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path: root/nixos/lib/test-driver/test_driver
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Diffstat (limited to 'nixos/lib/test-driver/test_driver')
6 files changed, 1577 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nixos/lib/test-driver/test_driver/ b/nixos/lib/test-driver/test_driver/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..61d91c9ed65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/lib/test-driver/test_driver/
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+from pathlib import Path
+import argparse
+import ptpython.repl
+import os
+import time
+from test_driver.logger import rootlog
+from test_driver.driver import Driver
+class EnvDefault(argparse.Action):
+    """An argpars Action that takes values from the specified
+    environment variable as the flags default value.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, envvar, required=False, default=None, nargs=None, **kwargs):  # type: ignore
+        if not default and envvar:
+            if envvar in os.environ:
+                if nargs is not None and (nargs.isdigit() or nargs in ["*", "+"]):
+                    default = os.environ[envvar].split()
+                else:
+                    default = os.environ[envvar]
+                kwargs["help"] = (
+                    kwargs["help"] + f" (default from environment: {default})"
+                )
+        if required and default:
+            required = False
+        super(EnvDefault, self).__init__(
+            default=default, required=required, nargs=nargs, **kwargs
+        )
+    def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):  # type: ignore
+        setattr(namespace, self.dest, values)
+def writeable_dir(arg: str) -> Path:
+    """Raises an ArgumentTypeError if the given argument isn't a writeable directory
+    Note: We want to fail as early as possible if a directory isn't writeable,
+    since an executed nixos-test could fail (very late) because of the test-driver
+    writing in a directory without proper permissions.
+    """
+    path = Path(arg)
+    if not path.is_dir():
+        raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("{0} is not a directory".format(path))
+    if not os.access(path, os.W_OK):
+        raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(
+            "{0} is not a writeable directory".format(path)
+        )
+    return path
+def main() -> None:
+    arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="nixos-test-driver")
+    arg_parser.add_argument(
+        "-K",
+        "--keep-vm-state",
+        help="re-use a VM state coming from a previous run",
+        action="store_true",
+    )
+    arg_parser.add_argument(
+        "-I",
+        "--interactive",
+        help="drop into a python repl and run the tests interactively",
+        action=argparse.BooleanOptionalAction,
+    )
+    arg_parser.add_argument(
+        "--start-scripts",
+        metavar="START-SCRIPT",
+        action=EnvDefault,
+        envvar="startScripts",
+        nargs="*",
+        help="start scripts for participating virtual machines",
+    )
+    arg_parser.add_argument(
+        "--vlans",
+        metavar="VLAN",
+        action=EnvDefault,
+        envvar="vlans",
+        nargs="*",
+        help="vlans to span by the driver",
+    )
+    arg_parser.add_argument(
+        "-o",
+        "--output_directory",
+        help="""The path to the directory where outputs copied from the VM will be placed.
+                By e.g. Machine.copy_from_vm or Machine.screenshot""",
+        default=Path.cwd(),
+        type=writeable_dir,
+    )
+    arg_parser.add_argument(
+        "testscript",
+        action=EnvDefault,
+        envvar="testScript",
+        help="the test script to run",
+        type=Path,
+    )
+    args = arg_parser.parse_args()
+    if not args.keep_vm_state:
+"Machine state will be reset. To keep it, pass --keep-vm-state")
+    with Driver(
+        args.start_scripts,
+        args.vlans,
+        args.testscript.read_text(),
+        args.output_directory.resolve(),
+        args.keep_vm_state,
+    ) as driver:
+        if args.interactive:
+            ptpython.repl.embed(driver.test_symbols(), {})
+        else:
+            tic = time.time()
+            driver.run_tests()
+            toc = time.time()
+  "test script finished in {(toc-tic):.2f}s")
+def generate_driver_symbols() -> None:
+    """
+    This generates a file with symbols of the test-driver code that can be used
+    in user's test scripts. That list is then used by pyflakes to lint those
+    scripts.
+    """
+    d = Driver([], [], "", Path())
+    test_symbols = d.test_symbols()
+    with open("driver-symbols", "w") as fp:
+        fp.write(",".join(test_symbols.keys()))
diff --git a/nixos/lib/test-driver/test_driver/ b/nixos/lib/test-driver/test_driver/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..880b1c5fdec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/lib/test-driver/test_driver/
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List, Union, Optional, Callable, ContextManager
+import os
+import tempfile
+from test_driver.logger import rootlog
+from test_driver.machine import Machine, NixStartScript, retry
+from test_driver.vlan import VLan
+from test_driver.polling_condition import PollingCondition
+def get_tmp_dir() -> Path:
+    """Returns a temporary directory that is defined by TMPDIR, TEMP, TMP or CWD
+    Raises an exception in case the retrieved temporary directory is not writeable
+    See
+    """
+    tmp_dir = Path(tempfile.gettempdir())
+    tmp_dir.mkdir(mode=0o700, exist_ok=True)
+    if not tmp_dir.is_dir():
+        raise NotADirectoryError(
+            "The directory defined by TMPDIR, TEMP, TMP or CWD: {0} is not a directory".format(
+                tmp_dir
+            )
+        )
+    if not os.access(tmp_dir, os.W_OK):
+        raise PermissionError(
+            "The directory defined by TMPDIR, TEMP, TMP, or CWD: {0} is not writeable".format(
+                tmp_dir
+            )
+        )
+    return tmp_dir
+class Driver:
+    """A handle to the driver that sets up the environment
+    and runs the tests"""
+    tests: str
+    vlans: List[VLan]
+    machines: List[Machine]
+    polling_conditions: List[PollingCondition]
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        start_scripts: List[str],
+        vlans: List[int],
+        tests: str,
+        out_dir: Path,
+        keep_vm_state: bool = False,
+    ):
+        self.tests = tests
+        self.out_dir = out_dir
+        tmp_dir = get_tmp_dir()
+        with rootlog.nested("start all VLans"):
+            self.vlans = [VLan(nr, tmp_dir) for nr in vlans]
+        def cmd(scripts: List[str]) -> Iterator[NixStartScript]:
+            for s in scripts:
+                yield NixStartScript(s)
+        self.polling_conditions = []
+        self.machines = [
+            Machine(
+                start_command=cmd,
+                keep_vm_state=keep_vm_state,
+                name=cmd.machine_name,
+                tmp_dir=tmp_dir,
+                callbacks=[self.check_polling_conditions],
+                out_dir=self.out_dir,
+            )
+            for cmd in cmd(start_scripts)
+        ]
+    def __enter__(self) -> "Driver":
+        return self
+    def __exit__(self, *_: Any) -> None:
+        with rootlog.nested("cleanup"):
+            for machine in self.machines:
+                machine.release()
+    def subtest(self, name: str) -> Iterator[None]:
+        """Group logs under a given test name"""
+        with rootlog.nested(name):
+            try:
+                yield
+                return True
+            except Exception as e:
+                rootlog.error(f'Test "{name}" failed with error: "{e}"')
+                raise e
+    def test_symbols(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+        @contextmanager
+        def subtest(name: str) -> Iterator[None]:
+            return self.subtest(name)
+        general_symbols = dict(
+            start_all=self.start_all,
+            test_script=self.test_script,
+            machines=self.machines,
+            vlans=self.vlans,
+            driver=self,
+            log=rootlog,
+            os=os,
+            create_machine=self.create_machine,
+            subtest=subtest,
+            run_tests=self.run_tests,
+            join_all=self.join_all,
+            retry=retry,
+            serial_stdout_off=self.serial_stdout_off,
+            serial_stdout_on=self.serial_stdout_on,
+            polling_condition=self.polling_condition,
+            Machine=Machine,  # for typing
+        )
+        machine_symbols = { m for m in self.machines}
+        # If there's exactly one machine, make it available under the name
+        # "machine", even if it's not called that.
+        if len(self.machines) == 1:
+            (machine_symbols["machine"],) = self.machines
+        vlan_symbols = {
+            f"vlan{}": self.vlans[idx] for idx, v in enumerate(self.vlans)
+        }
+        print(
+            "additionally exposed symbols:\n    "
+            + ", ".join(map(lambda m:, self.machines))
+            + ",\n    "
+            + ", ".join(map(lambda v: f"vlan{}", self.vlans))
+            + ",\n    "
+            + ", ".join(list(general_symbols.keys()))
+        )
+        return {**general_symbols, **machine_symbols, **vlan_symbols}
+    def test_script(self) -> None:
+        """Run the test script"""
+        with rootlog.nested("run the VM test script"):
+            symbols = self.test_symbols()  # call eagerly
+            exec(self.tests, symbols, None)
+    def run_tests(self) -> None:
+        """Run the test script (for non-interactive test runs)"""
+        self.test_script()
+        # TODO: Collect coverage data
+        for machine in self.machines:
+            if machine.is_up():
+                machine.execute("sync")
+    def start_all(self) -> None:
+        """Start all machines"""
+        with rootlog.nested("start all VMs"):
+            for machine in self.machines:
+                machine.start()
+    def join_all(self) -> None:
+        """Wait for all machines to shut down"""
+        with rootlog.nested("wait for all VMs to finish"):
+            for machine in self.machines:
+                machine.wait_for_shutdown()
+    def create_machine(self, args: Dict[str, Any]) -> Machine:
+        rootlog.warning(
+            "Using legacy create_machine(), please instantiate the"
+            "Machine class directly, instead"
+        )
+        tmp_dir = get_tmp_dir()
+        if args.get("startCommand"):
+            start_command: str = args.get("startCommand", "")
+            cmd = NixStartScript(start_command)
+            name = args.get("name", cmd.machine_name)
+        else:
+            cmd = Machine.create_startcommand(args)  # type: ignore
+            name = args.get("name", "machine")
+        return Machine(
+            tmp_dir=tmp_dir,
+            out_dir=self.out_dir,
+            start_command=cmd,
+            name=name,
+            keep_vm_state=args.get("keep_vm_state", False),
+            allow_reboot=args.get("allow_reboot", False),
+        )
+    def serial_stdout_on(self) -> None:
+        rootlog._print_serial_logs = True
+    def serial_stdout_off(self) -> None:
+        rootlog._print_serial_logs = False
+    def check_polling_conditions(self) -> None:
+        for condition in self.polling_conditions:
+            condition.maybe_raise()
+    def polling_condition(
+        self,
+        fun_: Optional[Callable] = None,
+        *,
+        seconds_interval: float = 2.0,
+        description: Optional[str] = None,
+    ) -> Union[Callable[[Callable], ContextManager], ContextManager]:
+        driver = self
+        class Poll:
+            def __init__(self, fun: Callable):
+                self.condition = PollingCondition(
+                    fun,
+                    seconds_interval,
+                    description,
+                )
+            def __enter__(self) -> None:
+                driver.polling_conditions.append(self.condition)
+            def __exit__(self, a, b, c) -> None:  # type: ignore
+                res = driver.polling_conditions.pop()
+                assert res is self.condition
+        if fun_ is None:
+            return Poll
+        else:
+            return Poll(fun_)
diff --git a/nixos/lib/test-driver/test_driver/ b/nixos/lib/test-driver/test_driver/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5b3091a5129
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/lib/test-driver/test_driver/
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+from colorama import Style
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator
+from queue import Queue, Empty
+from xml.sax.saxutils import XMLGenerator
+import codecs
+import os
+import sys
+import time
+import unicodedata
+class Logger:
+    def __init__(self) -> None:
+        self.logfile = os.environ.get("LOGFILE", "/dev/null")
+        self.logfile_handle =, "wb")
+        self.xml = XMLGenerator(self.logfile_handle, encoding="utf-8")
+        self.queue: "Queue[Dict[str, str]]" = Queue()
+        self.xml.startDocument()
+        self.xml.startElement("logfile", attrs={})
+        self._print_serial_logs = True
+    @staticmethod
+    def _eprint(*args: object, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
+        print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs)
+    def close(self) -> None:
+        self.xml.endElement("logfile")
+        self.xml.endDocument()
+        self.logfile_handle.close()
+    def sanitise(self, message: str) -> str:
+        return "".join(ch for ch in message if unicodedata.category(ch)[0] != "C")
+    def maybe_prefix(self, message: str, attributes: Dict[str, str]) -> str:
+        if "machine" in attributes:
+            return "{}: {}".format(attributes["machine"], message)
+        return message
+    def log_line(self, message: str, attributes: Dict[str, str]) -> None:
+        self.xml.startElement("line", attributes)
+        self.xml.characters(message)
+        self.xml.endElement("line")
+    def info(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:  # type: ignore
+        self.log(*args, **kwargs)
+    def warning(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:  # type: ignore
+        self.log(*args, **kwargs)
+    def error(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:  # type: ignore
+        self.log(*args, **kwargs)
+        sys.exit(1)
+    def log(self, message: str, attributes: Dict[str, str] = {}) -> None:
+        self._eprint(self.maybe_prefix(message, attributes))
+        self.drain_log_queue()
+        self.log_line(message, attributes)
+    def log_serial(self, message: str, machine: str) -> None:
+        self.enqueue({"msg": message, "machine": machine, "type": "serial"})
+        if self._print_serial_logs:
+            self._eprint(
+                Style.DIM + "{} # {}".format(machine, message) + Style.RESET_ALL
+            )
+    def enqueue(self, item: Dict[str, str]) -> None:
+        self.queue.put(item)
+    def drain_log_queue(self) -> None:
+        try:
+            while True:
+                item = self.queue.get_nowait()
+                msg = self.sanitise(item["msg"])
+                del item["msg"]
+                self.log_line(msg, item)
+        except Empty:
+            pass
+    @contextmanager
+    def nested(self, message: str, attributes: Dict[str, str] = {}) -> Iterator[None]:
+        self._eprint(self.maybe_prefix(message, attributes))
+        self.xml.startElement("nest", attrs={})
+        self.xml.startElement("head", attributes)
+        self.xml.characters(message)
+        self.xml.endElement("head")
+        tic = time.time()
+        self.drain_log_queue()
+        yield
+        self.drain_log_queue()
+        toc = time.time()
+        self.log("(finished: {}, in {:.2f} seconds)".format(message, toc - tic))
+        self.xml.endElement("nest")
+rootlog = Logger()
diff --git a/nixos/lib/test-driver/test_driver/ b/nixos/lib/test-driver/test_driver/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..569a0f3c61e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/lib/test-driver/test_driver/
@@ -0,0 +1,988 @@
+from contextlib import _GeneratorContextManager
+from pathlib import Path
+from queue import Queue
+from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple
+import base64
+import io
+import os
+import queue
+import re
+import shlex
+import shutil
+import socket
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import threading
+import time
+from test_driver.logger import rootlog
+    "A": "shift-a",
+    "N": "shift-n",
+    "-": "0x0C",
+    "_": "shift-0x0C",
+    "B": "shift-b",
+    "O": "shift-o",
+    "=": "0x0D",
+    "+": "shift-0x0D",
+    "C": "shift-c",
+    "P": "shift-p",
+    "[": "0x1A",
+    "{": "shift-0x1A",
+    "D": "shift-d",
+    "Q": "shift-q",
+    "]": "0x1B",
+    "}": "shift-0x1B",
+    "E": "shift-e",
+    "R": "shift-r",
+    ";": "0x27",
+    ":": "shift-0x27",
+    "F": "shift-f",
+    "S": "shift-s",
+    "'": "0x28",
+    '"': "shift-0x28",
+    "G": "shift-g",
+    "T": "shift-t",
+    "`": "0x29",
+    "~": "shift-0x29",
+    "H": "shift-h",
+    "U": "shift-u",
+    "\\": "0x2B",
+    "|": "shift-0x2B",
+    "I": "shift-i",
+    "V": "shift-v",
+    ",": "0x33",
+    "<": "shift-0x33",
+    "J": "shift-j",
+    "W": "shift-w",
+    ".": "0x34",
+    ">": "shift-0x34",
+    "K": "shift-k",
+    "X": "shift-x",
+    "/": "0x35",
+    "?": "shift-0x35",
+    "L": "shift-l",
+    "Y": "shift-y",
+    " ": "spc",
+    "M": "shift-m",
+    "Z": "shift-z",
+    "\n": "ret",
+    "!": "shift-0x02",
+    "@": "shift-0x03",
+    "#": "shift-0x04",
+    "$": "shift-0x05",
+    "%": "shift-0x06",
+    "^": "shift-0x07",
+    "&": "shift-0x08",
+    "*": "shift-0x09",
+    "(": "shift-0x0A",
+    ")": "shift-0x0B",
+def make_command(args: list) -> str:
+    return " ".join(map(shlex.quote, (map(str, args))))
+def _perform_ocr_on_screenshot(
+    screenshot_path: str, model_ids: Iterable[int]
+) -> List[str]:
+    if shutil.which("tesseract") is None:
+        raise Exception("OCR requested but enableOCR is false")
+    magick_args = (
+        "-filter Catrom -density 72 -resample 300 "
+        + "-contrast -normalize -despeckle -type grayscale "
+        + "-sharpen 1 -posterize 3 -negate -gamma 100 "
+        + "-blur 1x65535"
+    )
+    tess_args = f"-c debug_file=/dev/null --psm 11"
+    cmd = f"convert {magick_args} {screenshot_path} tiff:{screenshot_path}.tiff"
+    ret =, shell=True, capture_output=True)
+    if ret.returncode != 0:
+        raise Exception(f"TIFF conversion failed with exit code {ret.returncode}")
+    model_results = []
+    for model_id in model_ids:
+        cmd = f"tesseract {screenshot_path}.tiff - {tess_args} --oem {model_id}"
+        ret =, shell=True, capture_output=True)
+        if ret.returncode != 0:
+            raise Exception(f"OCR failed with exit code {ret.returncode}")
+        model_results.append(ret.stdout.decode("utf-8"))
+    return model_results
+def retry(fn: Callable, timeout: int = 900) -> None:
+    """Call the given function repeatedly, with 1 second intervals,
+    until it returns True or a timeout is reached.
+    """
+    for _ in range(timeout):
+        if fn(False):
+            return
+        time.sleep(1)
+    if not fn(True):
+        raise Exception(f"action timed out after {timeout} seconds")
+class StartCommand:
+    """The Base Start Command knows how to append the necesary
+    runtime qemu options as determined by a particular test driver
+    run. Any such start command is expected to happily receive and
+    append additional qemu args.
+    """
+    _cmd: str
+    def cmd(
+        self,
+        monitor_socket_path: Path,
+        shell_socket_path: Path,
+        allow_reboot: bool = False,  # TODO: unused, legacy?
+    ) -> str:
+        display_opts = ""
+        display_available = any(x in os.environ for x in ["DISPLAY", "WAYLAND_DISPLAY"])
+        if not display_available:
+            display_opts += " -nographic"
+        # qemu options
+        qemu_opts = ""
+        qemu_opts += (
+            ""
+            if allow_reboot
+            else " -no-reboot"
+            " -device virtio-serial"
+            " -device virtconsole,chardev=shell"
+            " -device virtio-rng-pci"
+            " -serial stdio"
+        )
+        # TODO: qemu script already catpures this env variable, legacy?
+        qemu_opts += " " + os.environ.get("QEMU_OPTS", "")
+        return (
+            f"{self._cmd}"
+            f" -monitor unix:{monitor_socket_path}"
+            f" -chardev socket,id=shell,path={shell_socket_path}"
+            f"{qemu_opts}"
+            f"{display_opts}"
+        )
+    @staticmethod
+    def build_environment(
+        state_dir: Path,
+        shared_dir: Path,
+    ) -> dict:
+        # We make a copy to not update the current environment
+        env = dict(os.environ)
+        env.update(
+            {
+                "TMPDIR": str(state_dir),
+                "SHARED_DIR": str(shared_dir),
+                "USE_TMPDIR": "1",
+            }
+        )
+        return env
+    def run(
+        self,
+        state_dir: Path,
+        shared_dir: Path,
+        monitor_socket_path: Path,
+        shell_socket_path: Path,
+    ) -> subprocess.Popen:
+        return subprocess.Popen(
+            self.cmd(monitor_socket_path, shell_socket_path),
+            stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL,
+            stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+            stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
+            shell=True,
+            cwd=state_dir,
+            env=self.build_environment(state_dir, shared_dir),
+        )
+class NixStartScript(StartCommand):
+    """A start script from nixos/modules/virtualiation/qemu-vm.nix
+    that also satisfies the requirement of the BaseStartCommand.
+    These Nix commands have the particular charactersitic that the
+    machine name can be extracted out of them via a regex match.
+    (Admittedly a _very_ implicit contract, evtl. TODO fix)
+    """
+    def __init__(self, script: str):
+        self._cmd = script
+    @property
+    def machine_name(self) -> str:
+        match ="run-(.+)-vm$", self._cmd)
+        name = "machine"
+        if match:
+            name =
+        return name
+class LegacyStartCommand(StartCommand):
+    """Used in some places to create an ad-hoc machine instead of
+    using nix test instrumentation + module system for that purpose.
+    Legacy.
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        netBackendArgs: Optional[str] = None,
+        netFrontendArgs: Optional[str] = None,
+        hda: Optional[Tuple[Path, str]] = None,
+        cdrom: Optional[str] = None,
+        usb: Optional[str] = None,
+        bios: Optional[str] = None,
+        qemuBinary: Optional[str] = None,
+        qemuFlags: Optional[str] = None,
+    ):
+        if qemuBinary is not None:
+            self._cmd = qemuBinary
+        else:
+            self._cmd = "qemu-kvm"
+        self._cmd += " -m 384"
+        # networking
+        net_backend = "-netdev user,id=net0"
+        net_frontend = "-device virtio-net-pci,netdev=net0"
+        if netBackendArgs is not None:
+            net_backend += "," + netBackendArgs
+        if netFrontendArgs is not None:
+            net_frontend += "," + netFrontendArgs
+        self._cmd += f" {net_backend} {net_frontend}"
+        # hda
+        hda_cmd = ""
+        if hda is not None:
+            hda_path = hda[0].resolve()
+            hda_interface = hda[1]
+            if hda_interface == "scsi":
+                hda_cmd += (
+                    f" -drive id=hda,file={hda_path},werror=report,if=none"
+                    " -device scsi-hd,drive=hda"
+                )
+            else:
+                hda_cmd += f" -drive file={hda_path},if={hda_interface},werror=report"
+        self._cmd += hda_cmd
+        # cdrom
+        if cdrom is not None:
+            self._cmd += f" -cdrom {cdrom}"
+        # usb
+        usb_cmd = ""
+        if usb is not None:
+            #
+            usb_cmd += (
+                " -device usb-ehci"
+                f" -drive id=usbdisk,file={usb},if=none,readonly"
+                " -device usb-storage,drive=usbdisk "
+            )
+        self._cmd += usb_cmd
+        # bios
+        if bios is not None:
+            self._cmd += f" -bios {bios}"
+        # qemu flags
+        if qemuFlags is not None:
+            self._cmd += f" {qemuFlags}"
+class Machine:
+    """A handle to the machine with this name, that also knows how to manage
+    the machine lifecycle with the help of a start script / command."""
+    name: str
+    out_dir: Path
+    tmp_dir: Path
+    shared_dir: Path
+    state_dir: Path
+    monitor_path: Path
+    shell_path: Path
+    start_command: StartCommand
+    keep_vm_state: bool
+    allow_reboot: bool
+    process: Optional[subprocess.Popen]
+    pid: Optional[int]
+    monitor: Optional[socket.socket]
+    shell: Optional[socket.socket]
+    serial_thread: Optional[threading.Thread]
+    booted: bool
+    connected: bool
+    # Store last serial console lines for use
+    # of wait_for_console_text
+    last_lines: Queue = Queue()
+    callbacks: List[Callable]
+    def __repr__(self) -> str:
+        return f"<Machine '{}'>"
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        out_dir: Path,
+        tmp_dir: Path,
+        start_command: StartCommand,
+        name: str = "machine",
+        keep_vm_state: bool = False,
+        allow_reboot: bool = False,
+        callbacks: Optional[List[Callable]] = None,
+    ) -> None:
+        self.out_dir = out_dir
+        self.tmp_dir = tmp_dir
+        self.keep_vm_state = keep_vm_state
+        self.allow_reboot = allow_reboot
+ = name
+        self.start_command = start_command
+        self.callbacks = callbacks if callbacks is not None else []
+        # set up directories
+        self.shared_dir = self.tmp_dir / "shared-xchg"
+        self.shared_dir.mkdir(mode=0o700, exist_ok=True)
+        self.state_dir = self.tmp_dir / f"vm-state-{}"
+        self.monitor_path = self.state_dir / "monitor"
+        self.shell_path = self.state_dir / "shell"
+        if (not self.keep_vm_state) and self.state_dir.exists():
+            self.cleanup_statedir()
+        self.state_dir.mkdir(mode=0o700, exist_ok=True)
+        self.process = None
+ = None
+        self.monitor = None
+ = None
+        self.serial_thread = None
+        self.booted = False
+        self.connected = False
+    @staticmethod
+    def create_startcommand(args: Dict[str, str]) -> StartCommand:
+        rootlog.warning(
+            "Using legacy create_startcommand(),"
+            "please use proper nix test vm instrumentation, instead"
+            "to generate the appropriate nixos test vm qemu startup script"
+        )
+        hda = None
+        if args.get("hda"):
+            hda_arg: str = args.get("hda", "")
+            hda_arg_path: Path = Path(hda_arg)
+            hda = (hda_arg_path, args.get("hdaInterface", ""))
+        return LegacyStartCommand(
+            netBackendArgs=args.get("netBackendArgs"),
+            netFrontendArgs=args.get("netFrontendArgs"),
+            hda=hda,
+            cdrom=args.get("cdrom"),
+            usb=args.get("usb"),
+            bios=args.get("bios"),
+            qemuBinary=args.get("qemuBinary"),
+            qemuFlags=args.get("qemuFlags"),
+        )
+    def is_up(self) -> bool:
+        return self.booted and self.connected
+    def log(self, msg: str) -> None:
+        rootlog.log(msg, {"machine":})
+    def log_serial(self, msg: str) -> None:
+        rootlog.log_serial(msg,
+    def nested(self, msg: str, attrs: Dict[str, str] = {}) -> _GeneratorContextManager:
+        my_attrs = {"machine":}
+        my_attrs.update(attrs)
+        return rootlog.nested(msg, my_attrs)
+    def wait_for_monitor_prompt(self) -> str:
+        with self.nested("waiting for monitor prompt"):
+            assert self.monitor is not None
+            answer = ""
+            while True:
+                undecoded_answer = self.monitor.recv(1024)
+                if not undecoded_answer:
+                    break
+                answer += undecoded_answer.decode()
+                if answer.endswith("(qemu) "):
+                    break
+            return answer
+    def send_monitor_command(self, command: str) -> str:
+        self.run_callbacks()
+        with self.nested("sending monitor command: {}".format(command)):
+            message = ("{}\n".format(command)).encode()
+            assert self.monitor is not None
+            self.monitor.send(message)
+            return self.wait_for_monitor_prompt()
+    def wait_for_unit(self, unit: str, user: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
+        """Wait for a systemd unit to get into "active" state.
+        Throws exceptions on "failed" and "inactive" states as well as
+        after timing out.
+        """
+        def check_active(_: Any) -> bool:
+            info = self.get_unit_info(unit, user)
+            state = info["ActiveState"]
+            if state == "failed":
+                raise Exception('unit "{}" reached state "{}"'.format(unit, state))
+            if state == "inactive":
+                status, jobs = self.systemctl("list-jobs --full 2>&1", user)
+                if "No jobs" in jobs:
+                    info = self.get_unit_info(unit, user)
+                    if info["ActiveState"] == state:
+                        raise Exception(
+                            (
+                                'unit "{}" is inactive and there ' "are no pending jobs"
+                            ).format(unit)
+                        )
+            return state == "active"
+        with self.nested(
+            "waiting for unit {}{}".format(
+                unit, f" with user {user}" if user is not None else ""
+            )
+        ):
+            retry(check_active)
+    def get_unit_info(self, unit: str, user: Optional[str] = None) -> Dict[str, str]:
+        status, lines = self.systemctl('--no-pager show "{}"'.format(unit), user)
+        if status != 0:
+            raise Exception(
+                'retrieving systemctl info for unit "{}" {} failed with exit code {}'.format(
+                    unit, "" if user is None else 'under user "{}"'.format(user), status
+                )
+            )
+        line_pattern = re.compile(r"^([^=]+)=(.*)$")
+        def tuple_from_line(line: str) -> Tuple[str, str]:
+            match = line_pattern.match(line)
+            assert match is not None
+            return match[1], match[2]
+        return dict(
+            tuple_from_line(line)
+            for line in lines.split("\n")
+            if line_pattern.match(line)
+        )
+    def systemctl(self, q: str, user: Optional[str] = None) -> Tuple[int, str]:
+        if user is not None:
+            q = q.replace("'", "\\'")
+            return self.execute(
+                (
+                    "su -l {} --shell /bin/sh -c "
+                    "$'XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/`id -u` "
+                    "systemctl --user {}'"
+                ).format(user, q)
+            )
+        return self.execute("systemctl {}".format(q))
+    def require_unit_state(self, unit: str, require_state: str = "active") -> None:
+        with self.nested(
+            "checking if unit ‘{}’ has reached state '{}'".format(unit, require_state)
+        ):
+            info = self.get_unit_info(unit)
+            state = info["ActiveState"]
+            if state != require_state:
+                raise Exception(
+                    "Expected unit ‘{}’ to to be in state ".format(unit)
+                    + "'{}' but it is in state ‘{}’".format(require_state, state)
+                )
+    def _next_newline_closed_block_from_shell(self) -> str:
+        assert
+        output_buffer = []
+        while True:
+            # This receives up to 4096 bytes from the socket
+            chunk =
+            if not chunk:
+                # Probably a broken pipe, return the output we have
+                break
+            decoded = chunk.decode()
+            output_buffer += [decoded]
+            if decoded[-1] == "\n":
+                break
+        return "".join(output_buffer)
+    def execute(
+        self, command: str, check_return: bool = True, timeout: Optional[int] = 900
+    ) -> Tuple[int, str]:
+        self.run_callbacks()
+        self.connect()
+        if timeout is not None:
+            command = "timeout {} sh -c {}".format(timeout, shlex.quote(command))
+        out_command = f"( set -euo pipefail; {command} ) | (base64 --wrap 0; echo)\n"
+        assert
+        # Get the output
+        output = base64.b64decode(self._next_newline_closed_block_from_shell())
+        if not check_return:
+            return (-1, output.decode())
+        # Get the return code
+"echo ${PIPESTATUS[0]}\n".encode())
+        rc = int(self._next_newline_closed_block_from_shell().strip())
+        return (rc, output.decode())
+    def shell_interact(self) -> None:
+        """Allows you to interact with the guest shell
+        Should only be used during test development, not in the production test."""
+        self.connect()
+        self.log("Terminal is ready (there is no initial prompt):")
+        assert
+            ["socat", "READLINE,prompt=$ ", f"FD:{}"],
+            pass_fds=[],
+        )
+    def succeed(self, *commands: str, timeout: Optional[int] = None) -> str:
+        """Execute each command and check that it succeeds."""
+        output = ""
+        for command in commands:
+            with self.nested("must succeed: {}".format(command)):
+                (status, out) = self.execute(command, timeout=timeout)
+                if status != 0:
+                    self.log("output: {}".format(out))
+                    raise Exception(
+                        "command `{}` failed (exit code {})".format(command, status)
+                    )
+                output += out
+        return output
+    def fail(self, *commands: str, timeout: Optional[int] = None) -> str:
+        """Execute each command and check that it fails."""
+        output = ""
+        for command in commands:
+            with self.nested("must fail: {}".format(command)):
+                (status, out) = self.execute(command, timeout=timeout)
+                if status == 0:
+                    raise Exception(
+                        "command `{}` unexpectedly succeeded".format(command)
+                    )
+                output += out
+        return output
+    def wait_until_succeeds(self, command: str, timeout: int = 900) -> str:
+        """Wait until a command returns success and return its output.
+        Throws an exception on timeout.
+        """
+        output = ""
+        def check_success(_: Any) -> bool:
+            nonlocal output
+            status, output = self.execute(command, timeout=timeout)
+            return status == 0
+        with self.nested("waiting for success: {}".format(command)):
+            retry(check_success, timeout)
+            return output
+    def wait_until_fails(self, command: str, timeout: int = 900) -> str:
+        """Wait until a command returns failure.
+        Throws an exception on timeout.
+        """
+        output = ""
+        def check_failure(_: Any) -> bool:
+            nonlocal output
+            status, output = self.execute(command, timeout=timeout)
+            return status != 0
+        with self.nested("waiting for failure: {}".format(command)):
+            retry(check_failure)
+            return output
+    def wait_for_shutdown(self) -> None:
+        if not self.booted:
+            return
+        with self.nested("waiting for the VM to power off"):
+            sys.stdout.flush()
+            assert self.process
+            self.process.wait()
+   = None
+            self.booted = False
+            self.connected = False
+    def get_tty_text(self, tty: str) -> str:
+        status, output = self.execute(
+            "fold -w$(stty -F /dev/tty{0} size | "
+            "awk '{{print $2}}') /dev/vcs{0}".format(tty)
+        )
+        return output
+    def wait_until_tty_matches(self, tty: str, regexp: str) -> None:
+        """Wait until the visible output on the chosen TTY matches regular
+        expression. Throws an exception on timeout.
+        """
+        matcher = re.compile(regexp)
+        def tty_matches(last: bool) -> bool:
+            text = self.get_tty_text(tty)
+            if last:
+                self.log(
+                    f"Last chance to match /{regexp}/ on TTY{tty}, "
+                    f"which currently contains: {text}"
+                )
+            return len(matcher.findall(text)) > 0
+        with self.nested("waiting for {} to appear on tty {}".format(regexp, tty)):
+            retry(tty_matches)
+    def send_chars(self, chars: List[str]) -> None:
+        with self.nested("sending keys ‘{}‘".format(chars)):
+            for char in chars:
+                self.send_key(char)
+    def wait_for_file(self, filename: str) -> None:
+        """Waits until the file exists in machine's file system."""
+        def check_file(_: Any) -> bool:
+            status, _ = self.execute("test -e {}".format(filename))
+            return status == 0
+        with self.nested("waiting for file ‘{}‘".format(filename)):
+            retry(check_file)
+    def wait_for_open_port(self, port: int) -> None:
+        def port_is_open(_: Any) -> bool:
+            status, _ = self.execute("nc -z localhost {}".format(port))
+            return status == 0
+        with self.nested("waiting for TCP port {}".format(port)):
+            retry(port_is_open)
+    def wait_for_closed_port(self, port: int) -> None:
+        def port_is_closed(_: Any) -> bool:
+            status, _ = self.execute("nc -z localhost {}".format(port))
+            return status != 0
+        with self.nested("waiting for TCP port {} to be closed"):
+            retry(port_is_closed)
+    def start_job(self, jobname: str, user: Optional[str] = None) -> Tuple[int, str]:
+        return self.systemctl("start {}".format(jobname), user)
+    def stop_job(self, jobname: str, user: Optional[str] = None) -> Tuple[int, str]:
+        return self.systemctl("stop {}".format(jobname), user)
+    def wait_for_job(self, jobname: str) -> None:
+        self.wait_for_unit(jobname)
+    def connect(self) -> None:
+        if self.connected:
+            return
+        with self.nested("waiting for the VM to finish booting"):
+            self.start()
+            assert
+            tic = time.time()
+            # TODO: Timeout
+            toc = time.time()
+            self.log("connected to guest root shell")
+            self.log("(connecting took {:.2f} seconds)".format(toc - tic))
+            self.connected = True
+    def screenshot(self, filename: str) -> None:
+        word_pattern = re.compile(r"^\w+$")
+        if word_pattern.match(filename):
+            filename = os.path.join(self.out_dir, "{}.png".format(filename))
+        tmp = "{}.ppm".format(filename)
+        with self.nested(
+            "making screenshot {}".format(filename),
+            {"image": os.path.basename(filename)},
+        ):
+            self.send_monitor_command("screendump {}".format(tmp))
+            ret ="pnmtopng {} > {}".format(tmp, filename), shell=True)
+            os.unlink(tmp)
+            if ret.returncode != 0:
+                raise Exception("Cannot convert screenshot")
+    def copy_from_host_via_shell(self, source: str, target: str) -> None:
+        """Copy a file from the host into the guest by piping it over the
+        shell into the destination file. Works without host-guest shared folder.
+        Prefer copy_from_host for whenever possible.
+        """
+        with open(source, "rb") as fh:
+            content_b64 = base64.b64encode(
+            self.succeed(
+                f"mkdir -p $(dirname {target})",
+                f"echo -n {content_b64} | base64 -d > {target}",
+            )
+    def copy_from_host(self, source: str, target: str) -> None:
+        """Copy a file from the host into the guest via the `shared_dir` shared
+        among all the VMs (using a temporary directory).
+        """
+        host_src = Path(source)
+        vm_target = Path(target)
+        with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=self.shared_dir) as shared_td:
+            shared_temp = Path(shared_td)
+            host_intermediate = shared_temp /
+            vm_shared_temp = Path("/tmp/shared") /
+            vm_intermediate = vm_shared_temp /
+            self.succeed(make_command(["mkdir", "-p", vm_shared_temp]))
+            if host_src.is_dir():
+                shutil.copytree(host_src, host_intermediate)
+            else:
+                shutil.copy(host_src, host_intermediate)
+            self.succeed(make_command(["mkdir", "-p", vm_target.parent]))
+            self.succeed(make_command(["cp", "-r", vm_intermediate, vm_target]))
+    def copy_from_vm(self, source: str, target_dir: str = "") -> None:
+        """Copy a file from the VM (specified by an in-VM source path) to a path
+        relative to `$out`. The file is copied via the `shared_dir` shared among
+        all the VMs (using a temporary directory).
+        """
+        # Compute the source, target, and intermediate shared file names
+        vm_src = Path(source)
+        with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=self.shared_dir) as shared_td:
+            shared_temp = Path(shared_td)
+            vm_shared_temp = Path("/tmp/shared") /
+            vm_intermediate = vm_shared_temp /
+            intermediate = shared_temp /
+            # Copy the file to the shared directory inside VM
+            self.succeed(make_command(["mkdir", "-p", vm_shared_temp]))
+            self.succeed(make_command(["cp", "-r", vm_src, vm_intermediate]))
+            abs_target = self.out_dir / target_dir /
+            abs_target.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
+            # Copy the file from the shared directory outside VM
+            if intermediate.is_dir():
+                shutil.copytree(intermediate, abs_target)
+            else:
+                shutil.copy(intermediate, abs_target)
+    def dump_tty_contents(self, tty: str) -> None:
+        """Debugging: Dump the contents of the TTY<n>"""
+        self.execute("fold -w 80 /dev/vcs{} | systemd-cat".format(tty))
+    def _get_screen_text_variants(self, model_ids: Iterable[int]) -> List[str]:
+        with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
+            screenshot_path = os.path.join(tmpdir, "ppm")
+            self.send_monitor_command(f"screendump {screenshot_path}")
+            return _perform_ocr_on_screenshot(screenshot_path, model_ids)
+    def get_screen_text_variants(self) -> List[str]:
+        return self._get_screen_text_variants([0, 1, 2])
+    def get_screen_text(self) -> str:
+        return self._get_screen_text_variants([2])[0]
+    def wait_for_text(self, regex: str) -> None:
+        def screen_matches(last: bool) -> bool:
+            variants = self.get_screen_text_variants()
+            for text in variants:
+                if, text) is not None:
+                    return True
+            if last:
+                self.log("Last OCR attempt failed. Text was: {}".format(variants))
+            return False
+        with self.nested("waiting for {} to appear on screen".format(regex)):
+            retry(screen_matches)
+    def wait_for_console_text(self, regex: str) -> None:
+        with self.nested("waiting for {} to appear on console".format(regex)):
+            # Buffer the console output, this is needed
+            # to match multiline regexes.
+            console = io.StringIO()
+            while True:
+                try:
+                    console.write(self.last_lines.get())
+                except queue.Empty:
+                    self.sleep(1)
+                    continue
+                matches =,
+                if matches is not None:
+                    return
+    def send_key(self, key: str) -> None:
+        key = CHAR_TO_KEY.get(key, key)
+        self.send_monitor_command("sendkey {}".format(key))
+        time.sleep(0.01)
+    def start(self) -> None:
+        if self.booted:
+            return
+        self.log("starting vm")
+        def clear(path: Path) -> Path:
+            if path.exists():
+                path.unlink()
+            return path
+        def create_socket(path: Path) -> socket.socket:
+            s = socket.socket(family=socket.AF_UNIX, type=socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+            s.bind(str(path))
+            s.listen(1)
+            return s
+        monitor_socket = create_socket(clear(self.monitor_path))
+        shell_socket = create_socket(clear(self.shell_path))
+        self.process =
+            self.state_dir,
+            self.shared_dir,
+            self.monitor_path,
+            self.shell_path,
+        )
+        self.monitor, _ = monitor_socket.accept()
+, _ = shell_socket.accept()
+        # Store last serial console lines for use
+        # of wait_for_console_text
+        self.last_lines: Queue = Queue()
+        def process_serial_output() -> None:
+            assert self.process
+            assert self.process.stdout
+            for _line in self.process.stdout:
+                # Ignore undecodable bytes that may occur in boot menus
+                line = _line.decode(errors="ignore").replace("\r", "").rstrip()
+                self.last_lines.put(line)
+                self.log_serial(line)
+        self.serial_thread = threading.Thread(target=process_serial_output)
+        self.serial_thread.start()
+        self.wait_for_monitor_prompt()
+ =
+        self.booted = True
+        self.log("QEMU running (pid {})".format(
+    def cleanup_statedir(self) -> None:
+        shutil.rmtree(self.state_dir)
+        rootlog.log(f"deleting VM state directory {self.state_dir}")
+        rootlog.log("if you want to keep the VM state, pass --keep-vm-state")
+    def shutdown(self) -> None:
+        if not self.booted:
+            return
+        assert
+        self.wait_for_shutdown()
+    def crash(self) -> None:
+        if not self.booted:
+            return
+        self.log("forced crash")
+        self.send_monitor_command("quit")
+        self.wait_for_shutdown()
+    def wait_for_x(self) -> None:
+        """Wait until it is possible to connect to the X server.  Note that
+        testing the existence of /tmp/.X11-unix/X0 is insufficient.
+        """
+        def check_x(_: Any) -> bool:
+            cmd = (
+                "journalctl -b SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER=systemd | "
+                + 'grep "Reached target Current graphical"'
+            )
+            status, _ = self.execute(cmd)
+            if status != 0:
+                return False
+            status, _ = self.execute("[ -e /tmp/.X11-unix/X0 ]")
+            return status == 0
+        with self.nested("waiting for the X11 server"):
+            retry(check_x)
+    def get_window_names(self) -> List[str]:
+        return self.succeed(
+            r"xwininfo -root -tree | sed 's/.*0x[0-9a-f]* \"\([^\"]*\)\".*/\1/; t; d'"
+        ).splitlines()
+    def wait_for_window(self, regexp: str) -> None:
+        pattern = re.compile(regexp)
+        def window_is_visible(last_try: bool) -> bool:
+            names = self.get_window_names()
+            if last_try:
+                self.log(
+                    "Last chance to match {} on the window list,".format(regexp)
+                    + " which currently contains: "
+                    + ", ".join(names)
+                )
+            return any( for name in names)
+        with self.nested("waiting for a window to appear"):
+            retry(window_is_visible)
+    def sleep(self, secs: int) -> None:
+        # We want to sleep in *guest* time, not *host* time.
+        self.succeed(f"sleep {secs}")
+    def forward_port(self, host_port: int = 8080, guest_port: int = 80) -> None:
+        """Forward a TCP port on the host to a TCP port on the guest.
+        Useful during interactive testing.
+        """
+        self.send_monitor_command(
+            "hostfwd_add tcp::{}-:{}".format(host_port, guest_port)
+        )
+    def block(self) -> None:
+        """Make the machine unreachable by shutting down eth1 (the multicast
+        interface used to talk to the other VMs).  We keep eth0 up so that
+        the test driver can continue to talk to the machine.
+        """
+        self.send_monitor_command("set_link virtio-net-pci.1 off")
+    def unblock(self) -> None:
+        """Make the machine reachable."""
+        self.send_monitor_command("set_link virtio-net-pci.1 on")
+    def release(self) -> None:
+        if is None:
+            return
+"kill machine (pid {})")
+        assert self.process
+        assert
+        assert self.monitor
+        assert self.serial_thread
+        self.process.terminate()
+        self.monitor.close()
+        self.serial_thread.join()
+    def run_callbacks(self) -> None:
+        for callback in self.callbacks:
+            callback()
diff --git a/nixos/lib/test-driver/test_driver/ b/nixos/lib/test-driver/test_driver/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..459845452fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/lib/test-driver/test_driver/
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+from typing import Callable, Optional
+import time
+from .logger import rootlog
+class PollingConditionFailed(Exception):
+    pass
+class PollingCondition:
+    condition: Callable[[], bool]
+    seconds_interval: float
+    description: Optional[str]
+    last_called: float
+    entered: bool
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        condition: Callable[[], Optional[bool]],
+        seconds_interval: float = 2.0,
+        description: Optional[str] = None,
+    ):
+        self.condition = condition  # type: ignore
+        self.seconds_interval = seconds_interval
+        if description is None:
+            if condition.__doc__:
+                self.description = condition.__doc__
+            else:
+                self.description = condition.__name__
+        else:
+            self.description = str(description)
+        self.last_called = float("-inf")
+        self.entered = False
+    def check(self) -> bool:
+        if self.entered or not self.overdue:
+            return True
+        with self, rootlog.nested(self.nested_message):
+  "Time since last: {time.monotonic() - self.last_called:.2f}s")
+            try:
+                res = self.condition()  # type: ignore
+            except Exception:
+                res = False
+            res = res is None or res
+            return res
+    def maybe_raise(self) -> None:
+        if not self.check():
+            raise PollingConditionFailed(self.status_message(False))
+    def status_message(self, status: bool) -> str:
+        return f"Polling condition {'succeeded' if status else 'failed'}: {self.description}"
+    @property
+    def nested_message(self) -> str:
+        nested_message = ["Checking polling condition"]
+        if self.description is not None:
+            nested_message.append(repr(self.description))
+        return " ".join(nested_message)
+    @property
+    def overdue(self) -> bool:
+        return self.last_called + self.seconds_interval < time.monotonic()
+    def __enter__(self) -> None:
+        self.entered = True
+    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback) -> None:  # type: ignore
+        self.entered = False
+        self.last_called = time.monotonic()
diff --git a/nixos/lib/test-driver/test_driver/ b/nixos/lib/test-driver/test_driver/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e5c8f07b4ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/lib/test-driver/test_driver/
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+from pathlib import Path
+import io
+import os
+import pty
+import subprocess
+from test_driver.logger import rootlog
+class VLan:
+    """This class handles a VLAN that the run-vm scripts identify via its
+    number handles. The network's lifetime equals the object's lifetime.
+    """
+    nr: int
+    socket_dir: Path
+    process: subprocess.Popen
+    pid: int
+    fd: io.TextIOBase
+    def __repr__(self) -> str:
+        return f"<Vlan Nr. {}>"
+    def __init__(self, nr: int, tmp_dir: Path):
+ = nr
+        self.socket_dir = tmp_dir / f"vde{}.ctl"
+        # TODO: don't side-effect environment here
+        os.environ[f"QEMU_VDE_SOCKET_{}"] = str(self.socket_dir)
+"start vlan")
+        pty_master, pty_slave = pty.openpty()
+        self.process = subprocess.Popen(
+            ["vde_switch", "-s", self.socket_dir, "--dirmode", "0700"],
+            stdin=pty_slave,
+            stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+            stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+            shell=False,
+        )
+ =
+        self.fd = os.fdopen(pty_master, "w")
+        self.fd.write("version\n")
+        # TODO: perl version checks if this can be read from
+        # an if not, dies. we could hang here forever. Fix it.
+        assert self.process.stdout is not None
+        self.process.stdout.readline()
+        if not (self.socket_dir / "ctl").exists():
+            rootlog.error("cannot start vde_switch")
+"running vlan (pid {})")
+    def __del__(self) -> None:
+"kill vlan (pid {})")
+        self.fd.close()
+        self.process.terminate()