summary refs log tree commit diff
path: root/pkgs/applications/audio/pulseeffects/default.nix
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pkgs/applications/audio/pulseeffects/default.nix')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 127 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/audio/pulseeffects/default.nix b/pkgs/applications/audio/pulseeffects/default.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a7c7175a45..00000000000
--- a/pkgs/applications/audio/pulseeffects/default.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-{ lib, stdenv
-, fetchFromGitHub
-, fetchpatch
-, meson
-, ninja
-, pkg-config
-, itstool
-, python3
-, libxml2
-, desktop-file-utils
-, wrapGAppsHook
-, gst_all_1
-, pipewire
-, gtk3
-, glib
-, glibmm
-, gtkmm3
-, lilv
-, lv2
-, serd
-, sord
-, sratom
-, libbs2b
-, libsamplerate
-, libsndfile
-, libebur128
-, rnnoise
-, boost
-, dbus
-, fftwFloat
-, calf
-, zita-convolver
-, zam-plugins
-, rubberband
-, lsp-plugins
-  lv2Plugins = [
-    calf # limiter, compressor exciter, bass enhancer and others
-    lsp-plugins # delay
-  ];
-  ladspaPlugins = [
-    rubberband # pitch shifting
-    zam-plugins # maximizer
-  ];
-in stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
-  pname = "pulseeffects";
-  version = "5.0.3";
-  src = fetchFromGitHub {
-    owner = "wwmm";
-    repo = "pulseeffects";
-    rev = "v${version}";
-    sha256 = "1dicvq17vajk3vr4g1y80599ahkw0dp5ynlany1cfljfjz40s8sx";
-  };
-  nativeBuildInputs = [
-    meson
-    ninja
-    pkg-config
-    libxml2
-    itstool
-    python3
-    desktop-file-utils
-    wrapGAppsHook
-  ];
-  buildInputs = [
-    pipewire
-    glib
-    glibmm
-    gtk3
-    gtkmm3
-    gst_all_1.gstreamer
-    gst_all_1.gst-plugins-base # gst-fft
-    gst_all_1.gst-plugins-good # spectrum plugin
-    gst_all_1.gst-plugins-bad
-    lilv lv2 serd sord sratom
-    libbs2b
-    libebur128
-    libsamplerate
-    libsndfile
-    rnnoise
-    boost
-    dbus
-    fftwFloat
-    zita-convolver
-  ];
-  patches = [
-    (fetchpatch {
-      # Fix build failure.
-      #
-      url = "";
-      sha256 = "1hd05xn6sp0xs632mqgwk19hl40kh2f69mx5mgzahysrj057w22c";
-    })
-  ];
-  postPatch = ''
-    chmod +x
-    patchShebangs
-  '';
-  preFixup = ''
-    gappsWrapperArgs+=(
-      --set LV2_PATH "${lib.makeSearchPath "lib/lv2" lv2Plugins}"
-      --set LADSPA_PATH "${lib.makeSearchPath "lib/ladspa" ladspaPlugins}"
-    )
-  '';
-  # Meson is no longer able to pick up Boost automatically.
-  #
-  BOOST_INCLUDEDIR = "${lib.getDev boost}/include";
-  BOOST_LIBRARYDIR = "${lib.getLib boost}/lib";
-  separateDebugInfo = true;
-  meta = with lib; {
-    description = "Limiter, compressor, reverberation, equalizer and auto volume effects for Pulseaudio applications";
-    homepage = "";
-    license = licenses.gpl3Plus;
-    maintainers = with maintainers; [ jtojnar ];
-    platforms = platforms.linux;
-    badPlatforms = [ "aarch64-linux" ];
-  };