summary refs log tree commit diff
path: root/pkgs/development/libraries/boost/1.55.nix
diff options
authorWilliam A. Kennington III <>2014-09-14 12:38:58 -0700
committerWilliam A. Kennington III <>2014-09-21 15:18:16 -0700
commit89cf0e4fea8f2839a7423452097fd7fdc662cb48 (patch)
tree3795d15c45fd72fa5d9ac6e6f2900d30bafe66e7 /pkgs/development/libraries/boost/1.55.nix
parent768fe6ed06b52efa5ba4b1b339200696bd2d0cca (diff)
boost: 1.55 -> 1.56
Diffstat (limited to 'pkgs/development/libraries/boost/1.55.nix')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 99 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/development/libraries/boost/1.55.nix b/pkgs/development/libraries/boost/1.55.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e9d2134d12..00000000000
--- a/pkgs/development/libraries/boost/1.55.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-{ stdenv, fetchurl, icu, expat, zlib, bzip2, python, fixDarwinDylibNames
-, toolset ? null
-, enableRelease ? true
-, enableDebug ? false
-, enableSingleThreaded ? false
-, enableMultiThreaded ? true
-, enableShared ? true
-, enableStatic ? false
-, enablePIC ? false
-, enableExceptions ? false
-, taggedLayout ? ((enableRelease && enableDebug) || (enableSingleThreaded && enableMultiThreaded) || (enableShared && enableStatic))
-  variant = stdenv.lib.concatStringsSep ","
-    (stdenv.lib.optional enableRelease "release" ++
-     stdenv.lib.optional enableDebug "debug");
-  threading = stdenv.lib.concatStringsSep ","
-    (stdenv.lib.optional enableSingleThreaded "single" ++
-     stdenv.lib.optional enableMultiThreaded "multi");
-  link = stdenv.lib.concatStringsSep ","
-    (stdenv.lib.optional enableShared "shared" ++
-     stdenv.lib.optional enableStatic "static");
-  # To avoid library name collisions
-  layout = if taggedLayout then "tagged" else "system";
-  cflags = if enablePIC && enableExceptions then
-             "cflags=\"-fPIC -fexceptions\" cxxflags=-fPIC linkflags=-fPIC"
-           else if enablePIC then
-             "cflags=-fPIC cxxflags=-fPIC linkflags=-fPIC"
-           else if enableExceptions then
-             "cflags=-fexceptions"
-           else
-             "";
-  withToolset = stdenv.lib.optionalString (toolset != null) " --with-toolset=${toolset}";
-stdenv.mkDerivation {
-  name = "boost-1.55.0";
-  meta = {
-    homepage = "";
-    description = "Collection of C++ libraries";
-    license = "boost-license";
-    platforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.unix;
-    maintainers = [ stdenv.lib.maintainers.simons ];
-  };
-  src = fetchurl {
-    url = "mirror://sourceforge/boost/boost_1_55_0.tar.bz2";
-    sha256 = "0lkv5dzssbl5fmh2nkaszi8x9qbj80pr4acf9i26sj3rvlih1w7z";
-  };
-  enableParallelBuilding = true;
-  buildInputs =
-    [ icu expat zlib bzip2 python ]
-    ++ stdenv.lib.optional stdenv.isDarwin fixDarwinDylibNames;
-  configureScript = "./";
-  configureFlags = "--with-icu=${icu} --with-python=${python}/bin/python" + withToolset;
-  buildPhase = "${stdenv.lib.optionalString (toolset == "clang") "unset NIX_ENFORCE_PURITY; "}./b2 -j$NIX_BUILD_CORES -sEXPAT_INCLUDE=${expat}/include -sEXPAT_LIBPATH=${expat}/lib --layout=${layout} variant=${variant} threading=${threading} link=${link} ${cflags} install${withToolset}";
-  # normal install does not install bjam, this is a separate step
-  installPhase = ''
-    cd tools/build/v2
-    sh${withToolset}
-    ./b2 -j$NIX_BUILD_CORES -sEXPAT_INCLUDE=${expat}/include -sEXPAT_LIBPATH=${expat}/lib --layout=${layout} variant=${variant} threading=${threading} link=${link} ${cflags} install${withToolset}
-    rm $out/bin/bjam
-    ln -s $out/bin/b2 $out/bin/bjam
-    rm -rf $out/share/boost-build/example
-  '';
-  crossAttrs = rec {
-    buildInputs = [ expat.crossDrv zlib.crossDrv bzip2.crossDrv ];
-    # all buildInputs set previously fell into propagatedBuildInputs, as usual, so we have to
-    # override them.
-    propagatedBuildInputs = buildInputs;
-    # We want to substitute the contents of configureFlags, removing thus the
-    # usual --build and --host added on cross building.
-    preConfigure = ''
-      export configureFlags="--prefix=$out --without-icu"
-    '';
-    buildPhase = ''
-      set -x
-      cat << EOF > user-config.jam
-      using gcc : cross : $crossConfig-g++ ;
-      EOF
-      ./b2 -j$NIX_BUILD_CORES -sEXPAT_INCLUDE=${expat.crossDrv}/include -sEXPAT_LIBPATH=${expat.crossDrv}/lib --layout=${layout} --user-config=user-config.jam toolset=gcc-cross variant=${variant} threading=${threading} link=${link} ${cflags} --without-python install
-    '';
-  };