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path: root/pkgs/applications/science/electronics/kicad/default.nix
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Diffstat (limited to 'pkgs/applications/science/electronics/kicad/default.nix')
1 files changed, 155 insertions, 101 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/science/electronics/kicad/default.nix b/pkgs/applications/science/electronics/kicad/default.nix
index 6b0c998d751..47222fe4a96 100644
--- a/pkgs/applications/science/electronics/kicad/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/applications/science/electronics/kicad/default.nix
@@ -1,121 +1,175 @@
-{ wxGTK, lib, stdenv, fetchurl, fetchFromGitHub, cmake, libGLU, libGL, zlib
-, libX11, gettext, glew, glm, cairo, curl, openssl, boost, pkgconfig
-, doxygen, pcre, libpthreadstubs, libXdmcp
-, wrapGAppsHook
-, oceSupport ? true, opencascade
+{ lib, stdenv, gnome3, pkgs, wxGTK30, wxGTK31
+, gsettings-desktop-schemas, hicolor-icon-theme
+, callPackage, callPackages
+, librsvg, cups
+, pname ? "kicad"
+, oceSupport ? false, opencascade
+, withOCCT ? true, opencascade-occt
 , ngspiceSupport ? true, libngspice
-, swig, python, pythonPackages
-, lndir
+, scriptingSupport ? true, swig, python3, python3Packages
+, debug ? false, valgrind
+, with3d ? true
+, withI18n ? true
 assert ngspiceSupport -> libngspice != null;
 with lib;
-  mkLib = version: name: sha256: attrs: stdenv.mkDerivation ({
-    name = "kicad-${name}-${version}";
-    src = fetchFromGitHub {
-      owner = "KiCad";
-      repo = "kicad-${name}";
-      rev = version;
-      inherit sha256 name;
-    };
-    nativeBuildInputs = [
-      cmake
-    ];
-  } // attrs);
-in stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
-  pname = "kicad";
-  series = "5.0";
-  version = "5.1.4";
-  src = fetchurl {
-    url = "${series}/${version}/+download/kicad-${version}.tar.xz";
-    sha256 = "1r60dgh6aalbpq1wsmpyxkz0nn4ck8ydfdjcrblpl69k5rks5k2j";
-  };
-  postPatch = ''
-    substituteInPlace CMakeModules/KiCadVersion.cmake \
-      --replace no-vcs-found ${version}
-  '';
-  cmakeFlags = [
-    # nix installs wxPython headers in wxPython package, not in wxwidget
-    # as assumed. We explicitely set the header location.
-    "-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-I${pythonPackages.wxPython}/include/wx-3.0"
-    "-DwxPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS=${pythonPackages.wxPython}/include/wx-3.0"
-  ] ++ optionals (oceSupport) [ "-DKICAD_USE_OCE=ON" "-DOCE_DIR=${opencascade}" ]
-    ++ optional (ngspiceSupport) "-DKICAD_SPICE=ON";
-  nativeBuildInputs = [
-    cmake
-    doxygen
-    pkgconfig
-    wrapGAppsHook
-    pythonPackages.wrapPython
-    lndir
-  ];
-  pythonPath = [ pythonPackages.wxPython ];
-  propagatedBuildInputs = [ pythonPackages.wxPython ];
-  buildInputs = [
-    libGLU libGL zlib libX11 wxGTK pcre libXdmcp glew glm libpthreadstubs
-    cairo curl openssl boost
-    swig (python.withPackages (ps: with ps; [ wxPython ]))
-  ] ++ optional (oceSupport) opencascade
-    ++ optional (ngspiceSupport) libngspice;
-  # this breaks other applications in kicad
-  dontWrapGApps = true;
-  passthru = {
-    i18n = mkLib version "i18n" "1dk7wis4cncmihl8fnic3jyhqcdzpifchzsp7hmf214h0vp199zr" {
-      buildInputs = [
-        gettext
-      ];
-      meta.license = licenses.gpl2; #
-    };
-    symbols = mkLib version "symbols" "1lna4xlvzrxif3569pkp6mrg7fj62z3a3ri5j97lnmnnzhiddnh3" {
-      meta.license =;
-    };
-    footprints = mkLib version "footprints" "0c0kcywxlaihzzwp9bi0dsr2v9j46zcdr85xmfpivmrk19apss6a" {
-      meta.license =;
-    };
-    templates = mkLib version "templates" "1bagb0b94cjh7zp9z0h23b60j45kwxbsbb7b2bdk98dmph8lmzbb" {
-      meta.license =;
+  stable = pname != "kicad-unstable";
+  baseName = if (stable) then "kicad" else "kicad-unstable";
+  versions = {
+    "kicad" = {
+      kicadVersion = {
+        version = "5.1.5";
+        src.sha256 = "15h3rwisjss3fdc9bam9n2wq94slhacc3fbg14bnzf4n5agsnv5b";
+      };
+      libVersion = {
+        version = "5.1.5";
+        libSources = {
+          i18n.sha256 = "1rfpifl8vky1gba2angizlb2n7mwmsiai3r6ip6qma60wdj8sbd3";
+          symbols.sha256 = "048b07ffsaav1ssrchw2p870lvb4rsyb5vnniy670k7q9p16qq6h";
+          templates.sha256 = "0cs3bm3zb5ngw5ldn0lzw5bvqm4kvcidyrn76438alffwiz2b15g";
+          footprints.sha256 = "1c4whgn14qhz4yqkl46w13p6rpv1k0hsc9s9h9368fxfcz9knb2j";
+          packages3d.sha256 = "0cff2ms1bsw530kqb1fr1m2pjixyxzwa81mxgac3qpbcf8fnpvaz";
+        };
+      };
-    packages3d = mkLib version "packages3d" "0h2qjj8vf33jz6jhqdz90c80h5i1ydgfqnns7rn0fqphlnscb45g" {
-      hydraPlatforms = []; # this is a ~1 GiB download, occupies ~5 GiB in store
-      meta.license =;
+    "kicad-unstable" = {
+      kicadVersion = {
+        version = "2019-12-31";
+        src = {
+          rev = "eaaa4eb63acb289047dfbb6cc275579dea58f12b";
+          sha256 = "1v2hf2slphjdh14y56pmzlpi6mqidrd8198if1fi0cch72v37zch";
+        };
+      };
+      libVersion = {
+        version = "unstable";
+        libSources = {
+          i18n.rev = "e7439fd76f27cfc26e269c4e6c4d56245345c28b";
+          i18n.sha256 = "1nqm1kx5b4f7s0f9q8bg4rdhqnp0128yp6bgnrkia1kwmfnf5gmy";
+          symbols.rev = "1bc5ff11c76bcbfda227e534b0acf737edddde8f";
+          symbols.sha256 = "05kv93790wi4dpbn2488p587b83yz1zw9h62lkv41h7vn2r1mmb7";
+          templates.rev = "0c0490897f803ab8b7c3dad438b7eb1f80e0417c";
+          templates.sha256 = "0cs3bm3zb5ngw5ldn0lzw5bvqm4kvcidyrn76438alffwiz2b15g";
+          footprints.rev = "454126c125edd3fa8633f301421a7d9c4de61b77";
+          footprints.sha256 = "00nli4kx2i68bk852rivbirzcgpsdlpdk34g1q892952jsbh7fy6";
+          packages3d.rev = "c2b92a411adc93ddeeed74b36b542e1057f81a2a";
+          packages3d.sha256 = "05znc6y2lc31iafspg308cxdda94zg6c7mwslmys76npih1pb8qc";
+        };
+      };
+  versionConfig = versions.${baseName};
+  wxGTK = if (stable)
+    # wxGTK3x may default to withGtk2 = false, see #73145
+    then wxGTK30.override { withGtk2 = false; }
+    # wxGTK31 currently introduces an issue with opening the python interpreter in pcbnew
+    # but brings high DPI support?
+    else wxGTK31.override { withGtk2 = false; };
+  pythonPackages = python3Packages;
+  python = python3;
+  wxPython = python3Packages.wxPython_4_0;
+  kicad-libraries = callPackages ./libraries.nix versionConfig.libVersion;
+  kicad-base = callPackage ./base.nix {
+    pname = baseName;
+    inherit versions stable baseName;
+    inherit wxGTK python wxPython;
+    inherit debug withI18n withOCCT oceSupport ngspiceSupport scriptingSupport;
+  };
+stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
+  inherit pname;
+  version = versions.${baseName}.kicadVersion.version;
+  src = kicad-base;
+  dontUnpack = true;
+  dontConfigure = true;
+  dontBuild = true;
+  dontFixup = true;
+  pythonPath = optionals (scriptingSupport)
+    [ wxPython pythonPackages.six ];
+  nativeBuildInputs = optionals (scriptingSupport)
+    [ pythonPackages.wrapPython ];
-  modules = with passthru; [ i18n symbols footprints templates ];
+  # wrapGAppsHook added the equivalent to ${kicad-base}/share
+  # though i noticed no difference without it
+  makeWrapperArgs = [
+    "--prefix XDG_DATA_DIRS : ${kicad-base}/share"
+    "--prefix XDG_DATA_DIRS : ${hicolor-icon-theme}/share"
+    "--prefix XDG_DATA_DIRS : ${gnome3.defaultIconTheme}/share"
+    "--prefix XDG_DATA_DIRS : ${wxGTK.gtk}/share/gsettings-schemas/${}"
+    "--prefix XDG_DATA_DIRS : ${gsettings-desktop-schemas}/share/gsettings-schemas/${}"
+    # wrapGAppsHook did these two as well, no idea if it matters...
+    "--prefix XDG_DATA_DIRS : ${cups}/share"
+    "--prefix GIO_EXTRA_MODULES : ${gnome3.dconf}/lib/gio/modules"
-  postInstall = ''
-    mkdir -p $out/share
-    for module in $modules; do
-      lndir $module/share $out/share
-    done
-  '';
+    "--set KISYSMOD ${kicad-libraries.footprints}/share/kicad/modules"
+    "--set KICAD_SYMBOL_DIR ${kicad-libraries.symbols}/share/kicad/library"
+    "--set KICAD_TEMPLATE_DIR ${kicad-libraries.templates}/share/kicad/template"
+    "--prefix KICAD_TEMPLATE_DIR : ${kicad-libraries.symbols}/share/kicad/template"
+    "--prefix KICAD_TEMPLATE_DIR : ${kicad-libraries.footprints}/share/kicad/template"
+  ]
+  ++ optionals (with3d) [ "--set KISYS3DMOD ${kicad-libraries.packages3d}/share/kicad/modules/packages3d" ]
+  ++ optionals (ngspiceSupport) [ "--prefix LD_LIBRARY_PATH : ${libngspice}/lib" ]
-  preFixup = ''
-    buildPythonPath "$out $pythonPath"
-    gappsWrapperArgs+=(--set PYTHONPATH "$program_PYTHONPATH")
+  # infinisil's workaround for #39493
+  ++ [ "--set GDK_PIXBUF_MODULE_FILE ${librsvg}/lib/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders.cache" ]
+  ;
-    wrapGApp "$out/bin/kicad" --prefix LD_LIBRARY_PATH : "${libngspice}/lib"
-  '';
+  # dunno why i have to add $makeWrapperArgs manually...
+  # $out and $program_PYTHONPATH don't exist when makeWrapperArgs gets set?
+  # not sure if anything has to be done with the other stuff in kicad-base/bin
+  # dxf2idf, idf2vrml, idfcyl, idfrect, kicad2step, kicad-ogltest
+  installPhase =
+    optionalString (scriptingSupport) '' buildPythonPath "${kicad-base} $pythonPath"
+    '' +
+    '' makeWrapper ${kicad-base}/bin/kicad $out/bin/kicad $makeWrapperArgs ''
+    + optionalString (scriptingSupport) '' --set PYTHONPATH "$program_PYTHONPATH"
+    '' +
+    '' makeWrapper ${kicad-base}/bin/pcbnew $out/bin/pcbnew $makeWrapperArgs ''
+    + optionalString (scriptingSupport) '' --set PYTHONPATH "$program_PYTHONPATH"
+    '' +
+    '' makeWrapper ${kicad-base}/bin/eeschema $out/bin/eeschema $makeWrapperArgs ''
+    + optionalString (scriptingSupport) '' --set PYTHONPATH "$program_PYTHONPATH"
+    '' +
+    '' makeWrapper ${kicad-base}/bin/gerbview $out/bin/gerbview $makeWrapperArgs ''
+    + optionalString (scriptingSupport) '' --set PYTHONPATH "$program_PYTHONPATH"
+    '' +
+    '' makeWrapper ${kicad-base}/bin/pcb_calculator $out/bin/pcb_calculator $makeWrapperArgs ''
+    + optionalString (scriptingSupport) '' --set PYTHONPATH "$program_PYTHONPATH"
+    '' +
+    '' makeWrapper ${kicad-base}/bin/pl_editor $out/bin/pl_editor $makeWrapperArgs ''
+    + optionalString (scriptingSupport) '' --set PYTHONPATH "$program_PYTHONPATH"
+    '' +
+    '' makeWrapper ${kicad-base}/bin/bitmap2component $out/bin/bitmap2component $makeWrapperArgs ''
+    + optionalString (scriptingSupport) '' --set PYTHONPATH "$program_PYTHONPATH"
+    ''
+  ;
   meta = {
-    description = "Free Software EDA Suite";
-    homepage =;
-    license = licenses.gpl2;
-    maintainers = with maintainers; [ berce ];
+    description = if (stable)
+      then "Open Source Electronics Design Automation Suite"
+      else "Open Source EDA Suite, Development Build";
+    homepage = "";
+    longDescription = ''
+      KiCad is an open source software suite for Electronic Design Automation.
+      The Programs handle Schematic Capture, and PCB Layout with Gerber output.
+    '';
+    license = licenses.agpl3;
+    # berce seems inactive...
+    maintainers = with maintainers; [ evils kiwi berce ];
+    # kicad's cross-platform, not sure what to fill in here
     platforms = with platforms; linux;
-    broken = stdenv.isAarch64;