summary refs log tree commit diff
path: root/pkgs/applications/networking/instant-messengers/telegram/tdesktop/default.nix
diff options
authorMichael Weiss <>2020-01-10 18:14:10 +0100
committerMichael Weiss <>2020-01-18 23:28:10 +0100
commit1835ac1d791e83852e7e3551ba6f8d7c992cca53 (patch)
treec137102cc44cc8c081128e201e1f6f8f003bffbf /pkgs/applications/networking/instant-messengers/telegram/tdesktop/default.nix
parente2e90a0e6422b143d6d6a9539280eded7306126d (diff)
tdesktop: 1.8.15 -> 1.9.3
The GYP build is now deprecated [0].
This results in a large number of changes and many custom Nix patches
aren't required anymore (and probably haven't been required for quite
some time now, the derivation got a bit outdated...).

A lot of the changes in this commit are based on the changes of the
Arch package [1][2] (which our package is based upon).

Rough overview of the changes:
- gcc9 -> ninja (optional but let's follow Arch here)
- Dropped GYP, only CMake now
  - But: Python is still required
- fetchFromGitHub -> fetchurl (optional?)
- Apply all Arch patches and remove old patches
  - Requires one new patch for range-v3
- New dependencies: enchant2, lz4, xxHash
  - TODO: Plus a few new dependencies that shouldn't be required
- Cleanup: Irrelevant flags (e.g. GYP_DEFINES) and patches (e.g. sed)
  - Simplifies quite a few things :)
- Some additional documentation and TODOs

Co-Authored-By: Jan Tojnar <>

Diffstat (limited to 'pkgs/applications/networking/instant-messengers/telegram/tdesktop/default.nix')
1 files changed, 49 insertions, 89 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/networking/instant-messengers/telegram/tdesktop/default.nix b/pkgs/applications/networking/instant-messengers/telegram/tdesktop/default.nix
index e57ff881af3..bec2f750526 100644
--- a/pkgs/applications/networking/instant-messengers/telegram/tdesktop/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/applications/networking/instant-messengers/telegram/tdesktop/default.nix
@@ -1,79 +1,74 @@
-{ mkDerivation, lib, fetchFromGitHub, fetchsvn, fetchpatch
-, pkgconfig, pythonPackages, cmake, wrapGAppsHook, wrapQtAppsHook, gcc9
-, qtbase, qtimageformats, gtk3, libappindicator-gtk3, libnotify, xdg_utils
+{ mkDerivation, lib, fetchurl, fetchsvn
+, pkgconfig, cmake, ninja, python3, wrapGAppsHook, wrapQtAppsHook
+, qtbase, qtimageformats, gtk3, libappindicator-gtk3, enchant2, lz4, xxHash
 , dee, ffmpeg_4, openalSoft, minizip, libopus, alsaLib, libpulseaudio, range-v3
+# TODO: Shouldn't be required:
+, pcre, xorg, utillinux, libselinux, libsepol, epoxy, at-spi2-core, libXtst
+, xdg_utils
 with lib;
+# Main reference:
+# - This package is based on the Arch package:
+# Other references that could be useful (but we should try to stick to Arch):
+# -
+# -
 mkDerivation rec {
   pname = "telegram-desktop";
-  version = "1.8.15";
+  version = "1.9.3";
   # Note: Due to our strong dependency on the Arch patches it's probably best
   # to also wait for the Arch update (especially if the patches don't apply).
   # Telegram-Desktop with submodules
-  src = fetchFromGitHub {
-    owner = "telegramdesktop";
-    repo = "tdesktop";
-    rev = "v${version}";
-    sha256 = "03173y2nlkf757llgpia8p2dkkwsjra7b6qm5nhmkcwcm8kmsvyy";
-    fetchSubmodules = true;
+  src = fetchurl {
+    url = "${version}/tdesktop-${version}-full.tar.gz";
+    sha256 = "1fx7v7j7iw4iywdbl89c5f1y74via61a0k20zrgjv5a0j4v6g76a";
   # Arch patches (svn export telegram-desktop/trunk)
   archPatches = fetchsvn {
     url = "svn://";
     # svn log svn://
-    rev = "512849";
-    sha256 = "1hl7znvv6qr4cwpkj8wlplpa63i1lhk2iax7hb4l1s1a4mijx9ls";
-  };
-  privateHeadersPatch = fetchpatch {
-    url = "";
-    sha256 = "1s5xvcp9dk0jfywssk8xfcsh7bk5xxif8xqnba0413lfx5rgvs5v";
+    rev = "549803";
+    sha256 = "1py2a25wgpvx0n4kz383fj0jav1qdm8wqx5bdaygg6296r294czj";
   # Note: It would be best if someone could get as many patches upstream as
   # possible (we currently depend a lot on custom patches...).
   patches = [
-    "${archPatches}/tdesktop.patch"
-    "${archPatches}/no-gtk2.patch"
-    "${archPatches}/Revert-Disable-DemiBold-fallback-for-Semibold.patch"
-    "${archPatches}/tdesktop_lottie_animation_qtdebug.patch"
-    # "${archPatches}/Revert-Change-some-private-header-includes.patch"
-    # "${archPatches}/Use-system-wide-font.patch"
+    "${archPatches}/0001-Dynamic-linking-system-libs.patch"
+    "${archPatches}/0002-Dynamic-linking-system-qt.patch"
+    "${archPatches}/0004-gtk3.patch"
+    "${archPatches}/0005-Use-system-wide-fonts.patch"
+    "${archPatches}/0006-Revert-Disable-DemiBold-fallback-for-Semibold.patch"
   postPatch = ''
     substituteInPlace Telegram/SourceFiles/platform/linux/linux_libs.cpp \
       --replace '"appindicator3"' '"${libappindicator-gtk3}/lib/"'
-    substituteInPlace Telegram/SourceFiles/platform/linux/linux_libnotify.cpp \
-      --replace '"notify"' '"${libnotify}/lib/"'
+    substituteInPlace cmake/external/ranges/CMakeLists.txt \
+      --replace "/usr/include" "${range-v3}/include"
   # We want to run wrapProgram manually (with additional parameters)
   dontWrapGApps = true;
   dontWrapQtApps = true;
-  nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgconfig pythonPackages.gyp cmake wrapGAppsHook wrapQtAppsHook gcc9 ];
+  nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgconfig cmake ninja python3 wrapGAppsHook wrapQtAppsHook ];
   buildInputs = [
-    qtbase qtimageformats gtk3 libappindicator-gtk3
+    qtbase qtimageformats gtk3 libappindicator-gtk3 enchant2 lz4 xxHash
     dee ffmpeg_4 openalSoft minizip libopus alsaLib libpulseaudio range-v3
+    # TODO: Shouldn't be required:
+    pcre xorg.libpthreadstubs xorg.libXdmcp utillinux libselinux libsepol epoxy at-spi2-core libXtst
   enableParallelBuilding = true;
-  GYP_DEFINES = concatStringsSep "," [
-  ];
     # See Telegram/gyp/qt.gypi
     "-I${getDev qtbase}/mkspecs/linux-g++"
@@ -87,64 +82,29 @@ mkDerivation rec {
     ]) [ "QtCore" "QtGui" "QtDBus" ];
-  preConfigure = ''
-    # Patches to revert:
-    patch -R -Np1 -i "${privateHeadersPatch}"
-    # Patches to apply:
-    pushd "Telegram/ThirdParty/libtgvoip"
-    patch -Np1 -i "${archPatches}/libtgvoip.patch"
-    popd
-    # disable static-qt for rlottie
-    sed "/RLOTTIE_WITH_STATIC_QT/d" -i "Telegram/gyp/lib_rlottie.gyp"
-    sed -i Telegram/gyp/telegram/linux.gypi \
-      -e 's,/usr,/does-not-exist,g' \
-      -e 's,appindicator-0.1,appindicator3-0.1,g' \
-      -e 's,-flto,,g'
-    sed -i Telegram/gyp/modules/qt.gypi \
-      -e "s,/usr/include/qt/QtCore/,${}/include/QtCore/,g" \
-      -e 's,\d+",\d+" | head -n1,g'
-    sed -i Telegram/gyp/modules/qt_moc.gypi \
-      -e "s,/usr/bin/moc,moc,g"
-    sed -i Telegram/gyp/modules/qt_rcc.gypi \
-      -e "s,/usr/bin/rcc,rcc,g"
-    # Build system assumes x86, but it works fine on non-x86 if we patch this one flag out
-    sed -i Telegram/ThirdParty/libtgvoip/libtgvoip.gyp \
-      -e "/-msse2/d"
-    gyp \
-      -Dapi_id=17349 \
-      -Dapi_hash=344583e45741c457fe1862106095a5eb \
-      -Dbuild_defines=${GYP_DEFINES} \
-      -Gconfig=Release \
-      --depth=Telegram/gyp \
-      --generator-output=../.. \
-      -Goutput_dir=out \
-      --format=cmake \
-      Telegram/gyp/Telegram.gyp
-    cd out/Release
-    NUM=$((`wc -l < CMakeLists.txt` - 2))
-    sed -i "$NUM r $archPatches/CMakeLists.inj" CMakeLists.txt
-    export ASM=$(type -p gcc)
-  '';
-  cmakeFlags = [ "-UTDESKTOP_OFFICIAL_TARGET" ];
+  cmakeFlags = [
+    #"-DTDESKTOP_API_TEST=ON" # TODO: Officiall API credentials for Nixpkgs
+    "-DTDESKTOP_API_ID=17349" # See:
+    "-DTDESKTOP_API_HASH=344583e45741c457fe1862106095a5eb"
+    "-Ddisable_autoupdate=ON"
+    #"-DDESKTOP_APP_SPECIAL_TARGET=\"\"" # TODO: Error when set to "": Bad special target '""'
+  ];
   installPhase = ''
-    install -Dm755 Telegram $out/bin/telegram-desktop
+    install -Dm755 bin/Telegram $out/bin/telegram-desktop
+    mkdir -p $out/share/{kservices5,applications,metainfo}
+    sed "s,/usr/bin,$out/bin,g" "../lib/xdg/tg.protocol" > "$out/share/kservices5/tg.protocol"
+    install -m444 "../lib/xdg/telegramdesktop.desktop" "$out/share/applications/telegram-desktop.desktop"
+    install -m644 "../lib/xdg/telegramdesktop.appdata.xml" "$out/share/metainfo/telegramdesktop.metainfo.xml"
-    mkdir -p $out/share/applications $out/share/kde4/services
-    install -m444 "$src/lib/xdg/telegramdesktop.desktop" "$out/share/applications/telegram-desktop.desktop"
-    sed "s,/usr/bin,$out/bin,g" $archPatches/tg.protocol > $out/share/kde4/services/tg.protocol
     for icon_size in 16 32 48 64 128 256 512; do
-      install -Dm644 "../../../Telegram/Resources/art/icon''${icon_size}.png" "$out/share/icons/hicolor/''${icon_size}x''${icon_size}/apps/telegram.png"
+      install -Dm644 "../Telegram/Resources/art/icon''${icon_size}.png" "$out/share/icons/hicolor/''${icon_size}x''${icon_size}/apps/telegram.png"