";
-    description = "Helper macros for handling manually loading optional system libraries.";
-    authors = [ "Victor Berger <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0h5xm6lanbl6v9y16g592bia33g7xb0n0fg98pvz6nsvg0layxlk";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."libloading"."${deps."dlib"."0.4.1"."libloading"}" deps)
-    ]);
-    features = mkFeatures (features."dlib"."0.4.1" or {});
-  };
-  features_.dlib."0.4.1" = deps: f: updateFeatures f ({
-    dlib."0.4.1".default = (f.dlib."0.4.1".default or true);
-    libloading."${deps.dlib."0.4.1".libloading}".default = true;
-  }) [
-    (features_.libloading."${deps."dlib"."0.4.1"."libloading"}" deps)
-  ];
-# end
-# dtoa-0.4.3
-  crates.dtoa."0.4.3" = deps: { features?(features_.dtoa."0.4.3" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "dtoa";
-    version = "0.4.3";
-    description = "Fast functions for printing floating-point primitives to an io::Write";
-    authors = [ "David Tolnay <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1xysdxdm24sk5ysim7lps4r2qaxfnj0sbakhmps4d42yssx30cw8";
-  };
-  features_.dtoa."0.4.3" = deps: f: updateFeatures f ({
-    dtoa."0.4.3".default = (f.dtoa."0.4.3".default or true);
-  }) [];
-# end
-# dummy-rustwlc-0.7.1
-  crates.dummy_rustwlc."0.7.1" = deps: { features?(features_.dummy_rustwlc."0.7.1" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "dummy-rustwlc";
-    version = "0.7.1";
-    description = "A dummy version of the functions defined in rust-wlc, to be used in testing and for travis builds";
-    authors = [ "Snirk Immington <>" "Preston Carpenter <>" ];
-    sha256 = "13priwnxpjvmym6yh9v9x1230ca04cba7bzbnn21pbvqngis1y88";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."bitflags"."${deps."dummy_rustwlc"."0.7.1"."bitflags"}" deps)
-      (crates."libc"."${deps."dummy_rustwlc"."0.7.1"."libc"}" deps)
-      (crates."wayland_sys"."${deps."dummy_rustwlc"."0.7.1"."wayland_sys"}" deps)
-    ]);
-  };
-  features_.dummy_rustwlc."0.7.1" = deps: f: updateFeatures f ({
-    bitflags."${deps.dummy_rustwlc."0.7.1".bitflags}".default = true;
-    dummy_rustwlc."0.7.1".default = (f.dummy_rustwlc."0.7.1".default or true);
-    libc."${deps.dummy_rustwlc."0.7.1".libc}".default = true;
-    wayland_sys = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "${deps.dummy_rustwlc."0.7.1".wayland_sys}"."dlopen" = true; }
-      { "${deps.dummy_rustwlc."0.7.1".wayland_sys}"."server" = true; }
-      { "${deps.dummy_rustwlc."0.7.1".wayland_sys}".default = true; }
-    ];
-  }) [
-    (features_.bitflags."${deps."dummy_rustwlc"."0.7.1"."bitflags"}" deps)
-    (features_.libc."${deps."dummy_rustwlc"."0.7.1"."libc"}" deps)
-    (features_.wayland_sys."${deps."dummy_rustwlc"."0.7.1"."wayland_sys"}" deps)
-  ];
-# end
-# env_logger-0.3.5
-  crates.env_logger."0.3.5" = deps: { features?(features_.env_logger."0.3.5" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "env_logger";
-    version = "0.3.5";
-    description = "An logging implementation for `log` which is configured via an environment\nvariable.\n";
-    authors = [ "The Rust Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "1mvxiaaqsyjliv1mm1qaagjqiccw11mdyi3n9h9rf8y6wj15zycw";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."log"."${deps."env_logger"."0.3.5"."log"}" deps)
-    ]
-      ++ (if features.env_logger."0.3.5".regex or false then [ (crates.regex."${deps."env_logger"."0.3.5".regex}" deps) ] else []));
-    features = mkFeatures (features."env_logger"."0.3.5" or {});
-  };
-  features_.env_logger."0.3.5" = deps: f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    env_logger = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "0.3.5"."regex" =
-        (f.env_logger."0.3.5"."regex" or false) ||
-        (f.env_logger."0.3.5".default or false) ||
-        (env_logger."0.3.5"."default" or false); }
-      { "0.3.5".default = (f.env_logger."0.3.5".default or true); }
-    ];
-    log."${deps.env_logger."0.3.5".log}".default = true;
-    regex."${deps.env_logger."0.3.5".regex}".default = true;
-  }) [
-    (features_.log."${deps."env_logger"."0.3.5"."log"}" deps)
-    (features_.regex."${deps."env_logger"."0.3.5"."regex"}" deps)
-  ];
-# end
-# fixedbitset-0.1.9
-  crates.fixedbitset."0.1.9" = deps: { features?(features_.fixedbitset."0.1.9" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "fixedbitset";
-    version = "0.1.9";
-    description = "FixedBitSet is a simple bitset collection";
-    authors = [ "bluss" ];
-    sha256 = "1bkb5aq7h9p4rzlgxagnda1f0dd11q0qz41bmdy11z18q1p8igy1";
-  };
-  features_.fixedbitset."0.1.9" = deps: f: updateFeatures f ({
-    fixedbitset."0.1.9".default = (f.fixedbitset."0.1.9".default or true);
-  }) [];
-# end
-# fuchsia-zircon-0.3.3
-  crates.fuchsia_zircon."0.3.3" = deps: { features?(features_.fuchsia_zircon."0.3.3" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "fuchsia-zircon";
-    version = "0.3.3";
-    description = "Rust bindings for the Zircon kernel";
-    authors = [ "Raph Levien <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0jrf4shb1699r4la8z358vri8318w4mdi6qzfqy30p2ymjlca4gk";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."bitflags"."${deps."fuchsia_zircon"."0.3.3"."bitflags"}" deps)
-      (crates."fuchsia_zircon_sys"."${deps."fuchsia_zircon"."0.3.3"."fuchsia_zircon_sys"}" deps)
-    ]);
-  };
-  features_.fuchsia_zircon."0.3.3" = deps: f: updateFeatures f ({
-    bitflags."${deps.fuchsia_zircon."0.3.3".bitflags}".default = true;
-    fuchsia_zircon."0.3.3".default = (f.fuchsia_zircon."0.3.3".default or true);
-    fuchsia_zircon_sys."${deps.fuchsia_zircon."0.3.3".fuchsia_zircon_sys}".default = true;
-  }) [
-    (features_.bitflags."${deps."fuchsia_zircon"."0.3.3"."bitflags"}" deps)
-    (features_.fuchsia_zircon_sys."${deps."fuchsia_zircon"."0.3.3"."fuchsia_zircon_sys"}" deps)
-  ];
-# end
-# fuchsia-zircon-sys-0.3.3
-  crates.fuchsia_zircon_sys."0.3.3" = deps: { features?(features_.fuchsia_zircon_sys."0.3.3" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "fuchsia-zircon-sys";
-    version = "0.3.3";
-    description = "Low-level Rust bindings for the Zircon kernel";
-    authors = [ "Raph Levien <>" ];
-    sha256 = "08jp1zxrm9jbrr6l26bjal4dbm8bxfy57ickdgibsqxr1n9j3hf5";
-  };
-  features_.fuchsia_zircon_sys."0.3.3" = deps: f: updateFeatures f ({
-    fuchsia_zircon_sys."0.3.3".default = (f.fuchsia_zircon_sys."0.3.3".default or true);
-  }) [];
-# end
-# gcc-0.3.55
-  crates.gcc."0.3.55" = deps: { features?(features_.gcc."0.3.55" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "gcc";
-    version = "0.3.55";
-    description = "**Deprecated** crate, renamed to `cc`\n\nA build-time dependency for Cargo build scripts to assist in invoking the native\nC compiler to compile native C code into a static archive to be linked into Rust\ncode.\n";
-    authors = [ "Alex Crichton <>" ];
-    sha256 = "18qxv3hjdhp7pfcvbm2hvyicpgmk7xw8aii1l7fla8cxxbcrg2nz";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-    features = mkFeatures (features."gcc"."0.3.55" or {});
-  };
-  features_.gcc."0.3.55" = deps: f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    gcc = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "0.3.55"."rayon" =
-        (f.gcc."0.3.55"."rayon" or false) ||
-        (f.gcc."0.3.55".parallel or false) ||
-        (gcc."0.3.55"."parallel" or false); }
-      { "0.3.55".default = (f.gcc."0.3.55".default or true); }
-    ];
-  }) [];
-# end
-# gdk-pixbuf-0.2.0
-  crates.gdk_pixbuf."0.2.0" = deps: { features?(features_.gdk_pixbuf."0.2.0" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "gdk-pixbuf";
-    version = "0.2.0";
-    description = "Rust bindings for the GdkPixbuf library";
-    authors = [ "The Gtk-rs Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "082z1s30haa59ax35wsv06mj8z8bhhq0fac36g01qa77kpiphj5y";
-    libName = "gdk_pixbuf";
-    build = "";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."gdk_pixbuf_sys"."${deps."gdk_pixbuf"."0.2.0"."gdk_pixbuf_sys"}" deps)
-      (crates."glib"."${deps."gdk_pixbuf"."0.2.0"."glib"}" deps)
-      (crates."glib_sys"."${deps."gdk_pixbuf"."0.2.0"."glib_sys"}" deps)
-      (crates."gobject_sys"."${deps."gdk_pixbuf"."0.2.0"."gobject_sys"}" deps)
-      (crates."libc"."${deps."gdk_pixbuf"."0.2.0"."libc"}" deps)
-    ]);
-    buildDependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-    features = mkFeatures (features."gdk_pixbuf"."0.2.0" or {});
-  };
-  features_.gdk_pixbuf."0.2.0" = deps: f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    gdk_pixbuf = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "0.2.0"."gtk-rs-lgpl-docs" =
-        (f.gdk_pixbuf."0.2.0"."gtk-rs-lgpl-docs" or false) ||
-        (f.gdk_pixbuf."0.2.0".embed-lgpl-docs or false) ||
-        (gdk_pixbuf."0.2.0"."embed-lgpl-docs" or false) ||
-        (f.gdk_pixbuf."0.2.0".purge-lgpl-docs or false) ||
-        (gdk_pixbuf."0.2.0"."purge-lgpl-docs" or false); }
-      { "0.2.0"."v2_28" =
-        (f.gdk_pixbuf."0.2.0"."v2_28" or false) ||
-        (f.gdk_pixbuf."0.2.0".v2_30 or false) ||
-        (gdk_pixbuf."0.2.0"."v2_30" or false); }
-      { "0.2.0"."v2_30" =
-        (f.gdk_pixbuf."0.2.0"."v2_30" or false) ||
-        (f.gdk_pixbuf."0.2.0".v2_32 or false) ||
-        (gdk_pixbuf."0.2.0"."v2_32" or false); }
-      { "0.2.0"."v2_32" =
-        (f.gdk_pixbuf."0.2.0"."v2_32" or false) ||
-        (f.gdk_pixbuf."0.2.0".v2_36 or false) ||
-        (gdk_pixbuf."0.2.0"."v2_36" or false); }
-      { "0.2.0".default = (f.gdk_pixbuf."0.2.0".default or true); }
-    ];
-    gdk_pixbuf_sys = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "${deps.gdk_pixbuf."0.2.0".gdk_pixbuf_sys}"."v2_28" =
-        (f.gdk_pixbuf_sys."${deps.gdk_pixbuf."0.2.0".gdk_pixbuf_sys}"."v2_28" or false) ||
-        (gdk_pixbuf."0.2.0"."v2_28" or false) ||
-        (f."gdk_pixbuf"."0.2.0"."v2_28" or false); }
-      { "${deps.gdk_pixbuf."0.2.0".gdk_pixbuf_sys}"."v2_30" =
-        (f.gdk_pixbuf_sys."${deps.gdk_pixbuf."0.2.0".gdk_pixbuf_sys}"."v2_30" or false) ||
-        (gdk_pixbuf."0.2.0"."v2_30" or false) ||
-        (f."gdk_pixbuf"."0.2.0"."v2_30" or false); }
-      { "${deps.gdk_pixbuf."0.2.0".gdk_pixbuf_sys}"."v2_32" =
-        (f.gdk_pixbuf_sys."${deps.gdk_pixbuf."0.2.0".gdk_pixbuf_sys}"."v2_32" or false) ||
-        (gdk_pixbuf."0.2.0"."v2_32" or false) ||
-        (f."gdk_pixbuf"."0.2.0"."v2_32" or false); }
-      { "${deps.gdk_pixbuf."0.2.0".gdk_pixbuf_sys}"."v2_36" =
-        (f.gdk_pixbuf_sys."${deps.gdk_pixbuf."0.2.0".gdk_pixbuf_sys}"."v2_36" or false) ||
-        (gdk_pixbuf."0.2.0"."v2_36" or false) ||
-        (f."gdk_pixbuf"."0.2.0"."v2_36" or false); }
-      { "${deps.gdk_pixbuf."0.2.0".gdk_pixbuf_sys}".default = true; }
-    ];
-    glib."${deps.gdk_pixbuf."0.2.0".glib}".default = true;
-    glib_sys."${deps.gdk_pixbuf."0.2.0".glib_sys}".default = true;
-    gobject_sys."${deps.gdk_pixbuf."0.2.0".gobject_sys}".default = true;
-    libc."${deps.gdk_pixbuf."0.2.0".libc}".default = true;
-  }) [
-    (features_.gdk_pixbuf_sys."${deps."gdk_pixbuf"."0.2.0"."gdk_pixbuf_sys"}" deps)
-    (features_.glib."${deps."gdk_pixbuf"."0.2.0"."glib"}" deps)
-    (features_.glib_sys."${deps."gdk_pixbuf"."0.2.0"."glib_sys"}" deps)
-    (features_.gobject_sys."${deps."gdk_pixbuf"."0.2.0"."gobject_sys"}" deps)
-    (features_.libc."${deps."gdk_pixbuf"."0.2.0"."libc"}" deps)
-  ];
-# end
-# gdk-pixbuf-sys-0.4.0
-  crates.gdk_pixbuf_sys."0.4.0" = deps: { features?(features_.gdk_pixbuf_sys."0.4.0" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "gdk-pixbuf-sys";
-    version = "0.4.0";
-    description = "FFI bindings to libgdk_pixbuf-2.0";
-    authors = [ "The Gtk-rs Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "1r98zdqqik3hh1l10jmhhcjx59yk4m0bs9pc7hnkwp2p6gm968vp";
-    libName = "gdk_pixbuf_sys";
-    build = "";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."bitflags"."${deps."gdk_pixbuf_sys"."0.4.0"."bitflags"}" deps)
-      (crates."gio_sys"."${deps."gdk_pixbuf_sys"."0.4.0"."gio_sys"}" deps)
-      (crates."glib_sys"."${deps."gdk_pixbuf_sys"."0.4.0"."glib_sys"}" deps)
-      (crates."gobject_sys"."${deps."gdk_pixbuf_sys"."0.4.0"."gobject_sys"}" deps)
-      (crates."libc"."${deps."gdk_pixbuf_sys"."0.4.0"."libc"}" deps)
-    ]);
-    buildDependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."pkg_config"."${deps."gdk_pixbuf_sys"."0.4.0"."pkg_config"}" deps)
-    ]);
-    features = mkFeatures (features."gdk_pixbuf_sys"."0.4.0" or {});
-  };
-  features_.gdk_pixbuf_sys."0.4.0" = deps: f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    bitflags."${deps.gdk_pixbuf_sys."0.4.0".bitflags}".default = true;
-    gdk_pixbuf_sys = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "0.4.0"."v2_28" =
-        (f.gdk_pixbuf_sys."0.4.0"."v2_28" or false) ||
-        (f.gdk_pixbuf_sys."0.4.0".v2_30 or false) ||
-        (gdk_pixbuf_sys."0.4.0"."v2_30" or false); }
-      { "0.4.0"."v2_30" =
-        (f.gdk_pixbuf_sys."0.4.0"."v2_30" or false) ||
-        (f.gdk_pixbuf_sys."0.4.0".v2_32 or false) ||
-        (gdk_pixbuf_sys."0.4.0"."v2_32" or false); }
-      { "0.4.0"."v2_32" =
-        (f.gdk_pixbuf_sys."0.4.0"."v2_32" or false) ||
-        (f.gdk_pixbuf_sys."0.4.0".v2_36 or false) ||
-        (gdk_pixbuf_sys."0.4.0"."v2_36" or false); }
-      { "0.4.0".default = (f.gdk_pixbuf_sys."0.4.0".default or true); }
-    ];
-    gio_sys."${deps.gdk_pixbuf_sys."0.4.0".gio_sys}".default = true;
-    glib_sys."${deps.gdk_pixbuf_sys."0.4.0".glib_sys}".default = true;
-    gobject_sys."${deps.gdk_pixbuf_sys."0.4.0".gobject_sys}".default = true;
-    libc."${deps.gdk_pixbuf_sys."0.4.0".libc}".default = true;
-    pkg_config."${deps.gdk_pixbuf_sys."0.4.0".pkg_config}".default = true;
-  }) [
-    (features_.bitflags."${deps."gdk_pixbuf_sys"."0.4.0"."bitflags"}" deps)
-    (features_.gio_sys."${deps."gdk_pixbuf_sys"."0.4.0"."gio_sys"}" deps)
-    (features_.glib_sys."${deps."gdk_pixbuf_sys"."0.4.0"."glib_sys"}" deps)
-    (features_.gobject_sys."${deps."gdk_pixbuf_sys"."0.4.0"."gobject_sys"}" deps)
-    (features_.libc."${deps."gdk_pixbuf_sys"."0.4.0"."libc"}" deps)
-    (features_.pkg_config."${deps."gdk_pixbuf_sys"."0.4.0"."pkg_config"}" deps)
-  ];
-# end
-# getopts-0.2.18
-  crates.getopts."0.2.18" = deps: { features?(features_.getopts."0.2.18" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "getopts";
-    version = "0.2.18";
-    description = "getopts-like option parsing.\n";
-    authors = [ "The Rust Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "0c1m95wg8pkvdq4mwcd2v78r1lb6a5s3ljm7158dsl56mvzcwd5y";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."unicode_width"."${deps."getopts"."0.2.18"."unicode_width"}" deps)
-    ]);
-  };
-  features_.getopts."0.2.18" = deps: f: updateFeatures f ({
-    getopts."0.2.18".default = (f.getopts."0.2.18".default or true);
-    unicode_width."${deps.getopts."0.2.18".unicode_width}".default = true;
-  }) [
-    (features_.unicode_width."${deps."getopts"."0.2.18"."unicode_width"}" deps)
-  ];
-# end
-# gio-sys-0.4.0
-  crates.gio_sys."0.4.0" = deps: { features?(features_.gio_sys."0.4.0" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "gio-sys";
-    version = "0.4.0";
-    description = "FFI bindings to libgio-2.0";
-    authors = [ "The Gtk-rs Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "064lv6h3qfgjzc6pbbxgln24b2fq9gxzh78z6d7fwfa97azllv2l";
-    libName = "gio_sys";
-    build = "";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."bitflags"."${deps."gio_sys"."0.4.0"."bitflags"}" deps)
-      (crates."glib_sys"."${deps."gio_sys"."0.4.0"."glib_sys"}" deps)
-      (crates."gobject_sys"."${deps."gio_sys"."0.4.0"."gobject_sys"}" deps)
-      (crates."libc"."${deps."gio_sys"."0.4.0"."libc"}" deps)
-    ]);
-    buildDependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."pkg_config"."${deps."gio_sys"."0.4.0"."pkg_config"}" deps)
-    ]);
-    features = mkFeatures (features."gio_sys"."0.4.0" or {});
-  };
-  features_.gio_sys."0.4.0" = deps: f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    bitflags."${deps.gio_sys."0.4.0".bitflags}".default = true;
-    gio_sys = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "0.4.0"."v2_34" =
-        (f.gio_sys."0.4.0"."v2_34" or false) ||
-        (f.gio_sys."0.4.0".v2_36 or false) ||
-        (gio_sys."0.4.0"."v2_36" or false); }
-      { "0.4.0"."v2_36" =
-        (f.gio_sys."0.4.0"."v2_36" or false) ||
-        (f.gio_sys."0.4.0".v2_38 or false) ||
-        (gio_sys."0.4.0"."v2_38" or false); }
-      { "0.4.0"."v2_38" =
-        (f.gio_sys."0.4.0"."v2_38" or false) ||
-        (f.gio_sys."0.4.0".v2_40 or false) ||
-        (gio_sys."0.4.0"."v2_40" or false); }
-      { "0.4.0"."v2_40" =
-        (f.gio_sys."0.4.0"."v2_40" or false) ||
-        (f.gio_sys."0.4.0".v2_42 or false) ||
-        (gio_sys."0.4.0"."v2_42" or false); }
-      { "0.4.0"."v2_42" =
-        (f.gio_sys."0.4.0"."v2_42" or false) ||
-        (f.gio_sys."0.4.0".v2_44 or false) ||
-        (gio_sys."0.4.0"."v2_44" or false); }
-      { "0.4.0"."v2_44" =
-        (f.gio_sys."0.4.0"."v2_44" or false) ||
-        (f.gio_sys."0.4.0".v2_46 or false) ||
-        (gio_sys."0.4.0"."v2_46" or false); }
-      { "0.4.0"."v2_46" =
-        (f.gio_sys."0.4.0"."v2_46" or false) ||
-        (f.gio_sys."0.4.0".v2_48 or false) ||
-        (gio_sys."0.4.0"."v2_48" or false); }
-      { "0.4.0"."v2_48" =
-        (f.gio_sys."0.4.0"."v2_48" or false) ||
-        (f.gio_sys."0.4.0".v2_50 or false) ||
-        (gio_sys."0.4.0"."v2_50" or false); }
-      { "0.4.0".default = (f.gio_sys."0.4.0".default or true); }
-    ];
-    glib_sys."${deps.gio_sys."0.4.0".glib_sys}".default = true;
-    gobject_sys."${deps.gio_sys."0.4.0".gobject_sys}".default = true;
-    libc."${deps.gio_sys."0.4.0".libc}".default = true;
-    pkg_config."${deps.gio_sys."0.4.0".pkg_config}".default = true;
-  }) [
-    (features_.bitflags."${deps."gio_sys"."0.4.0"."bitflags"}" deps)
-    (features_.glib_sys."${deps."gio_sys"."0.4.0"."glib_sys"}" deps)
-    (features_.gobject_sys."${deps."gio_sys"."0.4.0"."gobject_sys"}" deps)
-    (features_.libc."${deps."gio_sys"."0.4.0"."libc"}" deps)
-    (features_.pkg_config."${deps."gio_sys"."0.4.0"."pkg_config"}" deps)
-  ];
-# end
-# glib-0.3.1
-  crates.glib."0.3.1" = deps: { features?(features_.glib."0.3.1" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "glib";
-    version = "0.3.1";
-    description = "Rust bindings for the GLib library";
-    authors = [ "The Gtk-rs Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "00s3n0pd8by1fk2l01mxmbnqq4ff6wadnkcf9jbjvr1l9bzgyqbl";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."bitflags"."${deps."glib"."0.3.1"."bitflags"}" deps)
-      (crates."glib_sys"."${deps."glib"."0.3.1"."glib_sys"}" deps)
-      (crates."gobject_sys"."${deps."glib"."0.3.1"."gobject_sys"}" deps)
-      (crates."lazy_static"."${deps."glib"."0.3.1"."lazy_static"}" deps)
-      (crates."libc"."${deps."glib"."0.3.1"."libc"}" deps)
-    ]);
-    features = mkFeatures (features."glib"."0.3.1" or {});
-  };
-  features_.glib."0.3.1" = deps: f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    bitflags."${deps.glib."0.3.1".bitflags}".default = true;
-    glib = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "0.3.1"."v2_34" =
-        (f.glib."0.3.1"."v2_34" or false) ||
-        (f.glib."0.3.1".v2_38 or false) ||
-        (glib."0.3.1"."v2_38" or false); }
-      { "0.3.1"."v2_38" =
-        (f.glib."0.3.1"."v2_38" or false) ||
-        (f.glib."0.3.1".v2_40 or false) ||
-        (glib."0.3.1"."v2_40" or false); }
-      { "0.3.1"."v2_40" =
-        (f.glib."0.3.1"."v2_40" or false) ||
-        (f.glib."0.3.1".v2_44 or false) ||
-        (glib."0.3.1"."v2_44" or false); }
-      { "0.3.1"."v2_44" =
-        (f.glib."0.3.1"."v2_44" or false) ||
-        (f.glib."0.3.1".v2_46 or false) ||
-        (glib."0.3.1"."v2_46" or false); }
-      { "0.3.1"."v2_46" =
-        (f.glib."0.3.1"."v2_46" or false) ||
-        (f.glib."0.3.1".v2_48 or false) ||
-        (glib."0.3.1"."v2_48" or false); }
-      { "0.3.1"."v2_48" =
-        (f.glib."0.3.1"."v2_48" or false) ||
-        (f.glib."0.3.1".v2_50 or false) ||
-        (glib."0.3.1"."v2_50" or false); }
-      { "0.3.1".default = (f.glib."0.3.1".default or true); }
-    ];
-    glib_sys = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "${deps.glib."0.3.1".glib_sys}"."v2_34" =
-        (f.glib_sys."${deps.glib."0.3.1".glib_sys}"."v2_34" or false) ||
-        (glib."0.3.1"."v2_34" or false) ||
-        (f."glib"."0.3.1"."v2_34" or false); }
-      { "${deps.glib."0.3.1".glib_sys}"."v2_38" =
-        (f.glib_sys."${deps.glib."0.3.1".glib_sys}"."v2_38" or false) ||
-        (glib."0.3.1"."v2_38" or false) ||
-        (f."glib"."0.3.1"."v2_38" or false); }
-      { "${deps.glib."0.3.1".glib_sys}"."v2_40" =
-        (f.glib_sys."${deps.glib."0.3.1".glib_sys}"."v2_40" or false) ||
-        (glib."0.3.1"."v2_40" or false) ||
-        (f."glib"."0.3.1"."v2_40" or false); }
-      { "${deps.glib."0.3.1".glib_sys}"."v2_44" =
-        (f.glib_sys."${deps.glib."0.3.1".glib_sys}"."v2_44" or false) ||
-        (glib."0.3.1"."v2_44" or false) ||
-        (f."glib"."0.3.1"."v2_44" or false); }
-      { "${deps.glib."0.3.1".glib_sys}"."v2_46" =
-        (f.glib_sys."${deps.glib."0.3.1".glib_sys}"."v2_46" or false) ||
-        (glib."0.3.1"."v2_46" or false) ||
-        (f."glib"."0.3.1"."v2_46" or false); }
-      { "${deps.glib."0.3.1".glib_sys}"."v2_48" =
-        (f.glib_sys."${deps.glib."0.3.1".glib_sys}"."v2_48" or false) ||
-        (glib."0.3.1"."v2_48" or false) ||
-        (f."glib"."0.3.1"."v2_48" or false); }
-      { "${deps.glib."0.3.1".glib_sys}"."v2_50" =
-        (f.glib_sys."${deps.glib."0.3.1".glib_sys}"."v2_50" or false) ||
-        (glib."0.3.1"."v2_50" or false) ||
-        (f."glib"."0.3.1"."v2_50" or false); }
-      { "${deps.glib."0.3.1".glib_sys}".default = true; }
-    ];
-    gobject_sys = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "${deps.glib."0.3.1".gobject_sys}"."v2_34" =
-        (f.gobject_sys."${deps.glib."0.3.1".gobject_sys}"."v2_34" or false) ||
-        (glib."0.3.1"."v2_34" or false) ||
-        (f."glib"."0.3.1"."v2_34" or false); }
-      { "${deps.glib."0.3.1".gobject_sys}"."v2_38" =
-        (f.gobject_sys."${deps.glib."0.3.1".gobject_sys}"."v2_38" or false) ||
-        (glib."0.3.1"."v2_38" or false) ||
-        (f."glib"."0.3.1"."v2_38" or false); }
-      { "${deps.glib."0.3.1".gobject_sys}"."v2_44" =
-        (f.gobject_sys."${deps.glib."0.3.1".gobject_sys}"."v2_44" or false) ||
-        (glib."0.3.1"."v2_44" or false) ||
-        (f."glib"."0.3.1"."v2_44" or false); }
-      { "${deps.glib."0.3.1".gobject_sys}"."v2_46" =
-        (f.gobject_sys."${deps.glib."0.3.1".gobject_sys}"."v2_46" or false) ||
-        (glib."0.3.1"."v2_46" or false) ||
-        (f."glib"."0.3.1"."v2_46" or false); }
-      { "${deps.glib."0.3.1".gobject_sys}".default = true; }
-    ];
-    lazy_static."${deps.glib."0.3.1".lazy_static}".default = true;
-    libc."${deps.glib."0.3.1".libc}".default = true;
-  }) [
-    (features_.bitflags."${deps."glib"."0.3.1"."bitflags"}" deps)
-    (features_.glib_sys."${deps."glib"."0.3.1"."glib_sys"}" deps)
-    (features_.gobject_sys."${deps."glib"."0.3.1"."gobject_sys"}" deps)
-    (features_.lazy_static."${deps."glib"."0.3.1"."lazy_static"}" deps)
-    (features_.libc."${deps."glib"."0.3.1"."libc"}" deps)
-  ];
-# end
-# glib-sys-0.4.0
-  crates.glib_sys."0.4.0" = deps: { features?(features_.glib_sys."0.4.0" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "glib-sys";
-    version = "0.4.0";
-    description = "FFI bindings to libglib-2.0";
-    authors = [ "The Gtk-rs Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "153i1zmk824hdf8agkaqcgddlwpvgng71n7bdpaav5f4zzlfyp2w";
-    libName = "glib_sys";
-    build = "";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."bitflags"."${deps."glib_sys"."0.4.0"."bitflags"}" deps)
-      (crates."libc"."${deps."glib_sys"."0.4.0"."libc"}" deps)
-    ]);
-    buildDependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."pkg_config"."${deps."glib_sys"."0.4.0"."pkg_config"}" deps)
-    ]);
-    features = mkFeatures (features."glib_sys"."0.4.0" or {});
-  };
-  features_.glib_sys."0.4.0" = deps: f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    bitflags."${deps.glib_sys."0.4.0".bitflags}".default = true;
-    glib_sys = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "0.4.0"."v2_34" =
-        (f.glib_sys."0.4.0"."v2_34" or false) ||
-        (f.glib_sys."0.4.0".v2_36 or false) ||
-        (glib_sys."0.4.0"."v2_36" or false); }
-      { "0.4.0"."v2_36" =
-        (f.glib_sys."0.4.0"."v2_36" or false) ||
-        (f.glib_sys."0.4.0".v2_38 or false) ||
-        (glib_sys."0.4.0"."v2_38" or false); }
-      { "0.4.0"."v2_38" =
-        (f.glib_sys."0.4.0"."v2_38" or false) ||
-        (f.glib_sys."0.4.0".v2_40 or false) ||
-        (glib_sys."0.4.0"."v2_40" or false); }
-      { "0.4.0"."v2_40" =
-        (f.glib_sys."0.4.0"."v2_40" or false) ||
-        (f.glib_sys."0.4.0".v2_44 or false) ||
-        (glib_sys."0.4.0"."v2_44" or false); }
-      { "0.4.0"."v2_44" =
-        (f.glib_sys."0.4.0"."v2_44" or false) ||
-        (f.glib_sys."0.4.0".v2_46 or false) ||
-        (glib_sys."0.4.0"."v2_46" or false); }
-      { "0.4.0"."v2_46" =
-        (f.glib_sys."0.4.0"."v2_46" or false) ||
-        (f.glib_sys."0.4.0".v2_48 or false) ||
-        (glib_sys."0.4.0"."v2_48" or false); }
-      { "0.4.0"."v2_48" =
-        (f.glib_sys."0.4.0"."v2_48" or false) ||
-        (f.glib_sys."0.4.0".v2_50 or false) ||
-        (glib_sys."0.4.0"."v2_50" or false); }
-      { "0.4.0".default = (f.glib_sys."0.4.0".default or true); }
-    ];
-    libc."${deps.glib_sys."0.4.0".libc}".default = true;
-    pkg_config."${deps.glib_sys."0.4.0".pkg_config}".default = true;
-  }) [
-    (features_.bitflags."${deps."glib_sys"."0.4.0"."bitflags"}" deps)
-    (features_.libc."${deps."glib_sys"."0.4.0"."libc"}" deps)
-    (features_.pkg_config."${deps."glib_sys"."0.4.0"."pkg_config"}" deps)
-  ];
-# end
-# gobject-sys-0.4.0
-  crates.gobject_sys."0.4.0" = deps: { features?(features_.gobject_sys."0.4.0" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "gobject-sys";
-    version = "0.4.0";
-    description = "FFI bindings to libgobject-2.0";
-    authors = [ "The Gtk-rs Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "00zmcbzqfhn9w01cphhf3hbq8ldd9ajba7x07z59vv1gdq6wjzli";
-    libName = "gobject_sys";
-    build = "";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."bitflags"."${deps."gobject_sys"."0.4.0"."bitflags"}" deps)
-      (crates."glib_sys"."${deps."gobject_sys"."0.4.0"."glib_sys"}" deps)
-      (crates."libc"."${deps."gobject_sys"."0.4.0"."libc"}" deps)
-    ]);
-    buildDependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."pkg_config"."${deps."gobject_sys"."0.4.0"."pkg_config"}" deps)
-    ]);
-    features = mkFeatures (features."gobject_sys"."0.4.0" or {});
-  };
-  features_.gobject_sys."0.4.0" = deps: f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    bitflags."${deps.gobject_sys."0.4.0".bitflags}".default = true;
-    glib_sys."${deps.gobject_sys."0.4.0".glib_sys}".default = true;
-    gobject_sys = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "0.4.0"."v2_34" =
-        (f.gobject_sys."0.4.0"."v2_34" or false) ||
-        (f.gobject_sys."0.4.0".v2_36 or false) ||
-        (gobject_sys."0.4.0"."v2_36" or false); }
-      { "0.4.0"."v2_36" =
-        (f.gobject_sys."0.4.0"."v2_36" or false) ||
-        (f.gobject_sys."0.4.0".v2_38 or false) ||
-        (gobject_sys."0.4.0"."v2_38" or false); }
-      { "0.4.0"."v2_38" =
-        (f.gobject_sys."0.4.0"."v2_38" or false) ||
-        (f.gobject_sys."0.4.0".v2_42 or false) ||
-        (gobject_sys."0.4.0"."v2_42" or false); }
-      { "0.4.0"."v2_42" =
-        (f.gobject_sys."0.4.0"."v2_42" or false) ||
-        (f.gobject_sys."0.4.0".v2_44 or false) ||
-        (gobject_sys."0.4.0"."v2_44" or false); }
-      { "0.4.0"."v2_44" =
-        (f.gobject_sys."0.4.0"."v2_44" or false) ||
-        (f.gobject_sys."0.4.0".v2_46 or false) ||
-        (gobject_sys."0.4.0"."v2_46" or false); }
-      { "0.4.0".default = (f.gobject_sys."0.4.0".default or true); }
-    ];
-    libc."${deps.gobject_sys."0.4.0".libc}".default = true;
-    pkg_config."${deps.gobject_sys."0.4.0".pkg_config}".default = true;
-  }) [
-    (features_.bitflags."${deps."gobject_sys"."0.4.0"."bitflags"}" deps)
-    (features_.glib_sys."${deps."gobject_sys"."0.4.0"."glib_sys"}" deps)
-    (features_.libc."${deps."gobject_sys"."0.4.0"."libc"}" deps)
-    (features_.pkg_config."${deps."gobject_sys"."0.4.0"."pkg_config"}" deps)
-  ];
-# end
-# itoa-0.3.4
-  crates.itoa."0.3.4" = deps: { features?(features_.itoa."0.3.4" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "itoa";
-    version = "0.3.4";
-    description = "Fast functions for printing integer primitives to an io::Write";
-    authors = [ "David Tolnay <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1nfkzz6vrgj0d9l3yzjkkkqzdgs68y294fjdbl7jq118qi8xc9d9";
-    features = mkFeatures (features."itoa"."0.3.4" or {});
-  };
-  features_.itoa."0.3.4" = deps: f: updateFeatures f ({
-    itoa."0.3.4".default = (f.itoa."0.3.4".default or true);
-  }) [];
-# end
-# json_macro-0.1.1
-  crates.json_macro."0.1.1" = deps: { features?(features_.json_macro."0.1.1" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "json_macro";
-    version = "0.1.1";
-    description = "Pure json macro for rust_serialize. No need compiler features.";
-    authors = [ "Denis Kolodin <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0hl2934shpwqbszrq035valbdz9y8p7dza183brygy5dbvivcyqy";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."rustc_serialize"."${deps."json_macro"."0.1.1"."rustc_serialize"}" deps)
-    ]);
-  };
-  features_.json_macro."0.1.1" = deps: f: updateFeatures f ({
-    json_macro."0.1.1".default = (f.json_macro."0.1.1".default or true);
-    rustc_serialize."${deps.json_macro."0.1.1".rustc_serialize}".default = true;
-  }) [
-    (features_.rustc_serialize."${deps."json_macro"."0.1.1"."rustc_serialize"}" deps)
-  ];
-# end
-# kernel32-sys-0.2.2
-  crates.kernel32_sys."0.2.2" = deps: { features?(features_.kernel32_sys."0.2.2" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "kernel32-sys";
-    version = "0.2.2";
-    description = "Contains function definitions for the Windows API library kernel32. See winapi for types and constants.";
-    authors = [ "Peter Atashian <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1lrw1hbinyvr6cp28g60z97w32w8vsk6pahk64pmrv2fmby8srfj";
-    libName = "kernel32";
-    build = "";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."winapi"."${deps."kernel32_sys"."0.2.2"."winapi"}" deps)
-    ]);
-    buildDependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."winapi_build"."${deps."kernel32_sys"."0.2.2"."winapi_build"}" deps)
-    ]);
-  };
-  features_.kernel32_sys."0.2.2" = deps: f: updateFeatures f ({
-    kernel32_sys."0.2.2".default = (f.kernel32_sys."0.2.2".default or true);
-    winapi."${deps.kernel32_sys."0.2.2".winapi}".default = true;
-    winapi_build."${deps.kernel32_sys."0.2.2".winapi_build}".default = true;
-  }) [
-    (features_.winapi."${deps."kernel32_sys"."0.2.2"."winapi"}" deps)
-    (features_.winapi_build."${deps."kernel32_sys"."0.2.2"."winapi_build"}" deps)
-  ];
-# end
-# lazy_static-0.2.11
-  crates.lazy_static."0.2.11" = deps: { features?(features_.lazy_static."0.2.11" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "lazy_static";
-    version = "0.2.11";
-    description = "A macro for declaring lazily evaluated statics in Rust.";
-    authors = [ "Marvin Löbel <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1x6871cvpy5b96yv4c7jvpq316fp5d4609s9py7qk6cd6x9k34vm";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-    features = mkFeatures (features."lazy_static"."0.2.11" or {});
-  };
-  features_.lazy_static."0.2.11" = deps: f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    lazy_static = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "0.2.11"."compiletest_rs" =
-        (f.lazy_static."0.2.11"."compiletest_rs" or false) ||
-        (f.lazy_static."0.2.11".compiletest or false) ||
-        (lazy_static."0.2.11"."compiletest" or false); }
-      { "0.2.11"."nightly" =
-        (f.lazy_static."0.2.11"."nightly" or false) ||
-        (f.lazy_static."0.2.11".spin_no_std or false) ||
-        (lazy_static."0.2.11"."spin_no_std" or false); }
-      { "0.2.11"."spin" =
-        (f.lazy_static."0.2.11"."spin" or false) ||
-        (f.lazy_static."0.2.11".spin_no_std or false) ||
-        (lazy_static."0.2.11"."spin_no_std" or false); }
-      { "0.2.11".default = (f.lazy_static."0.2.11".default or true); }
-    ];
-  }) [];
-# end
-# lazy_static-1.2.0
-  crates.lazy_static."1.2.0" = deps: { features?(features_.lazy_static."1.2.0" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "lazy_static";
-    version = "1.2.0";
-    description = "A macro for declaring lazily evaluated statics in Rust.";
-    authors = [ "Marvin Löbel <>" ];
-    sha256 = "07p3b30k2akyr6xw08ggd5qiz5nw3vd3agggj360fcc1njz7d0ss";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-    features = mkFeatures (features."lazy_static"."1.2.0" or {});
-  };
-  features_.lazy_static."1.2.0" = deps: f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    lazy_static = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "1.2.0"."spin" =
-        (f.lazy_static."1.2.0"."spin" or false) ||
-        (f.lazy_static."1.2.0".spin_no_std or false) ||
-        (lazy_static."1.2.0"."spin_no_std" or false); }
-      { "1.2.0".default = (f.lazy_static."1.2.0".default or true); }
-    ];
-  }) [];
-# end
-# libc-0.2.44
-  crates.libc."0.2.44" = deps: { features?(features_.libc."0.2.44" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "libc";
-    version = "0.2.44";
-    description = "A library for types and bindings to native C functions often found in libc or\nother common platform libraries.\n";
-    authors = [ "The Rust Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "17a7p0lcf3qwl1pcxffdflgnx8zr2659mgzzg4zi5fnv1mlj3q6z";
-    build = "";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-    features = mkFeatures (features."libc"."0.2.44" or {});
-  };
-  features_.libc."0.2.44" = deps: f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    libc = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "0.2.44"."align" =
-        (f.libc."0.2.44"."align" or false) ||
-        (f.libc."0.2.44".rustc-dep-of-std or false) ||
-        (libc."0.2.44"."rustc-dep-of-std" or false); }
-      { "0.2.44"."rustc-std-workspace-core" =
-        (f.libc."0.2.44"."rustc-std-workspace-core" or false) ||
-        (f.libc."0.2.44".rustc-dep-of-std or false) ||
-        (libc."0.2.44"."rustc-dep-of-std" or false); }
-      { "0.2.44"."use_std" =
-        (f.libc."0.2.44"."use_std" or false) ||
-        (f.libc."0.2.44".default or false) ||
-        (libc."0.2.44"."default" or false); }
-      { "0.2.44".default = (f.libc."0.2.44".default or true); }
-    ];
-  }) [];
-# end
-# libloading-0.3.4
-  crates.libloading."0.3.4" = deps: { features?(features_.libloading."0.3.4" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "libloading";
-    version = "0.3.4";
-    description = "A safer binding to platform’s dynamic library loading utilities";
-    authors = [ "Simonas Kazlauskas <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1f2vy32cr434n638nv8sdf05iwa53q9q5ahlcpw1l9ywh1bcbhf1";
-    build = "";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."lazy_static"."${deps."libloading"."0.3.4"."lazy_static"}" deps)
-    ])
-      ++ (if kernel == "windows" then mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."kernel32_sys"."${deps."libloading"."0.3.4"."kernel32_sys"}" deps)
-      (crates."winapi"."${deps."libloading"."0.3.4"."winapi"}" deps)
-    ]) else []);
-    buildDependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."target_build_utils"."${deps."libloading"."0.3.4"."target_build_utils"}" deps)
-    ]);
-  };
-  features_.libloading."0.3.4" = deps: f: updateFeatures f ({
-    kernel32_sys."${deps.libloading."0.3.4".kernel32_sys}".default = true;
-    lazy_static."${deps.libloading."0.3.4".lazy_static}".default = true;
-    libloading."0.3.4".default = (f.libloading."0.3.4".default or true);
-    target_build_utils."${deps.libloading."0.3.4".target_build_utils}".default = true;
-    winapi."${deps.libloading."0.3.4".winapi}".default = true;
-  }) [
-    (features_.lazy_static."${deps."libloading"."0.3.4"."lazy_static"}" deps)
-    (features_.target_build_utils."${deps."libloading"."0.3.4"."target_build_utils"}" deps)
-    (features_.kernel32_sys."${deps."libloading"."0.3.4"."kernel32_sys"}" deps)
-    (features_.winapi."${deps."libloading"."0.3.4"."winapi"}" deps)
-  ];
-# end
-# libloading-0.5.0
-  crates.libloading."0.5.0" = deps: { features?(features_.libloading."0.5.0" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "libloading";
-    version = "0.5.0";
-    description = "A safer binding to platform’s dynamic library loading utilities";
-    authors = [ "Simonas Kazlauskas <>" ];
-    sha256 = "11vzjaka1y979aril4ggwp33p35yz2isvx9m5w88r5sdcmq6iscn";
-    build = "";
-    dependencies = (if kernel == "windows" then mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."winapi"."${deps."libloading"."0.5.0"."winapi"}" deps)
-    ]) else []);
-    buildDependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."cc"."${deps."libloading"."0.5.0"."cc"}" deps)
-    ]);
-  };
-  features_.libloading."0.5.0" = deps: f: updateFeatures f ({
-    cc."${deps.libloading."0.5.0".cc}".default = true;
-    libloading."0.5.0".default = (f.libloading."0.5.0".default or true);
-    winapi = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "${deps.libloading."0.5.0".winapi}"."errhandlingapi" = true; }
-      { "${deps.libloading."0.5.0".winapi}"."libloaderapi" = true; }
-      { "${deps.libloading."0.5.0".winapi}"."winerror" = true; }
-      { "${deps.libloading."0.5.0".winapi}".default = true; }
-    ];
-  }) [
-    ("${deps."libloading"."0.5.0"."cc"}" deps)
-    (features_.winapi."${deps."libloading"."0.5.0"."winapi"}" deps)
-  ];
-# end
-# log-0.3.9
-  crates.log."0.3.9" = deps: { features?(features_.log."0.3.9" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "log";
-    version = "0.3.9";
-    description = "A lightweight logging facade for Rust\n";
-    authors = [ "The Rust Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "19i9pwp7lhaqgzangcpw00kc3zsgcqcx84crv07xgz3v7d3kvfa2";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."log"."${deps."log"."0.3.9"."log"}" deps)
-    ]);
-    features = mkFeatures (features."log"."0.3.9" or {});
-  };
-  features_.log."0.3.9" = deps: f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    log = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "${deps.log."0.3.9".log}"."max_level_debug" =
-        (f.log."${deps.log."0.3.9".log}"."max_level_debug" or false) ||
-        (log."0.3.9"."max_level_debug" or false) ||
-        (f."log"."0.3.9"."max_level_debug" or false); }
-      { "${deps.log."0.3.9".log}"."max_level_error" =
-        (f.log."${deps.log."0.3.9".log}"."max_level_error" or false) ||
-        (log."0.3.9"."max_level_error" or false) ||
-        (f."log"."0.3.9"."max_level_error" or false); }
-      { "${deps.log."0.3.9".log}"."max_level_info" =
-        (f.log."${deps.log."0.3.9".log}"."max_level_info" or false) ||
-        (log."0.3.9"."max_level_info" or false) ||
-        (f."log"."0.3.9"."max_level_info" or false); }
-      { "${deps.log."0.3.9".log}"."max_level_off" =
-        (f.log."${deps.log."0.3.9".log}"."max_level_off" or false) ||
-        (log."0.3.9"."max_level_off" or false) ||
-        (f."log"."0.3.9"."max_level_off" or false); }
-      { "${deps.log."0.3.9".log}"."max_level_trace" =
-        (f.log."${deps.log."0.3.9".log}"."max_level_trace" or false) ||
-        (log."0.3.9"."max_level_trace" or false) ||
-        (f."log"."0.3.9"."max_level_trace" or false); }
-      { "${deps.log."0.3.9".log}"."max_level_warn" =
-        (f.log."${deps.log."0.3.9".log}"."max_level_warn" or false) ||
-        (log."0.3.9"."max_level_warn" or false) ||
-        (f."log"."0.3.9"."max_level_warn" or false); }
-      { "${deps.log."0.3.9".log}"."release_max_level_debug" =
-        (f.log."${deps.log."0.3.9".log}"."release_max_level_debug" or false) ||
-        (log."0.3.9"."release_max_level_debug" or false) ||
-        (f."log"."0.3.9"."release_max_level_debug" or false); }
-      { "${deps.log."0.3.9".log}"."release_max_level_error" =
-        (f.log."${deps.log."0.3.9".log}"."release_max_level_error" or false) ||
-        (log."0.3.9"."release_max_level_error" or false) ||
-        (f."log"."0.3.9"."release_max_level_error" or false); }
-      { "${deps.log."0.3.9".log}"."release_max_level_info" =
-        (f.log."${deps.log."0.3.9".log}"."release_max_level_info" or false) ||
-        (log."0.3.9"."release_max_level_info" or false) ||
-        (f."log"."0.3.9"."release_max_level_info" or false); }
-      { "${deps.log."0.3.9".log}"."release_max_level_off" =
-        (f.log."${deps.log."0.3.9".log}"."release_max_level_off" or false) ||
-        (log."0.3.9"."release_max_level_off" or false) ||
-        (f."log"."0.3.9"."release_max_level_off" or false); }
-      { "${deps.log."0.3.9".log}"."release_max_level_trace" =
-        (f.log."${deps.log."0.3.9".log}"."release_max_level_trace" or false) ||
-        (log."0.3.9"."release_max_level_trace" or false) ||
-        (f."log"."0.3.9"."release_max_level_trace" or false); }
-      { "${deps.log."0.3.9".log}"."release_max_level_warn" =
-        (f.log."${deps.log."0.3.9".log}"."release_max_level_warn" or false) ||
-        (log."0.3.9"."release_max_level_warn" or false) ||
-        (f."log"."0.3.9"."release_max_level_warn" or false); }
-      { "${deps.log."0.3.9".log}"."std" =
-        (f.log."${deps.log."0.3.9".log}"."std" or false) ||
-        (log."0.3.9"."use_std" or false) ||
-        (f."log"."0.3.9"."use_std" or false); }
-      { "${deps.log."0.3.9".log}".default = true; }
-      { "0.3.9"."use_std" =
-        (f.log."0.3.9"."use_std" or false) ||
-        (f.log."0.3.9".default or false) ||
-        (log."0.3.9"."default" or false); }
-      { "0.3.9".default = (f.log."0.3.9".default or true); }
-    ];
-  }) [
-    (features_.log."${deps."log"."0.3.9"."log"}" deps)
-  ];
-# end
-# log-0.4.6
-  crates.log."0.4.6" = deps: { features?(features_.log."0.4.6" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "log";
-    version = "0.4.6";
-    description = "A lightweight logging facade for Rust\n";
-    authors = [ "The Rust Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "1nd8dl9mvc9vd6fks5d4gsxaz990xi6rzlb8ymllshmwi153vngr";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."cfg_if"."${deps."log"."0.4.6"."cfg_if"}" deps)
-    ]);
-    features = mkFeatures (features."log"."0.4.6" or {});
-  };
-  features_.log."0.4.6" = deps: f: updateFeatures f ({
-    cfg_if."${deps.log."0.4.6".cfg_if}".default = true;
-    log."0.4.6".default = (f.log."0.4.6".default or true);
-  }) [
-    (features_.cfg_if."${deps."log"."0.4.6"."cfg_if"}" deps)
-  ];
-# end
-# memchr-0.1.11
-  crates.memchr."0.1.11" = deps: { features?(features_.memchr."0.1.11" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "memchr";
-    version = "0.1.11";
-    description = "Safe interface to memchr.";
-    authors = [ "Andrew Gallant <>" "bluss" ];
-    sha256 = "0x73jghamvxxq5fsw9wb0shk5m6qp3q6fsf0nibn0i6bbqkw91s8";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."libc"."${deps."memchr"."0.1.11"."libc"}" deps)
-    ]);
-  };
-  features_.memchr."0.1.11" = deps: f: updateFeatures f ({
-    libc."${deps.memchr."0.1.11".libc}".default = true;
-    memchr."0.1.11".default = (f.memchr."0.1.11".default or true);
-  }) [
-    (features_.libc."${deps."memchr"."0.1.11"."libc"}" deps)
-  ];
-# end
-# nix-0.6.0
-  crates.nix."0.6.0" = deps: { features?(features_.nix."0.6.0" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "nix";
-    version = "0.6.0";
-    description = "Rust friendly bindings to *nix APIs";
-    authors = [ "Carl Lerche <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1bgh75y897isnxbw3vd79vns9h6q4d59p1cgv9c4laysyw6fkqwf";
-    build = "";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."bitflags"."${deps."nix"."0.6.0"."bitflags"}" deps)
-      (crates."cfg_if"."${deps."nix"."0.6.0"."cfg_if"}" deps)
-      (crates."libc"."${deps."nix"."0.6.0"."libc"}" deps)
-      (crates."void"."${deps."nix"."0.6.0"."void"}" deps)
-    ]);
-    buildDependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."rustc_version"."${deps."nix"."0.6.0"."rustc_version"}" deps)
-      (crates."semver"."${deps."nix"."0.6.0"."semver"}" deps)
-    ]);
-    features = mkFeatures (features."nix"."0.6.0" or {});
-  };
-  features_.nix."0.6.0" = deps: f: updateFeatures f ({
-    bitflags."${deps.nix."0.6.0".bitflags}".default = true;
-    cfg_if."${deps.nix."0.6.0".cfg_if}".default = true;
-    libc."${deps.nix."0.6.0".libc}".default = true;
-    nix."0.6.0".default = (f.nix."0.6.0".default or true);
-    rustc_version."${deps.nix."0.6.0".rustc_version}".default = true;
-    semver."${deps.nix."0.6.0".semver}".default = true;
-    void."${deps.nix."0.6.0".void}".default = true;
-  }) [
-    (features_.bitflags."${deps."nix"."0.6.0"."bitflags"}" deps)
-    (features_.cfg_if."${deps."nix"."0.6.0"."cfg_if"}" deps)
-    (features_.libc."${deps."nix"."0.6.0"."libc"}" deps)
-    (features_.void."${deps."nix"."0.6.0"."void"}" deps)
-    (features_.rustc_version."${deps."nix"."0.6.0"."rustc_version"}" deps)
-    (features_.semver."${deps."nix"."0.6.0"."semver"}" deps)
-  ];
-# end
-# nix-0.9.0
-  crates.nix."0.9.0" = deps: { features?(features_.nix."0.9.0" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "nix";
-    version = "0.9.0";
-    description = "Rust friendly bindings to *nix APIs";
-    authors = [ "The nix-rust Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "00p63bphzwwn460rja5l2wcpgmv7ljf7illf6n95cppx63d180q0";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."bitflags"."${deps."nix"."0.9.0"."bitflags"}" deps)
-      (crates."cfg_if"."${deps."nix"."0.9.0"."cfg_if"}" deps)
-      (crates."libc"."${deps."nix"."0.9.0"."libc"}" deps)
-      (crates."void"."${deps."nix"."0.9.0"."void"}" deps)
-    ]);
-  };
-  features_.nix."0.9.0" = deps: f: updateFeatures f ({
-    bitflags."${deps.nix."0.9.0".bitflags}".default = true;
-    cfg_if."${deps.nix."0.9.0".cfg_if}".default = true;
-    libc."${deps.nix."0.9.0".libc}".default = true;
-    nix."0.9.0".default = (f.nix."0.9.0".default or true);
-    void."${deps.nix."0.9.0".void}".default = true;
-  }) [
-    (features_.bitflags."${deps."nix"."0.9.0"."bitflags"}" deps)
-    (features_.cfg_if."${deps."nix"."0.9.0"."cfg_if"}" deps)
-    (features_.libc."${deps."nix"."0.9.0"."libc"}" deps)
-    (features_.void."${deps."nix"."0.9.0"."void"}" deps)
-  ];
-# end
-# num-traits-0.1.43
-  crates.num_traits."0.1.43" = deps: { features?(features_.num_traits."0.1.43" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "num-traits";
-    version = "0.1.43";
-    description = "Numeric traits for generic mathematics";
-    authors = [ "The Rust Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "1zdzx78vrcg3f39w94pqjs1mwxl1phyv7843hwgwkzggwcxhhf6s";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."num_traits"."${deps."num_traits"."0.1.43"."num_traits"}" deps)
-    ]);
-  };
-  features_.num_traits."0.1.43" = deps: f: updateFeatures f ({
-    num_traits = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "${deps.num_traits."0.1.43".num_traits}".default = true; }
-      { "0.1.43".default = (f.num_traits."0.1.43".default or true); }
-    ];
-  }) [
-    (features_.num_traits."${deps."num_traits"."0.1.43"."num_traits"}" deps)
-  ];
-# end
-# num-traits-0.2.6
-  crates.num_traits."0.2.6" = deps: { features?(features_.num_traits."0.2.6" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "num-traits";
-    version = "0.2.6";
-    description = "Numeric traits for generic mathematics";
-    authors = [ "The Rust Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "1d20sil9n0wgznd1nycm3yjfj1mzyl41ambb7by1apxlyiil1azk";
-    build = "";
-    features = mkFeatures (features."num_traits"."0.2.6" or {});
-  };
-  features_.num_traits."0.2.6" = deps: f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    num_traits = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "0.2.6"."std" =
-        (f.num_traits."0.2.6"."std" or false) ||
-        (f.num_traits."0.2.6".default or false) ||
-        (num_traits."0.2.6"."default" or false); }
-      { "0.2.6".default = (f.num_traits."0.2.6".default or true); }
-    ];
-  }) [];
-# end
-# ordermap-0.3.5
-  crates.ordermap."0.3.5" = deps: { features?(features_.ordermap."0.3.5" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "ordermap";
-    version = "0.3.5";
-    description = "A hash table with consistent order and fast iteration.";
-    authors = [ "bluss" ];
-    sha256 = "0b6vxfyh627yqm6war3392g1hhi4dbn49ibx2qv6mv490jdhv7d3";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-    features = mkFeatures (features."ordermap"."0.3.5" or {});
-  };
-  features_.ordermap."0.3.5" = deps: f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    ordermap = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "0.3.5"."serde" =
-        (f.ordermap."0.3.5"."serde" or false) ||
-        (f.ordermap."0.3.5".serde-1 or false) ||
-        (ordermap."0.3.5"."serde-1" or false); }
-      { "0.3.5".default = (f.ordermap."0.3.5".default or true); }
-    ];
-  }) [];
-# end
-# petgraph-0.4.13
-  crates.petgraph."0.4.13" = deps: { features?(features_.petgraph."0.4.13" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "petgraph";
-    version = "0.4.13";
-    description = "Graph data structure library. Provides graph types and graph algorithms.";
-    authors = [ "bluss" "mitchmindtree" ];
-    sha256 = "0a8k12b9vd0bndwqhafa853w186axdw05bv4kqjimyaz67428g1i";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."fixedbitset"."${deps."petgraph"."0.4.13"."fixedbitset"}" deps)
-    ]
-      ++ (if features.petgraph."0.4.13".ordermap or false then [ (crates.ordermap."${deps."petgraph"."0.4.13".ordermap}" deps) ] else []));
-    features = mkFeatures (features."petgraph"."0.4.13" or {});
-  };
-  features_.petgraph."0.4.13" = deps: f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    fixedbitset."${deps.petgraph."0.4.13".fixedbitset}".default = true;
-    ordermap."${deps.petgraph."0.4.13".ordermap}".default = true;
-    petgraph = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "0.4.13"."generate" =
-        (f.petgraph."0.4.13"."generate" or false) ||
-        (f.petgraph."0.4.13".unstable or false) ||
-        (petgraph."0.4.13"."unstable" or false); }
-      { "0.4.13"."graphmap" =
-        (f.petgraph."0.4.13"."graphmap" or false) ||
-        (f.petgraph."0.4.13".all or false) ||
-        (petgraph."0.4.13"."all" or false) ||
-        (f.petgraph."0.4.13".default or false) ||
-        (petgraph."0.4.13"."default" or false); }
-      { "0.4.13"."ordermap" =
-        (f.petgraph."0.4.13"."ordermap" or false) ||
-        (f.petgraph."0.4.13".graphmap or false) ||
-        (petgraph."0.4.13"."graphmap" or false); }
-      { "0.4.13"."quickcheck" =
-        (f.petgraph."0.4.13"."quickcheck" or false) ||
-        (f.petgraph."0.4.13".all or false) ||
-        (petgraph."0.4.13"."all" or false); }
-      { "0.4.13"."serde" =
-        (f.petgraph."0.4.13"."serde" or false) ||
-        (f.petgraph."0.4.13".serde-1 or false) ||
-        (petgraph."0.4.13"."serde-1" or false); }
-      { "0.4.13"."serde_derive" =
-        (f.petgraph."0.4.13"."serde_derive" or false) ||
-        (f.petgraph."0.4.13".serde-1 or false) ||
-        (petgraph."0.4.13"."serde-1" or false); }
-      { "0.4.13"."stable_graph" =
-        (f.petgraph."0.4.13"."stable_graph" or false) ||
-        (f.petgraph."0.4.13".all or false) ||
-        (petgraph."0.4.13"."all" or false) ||
-        (f.petgraph."0.4.13".default or false) ||
-        (petgraph."0.4.13"."default" or false); }
-      { "0.4.13"."unstable" =
-        (f.petgraph."0.4.13"."unstable" or false) ||
-        (f.petgraph."0.4.13".all or false) ||
-        (petgraph."0.4.13"."all" or false); }
-      { "0.4.13".default = (f.petgraph."0.4.13".default or true); }
-    ];
-  }) [
-    (features_.fixedbitset."${deps."petgraph"."0.4.13"."fixedbitset"}" deps)
-    (features_.ordermap."${deps."petgraph"."0.4.13"."ordermap"}" deps)
-  ];
-# end
-# phf-0.7.23
-  crates.phf."0.7.23" = deps: { features?(features_.phf."0.7.23" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "phf";
-    version = "0.7.23";
-    description = "Runtime support for perfect hash function data structures";
-    authors = [ "Steven Fackler <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0annmaf9mmm12g2cdwpip32p674pmsf6xpiwa27mz3glmz73y8aq";
-    libPath = "src/";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."phf_shared"."${deps."phf"."0.7.23"."phf_shared"}" deps)
-    ]);
-    features = mkFeatures (features."phf"."0.7.23" or {});
-  };
-  features_.phf."0.7.23" = deps: f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    phf."0.7.23".default = (f.phf."0.7.23".default or true);
-    phf_shared = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "${deps.phf."0.7.23".phf_shared}"."core" =
-        (f.phf_shared."${deps.phf."0.7.23".phf_shared}"."core" or false) ||
-        (phf."0.7.23"."core" or false) ||
-        (f."phf"."0.7.23"."core" or false); }
-      { "${deps.phf."0.7.23".phf_shared}"."unicase" =
-        (f.phf_shared."${deps.phf."0.7.23".phf_shared}"."unicase" or false) ||
-        (phf."0.7.23"."unicase" or false) ||
-        (f."phf"."0.7.23"."unicase" or false); }
-      { "${deps.phf."0.7.23".phf_shared}".default = true; }
-    ];
-  }) [
-    (features_.phf_shared."${deps."phf"."0.7.23"."phf_shared"}" deps)
-  ];
-# end
-# phf_codegen-0.7.23
-  crates.phf_codegen."0.7.23" = deps: { features?(features_.phf_codegen."0.7.23" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "phf_codegen";
-    version = "0.7.23";
-    description = "Codegen library for PHF types";
-    authors = [ "Steven Fackler <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0k5ly0qykw56fxd19iy236wzghqdxq9zxnzcg8nm22cfzw4a35n0";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."phf_generator"."${deps."phf_codegen"."0.7.23"."phf_generator"}" deps)
-      (crates."phf_shared"."${deps."phf_codegen"."0.7.23"."phf_shared"}" deps)
-    ]);
-  };
-  features_.phf_codegen."0.7.23" = deps: f: updateFeatures f ({
-    phf_codegen."0.7.23".default = (f.phf_codegen."0.7.23".default or true);
-    phf_generator."${deps.phf_codegen."0.7.23".phf_generator}".default = true;
-    phf_shared."${deps.phf_codegen."0.7.23".phf_shared}".default = true;
-  }) [
-    (features_.phf_generator."${deps."phf_codegen"."0.7.23"."phf_generator"}" deps)
-    (features_.phf_shared."${deps."phf_codegen"."0.7.23"."phf_shared"}" deps)
-  ];
-# end
-# phf_generator-0.7.23
-  crates.phf_generator."0.7.23" = deps: { features?(features_.phf_generator."0.7.23" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "phf_generator";
-    version = "0.7.23";
-    description = "PHF generation logic";
-    authors = [ "Steven Fackler <>" ];
-    sha256 = "106cd0bx3jf7mf2gaa8nx62c1las1w95c5gwsd4yqm5lj2rj4mza";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."phf_shared"."${deps."phf_generator"."0.7.23"."phf_shared"}" deps)
-      (crates."rand"."${deps."phf_generator"."0.7.23"."rand"}" deps)
-    ]);
-  };
-  features_.phf_generator."0.7.23" = deps: f: updateFeatures f ({
-    phf_generator."0.7.23".default = (f.phf_generator."0.7.23".default or true);
-    phf_shared."${deps.phf_generator."0.7.23".phf_shared}".default = true;
-    rand."${deps.phf_generator."0.7.23".rand}".default = true;
-  }) [
-    (features_.phf_shared."${deps."phf_generator"."0.7.23"."phf_shared"}" deps)
-    (features_.rand."${deps."phf_generator"."0.7.23"."rand"}" deps)
-  ];
-# end
-# phf_shared-0.7.23
-  crates.phf_shared."0.7.23" = deps: { features?(features_.phf_shared."0.7.23" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "phf_shared";
-    version = "0.7.23";
-    description = "Support code shared by PHF libraries";
-    authors = [ "Steven Fackler <>" ];
-    sha256 = "04gzsq9vg9j8cr39hpkddxb0yqjdknvcpnylw112rqamy7ml4fy1";
-    libPath = "src/";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."siphasher"."${deps."phf_shared"."0.7.23"."siphasher"}" deps)
-    ]);
-    features = mkFeatures (features."phf_shared"."0.7.23" or {});
-  };
-  features_.phf_shared."0.7.23" = deps: f: updateFeatures f ({
-    phf_shared."0.7.23".default = (f.phf_shared."0.7.23".default or true);
-    siphasher."${deps.phf_shared."0.7.23".siphasher}".default = true;
-  }) [
-    (features_.siphasher."${deps."phf_shared"."0.7.23"."siphasher"}" deps)
-  ];
-# end
-# pkg-config-0.3.14
-  crates.pkg_config."0.3.14" = deps: { features?(features_.pkg_config."0.3.14" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "pkg-config";
-    version = "0.3.14";
-    description = "A library to run the pkg-config system tool at build time in order to be used in\nCargo build scripts.\n";
-    authors = [ "Alex Crichton <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0207fsarrm412j0dh87lfcas72n8mxar7q3mgflsbsrqnb140sv6";
-  };
-  features_.pkg_config."0.3.14" = deps: f: updateFeatures f ({
-    pkg_config."0.3.14".default = (f.pkg_config."0.3.14".default or true);
-  }) [];
-# end
-# rand-0.3.22
-  crates.rand."0.3.22" = deps: { features?(features_.rand."0.3.22" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "rand";
-    version = "0.3.22";
-    description = "Random number generators and other randomness functionality.\n";
-    authors = [ "The Rust Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "0wrj12acx7l4hr7ag3nz8b50yhp8ancyq988bzmnnsxln67rsys0";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."libc"."${deps."rand"."0.3.22"."libc"}" deps)
-      (crates."rand"."${deps."rand"."0.3.22"."rand"}" deps)
-    ])
-      ++ (if kernel == "fuchsia" then mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."fuchsia_zircon"."${deps."rand"."0.3.22"."fuchsia_zircon"}" deps)
-    ]) else []);
-    features = mkFeatures (features."rand"."0.3.22" or {});
-  };
-  features_.rand."0.3.22" = deps: f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    fuchsia_zircon."${deps.rand."0.3.22".fuchsia_zircon}".default = true;
-    libc."${deps.rand."0.3.22".libc}".default = true;
-    rand = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "${deps.rand."0.3.22".rand}".default = true; }
-      { "0.3.22"."i128_support" =
-        (f.rand."0.3.22"."i128_support" or false) ||
-        (f.rand."0.3.22".nightly or false) ||
-        (rand."0.3.22"."nightly" or false); }
-      { "0.3.22".default = (f.rand."0.3.22".default or true); }
-    ];
-  }) [
-    (features_.libc."${deps."rand"."0.3.22"."libc"}" deps)
-    (features_.rand."${deps."rand"."0.3.22"."rand"}" deps)
-    (features_.fuchsia_zircon."${deps."rand"."0.3.22"."fuchsia_zircon"}" deps)
-  ];
-# end
-# rand-0.4.3
-  crates.rand."0.4.3" = deps: { features?(features_.rand."0.4.3" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "rand";
-    version = "0.4.3";
-    description = "Random number generators and other randomness functionality.\n";
-    authors = [ "The Rust Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "1644wri45l147822xy7dgdm4k7myxzs66cb795ga0x7dan11ci4f";
-    dependencies = (if kernel == "fuchsia" then mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."fuchsia_zircon"."${deps."rand"."0.4.3"."fuchsia_zircon"}" deps)
-    ]) else [])
-      ++ (if (kernel == "linux" || kernel == "darwin") then mapFeatures features ([
-    ]
-      ++ (if features.rand."0.4.3".libc or false then [ (crates.libc."${deps."rand"."0.4.3".libc}" deps) ] else [])) else [])
-      ++ (if kernel == "windows" then mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."winapi"."${deps."rand"."0.4.3"."winapi"}" deps)
-    ]) else []);
-    features = mkFeatures (features."rand"."0.4.3" or {});
-  };
-  features_.rand."0.4.3" = deps: f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    fuchsia_zircon."${deps.rand."0.4.3".fuchsia_zircon}".default = true;
-    libc."${deps.rand."0.4.3".libc}".default = true;
-    rand = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "0.4.3"."i128_support" =
-        (f.rand."0.4.3"."i128_support" or false) ||
-        (f.rand."0.4.3".nightly or false) ||
-        (rand."0.4.3"."nightly" or false); }
-      { "0.4.3"."libc" =
-        (f.rand."0.4.3"."libc" or false) ||
-        (f.rand."0.4.3".std or false) ||
-        (rand."0.4.3"."std" or false); }
-      { "0.4.3"."std" =
-        (f.rand."0.4.3"."std" or false) ||
-        (f.rand."0.4.3".default or false) ||
-        (rand."0.4.3"."default" or false); }
-      { "0.4.3".default = (f.rand."0.4.3".default or true); }
-    ];
-    winapi = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "${deps.rand."0.4.3".winapi}"."minwindef" = true; }
-      { "${deps.rand."0.4.3".winapi}"."ntsecapi" = true; }
-      { "${deps.rand."0.4.3".winapi}"."profileapi" = true; }
-      { "${deps.rand."0.4.3".winapi}"."winnt" = true; }
-      { "${deps.rand."0.4.3".winapi}".default = true; }
-    ];
-  }) [
-    (features_.fuchsia_zircon."${deps."rand"."0.4.3"."fuchsia_zircon"}" deps)
-    (features_.libc."${deps."rand"."0.4.3"."libc"}" deps)
-    (features_.winapi."${deps."rand"."0.4.3"."winapi"}" deps)
-  ];
-# end
-# rand-0.5.5
-  crates.rand."0.5.5" = deps: { features?(features_.rand."0.5.5" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "rand";
-    version = "0.5.5";
-    description = "Random number generators and other randomness functionality.\n";
-    authors = [ "The Rust Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "0d7pnsh57qxhz1ghrzk113ddkn13kf2g758ffnbxq4nhwjfzhlc9";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."rand_core"."${deps."rand"."0.5.5"."rand_core"}" deps)
-    ])
-      ++ (if kernel == "cloudabi" then mapFeatures features ([
-    ]
-      ++ (if features.rand."0.5.5".cloudabi or false then [ (crates.cloudabi."${deps."rand"."0.5.5".cloudabi}" deps) ] else [])) else [])
-      ++ (if kernel == "fuchsia" then mapFeatures features ([
-    ]
-      ++ (if features.rand."0.5.5".fuchsia-zircon or false then [ (crates.fuchsia_zircon."${deps."rand"."0.5.5".fuchsia_zircon}" deps) ] else [])) else [])
-      ++ (if (kernel == "linux" || kernel == "darwin") then mapFeatures features ([
-    ]
-      ++ (if features.rand."0.5.5".libc or false then [ (crates.libc."${deps."rand"."0.5.5".libc}" deps) ] else [])) else [])
-      ++ (if kernel == "windows" then mapFeatures features ([
-    ]
-      ++ (if features.rand."0.5.5".winapi or false then [ (crates.winapi."${deps."rand"."0.5.5".winapi}" deps) ] else [])) else [])
-      ++ (if kernel == "wasm32-unknown-unknown" then mapFeatures features ([
-]) else []);
-    features = mkFeatures (features."rand"."0.5.5" or {});
-  };
-  features_.rand."0.5.5" = deps: f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    cloudabi."${deps.rand."0.5.5".cloudabi}".default = true;
-    fuchsia_zircon."${deps.rand."0.5.5".fuchsia_zircon}".default = true;
-    libc."${deps.rand."0.5.5".libc}".default = true;
-    rand = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "0.5.5"."alloc" =
-        (f.rand."0.5.5"."alloc" or false) ||
-        (f.rand."0.5.5".std or false) ||
-        (rand."0.5.5"."std" or false); }
-      { "0.5.5"."cloudabi" =
-        (f.rand."0.5.5"."cloudabi" or false) ||
-        (f.rand."0.5.5".std or false) ||
-        (rand."0.5.5"."std" or false); }
-      { "0.5.5"."fuchsia-zircon" =
-        (f.rand."0.5.5"."fuchsia-zircon" or false) ||
-        (f.rand."0.5.5".std or false) ||
-        (rand."0.5.5"."std" or false); }
-      { "0.5.5"."i128_support" =
-        (f.rand."0.5.5"."i128_support" or false) ||
-        (f.rand."0.5.5".nightly or false) ||
-        (rand."0.5.5"."nightly" or false); }
-      { "0.5.5"."libc" =
-        (f.rand."0.5.5"."libc" or false) ||
-        (f.rand."0.5.5".std or false) ||
-        (rand."0.5.5"."std" or false); }
-      { "0.5.5"."serde" =
-        (f.rand."0.5.5"."serde" or false) ||
-        (f.rand."0.5.5".serde1 or false) ||
-        (rand."0.5.5"."serde1" or false); }
-      { "0.5.5"."serde_derive" =
-        (f.rand."0.5.5"."serde_derive" or false) ||
-        (f.rand."0.5.5".serde1 or false) ||
-        (rand."0.5.5"."serde1" or false); }
-      { "0.5.5"."std" =
-        (f.rand."0.5.5"."std" or false) ||
-        (f.rand."0.5.5".default or false) ||
-        (rand."0.5.5"."default" or false); }
-      { "0.5.5"."winapi" =
-        (f.rand."0.5.5"."winapi" or false) ||
-        (f.rand."0.5.5".std or false) ||
-        (rand."0.5.5"."std" or false); }
-      { "0.5.5".default = (f.rand."0.5.5".default or true); }
-    ];
-    rand_core = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "${deps.rand."0.5.5".rand_core}"."alloc" =
-        (f.rand_core."${deps.rand."0.5.5".rand_core}"."alloc" or false) ||
-        (rand."0.5.5"."alloc" or false) ||
-        (f."rand"."0.5.5"."alloc" or false); }
-      { "${deps.rand."0.5.5".rand_core}"."serde1" =
-        (f.rand_core."${deps.rand."0.5.5".rand_core}"."serde1" or false) ||
-        (rand."0.5.5"."serde1" or false) ||
-        (f."rand"."0.5.5"."serde1" or false); }
-      { "${deps.rand."0.5.5".rand_core}"."std" =
-        (f.rand_core."${deps.rand."0.5.5".rand_core}"."std" or false) ||
-        (rand."0.5.5"."std" or false) ||
-        (f."rand"."0.5.5"."std" or false); }
-      { "${deps.rand."0.5.5".rand_core}".default = (f.rand_core."${deps.rand."0.5.5".rand_core}".default or false); }
-    ];
-    winapi = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "${deps.rand."0.5.5".winapi}"."minwindef" = true; }
-      { "${deps.rand."0.5.5".winapi}"."ntsecapi" = true; }
-      { "${deps.rand."0.5.5".winapi}"."profileapi" = true; }
-      { "${deps.rand."0.5.5".winapi}"."winnt" = true; }
-      { "${deps.rand."0.5.5".winapi}".default = true; }
-    ];
-  }) [
-    (features_.rand_core."${deps."rand"."0.5.5"."rand_core"}" deps)
-    (features_.cloudabi."${deps."rand"."0.5.5"."cloudabi"}" deps)
-    (features_.fuchsia_zircon."${deps."rand"."0.5.5"."fuchsia_zircon"}" deps)
-    (features_.libc."${deps."rand"."0.5.5"."libc"}" deps)
-    (features_.winapi."${deps."rand"."0.5.5"."winapi"}" deps)
-  ];
-# end
-# rand_core-0.2.2
-  crates.rand_core."0.2.2" = deps: { features?(features_.rand_core."0.2.2" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "rand_core";
-    version = "0.2.2";
-    description = "Core random number generator traits and tools for implementation.\n";
-    authors = [ "The Rust Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "1cxnaxmsirz2wxsajsjkd1wk6lqfqbcprqkha4bq3didznrl22sc";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."rand_core"."${deps."rand_core"."0.2.2"."rand_core"}" deps)
-    ]);
-    features = mkFeatures (features."rand_core"."0.2.2" or {});
-  };
-  features_.rand_core."0.2.2" = deps: f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    rand_core = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "${deps.rand_core."0.2.2".rand_core}"."alloc" =
-        (f.rand_core."${deps.rand_core."0.2.2".rand_core}"."alloc" or false) ||
-        (rand_core."0.2.2"."alloc" or false) ||
-        (f."rand_core"."0.2.2"."alloc" or false); }
-      { "${deps.rand_core."0.2.2".rand_core}"."serde1" =
-        (f.rand_core."${deps.rand_core."0.2.2".rand_core}"."serde1" or false) ||
-        (rand_core."0.2.2"."serde1" or false) ||
-        (f."rand_core"."0.2.2"."serde1" or false); }
-      { "${deps.rand_core."0.2.2".rand_core}"."std" =
-        (f.rand_core."${deps.rand_core."0.2.2".rand_core}"."std" or false) ||
-        (rand_core."0.2.2"."std" or false) ||
-        (f."rand_core"."0.2.2"."std" or false); }
-      { "${deps.rand_core."0.2.2".rand_core}".default = (f.rand_core."${deps.rand_core."0.2.2".rand_core}".default or false); }
-      { "0.2.2".default = (f.rand_core."0.2.2".default or true); }
-    ];
-  }) [
-    (features_.rand_core."${deps."rand_core"."0.2.2"."rand_core"}" deps)
-  ];
-# end
-# rand_core-0.3.0
-  crates.rand_core."0.3.0" = deps: { features?(features_.rand_core."0.3.0" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "rand_core";
-    version = "0.3.0";
-    description = "Core random number generator traits and tools for implementation.\n";
-    authors = [ "The Rust Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "1vafw316apjys9va3j987s02djhqp7y21v671v3ix0p5j9bjq339";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-    features = mkFeatures (features."rand_core"."0.3.0" or {});
-  };
-  features_.rand_core."0.3.0" = deps: f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    rand_core = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "0.3.0"."alloc" =
-        (f.rand_core."0.3.0"."alloc" or false) ||
-        (f.rand_core."0.3.0".std or false) ||
-        (rand_core."0.3.0"."std" or false); }
-      { "0.3.0"."serde" =
-        (f.rand_core."0.3.0"."serde" or false) ||
-        (f.rand_core."0.3.0".serde1 or false) ||
-        (rand_core."0.3.0"."serde1" or false); }
-      { "0.3.0"."serde_derive" =
-        (f.rand_core."0.3.0"."serde_derive" or false) ||
-        (f.rand_core."0.3.0".serde1 or false) ||
-        (rand_core."0.3.0"."serde1" or false); }
-      { "0.3.0"."std" =
-        (f.rand_core."0.3.0"."std" or false) ||
-        (f.rand_core."0.3.0".default or false) ||
-        (rand_core."0.3.0"."default" or false); }
-      { "0.3.0".default = (f.rand_core."0.3.0".default or true); }
-    ];
-  }) [];
-# end
-# regex-0.1.80
-  crates.regex."0.1.80" = deps: { features?(features_.regex."0.1.80" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "regex";
-    version = "0.1.80";
-    description = "An implementation of regular expressions for Rust. This implementation uses\nfinite automata and guarantees linear time matching on all inputs.\n";
-    authors = [ "The Rust Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "0y4s8ghhx6sgzb35irwivm3w0l2hhqhmdcd2px9hirqnkagal9l6";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."aho_corasick"."${deps."regex"."0.1.80"."aho_corasick"}" deps)
-      (crates."memchr"."${deps."regex"."0.1.80"."memchr"}" deps)
-      (crates."regex_syntax"."${deps."regex"."0.1.80"."regex_syntax"}" deps)
-      (crates."thread_local"."${deps."regex"."0.1.80"."thread_local"}" deps)
-      (crates."utf8_ranges"."${deps."regex"."0.1.80"."utf8_ranges"}" deps)
-    ]);
-    features = mkFeatures (features."regex"."0.1.80" or {});
-  };
-  features_.regex."0.1.80" = deps: f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    aho_corasick."${deps.regex."0.1.80".aho_corasick}".default = true;
-    memchr."${deps.regex."0.1.80".memchr}".default = true;
-    regex = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "0.1.80"."simd" =
-        (f.regex."0.1.80"."simd" or false) ||
-        (f.regex."0.1.80".simd-accel or false) ||
-        (regex."0.1.80"."simd-accel" or false); }
-      { "0.1.80".default = (f.regex."0.1.80".default or true); }
-    ];
-    regex_syntax."${deps.regex."0.1.80".regex_syntax}".default = true;
-    thread_local."${deps.regex."0.1.80".thread_local}".default = true;
-    utf8_ranges."${deps.regex."0.1.80".utf8_ranges}".default = true;
-  }) [
-    (features_.aho_corasick."${deps."regex"."0.1.80"."aho_corasick"}" deps)
-    (features_.memchr."${deps."regex"."0.1.80"."memchr"}" deps)
-    (features_.regex_syntax."${deps."regex"."0.1.80"."regex_syntax"}" deps)
-    (features_.thread_local."${deps."regex"."0.1.80"."thread_local"}" deps)
-    (features_.utf8_ranges."${deps."regex"."0.1.80"."utf8_ranges"}" deps)
-  ];
-# end
-# regex-syntax-0.3.9
-  crates.regex_syntax."0.3.9" = deps: { features?(features_.regex_syntax."0.3.9" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "regex-syntax";
-    version = "0.3.9";
-    description = "A regular expression parser.";
-    authors = [ "The Rust Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "1mzhphkbwppwd1zam2jkgjk550cqgf6506i87bw2yzrvcsraiw7m";
-  };
-  features_.regex_syntax."0.3.9" = deps: f: updateFeatures f ({
-    regex_syntax."0.3.9".default = (f.regex_syntax."0.3.9".default or true);
-  }) [];
-# end
-# rlua-0.9.7
-  crates.rlua."0.9.7" = deps: { features?(features_.rlua."0.9.7" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "rlua";
-    version = "0.9.7";
-    description = "High level bindings to Lua 5.3";
-    authors = [ "kyren <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1671b5ga54aq49sqx69hvnjr732hf9jpqwswwxgpcqq8q05mfzgp";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."libc"."${deps."rlua"."0.9.7"."libc"}" deps)
-    ]);
-    buildDependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-    ]
-      ++ (if features.rlua."0.9.7".gcc or false then [ (crates.gcc."${deps."rlua"."0.9.7".gcc}" deps) ] else []));
-    features = mkFeatures (features."rlua"."0.9.7" or {});
-  };
-  features_.rlua."0.9.7" = deps: f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    gcc."${deps.rlua."0.9.7".gcc}".default = true;
-    libc."${deps.rlua."0.9.7".libc}".default = true;
-    rlua = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "0.9.7"."builtin-lua" =
-        (f.rlua."0.9.7"."builtin-lua" or false) ||
-        (f.rlua."0.9.7".default or false) ||
-        (rlua."0.9.7"."default" or false); }
-      { "0.9.7"."gcc" =
-        (f.rlua."0.9.7"."gcc" or false) ||
-        (f.rlua."0.9.7".builtin-lua or false) ||
-        (rlua."0.9.7"."builtin-lua" or false); }
-      { "0.9.7".default = (f.rlua."0.9.7".default or true); }
-    ];
-  }) [
-    (features_.libc."${deps."rlua"."0.9.7"."libc"}" deps)
-    (features_.gcc."${deps."rlua"."0.9.7"."gcc"}" deps)
-  ];
-# end
-# rustc-serialize-0.3.24
-  crates.rustc_serialize."0.3.24" = deps: { features?(features_.rustc_serialize."0.3.24" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "rustc-serialize";
-    version = "0.3.24";
-    description = "Generic serialization/deserialization support corresponding to the\n`derive(RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable)` mode in the compiler. Also includes\nsupport for hex, base64, and json encoding and decoding.\n";
-    authors = [ "The Rust Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "0rfk6p66mqkd3g36l0ddlv2rvnp1mp3lrq5frq9zz5cbnz5pmmxn";
-  };
-  features_.rustc_serialize."0.3.24" = deps: f: updateFeatures f ({
-    rustc_serialize."0.3.24".default = (f.rustc_serialize."0.3.24".default or true);
-  }) [];
-# end
-# rustc_version-0.1.7
-  crates.rustc_version."0.1.7" = deps: { features?(features_.rustc_version."0.1.7" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "rustc_version";
-    version = "0.1.7";
-    description = "A library for querying the version of a installed rustc compiler";
-    authors = [ "Marvin Löbel <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0plm9pbyvcwfibd0kbhzil9xmr1bvqi8fgwlfw0x4vali8s6s99p";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."semver"."${deps."rustc_version"."0.1.7"."semver"}" deps)
-    ]);
-  };
-  features_.rustc_version."0.1.7" = deps: f: updateFeatures f ({
-    rustc_version."0.1.7".default = (f.rustc_version."0.1.7".default or true);
-    semver."${deps.rustc_version."0.1.7".semver}".default = true;
-  }) [
-    (features_.semver."${deps."rustc_version"."0.1.7"."semver"}" deps)
-  ];
-# end
-# rustwlc-0.7.0
-  crates.rustwlc."0.7.0" = deps: { features?(features_.rustwlc."0.7.0" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "rustwlc";
-    version = "0.7.0";
-    description = "wlc Wayland library bindings for Rust";
-    authors = [ "Snirk Immington <>" "Timidger <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0gqi9pdw74al33ja25h33q68vnfklj3gpjgkiqqbr3gflgli5h1i";
-    build = "";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."bitflags"."${deps."rustwlc"."0.7.0"."bitflags"}" deps)
-      (crates."libc"."${deps."rustwlc"."0.7.0"."libc"}" deps)
-    ]
-      ++ (if features.rustwlc."0.7.0".wayland-sys or false then [ (crates.wayland_sys."${deps."rustwlc"."0.7.0".wayland_sys}" deps) ] else []));
-    features = mkFeatures (features."rustwlc"."0.7.0" or {});
-  };
-  features_.rustwlc."0.7.0" = deps: f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    bitflags."${deps.rustwlc."0.7.0".bitflags}".default = true;
-    libc."${deps.rustwlc."0.7.0".libc}".default = true;
-    rustwlc = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "0.7.0"."wayland-sys" =
-        (f.rustwlc."0.7.0"."wayland-sys" or false) ||
-        (f.rustwlc."0.7.0".wlc-wayland or false) ||
-        (rustwlc."0.7.0"."wlc-wayland" or false); }
-      { "0.7.0".default = (f.rustwlc."0.7.0".default or true); }
-    ];
-    wayland_sys = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "${deps.rustwlc."0.7.0".wayland_sys}"."server" = true; }
-      { "${deps.rustwlc."0.7.0".wayland_sys}".default = true; }
-    ];
-  }) [
-    (features_.bitflags."${deps."rustwlc"."0.7.0"."bitflags"}" deps)
-    (features_.libc."${deps."rustwlc"."0.7.0"."libc"}" deps)
-    (features_.wayland_sys."${deps."rustwlc"."0.7.0"."wayland_sys"}" deps)
-  ];
-# end
-# semver-0.1.20
-  crates.semver."0.1.20" = deps: { features?(features_.semver."0.1.20" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "semver";
-    version = "0.1.20";
-    description = "Semantic version parsing and comparison.\n";
-    authors = [ "The Rust Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "05cdig0071hls2k8lxbqmyqpl0zjmc53i2d43mwzps033b8njh4n";
-  };
-  features_.semver."0.1.20" = deps: f: updateFeatures f ({
-    semver."0.1.20".default = (f.semver."0.1.20".default or true);
-  }) [];
-# end
-# serde-0.9.15
-  crates.serde."0.9.15" = deps: { features?(features_.serde."0.9.15" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "serde";
-    version = "0.9.15";
-    description = "A generic serialization/deserialization framework";
-    authors = [ "Erick Tryzelaar <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0rlflkc57kvy69hnhj4arfsj7ic4hpihxsb00zg5lkdxfj5qjx9b";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-    features = mkFeatures (features."serde"."0.9.15" or {});
-  };
-  features_.serde."0.9.15" = deps: f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    serde = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "0.9.15"."alloc" =
-        (f.serde."0.9.15"."alloc" or false) ||
-        (f.serde."0.9.15".collections or false) ||
-        (serde."0.9.15"."collections" or false); }
-      { "0.9.15"."serde_derive" =
-        (f.serde."0.9.15"."serde_derive" or false) ||
-        (f.serde."0.9.15".derive or false) ||
-        (serde."0.9.15"."derive" or false) ||
-        (f.serde."0.9.15".playground or false) ||
-        (serde."0.9.15"."playground" or false); }
-      { "0.9.15"."std" =
-        (f.serde."0.9.15"."std" or false) ||
-        (f.serde."0.9.15".default or false) ||
-        (serde."0.9.15"."default" or false) ||
-        (f.serde."0.9.15".unstable-testing or false) ||
-        (serde."0.9.15"."unstable-testing" or false); }
-      { "0.9.15"."unstable" =
-        (f.serde."0.9.15"."unstable" or false) ||
-        (f.serde."0.9.15".alloc or false) ||
-        (serde."0.9.15"."alloc" or false) ||
-        (f.serde."0.9.15".unstable-testing or false) ||
-        (serde."0.9.15"."unstable-testing" or false); }
-      { "0.9.15".default = (f.serde."0.9.15".default or true); }
-    ];
-  }) [];
-# end
-# serde_json-0.9.10
-  crates.serde_json."0.9.10" = deps: { features?(features_.serde_json."0.9.10" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "serde_json";
-    version = "0.9.10";
-    description = "A JSON serialization file format";
-    authors = [ "Erick Tryzelaar <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0g6bxlfnvf2miicnsizyrxm686rfval6gbss1i2qcna8msfwc005";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."dtoa"."${deps."serde_json"."0.9.10"."dtoa"}" deps)
-      (crates."itoa"."${deps."serde_json"."0.9.10"."itoa"}" deps)
-      (crates."num_traits"."${deps."serde_json"."0.9.10"."num_traits"}" deps)
-      (crates."serde"."${deps."serde_json"."0.9.10"."serde"}" deps)
-    ]);
-    features = mkFeatures (features."serde_json"."0.9.10" or {});
-  };
-  features_.serde_json."0.9.10" = deps: f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    dtoa."${deps.serde_json."0.9.10".dtoa}".default = true;
-    itoa."${deps.serde_json."0.9.10".itoa}".default = true;
-    num_traits."${deps.serde_json."0.9.10".num_traits}".default = true;
-    serde."${deps.serde_json."0.9.10".serde}".default = true;
-    serde_json = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "0.9.10"."linked-hash-map" =
-        (f.serde_json."0.9.10"."linked-hash-map" or false) ||
-        (f.serde_json."0.9.10".preserve_order or false) ||
-        (serde_json."0.9.10"."preserve_order" or false); }
-      { "0.9.10".default = (f.serde_json."0.9.10".default or true); }
-    ];
-  }) [
-    (features_.dtoa."${deps."serde_json"."0.9.10"."dtoa"}" deps)
-    (features_.itoa."${deps."serde_json"."0.9.10"."itoa"}" deps)
-    (features_.num_traits."${deps."serde_json"."0.9.10"."num_traits"}" deps)
-    (features_.serde."${deps."serde_json"."0.9.10"."serde"}" deps)
-  ];
-# end
-# siphasher-0.2.3
-  crates.siphasher."0.2.3" = deps: { features?(features_.siphasher."0.2.3" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "siphasher";
-    version = "0.2.3";
-    description = "SipHash functions from rust-core < 1.13";
-    authors = [ "Frank Denis <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1ganj1grxqnkvv4ds3vby039bm999jrr58nfq2x3kjhzkw2bnqkw";
-  };
-  features_.siphasher."0.2.3" = deps: f: updateFeatures f ({
-    siphasher."0.2.3".default = (f.siphasher."0.2.3".default or true);
-  }) [];
-# end
-# target_build_utils-0.3.1
-  crates.target_build_utils."0.3.1" = deps: { features?(features_.target_build_utils."0.3.1" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "target_build_utils";
-    version = "0.3.1";
-    description = "DEPRECATED: Use Cargo environment variables `CARGO_CFG_TARGET_*`";
-    authors = [ "Simonas Kazlauskas <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1b450nyxlbgicp2p45mhxiv6yv0z7s4iw01lsaqh3v7b4bm53flj";
-    build = "";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."phf"."${deps."target_build_utils"."0.3.1"."phf"}" deps)
-    ]
-      ++ (if features.target_build_utils."0.3.1".serde_json or false then [ (crates.serde_json."${deps."target_build_utils"."0.3.1".serde_json}" deps) ] else []));
-    buildDependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."phf_codegen"."${deps."target_build_utils"."0.3.1"."phf_codegen"}" deps)
-    ]);
-    features = mkFeatures (features."target_build_utils"."0.3.1" or {});
-  };
-  features_.target_build_utils."0.3.1" = deps: f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    phf."${deps.target_build_utils."0.3.1".phf}".default = true;
-    phf_codegen."${deps.target_build_utils."0.3.1".phf_codegen}".default = true;
-    serde_json."${deps.target_build_utils."0.3.1".serde_json}".default = true;
-    target_build_utils = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "0.3.1"."serde_json" =
-        (f.target_build_utils."0.3.1"."serde_json" or false) ||
-        (f.target_build_utils."0.3.1".default or false) ||
-        (target_build_utils."0.3.1"."default" or false); }
-      { "0.3.1".default = (f.target_build_utils."0.3.1".default or true); }
-    ];
-  }) [
-    (features_.phf."${deps."target_build_utils"."0.3.1"."phf"}" deps)
-    (features_.serde_json."${deps."target_build_utils"."0.3.1"."serde_json"}" deps)
-    (features_.phf_codegen."${deps."target_build_utils"."0.3.1"."phf_codegen"}" deps)
-  ];
-# end
-# thread-id-2.0.0
-  crates.thread_id."2.0.0" = deps: { features?(features_.thread_id."2.0.0" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "thread-id";
-    version = "2.0.0";
-    description = "Get a unique thread ID";
-    authors = [ "Ruud van Asseldonk <>" ];
-    sha256 = "06i3c8ckn97i5rp16civ2vpqbknlkx66dkrl070iw60nawi0kjc3";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."kernel32_sys"."${deps."thread_id"."2.0.0"."kernel32_sys"}" deps)
-      (crates."libc"."${deps."thread_id"."2.0.0"."libc"}" deps)
-    ]);
-  };
-  features_.thread_id."2.0.0" = deps: f: updateFeatures f ({
-    kernel32_sys."${deps.thread_id."2.0.0".kernel32_sys}".default = true;
-    libc."${deps.thread_id."2.0.0".libc}".default = true;
-    thread_id."2.0.0".default = (f.thread_id."2.0.0".default or true);
-  }) [
-    (features_.kernel32_sys."${deps."thread_id"."2.0.0"."kernel32_sys"}" deps)
-    (features_.libc."${deps."thread_id"."2.0.0"."libc"}" deps)
-  ];
-# end
-# thread_local-0.2.7
-  crates.thread_local."0.2.7" = deps: { features?(features_.thread_local."0.2.7" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "thread_local";
-    version = "0.2.7";
-    description = "Per-object thread-local storage";
-    authors = [ "Amanieu d'Antras <>" ];
-    sha256 = "19p0zrs24rdwjvpi10jig5ms3sxj00pv8shkr9cpddri8cdghqp7";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."thread_id"."${deps."thread_local"."0.2.7"."thread_id"}" deps)
-    ]);
-  };
-  features_.thread_local."0.2.7" = deps: f: updateFeatures f ({
-    thread_id."${deps.thread_local."0.2.7".thread_id}".default = true;
-    thread_local."0.2.7".default = (f.thread_local."0.2.7".default or true);
-  }) [
-    (features_.thread_id."${deps."thread_local"."0.2.7"."thread_id"}" deps)
-  ];
-# end
-# token_store-0.1.2
-  crates.token_store."0.1.2" = deps: { features?(features_.token_store."0.1.2" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "token_store";
-    version = "0.1.2";
-    description = "A token-based store for arbitrary values";
-    authors = [ "Victor Berger <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1v7acraqyh6iibg87pwkxm41v783sminxm5k9f4ndra7r0vq4zvq";
-  };
-  features_.token_store."0.1.2" = deps: f: updateFeatures f ({
-    token_store."0.1.2".default = (f.token_store."0.1.2".default or true);
-  }) [];
-# end
-# unicode-width-0.1.5
-  crates.unicode_width."0.1.5" = deps: { features?(features_.unicode_width."0.1.5" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "unicode-width";
-    version = "0.1.5";
-    description = "Determine displayed width of `char` and `str` types\naccording to Unicode Standard Annex #11 rules.\n";
-    authors = [ "kwantam <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0886lc2aymwgy0lhavwn6s48ik3c61ykzzd3za6prgnw51j7bi4w";
-    features = mkFeatures (features."unicode_width"."0.1.5" or {});
-  };
-  features_.unicode_width."0.1.5" = deps: f: updateFeatures f ({
-    unicode_width."0.1.5".default = (f.unicode_width."0.1.5".default or true);
-  }) [];
-# end
-# utf8-ranges-0.1.3
-  crates.utf8_ranges."0.1.3" = deps: { features?(features_.utf8_ranges."0.1.3" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "utf8-ranges";
-    version = "0.1.3";
-    description = "Convert ranges of Unicode codepoints to UTF-8 byte ranges.";
-    authors = [ "Andrew Gallant <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1cj548a91a93j8375p78qikaiam548xh84cb0ck8y119adbmsvbp";
-  };
-  features_.utf8_ranges."0.1.3" = deps: f: updateFeatures f ({
-    utf8_ranges."0.1.3".default = (f.utf8_ranges."0.1.3".default or true);
-  }) [];
-# end
-# uuid-0.3.1
-  crates.uuid."0.3.1" = deps: { features?(features_.uuid."0.3.1" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "uuid";
-    version = "0.3.1";
-    description = "A library to generate and parse UUIDs.\n";
-    authors = [ "The Rust Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "16ak1c84dfkd8h33cvkxrkvc30k7b0bhrnza8ni2c0jsx85fpbip";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-    ]
-      ++ (if features.uuid."0.3.1".rand or false then [ (crates.rand."${deps."uuid"."0.3.1".rand}" deps) ] else [])
-      ++ (if features.uuid."0.3.1".rustc-serialize or false then [ (crates.rustc_serialize."${deps."uuid"."0.3.1".rustc_serialize}" deps) ] else []));
-    features = mkFeatures (features."uuid"."0.3.1" or {});
-  };
-  features_.uuid."0.3.1" = deps: f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    rand."${deps.uuid."0.3.1".rand}".default = true;
-    rustc_serialize."${deps.uuid."0.3.1".rustc_serialize}".default = true;
-    uuid = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "0.3.1"."rand" =
-        (f.uuid."0.3.1"."rand" or false) ||
-        (f.uuid."0.3.1".v4 or false) ||
-        (uuid."0.3.1"."v4" or false); }
-      { "0.3.1"."sha1" =
-        (f.uuid."0.3.1"."sha1" or false) ||
-        (f.uuid."0.3.1".v5 or false) ||
-        (uuid."0.3.1"."v5" or false); }
-      { "0.3.1".default = (f.uuid."0.3.1".default or true); }
-    ];
-  }) [
-    (features_.rand."${deps."uuid"."0.3.1"."rand"}" deps)
-    (features_.rustc_serialize."${deps."uuid"."0.3.1"."rustc_serialize"}" deps)
-  ];
-# end
-# void-1.0.2
-  crates.void."1.0.2" = deps: { features?(features_.void."1.0.2" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "void";
-    version = "1.0.2";
-    description = "The uninhabited void type for use in statically impossible cases.";
-    authors = [ "Jonathan Reem <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0h1dm0dx8dhf56a83k68mijyxigqhizpskwxfdrs1drwv2cdclv3";
-    features = mkFeatures (features."void"."1.0.2" or {});
-  };
-  features_.void."1.0.2" = deps: f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    void = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "1.0.2"."std" =
-        (f.void."1.0.2"."std" or false) ||
-        (f.void."1.0.2".default or false) ||
-        (void."1.0.2"."default" or false); }
-      { "1.0.2".default = (f.void."1.0.2".default or true); }
-    ];
-  }) [];
-# end
-# way-cooler-0.8.1
-  crates.way_cooler."0.8.1" = deps: { features?(features_.way_cooler."0.8.1" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "way-cooler";
-    version = "0.8.1";
-    description = "Customizeable Wayland compositor written in Rust";
-    authors = [ "Snirk Immington <>" "Timidger <>" ];
-    sha256 = "01cp5z0qf522d7cvsr9gfp7f4hkphmp38hv70dsf9lvcnp6p1qkc";
-    build = "";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."bitflags"."${deps."way_cooler"."0.8.1"."bitflags"}" deps)
-      (crates."cairo_rs"."${deps."way_cooler"."0.8.1"."cairo_rs"}" deps)
-      (crates."cairo_sys_rs"."${deps."way_cooler"."0.8.1"."cairo_sys_rs"}" deps)
-      (crates."dbus"."${deps."way_cooler"."0.8.1"."dbus"}" deps)
-      (crates."dbus_macros"."${deps."way_cooler"."0.8.1"."dbus_macros"}" deps)
-      (crates."env_logger"."${deps."way_cooler"."0.8.1"."env_logger"}" deps)
-      (crates."gdk_pixbuf"."${deps."way_cooler"."0.8.1"."gdk_pixbuf"}" deps)
-      (crates."getopts"."${deps."way_cooler"."0.8.1"."getopts"}" deps)
-      (crates."glib"."${deps."way_cooler"."0.8.1"."glib"}" deps)
-      (crates."json_macro"."${deps."way_cooler"."0.8.1"."json_macro"}" deps)
-      (crates."lazy_static"."${deps."way_cooler"."0.8.1"."lazy_static"}" deps)
-      (crates."log"."${deps."way_cooler"."0.8.1"."log"}" deps)
-      (crates."nix"."${deps."way_cooler"."0.8.1"."nix"}" deps)
-      (crates."petgraph"."${deps."way_cooler"."0.8.1"."petgraph"}" deps)
-      (crates."rlua"."${deps."way_cooler"."0.8.1"."rlua"}" deps)
-      (crates."rustc_serialize"."${deps."way_cooler"."0.8.1"."rustc_serialize"}" deps)
-      (crates."rustwlc"."${deps."way_cooler"."0.8.1"."rustwlc"}" deps)
-      (crates."uuid"."${deps."way_cooler"."0.8.1"."uuid"}" deps)
-      (crates."wayland_server"."${deps."way_cooler"."0.8.1"."wayland_server"}" deps)
-      (crates."wayland_sys"."${deps."way_cooler"."0.8.1"."wayland_sys"}" deps)
-      (crates."xcb"."${deps."way_cooler"."0.8.1"."xcb"}" deps)
-    ]);
-    buildDependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."wayland_scanner"."${deps."way_cooler"."0.8.1"."wayland_scanner"}" deps)
-    ]);
-    features = mkFeatures (features."way_cooler"."0.8.1" or {});
-  };
-  features_.way_cooler."0.8.1" = deps: f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    bitflags."${deps.way_cooler."0.8.1".bitflags}".default = true;
-    cairo_rs."${deps.way_cooler."0.8.1".cairo_rs}".default = true;
-    cairo_sys_rs."${deps.way_cooler."0.8.1".cairo_sys_rs}".default = true;
-    dbus."${deps.way_cooler."0.8.1".dbus}".default = true;
-    dbus_macros."${deps.way_cooler."0.8.1".dbus_macros}".default = true;
-    env_logger."${deps.way_cooler."0.8.1".env_logger}".default = true;
-    gdk_pixbuf."${deps.way_cooler."0.8.1".gdk_pixbuf}".default = true;
-    getopts."${deps.way_cooler."0.8.1".getopts}".default = true;
-    glib."${deps.way_cooler."0.8.1".glib}".default = true;
-    json_macro."${deps.way_cooler."0.8.1".json_macro}".default = true;
-    lazy_static."${deps.way_cooler."0.8.1".lazy_static}".default = true;
-    log."${deps.way_cooler."0.8.1".log}".default = true;
-    nix."${deps.way_cooler."0.8.1".nix}".default = true;
-    petgraph."${deps.way_cooler."0.8.1".petgraph}".default = true;
-    rlua = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "${deps.way_cooler."0.8.1".rlua}"."builtin-lua" =
-        (f.rlua."${deps.way_cooler."0.8.1".rlua}"."builtin-lua" or false) ||
-        (way_cooler."0.8.1"."builtin-lua" or false) ||
-        (f."way_cooler"."0.8.1"."builtin-lua" or false); }
-      { "${deps.way_cooler."0.8.1".rlua}".default = (f.rlua."${deps.way_cooler."0.8.1".rlua}".default or false); }
-    ];
-    rustc_serialize."${deps.way_cooler."0.8.1".rustc_serialize}".default = true;
-    rustwlc = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "${deps.way_cooler."0.8.1".rustwlc}"."static-wlc" =
-        (f.rustwlc."${deps.way_cooler."0.8.1".rustwlc}"."static-wlc" or false) ||
-        (way_cooler."0.8.1"."static-wlc" or false) ||
-        (f."way_cooler"."0.8.1"."static-wlc" or false); }
-      { "${deps.way_cooler."0.8.1".rustwlc}"."wlc-wayland" = true; }
-      { "${deps.way_cooler."0.8.1".rustwlc}".default = true; }
-    ];
-    uuid = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "${deps.way_cooler."0.8.1".uuid}"."rustc-serialize" = true; }
-      { "${deps.way_cooler."0.8.1".uuid}"."v4" = true; }
-      { "${deps.way_cooler."0.8.1".uuid}".default = true; }
-    ];
-    way_cooler."0.8.1".default = (f.way_cooler."0.8.1".default or true);
-    wayland_scanner."${deps.way_cooler."0.8.1".wayland_scanner}".default = true;
-    wayland_server."${deps.way_cooler."0.8.1".wayland_server}".default = true;
-    wayland_sys = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "${deps.way_cooler."0.8.1".wayland_sys}"."client" = true; }
-      { "${deps.way_cooler."0.8.1".wayland_sys}"."dlopen" = true; }
-      { "${deps.way_cooler."0.8.1".wayland_sys}".default = true; }
-    ];
-    xcb = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "${deps.way_cooler."0.8.1".xcb}"."xkb" = true; }
-      { "${deps.way_cooler."0.8.1".xcb}".default = true; }
-    ];
-  }) [
-    (features_.bitflags."${deps."way_cooler"."0.8.1"."bitflags"}" deps)
-    (features_.cairo_rs."${deps."way_cooler"."0.8.1"."cairo_rs"}" deps)
-    (features_.cairo_sys_rs."${deps."way_cooler"."0.8.1"."cairo_sys_rs"}" deps)
-    (features_.dbus."${deps."way_cooler"."0.8.1"."dbus"}" deps)
-    (features_.dbus_macros."${deps."way_cooler"."0.8.1"."dbus_macros"}" deps)
-    (features_.env_logger."${deps."way_cooler"."0.8.1"."env_logger"}" deps)
-    (features_.gdk_pixbuf."${deps."way_cooler"."0.8.1"."gdk_pixbuf"}" deps)
-    (features_.getopts."${deps."way_cooler"."0.8.1"."getopts"}" deps)
-    (features_.glib."${deps."way_cooler"."0.8.1"."glib"}" deps)
-    (features_.json_macro."${deps."way_cooler"."0.8.1"."json_macro"}" deps)
-    (features_.lazy_static."${deps."way_cooler"."0.8.1"."lazy_static"}" deps)
-    (features_.log."${deps."way_cooler"."0.8.1"."log"}" deps)
-    (features_.nix."${deps."way_cooler"."0.8.1"."nix"}" deps)
-    (features_.petgraph."${deps."way_cooler"."0.8.1"."petgraph"}" deps)
-    (features_.rlua."${deps."way_cooler"."0.8.1"."rlua"}" deps)
-    (features_.rustc_serialize."${deps."way_cooler"."0.8.1"."rustc_serialize"}" deps)
-    (features_.rustwlc."${deps."way_cooler"."0.8.1"."rustwlc"}" deps)
-    (features_.uuid."${deps."way_cooler"."0.8.1"."uuid"}" deps)
-    (features_.wayland_server."${deps."way_cooler"."0.8.1"."wayland_server"}" deps)
-    (features_.wayland_sys."${deps."way_cooler"."0.8.1"."wayland_sys"}" deps)
-    (features_.xcb."${deps."way_cooler"."0.8.1"."xcb"}" deps)
-    (features_.wayland_scanner."${deps."way_cooler"."0.8.1"."wayland_scanner"}" deps)
-  ];
-# end
-# wayland-scanner-0.12.5
-  crates.wayland_scanner."0.12.5" = deps: { features?(features_.wayland_scanner."0.12.5" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "wayland-scanner";
-    version = "0.12.5";
-    description = "Wayland Scanner for generating rust APIs from XML wayland protocol files. Intented for use with wayland-sys. You should only need this crate if you are working on custom wayland protocol extensions. Look at the crate wayland-client for usable bindings.";
-    authors = [ "Victor Berger <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1s0fsc3pff0fxvzqsy8n018smwacih9ix8ww0yf969aa0vak15dz";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."xml_rs"."${deps."wayland_scanner"."0.12.5"."xml_rs"}" deps)
-    ]);
-  };
-  features_.wayland_scanner."0.12.5" = deps: f: updateFeatures f ({
-    wayland_scanner."0.12.5".default = (f.wayland_scanner."0.12.5".default or true);
-    xml_rs."${deps.wayland_scanner."0.12.5".xml_rs}".default = true;
-  }) [
-    (features_.xml_rs."${deps."wayland_scanner"."0.12.5"."xml_rs"}" deps)
-  ];
-# end
-# wayland-server-0.12.5
-  crates.wayland_server."0.12.5" = deps: { features?(features_.wayland_server."0.12.5" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "wayland-server";
-    version = "0.12.5";
-    description = "Bindings to the standard C implementation of the wayland protocol, server side.";
-    authors = [ "Victor Berger <>" ];
-    sha256 = "17g0m9afcmi24ylirw4l8i70s5849x7m4b5nxk9k13s5pkza68ag";
-    build = "";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."bitflags"."${deps."wayland_server"."0.12.5"."bitflags"}" deps)
-      (crates."libc"."${deps."wayland_server"."0.12.5"."libc"}" deps)
-      (crates."nix"."${deps."wayland_server"."0.12.5"."nix"}" deps)
-      (crates."token_store"."${deps."wayland_server"."0.12.5"."token_store"}" deps)
-      (crates."wayland_sys"."${deps."wayland_server"."0.12.5"."wayland_sys"}" deps)
-    ]);
-    buildDependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."wayland_scanner"."${deps."wayland_server"."0.12.5"."wayland_scanner"}" deps)
-    ]);
-    features = mkFeatures (features."wayland_server"."0.12.5" or {});
-  };
-  features_.wayland_server."0.12.5" = deps: f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    bitflags."${deps.wayland_server."0.12.5".bitflags}".default = true;
-    libc."${deps.wayland_server."0.12.5".libc}".default = true;
-    nix."${deps.wayland_server."0.12.5".nix}".default = true;
-    token_store."${deps.wayland_server."0.12.5".token_store}".default = true;
-    wayland_scanner."${deps.wayland_server."0.12.5".wayland_scanner}".default = true;
-    wayland_server."0.12.5".default = (f.wayland_server."0.12.5".default or true);
-    wayland_sys = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "${deps.wayland_server."0.12.5".wayland_sys}"."dlopen" =
-        (f.wayland_sys."${deps.wayland_server."0.12.5".wayland_sys}"."dlopen" or false) ||
-        (wayland_server."0.12.5"."dlopen" or false) ||
-        (f."wayland_server"."0.12.5"."dlopen" or false); }
-      { "${deps.wayland_server."0.12.5".wayland_sys}"."server" = true; }
-      { "${deps.wayland_server."0.12.5".wayland_sys}".default = true; }
-    ];
-  }) [
-    (features_.bitflags."${deps."wayland_server"."0.12.5"."bitflags"}" deps)
-    (features_.libc."${deps."wayland_server"."0.12.5"."libc"}" deps)
-    (features_.nix."${deps."wayland_server"."0.12.5"."nix"}" deps)
-    (features_.token_store."${deps."wayland_server"."0.12.5"."token_store"}" deps)
-    (features_.wayland_sys."${deps."wayland_server"."0.12.5"."wayland_sys"}" deps)
-    (features_.wayland_scanner."${deps."wayland_server"."0.12.5"."wayland_scanner"}" deps)
-  ];
-# end
-# wayland-sys-0.6.0
-  crates.wayland_sys."0.6.0" = deps: { features?(features_.wayland_sys."0.6.0" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "wayland-sys";
-    version = "0.6.0";
-    description = "FFI bindings to the various libwayland-*.so libraries. You should only need this crate if you are working on custom wayland protocol extensions. Look at the crate wayland-client for usable bindings.";
-    authors = [ "Victor Berger <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0m6db0kld2d4xv4ai9kxlqrh362hwi0030b4zbss0sfha1hx5mfl";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."dlib"."${deps."wayland_sys"."0.6.0"."dlib"}" deps)
-    ]
-      ++ (if features.wayland_sys."0.6.0".libc or false then [ (crates.libc."${deps."wayland_sys"."0.6.0".libc}" deps) ] else []));
-    features = mkFeatures (features."wayland_sys"."0.6.0" or {});
-  };
-  features_.wayland_sys."0.6.0" = deps: f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    dlib = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "${deps.wayland_sys."0.6.0".dlib}"."dlopen" =
-        (f.dlib."${deps.wayland_sys."0.6.0".dlib}"."dlopen" or false) ||
-        (wayland_sys."0.6.0"."dlopen" or false) ||
-        (f."wayland_sys"."0.6.0"."dlopen" or false); }
-      { "${deps.wayland_sys."0.6.0".dlib}".default = true; }
-    ];
-    libc."${deps.wayland_sys."0.6.0".libc}".default = true;
-    wayland_sys = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "0.6.0"."lazy_static" =
-        (f.wayland_sys."0.6.0"."lazy_static" or false) ||
-        (f.wayland_sys."0.6.0".dlopen or false) ||
-        (wayland_sys."0.6.0"."dlopen" or false); }
-      { "0.6.0"."libc" =
-        (f.wayland_sys."0.6.0"."libc" or false) ||
-        (f.wayland_sys."0.6.0".server or false) ||
-        (wayland_sys."0.6.0"."server" or false); }
-      { "0.6.0".default = (f.wayland_sys."0.6.0".default or true); }
-    ];
-  }) [
-    (features_.dlib."${deps."wayland_sys"."0.6.0"."dlib"}" deps)
-    (features_.libc."${deps."wayland_sys"."0.6.0"."libc"}" deps)
-  ];
-# end
-# wayland-sys-0.9.10
-  crates.wayland_sys."0.9.10" = deps: { features?(features_.wayland_sys."0.9.10" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "wayland-sys";
-    version = "0.9.10";
-    description = "FFI bindings to the various libwayland-*.so libraries. You should only need this crate if you are working on custom wayland protocol extensions. Look at the crate wayland-client for usable bindings.";
-    authors = [ "Victor Berger <>" ];
-    sha256 = "011q7lfii222whvif39asvryl1sf3rc1fxp8qs8gh84kr4mna0k8";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."dlib"."${deps."wayland_sys"."0.9.10"."dlib"}" deps)
-    ]
-      ++ (if features.wayland_sys."0.9.10".lazy_static or false then [ (crates.lazy_static."${deps."wayland_sys"."0.9.10".lazy_static}" deps) ] else [])
-      ++ (if features.wayland_sys."0.9.10".libc or false then [ (crates.libc."${deps."wayland_sys"."0.9.10".libc}" deps) ] else []));
-    features = mkFeatures (features."wayland_sys"."0.9.10" or {});
-  };
-  features_.wayland_sys."0.9.10" = deps: f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    dlib = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "${deps.wayland_sys."0.9.10".dlib}"."dlopen" =
-        (f.dlib."${deps.wayland_sys."0.9.10".dlib}"."dlopen" or false) ||
-        (wayland_sys."0.9.10"."dlopen" or false) ||
-        (f."wayland_sys"."0.9.10"."dlopen" or false); }
-      { "${deps.wayland_sys."0.9.10".dlib}".default = true; }
-    ];
-    lazy_static."${deps.wayland_sys."0.9.10".lazy_static}".default = true;
-    libc."${deps.wayland_sys."0.9.10".libc}".default = true;
-    wayland_sys = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "0.9.10"."lazy_static" =
-        (f.wayland_sys."0.9.10"."lazy_static" or false) ||
-        (f.wayland_sys."0.9.10".dlopen or false) ||
-        (wayland_sys."0.9.10"."dlopen" or false); }
-      { "0.9.10"."libc" =
-        (f.wayland_sys."0.9.10"."libc" or false) ||
-        (f.wayland_sys."0.9.10".server or false) ||
-        (wayland_sys."0.9.10"."server" or false); }
-      { "0.9.10".default = (f.wayland_sys."0.9.10".default or true); }
-    ];
-  }) [
-    (features_.dlib."${deps."wayland_sys"."0.9.10"."dlib"}" deps)
-    (features_.lazy_static."${deps."wayland_sys"."0.9.10"."lazy_static"}" deps)
-    (features_.libc."${deps."wayland_sys"."0.9.10"."libc"}" deps)
-  ];
-# end
-# wayland-sys-0.12.5
-  crates.wayland_sys."0.12.5" = deps: { features?(features_.wayland_sys."0.12.5" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "wayland-sys";
-    version = "0.12.5";
-    description = "FFI bindings to the various libwayland-*.so libraries. You should only need this crate if you are working on custom wayland protocol extensions. Look at the crate wayland-client for usable bindings.";
-    authors = [ "Victor Berger <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0mwk5vc7mibxka5w66vy2qj32b72d1srqvp36nr15xfl9lwf3dc4";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."dlib"."${deps."wayland_sys"."0.12.5"."dlib"}" deps)
-    ]
-      ++ (if features.wayland_sys."0.12.5".lazy_static or false then [ (crates.lazy_static."${deps."wayland_sys"."0.12.5".lazy_static}" deps) ] else [])
-      ++ (if features.wayland_sys."0.12.5".libc or false then [ (crates.libc."${deps."wayland_sys"."0.12.5".libc}" deps) ] else []));
-    features = mkFeatures (features."wayland_sys"."0.12.5" or {});
-  };
-  features_.wayland_sys."0.12.5" = deps: f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    dlib = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "${deps.wayland_sys."0.12.5".dlib}"."dlopen" =
-        (f.dlib."${deps.wayland_sys."0.12.5".dlib}"."dlopen" or false) ||
-        (wayland_sys."0.12.5"."dlopen" or false) ||
-        (f."wayland_sys"."0.12.5"."dlopen" or false); }
-      { "${deps.wayland_sys."0.12.5".dlib}".default = true; }
-    ];
-    lazy_static."${deps.wayland_sys."0.12.5".lazy_static}".default = true;
-    libc."${deps.wayland_sys."0.12.5".libc}".default = true;
-    wayland_sys = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "0.12.5"."lazy_static" =
-        (f.wayland_sys."0.12.5"."lazy_static" or false) ||
-        (f.wayland_sys."0.12.5".dlopen or false) ||
-        (wayland_sys."0.12.5"."dlopen" or false); }
-      { "0.12.5"."libc" =
-        (f.wayland_sys."0.12.5"."libc" or false) ||
-        (f.wayland_sys."0.12.5".server or false) ||
-        (wayland_sys."0.12.5"."server" or false); }
-      { "0.12.5".default = (f.wayland_sys."0.12.5".default or true); }
-    ];
-  }) [
-    (features_.dlib."${deps."wayland_sys"."0.12.5"."dlib"}" deps)
-    (features_.lazy_static."${deps."wayland_sys"."0.12.5"."lazy_static"}" deps)
-    (features_.libc."${deps."wayland_sys"."0.12.5"."libc"}" deps)
-  ];
-# end
-# winapi-0.2.8
-  crates.winapi."0.2.8" = deps: { features?(features_.winapi."0.2.8" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "winapi";
-    version = "0.2.8";
-    description = "Types and constants for WinAPI bindings. See README for list of crates providing function bindings.";
-    authors = [ "Peter Atashian <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0a45b58ywf12vb7gvj6h3j264nydynmzyqz8d8rqxsj6icqv82as";
-  };
-  features_.winapi."0.2.8" = deps: f: updateFeatures f ({
-    winapi."0.2.8".default = (f.winapi."0.2.8".default or true);
-  }) [];
-# end
-# winapi-0.3.6
-  crates.winapi."0.3.6" = deps: { features?(features_.winapi."0.3.6" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "winapi";
-    version = "0.3.6";
-    description = "Raw FFI bindings for all of Windows API.";
-    authors = [ "Peter Atashian <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1d9jfp4cjd82sr1q4dgdlrkvm33zhhav9d7ihr0nivqbncr059m4";
-    build = "";
-    dependencies = (if kernel == "i686-pc-windows-gnu" then mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."winapi_i686_pc_windows_gnu"."${deps."winapi"."0.3.6"."winapi_i686_pc_windows_gnu"}" deps)
-    ]) else [])
-      ++ (if kernel == "x86_64-pc-windows-gnu" then mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."winapi_x86_64_pc_windows_gnu"."${deps."winapi"."0.3.6"."winapi_x86_64_pc_windows_gnu"}" deps)
-    ]) else []);
-    features = mkFeatures (features."winapi"."0.3.6" or {});
-  };
-  features_.winapi."0.3.6" = deps: f: updateFeatures f ({
-    winapi."0.3.6".default = (f.winapi."0.3.6".default or true);
-    winapi_i686_pc_windows_gnu."${deps.winapi."0.3.6".winapi_i686_pc_windows_gnu}".default = true;
-    winapi_x86_64_pc_windows_gnu."${deps.winapi."0.3.6".winapi_x86_64_pc_windows_gnu}".default = true;
-  }) [
-    (features_.winapi_i686_pc_windows_gnu."${deps."winapi"."0.3.6"."winapi_i686_pc_windows_gnu"}" deps)
-    (features_.winapi_x86_64_pc_windows_gnu."${deps."winapi"."0.3.6"."winapi_x86_64_pc_windows_gnu"}" deps)
-  ];
-# end
-# winapi-build-0.1.1
-  crates.winapi_build."0.1.1" = deps: { features?(features_.winapi_build."0.1.1" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "winapi-build";
-    version = "0.1.1";
-    description = "Common code for in WinAPI -sys crates.";
-    authors = [ "Peter Atashian <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1lxlpi87rkhxcwp2ykf1ldw3p108hwm24nywf3jfrvmff4rjhqga";
-    libName = "build";
-  };
-  features_.winapi_build."0.1.1" = deps: f: updateFeatures f ({
-    winapi_build."0.1.1".default = (f.winapi_build."0.1.1".default or true);
-  }) [];
-# end
-# winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0
-  crates.winapi_i686_pc_windows_gnu."0.4.0" = deps: { features?(features_.winapi_i686_pc_windows_gnu."0.4.0" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu";
-    version = "0.4.0";
-    description = "Import libraries for the i686-pc-windows-gnu target. Please don't use this crate directly, depend on winapi instead.";
-    authors = [ "Peter Atashian <>" ];
-    sha256 = "05ihkij18r4gamjpxj4gra24514can762imjzlmak5wlzidplzrp";
-    build = "";
-  };
-  features_.winapi_i686_pc_windows_gnu."0.4.0" = deps: f: updateFeatures f ({
-    winapi_i686_pc_windows_gnu."0.4.0".default = (f.winapi_i686_pc_windows_gnu."0.4.0".default or true);
-  }) [];
-# end
-# winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0
-  crates.winapi_x86_64_pc_windows_gnu."0.4.0" = deps: { features?(features_.winapi_x86_64_pc_windows_gnu."0.4.0" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu";
-    version = "0.4.0";
-    description = "Import libraries for the x86_64-pc-windows-gnu target. Please don't use this crate directly, depend on winapi instead.";
-    authors = [ "Peter Atashian <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0n1ylmlsb8yg1v583i4xy0qmqg42275flvbc51hdqjjfjcl9vlbj";
-    build = "";
-  };
-  features_.winapi_x86_64_pc_windows_gnu."0.4.0" = deps: f: updateFeatures f ({
-    winapi_x86_64_pc_windows_gnu."0.4.0".default = (f.winapi_x86_64_pc_windows_gnu."0.4.0".default or true);
-  }) [];
-# end
-# xcb-0.8.2
-  crates.xcb."0.8.2" = deps: { features?(features_.xcb."0.8.2" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "xcb";
-    version = "0.8.2";
-    description = "Rust bindings and wrappers for XCB";
-    authors = [ "Remi Thebault <>" ];
-    sha256 = "06l8jms57wvz01vx82a3cwak9b9qwdkadvpmkk1zimy2qg7i7dkl";
-    build = "";
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."libc"."${deps."xcb"."0.8.2"."libc"}" deps)
-      (crates."log"."${deps."xcb"."0.8.2"."log"}" deps)
-    ]);
-    buildDependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."libc"."${deps."xcb"."0.8.2"."libc"}" deps)
-    ]);
-    features = mkFeatures (features."xcb"."0.8.2" or {});
-  };
-  features_.xcb."0.8.2" = deps: f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    libc."${deps.xcb."0.8.2".libc}".default = true;
-    log."${deps.xcb."0.8.2".log}".default = true;
-    xcb = fold recursiveUpdate {} [
-      { "0.8.2"."composite" =
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2"."composite" or false) ||
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2".debug_all or false) ||
-        (xcb."0.8.2"."debug_all" or false); }
-      { "0.8.2"."damage" =
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2"."damage" or false) ||
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2".debug_all or false) ||
-        (xcb."0.8.2"."debug_all" or false); }
-      { "0.8.2"."dpms" =
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2"."dpms" or false) ||
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2".debug_all or false) ||
-        (xcb."0.8.2"."debug_all" or false); }
-      { "0.8.2"."dri2" =
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2"."dri2" or false) ||
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2".debug_all or false) ||
-        (xcb."0.8.2"."debug_all" or false); }
-      { "0.8.2"."dri3" =
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2"."dri3" or false) ||
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2".debug_all or false) ||
-        (xcb."0.8.2"."debug_all" or false); }
-      { "0.8.2"."glx" =
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2"."glx" or false) ||
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2".debug_all or false) ||
-        (xcb."0.8.2"."debug_all" or false); }
-      { "0.8.2"."randr" =
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2"."randr" or false) ||
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2".debug_all or false) ||
-        (xcb."0.8.2"."debug_all" or false); }
-      { "0.8.2"."record" =
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2"."record" or false) ||
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2".debug_all or false) ||
-        (xcb."0.8.2"."debug_all" or false); }
-      { "0.8.2"."render" =
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2"."render" or false) ||
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2".debug_all or false) ||
-        (xcb."0.8.2"."debug_all" or false) ||
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2".present or false) ||
-        (xcb."0.8.2"."present" or false) ||
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2".randr or false) ||
-        (xcb."0.8.2"."randr" or false) ||
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2".xfixes or false) ||
-        (xcb."0.8.2"."xfixes" or false); }
-      { "0.8.2"."res" =
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2"."res" or false) ||
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2".debug_all or false) ||
-        (xcb."0.8.2"."debug_all" or false); }
-      { "0.8.2"."screensaver" =
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2"."screensaver" or false) ||
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2".debug_all or false) ||
-        (xcb."0.8.2"."debug_all" or false); }
-      { "0.8.2"."shape" =
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2"."shape" or false) ||
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2".debug_all or false) ||
-        (xcb."0.8.2"."debug_all" or false) ||
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2".xfixes or false) ||
-        (xcb."0.8.2"."xfixes" or false); }
-      { "0.8.2"."shm" =
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2"."shm" or false) ||
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2".debug_all or false) ||
-        (xcb."0.8.2"."debug_all" or false) ||
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2".xv or false) ||
-        (xcb."0.8.2"."xv" or false); }
-      { "0.8.2"."sync" =
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2"."sync" or false) ||
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2".present or false) ||
-        (xcb."0.8.2"."present" or false); }
-      { "0.8.2"."thread" =
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2"."thread" or false) ||
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2".debug_all or false) ||
-        (xcb."0.8.2"."debug_all" or false); }
-      { "0.8.2"."xevie" =
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2"."xevie" or false) ||
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2".debug_all or false) ||
-        (xcb."0.8.2"."debug_all" or false); }
-      { "0.8.2"."xf86dri" =
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2"."xf86dri" or false) ||
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2".debug_all or false) ||
-        (xcb."0.8.2"."debug_all" or false); }
-      { "0.8.2"."xfixes" =
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2"."xfixes" or false) ||
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2".composite or false) ||
-        (xcb."0.8.2"."composite" or false) ||
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2".damage or false) ||
-        (xcb."0.8.2"."damage" or false) ||
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2".debug_all or false) ||
-        (xcb."0.8.2"."debug_all" or false) ||
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2".present or false) ||
-        (xcb."0.8.2"."present" or false) ||
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2".xinput or false) ||
-        (xcb."0.8.2"."xinput" or false); }
-      { "0.8.2"."xinerama" =
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2"."xinerama" or false) ||
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2".debug_all or false) ||
-        (xcb."0.8.2"."debug_all" or false); }
-      { "0.8.2"."xkb" =
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2"."xkb" or false) ||
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2".debug_all or false) ||
-        (xcb."0.8.2"."debug_all" or false); }
-      { "0.8.2"."xlib_xcb" =
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2"."xlib_xcb" or false) ||
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2".debug_all or false) ||
-        (xcb."0.8.2"."debug_all" or false); }
-      { "0.8.2"."xprint" =
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2"."xprint" or false) ||
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2".debug_all or false) ||
-        (xcb."0.8.2"."debug_all" or false); }
-      { "0.8.2"."xselinux" =
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2"."xselinux" or false) ||
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2".debug_all or false) ||
-        (xcb."0.8.2"."debug_all" or false); }
-      { "0.8.2"."xtest" =
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2"."xtest" or false) ||
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2".debug_all or false) ||
-        (xcb."0.8.2"."debug_all" or false); }
-      { "0.8.2"."xv" =
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2"."xv" or false) ||
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2".debug_all or false) ||
-        (xcb."0.8.2"."debug_all" or false) ||
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2".xvmc or false) ||
-        (xcb."0.8.2"."xvmc" or false); }
-      { "0.8.2"."xvmc" =
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2"."xvmc" or false) ||
-        (f.xcb."0.8.2".debug_all or false) ||
-        (xcb."0.8.2"."debug_all" or false); }
-      { "0.8.2".default = (f.xcb."0.8.2".default or true); }
-    ];
-  }) [
-    (features_.libc."${deps."xcb"."0.8.2"."libc"}" deps)
-    (features_.log."${deps."xcb"."0.8.2"."log"}" deps)
-    (features_.libc."${deps."xcb"."0.8.2"."libc"}" deps)
-  ];
-# end
-# xml-rs-0.7.0
-  crates.xml_rs."0.7.0" = deps: { features?(features_.xml_rs."0.7.0" deps {}) }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "xml-rs";
-    version = "0.7.0";
-    description = "An XML library in pure Rust";
-    authors = [ "Vladimir Matveev <>" ];
-    sha256 = "12rynhqjgkg2hzy9x1d1232p9d9jm40bc3by5yzjv8gx089mflyb";
-    libPath = "src/";
-    libName = "xml";
-    crateBin =
-      [{  name = "xml-analyze";  path = "src/"; }];
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([
-      (crates."bitflags"."${deps."xml_rs"."0.7.0"."bitflags"}" deps)
-    ]);
-  };
-  features_.xml_rs."0.7.0" = deps: f: updateFeatures f ({
-    bitflags."${deps.xml_rs."0.7.0".bitflags}".default = true;
-    xml_rs."0.7.0".default = (f.xml_rs."0.7.0".default or true);
-  }) [
-    (features_.bitflags."${deps."xml_rs"."0.7.0"."bitflags"}" deps)
-  ];
-# end
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/window-managers/way-cooler/default.nix b/pkgs/applications/window-managers/way-cooler/default.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 7bc6ac70020..00000000000
--- a/pkgs/applications/window-managers/way-cooler/default.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-{ stdenv, fetchurl, makeWrapper, symlinkJoin, writeShellScriptBin, callPackage, defaultCrateOverrides
-, wayland, cairo, libxkbcommon, pam, python3Packages, lemonbar, gdk-pixbuf
-  wlc = callPackage ./wlc.nix {};
-  # refer to
-  #
-  # for version numbers
-  cratesIO = callPackage ./crates-io.nix {};
-  fakegit = writeShellScriptBin "git" ''
-    echo ""
-  '';
-  #
-  version = "0.8.1";
-  deps = (callPackage ./way-cooler.nix {}).deps;
-  way_cooler_ = f: cratesIO.crates.way_cooler.${version} deps {
-    features = cratesIO.features_.way_cooler.${version} deps {
-      way_cooler.${version} = f;
-    };
-  };
-  way-cooler = ((way_cooler_ { builtin-lua = true; }).override {
-    crateOverrides = defaultCrateOverrides // {
-    way-cooler = attrs: { buildInputs = [ wlc cairo libxkbcommon fakegit gdk-pixbuf wayland ]; };
-  };}).overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: {
-    postBuild = ''
-      mkdir -p $out/etc
-      cp -r config $out/etc/way-cooler
-    '';
-  });
-  wc-bg = ((callPackage ./wc-bg.nix {}).wc_bg {}).overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: {
-    nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ];
-    postFixup = ''
-      makeWrapper $out/bin/wc-bg $out/bin/wc-bg \
-        --prefix LD_LIBRARY_PATH : "${stdenv.lib.makeLibraryPath [ wayland ]}"
-    '';
-  });
-  wc-grab = (callPackage ./wc-grab.nix {}).wc_grab {};
-  wc-lock = (((callPackage ./wc-lock.nix {}).wc_lock {}).override {
-    crateOverrides = defaultCrateOverrides // {
-    wc-lock = attrs: { buildInputs = [ pam ]; };
-  };}).overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: {
-    nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ];
-    postFixup = ''
-      makeWrapper $out/bin/wc-lock $out/bin/wc-lock \
-        --prefix LD_LIBRARY_PATH : "${stdenv.lib.makeLibraryPath [ libxkbcommon wayland ]}"
-    '';
-  });
-  #
-  wc-bar-bare = stdenv.mkDerivation {
-    name = "wc-bar-bare-2017-12-05";
-    src = fetchurl {
-      url = "";
-      sha256 = "1n1rf1k02i6vimr9n0iksf65phhyy96i5wh5d0rrx7yqki3dh6ka";
-    };
-    unpackPhase = "cat $src >";
-    #
-    patches = [ ./bar.diff ];
-    pythonPath = with python3Packages; [ pydbus ];
-    nativeBuildInputs = with python3Packages; [ python wrapPython ];
-    installPhase = ''
-      install -Dm755 $out/bin/
-      patchShebangs $out/bin/
-      wrapPythonPrograms
-    '';
-  };
-  wc-bar = writeShellScriptBin "lemonbar" ''
-    SELECTED="#000000"
-    BACKGROUND="#4E2878"
-    #
-    sleep 5
-    ${wc-bar-bare}/bin/ $SELECTED $BACKGROUND $SELECTED_OTHER_WORKSPACE 2> /tmp/bar_debug.txt | ${lemonbar}/bin/lemonbar -B $BACKGROUND -F "#FFF" -n "lemonbar" -p -d
-  '';
-in symlinkJoin {
-  inherit version;
-  name = "way-cooler-with-extensions-${version}";
-  paths = [ way-cooler wc-bg wc-grab wc-lock wc-bar ];
-  meta = with stdenv.lib; {
-    description = "Customizable Wayland compositor (window manager)";
-    longDescription = ''
-      Way Cooler is a customizable tiling window manager written in Rust
-      for Wayland and configurable using Lua. It is heavily inspired by
-      the tiling and extensibility of both i3 and awesome. While Lua is
-      used for the configuration, like awesome, extensions for Way Cooler
-      are implemented as totally separate client programs using D-Bus.
-      This means that you can use virtually any language to extend the
-      window manager, with much better guarantees about interoperability
-      between extensions.
-    '';
-    homepage =;
-    license = with licenses; [ mit ];
-    maintainers = [ maintainers.miltador ];
-    platforms = platforms.all;
-    broken = true;
-  };
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/window-managers/way-cooler/way-cooler.nix b/pkgs/applications/window-managers/way-cooler/way-cooler.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 28a327f1c13..00000000000
--- a/pkgs/applications/window-managers/way-cooler/way-cooler.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,314 +0,0 @@
-# Generated by carnix 0.9.2: carnix generate-nix
-{ lib, buildPlatform, buildRustCrate, buildRustCrateHelpers, cratesIO, fetchgit }:
-with buildRustCrateHelpers;
-let inherit (lib.lists) fold;
-    inherit (lib.attrsets) recursiveUpdate;
-let crates = cratesIO; in
-rec {
-  way_cooler = crates.crates.way_cooler."0.8.1" deps;
-  __all = [ (way_cooler {}) ];
-  deps.aho_corasick."0.5.3" = {
-    memchr = "0.1.11";
-  };
-  deps.bitflags."0.4.0" = {};
-  deps.bitflags."0.6.0" = {};
-  deps.bitflags."0.7.0" = {};
-  deps.bitflags."0.9.1" = {};
-  deps.bitflags."1.0.4" = {};
-  deps.c_vec."1.2.1" = {};
-  deps.cairo_rs."0.2.0" = {
-    c_vec = "1.2.1";
-    cairo_sys_rs = "0.4.0";
-    glib = "0.3.1";
-    glib_sys = "0.4.0";
-    libc = "0.2.44";
-    winapi = "0.2.8";
-  };
-  deps.cairo_sys_rs."0.4.0" = {
-    libc = "0.2.44";
-    pkg_config = "0.3.14";
-    winapi = "0.2.8";
-  };
-"1.0.25" = {};
-  deps.cfg_if."0.1.6" = {};
-  deps.cloudabi."0.0.3" = {
-    bitflags = "1.0.4";
-  };
-  deps.dbus."0.4.1" = {
-    libc = "0.2.44";
-    pkg_config = "0.3.14";
-  };
-  deps.dbus_macros."0.0.6" = {
-    dbus = "0.4.1";
-  };
-  deps.dlib."0.3.1" = {
-    libloading = "0.3.4";
-  };
-  deps.dlib."0.4.1" = {
-    libloading = "0.5.0";
-  };
-  deps.dtoa."0.4.3" = {};
-  deps.dummy_rustwlc."0.7.1" = {
-    bitflags = "0.6.0";
-    libc = "0.2.44";
-    wayland_sys = "0.9.10";
-  };
-  deps.env_logger."0.3.5" = {
-    log = "0.3.9";
-    regex = "0.1.80";
-  };
-  deps.fixedbitset."0.1.9" = {};
-  deps.fuchsia_zircon."0.3.3" = {
-    bitflags = "1.0.4";
-    fuchsia_zircon_sys = "0.3.3";
-  };
-  deps.fuchsia_zircon_sys."0.3.3" = {};
-  deps.gcc."0.3.55" = {};
-  deps.gdk_pixbuf."0.2.0" = {
-    gdk_pixbuf_sys = "0.4.0";
-    glib = "0.3.1";
-    glib_sys = "0.4.0";
-    gobject_sys = "0.4.0";
-    libc = "0.2.44";
-  };
-  deps.gdk_pixbuf_sys."0.4.0" = {
-    bitflags = "0.9.1";
-    gio_sys = "0.4.0";
-    glib_sys = "0.4.0";
-    gobject_sys = "0.4.0";
-    libc = "0.2.44";
-    pkg_config = "0.3.14";
-  };
-  deps.getopts."0.2.18" = {
-    unicode_width = "0.1.5";
-  };
-  deps.gio_sys."0.4.0" = {
-    bitflags = "0.9.1";
-    glib_sys = "0.4.0";
-    gobject_sys = "0.4.0";
-    libc = "0.2.44";
-    pkg_config = "0.3.14";
-  };
-  deps.glib."0.3.1" = {
-    bitflags = "0.9.1";
-    glib_sys = "0.4.0";
-    gobject_sys = "0.4.0";
-    lazy_static = "0.2.11";
-    libc = "0.2.44";
-  };
-  deps.glib_sys."0.4.0" = {
-    bitflags = "0.9.1";
-    libc = "0.2.44";
-    pkg_config = "0.3.14";
-  };
-  deps.gobject_sys."0.4.0" = {
-    bitflags = "0.9.1";
-    glib_sys = "0.4.0";
-    libc = "0.2.44";
-    pkg_config = "0.3.14";
-  };
-  deps.itoa."0.3.4" = {};
-  deps.json_macro."0.1.1" = {
-    rustc_serialize = "0.3.24";
-  };
-  deps.kernel32_sys."0.2.2" = {
-    winapi = "0.2.8";
-    winapi_build = "0.1.1";
-  };
-  deps.lazy_static."0.2.11" = {};
-  deps.lazy_static."1.2.0" = {};
-  deps.libc."0.2.44" = {};
-  deps.libloading."0.3.4" = {
-    lazy_static = "0.2.11";
-    target_build_utils = "0.3.1";
-    kernel32_sys = "0.2.2";
-    winapi = "0.2.8";
-  };
-  deps.libloading."0.5.0" = {
-    cc = "1.0.25";
-    winapi = "0.3.6";
-  };
-  deps.log."0.3.9" = {
-    log = "0.4.6";
-  };
-  deps.log."0.4.6" = {
-    cfg_if = "0.1.6";
-  };
-  deps.memchr."0.1.11" = {
-    libc = "0.2.44";
-  };
-  deps.nix."0.6.0" = {
-    bitflags = "0.4.0";
-    cfg_if = "0.1.6";
-    libc = "0.2.44";
-    void = "1.0.2";
-    rustc_version = "0.1.7";
-    semver = "0.1.20";
-  };
-  deps.nix."0.9.0" = {
-    bitflags = "0.9.1";
-    cfg_if = "0.1.6";
-    libc = "0.2.44";
-    void = "1.0.2";
-  };
-  deps.num_traits."0.1.43" = {
-    num_traits = "0.2.6";
-  };
-  deps.num_traits."0.2.6" = {};
-  deps.ordermap."0.3.5" = {};
-  deps.petgraph."0.4.13" = {
-    fixedbitset = "0.1.9";
-    ordermap = "0.3.5";
-  };
-  deps.phf."0.7.23" = {
-    phf_shared = "0.7.23";
-  };
-  deps.phf_codegen."0.7.23" = {
-    phf_generator = "0.7.23";
-    phf_shared = "0.7.23";
-  };
-  deps.phf_generator."0.7.23" = {
-    phf_shared = "0.7.23";
-    rand = "0.5.5";
-  };
-  deps.phf_shared."0.7.23" = {
-    siphasher = "0.2.3";
-  };
-  deps.pkg_config."0.3.14" = {};
-  deps.rand."0.3.22" = {
-    libc = "0.2.44";
-    rand = "0.4.3";
-    fuchsia_zircon = "0.3.3";
-  };
-  deps.rand."0.4.3" = {
-    fuchsia_zircon = "0.3.3";
-    libc = "0.2.44";
-    winapi = "0.3.6";
-  };
-  deps.rand."0.5.5" = {
-    rand_core = "0.2.2";
-    cloudabi = "0.0.3";
-    fuchsia_zircon = "0.3.3";
-    libc = "0.2.44";
-    winapi = "0.3.6";
-  };
-  deps.rand_core."0.2.2" = {
-    rand_core = "0.3.0";
-  };
-  deps.rand_core."0.3.0" = {};
-  deps.regex."0.1.80" = {
-    aho_corasick = "0.5.3";
-    memchr = "0.1.11";
-    regex_syntax = "0.3.9";
-    thread_local = "0.2.7";
-    utf8_ranges = "0.1.3";
-  };
-  deps.regex_syntax."0.3.9" = {};
-  deps.rlua."0.9.7" = {
-    libc = "0.2.44";
-    gcc = "0.3.55";
-  };
-  deps.rustc_serialize."0.3.24" = {};
-  deps.rustc_version."0.1.7" = {
-    semver = "0.1.20";
-  };
-  deps.rustwlc."0.7.0" = {
-    bitflags = "0.7.0";
-    libc = "0.2.44";
-    wayland_sys = "0.6.0";
-  };
-  deps.semver."0.1.20" = {};
-  deps.serde."0.9.15" = {};
-  deps.serde_json."0.9.10" = {
-    dtoa = "0.4.3";
-    itoa = "0.3.4";
-    num_traits = "0.1.43";
-    serde = "0.9.15";
-  };
-  deps.siphasher."0.2.3" = {};
-  deps.target_build_utils."0.3.1" = {
-    phf = "0.7.23";
-    serde_json = "0.9.10";
-    phf_codegen = "0.7.23";
-  };
-  deps.thread_id."2.0.0" = {
-    kernel32_sys = "0.2.2";
-    libc = "0.2.44";
-  };
-  deps.thread_local."0.2.7" = {
-    thread_id = "2.0.0";
-  };
-  deps.token_store."0.1.2" = {};
-  deps.unicode_width."0.1.5" = {};
-  deps.utf8_ranges."0.1.3" = {};
-  deps.uuid."0.3.1" = {
-    rand = "0.3.22";
-    rustc_serialize = "0.3.24";
-  };
-  deps.void."1.0.2" = {};
-  deps.way_cooler."0.8.1" = {
-    bitflags = "0.7.0";
-    cairo_rs = "0.2.0";
-    cairo_sys_rs = "0.4.0";
-    dbus = "0.4.1";
-    dbus_macros = "0.0.6";
-    env_logger = "0.3.5";
-    gdk_pixbuf = "0.2.0";
-    getopts = "0.2.18";
-    glib = "0.3.1";
-    json_macro = "0.1.1";
-    lazy_static = "0.2.11";
-    log = "0.3.9";
-    nix = "0.6.0";
-    petgraph = "0.4.13";
-    rlua = "0.9.7";
-    rustc_serialize = "0.3.24";
-    rustwlc = "0.7.0";
-    uuid = "0.3.1";
-    wayland_server = "0.12.5";
-    wayland_sys = "0.12.5";
-    xcb = "0.8.2";
-    wayland_scanner = "0.12.5";
-  };
-  deps.wayland_scanner."0.12.5" = {
-    xml_rs = "0.7.0";
-  };
-  deps.wayland_server."0.12.5" = {
-    bitflags = "1.0.4";
-    libc = "0.2.44";
-    nix = "0.9.0";
-    token_store = "0.1.2";
-    wayland_sys = "0.12.5";
-    wayland_scanner = "0.12.5";
-  };
-  deps.wayland_sys."0.6.0" = {
-    dlib = "0.3.1";
-    libc = "0.2.44";
-  };
-  deps.wayland_sys."0.9.10" = {
-    dlib = "0.3.1";
-    lazy_static = "0.2.11";
-    libc = "0.2.44";
-  };
-  deps.wayland_sys."0.12.5" = {
-    dlib = "0.4.1";
-    lazy_static = "1.2.0";
-    libc = "0.2.44";
-  };
-  deps.winapi."0.2.8" = {};
-  deps.winapi."0.3.6" = {
-    winapi_i686_pc_windows_gnu = "0.4.0";
-    winapi_x86_64_pc_windows_gnu = "0.4.0";
-  };
-  deps.winapi_build."0.1.1" = {};
-  deps.winapi_i686_pc_windows_gnu."0.4.0" = {};
-  deps.winapi_x86_64_pc_windows_gnu."0.4.0" = {};
-  deps.xcb."0.8.2" = {
-    libc = "0.2.44";
-    log = "0.4.6";
-  };
-  deps.xml_rs."0.7.0" = {
-    bitflags = "1.0.4";
-  };
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/window-managers/way-cooler/wc-bg.nix b/pkgs/applications/window-managers/way-cooler/wc-bg.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index a797e7aacde..00000000000
--- a/pkgs/applications/window-managers/way-cooler/wc-bg.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1372 +0,0 @@
-# Generated by carnix 0.6.5: carnix -o wc-bg.nix Cargo.lock
-{ lib, stdenv, buildRustCrate, fetchgit }:
-let kernel =;
-    updateFeatures = f: up: functions: builtins.deepSeq f (lib.lists.foldl' (features: fun: fun features) (lib.attrsets.recursiveUpdate f up) functions);
-    mapFeatures = features: map (fun: fun { features = features; });
-    mkFeatures = feat: lib.lists.foldl (features: featureName:
-      if feat.${featureName} or false then
-        [ featureName ] ++ features
-      else
-        features
-    ) [] (builtins.attrNames feat);
-rec {
-  wc_bg = f: wc_bg_0_3_0 { features = wc_bg_0_3_0_features { wc_bg_0_3_0 = f; }; };
-  ansi_term_0_9_0_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "ansi_term";
-    version = "0.9.0";
-    authors = [ "" "Ryan Scheel (Havvy) <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1vcd8m2hglrdi4zmqnkkz5zy3c73ifgii245k7vj6qr5dzpn9hij";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  atty_0_2_3_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "atty";
-    version = "0.2.3";
-    authors = [ "softprops <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0zl0cjfgarp5y78nd755lpki5bbkj4hgmi88v265m543yg29i88f";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  bitflags_0_7_0_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "bitflags";
-    version = "0.7.0";
-    authors = [ "The Rust Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "1hr72xg5slm0z4pxs2hiy4wcyx3jva70h58b7mid8l0a4c8f7gn5";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  bitflags_0_9_1_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "bitflags";
-    version = "0.9.1";
-    authors = [ "The Rust Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "18h073l5jd88rx4qdr95fjddr9rk79pb1aqnshzdnw16cfmb9rws";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  byteorder_0_5_3_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "byteorder";
-    version = "0.5.3";
-    authors = [ "Andrew Gallant <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0zsr6b0m0yl5c0yy92nq7srfpczd1dx1xqcx3rlm5fbl8si9clqx";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  byteorder_1_1_0_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "byteorder";
-    version = "1.1.0";
-    authors = [ "Andrew Gallant <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1i2n0161jm00zvzh4bncgv9zrwa6ydbxdn5j4bx0wwn7rvi9zycp";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  cc_1_0_0_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "cc";
-    version = "1.0.0";
-    authors = [ "Alex Crichton <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1s5ha0k6cdy1049a5kpzvhnjc9hjvi18zrcr5dmbqpd03ag751g1";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  clap_2_26_2_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "clap";
-    version = "2.26.2";
-    authors = [ "Kevin K. <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0njvc0b7m11yym25jrr8h47nb3k3lpzzafjf22y33c5p4rw7fn2d";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  coco_0_1_1_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "coco";
-    version = "0.1.1";
-    authors = [ "Stjepan Glavina <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0hvj4jaj9y6i38c4dkii8nqq98cgx3kyx78cjqkdvk0aqq5sfr94";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  color_quant_1_0_0_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "color_quant";
-    version = "1.0.0";
-    authors = [ "nwin <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0jwr40lr115zm2bydk1wja12gcxrmgsx0n1z1pipq00sab71maaj";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  dlib_0_3_1_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "dlib";
-    version = "0.3.1";
-    authors = [ "Victor Berger <>" ];
-    sha256 = "11mhh6g9vszp2ay3r46x4capnnmvvhx5hcp74bapxjhiixqjfvkr";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  dtoa_0_4_2_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "dtoa";
-    version = "0.4.2";
-    authors = [ "David Tolnay <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1bxsh6fags7nr36vlz07ik2a1rzyipc8x1y30kjk832hf2pzadmw";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  either_1_2_0_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "either";
-    version = "1.2.0";
-    authors = [ "bluss" ];
-    sha256 = "0l72xaf1kwzgbl3andf3d2ggz7km9059rbmp90iywww8inlnqppp";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  enum_primitive_0_1_1_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "enum_primitive";
-    version = "0.1.1";
-    authors = [ "Anders Kaseorg <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1a225rlsz7sz3nn14dar71kp2f9v08s3rwl6j55xp51mv01f695y";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  flate2_0_2_20_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "flate2";
-    version = "0.2.20";
-    authors = [ "Alex Crichton <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1am0d2vmqym1vcg7rvv516vpcrbhdn1jisy0q03r3nbzdzh54ppl";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  fuchsia_zircon_0_2_1_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "fuchsia-zircon";
-    version = "0.2.1";
-    authors = [ "Raph Levien <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0yd4rd7ql1vdr349p6vgq2dnwmpylky1kjp8g1zgvp250jxrhddb";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  fuchsia_zircon_sys_0_2_0_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "fuchsia-zircon-sys";
-    version = "0.2.0";
-    authors = [ "Raph Levien <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1yrqsrjwlhl3di6prxf5xmyd82gyjaysldbka5wwk83z11mpqh4w";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  futures_0_1_16_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "futures";
-    version = "0.1.16";
-    authors = [ "Alex Crichton <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0ndk8cl6l600a95q8il2c3y38jz50nhfsczps0nziadqdd45gy2b";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  gif_0_9_2_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "gif";
-    version = "0.9.2";
-    authors = [ "nwin <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0dl76jrn6127w3bdg2b58p5psf8fpnbzdxdkw1i35ac8dn4vxcqa";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  glob_0_2_11_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "glob";
-    version = "0.2.11";
-    authors = [ "The Rust Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "104389jjxs8r2f5cc9p0axhjmndgln60ih5x4f00ccgg9d3zarlf";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  image_0_10_4_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "image";
-    version = "0.10.4";
-    authors = [ "ccgn" "bvssvni <>" "nwin" "TyOverby <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1pwrs7k5760b38i1lg872x9q2zc6xvhs7mjhlzvjnr5p85zx2fbw";
-    libPath = "./src/";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  inflate_0_1_1_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "inflate";
-    version = "0.1.1";
-    authors = [ "nwin <>" ];
-    sha256 = "112kh9hjcjjxdybl032mdhpwnr3qxw8j0ch6hwanwpcf3gz42g1h";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  itoa_0_3_4_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "itoa";
-    version = "0.3.4";
-    authors = [ "David Tolnay <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1nfkzz6vrgj0d9l3yzjkkkqzdgs68y294fjdbl7jq118qi8xc9d9";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  jpeg_decoder_0_1_13_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "jpeg-decoder";
-    version = "0.1.13";
-    authors = [ "Ulf Nilsson <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0w16gbywlm9p0p3wx34b85q4d1izrx89afcsxlc6g11cx2js4fa2";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  kernel32_sys_0_2_2_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "kernel32-sys";
-    version = "0.2.2";
-    authors = [ "Peter Atashian <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1lrw1hbinyvr6cp28g60z97w32w8vsk6pahk64pmrv2fmby8srfj";
-    libName = "kernel32";
-    build = "";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  lazy_static_0_2_9_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "lazy_static";
-    version = "0.2.9";
-    authors = [ "Marvin Löbel <>" ];
-    sha256 = "08ldzr5292y3hvi6l6v8l4i6v95lm1aysmnfln65h10sqrfh6iw7";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  libc_0_2_32_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "libc";
-    version = "0.2.32";
-    authors = [ "The Rust Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "1i8njlar6v9qvmkyfvwzhxrvkqw6ijp8fqdnya5csqixxz18a532";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  libloading_0_3_4_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "libloading";
-    version = "0.3.4";
-    authors = [ "Simonas Kazlauskas <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1f2vy32cr434n638nv8sdf05iwa53q9q5ahlcpw1l9ywh1bcbhf1";
-    build = "";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  lzw_0_10_0_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "lzw";
-    version = "0.10.0";
-    authors = [ "nwin <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1cfsy2w26kbz9bjaqp9dh1wyyh47rpmhwvj4jpc1rmffbf438fvb";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  miniz_sys_0_1_10_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "miniz-sys";
-    version = "0.1.10";
-    authors = [ "Alex Crichton <>" ];
-    sha256 = "11vg6phafxil87nbxgrlhcx5hjr3145wsbwwkfmibvnmzxfdmvln";
-    libPath = "";
-    libName = "miniz_sys";
-    build = "";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  num_bigint_0_1_40_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "num-bigint";
-    version = "0.1.40";
-    authors = [ "The Rust Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "0pkxd9mb4chdbipprxjc8ll7kjh79n278s2z663zmd80yg5xi788";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  num_integer_0_1_35_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "num-integer";
-    version = "0.1.35";
-    authors = [ "The Rust Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "0xybj8isi9b6wc646d5rc043i8l8j6wy0vrl4pn995qms9fxbbcc";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  num_iter_0_1_34_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "num-iter";
-    version = "0.1.34";
-    authors = [ "The Rust Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "02cld7x9dzbqbs6sxxzq1i22z3awlcd6ljkgvhkfr9rsnaxphzl9";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  num_rational_0_1_39_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "num-rational";
-    version = "0.1.39";
-    authors = [ "The Rust Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "1qsacdfp97zgpajc2pgbrbga3yag1f0k7yz0gi78vd165gxdwk3m";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  num_traits_0_1_40_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "num-traits";
-    version = "0.1.40";
-    authors = [ "The Rust Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "1fr8ghp4i97q3agki54i0hpmqxv3s65i2mqd1pinc7w7arc3fplw";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  num_cpus_1_7_0_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "num_cpus";
-    version = "1.7.0";
-    authors = [ "Sean McArthur <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0231xmd65ma3pqfiw8pkv9dvm9x708z4xlrwp3i0sgiwv408dz3f";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  phf_0_7_21_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "phf";
-    version = "0.7.21";
-    authors = [ "Steven Fackler <>" ];
-    sha256 = "11m2rzm2s8s35m0s97gjxxb181xz352kjlhr387xj5c8q3qp5afg";
-    libPath = "src/";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  phf_codegen_0_7_21_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "phf_codegen";
-    version = "0.7.21";
-    authors = [ "Steven Fackler <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0kgy8s2q4zr0iqcm21mgq4ppc45wy6z7b5wn98xyfsrcad6lwmmj";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  phf_generator_0_7_21_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "phf_generator";
-    version = "0.7.21";
-    authors = [ "Steven Fackler <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1jxjfzc6d6d4l9nv0r2bb66if5brk9lnncmg4dpjjifn6zhhqd9g";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  phf_shared_0_7_21_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "phf_shared";
-    version = "0.7.21";
-    authors = [ "Steven Fackler <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0lxpg3wgxfhzfalmf9ha9my1lsvfjy74ah9f6mfw88xlp545jlln";
-    libPath = "src/";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  png_0_5_2_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "png";
-    version = "0.5.2";
-    authors = [ "nwin <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1pgann3f1ysgf8y1acw86v4s3ji1xk85ri353biyvh4i1cpn1g3q";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  rand_0_3_17_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "rand";
-    version = "0.3.17";
-    authors = [ "The Rust Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "06ra3pr36dlyq3kp5lbia8xnw5g0zsys2d69frr7y6df5hhb1r8j";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  rayon_0_8_2_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "rayon";
-    version = "0.8.2";
-    authors = [ "Niko Matsakis <>" "Josh Stone <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0d0mddg1k75hb9138pn8lysy2095jijrinskqbpgfr73s0jx6dq8";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  rayon_core_1_2_1_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "rayon-core";
-    version = "1.2.1";
-    authors = [ "Niko Matsakis <>" "Josh Stone <>" ];
-    sha256 = "12xv2r0dqrgvla24bl5mfvcw0599dlhrj0mx620nq95nyds753kk";
-    build = "";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  redox_syscall_0_1_31_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "redox_syscall";
-    version = "0.1.31";
-    authors = [ "Jeremy Soller <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0kipd9qslzin4fgj4jrxv6yz5l3l71gnbd7fq1jhk2j7f2sq33j4";
-    libName = "syscall";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  redox_termios_0_1_1_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "redox_termios";
-    version = "0.1.1";
-    authors = [ "Jeremy Soller <>" ];
-    sha256 = "04s6yyzjca552hdaqlvqhp3vw0zqbc304md5czyd3axh56iry8wh";
-    libPath = "src/";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  rustc_serialize_0_3_24_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "rustc-serialize";
-    version = "0.3.24";
-    authors = [ "The Rust Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "0rfk6p66mqkd3g36l0ddlv2rvnp1mp3lrq5frq9zz5cbnz5pmmxn";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  scoped_threadpool_0_1_8_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "scoped_threadpool";
-    version = "0.1.8";
-    authors = [ "Marvin Löbel <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1al42hqbbijpah9bc6hw9c49nhnyrc0sj274ja1q3k9305c3s5a6";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  scopeguard_0_3_2_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "scopeguard";
-    version = "0.3.2";
-    authors = [ "bluss" ];
-    sha256 = "0xlvfawva4fnp6kwr5xjwf0q2d1w6di81nhfby1sa55xj1ia5zs2";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  serde_0_9_15_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "serde";
-    version = "0.9.15";
-    authors = [ "Erick Tryzelaar <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0rlflkc57kvy69hnhj4arfsj7ic4hpihxsb00zg5lkdxfj5qjx9b";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  serde_json_0_9_10_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "serde_json";
-    version = "0.9.10";
-    authors = [ "Erick Tryzelaar <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0g6bxlfnvf2miicnsizyrxm686rfval6gbss1i2qcna8msfwc005";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  siphasher_0_2_2_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "siphasher";
-    version = "0.2.2";
-    authors = [ "Frank Denis <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0iyx7nlzfny9ly1634a6zcq0yvrinhxhypwas4p8ry3zqnn76qqr";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  strsim_0_6_0_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "strsim";
-    version = "0.6.0";
-    authors = [ "Danny Guo <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1lz85l6y68hr62lv4baww29yy7g8pg20dlr0lbaswxmmcb0wl7gd";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  target_build_utils_0_3_1_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "target_build_utils";
-    version = "0.3.1";
-    authors = [ "Simonas Kazlauskas <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1b450nyxlbgicp2p45mhxiv6yv0z7s4iw01lsaqh3v7b4bm53flj";
-    build = "";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  tempfile_2_2_0_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "tempfile";
-    version = "2.2.0";
-    authors = [ "Steven Allen <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1z3l901ipvi0s0mdppw4lwfa77ydb22rfnf6y9sh0pifj7ah5drf";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  term_size_0_3_0_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "term_size";
-    version = "0.3.0";
-    authors = [ "Kevin K. <>" "Benjamin Sago <>" ];
-    sha256 = "054d5avad49sy5nfaaaphai4kv4rmdh6q0npchnvdhpxp02lcfhs";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  termion_1_5_1_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "termion";
-    version = "1.5.1";
-    authors = [ "ticki <>" "gycos <>" "IGI-111 <>" ];
-    sha256 = "02gq4vd8iws1f3gjrgrgpajsk2bk43nds5acbbb4s8dvrdvr8nf1";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  textwrap_0_8_0_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "textwrap";
-    version = "0.8.0";
-    authors = [ "Martin Geisler <>" ];
-    sha256 = "02j8apii1032cvp9fwrxw4pf11xb287j2n1iv1iixp8yh6vzrq41";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  unicode_width_0_1_4_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "unicode-width";
-    version = "0.1.4";
-    authors = [ "kwantam <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1rp7a04icn9y5c0lm74nrd4py0rdl0af8bhdwq7g478n1xifpifl";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  vec_map_0_8_0_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "vec_map";
-    version = "0.8.0";
-    authors = [ "Alex Crichton <>" "Jorge Aparicio <>" "Alexis Beingessner <>" "Brian Anderson <>" "tbu- <>" "Manish Goregaokar <>" "Aaron Turon <>" "Adolfo Ochagavía <>" "Niko Matsakis <>" "Steven Fackler <>" "Chase Southwood <>" "Eduard Burtescu <>" "Florian Wilkens <>" "Félix Raimundo <>" "Tibor Benke <>" "Markus Siemens <>" "Josh Branchaud <>" "Huon Wilson <>" "Corey Farwell <>" "Aaron Liblong <>" "Nick Cameron <>" "Patrick Walton <>" "Felix S Klock II <>" "Andrew Paseltiner <>" "Sean McArthur <>" "Vadim Petrochenkov <>" ];
-    sha256 = "07sgxp3cf1a4cxm9n3r27fcvqmld32bl2576mrcahnvm34j11xay";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  way_cooler_client_helpers_0_1_0_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "way-cooler-client-helpers";
-    version = "0.1.0";
-    authors = [ "Timidger <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0749lh5crd0rhq4dxij9mb3y5902laazjd01l6ci5782bjfk4s39";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  wayland_client_0_9_10_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "wayland-client";
-    version = "0.9.10";
-    authors = [ "Victor Berger <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1cs7zwvqahiysnfqfask96zpfr2bp47dlwwwd9ap8ccvcjbspj67";
-    build = "";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  wayland_scanner_0_9_10_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "wayland-scanner";
-    version = "0.9.10";
-    authors = [ "Victor Berger <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0vhnj3vfnrknvdmy72pjh7dck5q5sz1v8kfr0qqzkqf0ylavvyb2";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  wayland_sys_0_9_10_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "wayland-sys";
-    version = "0.9.10";
-    authors = [ "Victor Berger <>" ];
-    sha256 = "011q7lfii222whvif39asvryl1sf3rc1fxp8qs8gh84kr4mna0k8";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  wc_bg_0_3_0_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "wc-bg";
-    version = "0.3.0";
-    authors = [ "Timidger <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1jywymr80k96481vr6nyyqhlf2gj2n2zgvkwkny2m84v9n3pqn62";
-    build = "";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  winapi_0_2_8_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "winapi";
-    version = "0.2.8";
-    authors = [ "Peter Atashian <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0a45b58ywf12vb7gvj6h3j264nydynmzyqz8d8rqxsj6icqv82as";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  winapi_build_0_1_1_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "winapi-build";
-    version = "0.1.1";
-    authors = [ "Peter Atashian <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1lxlpi87rkhxcwp2ykf1ldw3p108hwm24nywf3jfrvmff4rjhqga";
-    libName = "build";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  xml_rs_0_6_1_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "xml-rs";
-    version = "0.6.1";
-    authors = [ "Vladimir Matveev <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0adjwgmn061p60n81s52a9p26y2jdc20wvinsyw2nzmby5wvnbwk";
-    libPath = "src/";
-    libName = "xml";
-    crateBin = [ {  name = "xml-analyze";  path = "src/"; } ];
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  ansi_term_0_9_0 = { features?(ansi_term_0_9_0_features {}) }: ansi_term_0_9_0_ {};
-  ansi_term_0_9_0_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    ansi_term_0_9_0.default = (f.ansi_term_0_9_0.default or true);
-  }) [];
-  atty_0_2_3 = { features?(atty_0_2_3_features {}) }: atty_0_2_3_ {
-    dependencies = (if kernel == "redox" then mapFeatures features ([ termion_1_5_1 ]) else [])
-      ++ (if (kernel == "linux" || kernel == "darwin") then mapFeatures features ([ libc_0_2_32 ]) else [])
-      ++ (if kernel == "windows" then mapFeatures features ([ kernel32_sys_0_2_2 winapi_0_2_8 ]) else []);
-  };
-  atty_0_2_3_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    atty_0_2_3.default = (f.atty_0_2_3.default or true);
-    kernel32_sys_0_2_2.default = true;
-    libc_0_2_32.default = (f.libc_0_2_32.default or false);
-    termion_1_5_1.default = true;
-    winapi_0_2_8.default = true;
-  }) [ termion_1_5_1_features libc_0_2_32_features kernel32_sys_0_2_2_features winapi_0_2_8_features ];
-  bitflags_0_7_0 = { features?(bitflags_0_7_0_features {}) }: bitflags_0_7_0_ {};
-  bitflags_0_7_0_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    bitflags_0_7_0.default = (f.bitflags_0_7_0.default or true);
-  }) [];
-  bitflags_0_9_1 = { features?(bitflags_0_9_1_features {}) }: bitflags_0_9_1_ {
-    features = mkFeatures (features.bitflags_0_9_1 or {});
-  };
-  bitflags_0_9_1_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    bitflags_0_9_1.default = (f.bitflags_0_9_1.default or true);
-    bitflags_0_9_1.example_generated =
-      (f.bitflags_0_9_1.example_generated or false) ||
-      (f.bitflags_0_9_1.default or false) ||
-      (bitflags_0_9_1.default or false);
-  }) [];
-  byteorder_0_5_3 = { features?(byteorder_0_5_3_features {}) }: byteorder_0_5_3_ {
-    features = mkFeatures (features.byteorder_0_5_3 or {});
-  };
-  byteorder_0_5_3_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    byteorder_0_5_3.default = (f.byteorder_0_5_3.default or true);
-    byteorder_0_5_3.std =
-      (f.byteorder_0_5_3.std or false) ||
-      (f.byteorder_0_5_3.default or false) ||
-      (byteorder_0_5_3.default or false);
-  }) [];
-  byteorder_1_1_0 = { features?(byteorder_1_1_0_features {}) }: byteorder_1_1_0_ {
-    features = mkFeatures (features.byteorder_1_1_0 or {});
-  };
-  byteorder_1_1_0_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    byteorder_1_1_0.default = (f.byteorder_1_1_0.default or true);
-    byteorder_1_1_0.std =
-      (f.byteorder_1_1_0.std or false) ||
-      (f.byteorder_1_1_0.default or false) ||
-      (byteorder_1_1_0.default or false);
-  }) [];
-  cc_1_0_0 = { features?(cc_1_0_0_features {}) }: cc_1_0_0_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([]);
-    features = mkFeatures (features.cc_1_0_0 or {});
-  };
-  cc_1_0_0_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    cc_1_0_0.default = (f.cc_1_0_0.default or true);
-    cc_1_0_0.rayon =
-      (f.cc_1_0_0.rayon or false) ||
-      (f.cc_1_0_0.parallel or false) ||
-      (cc_1_0_0.parallel or false);
-  }) [];
-  clap_2_26_2 = { features?(clap_2_26_2_features {}) }: clap_2_26_2_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ bitflags_0_9_1 textwrap_0_8_0 unicode_width_0_1_4 vec_map_0_8_0 ]
-      ++ (if features.clap_2_26_2.ansi_term or false then [ ansi_term_0_9_0 ] else [])
-      ++ (if features.clap_2_26_2.atty or false then [ atty_0_2_3 ] else [])
-      ++ (if features.clap_2_26_2.strsim or false then [ strsim_0_6_0 ] else [])
-      ++ (if features.clap_2_26_2.term_size or false then [ term_size_0_3_0 ] else []));
-    features = mkFeatures (features.clap_2_26_2 or {});
-  };
-  clap_2_26_2_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    ansi_term_0_9_0.default = true;
-    atty_0_2_3.default = true;
-    bitflags_0_9_1.default = true;
-    clap_2_26_2.ansi_term =
-      (f.clap_2_26_2.ansi_term or false) ||
-      (f.clap_2_26_2.color or false) ||
-      (clap_2_26_2.color or false);
-    clap_2_26_2.atty =
-      (f.clap_2_26_2.atty or false) ||
-      (f.clap_2_26_2.color or false) ||
-      (clap_2_26_2.color or false);
-    clap_2_26_2.clippy =
-      (f.clap_2_26_2.clippy or false) ||
-      (f.clap_2_26_2.lints or false) ||
-      (clap_2_26_2.lints or false);
-    clap_2_26_2.color =
-      (f.clap_2_26_2.color or false) ||
-      (f.clap_2_26_2.default or false) ||
-      (clap_2_26_2.default or false);
-    clap_2_26_2.default = (f.clap_2_26_2.default or true);
-    clap_2_26_2.strsim =
-      (f.clap_2_26_2.strsim or false) ||
-      (f.clap_2_26_2.suggestions or false) ||
-      (clap_2_26_2.suggestions or false);
-    clap_2_26_2.suggestions =
-      (f.clap_2_26_2.suggestions or false) ||
-      (f.clap_2_26_2.default or false) ||
-      (clap_2_26_2.default or false);
-    clap_2_26_2.term_size =
-      (f.clap_2_26_2.term_size or false) ||
-      (f.clap_2_26_2.wrap_help or false) ||
-      (clap_2_26_2.wrap_help or false);
-    clap_2_26_2.wrap_help =
-      (f.clap_2_26_2.wrap_help or false) ||
-      (f.clap_2_26_2.default or false) ||
-      (clap_2_26_2.default or false);
-    clap_2_26_2.yaml =
-      (f.clap_2_26_2.yaml or false) ||
-      (f.clap_2_26_2.doc or false) ||
-      (clap_2_26_2.doc or false);
-    clap_2_26_2.yaml-rust =
-      (f.clap_2_26_2.yaml-rust or false) ||
-      (f.clap_2_26_2.yaml or false) ||
-      (clap_2_26_2.yaml or false);
-    strsim_0_6_0.default = true;
-    term_size_0_3_0.default = true;
-    textwrap_0_8_0.default = true;
-    unicode_width_0_1_4.default = true;
-    vec_map_0_8_0.default = true;
-  }) [ ansi_term_0_9_0_features atty_0_2_3_features bitflags_0_9_1_features strsim_0_6_0_features term_size_0_3_0_features textwrap_0_8_0_features unicode_width_0_1_4_features vec_map_0_8_0_features ];
-  coco_0_1_1 = { features?(coco_0_1_1_features {}) }: coco_0_1_1_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ either_1_2_0 scopeguard_0_3_2 ]);
-    features = mkFeatures (features.coco_0_1_1 or {});
-  };
-  coco_0_1_1_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    coco_0_1_1.default = (f.coco_0_1_1.default or true);
-    either_1_2_0.default = true;
-    scopeguard_0_3_2.default = true;
-  }) [ either_1_2_0_features scopeguard_0_3_2_features ];
-  color_quant_1_0_0 = { features?(color_quant_1_0_0_features {}) }: color_quant_1_0_0_ {};
-  color_quant_1_0_0_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    color_quant_1_0_0.default = (f.color_quant_1_0_0.default or true);
-  }) [];
-  dlib_0_3_1 = { features?(dlib_0_3_1_features {}) }: dlib_0_3_1_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ libloading_0_3_4 ]);
-    features = mkFeatures (features.dlib_0_3_1 or {});
-  };
-  dlib_0_3_1_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    dlib_0_3_1.default = (f.dlib_0_3_1.default or true);
-    libloading_0_3_4.default = true;
-  }) [ libloading_0_3_4_features ];
-  dtoa_0_4_2 = { features?(dtoa_0_4_2_features {}) }: dtoa_0_4_2_ {};
-  dtoa_0_4_2_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    dtoa_0_4_2.default = (f.dtoa_0_4_2.default or true);
-  }) [];
-  either_1_2_0 = { features?(either_1_2_0_features {}) }: either_1_2_0_ {
-    features = mkFeatures (features.either_1_2_0 or {});
-  };
-  either_1_2_0_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    either_1_2_0.default = (f.either_1_2_0.default or true);
-    either_1_2_0.use_std =
-      (f.either_1_2_0.use_std or false) ||
-      (f.either_1_2_0.default or false) ||
-      (either_1_2_0.default or false);
-  }) [];
-  enum_primitive_0_1_1 = { features?(enum_primitive_0_1_1_features {}) }: enum_primitive_0_1_1_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ num_traits_0_1_40 ]);
-  };
-  enum_primitive_0_1_1_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    enum_primitive_0_1_1.default = (f.enum_primitive_0_1_1.default or true);
-    num_traits_0_1_40.default = (f.num_traits_0_1_40.default or false);
-  }) [ num_traits_0_1_40_features ];
-  flate2_0_2_20 = { features?(flate2_0_2_20_features {}) }: flate2_0_2_20_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ libc_0_2_32 ]
-      ++ (if features.flate2_0_2_20.miniz-sys or false then [ miniz_sys_0_1_10 ] else []));
-    features = mkFeatures (features.flate2_0_2_20 or {});
-  };
-  flate2_0_2_20_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    flate2_0_2_20.default = (f.flate2_0_2_20.default or true);
-    flate2_0_2_20.futures =
-      (f.flate2_0_2_20.futures or false) ||
-      (f.flate2_0_2_20.tokio or false) ||
-      (flate2_0_2_20.tokio or false);
-    flate2_0_2_20.libz-sys =
-      (f.flate2_0_2_20.libz-sys or false) ||
-      (f.flate2_0_2_20.zlib or false) ||
-      (flate2_0_2_20.zlib or false);
-    flate2_0_2_20.miniz-sys =
-      (f.flate2_0_2_20.miniz-sys or false) ||
-      (f.flate2_0_2_20.default or false) ||
-      (flate2_0_2_20.default or false);
-    flate2_0_2_20.tokio-io =
-      (f.flate2_0_2_20.tokio-io or false) ||
-      (f.flate2_0_2_20.tokio or false) ||
-      (flate2_0_2_20.tokio or false);
-    libc_0_2_32.default = true;
-    miniz_sys_0_1_10.default = true;
-  }) [ libc_0_2_32_features miniz_sys_0_1_10_features ];
-  fuchsia_zircon_0_2_1 = { features?(fuchsia_zircon_0_2_1_features {}) }: fuchsia_zircon_0_2_1_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ fuchsia_zircon_sys_0_2_0 ]);
-  };
-  fuchsia_zircon_0_2_1_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    fuchsia_zircon_0_2_1.default = (f.fuchsia_zircon_0_2_1.default or true);
-    fuchsia_zircon_sys_0_2_0.default = true;
-  }) [ fuchsia_zircon_sys_0_2_0_features ];
-  fuchsia_zircon_sys_0_2_0 = { features?(fuchsia_zircon_sys_0_2_0_features {}) }: fuchsia_zircon_sys_0_2_0_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ bitflags_0_7_0 ]);
-  };
-  fuchsia_zircon_sys_0_2_0_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    bitflags_0_7_0.default = true;
-    fuchsia_zircon_sys_0_2_0.default = (f.fuchsia_zircon_sys_0_2_0.default or true);
-  }) [ bitflags_0_7_0_features ];
-  futures_0_1_16 = { features?(futures_0_1_16_features {}) }: futures_0_1_16_ {
-    features = mkFeatures (features.futures_0_1_16 or {});
-  };
-  futures_0_1_16_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    futures_0_1_16.default = (f.futures_0_1_16.default or true);
-    futures_0_1_16.use_std =
-      (f.futures_0_1_16.use_std or false) ||
-      (f.futures_0_1_16.default or false) ||
-      (futures_0_1_16.default or false);
-    futures_0_1_16.with-deprecated =
-      (f.futures_0_1_16.with-deprecated or false) ||
-      (f.futures_0_1_16.default or false) ||
-      (futures_0_1_16.default or false);
-  }) [];
-  gif_0_9_2 = { features?(gif_0_9_2_features {}) }: gif_0_9_2_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ color_quant_1_0_0 lzw_0_10_0 ]);
-    features = mkFeatures (features.gif_0_9_2 or {});
-  };
-  gif_0_9_2_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    color_quant_1_0_0.default = true;
-    gif_0_9_2.default = (f.gif_0_9_2.default or true);
-    gif_0_9_2.libc =
-      (f.gif_0_9_2.libc or false) ||
-      (f.gif_0_9_2.c_api or false) ||
-      (gif_0_9_2.c_api or false);
-    gif_0_9_2.raii_no_panic =
-      (f.gif_0_9_2.raii_no_panic or false) ||
-      (f.gif_0_9_2.default or false) ||
-      (gif_0_9_2.default or false);
-    lzw_0_10_0.default = true;
-  }) [ color_quant_1_0_0_features lzw_0_10_0_features ];
-  glob_0_2_11 = { features?(glob_0_2_11_features {}) }: glob_0_2_11_ {};
-  glob_0_2_11_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    glob_0_2_11.default = (f.glob_0_2_11.default or true);
-  }) [];
-  image_0_10_4 = { features?(image_0_10_4_features {}) }: image_0_10_4_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ byteorder_0_5_3 enum_primitive_0_1_1 glob_0_2_11 num_iter_0_1_34 num_rational_0_1_39 num_traits_0_1_40 ]
-      ++ (if features.image_0_10_4.gif or false then [ gif_0_9_2 ] else [])
-      ++ (if features.image_0_10_4.jpeg-decoder or false then [ jpeg_decoder_0_1_13 ] else [])
-      ++ (if features.image_0_10_4.png or false then [ png_0_5_2 ] else [])
-      ++ (if features.image_0_10_4.scoped_threadpool or false then [ scoped_threadpool_0_1_8 ] else []));
-    features = mkFeatures (features.image_0_10_4 or {});
-  };
-  image_0_10_4_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    byteorder_0_5_3.default = true;
-    enum_primitive_0_1_1.default = true;
-    gif_0_9_2.default = true;
-    glob_0_2_11.default = true;
-    image_0_10_4.bmp =
-      (f.image_0_10_4.bmp or false) ||
-      (f.image_0_10_4.default or false) ||
-      (image_0_10_4.default or false) ||
-      (f.image_0_10_4.ico or false) ||
-      (image_0_10_4.ico or false);
-    image_0_10_4.default = (f.image_0_10_4.default or true);
-    image_0_10_4.gif =
-      (f.image_0_10_4.gif or false) ||
-      (f.image_0_10_4.gif_codec or false) ||
-      (image_0_10_4.gif_codec or false);
-    image_0_10_4.gif_codec =
-      (f.image_0_10_4.gif_codec or false) ||
-      (f.image_0_10_4.default or false) ||
-      (image_0_10_4.default or false);
-    image_0_10_4.hdr =
-      (f.image_0_10_4.hdr or false) ||
-      (f.image_0_10_4.default or false) ||
-      (image_0_10_4.default or false);
-    image_0_10_4.ico =
-      (f.image_0_10_4.ico or false) ||
-      (f.image_0_10_4.default or false) ||
-      (image_0_10_4.default or false);
-    image_0_10_4.jpeg =
-      (f.image_0_10_4.jpeg or false) ||
-      (f.image_0_10_4.default or false) ||
-      (image_0_10_4.default or false);
-    image_0_10_4.jpeg-decoder =
-      (f.image_0_10_4.jpeg-decoder or false) ||
-      (f.image_0_10_4.jpeg or false) ||
-      (image_0_10_4.jpeg or false);
-    image_0_10_4.png =
-      (f.image_0_10_4.png or false) ||
-      (f.image_0_10_4.png_codec or false) ||
-      (image_0_10_4.png_codec or false);
-    image_0_10_4.png_codec =
-      (f.image_0_10_4.png_codec or false) ||
-      (f.image_0_10_4.default or false) ||
-      (image_0_10_4.default or false) ||
-      (f.image_0_10_4.ico or false) ||
-      (image_0_10_4.ico or false);
-    image_0_10_4.ppm =
-      (f.image_0_10_4.ppm or false) ||
-      (f.image_0_10_4.default or false) ||
-      (image_0_10_4.default or false);
-    image_0_10_4.scoped_threadpool =
-      (f.image_0_10_4.scoped_threadpool or false) ||
-      (f.image_0_10_4.hdr or false) ||
-      (image_0_10_4.hdr or false);
-    image_0_10_4.tga =
-      (f.image_0_10_4.tga or false) ||
-      (f.image_0_10_4.default or false) ||
-      (image_0_10_4.default or false);
-    image_0_10_4.tiff =
-      (f.image_0_10_4.tiff or false) ||
-      (f.image_0_10_4.default or false) ||
-      (image_0_10_4.default or false);
-    image_0_10_4.webp =
-      (f.image_0_10_4.webp or false) ||
-      (f.image_0_10_4.default or false) ||
-      (image_0_10_4.default or false);
-    jpeg_decoder_0_1_13.default = true;
-    num_iter_0_1_34.default = true;
-    num_rational_0_1_39.default = true;
-    num_traits_0_1_40.default = true;
-    png_0_5_2.default = true;
-    scoped_threadpool_0_1_8.default = true;
-  }) [ byteorder_0_5_3_features enum_primitive_0_1_1_features gif_0_9_2_features glob_0_2_11_features jpeg_decoder_0_1_13_features num_iter_0_1_34_features num_rational_0_1_39_features num_traits_0_1_40_features png_0_5_2_features scoped_threadpool_0_1_8_features ];
-  inflate_0_1_1 = { features?(inflate_0_1_1_features {}) }: inflate_0_1_1_ {
-    features = mkFeatures (features.inflate_0_1_1 or {});
-  };
-  inflate_0_1_1_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    inflate_0_1_1.default = (f.inflate_0_1_1.default or true);
-  }) [];
-  itoa_0_3_4 = { features?(itoa_0_3_4_features {}) }: itoa_0_3_4_ {
-    features = mkFeatures (features.itoa_0_3_4 or {});
-  };
-  itoa_0_3_4_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    itoa_0_3_4.default = (f.itoa_0_3_4.default or true);
-  }) [];
-  jpeg_decoder_0_1_13 = { features?(jpeg_decoder_0_1_13_features {}) }: jpeg_decoder_0_1_13_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ byteorder_1_1_0 ]
-      ++ (if features.jpeg_decoder_0_1_13.rayon or false then [ rayon_0_8_2 ] else []));
-    features = mkFeatures (features.jpeg_decoder_0_1_13 or {});
-  };
-  jpeg_decoder_0_1_13_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    byteorder_1_1_0.default = true;
-    jpeg_decoder_0_1_13.default = (f.jpeg_decoder_0_1_13.default or true);
-    jpeg_decoder_0_1_13.rayon =
-      (f.jpeg_decoder_0_1_13.rayon or false) ||
-      (f.jpeg_decoder_0_1_13.default or false) ||
-      (jpeg_decoder_0_1_13.default or false);
-    rayon_0_8_2.default = true;
-  }) [ byteorder_1_1_0_features rayon_0_8_2_features ];
-  kernel32_sys_0_2_2 = { features?(kernel32_sys_0_2_2_features {}) }: kernel32_sys_0_2_2_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ winapi_0_2_8 ]);
-    buildDependencies = mapFeatures features ([ winapi_build_0_1_1 ]);
-  };
-  kernel32_sys_0_2_2_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    kernel32_sys_0_2_2.default = (f.kernel32_sys_0_2_2.default or true);
-    winapi_0_2_8.default = true;
-    winapi_build_0_1_1.default = true;
-  }) [ winapi_0_2_8_features winapi_build_0_1_1_features ];
-  lazy_static_0_2_9 = { features?(lazy_static_0_2_9_features {}) }: lazy_static_0_2_9_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([]);
-    features = mkFeatures (features.lazy_static_0_2_9 or {});
-  };
-  lazy_static_0_2_9_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    lazy_static_0_2_9.default = (f.lazy_static_0_2_9.default or true);
-    lazy_static_0_2_9.nightly =
-      (f.lazy_static_0_2_9.nightly or false) ||
-      (f.lazy_static_0_2_9.spin_no_std or false) ||
-      (lazy_static_0_2_9.spin_no_std or false);
-    lazy_static_0_2_9.spin =
-      (f.lazy_static_0_2_9.spin or false) ||
-      (f.lazy_static_0_2_9.spin_no_std or false) ||
-      (lazy_static_0_2_9.spin_no_std or false);
-  }) [];
-  libc_0_2_32 = { features?(libc_0_2_32_features {}) }: libc_0_2_32_ {
-    features = mkFeatures (features.libc_0_2_32 or {});
-  };
-  libc_0_2_32_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    libc_0_2_32.default = (f.libc_0_2_32.default or true);
-    libc_0_2_32.use_std =
-      (f.libc_0_2_32.use_std or false) ||
-      (f.libc_0_2_32.default or false) ||
-      (libc_0_2_32.default or false);
-  }) [];
-  libloading_0_3_4 = { features?(libloading_0_3_4_features {}) }: libloading_0_3_4_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ lazy_static_0_2_9 ])
-      ++ (if kernel == "windows" then mapFeatures features ([ kernel32_sys_0_2_2 winapi_0_2_8 ]) else []);
-    buildDependencies = mapFeatures features ([ target_build_utils_0_3_1 ]);
-  };
-  libloading_0_3_4_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    kernel32_sys_0_2_2.default = true;
-    lazy_static_0_2_9.default = true;
-    libloading_0_3_4.default = (f.libloading_0_3_4.default or true);
-    target_build_utils_0_3_1.default = true;
-    winapi_0_2_8.default = true;
-  }) [ lazy_static_0_2_9_features target_build_utils_0_3_1_features kernel32_sys_0_2_2_features winapi_0_2_8_features ];
-  lzw_0_10_0 = { features?(lzw_0_10_0_features {}) }: lzw_0_10_0_ {
-    features = mkFeatures (features.lzw_0_10_0 or {});
-  };
-  lzw_0_10_0_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    lzw_0_10_0.default = (f.lzw_0_10_0.default or true);
-    lzw_0_10_0.raii_no_panic =
-      (f.lzw_0_10_0.raii_no_panic or false) ||
-      (f.lzw_0_10_0.default or false) ||
-      (lzw_0_10_0.default or false);
-  }) [];
-  miniz_sys_0_1_10 = { features?(miniz_sys_0_1_10_features {}) }: miniz_sys_0_1_10_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ libc_0_2_32 ]);
-    buildDependencies = mapFeatures features ([ cc_1_0_0 ]);
-  };
-  miniz_sys_0_1_10_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    cc_1_0_0.default = true;
-    libc_0_2_32.default = true;
-    miniz_sys_0_1_10.default = (f.miniz_sys_0_1_10.default or true);
-  }) [ libc_0_2_32_features cc_1_0_0_features ];
-  num_bigint_0_1_40 = { features?(num_bigint_0_1_40_features {}) }: num_bigint_0_1_40_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ num_integer_0_1_35 num_traits_0_1_40 ]
-      ++ (if features.num_bigint_0_1_40.rand or false then [ rand_0_3_17 ] else [])
-      ++ (if features.num_bigint_0_1_40.rustc-serialize or false then [ rustc_serialize_0_3_24 ] else []));
-    features = mkFeatures (features.num_bigint_0_1_40 or {});
-  };
-  num_bigint_0_1_40_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    num_bigint_0_1_40.default = (f.num_bigint_0_1_40.default or true);
-    num_bigint_0_1_40.rand =
-      (f.num_bigint_0_1_40.rand or false) ||
-      (f.num_bigint_0_1_40.default or false) ||
-      (num_bigint_0_1_40.default or false);
-    num_bigint_0_1_40.rustc-serialize =
-      (f.num_bigint_0_1_40.rustc-serialize or false) ||
-      (f.num_bigint_0_1_40.default or false) ||
-      (num_bigint_0_1_40.default or false);
-    num_integer_0_1_35.default = true;
-    num_traits_0_1_40.default = true;
-    rand_0_3_17.default = true;
-    rustc_serialize_0_3_24.default = true;
-  }) [ num_integer_0_1_35_features num_traits_0_1_40_features rand_0_3_17_features rustc_serialize_0_3_24_features ];
-  num_integer_0_1_35 = { features?(num_integer_0_1_35_features {}) }: num_integer_0_1_35_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ num_traits_0_1_40 ]);
-  };
-  num_integer_0_1_35_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    num_integer_0_1_35.default = (f.num_integer_0_1_35.default or true);
-    num_traits_0_1_40.default = true;
-  }) [ num_traits_0_1_40_features ];
-  num_iter_0_1_34 = { features?(num_iter_0_1_34_features {}) }: num_iter_0_1_34_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ num_integer_0_1_35 num_traits_0_1_40 ]);
-  };
-  num_iter_0_1_34_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    num_integer_0_1_35.default = true;
-    num_iter_0_1_34.default = (f.num_iter_0_1_34.default or true);
-    num_traits_0_1_40.default = true;
-  }) [ num_integer_0_1_35_features num_traits_0_1_40_features ];
-  num_rational_0_1_39 = { features?(num_rational_0_1_39_features {}) }: num_rational_0_1_39_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ num_integer_0_1_35 num_traits_0_1_40 ]
-      ++ (if features.num_rational_0_1_39.num-bigint or false then [ num_bigint_0_1_40 ] else [])
-      ++ (if features.num_rational_0_1_39.rustc-serialize or false then [ rustc_serialize_0_3_24 ] else []));
-    features = mkFeatures (features.num_rational_0_1_39 or {});
-  };
-  num_rational_0_1_39_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    num_bigint_0_1_40.default = true;
-    num_integer_0_1_35.default = true;
-    num_rational_0_1_39.bigint =
-      (f.num_rational_0_1_39.bigint or false) ||
-      (f.num_rational_0_1_39.default or false) ||
-      (num_rational_0_1_39.default or false);
-    num_rational_0_1_39.default = (f.num_rational_0_1_39.default or true);
-    num_rational_0_1_39.num-bigint =
-      (f.num_rational_0_1_39.num-bigint or false) ||
-      (f.num_rational_0_1_39.bigint or false) ||
-      (num_rational_0_1_39.bigint or false);
-    num_rational_0_1_39.rustc-serialize =
-      (f.num_rational_0_1_39.rustc-serialize or false) ||
-      (f.num_rational_0_1_39.default or false) ||
-      (num_rational_0_1_39.default or false);
-    num_traits_0_1_40.default = true;
-    rustc_serialize_0_3_24.default = true;
-  }) [ num_bigint_0_1_40_features num_integer_0_1_35_features num_traits_0_1_40_features rustc_serialize_0_3_24_features ];
-  num_traits_0_1_40 = { features?(num_traits_0_1_40_features {}) }: num_traits_0_1_40_ {};
-  num_traits_0_1_40_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    num_traits_0_1_40.default = (f.num_traits_0_1_40.default or true);
-  }) [];
-  num_cpus_1_7_0 = { features?(num_cpus_1_7_0_features {}) }: num_cpus_1_7_0_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ libc_0_2_32 ]);
-  };
-  num_cpus_1_7_0_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    libc_0_2_32.default = true;
-    num_cpus_1_7_0.default = (f.num_cpus_1_7_0.default or true);
-  }) [ libc_0_2_32_features ];
-  phf_0_7_21 = { features?(phf_0_7_21_features {}) }: phf_0_7_21_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ phf_shared_0_7_21 ]);
-    features = mkFeatures (features.phf_0_7_21 or {});
-  };
-  phf_0_7_21_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    phf_0_7_21.default = (f.phf_0_7_21.default or true);
-    phf_shared_0_7_21.core =
-      (f.phf_shared_0_7_21.core or false) ||
-      (phf_0_7_21.core or false) ||
-      (f.phf_0_7_21.core or false);
-    phf_shared_0_7_21.default = true;
-    phf_shared_0_7_21.unicase =
-      (f.phf_shared_0_7_21.unicase or false) ||
-      (phf_0_7_21.unicase or false) ||
-      (f.phf_0_7_21.unicase or false);
-  }) [ phf_shared_0_7_21_features ];
-  phf_codegen_0_7_21 = { features?(phf_codegen_0_7_21_features {}) }: phf_codegen_0_7_21_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ phf_generator_0_7_21 phf_shared_0_7_21 ]);
-  };
-  phf_codegen_0_7_21_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    phf_codegen_0_7_21.default = (f.phf_codegen_0_7_21.default or true);
-    phf_generator_0_7_21.default = true;
-    phf_shared_0_7_21.default = true;
-  }) [ phf_generator_0_7_21_features phf_shared_0_7_21_features ];
-  phf_generator_0_7_21 = { features?(phf_generator_0_7_21_features {}) }: phf_generator_0_7_21_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ phf_shared_0_7_21 rand_0_3_17 ]);
-  };
-  phf_generator_0_7_21_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    phf_generator_0_7_21.default = (f.phf_generator_0_7_21.default or true);
-    phf_shared_0_7_21.default = true;
-    rand_0_3_17.default = true;
-  }) [ phf_shared_0_7_21_features rand_0_3_17_features ];
-  phf_shared_0_7_21 = { features?(phf_shared_0_7_21_features {}) }: phf_shared_0_7_21_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ siphasher_0_2_2 ]);
-    features = mkFeatures (features.phf_shared_0_7_21 or {});
-  };
-  phf_shared_0_7_21_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    phf_shared_0_7_21.default = (f.phf_shared_0_7_21.default or true);
-    siphasher_0_2_2.default = true;
-  }) [ siphasher_0_2_2_features ];
-  png_0_5_2 = { features?(png_0_5_2_features {}) }: png_0_5_2_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ bitflags_0_7_0 inflate_0_1_1 num_iter_0_1_34 ]
-      ++ (if features.png_0_5_2.flate2 or false then [ flate2_0_2_20 ] else []));
-    features = mkFeatures (features.png_0_5_2 or {});
-  };
-  png_0_5_2_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    bitflags_0_7_0.default = true;
-    flate2_0_2_20.default = true;
-    inflate_0_1_1.default = true;
-    num_iter_0_1_34.default = true;
-    png_0_5_2.default = (f.png_0_5_2.default or true);
-    png_0_5_2.flate2 =
-      (f.png_0_5_2.flate2 or false) ||
-      (f.png_0_5_2.png-encoding or false) ||
-      (png_0_5_2.png-encoding or false);
-    png_0_5_2.png-encoding =
-      (f.png_0_5_2.png-encoding or false) ||
-      (f.png_0_5_2.default or false) ||
-      (png_0_5_2.default or false);
-  }) [ bitflags_0_7_0_features flate2_0_2_20_features inflate_0_1_1_features num_iter_0_1_34_features ];
-  rand_0_3_17 = { features?(rand_0_3_17_features {}) }: rand_0_3_17_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ libc_0_2_32 ])
-      ++ (if kernel == "fuchsia" then mapFeatures features ([ fuchsia_zircon_0_2_1 ]) else []);
-    features = mkFeatures (features.rand_0_3_17 or {});
-  };
-  rand_0_3_17_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    fuchsia_zircon_0_2_1.default = true;
-    libc_0_2_32.default = true;
-    rand_0_3_17.default = (f.rand_0_3_17.default or true);
-    rand_0_3_17.i128_support =
-      (f.rand_0_3_17.i128_support or false) ||
-      (f.rand_0_3_17.nightly or false) ||
-      (rand_0_3_17.nightly or false);
-  }) [ libc_0_2_32_features fuchsia_zircon_0_2_1_features ];
-  rayon_0_8_2 = { features?(rayon_0_8_2_features {}) }: rayon_0_8_2_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ rayon_core_1_2_1 ]);
-  };
-  rayon_0_8_2_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    rayon_0_8_2.default = (f.rayon_0_8_2.default or true);
-    rayon_core_1_2_1.default = true;
-  }) [ rayon_core_1_2_1_features ];
-  rayon_core_1_2_1 = { features?(rayon_core_1_2_1_features {}) }: rayon_core_1_2_1_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ coco_0_1_1 futures_0_1_16 lazy_static_0_2_9 libc_0_2_32 num_cpus_1_7_0 rand_0_3_17 ]);
-  };
-  rayon_core_1_2_1_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    coco_0_1_1.default = true;
-    futures_0_1_16.default = true;
-    lazy_static_0_2_9.default = true;
-    libc_0_2_32.default = true;
-    num_cpus_1_7_0.default = true;
-    rand_0_3_17.default = true;
-    rayon_core_1_2_1.default = (f.rayon_core_1_2_1.default or true);
-  }) [ coco_0_1_1_features futures_0_1_16_features lazy_static_0_2_9_features libc_0_2_32_features num_cpus_1_7_0_features rand_0_3_17_features ];
-  redox_syscall_0_1_31 = { features?(redox_syscall_0_1_31_features {}) }: redox_syscall_0_1_31_ {};
-  redox_syscall_0_1_31_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    redox_syscall_0_1_31.default = (f.redox_syscall_0_1_31.default or true);
-  }) [];
-  redox_termios_0_1_1 = { features?(redox_termios_0_1_1_features {}) }: redox_termios_0_1_1_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ redox_syscall_0_1_31 ]);
-  };
-  redox_termios_0_1_1_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    redox_syscall_0_1_31.default = true;
-    redox_termios_0_1_1.default = (f.redox_termios_0_1_1.default or true);
-  }) [ redox_syscall_0_1_31_features ];
-  rustc_serialize_0_3_24 = { features?(rustc_serialize_0_3_24_features {}) }: rustc_serialize_0_3_24_ {};
-  rustc_serialize_0_3_24_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    rustc_serialize_0_3_24.default = (f.rustc_serialize_0_3_24.default or true);
-  }) [];
-  scoped_threadpool_0_1_8 = { features?(scoped_threadpool_0_1_8_features {}) }: scoped_threadpool_0_1_8_ {
-    features = mkFeatures (features.scoped_threadpool_0_1_8 or {});
-  };
-  scoped_threadpool_0_1_8_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    scoped_threadpool_0_1_8.default = (f.scoped_threadpool_0_1_8.default or true);
-  }) [];
-  scopeguard_0_3_2 = { features?(scopeguard_0_3_2_features {}) }: scopeguard_0_3_2_ {
-    features = mkFeatures (features.scopeguard_0_3_2 or {});
-  };
-  scopeguard_0_3_2_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    scopeguard_0_3_2.default = (f.scopeguard_0_3_2.default or true);
-    scopeguard_0_3_2.use_std =
-      (f.scopeguard_0_3_2.use_std or false) ||
-      (f.scopeguard_0_3_2.default or false) ||
-      (scopeguard_0_3_2.default or false);
-  }) [];
-  serde_0_9_15 = { features?(serde_0_9_15_features {}) }: serde_0_9_15_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([]);
-    features = mkFeatures (features.serde_0_9_15 or {});
-  };
-  serde_0_9_15_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    serde_0_9_15.alloc =
-      (f.serde_0_9_15.alloc or false) ||
-      (f.serde_0_9_15.collections or false) ||
-      (serde_0_9_15.collections or false);
-    serde_0_9_15.default = (f.serde_0_9_15.default or true);
-    serde_0_9_15.serde_derive =
-      (f.serde_0_9_15.serde_derive or false) ||
-      (f.serde_0_9_15.derive or false) ||
-      (serde_0_9_15.derive or false) ||
-      (f.serde_0_9_15.playground or false) ||
-      (serde_0_9_15.playground or false);
-    serde_0_9_15.std =
-      (f.serde_0_9_15.std or false) ||
-      (f.serde_0_9_15.default or false) ||
-      (serde_0_9_15.default or false) ||
-      (f.serde_0_9_15.unstable-testing or false) ||
-      (serde_0_9_15.unstable-testing or false);
-    serde_0_9_15.unstable =
-      (f.serde_0_9_15.unstable or false) ||
-      (f.serde_0_9_15.alloc or false) ||
-      (serde_0_9_15.alloc or false) ||
-      (f.serde_0_9_15.unstable-testing or false) ||
-      (serde_0_9_15.unstable-testing or false);
-  }) [];
-  serde_json_0_9_10 = { features?(serde_json_0_9_10_features {}) }: serde_json_0_9_10_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ dtoa_0_4_2 itoa_0_3_4 num_traits_0_1_40 serde_0_9_15 ]);
-    features = mkFeatures (features.serde_json_0_9_10 or {});
-  };
-  serde_json_0_9_10_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    dtoa_0_4_2.default = true;
-    itoa_0_3_4.default = true;
-    num_traits_0_1_40.default = true;
-    serde_0_9_15.default = true;
-    serde_json_0_9_10.default = (f.serde_json_0_9_10.default or true);
-    serde_json_0_9_10.linked-hash-map =
-      (f.serde_json_0_9_10.linked-hash-map or false) ||
-      (f.serde_json_0_9_10.preserve_order or false) ||
-      (serde_json_0_9_10.preserve_order or false);
-  }) [ dtoa_0_4_2_features itoa_0_3_4_features num_traits_0_1_40_features serde_0_9_15_features ];
-  siphasher_0_2_2 = { features?(siphasher_0_2_2_features {}) }: siphasher_0_2_2_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([]);
-  };
-  siphasher_0_2_2_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    siphasher_0_2_2.default = (f.siphasher_0_2_2.default or true);
-  }) [];
-  strsim_0_6_0 = { features?(strsim_0_6_0_features {}) }: strsim_0_6_0_ {};
-  strsim_0_6_0_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    strsim_0_6_0.default = (f.strsim_0_6_0.default or true);
-  }) [];
-  target_build_utils_0_3_1 = { features?(target_build_utils_0_3_1_features {}) }: target_build_utils_0_3_1_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ phf_0_7_21 ]
-      ++ (if features.target_build_utils_0_3_1.serde_json or false then [ serde_json_0_9_10 ] else []));
-    buildDependencies = mapFeatures features ([ phf_codegen_0_7_21 ]);
-    features = mkFeatures (features.target_build_utils_0_3_1 or {});
-  };
-  target_build_utils_0_3_1_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    phf_0_7_21.default = true;
-    phf_codegen_0_7_21.default = true;
-    serde_json_0_9_10.default = true;
-    target_build_utils_0_3_1.default = (f.target_build_utils_0_3_1.default or true);
-    target_build_utils_0_3_1.serde_json =
-      (f.target_build_utils_0_3_1.serde_json or false) ||
-      (f.target_build_utils_0_3_1.default or false) ||
-      (target_build_utils_0_3_1.default or false);
-  }) [ phf_0_7_21_features serde_json_0_9_10_features phf_codegen_0_7_21_features ];
-  tempfile_2_2_0 = { features?(tempfile_2_2_0_features {}) }: tempfile_2_2_0_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ rand_0_3_17 ])
-      ++ (if kernel == "redox" then mapFeatures features ([ redox_syscall_0_1_31 ]) else [])
-      ++ (if (kernel == "linux" || kernel == "darwin") then mapFeatures features ([ libc_0_2_32 ]) else [])
-      ++ (if kernel == "windows" then mapFeatures features ([ kernel32_sys_0_2_2 winapi_0_2_8 ]) else []);
-  };
-  tempfile_2_2_0_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    kernel32_sys_0_2_2.default = true;
-    libc_0_2_32.default = true;
-    rand_0_3_17.default = true;
-    redox_syscall_0_1_31.default = true;
-    tempfile_2_2_0.default = (f.tempfile_2_2_0.default or true);
-    winapi_0_2_8.default = true;
-  }) [ rand_0_3_17_features redox_syscall_0_1_31_features libc_0_2_32_features kernel32_sys_0_2_2_features winapi_0_2_8_features ];
-  term_size_0_3_0 = { features?(term_size_0_3_0_features {}) }: term_size_0_3_0_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([])
-      ++ (if !(kernel == "windows") then mapFeatures features ([ libc_0_2_32 ]) else [])
-      ++ (if kernel == "windows" then mapFeatures features ([ kernel32_sys_0_2_2 winapi_0_2_8 ]) else []);
-    features = mkFeatures (features.term_size_0_3_0 or {});
-  };
-  term_size_0_3_0_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    kernel32_sys_0_2_2.default = true;
-    libc_0_2_32.default = true;
-    term_size_0_3_0.clippy =
-      (f.term_size_0_3_0.clippy or false) ||
-      (f.term_size_0_3_0.lints or false) ||
-      (term_size_0_3_0.lints or false);
-    term_size_0_3_0.default = (f.term_size_0_3_0.default or true);
-    term_size_0_3_0.lints =
-      (f.term_size_0_3_0.lints or false) ||
-      (f.term_size_0_3_0.travis or false) ||
-      (term_size_0_3_0.travis or false);
-    term_size_0_3_0.nightly =
-      (f.term_size_0_3_0.nightly or false) ||
-      (f.term_size_0_3_0.lints or false) ||
-      (term_size_0_3_0.lints or false) ||
-      (f.term_size_0_3_0.travis or false) ||
-      (term_size_0_3_0.travis or false);
-    winapi_0_2_8.default = true;
-  }) [ libc_0_2_32_features kernel32_sys_0_2_2_features winapi_0_2_8_features ];
-  termion_1_5_1 = { features?(termion_1_5_1_features {}) }: termion_1_5_1_ {
-    dependencies = (if !(kernel == "redox") then mapFeatures features ([ libc_0_2_32 ]) else [])
-      ++ (if kernel == "redox" then mapFeatures features ([ redox_syscall_0_1_31 redox_termios_0_1_1 ]) else []);
-  };
-  termion_1_5_1_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    libc_0_2_32.default = true;
-    redox_syscall_0_1_31.default = true;
-    redox_termios_0_1_1.default = true;
-    termion_1_5_1.default = (f.termion_1_5_1.default or true);
-  }) [ libc_0_2_32_features redox_syscall_0_1_31_features redox_termios_0_1_1_features ];
-  textwrap_0_8_0 = { features?(textwrap_0_8_0_features {}) }: textwrap_0_8_0_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ term_size_0_3_0 unicode_width_0_1_4 ]);
-  };
-  textwrap_0_8_0_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    term_size_0_3_0.default = true;
-    textwrap_0_8_0.default = (f.textwrap_0_8_0.default or true);
-    unicode_width_0_1_4.default = true;
-  }) [ term_size_0_3_0_features unicode_width_0_1_4_features ];
-  unicode_width_0_1_4 = { features?(unicode_width_0_1_4_features {}) }: unicode_width_0_1_4_ {
-    features = mkFeatures (features.unicode_width_0_1_4 or {});
-  };
-  unicode_width_0_1_4_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    unicode_width_0_1_4.default = (f.unicode_width_0_1_4.default or true);
-  }) [];
-  vec_map_0_8_0 = { features?(vec_map_0_8_0_features {}) }: vec_map_0_8_0_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([]);
-    features = mkFeatures (features.vec_map_0_8_0 or {});
-  };
-  vec_map_0_8_0_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    vec_map_0_8_0.default = (f.vec_map_0_8_0.default or true);
-    vec_map_0_8_0.serde =
-      (f.vec_map_0_8_0.serde or false) ||
-      (f.vec_map_0_8_0.eders or false) ||
-      (vec_map_0_8_0.eders or false);
-    vec_map_0_8_0.serde_derive =
-      (f.vec_map_0_8_0.serde_derive or false) ||
-      (f.vec_map_0_8_0.eders or false) ||
-      (vec_map_0_8_0.eders or false);
-  }) [];
-  way_cooler_client_helpers_0_1_0 = { features?(way_cooler_client_helpers_0_1_0_features {}) }: way_cooler_client_helpers_0_1_0_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ wayland_client_0_9_10 wayland_sys_0_9_10 ]);
-  };
-  way_cooler_client_helpers_0_1_0_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    way_cooler_client_helpers_0_1_0.default = (f.way_cooler_client_helpers_0_1_0.default or true);
-    wayland_client_0_9_10.cursor = true;
-    wayland_client_0_9_10.default = true;
-    wayland_client_0_9_10.dlopen = true;
-    wayland_sys_0_9_10.client = true;
-    wayland_sys_0_9_10.default = true;
-    wayland_sys_0_9_10.dlopen = true;
-  }) [ wayland_client_0_9_10_features wayland_sys_0_9_10_features ];
-  wayland_client_0_9_10 = { features?(wayland_client_0_9_10_features {}) }: wayland_client_0_9_10_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ bitflags_0_9_1 libc_0_2_32 wayland_sys_0_9_10 ]);
-    buildDependencies = mapFeatures features ([ wayland_scanner_0_9_10 ]);
-    features = mkFeatures (features.wayland_client_0_9_10 or {});
-  };
-  wayland_client_0_9_10_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    bitflags_0_9_1.default = true;
-    libc_0_2_32.default = true;
-    wayland_client_0_9_10.cursor =
-      (f.wayland_client_0_9_10.cursor or false) ||
-      (f.wayland_client_0_9_10.default or false) ||
-      (wayland_client_0_9_10.default or false);
-    wayland_client_0_9_10.default = (f.wayland_client_0_9_10.default or true);
-    wayland_client_0_9_10.egl =
-      (f.wayland_client_0_9_10.egl or false) ||
-      (f.wayland_client_0_9_10.default or false) ||
-      (wayland_client_0_9_10.default or false);
-    wayland_scanner_0_9_10.default = true;
-    wayland_sys_0_9_10.client = true;
-    wayland_sys_0_9_10.cursor =
-      (f.wayland_sys_0_9_10.cursor or false) ||
-      (wayland_client_0_9_10.cursor or false) ||
-      (f.wayland_client_0_9_10.cursor or false);
-    wayland_sys_0_9_10.default = true;
-    wayland_sys_0_9_10.dlopen =
-      (f.wayland_sys_0_9_10.dlopen or false) ||
-      (wayland_client_0_9_10.dlopen or false) ||
-      (f.wayland_client_0_9_10.dlopen or false);
-    wayland_sys_0_9_10.egl =
-      (f.wayland_sys_0_9_10.egl or false) ||
-      (wayland_client_0_9_10.egl or false) ||
-      (f.wayland_client_0_9_10.egl or false);
-  }) [ bitflags_0_9_1_features libc_0_2_32_features wayland_sys_0_9_10_features wayland_scanner_0_9_10_features ];
-  wayland_scanner_0_9_10 = { features?(wayland_scanner_0_9_10_features {}) }: wayland_scanner_0_9_10_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ xml_rs_0_6_1 ]);
-  };
-  wayland_scanner_0_9_10_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    wayland_scanner_0_9_10.default = (f.wayland_scanner_0_9_10.default or true);
-    xml_rs_0_6_1.default = true;
-  }) [ xml_rs_0_6_1_features ];
-  wayland_sys_0_9_10 = { features?(wayland_sys_0_9_10_features {}) }: wayland_sys_0_9_10_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ dlib_0_3_1 ]
-      ++ (if features.wayland_sys_0_9_10.lazy_static or false then [ lazy_static_0_2_9 ] else []));
-    features = mkFeatures (features.wayland_sys_0_9_10 or {});
-  };
-  wayland_sys_0_9_10_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    dlib_0_3_1.default = true;
-    dlib_0_3_1.dlopen =
-      (f.dlib_0_3_1.dlopen or false) ||
-      (wayland_sys_0_9_10.dlopen or false) ||
-      (f.wayland_sys_0_9_10.dlopen or false);
-    lazy_static_0_2_9.default = true;
-    wayland_sys_0_9_10.default = (f.wayland_sys_0_9_10.default or true);
-    wayland_sys_0_9_10.lazy_static =
-      (f.wayland_sys_0_9_10.lazy_static or false) ||
-      (f.wayland_sys_0_9_10.dlopen or false) ||
-      (wayland_sys_0_9_10.dlopen or false);
-    wayland_sys_0_9_10.libc =
-      (f.wayland_sys_0_9_10.libc or false) ||
-      (f.wayland_sys_0_9_10.server or false) ||
-      (wayland_sys_0_9_10.server or false);
-  }) [ dlib_0_3_1_features lazy_static_0_2_9_features ];
-  wc_bg_0_3_0 = { features?(wc_bg_0_3_0_features {}) }: wc_bg_0_3_0_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ byteorder_0_5_3 clap_2_26_2 image_0_10_4 tempfile_2_2_0 way_cooler_client_helpers_0_1_0 wayland_client_0_9_10 wayland_sys_0_9_10 ]);
-    buildDependencies = mapFeatures features ([ wayland_scanner_0_9_10 ]);
-  };
-  wc_bg_0_3_0_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    byteorder_0_5_3.default = true;
-    clap_2_26_2.default = true;
-    image_0_10_4.default = true;
-    tempfile_2_2_0.default = true;
-    way_cooler_client_helpers_0_1_0.default = true;
-    wayland_client_0_9_10.cursor = true;
-    wayland_client_0_9_10.default = true;
-    wayland_client_0_9_10.dlopen = true;
-    wayland_scanner_0_9_10.default = true;
-    wayland_sys_0_9_10.client = true;
-    wayland_sys_0_9_10.default = true;
-    wayland_sys_0_9_10.dlopen = true;
-    wc_bg_0_3_0.default = (f.wc_bg_0_3_0.default or true);
-  }) [ byteorder_0_5_3_features clap_2_26_2_features image_0_10_4_features tempfile_2_2_0_features way_cooler_client_helpers_0_1_0_features wayland_client_0_9_10_features wayland_sys_0_9_10_features wayland_scanner_0_9_10_features ];
-  winapi_0_2_8 = { features?(winapi_0_2_8_features {}) }: winapi_0_2_8_ {};
-  winapi_0_2_8_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    winapi_0_2_8.default = (f.winapi_0_2_8.default or true);
-  }) [];
-  winapi_build_0_1_1 = { features?(winapi_build_0_1_1_features {}) }: winapi_build_0_1_1_ {};
-  winapi_build_0_1_1_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    winapi_build_0_1_1.default = (f.winapi_build_0_1_1.default or true);
-  }) [];
-  xml_rs_0_6_1 = { features?(xml_rs_0_6_1_features {}) }: xml_rs_0_6_1_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ bitflags_0_9_1 ]);
-  };
-  xml_rs_0_6_1_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    bitflags_0_9_1.default = true;
-    xml_rs_0_6_1.default = (f.xml_rs_0_6_1.default or true);
-  }) [ bitflags_0_9_1_features ];
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/window-managers/way-cooler/wc-grab.nix b/pkgs/applications/window-managers/way-cooler/wc-grab.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 3264357b2fd..00000000000
--- a/pkgs/applications/window-managers/way-cooler/wc-grab.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,794 +0,0 @@
-# Generated by carnix 0.6.5: carnix -o wc-grab.nix Cargo.lock
-{ lib, stdenv, buildRustCrate, fetchgit }:
-let kernel =;
-    updateFeatures = f: up: functions: builtins.deepSeq f (lib.lists.foldl' (features: fun: fun features) (lib.attrsets.recursiveUpdate f up) functions);
-    mapFeatures = features: map (fun: fun { features = features; });
-    mkFeatures = feat: lib.lists.foldl (features: featureName:
-      if feat.${featureName} or false then
-        [ featureName ] ++ features
-      else
-        features
-    ) [] (builtins.attrNames feat);
-rec {
-  wc_grab = f: wc_grab_0_3_0 { features = wc_grab_0_3_0_features { wc_grab_0_3_0 = f; }; };
-  adler32_1_0_0_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "adler32";
-    version = "1.0.0";
-    authors = [ "Remi Rampin <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0pj35a7m4apn5xjg9n63gsdj6w8iw76zg4p9znrij43xnfqp084w";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  ansi_term_0_9_0_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "ansi_term";
-    version = "0.9.0";
-    authors = [ "" "Ryan Scheel (Havvy) <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1vcd8m2hglrdi4zmqnkkz5zy3c73ifgii245k7vj6qr5dzpn9hij";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  atty_0_2_2_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "atty";
-    version = "0.2.2";
-    authors = [ "softprops <>" ];
-    sha256 = "05c6jvrxljp4s1aycgq2z3y56f7f5yvc56v25cqlmpc1qx65z7ba";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  bitflags_0_7_0_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "bitflags";
-    version = "0.7.0";
-    authors = [ "The Rust Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "1hr72xg5slm0z4pxs2hiy4wcyx3jva70h58b7mid8l0a4c8f7gn5";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  bitflags_0_8_0_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "bitflags";
-    version = "0.8.0";
-    authors = [ "The Rust Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "1h489m0wzhng5gvvc40jgdbaf0ac3rgkka31vwinhsjmfvrqcc4v";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  byteorder_1_0_0_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "byteorder";
-    version = "1.0.0";
-    authors = [ "Andrew Gallant <>" ];
-    sha256 = "14pdnds4517vcpablc51vv76hvc3glnpkpbb7qdil591q7lyb0m1";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  clap_2_22_0_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "clap";
-    version = "2.22.0";
-    authors = [ "Kevin K. <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0gdgyfh3ydpd2px4xh0i5qd6bhi2c5f43bqv9z4kla9vkmmfiavd";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  color_quant_1_0_0_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "color_quant";
-    version = "1.0.0";
-    authors = [ "nwin <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0jwr40lr115zm2bydk1wja12gcxrmgsx0n1z1pipq00sab71maaj";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  dbus_0_5_2_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "dbus";
-    version = "0.5.2";
-    authors = [ "David Henningsson <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1ga3p2myqxbz34n2bbw4gk1ipf76mjr8r2rvrvnalwggymzfkhj7";
-    build = "";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  deflate_0_7_5_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "deflate";
-    version = "0.7.5";
-    authors = [ "oyvindln <>" ];
-    sha256 = "18bcmdkyshnzpkxx22b29gn55g6bk5ysy98ghjpjhxy3hky96rvy";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  deque_0_3_1_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "deque";
-    version = "0.3.1";
-    authors = [ "Alex Crichton <>" "Samuel Fredrickson <>" "Linus Färnstrand <>" "Amanieu d'Antras <>" ];
-    sha256 = "04x8i5aagxmslk350i8qszyw7kmvrqc3d99g4qi1xnfmr61y7m68";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  enum_primitive_0_1_1_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "enum_primitive";
-    version = "0.1.1";
-    authors = [ "Anders Kaseorg <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1a225rlsz7sz3nn14dar71kp2f9v08s3rwl6j55xp51mv01f695y";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  error_chain_0_7_2_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "error-chain";
-    version = "0.7.2";
-    authors = [ "Brian Anderson <>" "Paul Colomiets <>" "Colin Kiegel <>" "Yamakaky <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0b1r4ggdgy1djfvz2s4l5kirmfsmxd286y6wx0p9ahv2phb7inyi";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  gif_0_9_1_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "gif";
-    version = "0.9.1";
-    authors = [ "nwin <>" ];
-    sha256 = "16s7b0rqc6gg1fcbppakm3jy2q462w3qvykcmcmifmg7q7lwsg6r";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  glob_0_2_11_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "glob";
-    version = "0.2.11";
-    authors = [ "The Rust Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "104389jjxs8r2f5cc9p0axhjmndgln60ih5x4f00ccgg9d3zarlf";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  image_0_12_3_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "image";
-    version = "0.12.3";
-    authors = [ "ccgn" "bvssvni <>" "nwin" "TyOverby <>" ];
-    sha256 = "12xdzi29vr19gz3h93c1ihyvyv9xar9sp0inrjwwvlbjvn8nn0p9";
-    libPath = "./src/";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  inflate_0_1_1_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "inflate";
-    version = "0.1.1";
-    authors = [ "nwin <>" ];
-    sha256 = "112kh9hjcjjxdybl032mdhpwnr3qxw8j0ch6hwanwpcf3gz42g1h";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  jpeg_decoder_0_1_11_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "jpeg-decoder";
-    version = "0.1.11";
-    authors = [ "Ulf Nilsson <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1xm39c1cff5gkczs164371hk2gpkjpkbw63k4f8mjnpwwpn9xk4n";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  kernel32_sys_0_2_2_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "kernel32-sys";
-    version = "0.2.2";
-    authors = [ "Peter Atashian <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1lrw1hbinyvr6cp28g60z97w32w8vsk6pahk64pmrv2fmby8srfj";
-    libName = "kernel32";
-    build = "";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  libc_0_2_21_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "libc";
-    version = "0.2.21";
-    authors = [ "The Rust Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "0glj3lxwc8358cfw9pb5dd4zr9iynzj6w2ly59nshrggsw021j75";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  lzw_0_10_0_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "lzw";
-    version = "0.10.0";
-    authors = [ "nwin <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1cfsy2w26kbz9bjaqp9dh1wyyh47rpmhwvj4jpc1rmffbf438fvb";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  metadeps_1_1_1_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "metadeps";
-    version = "1.1.1";
-    authors = [ "Josh Triplett <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1px8v94jn4ps63gqmvgsfcqxrwjhpa9z4xr0y1lh95wn2063fsar";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  num_integer_0_1_33_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "num-integer";
-    version = "0.1.33";
-    authors = [ "The Rust Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "1rhy9lf4lhl7r8278n73mi9y55v9a71639as3v92bj2gk1x4k729";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  num_iter_0_1_33_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "num-iter";
-    version = "0.1.33";
-    authors = [ "The Rust Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "1xjzf2p2vaqwknkr4s8ka5hn6cpr5rsshnydbpkn2pvapfzdrqd3";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  num_rational_0_1_36_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "num-rational";
-    version = "0.1.36";
-    authors = [ "The Rust Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "0jibhs8xiap2wlv1xjwdvhyj4yrxwfisqbnfm53vjm5ldlijp87p";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  num_traits_0_1_37_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "num-traits";
-    version = "0.1.37";
-    authors = [ "The Rust Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "0rwzfmdjq6iz6plva2gi7agvy1w9sjs7aqjh0p115w57xiix2224";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  num_cpus_1_3_0_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "num_cpus";
-    version = "1.3.0";
-    authors = [ "Sean McArthur <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0i0zm6qh932k9b67qf7f1vsczkdim5kg9qv73m7y5hhw1i781rrb";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  pkg_config_0_3_9_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "pkg-config";
-    version = "0.3.9";
-    authors = [ "Alex Crichton <>" ];
-    sha256 = "06k8fxgrsrxj8mjpjcq1n7mn2p1shpxif4zg9y5h09c7vy20s146";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  png_0_6_2_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "png";
-    version = "0.6.2";
-    authors = [ "nwin <>" ];
-    sha256 = "03i78w5jbvk9y6babfrh7h0akvg81pcyyhniilv24z5v0vh5jvjs";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  rand_0_3_15_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "rand";
-    version = "0.3.15";
-    authors = [ "The Rust Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "1fs30rc1xic40s1n7l3y7pxzfifpy03mgrvhy5ggp5p7zjfv3rr8";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  rayon_0_6_0_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "rayon";
-    version = "0.6.0";
-    authors = [ "Niko Matsakis <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0y2693bari5j4h46mjzkyc9lkfbnq2d1p0ldyn6sb02jn63lpw97";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  scoped_threadpool_0_1_7_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "scoped_threadpool";
-    version = "0.1.7";
-    authors = [ "Marvin Löbel <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0dg58f18i6v071640062n0vymr4h42cnj0xy8a7b80sc0mddykyk";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  strsim_0_6_0_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "strsim";
-    version = "0.6.0";
-    authors = [ "Danny Guo <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1lz85l6y68hr62lv4baww29yy7g8pg20dlr0lbaswxmmcb0wl7gd";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  term_size_0_2_3_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "term_size";
-    version = "0.2.3";
-    authors = [ "Kevin K. <>" "Benjamin Sago <>" ];
-    sha256 = "16b7gq2dmz7mws4vgai7whxy4xkg4yvlhm7spz0q6jyipqfq87ci";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  toml_0_2_1_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "toml";
-    version = "0.2.1";
-    authors = [ "Alex Crichton <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0p4rkaqhmk4fp6iqpxfgp3p98hxhbs2wmla3fq531n875h922yqs";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  unicode_segmentation_1_1_0_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "unicode-segmentation";
-    version = "1.1.0";
-    authors = [ "kwantam <>" ];
-    sha256 = "10hk7wy0217jwdbp27p36skwkig5lbhk482yfzij9m87h247rry0";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  unicode_width_0_1_4_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "unicode-width";
-    version = "0.1.4";
-    authors = [ "kwantam <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1rp7a04icn9y5c0lm74nrd4py0rdl0af8bhdwq7g478n1xifpifl";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  vec_map_0_7_0_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "vec_map";
-    version = "0.7.0";
-    authors = [ "Alex Crichton <>" "Jorge Aparicio <>" "Alexis Beingessner <>" "Brian Anderson <>" "tbu- <>" "Manish Goregaokar <>" "Aaron Turon <>" "Adolfo Ochagavía <>" "Niko Matsakis <>" "Steven Fackler <>" "Chase Southwood <>" "Eduard Burtescu <>" "Florian Wilkens <>" "Félix Raimundo <>" "Tibor Benke <>" "Markus Siemens <>" "Josh Branchaud <>" "Huon Wilson <>" "Corey Farwell <>" "Aaron Liblong <>" "Nick Cameron <>" "Patrick Walton <>" "Felix S Klock II <>" "Andrew Paseltiner <>" "Sean McArthur <>" "Vadim Petrochenkov <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0jawvi83b1nm101nam0w71kdyh7cy3fr0l9qj1hfcjvzvihfk2l1";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  wc_grab_0_3_0_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "wc-grab";
-    version = "0.3.0";
-    authors = [ "Timidger <>" ];
-    sha256 = "02dkjxffzh38h3hiwfypkjv0g8dsfkp9wk20j04x4qydg4dr8a8h";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  winapi_0_2_8_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "winapi";
-    version = "0.2.8";
-    authors = [ "Peter Atashian <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0a45b58ywf12vb7gvj6h3j264nydynmzyqz8d8rqxsj6icqv82as";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  winapi_build_0_1_1_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "winapi-build";
-    version = "0.1.1";
-    authors = [ "Peter Atashian <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1lxlpi87rkhxcwp2ykf1ldw3p108hwm24nywf3jfrvmff4rjhqga";
-    libName = "build";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  adler32_1_0_0 = { features?(adler32_1_0_0_features {}) }: adler32_1_0_0_ {};
-  adler32_1_0_0_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    adler32_1_0_0.default = (f.adler32_1_0_0.default or true);
-  }) [];
-  ansi_term_0_9_0 = { features?(ansi_term_0_9_0_features {}) }: ansi_term_0_9_0_ {};
-  ansi_term_0_9_0_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    ansi_term_0_9_0.default = (f.ansi_term_0_9_0.default or true);
-  }) [];
-  atty_0_2_2 = { features?(atty_0_2_2_features {}) }: atty_0_2_2_ {
-    dependencies = (if !(kernel == "windows") then mapFeatures features ([ libc_0_2_21 ]) else [])
-      ++ (if kernel == "windows" then mapFeatures features ([ kernel32_sys_0_2_2 winapi_0_2_8 ]) else []);
-  };
-  atty_0_2_2_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    atty_0_2_2.default = (f.atty_0_2_2.default or true);
-    kernel32_sys_0_2_2.default = true;
-    libc_0_2_21.default = true;
-    winapi_0_2_8.default = true;
-  }) [ libc_0_2_21_features kernel32_sys_0_2_2_features winapi_0_2_8_features ];
-  bitflags_0_7_0 = { features?(bitflags_0_7_0_features {}) }: bitflags_0_7_0_ {};
-  bitflags_0_7_0_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    bitflags_0_7_0.default = (f.bitflags_0_7_0.default or true);
-  }) [];
-  bitflags_0_8_0 = { features?(bitflags_0_8_0_features {}) }: bitflags_0_8_0_ {
-    features = mkFeatures (features.bitflags_0_8_0 or {});
-  };
-  bitflags_0_8_0_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    bitflags_0_8_0.default = (f.bitflags_0_8_0.default or true);
-    bitflags_0_8_0.i128 =
-      (f.bitflags_0_8_0.i128 or false) ||
-      (f.bitflags_0_8_0.unstable or false) ||
-      (bitflags_0_8_0.unstable or false);
-  }) [];
-  byteorder_1_0_0 = { features?(byteorder_1_0_0_features {}) }: byteorder_1_0_0_ {
-    features = mkFeatures (features.byteorder_1_0_0 or {});
-  };
-  byteorder_1_0_0_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    byteorder_1_0_0.default = (f.byteorder_1_0_0.default or true);
-    byteorder_1_0_0.std =
-      (f.byteorder_1_0_0.std or false) ||
-      (f.byteorder_1_0_0.default or false) ||
-      (byteorder_1_0_0.default or false);
-  }) [];
-  clap_2_22_0 = { features?(clap_2_22_0_features {}) }: clap_2_22_0_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ bitflags_0_8_0 unicode_segmentation_1_1_0 unicode_width_0_1_4 vec_map_0_7_0 ]
-      ++ (if features.clap_2_22_0.ansi_term or false then [ ansi_term_0_9_0 ] else [])
-      ++ (if features.clap_2_22_0.atty or false then [ atty_0_2_2 ] else [])
-      ++ (if features.clap_2_22_0.strsim or false then [ strsim_0_6_0 ] else [])
-      ++ (if features.clap_2_22_0.term_size or false then [ term_size_0_2_3 ] else []));
-    features = mkFeatures (features.clap_2_22_0 or {});
-  };
-  clap_2_22_0_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    ansi_term_0_9_0.default = true;
-    atty_0_2_2.default = true;
-    bitflags_0_8_0.default = true;
-    clap_2_22_0.ansi_term =
-      (f.clap_2_22_0.ansi_term or false) ||
-      (f.clap_2_22_0.color or false) ||
-      (clap_2_22_0.color or false);
-    clap_2_22_0.atty =
-      (f.clap_2_22_0.atty or false) ||
-      (f.clap_2_22_0.color or false) ||
-      (clap_2_22_0.color or false);
-    clap_2_22_0.clippy =
-      (f.clap_2_22_0.clippy or false) ||
-      (f.clap_2_22_0.lints or false) ||
-      (clap_2_22_0.lints or false);
-    clap_2_22_0.color =
-      (f.clap_2_22_0.color or false) ||
-      (f.clap_2_22_0.default or false) ||
-      (clap_2_22_0.default or false);
-    clap_2_22_0.default = (f.clap_2_22_0.default or true);
-    clap_2_22_0.strsim =
-      (f.clap_2_22_0.strsim or false) ||
-      (f.clap_2_22_0.suggestions or false) ||
-      (clap_2_22_0.suggestions or false);
-    clap_2_22_0.suggestions =
-      (f.clap_2_22_0.suggestions or false) ||
-      (f.clap_2_22_0.default or false) ||
-      (clap_2_22_0.default or false);
-    clap_2_22_0.term_size =
-      (f.clap_2_22_0.term_size or false) ||
-      (f.clap_2_22_0.wrap_help or false) ||
-      (clap_2_22_0.wrap_help or false);
-    clap_2_22_0.wrap_help =
-      (f.clap_2_22_0.wrap_help or false) ||
-      (f.clap_2_22_0.default or false) ||
-      (clap_2_22_0.default or false);
-    clap_2_22_0.yaml-rust =
-      (f.clap_2_22_0.yaml-rust or false) ||
-      (f.clap_2_22_0.yaml or false) ||
-      (clap_2_22_0.yaml or false);
-    strsim_0_6_0.default = true;
-    term_size_0_2_3.default = true;
-    unicode_segmentation_1_1_0.default = true;
-    unicode_width_0_1_4.default = true;
-    vec_map_0_7_0.default = true;
-  }) [ ansi_term_0_9_0_features atty_0_2_2_features bitflags_0_8_0_features strsim_0_6_0_features term_size_0_2_3_features unicode_segmentation_1_1_0_features unicode_width_0_1_4_features vec_map_0_7_0_features ];
-  color_quant_1_0_0 = { features?(color_quant_1_0_0_features {}) }: color_quant_1_0_0_ {};
-  color_quant_1_0_0_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    color_quant_1_0_0.default = (f.color_quant_1_0_0.default or true);
-  }) [];
-  dbus_0_5_2 = { features?(dbus_0_5_2_features {}) }: dbus_0_5_2_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ libc_0_2_21 ]);
-    buildDependencies = mapFeatures features ([ metadeps_1_1_1 ]);
-    features = mkFeatures (features.dbus_0_5_2 or {});
-  };
-  dbus_0_5_2_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    dbus_0_5_2.default = (f.dbus_0_5_2.default or true);
-    libc_0_2_21.default = true;
-    metadeps_1_1_1.default = true;
-  }) [ libc_0_2_21_features metadeps_1_1_1_features ];
-  deflate_0_7_5 = { features?(deflate_0_7_5_features {}) }: deflate_0_7_5_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ adler32_1_0_0 byteorder_1_0_0 ]);
-  };
-  deflate_0_7_5_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    adler32_1_0_0.default = true;
-    byteorder_1_0_0.default = true;
-    deflate_0_7_5.default = (f.deflate_0_7_5.default or true);
-  }) [ adler32_1_0_0_features byteorder_1_0_0_features ];
-  deque_0_3_1 = { features?(deque_0_3_1_features {}) }: deque_0_3_1_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ rand_0_3_15 ]);
-  };
-  deque_0_3_1_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    deque_0_3_1.default = (f.deque_0_3_1.default or true);
-    rand_0_3_15.default = true;
-  }) [ rand_0_3_15_features ];
-  enum_primitive_0_1_1 = { features?(enum_primitive_0_1_1_features {}) }: enum_primitive_0_1_1_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ num_traits_0_1_37 ]);
-  };
-  enum_primitive_0_1_1_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    enum_primitive_0_1_1.default = (f.enum_primitive_0_1_1.default or true);
-    num_traits_0_1_37.default = (f.num_traits_0_1_37.default or false);
-  }) [ num_traits_0_1_37_features ];
-  error_chain_0_7_2 = { features?(error_chain_0_7_2_features {}) }: error_chain_0_7_2_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([]);
-    features = mkFeatures (features.error_chain_0_7_2 or {});
-  };
-  error_chain_0_7_2_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    error_chain_0_7_2.backtrace =
-      (f.error_chain_0_7_2.backtrace or false) ||
-      (f.error_chain_0_7_2.default or false) ||
-      (error_chain_0_7_2.default or false);
-    error_chain_0_7_2.default = (f.error_chain_0_7_2.default or true);
-    error_chain_0_7_2.example_generated =
-      (f.error_chain_0_7_2.example_generated or false) ||
-      (f.error_chain_0_7_2.default or false) ||
-      (error_chain_0_7_2.default or false);
-  }) [];
-  gif_0_9_1 = { features?(gif_0_9_1_features {}) }: gif_0_9_1_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ color_quant_1_0_0 lzw_0_10_0 ]);
-    features = mkFeatures (features.gif_0_9_1 or {});
-  };
-  gif_0_9_1_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    color_quant_1_0_0.default = true;
-    gif_0_9_1.default = (f.gif_0_9_1.default or true);
-    gif_0_9_1.libc =
-      (f.gif_0_9_1.libc or false) ||
-      (f.gif_0_9_1.c_api or false) ||
-      (gif_0_9_1.c_api or false);
-    gif_0_9_1.raii_no_panic =
-      (f.gif_0_9_1.raii_no_panic or false) ||
-      (f.gif_0_9_1.default or false) ||
-      (gif_0_9_1.default or false);
-    lzw_0_10_0.default = true;
-  }) [ color_quant_1_0_0_features lzw_0_10_0_features ];
-  glob_0_2_11 = { features?(glob_0_2_11_features {}) }: glob_0_2_11_ {};
-  glob_0_2_11_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    glob_0_2_11.default = (f.glob_0_2_11.default or true);
-  }) [];
-  image_0_12_3 = { features?(image_0_12_3_features {}) }: image_0_12_3_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ byteorder_1_0_0 enum_primitive_0_1_1 glob_0_2_11 num_iter_0_1_33 num_rational_0_1_36 num_traits_0_1_37 ]
-      ++ (if features.image_0_12_3.gif or false then [ gif_0_9_1 ] else [])
-      ++ (if features.image_0_12_3.jpeg-decoder or false then [ jpeg_decoder_0_1_11 ] else [])
-      ++ (if features.image_0_12_3.png or false then [ png_0_6_2 ] else [])
-      ++ (if features.image_0_12_3.scoped_threadpool or false then [ scoped_threadpool_0_1_7 ] else []));
-    features = mkFeatures (features.image_0_12_3 or {});
-  };
-  image_0_12_3_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    byteorder_1_0_0.default = true;
-    enum_primitive_0_1_1.default = true;
-    gif_0_9_1.default = true;
-    glob_0_2_11.default = true;
-    image_0_12_3.bmp =
-      (f.image_0_12_3.bmp or false) ||
-      (f.image_0_12_3.default or false) ||
-      (image_0_12_3.default or false) ||
-      (f.image_0_12_3.ico or false) ||
-      (image_0_12_3.ico or false);
-    image_0_12_3.default = (f.image_0_12_3.default or true);
-    image_0_12_3.gif =
-      (f.image_0_12_3.gif or false) ||
-      (f.image_0_12_3.gif_codec or false) ||
-      (image_0_12_3.gif_codec or false);
-    image_0_12_3.gif_codec =
-      (f.image_0_12_3.gif_codec or false) ||
-      (f.image_0_12_3.default or false) ||
-      (image_0_12_3.default or false);
-    image_0_12_3.hdr =
-      (f.image_0_12_3.hdr or false) ||
-      (f.image_0_12_3.default or false) ||
-      (image_0_12_3.default or false);
-    image_0_12_3.ico =
-      (f.image_0_12_3.ico or false) ||
-      (f.image_0_12_3.default or false) ||
-      (image_0_12_3.default or false);
-    image_0_12_3.jpeg =
-      (f.image_0_12_3.jpeg or false) ||
-      (f.image_0_12_3.default or false) ||
-      (image_0_12_3.default or false);
-    image_0_12_3.jpeg-decoder =
-      (f.image_0_12_3.jpeg-decoder or false) ||
-      (f.image_0_12_3.jpeg or false) ||
-      (image_0_12_3.jpeg or false);
-    image_0_12_3.png =
-      (f.image_0_12_3.png or false) ||
-      (f.image_0_12_3.png_codec or false) ||
-      (image_0_12_3.png_codec or false);
-    image_0_12_3.png_codec =
-      (f.image_0_12_3.png_codec or false) ||
-      (f.image_0_12_3.default or false) ||
-      (image_0_12_3.default or false) ||
-      (f.image_0_12_3.ico or false) ||
-      (image_0_12_3.ico or false);
-    image_0_12_3.ppm =
-      (f.image_0_12_3.ppm or false) ||
-      (f.image_0_12_3.default or false) ||
-      (image_0_12_3.default or false);
-    image_0_12_3.scoped_threadpool =
-      (f.image_0_12_3.scoped_threadpool or false) ||
-      (f.image_0_12_3.hdr or false) ||
-      (image_0_12_3.hdr or false);
-    image_0_12_3.tga =
-      (f.image_0_12_3.tga or false) ||
-      (f.image_0_12_3.default or false) ||
-      (image_0_12_3.default or false);
-    image_0_12_3.tiff =
-      (f.image_0_12_3.tiff or false) ||
-      (f.image_0_12_3.default or false) ||
-      (image_0_12_3.default or false);
-    image_0_12_3.webp =
-      (f.image_0_12_3.webp or false) ||
-      (f.image_0_12_3.default or false) ||
-      (image_0_12_3.default or false);
-    jpeg_decoder_0_1_11.default = true;
-    num_iter_0_1_33.default = true;
-    num_rational_0_1_36.default = (f.num_rational_0_1_36.default or false);
-    num_traits_0_1_37.default = true;
-    png_0_6_2.default = true;
-    scoped_threadpool_0_1_7.default = true;
-  }) [ byteorder_1_0_0_features enum_primitive_0_1_1_features gif_0_9_1_features glob_0_2_11_features jpeg_decoder_0_1_11_features num_iter_0_1_33_features num_rational_0_1_36_features num_traits_0_1_37_features png_0_6_2_features scoped_threadpool_0_1_7_features ];
-  inflate_0_1_1 = { features?(inflate_0_1_1_features {}) }: inflate_0_1_1_ {
-    features = mkFeatures (features.inflate_0_1_1 or {});
-  };
-  inflate_0_1_1_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    inflate_0_1_1.default = (f.inflate_0_1_1.default or true);
-  }) [];
-  jpeg_decoder_0_1_11 = { features?(jpeg_decoder_0_1_11_features {}) }: jpeg_decoder_0_1_11_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ byteorder_1_0_0 ]
-      ++ (if features.jpeg_decoder_0_1_11.rayon or false then [ rayon_0_6_0 ] else []));
-    features = mkFeatures (features.jpeg_decoder_0_1_11 or {});
-  };
-  jpeg_decoder_0_1_11_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    byteorder_1_0_0.default = true;
-    jpeg_decoder_0_1_11.default = (f.jpeg_decoder_0_1_11.default or true);
-    jpeg_decoder_0_1_11.rayon =
-      (f.jpeg_decoder_0_1_11.rayon or false) ||
-      (f.jpeg_decoder_0_1_11.default or false) ||
-      (jpeg_decoder_0_1_11.default or false);
-    rayon_0_6_0.default = true;
-  }) [ byteorder_1_0_0_features rayon_0_6_0_features ];
-  kernel32_sys_0_2_2 = { features?(kernel32_sys_0_2_2_features {}) }: kernel32_sys_0_2_2_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ winapi_0_2_8 ]);
-    buildDependencies = mapFeatures features ([ winapi_build_0_1_1 ]);
-  };
-  kernel32_sys_0_2_2_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    kernel32_sys_0_2_2.default = (f.kernel32_sys_0_2_2.default or true);
-    winapi_0_2_8.default = true;
-    winapi_build_0_1_1.default = true;
-  }) [ winapi_0_2_8_features winapi_build_0_1_1_features ];
-  libc_0_2_21 = { features?(libc_0_2_21_features {}) }: libc_0_2_21_ {
-    features = mkFeatures (features.libc_0_2_21 or {});
-  };
-  libc_0_2_21_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    libc_0_2_21.default = (f.libc_0_2_21.default or true);
-    libc_0_2_21.use_std =
-      (f.libc_0_2_21.use_std or false) ||
-      (f.libc_0_2_21.default or false) ||
-      (libc_0_2_21.default or false);
-  }) [];
-  lzw_0_10_0 = { features?(lzw_0_10_0_features {}) }: lzw_0_10_0_ {
-    features = mkFeatures (features.lzw_0_10_0 or {});
-  };
-  lzw_0_10_0_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    lzw_0_10_0.default = (f.lzw_0_10_0.default or true);
-    lzw_0_10_0.raii_no_panic =
-      (f.lzw_0_10_0.raii_no_panic or false) ||
-      (f.lzw_0_10_0.default or false) ||
-      (lzw_0_10_0.default or false);
-  }) [];
-  metadeps_1_1_1 = { features?(metadeps_1_1_1_features {}) }: metadeps_1_1_1_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ error_chain_0_7_2 pkg_config_0_3_9 toml_0_2_1 ]);
-  };
-  metadeps_1_1_1_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    error_chain_0_7_2.default = (f.error_chain_0_7_2.default or false);
-    metadeps_1_1_1.default = (f.metadeps_1_1_1.default or true);
-    pkg_config_0_3_9.default = true;
-    toml_0_2_1.default = (f.toml_0_2_1.default or false);
-  }) [ error_chain_0_7_2_features pkg_config_0_3_9_features toml_0_2_1_features ];
-  num_integer_0_1_33 = { features?(num_integer_0_1_33_features {}) }: num_integer_0_1_33_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ num_traits_0_1_37 ]);
-  };
-  num_integer_0_1_33_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    num_integer_0_1_33.default = (f.num_integer_0_1_33.default or true);
-    num_traits_0_1_37.default = true;
-  }) [ num_traits_0_1_37_features ];
-  num_iter_0_1_33 = { features?(num_iter_0_1_33_features {}) }: num_iter_0_1_33_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ num_integer_0_1_33 num_traits_0_1_37 ]);
-  };
-  num_iter_0_1_33_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    num_integer_0_1_33.default = true;
-    num_iter_0_1_33.default = (f.num_iter_0_1_33.default or true);
-    num_traits_0_1_37.default = true;
-  }) [ num_integer_0_1_33_features num_traits_0_1_37_features ];
-  num_rational_0_1_36 = { features?(num_rational_0_1_36_features {}) }: num_rational_0_1_36_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ num_integer_0_1_33 num_traits_0_1_37 ]);
-    features = mkFeatures (features.num_rational_0_1_36 or {});
-  };
-  num_rational_0_1_36_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    num_integer_0_1_33.default = true;
-    num_rational_0_1_36.bigint =
-      (f.num_rational_0_1_36.bigint or false) ||
-      (f.num_rational_0_1_36.default or false) ||
-      (num_rational_0_1_36.default or false);
-    num_rational_0_1_36.default = (f.num_rational_0_1_36.default or true);
-    num_rational_0_1_36.num-bigint =
-      (f.num_rational_0_1_36.num-bigint or false) ||
-      (f.num_rational_0_1_36.bigint or false) ||
-      (num_rational_0_1_36.bigint or false);
-    num_rational_0_1_36.rustc-serialize =
-      (f.num_rational_0_1_36.rustc-serialize or false) ||
-      (f.num_rational_0_1_36.default or false) ||
-      (num_rational_0_1_36.default or false);
-    num_traits_0_1_37.default = true;
-  }) [ num_integer_0_1_33_features num_traits_0_1_37_features ];
-  num_traits_0_1_37 = { features?(num_traits_0_1_37_features {}) }: num_traits_0_1_37_ {};
-  num_traits_0_1_37_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    num_traits_0_1_37.default = (f.num_traits_0_1_37.default or true);
-  }) [];
-  num_cpus_1_3_0 = { features?(num_cpus_1_3_0_features {}) }: num_cpus_1_3_0_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ libc_0_2_21 ]);
-  };
-  num_cpus_1_3_0_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    libc_0_2_21.default = true;
-    num_cpus_1_3_0.default = (f.num_cpus_1_3_0.default or true);
-  }) [ libc_0_2_21_features ];
-  pkg_config_0_3_9 = { features?(pkg_config_0_3_9_features {}) }: pkg_config_0_3_9_ {};
-  pkg_config_0_3_9_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    pkg_config_0_3_9.default = (f.pkg_config_0_3_9.default or true);
-  }) [];
-  png_0_6_2 = { features?(png_0_6_2_features {}) }: png_0_6_2_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ bitflags_0_7_0 inflate_0_1_1 num_iter_0_1_33 ]
-      ++ (if features.png_0_6_2.deflate or false then [ deflate_0_7_5 ] else []));
-    features = mkFeatures (features.png_0_6_2 or {});
-  };
-  png_0_6_2_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    bitflags_0_7_0.default = true;
-    deflate_0_7_5.default = true;
-    inflate_0_1_1.default = true;
-    num_iter_0_1_33.default = true;
-    png_0_6_2.default = (f.png_0_6_2.default or true);
-    png_0_6_2.deflate =
-      (f.png_0_6_2.deflate or false) ||
-      (f.png_0_6_2.png-encoding or false) ||
-      (png_0_6_2.png-encoding or false);
-    png_0_6_2.png-encoding =
-      (f.png_0_6_2.png-encoding or false) ||
-      (f.png_0_6_2.default or false) ||
-      (png_0_6_2.default or false);
-  }) [ bitflags_0_7_0_features deflate_0_7_5_features inflate_0_1_1_features num_iter_0_1_33_features ];
-  rand_0_3_15 = { features?(rand_0_3_15_features {}) }: rand_0_3_15_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ libc_0_2_21 ]);
-  };
-  rand_0_3_15_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    libc_0_2_21.default = true;
-    rand_0_3_15.default = (f.rand_0_3_15.default or true);
-  }) [ libc_0_2_21_features ];
-  rayon_0_6_0 = { features?(rayon_0_6_0_features {}) }: rayon_0_6_0_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ deque_0_3_1 libc_0_2_21 num_cpus_1_3_0 rand_0_3_15 ]);
-    features = mkFeatures (features.rayon_0_6_0 or {});
-  };
-  rayon_0_6_0_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    deque_0_3_1.default = true;
-    libc_0_2_21.default = true;
-    num_cpus_1_3_0.default = true;
-    rand_0_3_15.default = true;
-    rayon_0_6_0.default = (f.rayon_0_6_0.default or true);
-  }) [ deque_0_3_1_features libc_0_2_21_features num_cpus_1_3_0_features rand_0_3_15_features ];
-  scoped_threadpool_0_1_7 = { features?(scoped_threadpool_0_1_7_features {}) }: scoped_threadpool_0_1_7_ {
-    features = mkFeatures (features.scoped_threadpool_0_1_7 or {});
-  };
-  scoped_threadpool_0_1_7_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    scoped_threadpool_0_1_7.default = (f.scoped_threadpool_0_1_7.default or true);
-  }) [];
-  strsim_0_6_0 = { features?(strsim_0_6_0_features {}) }: strsim_0_6_0_ {};
-  strsim_0_6_0_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    strsim_0_6_0.default = (f.strsim_0_6_0.default or true);
-  }) [];
-  term_size_0_2_3 = { features?(term_size_0_2_3_features {}) }: term_size_0_2_3_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([])
-      ++ (if !(kernel == "windows") then mapFeatures features ([ libc_0_2_21 ]) else [])
-      ++ (if kernel == "windows" then mapFeatures features ([ kernel32_sys_0_2_2 winapi_0_2_8 ]) else []);
-    features = mkFeatures (features.term_size_0_2_3 or {});
-  };
-  term_size_0_2_3_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    kernel32_sys_0_2_2.default = true;
-    libc_0_2_21.default = true;
-    term_size_0_2_3.clippy =
-      (f.term_size_0_2_3.clippy or false) ||
-      (f.term_size_0_2_3.lints or false) ||
-      (term_size_0_2_3.lints or false);
-    term_size_0_2_3.default = (f.term_size_0_2_3.default or true);
-    term_size_0_2_3.lints =
-      (f.term_size_0_2_3.lints or false) ||
-      (f.term_size_0_2_3.travis or false) ||
-      (term_size_0_2_3.travis or false);
-    term_size_0_2_3.nightly =
-      (f.term_size_0_2_3.nightly or false) ||
-      (f.term_size_0_2_3.lints or false) ||
-      (term_size_0_2_3.lints or false) ||
-      (f.term_size_0_2_3.travis or false) ||
-      (term_size_0_2_3.travis or false);
-    winapi_0_2_8.default = true;
-  }) [ libc_0_2_21_features kernel32_sys_0_2_2_features winapi_0_2_8_features ];
-  toml_0_2_1 = { features?(toml_0_2_1_features {}) }: toml_0_2_1_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([]);
-  };
-  toml_0_2_1_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    toml_0_2_1.default = (f.toml_0_2_1.default or true);
-    toml_0_2_1.rustc-serialize =
-      (f.toml_0_2_1.rustc-serialize or false) ||
-      (f.toml_0_2_1.default or false) ||
-      (toml_0_2_1.default or false);
-  }) [];
-  unicode_segmentation_1_1_0 = { features?(unicode_segmentation_1_1_0_features {}) }: unicode_segmentation_1_1_0_ {
-    features = mkFeatures (features.unicode_segmentation_1_1_0 or {});
-  };
-  unicode_segmentation_1_1_0_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    unicode_segmentation_1_1_0.default = (f.unicode_segmentation_1_1_0.default or true);
-  }) [];
-  unicode_width_0_1_4 = { features?(unicode_width_0_1_4_features {}) }: unicode_width_0_1_4_ {
-    features = mkFeatures (features.unicode_width_0_1_4 or {});
-  };
-  unicode_width_0_1_4_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    unicode_width_0_1_4.default = (f.unicode_width_0_1_4.default or true);
-  }) [];
-  vec_map_0_7_0 = { features?(vec_map_0_7_0_features {}) }: vec_map_0_7_0_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([]);
-    features = mkFeatures (features.vec_map_0_7_0 or {});
-  };
-  vec_map_0_7_0_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    vec_map_0_7_0.default = (f.vec_map_0_7_0.default or true);
-    vec_map_0_7_0.serde =
-      (f.vec_map_0_7_0.serde or false) ||
-      (f.vec_map_0_7_0.eders or false) ||
-      (vec_map_0_7_0.eders or false);
-    vec_map_0_7_0.serde_derive =
-      (f.vec_map_0_7_0.serde_derive or false) ||
-      (f.vec_map_0_7_0.eders or false) ||
-      (vec_map_0_7_0.eders or false);
-  }) [];
-  wc_grab_0_3_0 = { features?(wc_grab_0_3_0_features {}) }: wc_grab_0_3_0_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ clap_2_22_0 dbus_0_5_2 image_0_12_3 ]);
-  };
-  wc_grab_0_3_0_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    clap_2_22_0.default = true;
-    dbus_0_5_2.default = true;
-    image_0_12_3.default = true;
-    wc_grab_0_3_0.default = (f.wc_grab_0_3_0.default or true);
-  }) [ clap_2_22_0_features dbus_0_5_2_features image_0_12_3_features ];
-  winapi_0_2_8 = { features?(winapi_0_2_8_features {}) }: winapi_0_2_8_ {};
-  winapi_0_2_8_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    winapi_0_2_8.default = (f.winapi_0_2_8.default or true);
-  }) [];
-  winapi_build_0_1_1 = { features?(winapi_build_0_1_1_features {}) }: winapi_build_0_1_1_ {};
-  winapi_build_0_1_1_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    winapi_build_0_1_1.default = (f.winapi_build_0_1_1.default or true);
-  }) [];
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/window-managers/way-cooler/wc-lock.nix b/pkgs/applications/window-managers/way-cooler/wc-lock.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ffc5779a0b..00000000000
--- a/pkgs/applications/window-managers/way-cooler/wc-lock.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1479 +0,0 @@
-# Generated by carnix 0.6.5: carnix -o wc-lock.nix Cargo.lock
-{ lib, stdenv, buildRustCrate, fetchgit }:
-let kernel =;
-    updateFeatures = f: up: functions: builtins.deepSeq f (lib.lists.foldl' (features: fun: fun features) (lib.attrsets.recursiveUpdate f up) functions);
-    mapFeatures = features: map (fun: fun { features = features; });
-    mkFeatures = feat: lib.lists.foldl (features: featureName:
-      if feat.${featureName} or false then
-        [ featureName ] ++ features
-      else
-        features
-    ) [] (builtins.attrNames feat);
-rec {
-  wc_lock = f: wc_lock_0_2_1 { features = wc_lock_0_2_1_features { wc_lock_0_2_1 = f; }; };
-  ansi_term_0_9_0_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "ansi_term";
-    version = "0.9.0";
-    authors = [ "" "Ryan Scheel (Havvy) <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1vcd8m2hglrdi4zmqnkkz5zy3c73ifgii245k7vj6qr5dzpn9hij";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  atty_0_2_2_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "atty";
-    version = "0.2.2";
-    authors = [ "softprops <>" ];
-    sha256 = "05c6jvrxljp4s1aycgq2z3y56f7f5yvc56v25cqlmpc1qx65z7ba";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  bitflags_0_7_0_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "bitflags";
-    version = "0.7.0";
-    authors = [ "The Rust Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "1hr72xg5slm0z4pxs2hiy4wcyx3jva70h58b7mid8l0a4c8f7gn5";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  bitflags_0_8_2_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "bitflags";
-    version = "0.8.2";
-    authors = [ "The Rust Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "0whaj3969ysqxzk620sk1isvq6vh85516f2fplvqjrw3syz44sb2";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  byteorder_0_5_3_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "byteorder";
-    version = "0.5.3";
-    authors = [ "Andrew Gallant <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0zsr6b0m0yl5c0yy92nq7srfpczd1dx1xqcx3rlm5fbl8si9clqx";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  byteorder_1_1_0_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "byteorder";
-    version = "1.1.0";
-    authors = [ "Andrew Gallant <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1i2n0161jm00zvzh4bncgv9zrwa6ydbxdn5j4bx0wwn7rvi9zycp";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  cc_1_0_0_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "cc";
-    version = "1.0.0";
-    authors = [ "Alex Crichton <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1s5ha0k6cdy1049a5kpzvhnjc9hjvi18zrcr5dmbqpd03ag751g1";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  clap_2_24_2_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "clap";
-    version = "2.24.2";
-    authors = [ "Kevin K. <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0028bkzafprs6n7ing8lnf7iss2a2zq17qmgadipgdfgvww43rmv";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  coco_0_1_1_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "coco";
-    version = "0.1.1";
-    authors = [ "Stjepan Glavina <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0hvj4jaj9y6i38c4dkii8nqq98cgx3kyx78cjqkdvk0aqq5sfr94";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  color_quant_1_0_0_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "color_quant";
-    version = "1.0.0";
-    authors = [ "nwin <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0jwr40lr115zm2bydk1wja12gcxrmgsx0n1z1pipq00sab71maaj";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  dbus_0_5_4_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "dbus";
-    version = "0.5.4";
-    authors = [ "David Henningsson <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0qr62splq38b8vfjvpcpk9ph21d63ya7vd2vifs5wc8jzwc309yn";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  dlib_0_3_1_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "dlib";
-    version = "0.3.1";
-    authors = [ "Victor Berger <>" ];
-    sha256 = "11mhh6g9vszp2ay3r46x4capnnmvvhx5hcp74bapxjhiixqjfvkr";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  dtoa_0_4_1_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "dtoa";
-    version = "0.4.1";
-    authors = [ "David Tolnay <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0mgg4r90yby68qg7y8csbclhsm53ac26vsyq615viq535plllhzw";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  either_1_2_0_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "either";
-    version = "1.2.0";
-    authors = [ "bluss" ];
-    sha256 = "0l72xaf1kwzgbl3andf3d2ggz7km9059rbmp90iywww8inlnqppp";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  enum_primitive_0_1_1_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "enum_primitive";
-    version = "0.1.1";
-    authors = [ "Anders Kaseorg <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1a225rlsz7sz3nn14dar71kp2f9v08s3rwl6j55xp51mv01f695y";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  error_chain_0_10_0_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "error-chain";
-    version = "0.10.0";
-    authors = [ "Brian Anderson <>" "Paul Colomiets <>" "Colin Kiegel <>" "Yamakaky <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1xxbzd8cjlpzsb9fsih7mdnndhzrvykj0w77yg90qc85az1xwy5z";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  flate2_0_2_20_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "flate2";
-    version = "0.2.20";
-    authors = [ "Alex Crichton <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1am0d2vmqym1vcg7rvv516vpcrbhdn1jisy0q03r3nbzdzh54ppl";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  fs2_0_2_5_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "fs2";
-    version = "0.2.5";
-    authors = [ "Dan Burkert <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0j6l5r95jigbl0lgkm69c82dzq10jipjbm9qnni147hb45gyw790";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  futures_0_1_16_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "futures";
-    version = "0.1.16";
-    authors = [ "Alex Crichton <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0ndk8cl6l600a95q8il2c3y38jz50nhfsczps0nziadqdd45gy2b";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  gcc_0_3_50_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "gcc";
-    version = "0.3.50";
-    authors = [ "Alex Crichton <>" ];
-    sha256 = "032izcbbyiakv9ck5j3s27p3ddx4468n7qpaxgwi5iswmimjaaj0";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  gif_0_9_2_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "gif";
-    version = "0.9.2";
-    authors = [ "nwin <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0dl76jrn6127w3bdg2b58p5psf8fpnbzdxdkw1i35ac8dn4vxcqa";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  glob_0_2_11_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "glob";
-    version = "0.2.11";
-    authors = [ "The Rust Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "104389jjxs8r2f5cc9p0axhjmndgln60ih5x4f00ccgg9d3zarlf";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  image_0_10_4_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "image";
-    version = "0.10.4";
-    authors = [ "ccgn" "bvssvni <>" "nwin" "TyOverby <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1pwrs7k5760b38i1lg872x9q2zc6xvhs7mjhlzvjnr5p85zx2fbw";
-    libPath = "./src/";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  inflate_0_1_1_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "inflate";
-    version = "0.1.1";
-    authors = [ "nwin <>" ];
-    sha256 = "112kh9hjcjjxdybl032mdhpwnr3qxw8j0ch6hwanwpcf3gz42g1h";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  itoa_0_3_1_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "itoa";
-    version = "0.3.1";
-    authors = [ "David Tolnay <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0jp1wvfw0qqbyz0whbycp7xr5nx1ds5plh4wsfyj503xmjf9ab4k";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  jpeg_decoder_0_1_13_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "jpeg-decoder";
-    version = "0.1.13";
-    authors = [ "Ulf Nilsson <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0w16gbywlm9p0p3wx34b85q4d1izrx89afcsxlc6g11cx2js4fa2";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  kernel32_sys_0_2_2_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "kernel32-sys";
-    version = "0.2.2";
-    authors = [ "Peter Atashian <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1lrw1hbinyvr6cp28g60z97w32w8vsk6pahk64pmrv2fmby8srfj";
-    libName = "kernel32";
-    build = "";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  lazy_static_0_2_8_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "lazy_static";
-    version = "0.2.8";
-    authors = [ "Marvin Löbel <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1xbpxx7cd5kl60g87g43q80jxyrsildhxfjc42jb1x4jncknpwbl";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  libc_0_2_23_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "libc";
-    version = "0.2.23";
-    authors = [ "The Rust Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "1i29f6k26fmv81c5bjc6hw2j95sd01h9ad66qxdc755b24xfa9jm";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  libdbus_sys_0_1_1_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "libdbus-sys";
-    version = "0.1.1";
-    authors = [ "David Henningsson <>" ];
-    sha256 = "14kpislv2zazmgv5f8by4zkgkjxd0cwab8z6621kskjdwyir1wpy";
-    build = "";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  libloading_0_3_4_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "libloading";
-    version = "0.3.4";
-    authors = [ "Simonas Kazlauskas <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1f2vy32cr434n638nv8sdf05iwa53q9q5ahlcpw1l9ywh1bcbhf1";
-    build = "";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  lzw_0_10_0_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "lzw";
-    version = "0.10.0";
-    authors = [ "nwin <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1cfsy2w26kbz9bjaqp9dh1wyyh47rpmhwvj4jpc1rmffbf438fvb";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  memmap_0_4_0_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "memmap";
-    version = "0.4.0";
-    authors = [ "Dan Burkert <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0q2gm5p8n9najc8kccbxxkannmnjh85rin4k8d4y1kg5ymdp6kll";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  metadeps_1_1_2_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "metadeps";
-    version = "1.1.2";
-    authors = [ "Josh Triplett <>" ];
-    sha256 = "00dpxjls9fq6fs5gr9v3hkqxmb1zwnhh8b56q3dnzghppjf3ivk3";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  miniz_sys_0_1_10_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "miniz-sys";
-    version = "0.1.10";
-    authors = [ "Alex Crichton <>" ];
-    sha256 = "11vg6phafxil87nbxgrlhcx5hjr3145wsbwwkfmibvnmzxfdmvln";
-    libPath = "";
-    libName = "miniz_sys";
-    build = "";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  num_bigint_0_1_40_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "num-bigint";
-    version = "0.1.40";
-    authors = [ "The Rust Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "0pkxd9mb4chdbipprxjc8ll7kjh79n278s2z663zmd80yg5xi788";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  num_integer_0_1_35_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "num-integer";
-    version = "0.1.35";
-    authors = [ "The Rust Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "0xybj8isi9b6wc646d5rc043i8l8j6wy0vrl4pn995qms9fxbbcc";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  num_iter_0_1_34_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "num-iter";
-    version = "0.1.34";
-    authors = [ "The Rust Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "02cld7x9dzbqbs6sxxzq1i22z3awlcd6ljkgvhkfr9rsnaxphzl9";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  num_rational_0_1_39_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "num-rational";
-    version = "0.1.39";
-    authors = [ "The Rust Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "1qsacdfp97zgpajc2pgbrbga3yag1f0k7yz0gi78vd165gxdwk3m";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  num_traits_0_1_37_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "num-traits";
-    version = "0.1.37";
-    authors = [ "The Rust Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "0rwzfmdjq6iz6plva2gi7agvy1w9sjs7aqjh0p115w57xiix2224";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  num_cpus_1_6_2_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "num_cpus";
-    version = "1.6.2";
-    authors = [ "Sean McArthur <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0wxfzxsk05xbkph5qcvdqyi334zn0pnpahzi7n7iagxbb68145rm";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  phf_0_7_21_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "phf";
-    version = "0.7.21";
-    authors = [ "Steven Fackler <>" ];
-    sha256 = "11m2rzm2s8s35m0s97gjxxb181xz352kjlhr387xj5c8q3qp5afg";
-    libPath = "src/";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  phf_codegen_0_7_21_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "phf_codegen";
-    version = "0.7.21";
-    authors = [ "Steven Fackler <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0kgy8s2q4zr0iqcm21mgq4ppc45wy6z7b5wn98xyfsrcad6lwmmj";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  phf_generator_0_7_21_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "phf_generator";
-    version = "0.7.21";
-    authors = [ "Steven Fackler <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1jxjfzc6d6d4l9nv0r2bb66if5brk9lnncmg4dpjjifn6zhhqd9g";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  phf_shared_0_7_21_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "phf_shared";
-    version = "0.7.21";
-    authors = [ "Steven Fackler <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0lxpg3wgxfhzfalmf9ha9my1lsvfjy74ah9f6mfw88xlp545jlln";
-    libPath = "src/";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  pkg_config_0_3_9_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "pkg-config";
-    version = "0.3.9";
-    authors = [ "Alex Crichton <>" ];
-    sha256 = "06k8fxgrsrxj8mjpjcq1n7mn2p1shpxif4zg9y5h09c7vy20s146";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  png_0_5_2_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "png";
-    version = "0.5.2";
-    authors = [ "nwin <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1pgann3f1ysgf8y1acw86v4s3ji1xk85ri353biyvh4i1cpn1g3q";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  rand_0_3_15_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "rand";
-    version = "0.3.15";
-    authors = [ "The Rust Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "1fs30rc1xic40s1n7l3y7pxzfifpy03mgrvhy5ggp5p7zjfv3rr8";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  rayon_0_8_2_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "rayon";
-    version = "0.8.2";
-    authors = [ "Niko Matsakis <>" "Josh Stone <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0d0mddg1k75hb9138pn8lysy2095jijrinskqbpgfr73s0jx6dq8";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  rayon_core_1_2_1_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "rayon-core";
-    version = "1.2.1";
-    authors = [ "Niko Matsakis <>" "Josh Stone <>" ];
-    sha256 = "12xv2r0dqrgvla24bl5mfvcw0599dlhrj0mx620nq95nyds753kk";
-    build = "";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  rustc_serialize_0_3_24_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "rustc-serialize";
-    version = "0.3.24";
-    authors = [ "The Rust Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "0rfk6p66mqkd3g36l0ddlv2rvnp1mp3lrq5frq9zz5cbnz5pmmxn";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  rustc_version_0_1_7_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "rustc_version";
-    version = "0.1.7";
-    authors = [ "Marvin Löbel <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0plm9pbyvcwfibd0kbhzil9xmr1bvqi8fgwlfw0x4vali8s6s99p";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  scoped_threadpool_0_1_8_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "scoped_threadpool";
-    version = "0.1.8";
-    authors = [ "Marvin Löbel <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1al42hqbbijpah9bc6hw9c49nhnyrc0sj274ja1q3k9305c3s5a6";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  scopeguard_0_3_2_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "scopeguard";
-    version = "0.3.2";
-    authors = [ "bluss" ];
-    sha256 = "0xlvfawva4fnp6kwr5xjwf0q2d1w6di81nhfby1sa55xj1ia5zs2";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  semver_0_1_20_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "semver";
-    version = "0.1.20";
-    authors = [ "The Rust Project Developers" ];
-    sha256 = "05cdig0071hls2k8lxbqmyqpl0zjmc53i2d43mwzps033b8njh4n";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  serde_0_9_15_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "serde";
-    version = "0.9.15";
-    authors = [ "Erick Tryzelaar <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0rlflkc57kvy69hnhj4arfsj7ic4hpihxsb00zg5lkdxfj5qjx9b";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  serde_json_0_9_10_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "serde_json";
-    version = "0.9.10";
-    authors = [ "Erick Tryzelaar <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0g6bxlfnvf2miicnsizyrxm686rfval6gbss1i2qcna8msfwc005";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  siphasher_0_2_2_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "siphasher";
-    version = "0.2.2";
-    authors = [ "Frank Denis <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0iyx7nlzfny9ly1634a6zcq0yvrinhxhypwas4p8ry3zqnn76qqr";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  strsim_0_6_0_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "strsim";
-    version = "0.6.0";
-    authors = [ "Danny Guo <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1lz85l6y68hr62lv4baww29yy7g8pg20dlr0lbaswxmmcb0wl7gd";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  target_build_utils_0_3_1_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "target_build_utils";
-    version = "0.3.1";
-    authors = [ "Simonas Kazlauskas <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1b450nyxlbgicp2p45mhxiv6yv0z7s4iw01lsaqh3v7b4bm53flj";
-    build = "";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  tempfile_2_1_5_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "tempfile";
-    version = "2.1.5";
-    authors = [ "Steven Allen <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1yz8aaj78z9gsn4b71y0m6fa5bnxhqafcczhxvmwra56k943aqkw";
-    build = "";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  term_size_0_3_0_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "term_size";
-    version = "0.3.0";
-    authors = [ "Kevin K. <>" "Benjamin Sago <>" ];
-    sha256 = "054d5avad49sy5nfaaaphai4kv4rmdh6q0npchnvdhpxp02lcfhs";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  toml_0_2_1_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "toml";
-    version = "0.2.1";
-    authors = [ "Alex Crichton <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0p4rkaqhmk4fp6iqpxfgp3p98hxhbs2wmla3fq531n875h922yqs";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  unicode_segmentation_1_2_0_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "unicode-segmentation";
-    version = "1.2.0";
-    authors = [ "kwantam <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0yz43x7wrhr3n7a2zsinx3r60yxsdqicg8a5kycyyhdaq1zmiz1y";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  unicode_width_0_1_4_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "unicode-width";
-    version = "0.1.4";
-    authors = [ "kwantam <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1rp7a04icn9y5c0lm74nrd4py0rdl0af8bhdwq7g478n1xifpifl";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  vec_map_0_8_0_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "vec_map";
-    version = "0.8.0";
-    authors = [ "Alex Crichton <>" "Jorge Aparicio <>" "Alexis Beingessner <>" "Brian Anderson <>" "tbu- <>" "Manish Goregaokar <>" "Aaron Turon <>" "Adolfo Ochagavía <>" "Niko Matsakis <>" "Steven Fackler <>" "Chase Southwood <>" "Eduard Burtescu <>" "Florian Wilkens <>" "Félix Raimundo <>" "Tibor Benke <>" "Markus Siemens <>" "Josh Branchaud <>" "Huon Wilson <>" "Corey Farwell <>" "Aaron Liblong <>" "Nick Cameron <>" "Patrick Walton <>" "Felix S Klock II <>" "Andrew Paseltiner <>" "Sean McArthur <>" "Vadim Petrochenkov <>" ];
-    sha256 = "07sgxp3cf1a4cxm9n3r27fcvqmld32bl2576mrcahnvm34j11xay";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  way_cooler_client_helpers_0_1_0_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "way-cooler-client-helpers";
-    version = "0.1.0";
-    authors = [ "Timidger <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0749lh5crd0rhq4dxij9mb3y5902laazjd01l6ci5782bjfk4s39";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  wayland_client_0_9_6_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "wayland-client";
-    version = "0.9.6";
-    authors = [ "Victor Berger <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1908h6ilvq2cxph1lxv1vzrb3dcfx4x6pf6pszxwifsfqva8nm34";
-    build = "";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  wayland_kbd_0_9_0_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "wayland-kbd";
-    version = "0.9.0";
-    authors = [ "Victor Berger <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1x0f7n79hjwf5fclf62fpzjp05xdzc93xw84zgyrn8f1hill3qhj";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  wayland_scanner_0_9_6_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "wayland-scanner";
-    version = "0.9.6";
-    authors = [ "Victor Berger <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1w5cyc48g4x5w3rakb4sji5328rl5yph1abmjbh5h4slkm4n76g1";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  wayland_sys_0_9_6_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "wayland-sys";
-    version = "0.9.6";
-    authors = [ "Victor Berger <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0izw50pmj1r10hmr29gi8ps01avs6zjwisywijlq7wr268h6yxcg";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  wc_lock_0_2_1_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "wc-lock";
-    version = "0.2.1";
-    authors = [ "Timidger <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0ikmir7azihxiyzgb0wnvk81yinmn2l6k93bnb1qg4k704zcyq84";
-    build = "";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  winapi_0_2_8_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "winapi";
-    version = "0.2.8";
-    authors = [ "Peter Atashian <>" ];
-    sha256 = "0a45b58ywf12vb7gvj6h3j264nydynmzyqz8d8rqxsj6icqv82as";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  winapi_build_0_1_1_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "winapi-build";
-    version = "0.1.1";
-    authors = [ "Peter Atashian <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1lxlpi87rkhxcwp2ykf1ldw3p108hwm24nywf3jfrvmff4rjhqga";
-    libName = "build";
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  xml_rs_0_3_6_ = { dependencies?[], buildDependencies?[], features?[] }: buildRustCrate {
-    crateName = "xml-rs";
-    version = "0.3.6";
-    authors = [ "Vladimir Matveev <>" ];
-    sha256 = "1g1cclib7fj900m4669vxlz45lxcq0m36g7cd8chl494c2xsgj15";
-    libPath = "src/";
-    libName = "xml";
-    crateBin = [ {  name = "xml-analyze";  path = "src/"; } ];
-    inherit dependencies buildDependencies features;
-  };
-  ansi_term_0_9_0 = { features?(ansi_term_0_9_0_features {}) }: ansi_term_0_9_0_ {};
-  ansi_term_0_9_0_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    ansi_term_0_9_0.default = (f.ansi_term_0_9_0.default or true);
-  }) [];
-  atty_0_2_2 = { features?(atty_0_2_2_features {}) }: atty_0_2_2_ {
-    dependencies = (if !(kernel == "windows") then mapFeatures features ([ libc_0_2_23 ]) else [])
-      ++ (if kernel == "windows" then mapFeatures features ([ kernel32_sys_0_2_2 winapi_0_2_8 ]) else []);
-  };
-  atty_0_2_2_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    atty_0_2_2.default = (f.atty_0_2_2.default or true);
-    kernel32_sys_0_2_2.default = true;
-    libc_0_2_23.default = true;
-    winapi_0_2_8.default = true;
-  }) [ libc_0_2_23_features kernel32_sys_0_2_2_features winapi_0_2_8_features ];
-  bitflags_0_7_0 = { features?(bitflags_0_7_0_features {}) }: bitflags_0_7_0_ {};
-  bitflags_0_7_0_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    bitflags_0_7_0.default = (f.bitflags_0_7_0.default or true);
-  }) [];
-  bitflags_0_8_2 = { features?(bitflags_0_8_2_features {}) }: bitflags_0_8_2_ {
-    features = mkFeatures (features.bitflags_0_8_2 or {});
-  };
-  bitflags_0_8_2_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    bitflags_0_8_2.default = (f.bitflags_0_8_2.default or true);
-    bitflags_0_8_2.i128 =
-      (f.bitflags_0_8_2.i128 or false) ||
-      (f.bitflags_0_8_2.unstable or false) ||
-      (bitflags_0_8_2.unstable or false);
-  }) [];
-  byteorder_0_5_3 = { features?(byteorder_0_5_3_features {}) }: byteorder_0_5_3_ {
-    features = mkFeatures (features.byteorder_0_5_3 or {});
-  };
-  byteorder_0_5_3_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    byteorder_0_5_3.default = (f.byteorder_0_5_3.default or true);
-    byteorder_0_5_3.std =
-      (f.byteorder_0_5_3.std or false) ||
-      (f.byteorder_0_5_3.default or false) ||
-      (byteorder_0_5_3.default or false);
-  }) [];
-  byteorder_1_1_0 = { features?(byteorder_1_1_0_features {}) }: byteorder_1_1_0_ {
-    features = mkFeatures (features.byteorder_1_1_0 or {});
-  };
-  byteorder_1_1_0_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    byteorder_1_1_0.default = (f.byteorder_1_1_0.default or true);
-    byteorder_1_1_0.std =
-      (f.byteorder_1_1_0.std or false) ||
-      (f.byteorder_1_1_0.default or false) ||
-      (byteorder_1_1_0.default or false);
-  }) [];
-  cc_1_0_0 = { features?(cc_1_0_0_features {}) }: cc_1_0_0_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([]);
-    features = mkFeatures (features.cc_1_0_0 or {});
-  };
-  cc_1_0_0_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    cc_1_0_0.default = (f.cc_1_0_0.default or true);
-    cc_1_0_0.rayon =
-      (f.cc_1_0_0.rayon or false) ||
-      (f.cc_1_0_0.parallel or false) ||
-      (cc_1_0_0.parallel or false);
-  }) [];
-  clap_2_24_2 = { features?(clap_2_24_2_features {}) }: clap_2_24_2_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ bitflags_0_8_2 unicode_segmentation_1_2_0 unicode_width_0_1_4 vec_map_0_8_0 ]
-      ++ (if features.clap_2_24_2.ansi_term or false then [ ansi_term_0_9_0 ] else [])
-      ++ (if features.clap_2_24_2.atty or false then [ atty_0_2_2 ] else [])
-      ++ (if features.clap_2_24_2.strsim or false then [ strsim_0_6_0 ] else [])
-      ++ (if features.clap_2_24_2.term_size or false then [ term_size_0_3_0 ] else []));
-    features = mkFeatures (features.clap_2_24_2 or {});
-  };
-  clap_2_24_2_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    ansi_term_0_9_0.default = true;
-    atty_0_2_2.default = true;
-    bitflags_0_8_2.default = true;
-    clap_2_24_2.ansi_term =
-      (f.clap_2_24_2.ansi_term or false) ||
-      (f.clap_2_24_2.color or false) ||
-      (clap_2_24_2.color or false);
-    clap_2_24_2.atty =
-      (f.clap_2_24_2.atty or false) ||
-      (f.clap_2_24_2.color or false) ||
-      (clap_2_24_2.color or false);
-    clap_2_24_2.clippy =
-      (f.clap_2_24_2.clippy or false) ||
-      (f.clap_2_24_2.lints or false) ||
-      (clap_2_24_2.lints or false);
-    clap_2_24_2.color =
-      (f.clap_2_24_2.color or false) ||
-      (f.clap_2_24_2.default or false) ||
-      (clap_2_24_2.default or false);
-    clap_2_24_2.default = (f.clap_2_24_2.default or true);
-    clap_2_24_2.strsim =
-      (f.clap_2_24_2.strsim or false) ||
-      (f.clap_2_24_2.suggestions or false) ||
-      (clap_2_24_2.suggestions or false);
-    clap_2_24_2.suggestions =
-      (f.clap_2_24_2.suggestions or false) ||
-      (f.clap_2_24_2.default or false) ||
-      (clap_2_24_2.default or false);
-    clap_2_24_2.term_size =
-      (f.clap_2_24_2.term_size or false) ||
-      (f.clap_2_24_2.wrap_help or false) ||
-      (clap_2_24_2.wrap_help or false);
-    clap_2_24_2.wrap_help =
-      (f.clap_2_24_2.wrap_help or false) ||
-      (f.clap_2_24_2.default or false) ||
-      (clap_2_24_2.default or false);
-    clap_2_24_2.yaml-rust =
-      (f.clap_2_24_2.yaml-rust or false) ||
-      (f.clap_2_24_2.yaml or false) ||
-      (clap_2_24_2.yaml or false);
-    strsim_0_6_0.default = true;
-    term_size_0_3_0.default = true;
-    unicode_segmentation_1_2_0.default = true;
-    unicode_width_0_1_4.default = true;
-    vec_map_0_8_0.default = true;
-  }) [ ansi_term_0_9_0_features atty_0_2_2_features bitflags_0_8_2_features strsim_0_6_0_features term_size_0_3_0_features unicode_segmentation_1_2_0_features unicode_width_0_1_4_features vec_map_0_8_0_features ];
-  coco_0_1_1 = { features?(coco_0_1_1_features {}) }: coco_0_1_1_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ either_1_2_0 scopeguard_0_3_2 ]);
-    features = mkFeatures (features.coco_0_1_1 or {});
-  };
-  coco_0_1_1_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    coco_0_1_1.default = (f.coco_0_1_1.default or true);
-    either_1_2_0.default = true;
-    scopeguard_0_3_2.default = true;
-  }) [ either_1_2_0_features scopeguard_0_3_2_features ];
-  color_quant_1_0_0 = { features?(color_quant_1_0_0_features {}) }: color_quant_1_0_0_ {};
-  color_quant_1_0_0_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    color_quant_1_0_0.default = (f.color_quant_1_0_0.default or true);
-  }) [];
-  dbus_0_5_4 = { features?(dbus_0_5_4_features {}) }: dbus_0_5_4_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ libc_0_2_23 libdbus_sys_0_1_1 ]);
-    features = mkFeatures (features.dbus_0_5_4 or {});
-  };
-  dbus_0_5_4_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    dbus_0_5_4.default = (f.dbus_0_5_4.default or true);
-    libc_0_2_23.default = true;
-    libdbus_sys_0_1_1.default = true;
-  }) [ libc_0_2_23_features libdbus_sys_0_1_1_features ];
-  dlib_0_3_1 = { features?(dlib_0_3_1_features {}) }: dlib_0_3_1_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ libloading_0_3_4 ]);
-    features = mkFeatures (features.dlib_0_3_1 or {});
-  };
-  dlib_0_3_1_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    dlib_0_3_1.default = (f.dlib_0_3_1.default or true);
-    libloading_0_3_4.default = true;
-  }) [ libloading_0_3_4_features ];
-  dtoa_0_4_1 = { features?(dtoa_0_4_1_features {}) }: dtoa_0_4_1_ {};
-  dtoa_0_4_1_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    dtoa_0_4_1.default = (f.dtoa_0_4_1.default or true);
-  }) [];
-  either_1_2_0 = { features?(either_1_2_0_features {}) }: either_1_2_0_ {
-    features = mkFeatures (features.either_1_2_0 or {});
-  };
-  either_1_2_0_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    either_1_2_0.default = (f.either_1_2_0.default or true);
-    either_1_2_0.use_std =
-      (f.either_1_2_0.use_std or false) ||
-      (f.either_1_2_0.default or false) ||
-      (either_1_2_0.default or false);
-  }) [];
-  enum_primitive_0_1_1 = { features?(enum_primitive_0_1_1_features {}) }: enum_primitive_0_1_1_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ num_traits_0_1_37 ]);
-  };
-  enum_primitive_0_1_1_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    enum_primitive_0_1_1.default = (f.enum_primitive_0_1_1.default or true);
-    num_traits_0_1_37.default = (f.num_traits_0_1_37.default or false);
-  }) [ num_traits_0_1_37_features ];
-  error_chain_0_10_0 = { features?(error_chain_0_10_0_features {}) }: error_chain_0_10_0_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([]);
-    features = mkFeatures (features.error_chain_0_10_0 or {});
-  };
-  error_chain_0_10_0_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    error_chain_0_10_0.backtrace =
-      (f.error_chain_0_10_0.backtrace or false) ||
-      (f.error_chain_0_10_0.default or false) ||
-      (error_chain_0_10_0.default or false);
-    error_chain_0_10_0.default = (f.error_chain_0_10_0.default or true);
-    error_chain_0_10_0.example_generated =
-      (f.error_chain_0_10_0.example_generated or false) ||
-      (f.error_chain_0_10_0.default or false) ||
-      (error_chain_0_10_0.default or false);
-  }) [];
-  flate2_0_2_20 = { features?(flate2_0_2_20_features {}) }: flate2_0_2_20_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ libc_0_2_23 ]
-      ++ (if features.flate2_0_2_20.miniz-sys or false then [ miniz_sys_0_1_10 ] else []));
-    features = mkFeatures (features.flate2_0_2_20 or {});
-  };
-  flate2_0_2_20_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    flate2_0_2_20.default = (f.flate2_0_2_20.default or true);
-    flate2_0_2_20.futures =
-      (f.flate2_0_2_20.futures or false) ||
-      (f.flate2_0_2_20.tokio or false) ||
-      (flate2_0_2_20.tokio or false);
-    flate2_0_2_20.libz-sys =
-      (f.flate2_0_2_20.libz-sys or false) ||
-      (f.flate2_0_2_20.zlib or false) ||
-      (flate2_0_2_20.zlib or false);
-    flate2_0_2_20.miniz-sys =
-      (f.flate2_0_2_20.miniz-sys or false) ||
-      (f.flate2_0_2_20.default or false) ||
-      (flate2_0_2_20.default or false);
-    flate2_0_2_20.tokio-io =
-      (f.flate2_0_2_20.tokio-io or false) ||
-      (f.flate2_0_2_20.tokio or false) ||
-      (flate2_0_2_20.tokio or false);
-    libc_0_2_23.default = true;
-    miniz_sys_0_1_10.default = true;
-  }) [ libc_0_2_23_features miniz_sys_0_1_10_features ];
-  fs2_0_2_5 = { features?(fs2_0_2_5_features {}) }: fs2_0_2_5_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ kernel32_sys_0_2_2 libc_0_2_23 winapi_0_2_8 ]);
-  };
-  fs2_0_2_5_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    fs2_0_2_5.default = (f.fs2_0_2_5.default or true);
-    kernel32_sys_0_2_2.default = true;
-    libc_0_2_23.default = true;
-    winapi_0_2_8.default = true;
-  }) [ kernel32_sys_0_2_2_features libc_0_2_23_features winapi_0_2_8_features ];
-  futures_0_1_16 = { features?(futures_0_1_16_features {}) }: futures_0_1_16_ {
-    features = mkFeatures (features.futures_0_1_16 or {});
-  };
-  futures_0_1_16_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    futures_0_1_16.default = (f.futures_0_1_16.default or true);
-    futures_0_1_16.use_std =
-      (f.futures_0_1_16.use_std or false) ||
-      (f.futures_0_1_16.default or false) ||
-      (futures_0_1_16.default or false);
-    futures_0_1_16.with-deprecated =
-      (f.futures_0_1_16.with-deprecated or false) ||
-      (f.futures_0_1_16.default or false) ||
-      (futures_0_1_16.default or false);
-  }) [];
-  gcc_0_3_50 = { features?(gcc_0_3_50_features {}) }: gcc_0_3_50_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([]);
-    features = mkFeatures (features.gcc_0_3_50 or {});
-  };
-  gcc_0_3_50_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    gcc_0_3_50.default = (f.gcc_0_3_50.default or true);
-    gcc_0_3_50.rayon =
-      (f.gcc_0_3_50.rayon or false) ||
-      (f.gcc_0_3_50.parallel or false) ||
-      (gcc_0_3_50.parallel or false);
-  }) [];
-  gif_0_9_2 = { features?(gif_0_9_2_features {}) }: gif_0_9_2_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ color_quant_1_0_0 lzw_0_10_0 ]);
-    features = mkFeatures (features.gif_0_9_2 or {});
-  };
-  gif_0_9_2_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    color_quant_1_0_0.default = true;
-    gif_0_9_2.default = (f.gif_0_9_2.default or true);
-    gif_0_9_2.libc =
-      (f.gif_0_9_2.libc or false) ||
-      (f.gif_0_9_2.c_api or false) ||
-      (gif_0_9_2.c_api or false);
-    gif_0_9_2.raii_no_panic =
-      (f.gif_0_9_2.raii_no_panic or false) ||
-      (f.gif_0_9_2.default or false) ||
-      (gif_0_9_2.default or false);
-    lzw_0_10_0.default = true;
-  }) [ color_quant_1_0_0_features lzw_0_10_0_features ];
-  glob_0_2_11 = { features?(glob_0_2_11_features {}) }: glob_0_2_11_ {};
-  glob_0_2_11_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    glob_0_2_11.default = (f.glob_0_2_11.default or true);
-  }) [];
-  image_0_10_4 = { features?(image_0_10_4_features {}) }: image_0_10_4_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ byteorder_0_5_3 enum_primitive_0_1_1 glob_0_2_11 num_iter_0_1_34 num_rational_0_1_39 num_traits_0_1_37 ]
-      ++ (if features.image_0_10_4.gif or false then [ gif_0_9_2 ] else [])
-      ++ (if features.image_0_10_4.jpeg-decoder or false then [ jpeg_decoder_0_1_13 ] else [])
-      ++ (if features.image_0_10_4.png or false then [ png_0_5_2 ] else [])
-      ++ (if features.image_0_10_4.scoped_threadpool or false then [ scoped_threadpool_0_1_8 ] else []));
-    features = mkFeatures (features.image_0_10_4 or {});
-  };
-  image_0_10_4_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    byteorder_0_5_3.default = true;
-    enum_primitive_0_1_1.default = true;
-    gif_0_9_2.default = true;
-    glob_0_2_11.default = true;
-    image_0_10_4.bmp =
-      (f.image_0_10_4.bmp or false) ||
-      (f.image_0_10_4.default or false) ||
-      (image_0_10_4.default or false) ||
-      (f.image_0_10_4.ico or false) ||
-      (image_0_10_4.ico or false);
-    image_0_10_4.default = (f.image_0_10_4.default or true);
-    image_0_10_4.gif =
-      (f.image_0_10_4.gif or false) ||
-      (f.image_0_10_4.gif_codec or false) ||
-      (image_0_10_4.gif_codec or false);
-    image_0_10_4.gif_codec =
-      (f.image_0_10_4.gif_codec or false) ||
-      (f.image_0_10_4.default or false) ||
-      (image_0_10_4.default or false);
-    image_0_10_4.hdr =
-      (f.image_0_10_4.hdr or false) ||
-      (f.image_0_10_4.default or false) ||
-      (image_0_10_4.default or false);
-    image_0_10_4.ico =
-      (f.image_0_10_4.ico or false) ||
-      (f.image_0_10_4.default or false) ||
-      (image_0_10_4.default or false);
-    image_0_10_4.jpeg =
-      (f.image_0_10_4.jpeg or false) ||
-      (f.image_0_10_4.default or false) ||
-      (image_0_10_4.default or false);
-    image_0_10_4.jpeg-decoder =
-      (f.image_0_10_4.jpeg-decoder or false) ||
-      (f.image_0_10_4.jpeg or false) ||
-      (image_0_10_4.jpeg or false);
-    image_0_10_4.png =
-      (f.image_0_10_4.png or false) ||
-      (f.image_0_10_4.png_codec or false) ||
-      (image_0_10_4.png_codec or false);
-    image_0_10_4.png_codec =
-      (f.image_0_10_4.png_codec or false) ||
-      (f.image_0_10_4.default or false) ||
-      (image_0_10_4.default or false) ||
-      (f.image_0_10_4.ico or false) ||
-      (image_0_10_4.ico or false);
-    image_0_10_4.ppm =
-      (f.image_0_10_4.ppm or false) ||
-      (f.image_0_10_4.default or false) ||
-      (image_0_10_4.default or false);
-    image_0_10_4.scoped_threadpool =
-      (f.image_0_10_4.scoped_threadpool or false) ||
-      (f.image_0_10_4.hdr or false) ||
-      (image_0_10_4.hdr or false);
-    image_0_10_4.tga =
-      (f.image_0_10_4.tga or false) ||
-      (f.image_0_10_4.default or false) ||
-      (image_0_10_4.default or false);
-    image_0_10_4.tiff =
-      (f.image_0_10_4.tiff or false) ||
-      (f.image_0_10_4.default or false) ||
-      (image_0_10_4.default or false);
-    image_0_10_4.webp =
-      (f.image_0_10_4.webp or false) ||
-      (f.image_0_10_4.default or false) ||
-      (image_0_10_4.default or false);
-    jpeg_decoder_0_1_13.default = true;
-    num_iter_0_1_34.default = true;
-    num_rational_0_1_39.default = true;
-    num_traits_0_1_37.default = true;
-    png_0_5_2.default = true;
-    scoped_threadpool_0_1_8.default = true;
-  }) [ byteorder_0_5_3_features enum_primitive_0_1_1_features gif_0_9_2_features glob_0_2_11_features jpeg_decoder_0_1_13_features num_iter_0_1_34_features num_rational_0_1_39_features num_traits_0_1_37_features png_0_5_2_features scoped_threadpool_0_1_8_features ];
-  inflate_0_1_1 = { features?(inflate_0_1_1_features {}) }: inflate_0_1_1_ {
-    features = mkFeatures (features.inflate_0_1_1 or {});
-  };
-  inflate_0_1_1_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    inflate_0_1_1.default = (f.inflate_0_1_1.default or true);
-  }) [];
-  itoa_0_3_1 = { features?(itoa_0_3_1_features {}) }: itoa_0_3_1_ {};
-  itoa_0_3_1_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    itoa_0_3_1.default = (f.itoa_0_3_1.default or true);
-  }) [];
-  jpeg_decoder_0_1_13 = { features?(jpeg_decoder_0_1_13_features {}) }: jpeg_decoder_0_1_13_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ byteorder_1_1_0 ]
-      ++ (if features.jpeg_decoder_0_1_13.rayon or false then [ rayon_0_8_2 ] else []));
-    features = mkFeatures (features.jpeg_decoder_0_1_13 or {});
-  };
-  jpeg_decoder_0_1_13_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    byteorder_1_1_0.default = true;
-    jpeg_decoder_0_1_13.default = (f.jpeg_decoder_0_1_13.default or true);
-    jpeg_decoder_0_1_13.rayon =
-      (f.jpeg_decoder_0_1_13.rayon or false) ||
-      (f.jpeg_decoder_0_1_13.default or false) ||
-      (jpeg_decoder_0_1_13.default or false);
-    rayon_0_8_2.default = true;
-  }) [ byteorder_1_1_0_features rayon_0_8_2_features ];
-  kernel32_sys_0_2_2 = { features?(kernel32_sys_0_2_2_features {}) }: kernel32_sys_0_2_2_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ winapi_0_2_8 ]);
-    buildDependencies = mapFeatures features ([ winapi_build_0_1_1 ]);
-  };
-  kernel32_sys_0_2_2_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    kernel32_sys_0_2_2.default = (f.kernel32_sys_0_2_2.default or true);
-    winapi_0_2_8.default = true;
-    winapi_build_0_1_1.default = true;
-  }) [ winapi_0_2_8_features winapi_build_0_1_1_features ];
-  lazy_static_0_2_8 = { features?(lazy_static_0_2_8_features {}) }: lazy_static_0_2_8_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([]);
-    features = mkFeatures (features.lazy_static_0_2_8 or {});
-  };
-  lazy_static_0_2_8_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    lazy_static_0_2_8.default = (f.lazy_static_0_2_8.default or true);
-    lazy_static_0_2_8.nightly =
-      (f.lazy_static_0_2_8.nightly or false) ||
-      (f.lazy_static_0_2_8.spin_no_std or false) ||
-      (lazy_static_0_2_8.spin_no_std or false);
-    lazy_static_0_2_8.spin =
-      (f.lazy_static_0_2_8.spin or false) ||
-      (f.lazy_static_0_2_8.spin_no_std or false) ||
-      (lazy_static_0_2_8.spin_no_std or false);
-  }) [];
-  libc_0_2_23 = { features?(libc_0_2_23_features {}) }: libc_0_2_23_ {
-    features = mkFeatures (features.libc_0_2_23 or {});
-  };
-  libc_0_2_23_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    libc_0_2_23.default = (f.libc_0_2_23.default or true);
-    libc_0_2_23.use_std =
-      (f.libc_0_2_23.use_std or false) ||
-      (f.libc_0_2_23.default or false) ||
-      (libc_0_2_23.default or false);
-  }) [];
-  libdbus_sys_0_1_1 = { features?(libdbus_sys_0_1_1_features {}) }: libdbus_sys_0_1_1_ {
-    buildDependencies = mapFeatures features ([ metadeps_1_1_2 ]);};
-  libdbus_sys_0_1_1_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    libdbus_sys_0_1_1.default = (f.libdbus_sys_0_1_1.default or true);
-    metadeps_1_1_2.default = true;
-  }) [ metadeps_1_1_2_features ];
-  libloading_0_3_4 = { features?(libloading_0_3_4_features {}) }: libloading_0_3_4_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ lazy_static_0_2_8 ])
-      ++ (if kernel == "windows" then mapFeatures features ([ kernel32_sys_0_2_2 winapi_0_2_8 ]) else []);
-    buildDependencies = mapFeatures features ([ target_build_utils_0_3_1 ]);
-  };
-  libloading_0_3_4_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    kernel32_sys_0_2_2.default = true;
-    lazy_static_0_2_8.default = true;
-    libloading_0_3_4.default = (f.libloading_0_3_4.default or true);
-    target_build_utils_0_3_1.default = true;
-    winapi_0_2_8.default = true;
-  }) [ lazy_static_0_2_8_features target_build_utils_0_3_1_features kernel32_sys_0_2_2_features winapi_0_2_8_features ];
-  lzw_0_10_0 = { features?(lzw_0_10_0_features {}) }: lzw_0_10_0_ {
-    features = mkFeatures (features.lzw_0_10_0 or {});
-  };
-  lzw_0_10_0_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    lzw_0_10_0.default = (f.lzw_0_10_0.default or true);
-    lzw_0_10_0.raii_no_panic =
-      (f.lzw_0_10_0.raii_no_panic or false) ||
-      (f.lzw_0_10_0.default or false) ||
-      (lzw_0_10_0.default or false);
-  }) [];
-  memmap_0_4_0 = { features?(memmap_0_4_0_features {}) }: memmap_0_4_0_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ fs2_0_2_5 kernel32_sys_0_2_2 libc_0_2_23 winapi_0_2_8 ]);
-  };
-  memmap_0_4_0_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    fs2_0_2_5.default = true;
-    kernel32_sys_0_2_2.default = true;
-    libc_0_2_23.default = true;
-    memmap_0_4_0.default = (f.memmap_0_4_0.default or true);
-    winapi_0_2_8.default = true;
-  }) [ fs2_0_2_5_features kernel32_sys_0_2_2_features libc_0_2_23_features winapi_0_2_8_features ];
-  metadeps_1_1_2 = { features?(metadeps_1_1_2_features {}) }: metadeps_1_1_2_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ error_chain_0_10_0 pkg_config_0_3_9 toml_0_2_1 ]);
-  };
-  metadeps_1_1_2_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    error_chain_0_10_0.default = (f.error_chain_0_10_0.default or false);
-    metadeps_1_1_2.default = (f.metadeps_1_1_2.default or true);
-    pkg_config_0_3_9.default = true;
-    toml_0_2_1.default = (f.toml_0_2_1.default or false);
-  }) [ error_chain_0_10_0_features pkg_config_0_3_9_features toml_0_2_1_features ];
-  miniz_sys_0_1_10 = { features?(miniz_sys_0_1_10_features {}) }: miniz_sys_0_1_10_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ libc_0_2_23 ]);
-    buildDependencies = mapFeatures features ([ cc_1_0_0 ]);
-  };
-  miniz_sys_0_1_10_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    cc_1_0_0.default = true;
-    libc_0_2_23.default = true;
-    miniz_sys_0_1_10.default = (f.miniz_sys_0_1_10.default or true);
-  }) [ libc_0_2_23_features cc_1_0_0_features ];
-  num_bigint_0_1_40 = { features?(num_bigint_0_1_40_features {}) }: num_bigint_0_1_40_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ num_integer_0_1_35 num_traits_0_1_37 ]
-      ++ (if features.num_bigint_0_1_40.rand or false then [ rand_0_3_15 ] else [])
-      ++ (if features.num_bigint_0_1_40.rustc-serialize or false then [ rustc_serialize_0_3_24 ] else []));
-    features = mkFeatures (features.num_bigint_0_1_40 or {});
-  };
-  num_bigint_0_1_40_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    num_bigint_0_1_40.default = (f.num_bigint_0_1_40.default or true);
-    num_bigint_0_1_40.rand =
-      (f.num_bigint_0_1_40.rand or false) ||
-      (f.num_bigint_0_1_40.default or false) ||
-      (num_bigint_0_1_40.default or false);
-    num_bigint_0_1_40.rustc-serialize =
-      (f.num_bigint_0_1_40.rustc-serialize or false) ||
-      (f.num_bigint_0_1_40.default or false) ||
-      (num_bigint_0_1_40.default or false);
-    num_integer_0_1_35.default = true;
-    num_traits_0_1_37.default = true;
-    rand_0_3_15.default = true;
-    rustc_serialize_0_3_24.default = true;
-  }) [ num_integer_0_1_35_features num_traits_0_1_37_features rand_0_3_15_features rustc_serialize_0_3_24_features ];
-  num_integer_0_1_35 = { features?(num_integer_0_1_35_features {}) }: num_integer_0_1_35_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ num_traits_0_1_37 ]);
-  };
-  num_integer_0_1_35_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    num_integer_0_1_35.default = (f.num_integer_0_1_35.default or true);
-    num_traits_0_1_37.default = true;
-  }) [ num_traits_0_1_37_features ];
-  num_iter_0_1_34 = { features?(num_iter_0_1_34_features {}) }: num_iter_0_1_34_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ num_integer_0_1_35 num_traits_0_1_37 ]);
-  };
-  num_iter_0_1_34_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    num_integer_0_1_35.default = true;
-    num_iter_0_1_34.default = (f.num_iter_0_1_34.default or true);
-    num_traits_0_1_37.default = true;
-  }) [ num_integer_0_1_35_features num_traits_0_1_37_features ];
-  num_rational_0_1_39 = { features?(num_rational_0_1_39_features {}) }: num_rational_0_1_39_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ num_integer_0_1_35 num_traits_0_1_37 ]
-      ++ (if features.num_rational_0_1_39.num-bigint or false then [ num_bigint_0_1_40 ] else [])
-      ++ (if features.num_rational_0_1_39.rustc-serialize or false then [ rustc_serialize_0_3_24 ] else []));
-    features = mkFeatures (features.num_rational_0_1_39 or {});
-  };
-  num_rational_0_1_39_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    num_bigint_0_1_40.default = true;
-    num_integer_0_1_35.default = true;
-    num_rational_0_1_39.bigint =
-      (f.num_rational_0_1_39.bigint or false) ||
-      (f.num_rational_0_1_39.default or false) ||
-      (num_rational_0_1_39.default or false);
-    num_rational_0_1_39.default = (f.num_rational_0_1_39.default or true);
-    num_rational_0_1_39.num-bigint =
-      (f.num_rational_0_1_39.num-bigint or false) ||
-      (f.num_rational_0_1_39.bigint or false) ||
-      (num_rational_0_1_39.bigint or false);
-    num_rational_0_1_39.rustc-serialize =
-      (f.num_rational_0_1_39.rustc-serialize or false) ||
-      (f.num_rational_0_1_39.default or false) ||
-      (num_rational_0_1_39.default or false);
-    num_traits_0_1_37.default = true;
-    rustc_serialize_0_3_24.default = true;
-  }) [ num_bigint_0_1_40_features num_integer_0_1_35_features num_traits_0_1_37_features rustc_serialize_0_3_24_features ];
-  num_traits_0_1_37 = { features?(num_traits_0_1_37_features {}) }: num_traits_0_1_37_ {};
-  num_traits_0_1_37_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    num_traits_0_1_37.default = (f.num_traits_0_1_37.default or true);
-  }) [];
-  num_cpus_1_6_2 = { features?(num_cpus_1_6_2_features {}) }: num_cpus_1_6_2_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ libc_0_2_23 ]);
-  };
-  num_cpus_1_6_2_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    libc_0_2_23.default = true;
-    num_cpus_1_6_2.default = (f.num_cpus_1_6_2.default or true);
-  }) [ libc_0_2_23_features ];
-  phf_0_7_21 = { features?(phf_0_7_21_features {}) }: phf_0_7_21_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ phf_shared_0_7_21 ]);
-    features = mkFeatures (features.phf_0_7_21 or {});
-  };
-  phf_0_7_21_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    phf_0_7_21.default = (f.phf_0_7_21.default or true);
-    phf_shared_0_7_21.core =
-      (f.phf_shared_0_7_21.core or false) ||
-      (phf_0_7_21.core or false) ||
-      (f.phf_0_7_21.core or false);
-    phf_shared_0_7_21.default = true;
-    phf_shared_0_7_21.unicase =
-      (f.phf_shared_0_7_21.unicase or false) ||
-      (phf_0_7_21.unicase or false) ||
-      (f.phf_0_7_21.unicase or false);
-  }) [ phf_shared_0_7_21_features ];
-  phf_codegen_0_7_21 = { features?(phf_codegen_0_7_21_features {}) }: phf_codegen_0_7_21_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ phf_generator_0_7_21 phf_shared_0_7_21 ]);
-  };
-  phf_codegen_0_7_21_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    phf_codegen_0_7_21.default = (f.phf_codegen_0_7_21.default or true);
-    phf_generator_0_7_21.default = true;
-    phf_shared_0_7_21.default = true;
-  }) [ phf_generator_0_7_21_features phf_shared_0_7_21_features ];
-  phf_generator_0_7_21 = { features?(phf_generator_0_7_21_features {}) }: phf_generator_0_7_21_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ phf_shared_0_7_21 rand_0_3_15 ]);
-  };
-  phf_generator_0_7_21_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    phf_generator_0_7_21.default = (f.phf_generator_0_7_21.default or true);
-    phf_shared_0_7_21.default = true;
-    rand_0_3_15.default = true;
-  }) [ phf_shared_0_7_21_features rand_0_3_15_features ];
-  phf_shared_0_7_21 = { features?(phf_shared_0_7_21_features {}) }: phf_shared_0_7_21_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ siphasher_0_2_2 ]);
-    features = mkFeatures (features.phf_shared_0_7_21 or {});
-  };
-  phf_shared_0_7_21_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    phf_shared_0_7_21.default = (f.phf_shared_0_7_21.default or true);
-    siphasher_0_2_2.default = true;
-  }) [ siphasher_0_2_2_features ];
-  pkg_config_0_3_9 = { features?(pkg_config_0_3_9_features {}) }: pkg_config_0_3_9_ {};
-  pkg_config_0_3_9_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    pkg_config_0_3_9.default = (f.pkg_config_0_3_9.default or true);
-  }) [];
-  png_0_5_2 = { features?(png_0_5_2_features {}) }: png_0_5_2_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ bitflags_0_7_0 inflate_0_1_1 num_iter_0_1_34 ]
-      ++ (if features.png_0_5_2.flate2 or false then [ flate2_0_2_20 ] else []));
-    features = mkFeatures (features.png_0_5_2 or {});
-  };
-  png_0_5_2_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    bitflags_0_7_0.default = true;
-    flate2_0_2_20.default = true;
-    inflate_0_1_1.default = true;
-    num_iter_0_1_34.default = true;
-    png_0_5_2.default = (f.png_0_5_2.default or true);
-    png_0_5_2.flate2 =
-      (f.png_0_5_2.flate2 or false) ||
-      (f.png_0_5_2.png-encoding or false) ||
-      (png_0_5_2.png-encoding or false);
-    png_0_5_2.png-encoding =
-      (f.png_0_5_2.png-encoding or false) ||
-      (f.png_0_5_2.default or false) ||
-      (png_0_5_2.default or false);
-  }) [ bitflags_0_7_0_features flate2_0_2_20_features inflate_0_1_1_features num_iter_0_1_34_features ];
-  rand_0_3_15 = { features?(rand_0_3_15_features {}) }: rand_0_3_15_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ libc_0_2_23 ]);
-  };
-  rand_0_3_15_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    libc_0_2_23.default = true;
-    rand_0_3_15.default = (f.rand_0_3_15.default or true);
-  }) [ libc_0_2_23_features ];
-  rayon_0_8_2 = { features?(rayon_0_8_2_features {}) }: rayon_0_8_2_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ rayon_core_1_2_1 ]);
-  };
-  rayon_0_8_2_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    rayon_0_8_2.default = (f.rayon_0_8_2.default or true);
-    rayon_core_1_2_1.default = true;
-  }) [ rayon_core_1_2_1_features ];
-  rayon_core_1_2_1 = { features?(rayon_core_1_2_1_features {}) }: rayon_core_1_2_1_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ coco_0_1_1 futures_0_1_16 lazy_static_0_2_8 libc_0_2_23 num_cpus_1_6_2 rand_0_3_15 ]);
-  };
-  rayon_core_1_2_1_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    coco_0_1_1.default = true;
-    futures_0_1_16.default = true;
-    lazy_static_0_2_8.default = true;
-    libc_0_2_23.default = true;
-    num_cpus_1_6_2.default = true;
-    rand_0_3_15.default = true;
-    rayon_core_1_2_1.default = (f.rayon_core_1_2_1.default or true);
-  }) [ coco_0_1_1_features futures_0_1_16_features lazy_static_0_2_8_features libc_0_2_23_features num_cpus_1_6_2_features rand_0_3_15_features ];
-  rustc_serialize_0_3_24 = { features?(rustc_serialize_0_3_24_features {}) }: rustc_serialize_0_3_24_ {};
-  rustc_serialize_0_3_24_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    rustc_serialize_0_3_24.default = (f.rustc_serialize_0_3_24.default or true);
-  }) [];
-  rustc_version_0_1_7 = { features?(rustc_version_0_1_7_features {}) }: rustc_version_0_1_7_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ semver_0_1_20 ]);
-  };
-  rustc_version_0_1_7_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    rustc_version_0_1_7.default = (f.rustc_version_0_1_7.default or true);
-    semver_0_1_20.default = true;
-  }) [ semver_0_1_20_features ];
-  scoped_threadpool_0_1_8 = { features?(scoped_threadpool_0_1_8_features {}) }: scoped_threadpool_0_1_8_ {
-    features = mkFeatures (features.scoped_threadpool_0_1_8 or {});
-  };
-  scoped_threadpool_0_1_8_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    scoped_threadpool_0_1_8.default = (f.scoped_threadpool_0_1_8.default or true);
-  }) [];
-  scopeguard_0_3_2 = { features?(scopeguard_0_3_2_features {}) }: scopeguard_0_3_2_ {
-    features = mkFeatures (features.scopeguard_0_3_2 or {});
-  };
-  scopeguard_0_3_2_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    scopeguard_0_3_2.default = (f.scopeguard_0_3_2.default or true);
-    scopeguard_0_3_2.use_std =
-      (f.scopeguard_0_3_2.use_std or false) ||
-      (f.scopeguard_0_3_2.default or false) ||
-      (scopeguard_0_3_2.default or false);
-  }) [];
-  semver_0_1_20 = { features?(semver_0_1_20_features {}) }: semver_0_1_20_ {};
-  semver_0_1_20_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    semver_0_1_20.default = (f.semver_0_1_20.default or true);
-  }) [];
-  serde_0_9_15 = { features?(serde_0_9_15_features {}) }: serde_0_9_15_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([]);
-    features = mkFeatures (features.serde_0_9_15 or {});
-  };
-  serde_0_9_15_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    serde_0_9_15.alloc =
-      (f.serde_0_9_15.alloc or false) ||
-      (f.serde_0_9_15.collections or false) ||
-      (serde_0_9_15.collections or false);
-    serde_0_9_15.default = (f.serde_0_9_15.default or true);
-    serde_0_9_15.serde_derive =
-      (f.serde_0_9_15.serde_derive or false) ||
-      (f.serde_0_9_15.derive or false) ||
-      (serde_0_9_15.derive or false) ||
-      (f.serde_0_9_15.playground or false) ||
-      (serde_0_9_15.playground or false);
-    serde_0_9_15.std =
-      (f.serde_0_9_15.std or false) ||
-      (f.serde_0_9_15.default or false) ||
-      (serde_0_9_15.default or false) ||
-      (f.serde_0_9_15.unstable-testing or false) ||
-      (serde_0_9_15.unstable-testing or false);
-    serde_0_9_15.unstable =
-      (f.serde_0_9_15.unstable or false) ||
-      (f.serde_0_9_15.alloc or false) ||
-      (serde_0_9_15.alloc or false) ||
-      (f.serde_0_9_15.unstable-testing or false) ||
-      (serde_0_9_15.unstable-testing or false);
-  }) [];
-  serde_json_0_9_10 = { features?(serde_json_0_9_10_features {}) }: serde_json_0_9_10_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ dtoa_0_4_1 itoa_0_3_1 num_traits_0_1_37 serde_0_9_15 ]);
-    features = mkFeatures (features.serde_json_0_9_10 or {});
-  };
-  serde_json_0_9_10_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    dtoa_0_4_1.default = true;
-    itoa_0_3_1.default = true;
-    num_traits_0_1_37.default = true;
-    serde_0_9_15.default = true;
-    serde_json_0_9_10.default = (f.serde_json_0_9_10.default or true);
-    serde_json_0_9_10.linked-hash-map =
-      (f.serde_json_0_9_10.linked-hash-map or false) ||
-      (f.serde_json_0_9_10.preserve_order or false) ||
-      (serde_json_0_9_10.preserve_order or false);
-  }) [ dtoa_0_4_1_features itoa_0_3_1_features num_traits_0_1_37_features serde_0_9_15_features ];
-  siphasher_0_2_2 = { features?(siphasher_0_2_2_features {}) }: siphasher_0_2_2_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([]);
-  };
-  siphasher_0_2_2_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    siphasher_0_2_2.default = (f.siphasher_0_2_2.default or true);
-  }) [];
-  strsim_0_6_0 = { features?(strsim_0_6_0_features {}) }: strsim_0_6_0_ {};
-  strsim_0_6_0_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    strsim_0_6_0.default = (f.strsim_0_6_0.default or true);
-  }) [];
-  target_build_utils_0_3_1 = { features?(target_build_utils_0_3_1_features {}) }: target_build_utils_0_3_1_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ phf_0_7_21 ]
-      ++ (if features.target_build_utils_0_3_1.serde_json or false then [ serde_json_0_9_10 ] else []));
-    buildDependencies = mapFeatures features ([ phf_codegen_0_7_21 ]);
-    features = mkFeatures (features.target_build_utils_0_3_1 or {});
-  };
-  target_build_utils_0_3_1_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    phf_0_7_21.default = true;
-    phf_codegen_0_7_21.default = true;
-    serde_json_0_9_10.default = true;
-    target_build_utils_0_3_1.default = (f.target_build_utils_0_3_1.default or true);
-    target_build_utils_0_3_1.serde_json =
-      (f.target_build_utils_0_3_1.serde_json or false) ||
-      (f.target_build_utils_0_3_1.default or false) ||
-      (target_build_utils_0_3_1.default or false);
-  }) [ phf_0_7_21_features serde_json_0_9_10_features phf_codegen_0_7_21_features ];
-  tempfile_2_1_5 = { features?(tempfile_2_1_5_features {}) }: tempfile_2_1_5_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ rand_0_3_15 ])
-      ++ (if (kernel == "linux" || kernel == "darwin") then mapFeatures features ([ libc_0_2_23 ]) else [])
-      ++ (if kernel == "windows" then mapFeatures features ([ kernel32_sys_0_2_2 winapi_0_2_8 ]) else []);
-    buildDependencies = mapFeatures features ([ rustc_version_0_1_7 ]);
-  };
-  tempfile_2_1_5_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    kernel32_sys_0_2_2.default = true;
-    libc_0_2_23.default = true;
-    rand_0_3_15.default = true;
-    rustc_version_0_1_7.default = true;
-    tempfile_2_1_5.default = (f.tempfile_2_1_5.default or true);
-    winapi_0_2_8.default = true;
-  }) [ rand_0_3_15_features rustc_version_0_1_7_features libc_0_2_23_features kernel32_sys_0_2_2_features winapi_0_2_8_features ];
-  term_size_0_3_0 = { features?(term_size_0_3_0_features {}) }: term_size_0_3_0_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([])
-      ++ (if !(kernel == "windows") then mapFeatures features ([ libc_0_2_23 ]) else [])
-      ++ (if kernel == "windows" then mapFeatures features ([ kernel32_sys_0_2_2 winapi_0_2_8 ]) else []);
-    features = mkFeatures (features.term_size_0_3_0 or {});
-  };
-  term_size_0_3_0_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    kernel32_sys_0_2_2.default = true;
-    libc_0_2_23.default = true;
-    term_size_0_3_0.clippy =
-      (f.term_size_0_3_0.clippy or false) ||
-      (f.term_size_0_3_0.lints or false) ||
-      (term_size_0_3_0.lints or false);
-    term_size_0_3_0.default = (f.term_size_0_3_0.default or true);
-    term_size_0_3_0.lints =
-      (f.term_size_0_3_0.lints or false) ||
-      (f.term_size_0_3_0.travis or false) ||
-      (term_size_0_3_0.travis or false);
-    term_size_0_3_0.nightly =
-      (f.term_size_0_3_0.nightly or false) ||
-      (f.term_size_0_3_0.lints or false) ||
-      (term_size_0_3_0.lints or false) ||
-      (f.term_size_0_3_0.travis or false) ||
-      (term_size_0_3_0.travis or false);
-    winapi_0_2_8.default = true;
-  }) [ libc_0_2_23_features kernel32_sys_0_2_2_features winapi_0_2_8_features ];
-  toml_0_2_1 = { features?(toml_0_2_1_features {}) }: toml_0_2_1_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([]);
-  };
-  toml_0_2_1_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    toml_0_2_1.default = (f.toml_0_2_1.default or true);
-    toml_0_2_1.rustc-serialize =
-      (f.toml_0_2_1.rustc-serialize or false) ||
-      (f.toml_0_2_1.default or false) ||
-      (toml_0_2_1.default or false);
-  }) [];
-  unicode_segmentation_1_2_0 = { features?(unicode_segmentation_1_2_0_features {}) }: unicode_segmentation_1_2_0_ {
-    features = mkFeatures (features.unicode_segmentation_1_2_0 or {});
-  };
-  unicode_segmentation_1_2_0_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    unicode_segmentation_1_2_0.default = (f.unicode_segmentation_1_2_0.default or true);
-  }) [];
-  unicode_width_0_1_4 = { features?(unicode_width_0_1_4_features {}) }: unicode_width_0_1_4_ {
-    features = mkFeatures (features.unicode_width_0_1_4 or {});
-  };
-  unicode_width_0_1_4_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    unicode_width_0_1_4.default = (f.unicode_width_0_1_4.default or true);
-  }) [];
-  vec_map_0_8_0 = { features?(vec_map_0_8_0_features {}) }: vec_map_0_8_0_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([]);
-    features = mkFeatures (features.vec_map_0_8_0 or {});
-  };
-  vec_map_0_8_0_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    vec_map_0_8_0.default = (f.vec_map_0_8_0.default or true);
-    vec_map_0_8_0.serde =
-      (f.vec_map_0_8_0.serde or false) ||
-      (f.vec_map_0_8_0.eders or false) ||
-      (vec_map_0_8_0.eders or false);
-    vec_map_0_8_0.serde_derive =
-      (f.vec_map_0_8_0.serde_derive or false) ||
-      (f.vec_map_0_8_0.eders or false) ||
-      (vec_map_0_8_0.eders or false);
-  }) [];
-  way_cooler_client_helpers_0_1_0 = { features?(way_cooler_client_helpers_0_1_0_features {}) }: way_cooler_client_helpers_0_1_0_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ wayland_client_0_9_6 wayland_sys_0_9_6 ]);
-  };
-  way_cooler_client_helpers_0_1_0_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    way_cooler_client_helpers_0_1_0.default = (f.way_cooler_client_helpers_0_1_0.default or true);
-    wayland_client_0_9_6.cursor = true;
-    wayland_client_0_9_6.default = true;
-    wayland_client_0_9_6.dlopen = true;
-    wayland_sys_0_9_6.client = true;
-    wayland_sys_0_9_6.default = true;
-    wayland_sys_0_9_6.dlopen = true;
-  }) [ wayland_client_0_9_6_features wayland_sys_0_9_6_features ];
-  wayland_client_0_9_6 = { features?(wayland_client_0_9_6_features {}) }: wayland_client_0_9_6_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ bitflags_0_7_0 libc_0_2_23 wayland_sys_0_9_6 ]);
-    buildDependencies = mapFeatures features ([ wayland_scanner_0_9_6 ]);
-    features = mkFeatures (features.wayland_client_0_9_6 or {});
-  };
-  wayland_client_0_9_6_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    bitflags_0_7_0.default = true;
-    libc_0_2_23.default = true;
-    wayland_client_0_9_6.cursor =
-      (f.wayland_client_0_9_6.cursor or false) ||
-      (f.wayland_client_0_9_6.default or false) ||
-      (wayland_client_0_9_6.default or false);
-    wayland_client_0_9_6.default = (f.wayland_client_0_9_6.default or true);
-    wayland_client_0_9_6.egl =
-      (f.wayland_client_0_9_6.egl or false) ||
-      (f.wayland_client_0_9_6.default or false) ||
-      (wayland_client_0_9_6.default or false);
-    wayland_scanner_0_9_6.default = true;
-    wayland_sys_0_9_6.client = true;
-    wayland_sys_0_9_6.cursor =
-      (f.wayland_sys_0_9_6.cursor or false) ||
-      (wayland_client_0_9_6.cursor or false) ||
-      (f.wayland_client_0_9_6.cursor or false);
-    wayland_sys_0_9_6.default = true;
-    wayland_sys_0_9_6.dlopen =
-      (f.wayland_sys_0_9_6.dlopen or false) ||
-      (wayland_client_0_9_6.dlopen or false) ||
-      (f.wayland_client_0_9_6.dlopen or false);
-    wayland_sys_0_9_6.egl =
-      (f.wayland_sys_0_9_6.egl or false) ||
-      (wayland_client_0_9_6.egl or false) ||
-      (f.wayland_client_0_9_6.egl or false);
-  }) [ bitflags_0_7_0_features libc_0_2_23_features wayland_sys_0_9_6_features wayland_scanner_0_9_6_features ];
-  wayland_kbd_0_9_0 = { features?(wayland_kbd_0_9_0_features {}) }: wayland_kbd_0_9_0_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ bitflags_0_7_0 dlib_0_3_1 lazy_static_0_2_8 memmap_0_4_0 wayland_client_0_9_6 ]);
-  };
-  wayland_kbd_0_9_0_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    bitflags_0_7_0.default = true;
-    dlib_0_3_1.default = true;
-    lazy_static_0_2_8.default = true;
-    memmap_0_4_0.default = true;
-    wayland_client_0_9_6.default = true;
-    wayland_kbd_0_9_0.default = (f.wayland_kbd_0_9_0.default or true);
-  }) [ bitflags_0_7_0_features dlib_0_3_1_features lazy_static_0_2_8_features memmap_0_4_0_features wayland_client_0_9_6_features ];
-  wayland_scanner_0_9_6 = { features?(wayland_scanner_0_9_6_features {}) }: wayland_scanner_0_9_6_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ xml_rs_0_3_6 ]);
-  };
-  wayland_scanner_0_9_6_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    wayland_scanner_0_9_6.default = (f.wayland_scanner_0_9_6.default or true);
-    xml_rs_0_3_6.default = true;
-  }) [ xml_rs_0_3_6_features ];
-  wayland_sys_0_9_6 = { features?(wayland_sys_0_9_6_features {}) }: wayland_sys_0_9_6_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ dlib_0_3_1 ]
-      ++ (if features.wayland_sys_0_9_6.lazy_static or false then [ lazy_static_0_2_8 ] else []));
-    features = mkFeatures (features.wayland_sys_0_9_6 or {});
-  };
-  wayland_sys_0_9_6_features = f: updateFeatures f (rec {
-    dlib_0_3_1.default = true;
-    dlib_0_3_1.dlopen =
-      (f.dlib_0_3_1.dlopen or false) ||
-      (wayland_sys_0_9_6.dlopen or false) ||
-      (f.wayland_sys_0_9_6.dlopen or false);
-    lazy_static_0_2_8.default = true;
-    wayland_sys_0_9_6.default = (f.wayland_sys_0_9_6.default or true);
-    wayland_sys_0_9_6.lazy_static =
-      (f.wayland_sys_0_9_6.lazy_static or false) ||
-      (f.wayland_sys_0_9_6.dlopen or false) ||
-      (wayland_sys_0_9_6.dlopen or false);
-    wayland_sys_0_9_6.libc =
-      (f.wayland_sys_0_9_6.libc or false) ||
-      (f.wayland_sys_0_9_6.server or false) ||
-      (wayland_sys_0_9_6.server or false);
-  }) [ dlib_0_3_1_features lazy_static_0_2_8_features ];
-  wc_lock_0_2_1 = { features?(wc_lock_0_2_1_features {}) }: wc_lock_0_2_1_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ byteorder_0_5_3 clap_2_24_2 dbus_0_5_4 image_0_10_4 libc_0_2_23 rand_0_3_15 tempfile_2_1_5 way_cooler_client_helpers_0_1_0 wayland_client_0_9_6 wayland_kbd_0_9_0 wayland_sys_0_9_6 ]);
-    buildDependencies = mapFeatures features ([ gcc_0_3_50 wayland_scanner_0_9_6 ]);
-  };
-  wc_lock_0_2_1_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    byteorder_0_5_3.default = true;
-    clap_2_24_2.default = true;
-    dbus_0_5_4.default = true;
-    gcc_0_3_50.default = true;
-    image_0_10_4.default = true;
-    libc_0_2_23.default = true;
-    rand_0_3_15.default = true;
-    tempfile_2_1_5.default = true;
-    way_cooler_client_helpers_0_1_0.default = true;
-    wayland_client_0_9_6.cursor = true;
-    wayland_client_0_9_6.default = true;
-    wayland_client_0_9_6.dlopen = true;
-    wayland_kbd_0_9_0.default = true;
-    wayland_scanner_0_9_6.default = true;
-    wayland_sys_0_9_6.client = true;
-    wayland_sys_0_9_6.default = true;
-    wayland_sys_0_9_6.dlopen = true;
-    wc_lock_0_2_1.default = (f.wc_lock_0_2_1.default or true);
-  }) [ byteorder_0_5_3_features clap_2_24_2_features dbus_0_5_4_features image_0_10_4_features libc_0_2_23_features rand_0_3_15_features tempfile_2_1_5_features way_cooler_client_helpers_0_1_0_features wayland_client_0_9_6_features wayland_kbd_0_9_0_features wayland_sys_0_9_6_features gcc_0_3_50_features wayland_scanner_0_9_6_features ];
-  winapi_0_2_8 = { features?(winapi_0_2_8_features {}) }: winapi_0_2_8_ {};
-  winapi_0_2_8_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    winapi_0_2_8.default = (f.winapi_0_2_8.default or true);
-  }) [];
-  winapi_build_0_1_1 = { features?(winapi_build_0_1_1_features {}) }: winapi_build_0_1_1_ {};
-  winapi_build_0_1_1_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    winapi_build_0_1_1.default = (f.winapi_build_0_1_1.default or true);
-  }) [];
-  xml_rs_0_3_6 = { features?(xml_rs_0_3_6_features {}) }: xml_rs_0_3_6_ {
-    dependencies = mapFeatures features ([ bitflags_0_7_0 ]);
-  };
-  xml_rs_0_3_6_features = f: updateFeatures f ({
-    bitflags_0_7_0.default = true;
-    xml_rs_0_3_6.default = (f.xml_rs_0_3_6.default or true);
-  }) [ bitflags_0_7_0_features ];
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/window-managers/way-cooler/wlc.nix b/pkgs/applications/window-managers/way-cooler/wlc.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 03d0b3023f7..00000000000
--- a/pkgs/applications/window-managers/way-cooler/wlc.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-{ stdenv, fetchFromGitHub, cmake, pkgconfig
-, wayland, pixman, libxkbcommon, libinput, xcbutilwm, xcbutilimage, libGL
-, libX11, dbus, wayland-protocols, libdrm, mesa
-, libpthreadstubs, libXdmcp, libXext, libXfixes
-, withOptionalPackages ? true, zlib, valgrind, doxygen
-stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
-  pname = "wlc";
-  version = "0.0.11";
-  src = fetchFromGitHub {
-    owner = "Cloudef";
-    repo = "wlc";
-    rev = "v${version}";
-    fetchSubmodules = true;
-    sha256 = "1qnak907gjd35hq4b0rrhgb7kz5iwnirh8yk372yzxpgk7dq0gz9";
-  };
-  nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake pkgconfig ];
-  buildInputs = [
-    wayland pixman libxkbcommon libinput xcbutilwm xcbutilimage libGL
-    libX11 libXfixes dbus wayland-protocols
-    libpthreadstubs libXdmcp libXext libdrm mesa ]
-    ++ stdenv.lib.optionals withOptionalPackages [ zlib valgrind doxygen ];
-  doCheck = true;
-  checkTarget = "test";
-  enableParallelBuilding = true;
-  meta = with stdenv.lib; {
-    description = "A library for making a simple Wayland compositor";
-    homepage    =;
-    license     =;
-    platforms   = platforms.linux;
-    maintainers = with maintainers; [ primeos ]; # Trying to keep it up-to-date.
-  };
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/window-managers/weston/default.nix b/pkgs/applications/window-managers/weston/default.nix
index 34ad2bcc732..51da999aff0 100644
--- a/pkgs/applications/window-managers/weston/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/applications/window-managers/weston/default.nix
@@ -10,11 +10,11 @@
 with stdenv.lib;
 stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
   pname = "weston";
-  version = "7.0.0";
+  version = "8.0.0";
   src = fetchurl {
     url = "${pname}-${version}.tar.xz";
-    sha256 = "0r4sj11hq4brv3ryrgp2wmkkfz1h59vh9ih18igzjibagch6s2m0";
+    sha256 = "0j3q0af3595g4wcicldgy749zm2g2b6bswa6ya8k075a5sdv863m";
   nativeBuildInputs = [ meson ninja pkgconfig ];
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
     "-Dremoting=false" # TODO
     "-Dpipewire=${boolToString (pipewire != null)}"
     "-Dimage-webp=${boolToString (libwebp != null)}"
-    "-Dsimple-dmabuf-drm=" # Disables all drivers
@@ -43,6 +42,8 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
+  passthru.providedSessions = [ "weston" ];
   meta = {
     description = "Reference implementation of a Wayland compositor";
     homepage =;