summary refs log tree commit diff
diff options
authorDomen Kožar <>2015-02-08 10:41:01 +0100
committerDomen Kožar <>2015-02-08 10:47:58 +0100
commitb83433cdd1e5c1122bb7bd03cce5bc89bd22dcbb (patch)
parent19c359ce2a2aa45a6443a5a5067a6cdbd7a9779b (diff)
Remove gui (see #6207), use nixui instead
12 files changed, 0 insertions, 1023 deletions
diff --git a/nixos/gui/README b/nixos/gui/README
deleted file mode 100644
index c038314a0dc..00000000000
--- a/nixos/gui/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-This file should become a nix expression. (see modules/installer/tools/tools.nix)
-you need to:
-- download the latest jQuery from and copy it to chrome/content:
-- install 'xulrunner' with nix:
-    nix-env -Ai nixpkgs_sys.firefox40Pkgs.xulrunner
-- make sure nixos-option in your path
-- have /etc/nixos/nixpkgs
-- have /etc/nixos/nixos
-run it:
-- xulrunner /etc/nixos/nixos/gui/application.ini -jsconsole
diff --git a/nixos/gui/application.ini b/nixos/gui/application.ini
deleted file mode 100644
index d2494a1a5cd..00000000000
--- a/nixos/gui/application.ini
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-; This field specifies your organization's name.  This field is recommended,
-; but optional.
-; This field specifies your application's name.  This field is required.
-; This field specifies your application's version.  This field is optional.
-; This field specifies your application's build ID (timestamp).  This field is
-; required.
-; This field specifies a compact copyright notice for your application.  This
-; field is optional.
-; This ID is just an example.  Every XUL app ought to have it's own unique ID.
-; You can use the microsoft "guidgen" or "uuidgen" tools, or go on
-; and /msg botbot uuid.  This field is optional.
-; This field is required.  It specifies the minimum Gecko version that this
-; application requires.
-; This field is optional.  It specifies the maximum Gecko version that this
-; application requires.  It should be specified if your application uses
-; unfrozen interfaces.
diff --git a/nixos/gui/chrome.manifest b/nixos/gui/chrome.manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index 865d6a88fb4..00000000000
--- a/nixos/gui/chrome.manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-manifest chrome/chrome.manifest
diff --git a/nixos/gui/chrome/chrome.manifest b/nixos/gui/chrome/chrome.manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index 775445ee17b..00000000000
--- a/nixos/gui/chrome/chrome.manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-content nixos-gui content/
diff --git a/nixos/gui/chrome/content/io.js b/nixos/gui/chrome/content/io.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d9c8c17365..00000000000
--- a/nixos/gui/chrome/content/io.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-function inspect(obj, maxLevels, level)
-  var str = '', type, msg;
-    // Start Input Validations
-    // Don't touch, we start iterating at level zero
-    if(level == null)  level = 0;
-    // At least you want to show the first level
-    if(maxLevels == null) maxLevels = 1;
-    if(maxLevels < 1)
-        return '<font color="red">Error: Levels number must be > 0</font>';
-    // We start with a non null object
-    if(obj == null)
-    return '<font color="red">Error: Object <b>NULL</b></font>';
-    // End Input Validations
-    // Each Iteration must be indented
-    str += '<ul>';
-    // Start iterations for all objects in obj
-    for(property in obj)
-    {
-      try
-      {
-          // Show "property" and "type property"
-          type =  typeof(obj[property]);
-          str += '<li>(' + type + ') ' + property +
-                 ( (obj[property]==null)?(': <b>null</b>'):('')) + '</li>';
-          // We keep iterating if this property is an Object, non null
-          // and we are inside the required number of levels
-          if((type == 'object') && (obj[property] != null) && (level+1 < maxLevels))
-          str += inspect(obj[property], maxLevels, level+1);
-      }
-      catch(err)
-      {
-        // Is there some properties in obj we can't access? Print it red.
-        if(typeof(err) == 'string') msg = err;
-        else if(err.message)        msg = err.message;
-        else if(err.description)    msg = err.description;
-        else                        msg = 'Unknown';
-        str += '<li><font color="red">(Error) ' + property + ': ' + msg +'</font></li>';
-      }
-    }
-      // Close indent
-      str += '</ul>';
-    return str;
-// Run xulrunner application.ini -jsconsole -console, to see messages.
-function log(str)
-  Components.classes[';1']
-    .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIConsoleService)
-    .logStringMessage(str);
-function makeTempFile(prefix)
-  var file = Components.classes[";1"]
-                       .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIProperties)
-                       .get("TmpD", Components.interfaces.nsIFile);
-  file.append(prefix || "xulrunner");
-  file.createUnique(Components.interfaces.nsIFile.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, 0664);
-  return file;
-function writeToFile(file, data)
-  // file is nsIFile, data is a string
-  var foStream = Components.classes[";1"]
-                           .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIFileOutputStream);
-  // use 0x02 | 0x10 to open file for appending.
-  foStream.init(file, 0x02 | 0x08 | 0x20, 0664, 0); // write, create, truncate
-  foStream.write(data, data.length);
-  foStream.close();
-function readFromFile(file)
-  // |file| is nsIFile
-  var data = "";
-  var fstream = Components.classes[";1"]
-                          .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIFileInputStream);
-  var sstream = Components.classes[";1"]
-                          .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIScriptableInputStream);
-  fstream.init(file, -1, 0, 0);
-  sstream.init(fstream);
-  var str =;
-  while (str.length > 0) {
-    data += str;
-    str =;
-  }
-  sstream.close();
-  fstream.close();
-  return data;
-function runProgram(commandLine)
-  // create an nsILocalFile for the executable
-  var file = Components.classes[";1"]
-                       .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
-  file.initWithPath("/bin/sh");
-  // create an nsIProcess
-  var process = Components.classes[";1"]
-                          .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIProcess);
-  process.init(file);
-  // Run the process.
-  // If first param is true, calling thread will be blocked until
-  // called process terminates.
-  // Second and third params are used to pass command-line arguments
-  // to the process.
-  var args = ["-c", commandLine];
-, args, args.length);
-// only for testing...
-function testIO()
-  var f = makeTempFile();
-  writeToFile(f, "essai\ntest");
-  alert(readFromFile(f));
-  runProgram("zenity --info");
diff --git a/nixos/gui/chrome/content/main.js b/nixos/gui/chrome/content/main.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ecfc5a8c5c9..00000000000
--- a/nixos/gui/chrome/content/main.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-// global variables.
-var gNixOS;
-var gOptionView;
-var gProgressBar;
-function setProgress(current, max)
-  if (gProgressBar) {
-    gProgressBar.value = 100 * current / max;
-    log("progress: " + gProgressBar.value + "%");
-  }
-  else
-    log("unknow progress bar");
-function updateTextbox(id, value)
-  // setting the height cause an overflow which resize the textbox to its
-  // content due to its onoverflow attribute.
-  $(id).attr("value", value).attr("height", 1);
-function updatePanel(options)
-  log("updatePanel: " + options.length);
-  if (options.length == 0)
-    return;
-  // FIXME: ignore the rest of the selection for now.
-  var o = options[0];
-  $("#name").attr("label", o.path);
-  if (o.typename != null)
-    $("#typename").attr("label", o.typename);
-  else
-    $("#typename").attr("label", "");
-  $("#desc").text(o.description);
-  if (o.value != null)
-    updateTextbox("#val", o.value);
-  else
-    updateTextbox("#val", "");
-  if (o.defaultValue != null)
-    updateTextbox("#def", o.defaultValue);
-  else
-    updateTextbox("#def", "");
-  if (o.example != null)
-    updateTextbox("#exp", o.example);
-  else
-    updateTextbox("#exp", "");
-  updateTextbox("#decls", o.declarations.join("\n"));
-  updateTextbox("#defs", o.definitions.join("\n"));
-function onload()
-  var optionTree = document.getElementById("option-tree");
-  // gProgressBar = document.getElementById("progress-bar");
-  // setProgress(0, 1);
-  gNixOS = new NixOS();
-  gOptionView = new OptionView(gNixOS.option, updatePanel);
-  optionTree.view = gOptionView;
diff --git a/nixos/gui/chrome/content/myviewer.xul b/nixos/gui/chrome/content/myviewer.xul
deleted file mode 100644
index 2aeb9391d07..00000000000
--- a/nixos/gui/chrome/content/myviewer.xul
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin/" type="text/css"?>
-<!DOCTYPE window>
-<!-- To edit this file I recommend you to use:
-  -->
-  id     = "nixos-gui"
-  title  = "NixOS gui"
-  width  = "800"
-  height = "600"
-  xmlns  = "">
-  <script src="jquery-1.5.2.js"/>
-  <script src="io.js"/>
-  <script src="nixos.js"/>
-  <script src="optionView.js"/>
-  <script src="main.js"/>
-  <hbox flex="1">
-    <vbox width="250">
-      <tree flex="1" id="option-tree" persist="height" onselect="gOptionView.selectionChanged()">
-        <treecols>
-          <treecol persist="hidden width" flex="9" id="opt-name"
-                   label="Option" primary="true"/>
-          <!-- Uncomment the following column to see the number of option
-               printed below each options. -->
-          <!--
-          <treecol persist="hidden width" flex="1" id="dbg-size"
-                   label="sz"/>
-          -->
-        </treecols>
-        <treechildren id="first-child" flex="1"/>
-      </tree>
-    </vbox>
-    <vbox flex="3" style="overflow: auto">
-      <caption id="name" label=""/>
-      <caption id="typename" label=""/>
-      <separator/>
-      <description id="desc" hidden="false"></description>
-      <separator/>
-      <caption label="Value:"/>
-      <textbox id="val" readonly="true" multiline="true" value=""
-      class="plain" hidden="false" onoverflow="this.height =
-      this.inputField.scrollHeight;" />
-      <separator/>
-      <caption label="Default:"/>
-      <textbox id="def" readonly="true" multiline="true" value="" class="plain" hidden="false" onoverflow="this.height = this.inputField.scrollHeight;" />
-      <separator/>
-      <caption label="Example:"/>
-      <textbox id="exp" readonly="true" multiline="true" value="" class="plain" hidden="false" onoverflow="this.height = this.inputField.scrollHeight;" />
-      <separator/>
-      <caption label="Declarations:"/>
-      <textbox id="decls" readonly="true" multiline="true" value="" class="plain" hidden="false" onoverflow="this.height = this.inputField.scrollHeight;" />
-      <separator/>
-      <caption label="Definitions:"/>
-      <textbox id="defs" readonly="true" multiline="true" value=""
-      class="plain" hidden="false" onoverflow="this.height = this.inputField.scrollHeight;" />
-    </vbox>
-  </hbox>
-<!--  <progressmeter id="progress-bar" value="0%"/> -->
diff --git a/nixos/gui/chrome/content/nixos.js b/nixos/gui/chrome/content/nixos.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 63a3c16a573..00000000000
--- a/nixos/gui/chrome/content/nixos.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,255 +0,0 @@
-function NixOS () {
-  var env = Components.classes[";1"].
-    getService(Components.interfaces.nsIEnvironment);
-  if (env.exists("NIXOS"))
-    this.nixos = env.get("NIXOS");
-  if (env.exists("NIXOS_CONFIG"))
-    this.config = env.get("NIXOS_CONFIG");
-  if (env.exists("NIXPKGS"))
-    this.nixpkgs = env.get("NIXPKGS");
-  if (env.exists("mountPoint"))
-    this.root = env.get("mountPoint");
-  if (env.exists("NIXOS_OPTION"))
-    this.optionBin = env.get("NIXOS_OPTION");
-  this.option = new Option("options", this, null);
-NixOS.prototype = {
-  root: "",
-  nixos: "/etc/nixos/nixos",
-  nixpkgs: "/etc/nixos/nixpkgs",
-  config: "/etc/nixos/configuration.nix",
-  instantiateBin: "/run/current-system/sw/bin/nix-instantiate",
-  optionBin: "/run/current-system/sw/bin/nixos-option",
-  tmpFile: "nixos-gui",
-  option: null
-function Option (name, context, parent) {
- = name;
-  this.context_ = context;
-  if (parent == null)
-    this.path = "";
-  else if (parent.path == "")
-    this.path = name;
-  else
-    this.path = parent.path + "." + name;
-Option.prototype = {
-  load: function () {
-    var env = "";
-    env += "'NIXOS=" + this.context_.root + this.context_.nixos + "' ";
-    env += "'NIXOS_PKGS=" + this.context_.root + this.context_.nixpkgs + "' ";
-    env += "'NIXOS_CONFIG=" + this.context_.config + "' ";
-    var out = makeTempFile(this.context_.tmpFile);
-    var prog = this.context_.optionBin + " 2>&1 >" + out.path + " ";
-    var args = " --xml " + this.path;
-    runProgram(/*env + */ prog + args);
-    var xml = readFromFile(out);
-    out.remove(false);
-    // jQuery does a stack overflow when converting a huge XML to a DOM.
-    var dom = DOMParser().parseFromString(xml, "text/xml");
-    var xmlAttrs = $("expr > attrs > attr", dom);
-    this.isOption = xmlAttrs.first().attr("name") == "_isOption";
-    if (!this.isOption)
-      this.loadSubOptions(xmlAttrs);
-    else
-      this.loadOption(xmlAttrs);
-    this.isLoaded = true;
-  },
-  loadSubOptions:  function (xmlAttrs) {
-    var cur = this;
-    var attrs = new Array();
-    xmlAttrs.each(
-      function (index) {
-        var name = $(this).attr("name");
-        var attr = new Option(name, cur.context_, cur);
-        attrs.push(attr);
-      }
-    );
-    this.subOptions = attrs;
-  },
-  optionAttributeMap: {
-    _isOption: function (cur, v) { },
-    value: function (cur, v) { cur.value = xml2nix($(v).children().first()); },
-    default: function (cur, v) { cur.defaultValue = xml2nix($(v).children().first()); },
-    example: function (cur, v) { cur.example = xml2nix($(v).children().first()); },
-    description: function (cur, v) { cur.description = this.string(v); },
-    typename: function (cur, v) { cur.typename = this.string(v); },
-    options: function (cur, v) { cur.loadSubOptions($("attrs", v).children()); },
-    declarations: function (cur, v) { cur.declarations = this.pathList(v); },
-    definitions: function (cur, v) { cur.definitions = this.pathList(v); },
-    string: function (v) {
-      return $(v).children("string").first().attr("value");
-    },
-    pathList: function (v) {
-      var list = [];
-      $(v).children("list").first().children().each(
-        function (idx) {
-          list.push($(this).attr("value"));
-        }
-      );
-      return list;
-    }
-  },
-  loadOption: function (attrs) {
-    var cur = this;
-    attrs.each(
-      function (index) {
-        var name = $(this).attr("name");
-        log("loadOption: " + name);
-        cur.optionAttributeMap[name](cur, this);
-      }
-    );
-  },
-  // keep the context under which this option has been used.
-  context_: null,
-  // name of the option.
-  name: "",
-  // result of nixos-option.
-  value: null,
-  typename: null,
-  defaultValue: null,
-  example: null,
-  description: "",
-  declarations: [],
-  definitions: [],
-  // path to reach this option
-  path: "",
-  // list of options accessible from here.
-  isLoaded: false,
-  isOption: false,
-  subOptions: []
-var xml2nix_pptable = {
-  attrs: function (node, depth, pp) {
-    var children = node.children().not(
-      function () {
-        var name = $(this).attr("name");
-        return name.charAt(0) == "_";
-      }
-    );
-    var c = 0;
-    var out = "";
-    out += "{";
-    depth += 1;
-    children.each(
-      function (idx) {
-        c += 1;
-        out += pp.indent(depth);
-        out += pp.dispatch($(this), depth, pp);
-      }
-    );
-    depth -= 1;
-    if (c > 0)
-      out += this.indent(depth);
-    else
-      out += " ";
-    out += "}";
-    return out;
-  },
-  list: function (node, depth, pp) {
-    var children = node.children();
-    var c = 0;
-    var out = "";
-    out += "[";
-    depth += 1;
-    children.each(
-      function (idx) {
-        c += 1;
-        out += pp.indent(depth);
-        out += pp.dispatch($(this), depth, pp);
-      }
-    );
-    depth -= 1;
-    if (c > 0)
-      out += this.indent(depth);
-    else
-      out += " ";
-    out += "]";
-    return out;
-  },
-  attr: function (node, depth, pp) {
-    var name = node.attr("name");
-    var out = "";
-    var val = "";
-    out += name + " = ";
-    depth += 1;
-    val = pp.dispatch(node.children().first(), depth, pp);
-    out += val;
-    depth -= 1;
-    out += ";";
-    return out;
-  },
-  string: function (node, depth, pp) {
-    return "\"" + node.attr("value") + "\"";
-  },
-  path: function (node, depth, pp) {
-    return node.attr("value");
-  },
-  bool: function (node, depth, pp) {
-    return node.attr("value");
-  },
-  "int": function (node, depth, pp) {
-    return node.attr("value");
-  },
-  null: function (node, depth, pp) {
-    return "null";
-  },
-  derivation: function (node, depth, pp) {
-    return "<derivation>";
-  },
-  function: function (node, depth, pp) {
-    return "<function>";
-  },
-  unevaluated: function (node, depth, pp) {
-    return "<unevaluated>";
-  },
-  dispatch: function (node, depth, pp) {
-    for (var key in pp)
-    {
-      if(
-      {
-        // log(this.indent(depth) + "dispatch: " + key);
-        var out = pp[key](node, depth, pp);
-        // log(this.indent(depth) + "dispatch: => " + out);
-        return out;
-      }
-    }
-    return "<dispatch-error>";
-  },
-  indent: function (depth) {
-    var ret = "\n";
-    while (depth--)
-      ret += "  ";
-    return ret;
-  }
-function xml2nix(node) {
-  var depth = 0;
-  var pp = xml2nix_pptable;
-  var out = pp.dispatch(node, depth, pp);
-  // log("pretty:\n" + out);
-  return out;
diff --git a/nixos/gui/chrome/content/optionView.js b/nixos/gui/chrome/content/optionView.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d093740fe2..00000000000
--- a/nixos/gui/chrome/content/optionView.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
-// extend NixOS options to handle the Tree View.  Should be better to keep a
-// separation of concern here.
-Option.prototype.tv_opened = false;
-Option.prototype.tv_size = 1;
-Option.prototype.tv_open = function () {
-  this.tv_opened = true;
-  this.tv_size = 1;
-  // load an option if it is not loaded yet, and initialize them to be
-  // read by the Option view.
-  if (!this.isLoaded)
-    this.load();
-  // If this is not an option, then add it's lits of sub-options size.
-  if (!this.isOption)
-  {
-    for (var i = 0; i < this.subOptions.length; i++)
-      this.tv_size += this.subOptions[i].tv_size;
-  }
-Option.prototype.tv_close = function () {
-  this.tv_opened = false;
-  this.tv_size = 1;
-function OptionView (root, selCallback) {
-  root.tv_open();
-  this.rootOption = root;
-  this.selCallback = selCallback;
-OptionView.prototype = {
-  rootOption: null,
-  selCallback: null,
-  // This function returns the path to option which is at the specified row.
-  reach_cache: null,
-  reachRow: function (row) {
-    var o = this.rootOption; // Current option.
-    var r = 0; // Number of rows traversed.
-    var c = 0; // Child index.
-    var path = [{ row: r, opt: o }]; // new Array();
-    // hypothesis: this.rootOption.tv_size is always open and bigger than
-    // Use the previous returned value to avoid making to many checks and to
-    // optimize for frequent access of near rows.
-    if (this.reach_cache != null)
-    {
-      for (var i = this.reach_cache.length - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
-        var p = this.reach_cache[i];
-        // If we will have to go the same path.
-        if (row >= p.row && row < p.row + p.opt.tv_size)
-        {
-          path.unshift(p);
-          r = path[0].row;
-          o = path[0].opt;
-        }
-        else
-          break;
-      };
-    }
-    while (r != row)
-    {
-      // Go deeper in the child which contains the requested row.  The
-      // tv_size contains the size of the tree starting from each option.
-      c = 0;
-      while (c < o.subOptions.length && r + o.subOptions[c].tv_size < row)
-      {
-        r += o.subOptions[c].tv_size;
-        c += 1;
-      }
-      if (c < o.subOptions.length && r + o.subOptions[c].tv_size >= row)
-      {
-        // Count the current option as a row.
-        o = o.subOptions[c];
-        r += 1;
-      }
-      else
-        alert("WTF: " + + " ask: " + row + " children: " + o.subOptions + " c: " + c);
-      path.unshift({ row: r, opt: o });
-    }
-    this.reach_cache = path;
-    return path;
-  },
-  // needs to return true if there is a /row/ at the same level /after/ a
-  // given row.
-  hasNextSibling: function(row, after) {
-    log("sibling " + row + " after " + after);
-    var path = reachRow(row);
-    if (path.length > 1)
-    {
-      var last = path[1].row + path[1].opt.tv_size;
-      // Has a next sibling if the row is not over the size of the
-      // parent and if the current one is not the last child.
-      return after + 1 < last && path[0].row + path[0].opt.tv_size < last;
-    }
-    else
-      // The top-level option has no sibling.
-      return false;
-  },
-  // Does the current row contain any sub-options?
-  isContainer: function(row) {
-    return !this.reachRow(row)[0].opt.isOption;
-  },
-  isContainerEmpty: function(row) {
-    return this.reachRow(row)[0].opt.subOptions.length == 0;
-  },
-  isContainerOpen: function(row) {
-    return this.reachRow(row)[0].opt.tv_opened;
-  },
-  // Open or close an option.
-  toggleOpenState: function (row) {
-    var path = this.reachRow(row);
-    var delta = -path[0].opt.tv_size;
-    if (path[0].opt.tv_opened)
-      path[0].opt.tv_close();
-    else
-      path[0].opt.tv_open();
-    delta += path[0].opt.tv_size;
-    // Parents are alreay opened, but we need to update the tv_size
-    // counters.  Thus we have to invalidate the reach cache.
-    this.reach_cache = null;
-    for (var i = 1; i < path.length; i++)
-      path[i].opt.tv_open();
-    this.tree.rowCountChanged(row + 1, delta);
-  },
-  // Return the identation level of the option at the line /row/.  The
-  // top-level level is 0.
-  getLevel: function(row) {
-    return this.reachRow(row).length - 1;
-  },
-  // Obtain the index of a parent row. If there is no parent row,
-  // returns -1.
-  getParentIndex: function(row) {
-    var path = this.reachRow(row);
-    if (path.length > 1)
-      return path[1].row;
-    else
-      return -1;
-  },
-  // Return the content of each row base on the column name.
-  getCellText: function(row, column) {
-    if ( == "opt-name")
-      return this.reachRow(row)[0];
-    if ( == "dbg-size")
-      return this.reachRow(row)[0].opt.tv_size;
-    return "";
-  },
-  // We have no column with images.
-  getCellValue: function(row, column) { },
-  isSelectable: function(row, column) { return true; },
-  // Get the selection out of the tree and give options to the call back
-  // function.
-  selectionChanged: function() {
-    if (this.selCallback == null)
-      return;
-    var opts = [];
-    var start = new Object();
-    var end = new Object();
-    var numRanges = this.tree.view.selection.getRangeCount();
-    for (var t = 0; t < numRanges; t++) {
-      this.tree.view.selection.getRangeAt(t,start,end);
-      for (var v = start.value; v <= end.value; v++) {
-        var opt = this.reachRow(v)[0].opt;
-        if (!opt.isLoaded)
-          opt.load();
-        if (opt.isOption)
-          opts.push(opt);
-        // FIXME: no need to make things slowing down, because our current
-        // callback do not handle multiple option display.
-        if (!opts.empty)
-          break;
-      }
-      // FIXME: no need to make things slowing down, because our current
-      // callback do not handle multiple option display.
-      if (!opts.empty)
-        break;
-    }
-    if (!opts.empty)
-      this.selCallback(opts);
-  },
-  set rowCount(c) { throw "rowCount is a readonly property"; },
-  get rowCount() { return this.rootOption.tv_size; },
-  // refuse drag-n-drop of options.
-  canDrop: function (index, orientation, dataTransfer) { return false; },
-  drop: function (index, orientation, dataTransfer) { },
-  // ?
-  getCellProperties: function(row, column, prop) { },
-  getColumnProperties: function(column, prop) { },
-  getRowProperties: function(row, prop) { },
-  getImageSrc: function(row, column) { },
-  // No progress columns are used.
-  getProgressMode: function(row, column) { },
-  // Do not add options yet.
-  isEditable: function(row, column) { return false; },
-  setCellValue: function(row, column, value) { },
-  setCellText: function(row, column, value) { },
-  // ...
-  isSeparator: function(index) { return false; },
-  isSorted: function() { return false; },
-  performAction: function(action) { },
-  performActionOnCell: function(action, row, column) { },
-  performActionOnRow: function(action, row) { }, // ??
-  // ??
-  cycleCell: function (row, col) { },
-  cycleHeader: function(col) { },
-  selection: null,
-  tree: null,
-  setTree: function(tree) { this.tree = tree; }
diff --git a/nixos/gui/components/clh.js b/nixos/gui/components/clh.js
deleted file mode 100644
index fd85422d6c8..00000000000
--- a/nixos/gui/components/clh.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-const nsIAppShellService    = Components.interfaces.nsIAppShellService;
-const nsISupports           = Components.interfaces.nsISupports;
-const nsICategoryManager    = Components.interfaces.nsICategoryManager;
-const nsIComponentRegistrar = Components.interfaces.nsIComponentRegistrar;
-const nsICommandLine        = Components.interfaces.nsICommandLine;
-const nsICommandLineHandler = Components.interfaces.nsICommandLineHandler;
-const nsIFactory            = Components.interfaces.nsIFactory;
-const nsIModule             = Components.interfaces.nsIModule;
-const nsIWindowWatcher      = Components.interfaces.nsIWindowWatcher;
-// CHANGEME: to the chrome URI of your extension or application
-const CHROME_URI = "chrome://nixos-gui/content/myviewer.xul";
-// CHANGEME: change the contract id, CID, and category to be unique
-// to your application.
-const clh_contractID = ";1?type=myapp";
-// use uuidgen to generate a unique ID
-const clh_CID = Components.ID("{2991c315-b871-42cd-b33f-bfee4fcbf682}");
-// category names are sorted alphabetically. Typical command-line handlers use a
-// category that begins with the letter "m".
-const clh_category = "m-myapp";
- * Utility functions
- */
- * Opens a chrome window.
- * @param aChromeURISpec a string specifying the URI of the window to open.
- * @param aArgument an argument to pass to the window (may be null)
- */
-function openWindow(aChromeURISpec, aArgument)
-  var ww = Components.classes[";1"].
-    getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowWatcher);
-  ww.openWindow(null, aChromeURISpec, "_blank",
-                "chrome,menubar,toolbar,status,resizable,dialog=no",
-                aArgument);
- * The XPCOM component that implements nsICommandLineHandler.
- * It also implements nsIFactory to serve as its own singleton factory.
- */
-const myAppHandler = {
-  /* nsISupports */
-  QueryInterface : function clh_QI(iid)
-  {
-    if (iid.equals(nsICommandLineHandler) ||
-        iid.equals(nsIFactory) ||
-        iid.equals(nsISupports))
-      return this;
-    throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
-  },
-  /* nsICommandLineHandler */
-  handle : function clh_handle(cmdLine)
-  {
-    openWindow(CHROME_URI, cmdLine);
-    cmdLine.preventDefault = true;
-  },
-  // CHANGEME: change the help info as appropriate, but
-  // follow the guidelines in nsICommandLineHandler.idl
-  // specifically, flag descriptions should start at
-  // character 24, and lines should be wrapped at
-  // 72 characters with embedded newlines,
-  // and finally, the string should end with a newline
-  helpInfo : "  <filename>           Open the file in the viewer\n",
-  /* nsIFactory */
-  createInstance : function clh_CI(outer, iid)
-  {
-    if (outer != null)
-      throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_AGGREGATION;
-    return this.QueryInterface(iid);
-  },
-  lockFactory : function clh_lock(lock)
-  {
-    /* no-op */
-  }
- * The XPCOM glue that implements nsIModule
- */
-const myAppHandlerModule = {
-  /* nsISupports */
-  QueryInterface : function mod_QI(iid)
-  {
-    if (iid.equals(nsIModule) ||
-        iid.equals(nsISupports))
-      return this;
-    throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
-  },
-  /* nsIModule */
-  getClassObject : function mod_gch(compMgr, cid, iid)
-  {
-    if (cid.equals(clh_CID))
-      return myAppHandler.QueryInterface(iid);
-    throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NOT_REGISTERED;
-  },
-  registerSelf : function mod_regself(compMgr, fileSpec, location, type)
-  {
-    compMgr.QueryInterface(nsIComponentRegistrar);
-    compMgr.registerFactoryLocation(clh_CID,
-                                    "myAppHandler",
-                                    clh_contractID,
-                                    fileSpec,
-                                    location,
-                                    type);
-    var catMan = Components.classes[";1"].
-      getService(nsICategoryManager);
-    catMan.addCategoryEntry("command-line-handler",
-                            clh_category,
-                            clh_contractID, true, true);
-  },
-  unregisterSelf : function mod_unreg(compMgr, location, type)
-  {
-    compMgr.QueryInterface(nsIComponentRegistrar);
-    compMgr.unregisterFactoryLocation(clh_CID, location);
-    var catMan = Components.classes[";1"].
-      getService(nsICategoryManager);
-    catMan.deleteCategoryEntry("command-line-handler", clh_category);
-  },
-  canUnload : function (compMgr)
-  {
-    return true;
-  }
-/* The NSGetModule function is the magic entry point that XPCOM uses to find what XPCOM objects
- * this component provides
- */
-function NSGetModule(comMgr, fileSpec)
-  return myAppHandlerModule;
diff --git a/nixos/gui/defaults/preferences/myviewer-prefs.js b/nixos/gui/defaults/preferences/myviewer-prefs.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e10fa18c0d8..00000000000
--- a/nixos/gui/defaults/preferences/myviewer-prefs.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-pref("toolkit.defaultChromeURI", "chrome://nixos-gui/content/myviewer.xul");
-pref("general.useragent.extra.myviewer", "NixOS gui/0.0");
-/* debugging prefs */
-pref("browser.dom.window.dump.enabled", true);  // enable output to stderr
-pref("javascript.options.showInConsole", true); // show javascript errors from chrome: files in the jsconsole
-pref("javascript.options.strict", true);        // show javascript strict warnings in the jsconsole
-/* disable xul cache so that modifications to chrome: files apply without restarting xulrunner */
-pref("nglayout.debug.disable_xul_cache", true); 
-pref("nglayout.debug.disable_xul_fastload", true);
diff --git a/nixos/modules/installer/tools/tools.nix b/nixos/modules/installer/tools/tools.nix
index 2c796250a98..63d2077fbe1 100644
--- a/nixos/modules/installer/tools/tools.nix
+++ b/nixos/modules/installer/tools/tools.nix
@@ -53,46 +53,9 @@ let
     inherit (config.system) nixosVersion nixosCodeName;
-  /*
-  nixos-gui = pkgs.xulrunnerWrapper {
-    launcher = "nixos-gui";
-    application = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
-      name = "nixos-gui";
-      buildCommand = ''
-        cp -r "$gui" "$out"
-        # Do not force the copy if the file exists in the sources (this
-        # happens for developpers)
-        test -e "$out/chrome/content/jquery-1.5.2.js" ||
-          cp -f "$jquery" "$out/chrome/content/jquery-1.5.2.js"
-      '';
-      gui = lib.cleanSource "${modulesPath}/../gui";
-      jquery = pkgs.fetchurl {
-        url =;
-        sha256 = "8f0a19ee8c606b35a10904951e0a27da1896eafe33c6e88cb7bcbe455f05a24a";
-      };
-    };
-  };
-  */
-  /*
-  options = {
-    installer.enableGraphicalTools = mkOption {
-      default = false;
-      type = types.bool;
-      example = true;
-      description = ''
-        Enable the installation of graphical tools.
-      '';
-    };
-  };
-  */
   config = {
     environment.systemPackages =
       [ nixos-build-vms