summary refs log tree commit diff
path: root/pkgs/tools/text/snippetpixie/default.nix
diff options
authorAlyssa Ross <>2022-05-31 09:59:33 +0000
committerAlyssa Ross <>2022-05-31 09:59:57 +0000
commit9ff36293d1e428cd7bf03e8d4b03611b6d361c28 (patch)
tree1ab51a42b868c55b83f6ccdb80371b9888739dd9 /pkgs/tools/text/snippetpixie/default.nix
parent1c4fcd0d4b0541e674ee56ace1053e23e562cc80 (diff)
parentddc3c396a51918043bb0faa6f676abd9562be62c (diff)
Last good Nixpkgs for Weston+nouveau? archive
I came this commit hash to terwiz[m] on IRC, who is trying to figure out
what the last version of Spectrum that worked on their NUC with Nvidia
graphics is.
Diffstat (limited to 'pkgs/tools/text/snippetpixie/default.nix')
1 files changed, 91 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/tools/text/snippetpixie/default.nix b/pkgs/tools/text/snippetpixie/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a83135b5024
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/tools/text/snippetpixie/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+{ lib, stdenv
+, fetchFromGitHub
+, nix-update-script
+, meson
+, ninja
+, vala
+, pkg-config
+, wrapGAppsHook
+, appstream
+, desktop-file-utils
+, python3
+, libgee
+, glib
+, gtk3
+, sqlite
+, at-spi2-atk
+, at-spi2-core
+, dbus
+, ibus
+, json-glib
+, pantheon
+, xorg
+stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
+  pname = "snippetpixie";
+  version = "1.5.3";
+  src = fetchFromGitHub {
+    owner = "bytepixie";
+    repo = pname;
+    rev = version;
+    sha256 = "0gs3d9hdywg4vcfbp4qfcagfjqalfgw9xpvywg4pw1cm3rzbdqmz";
+  };
+  nativeBuildInputs = [
+    meson
+    ninja
+    vala
+    pkg-config
+    wrapGAppsHook
+    appstream
+    desktop-file-utils
+    python3
+  ];
+  buildInputs = [
+    libgee
+    glib
+    gtk3
+    sqlite
+    at-spi2-atk
+    at-spi2-core
+    dbus
+    ibus
+    json-glib
+    xorg.libXtst
+    pantheon.granite
+  ];
+  doCheck = true;
+  postPatch = ''
+    chmod +x meson/
+    patchShebangs meson/
+  '';
+  passthru = {
+    updateScript = nix-update-script {
+      attrPath = pname;
+    };
+  };
+  meta = with lib; {
+    description = "Your little expandable text snippet helper";
+    longDescription = ''
+      Your little expandable text snippet helper.
+      Save your often used text snippets and then expand them whenever you type their abbreviation.
+      For example:- "spr`" expands to "Snippet Pixie rules!"
+      For non-accessible applications such as browsers and Electron apps, there's a shortcut (default is Ctrl+`) for opening a search window that pastes the selected snippet.
+    '';
+    homepage = "";
+    license = licenses.gpl2Plus;
+    maintainers = with maintainers; [ ianmjones ] ++ teams.pantheon.members;
+    platforms = platforms.linux;
+    mainProgram = "com.github.bytepixie.snippetpixie";
+  };