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path: root/nixos/modules/services/x11/display-managers
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Diffstat (limited to 'nixos/modules/services/x11/display-managers')
9 files changed, 190 insertions, 144 deletions
diff --git a/nixos/modules/services/x11/display-managers/account-service-util.nix b/nixos/modules/services/x11/display-managers/account-service-util.nix
index 2b08c62d0ad..dec5c06cb3c 100644
--- a/nixos/modules/services/x11/display-managers/account-service-util.nix
+++ b/nixos/modules/services/x11/display-managers/account-service-util.nix
@@ -39,6 +39,6 @@ python3.pkgs.buildPythonApplication {
   meta = with lib; {
-    maintainers = with maintainers; [ worldofpeace ];
+    maintainers = with maintainers; [ ];
diff --git a/nixos/modules/services/x11/display-managers/default.nix b/nixos/modules/services/x11/display-managers/default.nix
index b8b36aa0532..e04fcdaf414 100644
--- a/nixos/modules/services/x11/display-managers/default.nix
+++ b/nixos/modules/services/x11/display-managers/default.nix
@@ -37,12 +37,10 @@ let
       . /etc/profile
       cd "$HOME"
-      ${optionalString cfg.startDbusSession ''
-        if test -z "$DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS"; then
-          /run/current-system/systemd/bin/systemctl --user start dbus.socket
-          export `/run/current-system/systemd/bin/systemctl --user show-environment | grep '^DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS'`
-        fi
-      ''}
+      # Allow the user to execute commands at the beginning of the X session.
+      if test -f ~/.xprofile; then
+          source ~/.xprofile
+      fi
       ${optionalString cfg.displayManager.job.logToJournal ''
         if [ -z "$_DID_SYSTEMD_CAT" ]; then
@@ -55,13 +53,6 @@ let
         exec &> >(tee ~/.xsession-errors)
-      # Tell systemd about our $DISPLAY and $XAUTHORITY.
-      # This is needed by the ssh-agent unit.
-      #
-      # Also tell systemd about the dbus session bus address.
-      # This is required by user units using the session bus.
-      /run/current-system/systemd/bin/systemctl --user import-environment DISPLAY XAUTHORITY DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS
       # Load X defaults. This should probably be safe on wayland too.
       ${xorg.xrdb}/bin/xrdb -merge ${xresourcesXft}
       if test -e ~/.Xresources; then
@@ -70,24 +61,31 @@ let
           ${xorg.xrdb}/bin/xrdb -merge ~/.Xdefaults
+      # Import environment variables into the systemd user environment.
+      ${optionalString (cfg.displayManager.importedVariables != []) (
+        "/run/current-system/systemd/bin/systemctl --user import-environment "
+          + toString (unique cfg.displayManager.importedVariables)
+      )}
       # Speed up application start by 50-150ms according to
-      rm -rf "$HOME/.compose-cache"
-      mkdir "$HOME/.compose-cache"
+      compose_cache="''${XCOMPOSECACHE:-$HOME/.compose-cache}"
+      mkdir -p "$compose_cache"
+      # To avoid accidentally deleting a wrongly set up XCOMPOSECACHE directory,
+      # defensively try to delete cache *files* only, following the file format specified in
+      #
+      # sprintf (*res, "%s/%c%d_%03x_%08x_%08x", dir, _XimGetMyEndian(), XIM_CACHE_VERSION, (unsigned int)sizeof (DefTree), hash, hash2);
+      ${pkgs.findutils}/bin/find "$compose_cache" -maxdepth 1 -regextype posix-extended -regex '.*/[Bl][0-9]+_[0-9a-f]{3}_[0-9a-f]{8}_[0-9a-f]{8}' -delete
+      unset compose_cache
       # Work around KDE errors when a user first logs in and
       # .local/share doesn't exist yet.
-      mkdir -p "$HOME/.local/share"
+      mkdir -p "''${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}"
       unset _DID_SYSTEMD_CAT
-      # Allow the user to execute commands at the beginning of the X session.
-      if test -f ~/.xprofile; then
-          source ~/.xprofile
-      fi
       # Start systemd user services for graphical sessions
       /run/current-system/systemd/bin/systemctl --user start
@@ -289,6 +287,14 @@ in
+      importedVariables = mkOption {
+        type = types.listOf (types.strMatching "[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*");
+        visible = false;
+        description = ''
+          Environment variables to import into the systemd user environment.
+        '';
+      };
       job = {
         preStart = mkOption {
@@ -393,6 +399,16 @@ in
     services.xserver.displayManager.xserverBin = "${xorg.xorgserver.out}/bin/X";
+    services.xserver.displayManager.importedVariables = [
+      # This is required by user units using the session bus.
+      # These are needed by the ssh-agent unit.
+      "DISPLAY"
+      # This is required to specify session within user units (e.g. loginctl lock-session).
+    ];
     systemd.user.targets.graphical-session = {
       unitConfig = {
         RefuseManualStart = false;
@@ -434,8 +450,8 @@ in
         # We will generate every possible pair of WM and DM.
         concatLists (
-          crossLists
-            (dm: wm: let
+            ({dm, wm}: let
               sessionName = "${}${optionalString ( != "none") ("+" +}";
               script = xsession dm wm;
               desktopNames = if dm ? desktopNames
@@ -462,8 +478,14 @@ in
                   providedSessions = [ sessionName ];
-            [dms wms]
+            (cartesianProductOfSets { dm = dms; wm = wms; })
+    # Make xsessions and wayland sessions available in XDG_DATA_DIRS
+    # as some programs have behavior that depends on them being present
+    environment.sessionVariables.XDG_DATA_DIRS = [
+      "${cfg.displayManager.sessionData.desktops}/share"
+    ];
   imports = [
diff --git a/nixos/modules/services/x11/display-managers/gdm.nix b/nixos/modules/services/x11/display-managers/gdm.nix
index 23ab7f2ae43..ef9ec438cc1 100644
--- a/nixos/modules/services/x11/display-managers/gdm.nix
+++ b/nixos/modules/services/x11/display-managers/gdm.nix
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ with lib;
   cfg =;
-  gdm = pkgs.gnome3.gdm;
+  gdm = pkgs.gnome.gdm;
   xSessionWrapper = if (cfg.setupCommands == "") then null else
     pkgs.writeScript "gdm-x-session-wrapper" ''
@@ -64,13 +64,9 @@ in
     services.xserver.displayManager.gdm = {
-      enable = mkEnableOption ''
-        GDM, the GNOME Display Manager
-      '';
+      enable = mkEnableOption "GDM, the GNOME Display Manager";
-      debug = mkEnableOption ''
-        debugging messages in GDM
-      '';
+      debug = mkEnableOption "debugging messages in GDM";
       # Auto login options specific to GDM
       autoLogin.delay = mkOption {
@@ -103,7 +99,8 @@ in
       autoSuspend = mkOption {
         default = true;
         description = ''
-          Suspend the machine after inactivity.
+          On the GNOME Display Manager login screen, suspend the machine after inactivity.
+          (Does not affect automatic suspend while logged in, or at lock screen.)
         type = types.bool;
@@ -158,14 +155,14 @@ in
     ] ++ optionals config.hardware.pulseaudio.enable [
       "d /run/gdm/.config/pulse 0711 gdm gdm"
       "L+ /run/gdm/.config/pulse/${} - - - - ${pulseConfig}"
-    ] ++ optionals [
+    ] ++ optionals [
       # Create stamp file for gnome-initial-setup to prevent it starting in GDM.
       "f /run/gdm/.config/gnome-initial-setup-done 0711 gdm gdm - yes"
     # Otherwise GDM will not be able to start correctly and display Wayland sessions
-    systemd.packages = with pkgs.gnome3; [ gnome-session gnome-shell ];
-    environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.gnome3.adwaita-icon-theme ];
+    systemd.packages = with pkgs.gnome; [ gdm gnome-session gnome-shell ];
+    environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.gnome.adwaita-icon-theme ]; = [
       # Because sd_login_monitor_new requires /run/systemd/machines
@@ -187,14 +184,20 @@ in
     ]; = [
-       "getty@tty${gdm.initialVT}.service"
-       # TODO: Add "plymouth-quit.service" so GDM can control when plymouth quits.
-       # Currently this breaks switching configurations while using plymouth.
+      "getty@tty${gdm.initialVT}.service"
+      "plymouth-quit.service"
     ]; = [
+    # Prevent nixos-rebuild switch from bringing down the graphical
+    # session. (If wants plymouth-quit.service which
+    # conflicts display-manager.service, then when nixos-rebuild
+    # switch starts, display-manager.service is
+    # stopped so plymouth-quit.service can be started.)
+ = lib.mkForce [];
+ = {
       # Restart = "always"; - already defined in xserver.nix
       KillMode = "mixed";
@@ -206,7 +209,7 @@ in
       EnvironmentFile = "-/etc/locale.conf";
- = [ pkgs.gnome3.gnome-session ];
+ = [ pkgs.gnome.gnome-session ];
     # Allow choosing an user account
     services.accounts-daemon.enable = true;
@@ -216,14 +219,14 @@ in
     # We duplicate upstream's udev rules manually to make wayland with nvidia configurable
     services.udev.extraRules = ''
       # disable Wayland on Cirrus chipsets
-      ATTR{vendor}=="0x1013", ATTR{device}=="0x00b8", ATTR{subsystem_vendor}=="0x1af4", ATTR{subsystem_device}=="0x1100", RUN+="${gdm}/libexec/gdm-disable-wayland"
+      ATTR{vendor}=="0x1013", ATTR{device}=="0x00b8", ATTR{subsystem_vendor}=="0x1af4", ATTR{subsystem_device}=="0x1100", RUN+="${gdm}/libexec/gdm-runtime-config set daemon WaylandEnable false"
       # disable Wayland on Hi1710 chipsets
-      ATTR{vendor}=="0x19e5", ATTR{device}=="0x1711", RUN+="${gdm}/libexec/gdm-disable-wayland"
+      ATTR{vendor}=="0x19e5", ATTR{device}=="0x1711", RUN+="${gdm}/libexec/gdm-runtime-config set daemon WaylandEnable false"
       ${optionalString (!cfg.gdm.nvidiaWayland) ''
-        DRIVER=="nvidia", RUN+="${gdm}/libexec/gdm-disable-wayland"
+        DRIVER=="nvidia", RUN+="${gdm}/libexec/gdm-runtime-config set daemon WaylandEnable false"
       # disable Wayland when modesetting is disabled
-      IMPORT{cmdline}="nomodeset", RUN+="${gdm}/libexec/gdm-disable-wayland"
+      IMPORT{cmdline}="nomodeset", RUN+="${gdm}/libexec/gdm-runtime-config set daemon WaylandEnable false"
     ''; = [ "" ];
@@ -268,7 +271,7 @@ in
     # presented and there's a little delay.
     environment.etc."gdm/custom.conf".text = ''
-      WaylandEnable=${if cfg.gdm.wayland then "true" else "false"}
+      WaylandEnable=${boolToString cfg.gdm.wayland}
       ${optionalString cfg.autoLogin.enable (
         if cfg.gdm.autoLogin.delay > 0 then ''
diff --git a/nixos/modules/services/x11/display-managers/lightdm-greeters/enso-os.nix b/nixos/modules/services/x11/display-managers/lightdm-greeters/enso-os.nix
index 129df139c61..ecd46a9ee6d 100644
--- a/nixos/modules/services/x11/display-managers/lightdm-greeters/enso-os.nix
+++ b/nixos/modules/services/x11/display-managers/lightdm-greeters/enso-os.nix
@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ in {
       theme = {
         package = mkOption {
           type = types.package;
-          default = pkgs.gnome3.gnome-themes-extra;
-          defaultText = "pkgs.gnome3.gnome-themes-extra";
+          default = pkgs.gnome.gnome-themes-extra;
+          defaultText = "pkgs.gnome.gnome-themes-extra";
           description = ''
             The package path that contains the theme given in the name option.
diff --git a/nixos/modules/services/x11/display-managers/lightdm-greeters/gtk.nix b/nixos/modules/services/x11/display-managers/lightdm-greeters/gtk.nix
index de932e6e840..fe5a16bc60f 100644
--- a/nixos/modules/services/x11/display-managers/lightdm-greeters/gtk.nix
+++ b/nixos/modules/services/x11/display-managers/lightdm-greeters/gtk.nix
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ in
         package = mkOption {
           type = types.package;
-          default = pkgs.gnome3.gnome-themes-extra;
-          defaultText = "pkgs.gnome3.gnome-themes-extra";
+          default = pkgs.gnome.gnome-themes-extra;
+          defaultText = "pkgs.gnome.gnome-themes-extra";
           description = ''
             The package path that contains the theme given in the name option.
@@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ in
         package = mkOption {
           type = types.package;
-          default = pkgs.gnome3.adwaita-icon-theme;
-          defaultText = "pkgs.gnome3.adwaita-icon-theme";
+          default = pkgs.gnome.adwaita-icon-theme;
+          defaultText = "pkgs.gnome.adwaita-icon-theme";
           description = ''
             The package path that contains the icon theme given in the name option.
@@ -88,8 +88,9 @@ in
       cursorTheme = {
         package = mkOption {
-          default = pkgs.gnome3.adwaita-icon-theme;
-          defaultText = "pkgs.gnome3.adwaita-icon-theme";
+          type = types.package;
+          default = pkgs.gnome.adwaita-icon-theme;
+          defaultText = "pkgs.gnome.adwaita-icon-theme";
           description = ''
             The package path that contains the cursor theme given in the name option.
diff --git a/nixos/modules/services/x11/display-managers/lightdm-greeters/pantheon.nix b/nixos/modules/services/x11/display-managers/lightdm-greeters/pantheon.nix
index 9bc9e2bf616..76f16646cf5 100644
--- a/nixos/modules/services/x11/display-managers/lightdm-greeters/pantheon.nix
+++ b/nixos/modules/services/x11/display-managers/lightdm-greeters/pantheon.nix
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ let
   meta = {
-    maintainers = with maintainers; [ worldofpeace ];
+    maintainers = with maintainers; [ ];
   options = {
diff --git a/nixos/modules/services/x11/display-managers/lightdm.nix b/nixos/modules/services/x11/display-managers/lightdm.nix
index 143785db0b4..3d497c9f25e 100644
--- a/nixos/modules/services/x11/display-managers/lightdm.nix
+++ b/nixos/modules/services/x11/display-managers/lightdm.nix
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ let
   meta = {
-    maintainers = with maintainers; [ worldofpeace ];
+    maintainers = with maintainers; [ ];
   # Note: the order in which lightdm greeter modules are imported
@@ -308,6 +308,7 @@ in
       home = "/var/lib/lightdm";
       group = "lightdm";
       uid = config.ids.uids.lightdm;
+      shell = pkgs.bash;
     systemd.tmpfiles.rules = [
diff --git a/nixos/modules/services/x11/display-managers/sddm.nix b/nixos/modules/services/x11/display-managers/sddm.nix
index e63bb2e4453..116994db1c1 100644
--- a/nixos/modules/services/x11/display-managers/sddm.nix
+++ b/nixos/modules/services/x11/display-managers/sddm.nix
@@ -1,97 +1,94 @@
 { config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
 with lib;
   xcfg =;
   dmcfg = xcfg.displayManager;
   cfg = dmcfg.sddm;
   xEnv =;
-  inherit (pkgs) sddm;
+  sddm = pkgs.libsForQt5.sddm;
+  iniFmt = pkgs.formats.ini { };
-  xserverWrapper = pkgs.writeScript "xserver-wrapper" ''
-    #!/bin/sh
+  xserverWrapper = pkgs.writeShellScript "xserver-wrapper" ''
     ${concatMapStrings (n: "export ${n}=\"${getAttr n xEnv}\"\n") (attrNames xEnv)}
     exec systemd-cat -t xserver-wrapper ${dmcfg.xserverBin} ${toString dmcfg.xserverArgs} "$@"
-  Xsetup = pkgs.writeScript "Xsetup" ''
-    #!/bin/sh
+  Xsetup = pkgs.writeShellScript "Xsetup" ''
-  Xstop = pkgs.writeScript "Xstop" ''
-    #!/bin/sh
+  Xstop = pkgs.writeShellScript "Xstop" ''
-  cfgFile = pkgs.writeText "sddm.conf" ''
-    [General]
-    HaltCommand=/run/current-system/systemd/bin/systemctl poweroff
-    RebootCommand=/run/current-system/systemd/bin/systemctl reboot
-    ${optionalString cfg.autoNumlock ''
-    Numlock=on
-    ''}
-    [Theme]
-    Current=${cfg.theme}
-    ThemeDir=/run/current-system/sw/share/sddm/themes
-    FacesDir=/run/current-system/sw/share/sddm/faces
-    [Users]
-    MaximumUid=${toString config.ids.uids.nixbld}
-    HideUsers=${concatStringsSep "," dmcfg.hiddenUsers}
-    HideShells=/run/current-system/sw/bin/nologin
-    [X11]
-    MinimumVT=${toString (if xcfg.tty != null then xcfg.tty else 7)}
-    ServerPath=${xserverWrapper}
-    XephyrPath=${pkgs.xorg.xorgserver.out}/bin/Xephyr
-    SessionCommand=${dmcfg.sessionData.wrapper}
-    SessionDir=${dmcfg.sessionData.desktops}/share/xsessions
-    XauthPath=${pkgs.xorg.xauth}/bin/xauth
-    DisplayCommand=${Xsetup}
-    DisplayStopCommand=${Xstop}
-    EnableHidpi=${if cfg.enableHidpi then "true" else "false"}
-    [Wayland]
-    EnableHidpi=${if cfg.enableHidpi then "true" else "false"}
-    SessionDir=${dmcfg.sessionData.desktops}/share/wayland-sessions
-    ${optionalString dmcfg.autoLogin.enable ''
-    [Autologin]
-    User=${dmcfg.autoLogin.user}
-    Session=${autoLoginSessionName}.desktop
-    Relogin=${boolToString cfg.autoLogin.relogin}
-    ''}
-    ${cfg.extraConfig}
-  '';
+  defaultConfig = {
+    General = {
+      HaltCommand = "/run/current-system/systemd/bin/systemctl poweroff";
+      RebootCommand = "/run/current-system/systemd/bin/systemctl reboot";
+      Numlock = if cfg.autoNumlock then "on" else "none"; # on, off none
+    };
+    Theme = {
+      Current = cfg.theme;
+      ThemeDir = "/run/current-system/sw/share/sddm/themes";
+      FacesDir = "/run/current-system/sw/share/sddm/faces";
+    };
+    Users = {
+      MaximumUid = config.ids.uids.nixbld;
+      HideUsers = concatStringsSep "," dmcfg.hiddenUsers;
+      HideShells = "/run/current-system/sw/bin/nologin";
+    };
-  autoLoginSessionName = dmcfg.sessionData.autologinSession;
+    X11 = {
+      MinimumVT = if xcfg.tty != null then xcfg.tty else 7;
+      ServerPath = toString xserverWrapper;
+      XephyrPath = "${pkgs.xorg.xorgserver.out}/bin/Xephyr";
+      SessionCommand = toString dmcfg.sessionData.wrapper;
+      SessionDir = "${dmcfg.sessionData.desktops}/share/xsessions";
+      XauthPath = "${pkgs.xorg.xauth}/bin/xauth";
+      DisplayCommand = toString Xsetup;
+      DisplayStopCommand = toString Xstop;
+      EnableHiDPI = cfg.enableHidpi;
+    };
+    Wayland = {
+      EnableHiDPI = cfg.enableHidpi;
+      SessionDir = "${dmcfg.sessionData.desktops}/share/wayland-sessions";
+    };
+  } // lib.optionalAttrs dmcfg.autoLogin.enable {
+    Autologin = {
+      User = dmcfg.autoLogin.user;
+      Session = autoLoginSessionName;
+      Relogin = cfg.autoLogin.relogin;
+    };
+  };
+  cfgFile =
+    iniFmt.generate "sddm.conf" (lib.recursiveUpdate defaultConfig cfg.settings);
+  autoLoginSessionName =
+    "${dmcfg.sessionData.autologinSession}.desktop";
   imports = [
-    (mkRemovedOptionModule [ "services" "xserver" "displayManager" "sddm" "themes" ]
+    (mkRemovedOptionModule
+      [ "services" "xserver" "displayManager" "sddm" "themes" ]
       "Set the option `services.xserver.displayManager.sddm.package' instead.")
-    (mkRenamedOptionModule [ "services" "xserver" "displayManager" "sddm" "autoLogin" "enable" ] [
-      "services"
-      "xserver"
-      "displayManager"
-      "autoLogin"
-      "enable"
-    ])
-    (mkRenamedOptionModule [ "services" "xserver" "displayManager" "sddm" "autoLogin" "user" ] [
-      "services"
-      "xserver"
-      "displayManager"
-      "autoLogin"
-      "user"
-    ])
+    (mkRenamedOptionModule
+      [ "services" "xserver" "displayManager" "sddm" "autoLogin" "enable" ]
+      [ "services" "xserver" "displayManager" "autoLogin" "enable" ])
+    (mkRenamedOptionModule
+      [ "services" "xserver" "displayManager" "sddm" "autoLogin" "user" ]
+      [ "services" "xserver" "displayManager" "autoLogin" "user" ])
+    (mkRemovedOptionModule
+      [ "services" "xserver" "displayManager" "sddm" "extraConfig" ]
+      "Set the option `services.xserver.displayManager.sddm.settings' instead.")
   options = {
@@ -110,22 +107,22 @@ in
         default = true;
         description = ''
           Whether to enable automatic HiDPI mode.
-          </para>
-          <para>
-          Versions up to 0.17 are broken so this only works from 0.18 onwards.
-      extraConfig = mkOption {
-        type = types.lines;
-        default = "";
+      settings = mkOption {
+        type = iniFmt.type;
+        default = { };
         example = ''
-          [Autologin]
-          User=john
-          Session=plasma.desktop
+          {
+            Autologin = {
+              User = "john";
+              Session = "plasma.desktop";
+            };
+          }
         description = ''
-          Extra lines appended to the configuration of SDDM.
+          Extra settings merged in and overwritting defaults in sddm.conf.
@@ -168,28 +165,38 @@ in
       # Configuration for automatic login specific to SDDM
-      autoLogin.relogin = mkOption {
-        type = types.bool;
-        default = false;
-        description = ''
-          If true automatic login will kick in again on session exit (logout), otherwise it
-          will only log in automatically when the display-manager is started.
-        '';
+      autoLogin = {
+        relogin = mkOption {
+          type = types.bool;
+          default = false;
+          description = ''
+            If true automatic login will kick in again on session exit (logout), otherwise it
+            will only log in automatically when the display-manager is started.
+          '';
+        };
+        minimumUid = mkOption {
+          type = types.ints.u16;
+          default = 1000;
+          description = ''
+            Minimum user ID for auto-login user.
+          '';
+        };
   config = mkIf cfg.enable {
     assertions = [
-      { assertion = xcfg.enable;
+      {
+        assertion = xcfg.enable;
         message = ''
           SDDM requires services.xserver.enable to be true
-      { assertion = dmcfg.autoLogin.enable -> autoLoginSessionName != null;
+      {
+        assertion = dmcfg.autoLogin.enable -> autoLoginSessionName != null;
         message = ''
           SDDM auto-login requires that services.xserver.displayManager.defaultSession is set.
@@ -230,7 +237,7 @@ in
       sddm-autologin.text = ''
         auth     requisite
-        auth     required uid >= 1000 quiet
+        auth     required uid >= ${toString cfg.autoLogin.minimumUid} quiet
         auth     required
         account  include   sddm
diff --git a/nixos/modules/services/x11/display-managers/startx.nix b/nixos/modules/services/x11/display-managers/startx.nix
index 3980203b945..6cd46cdf964 100644
--- a/nixos/modules/services/x11/display-managers/startx.nix
+++ b/nixos/modules/services/x11/display-managers/startx.nix
@@ -39,6 +39,18 @@ in
       displayManager.lightdm.enable = lib.mkForce false;
     }; = false;
+    # Other displayManagers log to /dev/null because they're services and put
+    # Xorg's stdout in the journal
+    #
+    # To send log to Xorg's default log location ($XDG_DATA_HOME/xorg/), we do
+    # not specify a log file when running X
+    services.xserver.logFile = mkDefault null;
+    # Implement xserverArgs via xinit's system-wide xserverrc
+    environment.etc."X11/xinit/xserverrc".source = pkgs.writeShellScript "xserverrc" ''
+      exec ${pkgs.xorg.xorgserver}/bin/X ${toString} "$@"
+    '';
     environment.systemPackages =  with pkgs; [ xorg.xinit ];