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path: root/nixos/modules/system/boot/luksroot.nix
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authorAlyssa Ross <>2022-05-31 09:59:33 +0000
committerAlyssa Ross <>2022-05-31 09:59:57 +0000
commit9ff36293d1e428cd7bf03e8d4b03611b6d361c28 (patch)
tree1ab51a42b868c55b83f6ccdb80371b9888739dd9 /nixos/modules/system/boot/luksroot.nix
parent1c4fcd0d4b0541e674ee56ace1053e23e562cc80 (diff)
parentddc3c396a51918043bb0faa6f676abd9562be62c (diff)
Last good Nixpkgs for Weston+nouveau? archive
I came this commit hash to terwiz[m] on IRC, who is trying to figure out
what the last version of Spectrum that worked on their NUC with Nvidia
graphics is.
Diffstat (limited to 'nixos/modules/system/boot/luksroot.nix')
1 files changed, 941 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nixos/modules/system/boot/luksroot.nix b/nixos/modules/system/boot/luksroot.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f0d3170dc5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/modules/system/boot/luksroot.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,941 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+  luks = config.boot.initrd.luks;
+  kernelPackages = config.boot.kernelPackages;
+  commonFunctions = ''
+    die() {
+        echo "$@" >&2
+        exit 1
+    }
+    dev_exist() {
+        local target="$1"
+        if [ -e $target ]; then
+            return 0
+        else
+            local uuid=$(echo -n $target | sed -e 's,UUID=\(.*\),\1,g')
+            blkid --uuid $uuid >/dev/null
+            return $?
+        fi
+    }
+    wait_target() {
+        local name="$1"
+        local target="$2"
+        local secs="''${3:-10}"
+        local desc="''${4:-$name $target to appear}"
+        if ! dev_exist $target; then
+            echo -n "Waiting $secs seconds for $desc..."
+            local success=false;
+            for try in $(seq $secs); do
+                echo -n "."
+                sleep 1
+                if dev_exist $target; then
+                    success=true
+                    break
+                fi
+            done
+            if [ $success == true ]; then
+                echo " - success";
+                return 0
+            else
+                echo " - failure";
+                return 1
+            fi
+        fi
+        return 0
+    }
+    wait_yubikey() {
+        local secs="''${1:-10}"
+        ykinfo -v 1>/dev/null 2>&1
+        if [ $? != 0 ]; then
+            echo -n "Waiting $secs seconds for YubiKey to appear..."
+            local success=false
+            for try in $(seq $secs); do
+                echo -n .
+                sleep 1
+                ykinfo -v 1>/dev/null 2>&1
+                if [ $? == 0 ]; then
+                    success=true
+                    break
+                fi
+            done
+            if [ $success == true ]; then
+                echo " - success";
+                return 0
+            else
+                echo " - failure";
+                return 1
+            fi
+        fi
+        return 0
+    }
+    wait_gpgcard() {
+        local secs="''${1:-10}"
+        gpg --card-status > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
+        if [ $? != 0 ]; then
+            echo -n "Waiting $secs seconds for GPG Card to appear"
+            local success=false
+            for try in $(seq $secs); do
+                echo -n .
+                sleep 1
+                gpg --card-status > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
+                if [ $? == 0 ]; then
+                    success=true
+                    break
+                fi
+            done
+            if [ $success == true ]; then
+                echo " - success";
+                return 0
+            else
+                echo " - failure";
+                return 1
+            fi
+        fi
+        return 0
+    }
+  '';
+  preCommands = ''
+    # A place to store crypto things
+    # A ramfs is used here to ensure that the file used to update
+    # the key slot with cryptsetup will never get swapped out.
+    # Warning: Do NOT replace with tmpfs!
+    mkdir -p /crypt-ramfs
+    mount -t ramfs none /crypt-ramfs
+    # Cryptsetup locking directory
+    mkdir -p /run/cryptsetup
+    # For YubiKey salt storage
+    mkdir -p /crypt-storage
+    ${optionalString luks.gpgSupport ''
+    export GPG_TTY=$(tty)
+    export GNUPGHOME=/crypt-ramfs/.gnupg
+    gpg-agent --daemon --scdaemon-program $out/bin/scdaemon > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
+    ''}
+    # Disable all input echo for the whole stage. We could use read -s
+    # instead but that would ocasionally leak characters between read
+    # invocations.
+    stty -echo
+  '';
+  postCommands = ''
+    stty echo
+    umount /crypt-storage 2>/dev/null
+    umount /crypt-ramfs 2>/dev/null
+  '';
+  openCommand = name: dev: assert name ==;
+  let
+    csopen = "cryptsetup luksOpen ${dev.device} ${}"
+           + optionalString dev.allowDiscards " --allow-discards"
+           + optionalString dev.bypassWorkqueues " --perf-no_read_workqueue --perf-no_write_workqueue"
+           + optionalString (dev.header != null) " --header=${dev.header}";
+    cschange = "cryptsetup luksChangeKey ${dev.device} ${optionalString (dev.header != null) "--header=${dev.header}"}";
+  in ''
+    # Wait for luksRoot (and optionally keyFile and/or header) to appear, e.g.
+    # if on a USB drive.
+    wait_target "device" ${dev.device} || die "${dev.device} is unavailable"
+    ${optionalString (dev.header != null) ''
+      wait_target "header" ${dev.header} || die "${dev.header} is unavailable"
+    ''}
+    do_open_passphrase() {
+        local passphrase
+        while true; do
+            echo -n "Passphrase for ${dev.device}: "
+            passphrase=
+            while true; do
+                if [ -e /crypt-ramfs/passphrase ]; then
+                    echo "reused"
+                    passphrase=$(cat /crypt-ramfs/passphrase)
+                    break
+                else
+                    # ask cryptsetup-askpass
+                    echo -n "${dev.device}" > /crypt-ramfs/device
+                    # and try reading it from /dev/console with a timeout
+                    IFS= read -t 1 -r passphrase
+                    if [ -n "$passphrase" ]; then
+                       ${if luks.reusePassphrases then ''
+                         # remember it for the next device
+                         echo -n "$passphrase" > /crypt-ramfs/passphrase
+                       '' else ''
+                         # Don't save it to ramfs. We are very paranoid
+                       ''}
+                       echo
+                       break
+                    fi
+                fi
+            done
+            echo -n "Verifying passphrase for ${dev.device}..."
+            echo -n "$passphrase" | ${csopen} --key-file=-
+            if [ $? == 0 ]; then
+                echo " - success"
+                ${if luks.reusePassphrases then ''
+                  # we don't rm here because we might reuse it for the next device
+                '' else ''
+                  rm -f /crypt-ramfs/passphrase
+                ''}
+                break
+            else
+                echo " - failure"
+                # ask for a different one
+                rm -f /crypt-ramfs/passphrase
+            fi
+        done
+    }
+    # LUKS
+    open_normally() {
+        ${if (dev.keyFile != null) then ''
+        if wait_target "key file" ${dev.keyFile}; then
+            ${csopen} --key-file=${dev.keyFile} \
+              ${optionalString (dev.keyFileSize != null) "--keyfile-size=${toString dev.keyFileSize}"} \
+              ${optionalString (dev.keyFileOffset != null) "--keyfile-offset=${toString dev.keyFileOffset}"}
+        else
+            ${if dev.fallbackToPassword then "echo" else "die"} "${dev.keyFile} is unavailable"
+            echo " - failing back to interactive password prompt"
+            do_open_passphrase
+        fi
+        '' else ''
+        do_open_passphrase
+        ''}
+    }
+    ${optionalString (luks.yubikeySupport && (dev.yubikey != null)) ''
+    # YubiKey
+    rbtohex() {
+        ( od -An -vtx1 | tr -d ' \n' )
+    }
+    hextorb() {
+        ( tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' | sed -e 's/\([0-9A-F]\{2\}\)/\\\\\\x\1/gI' | xargs printf )
+    }
+    do_open_yubikey() {
+        # Make all of these local to this function
+        # to prevent their values being leaked
+        local salt
+        local iterations
+        local k_user
+        local challenge
+        local response
+        local k_luks
+        local opened
+        local new_salt
+        local new_iterations
+        local new_challenge
+        local new_response
+        local new_k_luks
+        mount -t ${} ${} /crypt-storage || \
+          die "Failed to mount YubiKey salt storage device"
+        salt="$(cat /crypt-storage${} | sed -n 1p | tr -d '\n')"
+        iterations="$(cat /crypt-storage${} | sed -n 2p | tr -d '\n')"
+        challenge="$(echo -n $salt | openssl-wrap dgst -binary -sha512 | rbtohex)"
+        response="$(ykchalresp -${toString dev.yubikey.slot} -x $challenge 2>/dev/null)"
+        for try in $(seq 3); do
+            ${optionalString dev.yubikey.twoFactor ''
+            echo -n "Enter two-factor passphrase: "
+            k_user=
+            while true; do
+                if [ -e /crypt-ramfs/passphrase ]; then
+                    echo "reused"
+                    k_user=$(cat /crypt-ramfs/passphrase)
+                    break
+                else
+                    # Try reading it from /dev/console with a timeout
+                    IFS= read -t 1 -r k_user
+                    if [ -n "$k_user" ]; then
+                       ${if luks.reusePassphrases then ''
+                         # Remember it for the next device
+                         echo -n "$k_user" > /crypt-ramfs/passphrase
+                       '' else ''
+                         # Don't save it to ramfs. We are very paranoid
+                       ''}
+                       echo
+                       break
+                    fi
+                fi
+            done
+            ''}
+            if [ ! -z "$k_user" ]; then
+                k_luks="$(echo -n $k_user | pbkdf2-sha512 ${toString dev.yubikey.keyLength} $iterations $response | rbtohex)"
+            else
+                k_luks="$(echo | pbkdf2-sha512 ${toString dev.yubikey.keyLength} $iterations $response | rbtohex)"
+            fi
+            echo -n "$k_luks" | hextorb | ${csopen} --key-file=-
+            if [ $? == 0 ]; then
+                opened=true
+                ${if luks.reusePassphrases then ''
+                  # We don't rm here because we might reuse it for the next device
+                '' else ''
+                  rm -f /crypt-ramfs/passphrase
+                ''}
+                break
+            else
+                opened=false
+                echo "Authentication failed!"
+            fi
+        done
+        [ "$opened" == false ] && die "Maximum authentication errors reached"
+        echo -n "Gathering entropy for new salt (please enter random keys to generate entropy if this blocks for long)..."
+        for i in $(seq ${toString dev.yubikey.saltLength}); do
+            byte="$(dd if=/dev/random bs=1 count=1 2>/dev/null | rbtohex)";
+            new_salt="$new_salt$byte";
+            echo -n .
+        done;
+        echo "ok"
+        new_iterations="$iterations"
+        ${optionalString (dev.yubikey.iterationStep > 0) ''
+        new_iterations="$(($new_iterations + ${toString dev.yubikey.iterationStep}))"
+        ''}
+        new_challenge="$(echo -n $new_salt | openssl-wrap dgst -binary -sha512 | rbtohex)"
+        new_response="$(ykchalresp -${toString dev.yubikey.slot} -x $new_challenge 2>/dev/null)"
+        if [ ! -z "$k_user" ]; then
+            new_k_luks="$(echo -n $k_user | pbkdf2-sha512 ${toString dev.yubikey.keyLength} $new_iterations $new_response | rbtohex)"
+        else
+            new_k_luks="$(echo | pbkdf2-sha512 ${toString dev.yubikey.keyLength} $new_iterations $new_response | rbtohex)"
+        fi
+        echo -n "$new_k_luks" | hextorb > /crypt-ramfs/new_key
+        echo -n "$k_luks" | hextorb | ${cschange} --key-file=- /crypt-ramfs/new_key
+        if [ $? == 0 ]; then
+            echo -ne "$new_salt\n$new_iterations" > /crypt-storage${}
+            sync /crypt-storage${}
+        else
+            echo "Warning: Could not update LUKS key, current challenge persists!"
+        fi
+        rm -f /crypt-ramfs/new_key
+        umount /crypt-storage
+    }
+    open_with_hardware() {
+        if wait_yubikey ${toString dev.yubikey.gracePeriod}; then
+            do_open_yubikey
+        else
+            echo "No YubiKey found, falling back to non-YubiKey open procedure"
+            open_normally
+        fi
+    }
+    ''}
+    ${optionalString (luks.gpgSupport && (dev.gpgCard != null)) ''
+    do_open_gpg_card() {
+        # Make all of these local to this function
+        # to prevent their values being leaked
+        local pin
+        local opened
+        gpg --import /gpg-keys/${dev.device}/pubkey.asc > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
+        gpg --card-status > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
+        for try in $(seq 3); do
+            echo -n "PIN for GPG Card associated with device ${dev.device}: "
+            pin=
+            while true; do
+                if [ -e /crypt-ramfs/passphrase ]; then
+                    echo "reused"
+                    pin=$(cat /crypt-ramfs/passphrase)
+                    break
+                else
+                    # and try reading it from /dev/console with a timeout
+                    IFS= read -t 1 -r pin
+                    if [ -n "$pin" ]; then
+                       ${if luks.reusePassphrases then ''
+                         # remember it for the next device
+                         echo -n "$pin" > /crypt-ramfs/passphrase
+                       '' else ''
+                         # Don't save it to ramfs. We are very paranoid
+                       ''}
+                       echo
+                       break
+                    fi
+                fi
+            done
+            echo -n "Verifying passphrase for ${dev.device}..."
+            echo -n "$pin" | gpg -q --batch --passphrase-fd 0 --pinentry-mode loopback -d /gpg-keys/${dev.device}/cryptkey.gpg 2> /dev/null | ${csopen} --key-file=- > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
+            if [ $? == 0 ]; then
+                echo " - success"
+                ${if luks.reusePassphrases then ''
+                  # we don't rm here because we might reuse it for the next device
+                '' else ''
+                  rm -f /crypt-ramfs/passphrase
+                ''}
+                break
+            else
+                echo " - failure"
+                # ask for a different one
+                rm -f /crypt-ramfs/passphrase
+            fi
+        done
+        [ "$opened" == false ] && die "Maximum authentication errors reached"
+    }
+    open_with_hardware() {
+        if wait_gpgcard ${toString dev.gpgCard.gracePeriod}; then
+            do_open_gpg_card
+        else
+            echo "No GPG Card found, falling back to normal open procedure"
+            open_normally
+        fi
+    }
+    ''}
+    ${optionalString (luks.fido2Support && (dev.fido2.credential != null)) ''
+    open_with_hardware() {
+      local passsphrase
+        ${if dev.fido2.passwordLess then ''
+          export passphrase=""
+        '' else ''
+          read -rsp "FIDO2 salt for ${dev.device}: " passphrase
+          echo
+        ''}
+        ${optionalString (lib.versionOlder kernelPackages.kernel.version "5.4") ''
+          echo "On systems with Linux Kernel < 5.4, it might take a while to initialize the CRNG, you might want to use linuxPackages_latest."
+          echo "Please move your mouse to create needed randomness."
+        ''}
+          echo "Waiting for your FIDO2 device..."
+          fido2luks open ${dev.device} ${} ${dev.fido2.credential} --await-dev ${toString dev.fido2.gracePeriod} --salt string:$passphrase
+        if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+          echo "No FIDO2 key found, falling back to normal open procedure"
+          open_normally
+        fi
+    }
+    ''}
+    # commands to run right before we mount our device
+    ${dev.preOpenCommands}
+    ${if (luks.yubikeySupport && (dev.yubikey != null)) || (luks.gpgSupport && (dev.gpgCard != null)) || (luks.fido2Support && (dev.fido2.credential != null)) then ''
+    open_with_hardware
+    '' else ''
+    open_normally
+    ''}
+    # commands to run right after we mounted our device
+    ${dev.postOpenCommands}
+  '';
+  askPass = pkgs.writeScriptBin "cryptsetup-askpass" ''
+    #!/bin/sh
+    ${commonFunctions}
+    while true; do
+        wait_target "luks" /crypt-ramfs/device 10 "LUKS to request a passphrase" || die "Passphrase is not requested now"
+        device=$(cat /crypt-ramfs/device)
+        echo -n "Passphrase for $device: "
+        IFS= read -rs passphrase
+        echo
+        rm /crypt-ramfs/device
+        echo -n "$passphrase" > /crypt-ramfs/passphrase
+    done
+  '';
+  preLVM = filterAttrs (n: v: v.preLVM) luks.devices;
+  postLVM = filterAttrs (n: v: !v.preLVM) luks.devices;
+  imports = [
+    (mkRemovedOptionModule [ "boot" "initrd" "luks" "enable" ] "")
+  ];
+  options = {
+    boot.initrd.luks.mitigateDMAAttacks = mkOption {
+      type = types.bool;
+      default = true;
+      description = ''
+        Unless enabled, encryption keys can be easily recovered by an attacker with physical
+        access to any machine with PCMCIA, ExpressCard, ThunderBolt or FireWire port.
+        More information is available at <link xlink:href=""/>.
+        This option blacklists FireWire drivers, but doesn't remove them. You can manually
+        load the drivers if you need to use a FireWire device, but don't forget to unload them!
+      '';
+    };
+    boot.initrd.luks.cryptoModules = mkOption {
+      type = types.listOf types.str;
+      default =
+        [ "aes" "aes_generic" "blowfish" "twofish"
+          "serpent" "cbc" "xts" "lrw" "sha1" "sha256" "sha512"
+          "af_alg" "algif_skcipher"
+        ];
+      description = ''
+        A list of cryptographic kernel modules needed to decrypt the root device(s).
+        The default includes all common modules.
+      '';
+    };
+    boot.initrd.luks.forceLuksSupportInInitrd = mkOption {
+      type = types.bool;
+      default = false;
+      internal = true;
+      description = ''
+        Whether to configure luks support in the initrd, when no luks
+        devices are configured.
+      '';
+    };
+    boot.initrd.luks.reusePassphrases = mkOption {
+      type = types.bool;
+      default = true;
+      description = ''
+        When opening a new LUKS device try reusing last successful
+        passphrase.
+        Useful for mounting a number of devices that use the same
+        passphrase without retyping it several times.
+        Such setup can be useful if you use <command>cryptsetup
+        luksSuspend</command>. Different LUKS devices will still have
+        different master keys even when using the same passphrase.
+      '';
+    };
+    boot.initrd.luks.devices = mkOption {
+      default = { };
+      example = { luksroot.device = "/dev/disk/by-uuid/430e9eff-d852-4f68-aa3b-2fa3599ebe08"; };
+      description = ''
+        The encrypted disk that should be opened before the root
+        filesystem is mounted. Both LVM-over-LUKS and LUKS-over-LVM
+        setups are supported. The unencrypted devices can be accessed as
+        <filename>/dev/mapper/<replaceable>name</replaceable></filename>.
+      '';
+      type = with types; attrsOf (submodule (
+        { name, ... }: { options = {
+          name = mkOption {
+            visible = false;
+            default = name;
+            example = "luksroot";
+            type = types.str;
+            description = "Name of the unencrypted device in <filename>/dev/mapper</filename>.";
+          };
+          device = mkOption {
+            example = "/dev/disk/by-uuid/430e9eff-d852-4f68-aa3b-2fa3599ebe08";
+            type = types.str;
+            description = "Path of the underlying encrypted block device.";
+          };
+          header = mkOption {
+            default = null;
+            example = "/root/header.img";
+            type = types.nullOr types.str;
+            description = ''
+              The name of the file or block device that
+              should be used as header for the encrypted device.
+            '';
+          };
+          keyFile = mkOption {
+            default = null;
+            example = "/dev/sdb1";
+            type = types.nullOr types.str;
+            description = ''
+              The name of the file (can be a raw device or a partition) that
+              should be used as the decryption key for the encrypted device. If
+              not specified, you will be prompted for a passphrase instead.
+            '';
+          };
+          keyFileSize = mkOption {
+            default = null;
+            example = 4096;
+            type = types.nullOr;
+            description = ''
+              The size of the key file. Use this if only the beginning of the
+              key file should be used as a key (often the case if a raw device
+              or partition is used as key file). If not specified, the whole
+              <literal>keyFile</literal> will be used decryption, instead of just
+              the first <literal>keyFileSize</literal> bytes.
+            '';
+          };
+          keyFileOffset = mkOption {
+            default = null;
+            example = 4096;
+            type = types.nullOr;
+            description = ''
+              The offset of the key file. Use this in combination with
+              <literal>keyFileSize</literal> to use part of a file as key file
+              (often the case if a raw device or partition is used as a key file).
+              If not specified, the key begins at the first byte of
+              <literal>keyFile</literal>.
+            '';
+          };
+          # FIXME: get rid of this option.
+          preLVM = mkOption {
+            default = true;
+            type = types.bool;
+            description = "Whether the luksOpen will be attempted before LVM scan or after it.";
+          };
+          allowDiscards = mkOption {
+            default = false;
+            type = types.bool;
+            description = ''
+              Whether to allow TRIM requests to the underlying device. This option
+              has security implications; please read the LUKS documentation before
+              activating it.
+              This option is incompatible with authenticated encryption (dm-crypt
+              stacked over dm-integrity).
+            '';
+          };
+          bypassWorkqueues = mkOption {
+            default = false;
+            type = types.bool;
+            description = ''
+              Whether to bypass dm-crypt's internal read and write workqueues.
+              Enabling this should improve performance on SSDs; see
+              <link xlink:href="">here</link>
+              for more information. Needs Linux 5.9 or later.
+            '';
+          };
+          fallbackToPassword = mkOption {
+            default = false;
+            type = types.bool;
+            description = ''
+              Whether to fallback to interactive passphrase prompt if the keyfile
+              cannot be found. This will prevent unattended boot should the keyfile
+              go missing.
+            '';
+          };
+          gpgCard = mkOption {
+            default = null;
+            description = ''
+              The option to use this LUKS device with a GPG encrypted luks password by the GPG Smartcard.
+              If null (the default), GPG-Smartcard will be disabled for this device.
+            '';
+            type = with types; nullOr (submodule {
+              options = {
+                gracePeriod = mkOption {
+                  default = 10;
+                  type =;
+                  description = "Time in seconds to wait for the GPG Smartcard.";
+                };
+                encryptedPass = mkOption {
+                  type = types.path;
+                  description = "Path to the GPG encrypted passphrase.";
+                };
+                publicKey = mkOption {
+                  type = types.path;
+                  description = "Path to the Public Key.";
+                };
+              };
+            });
+          };
+          fido2 = {
+            credential = mkOption {
+              default = null;
+              example = "f1d00200d8dc783f7fb1e10ace8da27f8312d72692abfca2f7e4960a73f48e82e1f7571f6ebfcee9fb434f9886ccc8fcc52a6614d8d2";
+              type = types.nullOr types.str;
+              description = "The FIDO2 credential ID.";
+            };
+            gracePeriod = mkOption {
+              default = 10;
+              type =;
+              description = "Time in seconds to wait for the FIDO2 key.";
+            };
+            passwordLess = mkOption {
+              default = false;
+              type = types.bool;
+              description = ''
+                Defines whatever to use an empty string as a default salt.
+                Enable only when your device is PIN protected, such as <link xlink:href="">Trezor</link>.
+              '';
+            };
+          };
+          yubikey = mkOption {
+            default = null;
+            description = ''
+              The options to use for this LUKS device in YubiKey-PBA.
+              If null (the default), YubiKey-PBA will be disabled for this device.
+            '';
+            type = with types; nullOr (submodule {
+              options = {
+                twoFactor = mkOption {
+                  default = true;
+                  type = types.bool;
+                  description = "Whether to use a passphrase and a YubiKey (true), or only a YubiKey (false).";
+                };
+                slot = mkOption {
+                  default = 2;
+                  type =;
+                  description = "Which slot on the YubiKey to challenge.";
+                };
+                saltLength = mkOption {
+                  default = 16;
+                  type =;
+                  description = "Length of the new salt in byte (64 is the effective maximum).";
+                };
+                keyLength = mkOption {
+                  default = 64;
+                  type =;
+                  description = "Length of the LUKS slot key derived with PBKDF2 in byte.";
+                };
+                iterationStep = mkOption {
+                  default = 0;
+                  type =;
+                  description = "How much the iteration count for PBKDF2 is increased at each successful authentication.";
+                };
+                gracePeriod = mkOption {
+                  default = 10;
+                  type =;
+                  description = "Time in seconds to wait for the YubiKey.";
+                };
+                /* TODO: Add to the documentation of the current module:
+                   Options related to the storing the salt.
+                */
+                storage = {
+                  device = mkOption {
+                    default = "/dev/sda1";
+                    type = types.path;
+                    description = ''
+                      An unencrypted device that will temporarily be mounted in stage-1.
+                      Must contain the current salt to create the challenge for this LUKS device.
+                    '';
+                  };
+                  fsType = mkOption {
+                    default = "vfat";
+                    type = types.str;
+                    description = "The filesystem of the unencrypted device.";
+                  };
+                  path = mkOption {
+                    default = "/crypt-storage/default";
+                    type = types.str;
+                    description = ''
+                      Absolute path of the salt on the unencrypted device with
+                      that device's root directory as "/".
+                    '';
+                  };
+                };
+              };
+            });
+          };
+          preOpenCommands = mkOption {
+            type = types.lines;
+            default = "";
+            example = ''
+              mkdir -p /tmp/persistent
+              mount -t zfs rpool/safe/persistent /tmp/persistent
+            '';
+            description = ''
+              Commands that should be run right before we try to mount our LUKS device.
+              This can be useful, if the keys needed to open the drive is on another partion.
+            '';
+          };
+          postOpenCommands = mkOption {
+            type = types.lines;
+            default = "";
+            example = ''
+              umount /tmp/persistent
+            '';
+            description = ''
+              Commands that should be run right after we have mounted our LUKS device.
+            '';
+          };
+        };
+      }));
+    };
+    boot.initrd.luks.gpgSupport = mkOption {
+      default = false;
+      type = types.bool;
+      description = ''
+        Enables support for authenticating with a GPG encrypted password.
+      '';
+    };
+    boot.initrd.luks.yubikeySupport = mkOption {
+      default = false;
+      type = types.bool;
+      description = ''
+            Enables support for authenticating with a YubiKey on LUKS devices.
+            See the NixOS wiki for information on how to properly setup a LUKS device
+            and a YubiKey to work with this feature.
+          '';
+    };
+    boot.initrd.luks.fido2Support = mkOption {
+      default = false;
+      type = types.bool;
+      description = ''
+        Enables support for authenticating with FIDO2 devices.
+      '';
+    };
+  };
+  config = mkIf (luks.devices != {} || luks.forceLuksSupportInInitrd) {
+    assertions =
+      [ { assertion = !(luks.gpgSupport && luks.yubikeySupport);
+          message = "YubiKey and GPG Card may not be used at the same time.";
+        }
+        { assertion = !(luks.gpgSupport && luks.fido2Support);
+          message = "FIDO2 and GPG Card may not be used at the same time.";
+        }
+        { assertion = !(luks.fido2Support && luks.yubikeySupport);
+          message = "FIDO2 and YubiKey may not be used at the same time.";
+        }
+        { assertion = any (dev: dev.bypassWorkqueues) (attrValues luks.devices)
+                      -> versionAtLeast kernelPackages.kernel.version "5.9";
+          message = "boot.initrd.luks.devices.<name>.bypassWorkqueues is not supported for kernels older than 5.9";
+        }
+      ];
+    # actually, sbp2 driver is the one enabling the DMA attack, but this needs to be tested
+    boot.blacklistedKernelModules = optionals luks.mitigateDMAAttacks
+      ["firewire_ohci" "firewire_core" "firewire_sbp2"];
+    # Some modules that may be needed for mounting anything ciphered
+    boot.initrd.availableKernelModules = [ "dm_mod" "dm_crypt" "cryptd" "input_leds" ]
+      ++ luks.cryptoModules
+      # workaround until is merged
+      # remove once 'modprobe --show-depends xts' shows ecb as a dependency
+      ++ (if builtins.elem "xts" luks.cryptoModules then ["ecb"] else []);
+    # copy the cryptsetup binary and it's dependencies
+    boot.initrd.extraUtilsCommands = ''
+      copy_bin_and_libs ${pkgs.cryptsetup}/bin/cryptsetup
+      copy_bin_and_libs ${askPass}/bin/cryptsetup-askpass
+      sed -i s,/bin/sh,$out/bin/sh, $out/bin/cryptsetup-askpass
+      ${optionalString luks.yubikeySupport ''
+        copy_bin_and_libs ${pkgs.yubikey-personalization}/bin/ykchalresp
+        copy_bin_and_libs ${pkgs.yubikey-personalization}/bin/ykinfo
+        copy_bin_and_libs ${pkgs.openssl.bin}/bin/openssl
+        cc -O3 -I${}/include -L${pkgs.openssl.out}/lib ${./pbkdf2-sha512.c} -o pbkdf2-sha512 -lcrypto
+        strip -s pbkdf2-sha512
+        copy_bin_and_libs pbkdf2-sha512
+        mkdir -p $out/etc/ssl
+        cp -pdv ${pkgs.openssl.out}/etc/ssl/openssl.cnf $out/etc/ssl
+        cat > $out/bin/openssl-wrap <<EOF
+        #!$out/bin/sh
+        export OPENSSL_CONF=$out/etc/ssl/openssl.cnf
+        $out/bin/openssl "\$@"
+        EOF
+        chmod +x $out/bin/openssl-wrap
+      ''}
+      ${optionalString luks.fido2Support ''
+        copy_bin_and_libs ${pkgs.fido2luks}/bin/fido2luks
+      ''}
+      ${optionalString luks.gpgSupport ''
+        copy_bin_and_libs ${pkgs.gnupg}/bin/gpg
+        copy_bin_and_libs ${pkgs.gnupg}/bin/gpg-agent
+        copy_bin_and_libs ${pkgs.gnupg}/libexec/scdaemon
+        ${concatMapStringsSep "\n" (x:
+          if x.gpgCard != null then
+            ''
+              mkdir -p $out/secrets/gpg-keys/${x.device}
+              cp -a ${x.gpgCard.encryptedPass} $out/secrets/gpg-keys/${x.device}/cryptkey.gpg
+              cp -a ${x.gpgCard.publicKey} $out/secrets/gpg-keys/${x.device}/pubkey.asc
+            ''
+          else ""
+          ) (attrValues luks.devices)
+        }
+      ''}
+    '';
+    boot.initrd.extraUtilsCommandsTest = ''
+      $out/bin/cryptsetup --version
+      ${optionalString luks.yubikeySupport ''
+        $out/bin/ykchalresp -V
+        $out/bin/ykinfo -V
+        $out/bin/openssl-wrap version
+      ''}
+      ${optionalString luks.gpgSupport ''
+        $out/bin/gpg --version
+        $out/bin/gpg-agent --version
+        $out/bin/scdaemon --version
+      ''}
+      ${optionalString luks.fido2Support ''
+        $out/bin/fido2luks --version
+      ''}
+    '';
+    boot.initrd.preFailCommands = postCommands;
+    boot.initrd.preLVMCommands = commonFunctions + preCommands + concatStrings (mapAttrsToList openCommand preLVM) + postCommands;
+    boot.initrd.postDeviceCommands = commonFunctions + preCommands + concatStrings (mapAttrsToList openCommand postLVM) + postCommands;
+    environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.cryptsetup ];
+  };