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path: root/lib
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authorMarc Weber <>2014-04-30 20:31:40 +0200
committerMarc Weber <>2014-04-30 20:31:40 +0200
commit31fc4c6aa44b2a6cfa5c6427cad874a70a399765 (patch)
treea708fcddb27f0dfc2c9e36e178db78c9440ec8b2 /lib
parentbfc524664af0bd48d86eadc621fe61916092d529 (diff)
Shea told me composableDerivation is hard to understand.
Thus comment it and why it was written long time ago until it'll get replaced piecewise.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
1 files changed, 68 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/lib/composable-derivation.nix b/lib/composable-derivation.nix
index 1099bd152bf..8e8faae3982 100644
--- a/lib/composable-derivation.nix
+++ b/lib/composable-derivation.nix
@@ -1,15 +1,74 @@
 {lib, pkgs} :
 let inherit (lib) nv nvs; in
-  # see for example:
-  # - development/interpreters/php_configurable/default.nix
-  # - .. search composableDerivation in all-packages.nix ..
-  #
-  # You should be able to override anything you like easily
-  # grep the mailinglist by title "python proposal" (dec 08)
-  # ->
-  # to see why this got complicated when using all its features
-  # TODO add newer example using new syntax (kernel derivation proposal -> mailinglist)
+  # composableDerivation basically mixes these features:
+  # - fix function
+  # - mergeAttrBy
+  # - provides shortcuts for "options" such as "--enable-foo" and adding
+  #   buildInputs, see php example
+  #
+  # It predates styles which are common today, such as
+  #  * the config attr
+  #  * mkDerivation.override feature
+  #  * overrideDerivation (lib/customization.nix)
+  #
+  # Some of the most more important usage examples (which could be rewritten if it was important):
+  # * php
+  # * postgis
+  # * vim_configurable
+  #
+  # A minimal example illustrating most features would look like this:
+  # let base = composableDerivation { (fixed : let inherit (fixed.fixed) name in {
+  #    src = fetchurl {
+  #    }
+  #    buildInputs = [A];
+  #    preConfigre = "echo ${name}";
+  #    # attention, "name" attr is missing, thus you cannot instantiate "base".
+  # }
+  # in {
+  #  # These all add name attribute, thus you can instantiate those:
+  #  v1 = base.merge   ({ name = "foo-add-B"; buildInputs = [B]; });       // B gets merged into buildInputs
+  #  v2 = base.merge   ({ name = "mix-in-pre-configure-lines" preConfigre = ""; });
+  #  v3 = base.replace ({ name = "foo-no-A-only-B;" buildInputs = [B]; });
+  # }
+  #
+  # So yes, you can think about it being something like nixos modules, and
+  # you'd be merging "features" in one at a time using .merge or .replace
+  # Thanks Shea for telling me that I rethink the documentation ..
+  #
+  # issues:
+  # * its complicated to understand
+  # * some "features" such as exact merge behaviour are burried in mergeAttrBy
+  #   and defaultOverridableDelayableArgs assuming the default behaviour does
+  #   the right thing in the common case
+  # * Eelco once said using such fix style functions are slow to evaluate
+  # * Too quick & dirty. Hard to understand for others. The benefit was that
+  #   you were able to create a kernel builder like base derivation and replace
+  #   / add patches the way you want without having to declare function arguments
+  #
+  # nice features:
+  # declaring "optional featuers" is modular. For instance:
+  #   flags.curl = {
+  #     configureFlags = ["--with-curl=${curl}" "--with-curlwrappers"];
+  #     buildInputs = [curl openssl];
+  #   };
+  #   flags.other = { .. }
+  # (Example taken from PHP)
+  #
+  # alternative styles / related features:
+  #  * Eg see function supporting building the kernel
+  #  * versionedDerivation (discussion about this is still going on - or ended)
+  #  * composedArgsAndFun
+  #  * mkDerivation.override
+  #  * overrideDerivation
+  #  * using { .., *Support ? false }: like configurable options.
+  # To find those examples use grep
+  #
+  # To sum up: It exists for historical reasons - and for most commonly used
+  # tasks the alternatives should be used
+  #
+  # If you have questions about this code ping Marc Weber.
   composableDerivation = {
         mkDerivation ? pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation,