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path: root/pkgs/tools/nix/nixos-render-docs
diff options
authorpennae <>2023-02-11 08:48:06 +0100
committerpennae <>2023-02-12 13:02:42 +0100
commit1229e735ac51dbe79724f7648655a2089c9c67b9 (patch)
treeba4f6a33e11574bde4108f67928b3f24ccfee901 /pkgs/tools/nix/nixos-render-docs
parent8b7f0e559ad9419815d0a4c8d231e2bf464c0ad2 (diff)
nixos-render-docs: add structural includes, use for manual
this adds support for structural includes to nixos-render-docs.
structural includes provide a way to denote the (sub)structure of the
nixos manual in the markdown source files, very similar to how we used
literal docbook blocks before, and are processed by nixos-render-docs
without involvement of xml tooling. this will ultimately allow us to
emit the nixos manual in other formats as well, e.g. html, without going
through docbook at all.

alternatives to this source layout were also considered:

a parallel structure using e.g. toml files that describe the document
tree and links to each part is possible, but much more complicated to
implement than the solution chosen here and makes it harder to follow
which files have what substructure. it also makes it much harder to
include a substructure in the middle of a file.

much the same goes for command-line arguments to the converter, only
that command-lined arguments are even harder to specify correctly and
cannot be reasonably pulled together from many places without involving
another layer of tooling. cli arguments would also mean that the manual
structure would be fixed in default.nix, which is also not ideal.
Diffstat (limited to 'pkgs/tools/nix/nixos-render-docs')
2 files changed, 175 insertions, 149 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/tools/nix/nixos-render-docs/src/nixos_render_docs/ b/pkgs/tools/nix/nixos-render-docs/src/nixos_render_docs/
index ab61d699d7f..efc8b02e8d6 100644
--- a/pkgs/tools/nix/nixos-render-docs/src/nixos_render_docs/
+++ b/pkgs/tools/nix/nixos-render-docs/src/nixos_render_docs/
@@ -2,68 +2,107 @@ import argparse
 import json
 from abc import abstractmethod
-from import MutableMapping, Sequence
+from import Mapping, MutableMapping, Sequence
 from pathlib import Path
 from typing import Any, cast, NamedTuple, Optional, Union
 from xml.sax.saxutils import escape, quoteattr
+import markdown_it
 from markdown_it.token import Token
 from markdown_it.utils import OptionsDict
-from .docbook import DocBookRenderer
+from . import options
+from .docbook import DocBookRenderer, Heading
 from .md import Converter
-class RenderedSection:
-    id: Optional[str]
-    chapters: list[str]
-    def __init__(self, id: Optional[str]) -> None:
- = id
-        self.chapters = []
-class BaseConverter(Converter):
-    _sections: list[RenderedSection]
-    def __init__(self, manpage_urls: dict[str, str]):
-        super().__init__(manpage_urls)
-        self._sections = []
-    def add_section(self, id: Optional[str], chapters: list[Path]) -> None:
-        self._sections.append(RenderedSection(id))
-        for chpath in chapters:
-            try:
-                with open(chpath, 'r') as f:
-                    self._md.renderer._title_seen = False # type: ignore[attr-defined]
-                    self._sections[-1].chapters.append(self._render(
-            except Exception as e:
-                raise RuntimeError(f"failed to render manual chapter {chpath}") from e
-    @abstractmethod
-    def finalize(self) -> str: raise NotImplementedError()
 class ManualDocBookRenderer(DocBookRenderer):
-    # needed to check correctness of chapters.
-    # we may want to use front matter instead of this kind of heuristic.
-    _title_seen = False
+    _toplevel_tag: str
+    def __init__(self, toplevel_tag: str, manpage_urls: Mapping[str, str],
+                 parser: Optional[markdown_it.MarkdownIt] = None):
+        super().__init__(manpage_urls, parser)
+        self._toplevel_tag = toplevel_tag
+        self.rules |= {
+            'included_sections': lambda *args: self._included_thing("section", *args),
+            'included_chapters': lambda *args: self._included_thing("chapter", *args),
+            'included_preface': lambda *args: self._included_thing("preface", *args),
+            'included_parts': lambda *args: self._included_thing("part", *args),
+            'included_appendix': lambda *args: self._included_thing("appendix", *args),
+            'included_options': self.included_options,
+        }
+    def render(self, tokens: Sequence[Token], options: OptionsDict,
+               env: MutableMapping[str, Any]) -> str:
+        wanted = { 'h1': 'title' }
+        wanted |= { 'h2': 'subtitle' } if self._toplevel_tag == 'book' else {}
+        for (i, (tag, kind)) in enumerate(wanted.items()):
+            if len(tokens) < 3 * (i + 1):
+                raise RuntimeError(f"missing {kind} ({tag}) heading")
+            token = tokens[3 * i]
+            if token.type != 'heading_open' or token.tag != tag:
+                assert
+                raise RuntimeError(f"expected {kind} ({tag}) heading in line {[0] + 1}", token)
+        for t in tokens[3 * len(wanted):]:
+            if t.type != 'heading_open' or (info := wanted.get(t.tag)) is None:
+                continue
+            assert
+            raise RuntimeError(
+                f"only one {info[0]} heading ({t.markup} [text...]) allowed per "
+                f"{self._toplevel_tag}, but found a second in lines [{[0] + 1}..{[1]}]. "
+                "please remove all such headings except the first or demote the subsequent headings.",
+                t)
+        # books get special handling because they have *two* title tags. doing this with
+        # generic code is more complicated than it's worth. the checks above have verified
+        # that both titles actually exist.
+        if self._toplevel_tag == 'book':
+            assert tokens[1].children
+            assert tokens[4].children
+            if (maybe_id := cast(str, tokens[0].attrs.get('id', ""))):
+                maybe_id = "xml:id=" + quoteattr(maybe_id)
+            return (f'<book xmlns=""'
+                    f'      xmlns:xlink=""'
+                    f'      {maybe_id} version="5.0">'
+                    f'  <title>{self.renderInline(tokens[1].children, options, env)}</title>'
+                    f'  <subtitle>{self.renderInline(tokens[4].children, options, env)}</subtitle>'
+                    f'  {super().render(tokens[6:], options, env)}'
+                    f'</book>')
+        return super().render(tokens, options, env)
     def _heading_tag(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int, options: OptionsDict,
                      env: MutableMapping[str, Any]) -> tuple[str, dict[str, str]]:
         (tag, attrs) = super()._heading_tag(token, tokens, i, options, env)
-        if self._title_seen:
-            if token.tag == 'h1':
-                assert is not None
-                raise RuntimeError(
-                    "only one title heading (# [text...]) allowed per manual chapter "
-                    f"but found a second in lines [{[0]}..{[1]}]. "
-                    "please remove all such headings except the first, split your "
-                    "chapters, or demote the subsequent headings to (##) or lower.",
-                    token)
+        # render() has already verified that we don't have supernumerary headings and since the
+        # book tag is handled specially we can leave the check this simple
+        if token.tag != 'h1':
             return (tag, attrs)
-        self._title_seen = True
-        return ("chapter", attrs | {
+        return (self._toplevel_tag, attrs | {
             'xmlns': "",
             'xmlns:xlink': "",
+    def _included_thing(self, tag: str, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int,
+                        options: OptionsDict, env: MutableMapping[str, Any]) -> str:
+        result = []
+        # close existing partintro. the generic render doesn't really need this because
+        # it doesn't have a concept of structure in the way the manual does.
+        if self._headings and self._headings[-1] == Heading('part', 1):
+            result.append("</partintro>")
+            self._headings[-1] = self._headings[-1]._replace(partintro_closed=True)
+        # must nest properly for structural includes. this requires saving at least
+        # the headings stack, but creating new renderers is cheap and much easier.
+        r = ManualDocBookRenderer(tag, self._manpage_urls, None)
+        for (included, path) in token.meta['included']:
+            try:
+                result.append(r.render(included, options, env))
+            except Exception as e:
+                raise RuntimeError(f"rendering {path}") from e
+        return "".join(result)
+    def included_options(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int, options: OptionsDict,
+                         env: MutableMapping[str, Any]) -> str:
+        return cast(str, token.meta['rendered-options'])
     # TODO minimize docbook diffs with existing conversions. remove soon.
     def paragraph_open(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int, options: OptionsDict,
                        env: MutableMapping[str, Any]) -> str:
@@ -76,127 +115,113 @@ class ManualDocBookRenderer(DocBookRenderer):
         return f"<programlisting>\n{escape(token.content)}</programlisting>"
     def fence(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int, options: OptionsDict,
               env: MutableMapping[str, Any]) -> str:
-        # HACK for temporarily being able to replace pandoc used this syntax to
-        # allow md files to inject arbitrary docbook, and manual chapters use it.
-        if == '{=docbook}':
-            return token.content
         info = f" language={quoteattr(}" if != "" else ""
         return f"<programlisting{info}>\n{escape(token.content)}</programlisting>"
-class DocBookSectionConverter(BaseConverter):
-    __renderer__ = ManualDocBookRenderer
-    def finalize(self) -> str:
-        result = []
-        for section in self._sections:
-            id = "id=" + quoteattr( if is not None else ""
-            result.append(f'<section {id}>')
-            result += section.chapters
-            result.append(f'</section>')
+class DocBookConverter(Converter):
+    def __renderer__(self, manpage_urls: Mapping[str, str],
+                     parser: Optional[markdown_it.MarkdownIt]) -> ManualDocBookRenderer:
+        return ManualDocBookRenderer('book', manpage_urls, parser)
-        return "\n".join(result)
+    _base_paths: list[Path]
+    _revision: str
-class ManualFragmentDocBookRenderer(ManualDocBookRenderer):
-    _tag: str = "chapter"
-    def _heading_tag(self, token: Token, tokens: Sequence[Token], i: int, options: OptionsDict,
-                     env: MutableMapping[str, Any]) -> tuple[str, dict[str, str]]:
-        (tag, attrs) = super()._heading_tag(token, tokens, i, options, env)
-        if token.tag == 'h1':
-            return (self._tag, attrs | { 'xmlns:xi': "" })
-        return (tag, attrs)
-class DocBookFragmentConverter(Converter):
-    __renderer__ = ManualFragmentDocBookRenderer
+    def __init__(self, manpage_urls: Mapping[str, str], revision: str):
+        super().__init__(manpage_urls)
+        self._revision = revision
-    def convert(self, file: Path, tag: str) -> str:
-        assert isinstance(self._md.renderer, ManualFragmentDocBookRenderer)
+    def convert(self, file: Path) -> str:
+        self._base_paths = [ file ]
             with open(file, 'r') as f:
-                self._md.renderer._title_seen = False
-                self._md.renderer._tag = tag
                 return self._render(
         except Exception as e:
-            raise RuntimeError(f"failed to render manual {tag} {file}") from e
-class Section:
-    id: Optional[str] = None
-    chapters: list[str]
-    def __init__(self) -> None:
-        self.chapters = []
-class SectionAction(argparse.Action):
-    def __call__(self, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser, ns: argparse.Namespace,
-                 values: Union[str, Sequence[Any], None], opt_str: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
-        sections = getattr(ns, self.dest)
-        if sections is None: sections = []
-        sections.append(Section())
-        setattr(ns, self.dest, sections)
-class SectionIDAction(argparse.Action):
-    def __call__(self, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser, ns: argparse.Namespace,
-                 values: Union[str, Sequence[Any], None], opt_str: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
-        sections = getattr(ns, self.dest)
-        if sections is None: raise argparse.ArgumentError(self, "no active section")
-        sections[-1].id = cast(str, values)
-class ChaptersAction(argparse.Action):
-    def __call__(self, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser, ns: argparse.Namespace,
-                 values: Union[str, Sequence[Any], None], opt_str: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
-        sections = getattr(ns, self.dest)
-        if sections is None: raise argparse.ArgumentError(self, "no active section")
-        sections[-1].chapters.extend(map(Path, cast(Sequence[str], values)))
-class SingleFileAction(argparse.Action):
-    def __call__(self, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser, ns: argparse.Namespace,
-                 values: Union[str, Sequence[Any], None], opt_str: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
-        assert isinstance(values, Sequence)
-        chapters = getattr(ns, self.dest) or []
-        chapters.append((Path(values[0]), Path(values[1])))
-        setattr(ns, self.dest, chapters)
-def _build_cli_db_section(p: argparse.ArgumentParser) -> None:
-    p.add_argument('--manpage-urls', required=True)
-    p.add_argument("outfile")
-    p.add_argument("--section", dest="contents", action=SectionAction, nargs=0)
-    p.add_argument("--section-id", dest="contents", action=SectionIDAction)
-    p.add_argument("--chapters", dest="contents", action=ChaptersAction, nargs='+')
+            raise RuntimeError(f"failed to render manual {file}") from e
+    def _parse(self, src: str, env: Optional[MutableMapping[str, Any]] = None) -> list[Token]:
+        tokens = super()._parse(src, env)
+        for token in tokens:
+            if token.type != "fence" or not"{=include=} "):
+                continue
+            typ =[12:].strip()
+            if typ == 'options':
+                token.type = 'included_options'
+                self._parse_options(token)
+            elif typ in [ 'sections', 'chapters', 'preface', 'parts', 'appendix' ]:
+                token.type = 'included_' + typ
+                self._parse_included_blocks(token, env)
+            else:
+                raise RuntimeError(f"unsupported structural include type '{typ}'")
+        return tokens
+    def _parse_included_blocks(self, token: Token, env: Optional[MutableMapping[str, Any]]) -> None:
+        assert
+        included = token.meta['included'] = []
+        for (lnum, line) in enumerate(token.content.splitlines(),[0] + 2):
+            line = line.strip()
+            path = self._base_paths[-1].parent / line
+            if path in self._base_paths:
+                raise RuntimeError(f"circular include found in line {lnum}")
+            try:
+                self._base_paths.append(path)
+                with open(path, 'r') as f:
+                    tokens = self._parse(, env)
+                    included.append((tokens, path))
+                self._base_paths.pop()
+            except Exception as e:
+                raise RuntimeError(f"processing included file {path} from line {lnum}") from e
+    def _parse_options(self, token: Token) -> None:
+        assert
+        items = {}
+        for (lnum, line) in enumerate(token.content.splitlines(),[0] + 2):
+            if len(args := line.split(":", 1)) != 2:
+                raise RuntimeError(f"options directive with no argument in line {lnum}")
+            (k, v) = (args[0].strip(), args[1].strip())
+            if k in items:
+                raise RuntimeError(f"duplicate options directive {k} in line {lnum}")
+            items[k] = v
+        try:
+            id_prefix = items.pop('id-prefix')
+            varlist_id = items.pop('list-id')
+            source = items.pop('source')
+        except KeyError as e:
+            raise RuntimeError(f"options directive {e} missing in block at line {[0] + 1}")
+        if items.keys():
+            raise RuntimeError(
+                f"unsupported options directives in block at line {[0] + 1}",
+                " ".join(items.keys()))
-def _build_cli_db_fragment(p: argparse.ArgumentParser) -> None:
-    p.add_argument('--manpage-urls', required=True)
-    p.add_argument("--chapter", action=SingleFileAction, required=True, nargs=2)
-    p.add_argument("--section", action=SingleFileAction, required=True, nargs=2)
+        try:
+            conv = options.DocBookConverter(
+                self._manpage_urls, self._revision, False, 'fragment', varlist_id, id_prefix)
+            with open(self._base_paths[-1].parent / source, 'r') as f:
+                conv.add_options(json.load(f))
+            token.meta['rendered-options'] = conv.finalize(fragment=True)
+        except Exception as e:
+            raise RuntimeError(f"processing options block in line {[0] + 1}") from e
-def _run_cli_db_section(args: argparse.Namespace) -> None:
-    with open(args.manpage_urls, 'r') as manpage_urls:
-        md = DocBookSectionConverter(json.load(manpage_urls))
-        for section in args.contents:
-            md.add_section(, section.chapters)
-        with open(args.outfile, 'w') as f:
-            f.write(md.finalize())
-def _run_cli_db_fragment(args: argparse.Namespace) -> None:
+def _build_cli_db(p: argparse.ArgumentParser) -> None:
+    p.add_argument('--manpage-urls', required=True)
+    p.add_argument('--revision', required=True)
+    p.add_argument('infile', type=Path)
+    p.add_argument('outfile', type=Path)
+def _run_cli_db(args: argparse.Namespace) -> None:
     with open(args.manpage_urls, 'r') as manpage_urls:
-        md = DocBookFragmentConverter(json.load(manpage_urls))
-        for kind in [ 'chapter', 'section' ]:
-            for (target, file) in getattr(args, kind):
-                converted = md.convert(file, kind)
-                target.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
-                target.write_text(converted)
+        md = DocBookConverter(json.load(manpage_urls), args.revision)
+        converted = md.convert(args.infile)
+        args.outfile.write_text(converted)
 def build_cli(p: argparse.ArgumentParser) -> None:
     formats = p.add_subparsers(dest='format', required=True)
-    _build_cli_db_section(formats.add_parser('docbook-section'))
-    _build_cli_db_fragment(formats.add_parser('docbook-fragment'))
+    _build_cli_db(formats.add_parser('docbook'))
 def run_cli(args: argparse.Namespace) -> None:
-    if args.format == 'docbook-section':
-        _run_cli_db_section(args)
-    elif args.format == 'docbook-fragment':
-        _run_cli_db_fragment(args)
+    if args.format == 'docbook':
+        _run_cli_db(args)
         raise RuntimeError('format not hooked up', args)
diff --git a/pkgs/tools/nix/nixos-render-docs/src/nixos_render_docs/ b/pkgs/tools/nix/nixos-render-docs/src/nixos_render_docs/
index b0db410c481..3cba36140bb 100644
--- a/pkgs/tools/nix/nixos-render-docs/src/nixos_render_docs/
+++ b/pkgs/tools/nix/nixos-render-docs/src/nixos_render_docs/
@@ -231,10 +231,11 @@ class DocBookConverter(BaseConverter):
     def _decl_def_footer(self) -> list[str]:
         return [ "</simplelist>" ]
-    def finalize(self) -> str:
+    def finalize(self, *, fragment: bool = False) -> str:
         result = []
-        result.append('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>')
+        if not fragment:
+            result.append('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>')
         if self._document_type == 'appendix':
             result += [
                 '<appendix xmlns=""',