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path: root/pkgs/development/libraries/gmp
diff options
authorPeter Simons <>2015-02-06 00:32:00 +0100
committerPeter Simons <>2015-02-06 00:32:00 +0100
commit37a39e9cb4217e2abb945d612791adfe92195d7d (patch)
tree3da660c80cc8cb57cffb41ff34c8871cc576547f /pkgs/development/libraries/gmp
parent28d8af438a61d1c1fc1c825cd48c4f8f8cca8820 (diff)
gmp: drop obsolete and unused version 5.0.5
Diffstat (limited to 'pkgs/development/libraries/gmp')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 95 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/development/libraries/gmp/5.0.5.nix b/pkgs/development/libraries/gmp/5.0.5.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a78353a078..00000000000
--- a/pkgs/development/libraries/gmp/5.0.5.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-{ stdenv, fetchurl, m4, cxx ? true }:
-stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
-  name = "gmp-5.0.5";
-  src = fetchurl {
-    url = "mirror://gnu/gmp/${name}.tar.bz2";
-    sha256 = "1jfymbr90mpn0zw5sg001llqnvf2462y77vgjknrmfs1rjn8ln0z";
-  };
-  patches = [ ./ignore-bad-cpuid.patch ];
-  nativeBuildInputs = [ m4 ];
-  configureFlags =
-    # Build a "fat binary", with routines for several sub-architectures
-    # (x86), except on Solaris where some tests crash with "Memory fault".
-    # See <>, for instance.
-    (stdenv.lib.optional (!stdenv.isSunOS) "--enable-fat")
-    ++ (if cxx then [ "--enable-cxx" ] else [ "--disable-cxx" ]);
-  doCheck = true;
-  enableParallelBuilding = true;
-  crossAttrs = {
-    # Disable stripping to avoid "libgmp.a: Archive has no index"
-    # (see <>.)
-    dontStrip = true;
-    dontCrossStrip = true;
-  };
-  meta = {
-    description = "GNU multiple precision arithmetic library";
-    longDescription =
-      '' GMP is a free library for arbitrary precision arithmetic, operating
-         on signed integers, rational numbers, and floating point numbers.
-         There is no practical limit to the precision except the ones implied
-         by the available memory in the machine GMP runs on.  GMP has a rich
-         set of functions, and the functions have a regular interface.
-         The main target applications for GMP are cryptography applications
-         and research, Internet security applications, algebra systems,
-         computational algebra research, etc.
-         GMP is carefully designed to be as fast as possible, both for small
-         operands and for huge operands.  The speed is achieved by using
-         fullwords as the basic arithmetic type, by using fast algorithms,
-         with highly optimised assembly code for the most common inner loops
-         for a lot of CPUs, and by a general emphasis on speed.
-         GMP is faster than any other bignum library.  The advantage for GMP
-         increases with the operand sizes for many operations, since GMP uses
-         asymptotically faster algorithms.
-      '';
-    homepage =;
-    license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl3Plus;
-    maintainers = [ stdenv.lib.maintainers.simons ];
-    platforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.all;
-  };
diff --git a/pkgs/development/libraries/gmp/ignore-bad-cpuid.patch b/pkgs/development/libraries/gmp/ignore-bad-cpuid.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 840d530a450..00000000000
--- a/pkgs/development/libraries/gmp/ignore-bad-cpuid.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-Don't abort when seeing the default CPU model/platform returned by
-diff -ru -x '*~' gmp-5.0.4-orig/mpn/x86_64/fat/fat.c gmp-5.0.4/mpn/x86_64/fat/fat.c
---- gmp-5.0.4-orig/mpn/x86_64/fat/fat.c	2012-02-10 11:23:05.000000000 +0100
-+++ gmp-5.0.4/mpn/x86_64/fat/fat.c	2012-04-01 21:38:35.843066724 +0200
-@@ -194,13 +194,16 @@
-     {
-       switch (family)
- 	{
-+#if 0
- 	case 4:
- 	case 5:
- 	  abort ();		/* 32-bit processors */
- 	case 6:
- 	  switch (model)
- 	    {
-+#if 0
- 	    case 0x00:
- 	    case 0x01:
- 	    case 0x02:
-@@ -217,6 +220,7 @@
- 	    case 0x0d:		/* Dothan */
- 	    case 0x0e:		/* Yonah */
- 	      abort ();		/* 32-bit processors */
- 	    case 0x0f:		/* Conroe Merom Kentsfield Allendale */
- 	    case 0x10: