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path: root/nixos/modules/services/continuous-integration/hydra/default.nix
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Diffstat (limited to 'nixos/modules/services/continuous-integration/hydra/default.nix')
1 files changed, 27 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/nixos/modules/services/continuous-integration/hydra/default.nix b/nixos/modules/services/continuous-integration/hydra/default.nix
index 502a5898a5d..0103cd723d2 100644
--- a/nixos/modules/services/continuous-integration/hydra/default.nix
+++ b/nixos/modules/services/continuous-integration/hydra/default.nix
@@ -37,8 +37,6 @@ let
   haveLocalDB = cfg.dbi == localDB;
-  inherit (config.system) stateVersion;
   hydra-package =
     makeWrapperArgs = concatStringsSep " " (mapAttrsToList (key: value: "--set \"${key}\" \"${value}\"") hydraEnv);
@@ -91,12 +89,18 @@ in
         example = "dbi:Pg:dbname=hydra;;user=foo;";
         description = ''
           The DBI string for Hydra database connection.
+          NOTE: Attempts to set `application_name` will be overridden by
+          `hydra-TYPE` (where TYPE is e.g. `evaluator`, `queue-runner`,
+          etc.) in all hydra services to more easily distinguish where
+          queries are coming from.
       package = mkOption {
         type = types.package;
-        defaultText = "pkgs.hydra";
+        default = pkgs.hydra-unstable;
+        defaultText = "pkgs.hydra-unstable";
         description = "The Hydra package.";
@@ -225,34 +229,6 @@ in
   config = mkIf cfg.enable {
-    warnings = optional (cfg.package.migration or false) ''
-      You're currently deploying an older version of Hydra which is needed to
-      make some required database changes[1]. As soon as this is done, it's recommended
-      to run `hydra-backfill-ids` and set `services.hydra.package` to `pkgs.hydra-unstable`
-      after that.
-      [1]
-    '';
-    services.hydra.package = with pkgs;
-      mkDefault (
-        if pkgs ? hydra
-          then throw ''
-            The Hydra package doesn't exist anymore in `nixpkgs`! It probably exists
-            due to an overlay. To upgrade Hydra, you need to take two steps as some
-            bigger changes in the database schema were implemented recently[1]. You first
-            need to deploy `pkgs.hydra-migration`, run `hydra-backfill-ids` on the server
-            and then deploy `pkgs.hydra-unstable`.
-            If you want to use `pkgs.hydra` from your overlay, please set `services.hydra.package`
-            explicitly to `pkgs.hydra` and make sure you know what you're doing.
-            [1]
-          ''
-        else if versionOlder stateVersion "20.03" then hydra-migration
-        else hydra-unstable
-      );
     users.groups.hydra = {
       gid = config.ids.gids.hydra;
@@ -260,7 +236,7 @@ in
     users.users.hydra =
       { description = "Hydra";
         group = "hydra";
-        createHome = true;
+        # We don't enable `createHome` here because the creation of the home directory is handled by the hydra-init service below.
         home = baseDir;
         useDefaultShell = true;
         uid = config.ids.uids.hydra;
@@ -304,6 +280,8 @@ in
       keep-outputs = true
       keep-derivations = true
+    '' + optionalString (versionOlder (getVersion config.nix.package.out) "2.4pre") ''
       # The default (`true') slows Nix down a lot since the build farm
       # has so many GC roots.
       gc-check-reachability = false
@@ -313,7 +291,9 @@ in
       { wantedBy = [ "" ];
         requires = optional haveLocalDB "postgresql.service";
         after = optional haveLocalDB "postgresql.service";
-        environment = env;
+        environment = env // {
+          HYDRA_DBI = "${env.HYDRA_DBI};application_name=hydra-init";
+        };
         preStart = ''
           mkdir -p ${baseDir}
           chown hydra.hydra ${baseDir}
@@ -368,7 +348,9 @@ in
       { wantedBy = [ "" ];
         requires = [ "hydra-init.service" ];
         after = [ "hydra-init.service" ];
-        environment = serverEnv;
+        environment = serverEnv // {
+          HYDRA_DBI = "${serverEnv.HYDRA_DBI};application_name=hydra-server";
+        };
         restartTriggers = [ hydraConf ];
         serviceConfig =
           { ExecStart =
@@ -390,6 +372,7 @@ in
         environment = env // {
           PGPASSFILE = "${baseDir}/pgpass-queue-runner"; # grrr
           IN_SYSTEMD = "1"; # to get log severity levels
+          HYDRA_DBI = "${env.HYDRA_DBI};application_name=hydra-queue-runner";
         serviceConfig =
           { ExecStart = "@${hydra-package}/bin/hydra-queue-runner hydra-queue-runner -v";
@@ -409,7 +392,9 @@ in
         after = [ "hydra-init.service" "" ];
         path = with pkgs; [ hydra-package nettools jq ];
         restartTriggers = [ hydraConf ];
-        environment = env;
+        environment = env // {
+          HYDRA_DBI = "${env.HYDRA_DBI};application_name=hydra-evaluator";
+        };
         serviceConfig =
           { ExecStart = "@${hydra-package}/bin/hydra-evaluator hydra-evaluator";
             User = "hydra";
@@ -421,7 +406,9 @@ in =
       { requires = [ "hydra-init.service" ];
         after = [ "hydra-init.service" ];
-        environment = env;
+        environment = env // {
+          HYDRA_DBI = "${env.HYDRA_DBI};application_name=hydra-update-gc-roots";
+        };
         serviceConfig =
           { ExecStart = "@${hydra-package}/bin/hydra-update-gc-roots hydra-update-gc-roots";
             User = "hydra";
@@ -432,7 +419,9 @@ in =
       { wantedBy = [ "" ];
         after = [ "hydra-init.service" ];
-        environment = env;
+        environment = env // {
+          HYDRA_DBI = "${env.HYDRA_DBI};application_name=hydra-send-stats";
+        };
         serviceConfig =
           { ExecStart = "@${hydra-package}/bin/hydra-send-stats hydra-send-stats";
             User = "hydra";
@@ -446,6 +435,7 @@ in
         restartTriggers = [ hydraConf ];
         environment = env // {
           PGPASSFILE = "${baseDir}/pgpass-queue-runner";
+          HYDRA_DBI = "${env.HYDRA_DBI};application_name=hydra-notify";
         serviceConfig =
           { ExecStart = "@${hydra-package}/bin/hydra-notify hydra-notify";