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path: root/pkgs/tools/text/rs/default.nix
diff options
authorAlyssa Ross <>2023-11-21 16:12:21 +0100
committerAlyssa Ross <>2023-11-21 16:12:48 +0100
commit048a4cd441a59cbf89defb18bb45c9f0b4429b35 (patch)
treef8f5850ff05521ab82d65745894714a8796cbfb6 /pkgs/tools/text/rs/default.nix
parent030c5028b07afcedce7c5956015c629486cc79d9 (diff)
parent4c2d05dd6435d449a3651a6dd314d9411b5f8146 (diff)
Rebase onto e4ad989506ec7d71f7302cc3067abd82730a4beb HEAD rootfs
Signed-off-by: Alyssa Ross <>
Diffstat (limited to 'pkgs/tools/text/rs/default.nix')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 66 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/tools/text/rs/default.nix b/pkgs/tools/text/rs/default.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 141d72dfe07..00000000000
--- a/pkgs/tools/text/rs/default.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-{ lib
-, stdenv
-, fetchurl
-, installShellFiles
-, libbsd
-stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
-  pname = "rs";
-  version = "20200313";
-  src = fetchurl {
-    url = "${pname}-${version}.tar.gz";
-    sha256 = "0gxwlfk7bzivpp2260w2r6gkyl7vdi05cggn1fijfnp8kzf1b4li";
-  };
-  nativeBuildInputs = [ installShellFiles ];
-  buildInputs = [ libbsd ];
-  buildPhase = ''
-    runHook preBuild
-    ${}/bin/cc utf8.c rs.c -o rs -lbsd
-    runHook postBuild
-  '';
-  installPhase = ''
-    runHook preInstall
-    install -Dm 755 rs -t $out/bin
-    installManPage rs.1
-    runHook postInstall
-  '';
-  meta = with lib; {
-    homepage = "";
-    description = "Reshape a data array from standard input";
-    longDescription = ''
-      rs reads the standard input, interpreting each line as a row of blank-
-      separated entries in an array, transforms the array according to the op-
-      tions, and writes it on the standard output. With no arguments (argc < 2)
-      it transforms stream input into a columnar format convenient for terminal
-      viewing, i.e. if the length (in bytes!) of the first line is smaller than
-      the display width, -et is implied, -t otherwise.
-      The shape of the input array is deduced from the number of lines and the
-      number of columns on the first line. If that shape is inconvenient, a more
-      useful one might be obtained by skipping some of the input with the -k
-      option. Other options control interpretation of the input columns.
-      The shape of the output array is influenced by the rows and cols specifi-
-      cations, which should be positive integers. If only one of them is a po-
-      sitive integer, rs computes a value for the other which will accommodate
-      all of the data. When necessary, missing data are supplied in a manner
-      specified by the options and surplus data are deleted. There are options
-      to control presentation of the output columns, including transposition of
-      the rows and columns.
-    '';
-    license = licenses.bsd3;
-    maintainers = with maintainers; [ AndersonTorres ];
-    platforms = platforms.unix;
-  };