summary refs log tree commit diff
path: root/nixos/lib/make-options-doc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'nixos/lib/make-options-doc')
2 files changed, 27 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/nixos/lib/make-options-doc/default.nix b/nixos/lib/make-options-doc/default.nix
index a1161621f0d..14015ab64ab 100644
--- a/nixos/lib/make-options-doc/default.nix
+++ b/nixos/lib/make-options-doc/default.nix
@@ -126,11 +126,37 @@ let
+  singleMDDoc = name: value: ''
+    ## ${lib.escape [ "<" ">" ] name}
+    ${value.description}
+    ${lib.optionalString (value ? type) ''
+      *_Type_*:
+      ${value.type}
+    ''}
+    ${lib.optionalString (value ? default) ''
+      *_Default_*
+      ```
+      ${builtins.toJSON value.default}
+      ```
+    ''}
+    ${lib.optionalString (value ? example) ''
+      *_Example_*
+      ```
+      ${builtins.toJSON value.example}
+      ```
+    ''}
+  '';
 in {
   inherit optionsNix;
   optionsAsciiDoc = lib.concatStringsSep "\n" (lib.mapAttrsToList singleAsciiDoc optionsNix);
+  optionsMDDoc = lib.concatStringsSep "\n" (lib.mapAttrsToList singleMDDoc optionsNix);
   optionsJSON = pkgs.runCommand "options.json"
     { meta.description = "List of NixOS options in JSON format";
       buildInputs = [ pkgs.brotli ];
diff --git a/nixos/lib/make-options-doc/options-to-docbook.xsl b/nixos/lib/make-options-doc/options-to-docbook.xsl
index 72ac89d4ff6..18d19fddaca 100644
--- a/nixos/lib/make-options-doc/options-to-docbook.xsl
+++ b/nixos/lib/make-options-doc/options-to-docbook.xsl
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
       <title>Configuration Options</title>
       <variablelist xml:id="configuration-variable-list">
         <xsl:for-each select="attrs">
-          <xsl:variable name="id" select="concat('opt-', str:replace(str:replace(str:replace(str:replace(attr[@name = 'name']/string/@value, '*', '_'), '&lt;', '_'), '>', '_'), '?', '_'))" />
+          <xsl:variable name="id" select="concat('opt-', str:replace(str:replace(str:replace(attr[@name = 'name']/string/@value, '*', '_'), '&lt;', '_'), '>', '_'))" />
             <term xlink:href="#{$id}">
               <xsl:attribute name="xml:id"><xsl:value-of select="$id"/></xsl:attribute>