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path: root/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-nix.nix
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authorAlyssa Ross <>2021-08-04 10:43:07 +0000
committerAlyssa Ross <>2021-08-04 10:43:07 +0000
commit62614cbef7da005c1eda8c9400160f6bcd6546b8 (patch)
treec2630f69080637987b68acb1ee8676d2681fe304 /pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-nix.nix
parentd9c82ed3044c72cecf01c6ea042489d30914577c (diff)
parente24069138dfec3ef94f211f1da005bb5395adc11 (diff)
Merge branch 'nixpkgs-update' into master
Diffstat (limited to 'pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-nix.nix')
1 files changed, 321 insertions, 173 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-nix.nix b/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-nix.nix
index cff7cc2cd80..ef0bd0656ff 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-nix.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-nix.nix
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ self: super: builtins.intersectAttrs super {
   # Use the default version of mysql to build this package (which is actually mariadb).
   # test phase requires networking
-  mysql = dontCheck (super.mysql.override { mysql = pkgs.libmysqlclient; });
+  mysql = dontCheck super.mysql;
   # CUDA needs help finding the SDK headers and libraries.
   cuda = overrideCabal super.cuda (drv: {
@@ -94,8 +94,6 @@ self: super: builtins.intersectAttrs super {
   # Won't find it's header files without help.
   sfml-audio = appendConfigureFlag super.sfml-audio "--extra-include-dirs=${pkgs.openal}/include/AL";
-  # profiling is disabled to allow C++/C mess to work, which is fixed in GHC 8.8
-  cachix = disableLibraryProfiling super.cachix;
   hercules-ci-agent = disableLibraryProfiling super.hercules-ci-agent;
   # avoid compiling twice by providing executable as a separate output (with small closure size)
@@ -103,17 +101,6 @@ self: super: builtins.intersectAttrs super {
   ormolu = enableSeparateBinOutput super.ormolu;
   ghcid = enableSeparateBinOutput super.ghcid;
-  # Ensure the necessary frameworks for Darwin.
-  OpenAL = if pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin
-    then addExtraLibrary super.OpenAL pkgs.darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.OpenAL
-    else super.OpenAL;
-  # Ensure the necessary frameworks for Darwin.
-  proteaaudio = if pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin
-    then addExtraLibrary super.proteaaudio pkgs.darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.AudioToolbox
-    else super.proteaaudio;
   hzk = overrideCabal super.hzk (drv: {
     preConfigure = "sed -i -e /include-dirs/d hzk.cabal";
     configureFlags = [ "--extra-include-dirs=${pkgs.zookeeper_mt}/include/zookeeper" ];
@@ -133,39 +120,11 @@ self: super: builtins.intersectAttrs super {
   # Foreign dependency name clashes with another Haskell package.
   libarchive-conduit = super.libarchive-conduit.override { archive = pkgs.libarchive; };
-  # Fix Darwin build.
-  halive = if pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin
-    then addBuildDepend super.halive pkgs.darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.AppKit
-    else super.halive;
   # Heist's test suite requires system pandoc
   heist = overrideCabal super.heist (drv: {
     testToolDepends = [pkgs.pandoc];
-  # the system-fileio tests use canonicalizePath, which fails in the sandbox
-  system-fileio = if pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin then dontCheck super.system-fileio else super.system-fileio;
-  # Prevents needing to add `security_tool` as a run-time dependency for
-  # everything using x509-system to give access to the `security` executable.
-  x509-system =
-    if pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin && !
-    then
-      # darwin.security_tool is broken in Mojave (#45042)
-      # We will use the system provided security for now.
-      # Beware this WILL break in sandboxes!
-      # TODO(matthewbauer): If someone really needs this to work in sandboxes,
-      # I think we can add a propagatedImpureHost dep here, but I’m hoping to
-      # get a proper fix available soonish.
-      overrideCabal super.x509-system (drv: {
-        postPatch = (drv.postPatch or "") + ''
-          substituteInPlace System/X509/MacOS.hs --replace security /usr/bin/security
-        '';
-      })
-    else super.x509-system;
   # and
   gio = disableHardening (addPkgconfigDepend (addBuildTool super.gio self.buildHaskellPackages.gtk2hs-buildtools) pkgs.glib) ["fortify"];
   glib = disableHardening (addPkgconfigDepend (addBuildTool super.glib self.buildHaskellPackages.gtk2hs-buildtools) pkgs.glib) ["fortify"];
@@ -209,6 +168,7 @@ self: super: builtins.intersectAttrs super {
   network-transport-tcp = dontCheck;
   network-transport-zeromq = dontCheck; #
   pipes-mongodb = dontCheck super.pipes-mongodb;        #
+  pixiv = dontCheck super.pixiv;
   raven-haskell = dontCheck super.raven-haskell;        #
   riak = dontCheck super.riak;                          #
   scotty-binding-play = dontCheck super.scotty-binding-play;
@@ -228,6 +188,7 @@ self: super: builtins.intersectAttrs super {
   http-client-tls = dontCheck super.http-client-tls;
   http-conduit = dontCheck super.http-conduit;
   transient-universe = dontCheck super.transient-universe;
+  telegraph = dontCheck super.telegraph;
   typed-process = dontCheck super.typed-process;
   js-jquery = dontCheck super.js-jquery;
   hPDB-examples = dontCheck super.hPDB-examples;
@@ -235,6 +196,7 @@ self: super: builtins.intersectAttrs super {
   tcp-streams = dontCheck super.tcp-streams;
   holy-project = dontCheck super.holy-project;
   mustache = dontCheck super.mustache;
+  arch-web = dontCheck super.arch-web;
   # Tries to mess with extended POSIX attributes, but can't in our chroot environment.
   xattr = dontCheck super.xattr;
@@ -266,12 +228,6 @@ self: super: builtins.intersectAttrs super {
   # /homeless-shelter. Disabled.
   purescript = dontCheck super.purescript;
-  #
-  foundation =
-    if pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin
-    then dontCheck
-    else;
   # Hardcoded include path
   poppler = overrideCabal super.poppler (drv: {
     postPatch = ''
@@ -283,31 +239,16 @@ self: super: builtins.intersectAttrs super {
   # Uses OpenGL in testing
   caramia = dontCheck super.caramia;
-  llvm-hs =
-    let llvmHsWithLlvm9 = super.llvm-hs.override { llvm-config = pkgs.llvm_9; };
-    in
-    if pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin
-    then
-      overrideCabal llvmHsWithLlvm9 (oldAttrs: {
-        # One test fails on darwin.
-        doCheck = false;
-        # llvm-hs's Setup.hs file tries to add the lib/ directory from LLVM8 to
-        # the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable.  This messes up clang
-        # when called from GHC, probably because clang is version 7, but we are
-        # using LLVM8.
-        preCompileBuildDriver = oldAttrs.preCompileBuildDriver or "" + ''
-          substituteInPlace Setup.hs --replace "addToLdLibraryPath libDir" "pure ()"
-        '';
-      })
-    else llvmHsWithLlvm9;
+  # requires llvm 9 specifically
+  llvm-hs = super.llvm-hs.override { llvm-config = pkgs.llvm_9; };
   # Needs help finding LLVM.
-  spaceprobe = addBuildTool super.spaceprobe self.llvmPackages.llvm;
+  spaceprobe = addBuildTool super.spaceprobe self.buildHaskellPackages.llvmPackages.llvm;
   # Tries to run GUI in tests
   leksah = dontCheck (overrideCabal super.leksah (drv: {
     executableSystemDepends = (drv.executableSystemDepends or []) ++ (with pkgs; [
-      gnome3.adwaita-icon-theme # Fix error: Icon 'window-close' not present in theme ...
+      gnome.adwaita-icon-theme # Fix error: Icon 'window-close' not present in theme ...
       wrapGAppsHook           # Fix error: GLib-GIO-ERROR **: No GSettings schemas are installed on the system
       gtk3                    # Fix error: GLib-GIO-ERROR **: Settings schema 'org.gtk.Settings.FileChooser' is not installed
@@ -319,16 +260,18 @@ self: super: builtins.intersectAttrs super {
-  # Patch to consider NIX_GHC just like xmonad does
-  dyre = appendPatch super.dyre ./patches/dyre-nix.patch;
-  yesod-bin = if pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin
-    then addBuildDepend super.yesod-bin pkgs.darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.Cocoa
-    else super.yesod-bin;
-  hmatrix = if pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin
-    then addBuildDepend super.hmatrix pkgs.darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.Accelerate
-    else super.hmatrix;
+  dyre =
+    appendPatch
+      # dyre's tests appear to be trying to directly call GHC.
+      (dontCheck super.dyre)
+      # Dyre needs special support for reading the NIX_GHC env var.  This is
+      # available upstream in, but
+      # hasn't been released to Hackage as of dyre-0.9.1.  Likely included in
+      # next version.
+      (pkgs.fetchpatch {
+        url = "";
+        sha256 = "10m22k35bi6cci798vjpy4c2l08lq5nmmj24iwp0aflvmjdgscdb";
+      });
@@ -393,7 +336,7 @@ self: super: builtins.intersectAttrs super {
   fltkhs = overrideCabal super.fltkhs (drv: {
-    libraryToolDepends = (drv.libraryToolDepends or []) ++ [pkgs.autoconf];
+    libraryToolDepends = (drv.libraryToolDepends or []) ++ [pkgs.buildPackages.autoconf];
     librarySystemDepends = (drv.librarySystemDepends or []) ++ [pkgs.fltk13 pkgs.libGL pkgs.libjpeg];
@@ -405,49 +348,12 @@ self: super: builtins.intersectAttrs super {
   # Looks like Avahi provides the missing library
   dnssd = super.dnssd.override { dns_sd = pkgs.avahi.override { withLibdnssdCompat = true; }; };
-  # Ensure the necessary frameworks are propagatedBuildInputs on darwin
-  OpenGLRaw = overrideCabal super.OpenGLRaw (drv: {
-    librarySystemDepends =
-      pkgs.lib.optionals (!pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin) drv.librarySystemDepends;
-    libraryHaskellDepends = drv.libraryHaskellDepends
-      ++ pkgs.lib.optionals pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin
-                            [ pkgs.darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.OpenGL ];
-    preConfigure = pkgs.lib.optionalString pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin ''
-      frameworkPaths=($(for i in $nativeBuildInputs; do if [ -d "$i"/Library/Frameworks ]; then echo "-F$i/Library/Frameworks"; fi done))
-      frameworkPaths=$(IFS=, ; echo "''${frameworkPaths[@]}")
-      configureFlags+=$(if [ -n "$frameworkPaths" ]; then echo -n "--ghc-options=-optl=$frameworkPaths"; fi)
-    '';
-  });
-  GLURaw = overrideCabal super.GLURaw (drv: {
-    librarySystemDepends =
-      pkgs.lib.optionals (!pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin) drv.librarySystemDepends;
-    libraryHaskellDepends = drv.libraryHaskellDepends
-      ++ pkgs.lib.optionals pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin
-                            [ pkgs.darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.OpenGL ];
-  });
-  bindings-GLFW = overrideCabal super.bindings-GLFW (drv: {
-    doCheck = false; # requires an active X11 display
-    librarySystemDepends =
-      pkgs.lib.optionals (!pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin) drv.librarySystemDepends;
-    libraryHaskellDepends = drv.libraryHaskellDepends
-      ++ pkgs.lib.optionals pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin
-                            (with pkgs.darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks;
-                             [ AGL Cocoa OpenGL IOKit Kernel CoreVideo
-                               pkgs.darwin.CF ]);
-  });
-  OpenCL = overrideCabal super.OpenCL (drv: {
-    librarySystemDepends =
-      pkgs.lib.optionals (!pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin) drv.librarySystemDepends;
-    libraryHaskellDepends = drv.libraryHaskellDepends
-      ++ pkgs.lib.optionals pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin
-                            [ pkgs.darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.OpenCL ];
-  });
+  # requires an X11 display
+  bindings-GLFW = dontCheck super.bindings-GLFW;
   # requires an X11 display in test suite
   gi-gtk-declarative = dontCheck;
-  # depends on 'hie' executable
-  lsp-test = dontCheck super.lsp-test;
+  gi-gtk-declarative-app-simple = dontCheck;
   # tests depend on executable
   ghcide = overrideCabal super.ghcide (drv: {
@@ -476,16 +382,8 @@ self: super: builtins.intersectAttrs super {
     testHaskellDepends = (drv.testHaskellDepends or []) ++ [ self.test-framework self.test-framework-hunit ];
-  # cabal2nix likes to generate dependencies on hinotify when hfsevents is really required
-  # on darwin:
-  hinotify = if pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin then self.hfsevents else super.hinotify;
-  # FSEvents API is very buggy and tests are unreliable. See
-  # and similar issues.
-  fsnotify = if pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin
-    then addBuildDepend (dontCheck super.fsnotify) pkgs.darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.Cocoa
-    else dontCheck super.fsnotify;
+  fsnotify = dontCheck super.fsnotify;
   hidapi = addExtraLibrary super.hidapi pkgs.udev;
@@ -502,7 +400,7 @@ self: super: builtins.intersectAttrs super {
   # requires autotools to build
   secp256k1 = addBuildTools super.secp256k1 [ pkgs.buildPackages.autoconf pkgs.buildPackages.automake pkgs.buildPackages.libtool ];
-  # requires libsecp256k1 in pkgconfig-depends
+  # requires libsecp256k1 in pkg-config-depends
   secp256k1-haskell = addPkgconfigDepend super.secp256k1-haskell pkgs.secp256k1;
   # tests require git and zsh
@@ -549,6 +447,12 @@ self: super: builtins.intersectAttrs super {
   # Break infinite recursion cycle between devtools and mprelude.
   devtools = super.devtools.override { mprelude = dontCheck super.mprelude; };
+  # Break dependency cycle between tasty-hedgehog and tasty-expected-failure
+  tasty-hedgehog = dontCheck super.tasty-hedgehog;
+  # Break dependency cycle between hedgehog, tasty-hedgehog and lifted-async
+  lifted-async = dontCheck super.lifted-async;
   # loc and loc-test depend on each other for testing. Break that infinite cycle:
   loc-test = super.loc-test.override { loc = dontCheck self.loc; };
@@ -571,17 +475,28 @@ self: super: builtins.intersectAttrs super {
   # Expects z3 to be on path so we replace it with a hard
+  #
+  # The tests expect additional solvers on the path, replace the
+  # available ones also with hard coded paths, and remove the missing
+  # ones from the test.
   sbv = overrideCabal super.sbv (drv: {
     postPatch = ''
-      sed -i -e 's|"z3"|"${pkgs.z3}/bin/z3"|' Data/SBV/Provers/Z3.hs'';
+      sed -i -e 's|"abc"|"${}/bin/abc"|' Data/SBV/Provers/ABC.hs
+      sed -i -e 's|"boolector"|"${pkgs.boolector}/bin/boolector"|' Data/SBV/Provers/Boolector.hs
+      sed -i -e 's|"cvc4"|"${pkgs.cvc4}/bin/cvc4"|' Data/SBV/Provers/CVC4.hs
+      sed -i -e 's|"yices-smt2"|"${pkgs.yices}/bin/yices-smt2"|' Data/SBV/Provers/Yices.hs
+      sed -i -e 's|"z3"|"${pkgs.z3}/bin/z3"|' Data/SBV/Provers/Z3.hs
+      sed -i -e 's|\[abc, boolector, cvc4, mathSAT, yices, z3, dReal\]|[abc, boolector, cvc4, yices, z3]|' SBVTestSuite/SBVConnectionTest.hs
+   '';
   # The test-suite requires a running PostgreSQL server.
   Frames-beam = dontCheck super.Frames-beam;
   # Compile manpages (which are in RST and are compiled with Sphinx).
-  futhark = with pkgs;
-    overrideCabal (addBuildTools super.futhark [makeWrapper python37Packages.sphinx])
+  futhark =
+    overrideCabal (addBuildTools super.futhark (with pkgs.buildPackages; [makeWrapper python3Packages.sphinx]))
       (_drv: {
         postBuild = (_drv.postBuild or "") + ''
         make -C docs man
@@ -595,12 +510,12 @@ self: super: builtins.intersectAttrs super {
   git-annex = with pkgs;
     if (!stdenv.isLinux) then
-      let path = stdenv.lib.makeBinPath [ coreutils ];
-      in overrideCabal (addBuildTool super.git-annex makeWrapper) (_drv: {
+      let path = lib.makeBinPath [ coreutils ];
+      in overrideCabal (addBuildTool super.git-annex buildPackages.makeWrapper) (_drv: {
         # This is an instance of
         # Fails with:
         #   gpg: can't connect to the agent: File name too long
-        postPatch = stdenv.lib.optionalString stdenv.isDarwin ''
+        postPatch = lib.optionalString stdenv.isDarwin ''
           substituteInPlace Test.hs \
             --replace ', testCase "crypto" test_crypto' ""
@@ -642,42 +557,43 @@ self: super: builtins.intersectAttrs super {
   spago =
-      # Spago needs a small patch to work with the latest versions of rio.
-      #
-      spagoWithPatches = appendPatch super.spago (pkgs.fetchpatch {
-        url = "";
-        sha256 = "1nspqgcjk6z90cl9zhard0rn2q979kplcqz72x8xv5mh57zabk0w";
-      });
+      docsSearchApp_0_0_10 = pkgs.fetchurl {
+        url = "";
+        sha256 = "0m5ah29x290r0zk19hx2wix2djy7bs4plh9kvjz6bs9r45x25pa5";
+      };
-      # spago requires an older version of megaparsec, but it appears to work
-      # fine with newer versions.
-      spagoWithOverrides = doJailbreak spagoWithPatches;
+      docsSearchApp_0_0_11 = pkgs.fetchurl {
+        url = "";
+        sha256 = "17qngsdxfg96cka1cgrl3zdrpal8ll6vyhhnazqm4hwj16ywjm02";
+      };
-      # This defines the version of the purescript-docs-search release we are using.
-      # This is defined in the src/Spago/Prelude.hs file in the spago source.
-      docsSearchVersion = "v0.0.10";
+      purescriptDocsSearch_0_0_10 = pkgs.fetchurl {
+        url = "";
+        sha256 = "0wc1zyhli4m2yykc6i0crm048gyizxh7b81n8xc4yb7ibjqwhyj3";
+      };
-      docsSearchAppJsFile = pkgs.fetchurl {
-        url = "${docsSearchVersion}/docs-search-app.js";
-        sha256 = "0m5ah29x290r0zk19hx2wix2djy7bs4plh9kvjz6bs9r45x25pa5";
+      purescriptDocsSearch_0_0_11 = pkgs.fetchurl {
+        url = "";
+        sha256 = "1hjdprm990vyxz86fgq14ajn0lkams7i00h8k2i2g1a0hjdwppq6";
-      purescriptDocsSearchFile = pkgs.fetchurl {
-        url = "${docsSearchVersion}/purescript-docs-search";
-        sha256 = "0wc1zyhli4m2yykc6i0crm048gyizxh7b81n8xc4yb7ibjqwhyj3";
+      spagoWithPatches = appendPatch super.spago (
+        # Spago needs a small patch to work with versions-5.0.0:
+        #
+        # This can probably be removed with >spago-0.20.3.
+        pkgs.fetchpatch {
+          url = "";
+          sha256 = "1i1r3f4n9mlkckx15bfrdy5m7gjf0zx7ycwyqra6qn34zpcbzpmf";
+        }
+      );
+      spagoWithOverrides = spagoWithPatches.override {
+        # spago has not yet been updated for the latest dhall.
+        dhall = self.dhall_1_38_1;
-      spagoFixHpack = overrideCabal spagoWithOverrides (drv: {
+      spagoDocs = overrideCabal spagoWithOverrides (drv: {
         postUnpack = (drv.postUnpack or "") + ''
-          # The source for spago is pulled directly from GitHub.  It uses a
-          # package.yaml file with hpack, not a .cabal file.  In the package.yaml file,
-          # it uses defaults from the master branch of the hspec repo.  It will try to
-          # fetch these at build-time (but it will fail if running in the sandbox).
-          #
-          # The following line modifies the package.yaml to not pull in
-          # defaults from the hspec repo.
-          substituteInPlace "$sourceRoot/package.yaml" --replace 'defaults: hspec/hspec@master' ""
           # Spago includes the following two files directly into the binary
           # with Template Haskell.  They are fetched at build-time from the
           # `purescript-docs-search` repo above.  If they cannot be fetched at
@@ -687,19 +603,24 @@ self: super: builtins.intersectAttrs super {
           # However, they are not actually available in the spago source, so they
           # need to fetched with nix and put in the correct place.
-          cp ${docsSearchAppJsFile} "$sourceRoot/templates/docs-search-app.js"
-          cp ${purescriptDocsSearchFile} "$sourceRoot/templates/purescript-docs-search"
+          cp ${docsSearchApp_0_0_10} "$sourceRoot/templates/docs-search-app-0.0.10.js"
+          cp ${docsSearchApp_0_0_11} "$sourceRoot/templates/docs-search-app-0.0.11.js"
+          cp ${purescriptDocsSearch_0_0_10} "$sourceRoot/templates/purescript-docs-search-0.0.10"
+          cp ${purescriptDocsSearch_0_0_11} "$sourceRoot/templates/purescript-docs-search-0.0.11"
           # For some weird reason, on Darwin, the open(2) call to embed these files
           # requires write permissions. The easiest resolution is just to permit that
           # (doesn't cause any harm on other systems).
-          chmod u+w "$sourceRoot/templates/docs-search-app.js" "$sourceRoot/templates/purescript-docs-search"
+          chmod u+w \
+            "$sourceRoot/templates/docs-search-app-0.0.10.js" \
+            "$sourceRoot/templates/purescript-docs-search-0.0.10" \
+            "$sourceRoot/templates/docs-search-app-0.0.11.js" \
+            "$sourceRoot/templates/purescript-docs-search-0.0.11"
-      # Because of the problem above with pulling in hspec defaults to the
-      # package.yaml file, the tests are disabled.
-      spagoWithoutChecks = dontCheck spagoFixHpack;
+      # Tests require network access.
+      spagoWithoutChecks = dontCheck spagoDocs;
@@ -709,8 +630,8 @@ self: super: builtins.intersectAttrs super {
   # mplayer-spot uses mplayer at runtime.
   mplayer-spot =
-    let path = pkgs.stdenv.lib.makeBinPath [ pkgs.mplayer ];
-    in overrideCabal (addBuildTool super.mplayer-spot pkgs.makeWrapper) (oldAttrs: {
+    let path = pkgs.lib.makeBinPath [ pkgs.mplayer ];
+    in overrideCabal (addBuildTool super.mplayer-spot pkgs.buildPackages.makeWrapper) (oldAttrs: {
       postInstall = ''
         wrapProgram $out/bin/mplayer-spot --prefix PATH : "${path}"
@@ -718,10 +639,11 @@ self: super: builtins.intersectAttrs super {
   # break infinite recursion with base-orphans
   primitive = dontCheck super.primitive;
+  primitive_0_7_1_0 = dontCheck super.primitive_0_7_1_0;
   cut-the-crap =
-    let path = pkgs.stdenv.lib.makeBinPath [ pkgs.ffmpeg_3 ];
-    in overrideCabal (addBuildTool super.cut-the-crap pkgs.makeWrapper) (_drv: {
+    let path = pkgs.lib.makeBinPath [ pkgs.ffmpeg ];
+    in overrideCabal (addBuildTool super.cut-the-crap pkgs.buildPackages.makeWrapper) (_drv: {
       postInstall = ''
         wrapProgram $out/bin/cut-the-crap \
           --prefix PATH : "${path}"
@@ -738,7 +660,7 @@ self: super: builtins.intersectAttrs super {
   neuron = overrideCabal (super.neuron) (drv: {
     # neuron expects the neuron-search script to be in PATH at built-time.
-    buildTools = [ pkgs.makeWrapper ];
+    buildTools = [ pkgs.buildPackages.makeWrapper ];
     preConfigure = ''
       mkdir -p $out/bin
       cp src-bash/neuron-search $out/bin/neuron-search
@@ -771,4 +693,230 @@ self: super: builtins.intersectAttrs super {
     testToolDepends = [ pkgs.git pkgs.mercurial ];
+  nix-output-monitor = overrideCabal super.nix-output-monitor {
+    # Can't ran the golden-tests with nix, because they call nix
+    testTarget = "unit-tests";
+  };
+  haskell-language-server = enableCabalFlag (enableCabalFlag (overrideCabal super.haskell-language-server (drv: {
+    postInstall = let
+      inherit (pkgs.lib) concatStringsSep take splitString;
+      ghc_version = self.ghc.version;
+      ghc_major_version = concatStringsSep "." (take 2 (splitString "." ghc_version));
+    in ''
+        ln -s $out/bin/haskell-language-server $out/bin/haskell-language-server-${ghc_version}
+        ln -s $out/bin/haskell-language-server $out/bin/haskell-language-server-${ghc_major_version}
+       '';
+    testToolDepends = [ self.cabal-install pkgs.git ];
+    testTarget = "func-test"; # wrapper test accesses internet
+    preCheck = ''
+      export PATH=$PATH:$PWD/dist/build/haskell-language-server:$PWD/dist/build/haskell-language-server-wrapper
+      export HOME=$TMPDIR
+    '';
+  })) "all-plugins") "all-formatters";
+  # tests depend on a specific version of solc
+  hevm = dontCheck (doJailbreak super.hevm);
+  # hadolint enables static linking by default in the cabal file, so we have to explicitly disable it.
+  #
+  hadolint = disableCabalFlag super.hadolint "static";
+  # Test suite tries to execute the build product "doctest-driver-gen", but it's not in $PATH.
+  doctest-driver-gen = dontCheck super.doctest-driver-gen;
+  # Tests access internet
+  prune-juice = dontCheck super.prune-juice;
+  # based on
+  ihaskell = overrideCabal super.ihaskell (drv: {
+    configureFlags = (drv.configureFlags or []) ++ [
+      # ihaskell's cabal file forces building a shared executable,
+      # but without passing --enable-executable-dynamic, the RPATH
+      # contains /build/ and leads to a build failure with nix
+      "--enable-executable-dynamic"
+    ];
+    preCheck = ''
+      export HOME=$TMPDIR/home
+      export PATH=$PWD/dist/build/ihaskell:$PATH
+      export GHC_PACKAGE_PATH=$PWD/dist/package.conf.inplace/:$GHC_PACKAGE_PATH
+    '';
+  });
+  # tests need to execute the built executable
+  stutter = overrideCabal super.stutter (drv: {
+    preCheck = ''
+      export PATH=dist/build/stutter:$PATH
+    '' + (drv.preCheck or "");
+  });
+  # Install man page and generate shell completions
+  pinboard-notes-backup = overrideCabal
+    (generateOptparseApplicativeCompletion "pnbackup" super.pinboard-notes-backup)
+    (drv: {
+      postInstall = ''
+        install -D man/pnbackup.1 $out/share/man/man1/pnbackup.1
+      '' + (drv.postInstall or "");
+    });
+  # set more accurate set of platforms instead of maintaining
+  # an ever growing list of platforms to exclude via unsupported-platforms
+  cpuid = overrideCabal super.cpuid {
+    platforms = pkgs.lib.platforms.x86;
+  };
+  # Pass the correct libarchive into the package.
+  streamly-archive = super.streamly-archive.override { archive = pkgs.libarchive; };
+  # passes the -msse2 flag which only works on x86 platforms
+  hsignal = overrideCabal super.hsignal {
+    platforms = pkgs.lib.platforms.x86;
+  };
+  # uses x86 intrinsics
+  blake3 = overrideCabal super.blake3 {
+    platforms = pkgs.lib.platforms.x86;
+  };
+  # uses x86 intrinsics, see also
+  crc32c = overrideCabal super.crc32c {
+    platforms = pkgs.lib.platforms.x86;
+  };
+  # uses x86 intrinsics
+  seqalign = overrideCabal super.seqalign {
+    platforms = pkgs.lib.platforms.x86;
+  };
+  hls-brittany-plugin = overrideCabal super.hls-brittany-plugin (drv: {
+    testToolDepends = [ pkgs.git ];
+    preCheck = ''
+      export HOME=$TMPDIR/home
+    '';
+  });
+  hls-class-plugin = overrideCabal super.hls-class-plugin (drv: {
+    testToolDepends = [ pkgs.git ];
+    preCheck = ''
+      export HOME=$TMPDIR/home
+    '';
+  });
+  hls-ormolu-plugin = overrideCabal super.hls-ormolu-plugin (drv: {
+    testToolDepends = [ pkgs.git ];
+    preCheck = ''
+      export HOME=$TMPDIR/home
+    '';
+  });
+  hls-fourmolu-plugin = overrideCabal super.hls-fourmolu-plugin (drv: {
+    testToolDepends = [ pkgs.git ];
+    preCheck = ''
+      export HOME=$TMPDIR/home
+    '';
+  });
+  hls-module-name-plugin = overrideCabal super.hls-module-name-plugin (drv: {
+    testToolDepends = [ pkgs.git ];
+    preCheck = ''
+      export HOME=$TMPDIR/home
+    '';
+  });
+  hls-splice-plugin = overrideCabal super.hls-splice-plugin (drv: {
+    testToolDepends = [ pkgs.git ];
+    preCheck = ''
+      export HOME=$TMPDIR/home
+    '';
+  });
+  hls-floskell-plugin = overrideCabal super.hls-floskell-plugin (drv: {
+    testToolDepends = [ pkgs.git ];
+    preCheck = ''
+      export HOME=$TMPDIR/home
+    '';
+  });
+  hls-pragmas-plugin = overrideCabal super.hls-pragmas-plugin (drv: {
+    testToolDepends = [ pkgs.git ];
+    preCheck = ''
+      export HOME=$TMPDIR/home
+    '';
+  });
+  # Tests have file permissions expections that don‘t work with the nix store.
+  hls-stylish-haskell-plugin = dontCheck super.hls-stylish-haskell-plugin;
+  hls-haddock-comments-plugin = overrideCabal super.hls-haddock-comments-plugin (drv: {
+    testToolDepends = [ pkgs.git ];
+    preCheck = ''
+      export HOME=$TMPDIR/home
+    '';
+  });
+  hls-eval-plugin = overrideCabal super.hls-eval-plugin (drv: {
+    testToolDepends = [ pkgs.git ];
+    preCheck = ''
+      export HOME=$TMPDIR/home
+    '';
+  });
+  taglib = overrideCabal super.taglib (drv: {
+    librarySystemDepends = [
+      pkgs.zlib
+    ] ++ (drv.librarySystemDepends or []);
+  });
+  # uses x86 assembler
+  inline-asm = overrideCabal super.inline-asm {
+    platforms = pkgs.lib.platforms.x86;
+  };
+  # uses x86 assembler in C bits
+  hw-prim-bits = overrideCabal super.hw-prim-bits {
+    platforms = pkgs.lib.platforms.x86;
+  };
+  # random 1.2.0 has tests that indirectly depend on
+  # itself causing an infinite recursion at evaluation
+  # time
+  random = dontCheck super.random;
+  # Since this package is primarily used by nixpkgs maintainers and is probably
+  # not used to link against by anyone, we can make it’s closure smaller and
+  # add its runtime dependencies in `haskellPackages` (as opposed to cabal2nix).
+  cabal2nix-unstable = overrideCabal
+    (justStaticExecutables super.cabal2nix-unstable)
+    (drv: {
+      buildTools = (drv.buildTools or []) ++ [
+        pkgs.buildPackages.makeWrapper
+      ];
+      postInstall = ''
+        wrapProgram $out/bin/cabal2nix \
+          --prefix PATH ":" "${
+            pkgs.lib.makeBinPath [ pkgs.nix pkgs.nix-prefetch-scripts ]
+          }"
+      '';
+    });
+  # test suite needs local redis daemon
+  nri-redis = dontCheck super.nri-redis;
+  # Make tophat find itself for _compiling_ its test suite
+  tophat = overrideCabal super.tophat (drv: {
+    postPatch = ''
+      sed -i 's|"tophat"|"./dist/build/tophat/tophat"|' app-test-bin/*.hs
+    '' + (drv.postPatch or "");
+  });
+  # Runtime dependencies and CLI completion
+  nvfetcher = generateOptparseApplicativeCompletion "nvfetcher" (overrideCabal
+    super.nvfetcher (drv: {
+      buildTools = drv.buildTools or [ ] ++ [ pkgs.buildPackages.makeWrapper ];
+      postInstall = drv.postInstall or "" + ''
+        wrapProgram "$out/bin/nvfetcher" --prefix 'PATH' ':' "${
+          pkgs.lib.makeBinPath [ pkgs.nvchecker pkgs.nix-prefetch-git ]
+        }"
+      '';
+    }));
+  rel8 = addTestToolDepend super.rel8 pkgs.postgresql;
+  cachix = generateOptparseApplicativeCompletion "cachix" super.cachix;
+  # Enable extra optimisations which increase build time, but also
+  # later compiler performance, so we should do this for user's benefit.
+  # Flag added in Agda 2.6.2
+  Agda = appendConfigureFlag super.Agda "-foptimise-heavily";