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path: root/nixos/modules/installer/cd-dvd/iso-image.nix
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authorAlyssa Ross <>2021-08-04 10:43:07 +0000
committerAlyssa Ross <>2021-08-04 10:43:07 +0000
commit62614cbef7da005c1eda8c9400160f6bcd6546b8 (patch)
treec2630f69080637987b68acb1ee8676d2681fe304 /nixos/modules/installer/cd-dvd/iso-image.nix
parentd9c82ed3044c72cecf01c6ea042489d30914577c (diff)
parente24069138dfec3ef94f211f1da005bb5395adc11 (diff)
Merge branch 'nixpkgs-update' into master
Diffstat (limited to 'nixos/modules/installer/cd-dvd/iso-image.nix')
1 files changed, 109 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/nixos/modules/installer/cd-dvd/iso-image.nix b/nixos/modules/installer/cd-dvd/iso-image.nix
index 405fbfa10db..d94af0b5bf7 100644
--- a/nixos/modules/installer/cd-dvd/iso-image.nix
+++ b/nixos/modules/installer/cd-dvd/iso-image.nix
@@ -143,6 +143,13 @@ let
     LINUX /boot/${config.system.boot.loader.kernelFile}
     APPEND init=${}/init ${toString config.boot.kernelParams} loglevel=7
     INITRD /boot/${config.system.boot.loader.initrdFile}
+    # A variant to boot with a serial console enabled
+    LABEL boot-serial
+    MENU LABEL NixOS ${config.system.nixos.label}${config.isoImage.appendToMenuLabel} (serial console=ttyS0,115200n8)
+    LINUX /boot/${config.system.boot.loader.kernelFile}
+    APPEND init=${}/init ${toString config.boot.kernelParams} console=ttyS0,115200n8
+    INITRD /boot/${config.system.boot.loader.initrdFile}
   isolinuxMemtest86Entry = ''
@@ -155,12 +162,14 @@ let
   isolinuxCfg = concatStringsSep "\n"
     ([ baseIsolinuxCfg ] ++ optional config.boot.loader.grub.memtest86.enable isolinuxMemtest86Entry);
+  refindBinary = if targetArch == "x64" || targetArch == "aa64" then "refind_${targetArch}.efi" else null;
   # Setup instructions for rEFInd.
   refind =
-    if targetArch == "x64" then
+    if refindBinary != null then
       # Adds rEFInd to the ISO.
-      cp -v ${pkgs.refind}/share/refind/refind_x64.efi $out/EFI/boot/
+      cp -v ${pkgs.refind}/share/refind/${refindBinary} $out/EFI/boot/
       "# No refind for ${targetArch}"
@@ -173,13 +182,32 @@ let
     # Menu configuration
+    # Search using a "marker file"
+    search --set=root --file /EFI/nixos-installer-image
     insmod gfxterm
     insmod png
     set gfxpayload=keep
+    set gfxmode=${concatStringsSep "," [
+      # GRUB will use the first valid mode listed here.
+      # `auto` will sometimes choose the smallest valid mode it detects.
+      # So instead we'll list a lot of possibly valid modes :/
+      #"3840x2160"
+      #"2560x1440"
+      "1920x1080"
+      "1366x768"
+      "1280x720"
+      "1024x768"
+      "800x600"
+      "auto"
+    ]}
     # Fonts can be loaded?
     # (This font is assumed to always be provided as a fallback by NixOS)
-    if loadfont (hd0)/EFI/boot/unicode.pf2; then
+    if loadfont (\$root)/EFI/boot/unicode.pf2; then
+      set with_fonts=true
+    fi
+    if [ "\$textmode" != "true" -a "\$with_fonts" == "true" ]; then
       # Use graphical term, it can be either with background image or a theme.
       # input is "console", while output is "gfxterm".
       # This enables "serial" input and output only when possible.
@@ -200,11 +228,11 @@ let
     ${ # When there is a theme configured, use it, otherwise use the background image.
     if config.isoImage.grubTheme != null then ''
       # Sets theme.
-      set theme=(hd0)/EFI/boot/grub-theme/theme.txt
+      set theme=(\$root)/EFI/boot/grub-theme/theme.txt
       # Load theme fonts
-      $(find ${config.isoImage.grubTheme} -iname '*.pf2' -printf "loadfont (hd0)/EFI/boot/grub-theme/%P\n")
+      $(find ${config.isoImage.grubTheme} -iname '*.pf2' -printf "loadfont (\$root)/EFI/boot/grub-theme/%P\n")
     '' else ''
-      if background_image (hd0)/EFI/boot/efi-background.png; then
+      if background_image (\$root)/EFI/boot/efi-background.png; then
         # Black background means transparent background when there
         # is a background image set... This seems undocumented :(
         set color_normal=black/black
@@ -221,9 +249,15 @@ let
   # Notes about grub:
   #  * Yes, the grubMenuCfg has to be repeated in all submenus. Otherwise you
   #    will get white-on-black console-like text on sub-menus. *sigh*
-  efiDir = pkgs.runCommand "efi-directory" {} ''
+  efiDir = pkgs.runCommand "efi-directory" {
+    nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgs.buildPackages.grub2_efi ];
+    strictDeps = true;
+  } ''
     mkdir -p $out/EFI/boot/
+    # Add a marker so GRUB can find the filesystem.
+    touch $out/EFI/nixos-installer-image
     # ALWAYS required modules.
     MODULES="fat iso9660 part_gpt part_msdos \
              normal boot linux configfile loopback chain halt \
@@ -251,12 +285,14 @@ let
     # Make our own efi program, we can't rely on "grub-install" since it seems to
     # probe for devices, even with --skip-fs-probe.
-    ${grubPkgs.grub2_efi}/bin/grub-mkimage -o $out/EFI/boot/boot${targetArch}.efi -p /EFI/boot -O ${grubPkgs.grub2_efi.grubTarget} \
+    grub-mkimage --directory=${grubPkgs.grub2_efi}/lib/grub/${grubPkgs.grub2_efi.grubTarget} -o $out/EFI/boot/boot${targetArch}.efi -p /EFI/boot -O ${grubPkgs.grub2_efi.grubTarget} \
     cp ${grubPkgs.grub2_efi}/share/grub/unicode.pf2 $out/EFI/boot/
     cat <<EOF > $out/EFI/boot/grub.cfg
+    set with_fonts=false
+    set textmode=false
     # If you want to use serial for "terminal_*" commands, you need to set one up:
     #   Example manual configuration:
     #    → serial --unit=0 --speed=115200 --word=8 --parity=no --stop=1
@@ -266,8 +302,28 @@ let
     export with_serial
     set timeout=10
+    # This message will only be viewable when "gfxterm" is not used.
+    echo ""
+    echo "Loading graphical boot menu..."
+    echo ""
+    echo "Press 't' to use the text boot menu on this console..."
+    echo ""
+    hiddenentry 'Text mode' --hotkey 't' {
+      loadfont (\$root)/EFI/boot/unicode.pf2
+      set textmode=true
+      terminal_output gfxterm console
+    }
+    hiddenentry 'GUI mode' --hotkey 'g' {
+      $(find ${config.isoImage.grubTheme} -iname '*.pf2' -printf "loadfont (\$root)/EFI/boot/grub-theme/%P\n")
+      set textmode=false
+      terminal_output gfxterm
+    }
     # If the parameter iso_path is set, append the findiso parameter to the kernel
     # line. We need this to allow the nixos iso to be booted from grub directly.
     if [ \''${iso_path} ] ; then
@@ -330,11 +386,17 @@ let
-    menuentry 'rEFInd' --class refind {
-      # UUID is hard-coded in the derivation.
+    ${lib.optionalString (refindBinary != null) ''
+    # GRUB apparently cannot do "chainloader" operations on "CD".
+    if [ "\$root" != "cd0" ]; then
+      # Force root to be the FAT partition
+      # Otherwise it breaks rEFInd's boot
       search --set=root --no-floppy --fs-uuid 1234-5678
-      chainloader (\$root)/EFI/boot/refind_x64.efi
-    }
+      menuentry 'rEFInd' --class refind {
+        chainloader (\$root)/EFI/boot/${refindBinary}
+      }
+    fi
+    ''}
     menuentry 'Firmware Setup' --class settings {
@@ -350,7 +412,10 @@ let
-  efiImg = pkgs.runCommand "efi-image_eltorito" { buildInputs = [ pkgs.mtools pkgs.libfaketime ]; }
+  efiImg = pkgs.runCommand "efi-image_eltorito" {
+    nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgs.buildPackages.mtools pkgs.buildPackages.libfaketime pkgs.buildPackages.dosfstools ];
+    strictDeps = true;
+  }
     # Be careful about determinism: du --apparent-size,
     #   dates (cp -p, touch, mcopy -m, faketime for label), IDs (mkfs.vfat -i)
@@ -359,9 +424,12 @@ let
       mkdir ./boot
       cp -p "${config.boot.kernelPackages.kernel}/${config.system.boot.loader.kernelFile}" \
         "${}/${config.system.boot.loader.initrdFile}" ./boot/
-      touch --date=@0 ./EFI ./boot
-      usage_size=$(du -sb --apparent-size . | tr -cd '[:digit:]')
+      # Rewrite dates for everything in the FS
+      find . -exec touch --date=2000-01-01 {} +
+      # Round up to the nearest multiple of 1MB, for more deterministic du output
+      usage_size=$(( $(du -s --block-size=1M --apparent-size . | tr -cd '[:digit:]') * 1024 * 1024 ))
       # Make the image 110% as big as the files need to make up for FAT overhead
       image_size=$(( ($usage_size * 110) / 100 ))
       # Make the image fit blocks of 1M
@@ -370,10 +438,19 @@ let
       echo "Usage size: $usage_size"
       echo "Image size: $image_size"
       truncate --size=$image_size "$out"
-      ${pkgs.libfaketime}/bin/faketime "2000-01-01 00:00:00" ${pkgs.dosfstools}/sbin/mkfs.vfat -i 12345678 -n EFIBOOT "$out"
-      mcopy -psvm -i "$out" ./EFI ./boot ::
+      faketime "2000-01-01 00:00:00" mkfs.vfat -i 12345678 -n EFIBOOT "$out"
+      # Force a fixed order in mcopy for better determinism, and avoid file globbing
+      for d in $(find EFI boot -type d | sort); do
+        faketime "2000-01-01 00:00:00" mmd -i "$out" "::/$d"
+      done
+      for f in $(find EFI boot -type f | sort); do
+        mcopy -pvm -i "$out" "$f" "::/$f"
+      done
       # Verify the FAT partition.
-      ${pkgs.dosfstools}/sbin/fsck.vfat -vn "$out"
+      fsck.vfat -vn "$out"
     ''; # */
   # Name used by UEFI for architectures.
@@ -382,6 +459,8 @@ let
     else if pkgs.stdenv.isx86_64 then
+    else if pkgs.stdenv.isAarch32 then
+      "arm"
     else if pkgs.stdenv.isAarch64 then
@@ -418,7 +497,12 @@ in
     isoImage.squashfsCompression = mkOption {
-      default = "xz -Xdict-size 100%";
+      default = with pkgs.stdenv.targetPlatform; "xz -Xdict-size 100% "
+                + lib.optionalString (isx86_32 || isx86_64) "-Xbcj x86"
+                # Untested but should also reduce size for these platforms
+                + lib.optionalString (isAarch32 || isAarch64) "-Xbcj arm"
+                + lib.optionalString (isPowerPC) "-Xbcj powerpc"
+                + lib.optionalString (isSparc) "-Xbcj sparc";
       description = ''
         Compression settings to use for the squashfs nix store.
@@ -606,6 +690,12 @@ in
+        depends = [
+          "/nix/.ro-store"
+          "/nix/.rw-store/store"
+          "/nix/.rw-store/work"
+        ];
     boot.initrd.availableKernelModules = [ "squashfs" "iso9660" "uas" "overlay" ];