summary refs log tree commit diff
diff options
authorMarc Weber <>2008-03-06 02:46:29 +0000
committerMarc Weber <>2008-03-06 02:46:29 +0000
commit1b51b7031715e2b2cbe3e7dd924a87dd617bc20d (patch)
parent64652c5dfc8678fabfe6ec24307a2c390e456157 (diff)
- fetchdarcs supports now partial
- fetchdarcs_2pre added
- flapjax added
- no longer used : annotatedDerivations
- added bleeding edge repos with a tiny nix repository manager which dowloads and
  updates repostiries, then creates tar.gz dist files which are used by bleeding_edge_source
  (darcs tested only by now)
- added experimental my_environment with example

svn path=/nixpkgs/trunk/; revision=10974
8 files changed, 291 insertions, 112 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/build-support/fetchdarcs/ b/pkgs/build-support/fetchdarcs/
index 6edad270765..7214eda4266 100644
--- a/pkgs/build-support/fetchdarcs/
+++ b/pkgs/build-support/fetchdarcs/
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ if test -n "$tag"; then
-header "getting $url ${tagtext}into $out"
+header "getting $url $partial ${tagtext} into $out"
-darcs get --no-pristine-tree --partial $tagflags "$url" "$out"
+darcs get --no-pristine-tree $partial $tagflags "$url" "$out"
 # remove metadata, because it can change
 rm -rf "$out/_darcs"
diff --git a/pkgs/build-support/fetchdarcs/default.nix b/pkgs/build-support/fetchdarcs/default.nix
index efb37bea522..b8dde18aa3e 100644
--- a/pkgs/build-support/fetchdarcs/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/build-support/fetchdarcs/default.nix
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
-{stdenv, darcs, nix}: {url, tag ? null, md5}:
+{stdenv, darcs, nix}: {url, tag ? null, md5, partial ? true}:
 stdenv.mkDerivation {
   name = "fetchdarcs";
   builder = ./;
   buildInputs = [darcs nix];
+  partial = if partial then "--partial" else "";
   # Nix <= 0.7 compatibility.
   id = md5;
diff --git a/pkgs/development/compilers/flapjax/default.nix b/pkgs/development/compilers/flapjax/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..69903471899
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/development/compilers/flapjax/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+args.stdenv.mkDerivation {
+  name = "flapjax-source-20070514";
+  src = args.fetchurl {
+    url =;
+    sha256 = "188dafpggbfdyciqhrjaq12q0q01z1rp3mpm2iixb0mvrci14flc";
+  };
+  phases = "unpackPhase buildPhase";
+  buildPhase  = "
+    ensureDir \$out/bin
+    cd compiler;
+    ghc --make Fjc.hs -o \$out/bin/fjc
+  ";
+  buildInputs =(with args; [ghc] ++ libs);
+  meta = { 
+      description = "programming language designed around the demands of modern, client-based Web applications";
+      homepage =;
+      license = "BSD";
+  };
diff --git a/pkgs/development/compilers/ghc/createGhcWrapper/default.nix b/pkgs/development/compilers/ghc/createGhcWrapper/default.nix
index 4d6094f5d72..a1efb48ba40 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/compilers/ghc/createGhcWrapper/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/compilers/ghc/createGhcWrapper/default.nix
@@ -1,15 +1,11 @@
-args: with args; with lib; with annotatedDerivations;
+args: with args; with lib;
 stdenv.mkDerivation {
-  inherit suffix name ghc ;
+  inherit suffix name ghc readline ncurses;
-  buildInputs = map delAnnotation (libraries ++ [ghcPkgUtil]);
-  #tags = if (installSourceAndTags == true) then
-  #        map sourceWithTagsDerivation ( uniqList { inputList = 
-  #            ( filterAnnotated ( concatLists (map uniqAnnotatedDeps libraries ) ) ) ; } )
-  #        else [];
-  tags = map (x : sourceWithTagsDerivation (x.sourceWithTags)) 
-          (uniqList { inputList=  filter annotatedWithSourceAndTagInfo libraries; } );
+  buildInputs = (libraries ++ [ghcPkgUtil]);
+  tags = map (x :  sourceWithTagsDerivation ((lib.traceWhatis x).passthru.sourceWithTags)) 
+          (uniqList { inputList= filter annotatedWithSourceAndTagInfo libraries; } );
@@ -23,16 +19,15 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation {
       app=$(ls -al $ghc/bin/$a | sed -n 's%.*-> \\(.*\\)%\\1%p');
 cat > \"\$out/bin/\$a$suffix\" << EOF
 #!`type -f sh | gawk '{ print $3; }'`
+export LIBRARY_PATH=\$readline/lib:\$ncurses/lib
 GHC_PACKAGE_PATH=\${GHC_PACKAGE_PATH}\${g} \$ghc/bin/$app \"\\\$@\"
       chmod +x \"\$out/bin/\$a$suffix\"
-    ensureDir \$out/{src,tags}
+    ensureDir \$out/src
     for i in \$tags; do
-      for path in src tags; do
-        ln -s \$i/\$path/* \$out/\$path
-      done
+        ln -s \$i/src/* \$out/src
diff --git a/pkgs/development/compilers/ghcs/default.nix b/pkgs/development/compilers/ghcs/default.nix
index 6dd37576524..bcb66660485 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/compilers/ghcs/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/compilers/ghcs/default.nix
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
-{ ghcPkgUtil, gnum4, perl, ghcboot, stdenv, fetchurl, recurseIntoAttrs, gmp, readline, lib, annotatedDerivations, hasktags, ctags } : 
-with annotatedDerivations;
+{ ghcPkgUtil, gnum4, perl, ghcboot, stdenv, fetchurl, recurseIntoAttrs, gmp, readline, lib, hasktags, ctags } : 
 rec {
   /* What's in here?
      Goal:  really pure GHC. This means put every library into its each package.conf
      and add all together using GHC_PACKAGE_PATH
-     First I've tried separating the build of ghc from it's lib. It hase been to painful. I've failed.
-     Now there is nix_ghc_pkg_tool.hs which just takes the installed package.conf
+     First I've tried separating the build of ghc from it's lib. It hase been to painful. I've failed.  Now there is nix_ghc_pkg_tool.hs which just takes the installed package.conf
      and creates a new package db file for each contained package.
      The final attribute set looks similar to this:
@@ -111,7 +109,7 @@ rec {
                           deps = [ x.base x.old_locale x.old_time x.filepath ];};
           filepath = { name = "filepath-"; srcDir = "libraries/filepath";
                           deps = [ x.base ];};
-          ghc = { name = "ghc-${version}"; srcDir = "libraries/Cabal";
+          ghc = { name = "ghc-${version}"; srcDir = "compiler";
                           deps = [ x.base x.old_locale x.old_time x.filepath
                    x.array x.containers x.hpc x.bytestring
                             x.pretty x.packedstring x.template_haskell x.unix
@@ -142,7 +140,7 @@ rec {
                   name = "rts-1.0"; srcDir = "rts"; # TODO: Doesn't have .hs files so I should use ctags if creating tags at all
                   deps = [];
                   createTagFiles = [
-                      { name = "${name}_haskell_tags";
+                      { name = "${name}_haskell";
                         tagCmd = "${toString ctags}/bin/ctags -R .;mv tags \$TAG_FILE"; }
@@ -153,30 +151,24 @@ rec {
         toDerivation = attrs : with attrs;
-              rec {
-                inherit name;
-                #aDeps = concatLists ( catAttrs ( subsetmap id args [ "buildInputs" "propagatedBuildInputs" ] ) );
-                aDeps = deps;
-                # dummy derivation, only creates setup-hook for package database located in the ghc derivation 
-                aDeriv = stdenv.mkDerivation {
-                    inherit name;
+                stdenv.mkDerivation {
+                    inherit (attrs) name;
                     phases = "buildPhase fixupPhase";
                     buildInputs = [ ghcPkgUtil ];
-                    propagatedBuildInputs = [ ghc ] ++ map delAnnotation  attrs.deps;
-                    buildPhase = "setupHookRegisteringPackageDatabase \"${ghc}/lib/ghc-${ghc.version}/${name}.conf\"";
-                };
-                sourceWithTags = {
-                  src = ghc.src;
-                  inherit srcDir;
-                  name = name + "-src-with-tags";
-                  createTagFiles = lib.maybeAttr "createTagFiles" [
-                      { name = "${name}_haskell_tags";
-                        tagCmd = "${toString hasktags}/bin/hasktags-modified --ctags `find . -type f -name \"*.*hs\"`; sort tags > \$TAG_FILE"; } 
-                    ] attrs;
-                };
+                    propagatedBuildInputs = [ ghc ] ++ attrs.deps;
+                    buildPhase = "setupHookRegisteringPackageDatabase \"${ghc}/lib/ghc-${ghc.version}/${}.conf\"";
+                    passthru = {
+                      sourceWithTags = {
+                        src = ghc.src;
+                        inherit srcDir;
+                        name = + "-src-with-tags";
+                        createTagFiles = lib.maybeAttr "createTagFiles" [
+                            { name = "${}_haskell";
+                              tagCmd = "${toString hasktags}/bin/hasktags-modified --ctags `find . -type f -name \"*.*hs\"`; sort tags > \$TAG_FILE"; } 
+                          ] attrs;
+                      };
+                    };
         derivations = with lib; builtins.listToAttrs (lib.concatLists ( lib.mapRecordFlatten 
                   ( n : attrs : let d = (toDerivation attrs); in [ (nv n d) (nv d) ] ) pkgs ) );
diff --git a/pkgs/development/misc/bleeding_edge_repos/default.nix b/pkgs/development/misc/bleeding_edge_repos/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a1722347917
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/development/misc/bleeding_edge_repos/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# each repository has 
+# a type, url and maybe a tag
+# you can add group names to update some repositories at once
+# see nix_repository_manager expression in all-packages.nix
+http =  { type= "darcs"; url=""; group="happs"; };
+syb_with_class =  { type="darcs"; url=""; group="happs"; };
+happs_data =  { type="darcs"; url=; group="happs"; };
+happs_util =  { type="darcs"; url=; group="happs"; };
+happs_state =  { type="darcs"; url=; group="happs"; };
+happs_plugins =  { type="darcs"; url=; group="happs"; };
+happs_ixset =  { type="darcs"; url=; group="happs"; };
+happs_server =  { type="darcs"; url=; group="happs"; };
+cabal = { type="darcs"; url=; };
diff --git a/pkgs/tools/package-management/nixRepositoryManager/default.nix b/pkgs/tools/package-management/nixRepositoryManager/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e3e20dfa913
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/tools/package-management/nixRepositoryManager/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+args: with args; with lib;
+  repoDir = builtins.getEnv "HOME" + "/managed_repos";
+  toConfigLine = name : set : 
+    "[(\"name\",\"${name}\")," + ( concatStringsSep "," (map (a: "(\"${a}\",\"${__getAttr a set}\")" ) (__attrNames set)))+"]";
+  config = writeText "nix_repository_manager_config"
+        (repoDir+"\n" +
+        concatStringsSep "\n" (mapRecordFlatten toConfigLine bleeding_edge_repos));
+args.stdenv.mkDerivation {
+  inherit repoDir; # amend repoDir so that you know which one to take when installing bleeding edge packages 
+  name = "nix_repository_manager";
+  #src = args.fetchdarcs {
+  #  url =;
+  #  md5 = "b33ba7a5b756eda00a79ba34505ea7ee";
+  #};
+  source = /pr/haskell/nix_repository_manager/nix_repository_manager.hs;
+  phases = "buildPhase";
+  buildPhase = "
+    s=\$out/share/nix_repository_manager
+    ensureDir \$out/bin \$s
+    #ghc --make nix_repository_manager.hs -o \$s/nix_repository_manager
+    ghc --make \$source -o \$s/nix_repository_manager
+    b=\$out/bin/nix_repository_manager
+    echo -e \"#!/bin/sh\\n\$s/nix_repository_manager --config ${config} \\\$@\" > \$b
+    chmod +x \$b
+  ";
+  buildInputs = [ghc];
+  meta = { 
+      description = "makes it easy to keep some packages up to date";
+      homepage =;
+      license = "do with it what you want";
+  };
diff --git a/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix b/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix
index 936a18c918d..fb067b77dac 100644
--- a/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix
+++ b/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix
@@ -127,37 +127,47 @@ rec {
   annotatedDerivations = (import ../lib/annotatedDerivations.nix) { inherit lib; };
   # optional srcDir
-  annotatedWithSourceAndTagInfo = x : (x ? sourceWithTags);
+  annotatedWithSourceAndTagInfo = x : (x ? passthru && x.passthru ? sourceWithTags);
-  # example arguments see annotatedGhcCabalDerivation
+  # createTagFiles =  [ { name  = "my_tag_name_without_suffix", tagCmd = "ctags -R . -o \$TAG_FILE"; } ]
   # tag command must create file named $TAG_FILE
-  sourceWithTagsDerivation = args: with args; 
-    let createTagFiles = (lib.maybeAttr "createTagFiles" [] args ); in
-  stdenv.mkDerivation {
+  sourceWithTagsDerivation = {name, src, srcDir ? ".", tagSuffix ? "_tags", createTagFiles ? []} :  
+    stdenv.mkDerivation {
     phases = "unpackPhase buildPhase";
-    inherit (args) src name;
-    srcDir = (lib.maybeAttr "srcDir" "." args);
+    inherit src srcDir tagSuffix;
+    name = "${name}-source-with-tags";
     # using separate tag directory so that you don't have to glob that much files when starting your editor
     # is this a good choice?
     buildPhase = "
-      t=\$out/tags/\$name
-      ensureDir \$SRC_DEST \$t
+      ensureDir \$SRC_DEST
       cp -r \$srcDir \$SRC_DEST"
       + lib.defineShList "sh_list_names" (lib.catAttrs "name" createTagFiles)
       + lib.defineShList "sh_list_cmds" (lib.catAttrs "tagCmd" createTagFiles)
       + "cd \$SRC_DEST
       for a in `seq 0 \${#sh_list}`; do
-          TAG_FILE=\"\$SRC_DEST/\"\${sh_list_names[\$a]}
+          TAG_FILE=\"\$SRC_DEST/\"\${sh_list_names[\$a]}\$tagSuffix
           echo running tag cmd \"\$cmd\" in `pwd`
           eval \"\$cmd\";
-          ln -s \$TAG_FILE \"\$t/\"\${sh_list_names[\$a]}
   # example usage
-  testSourceWithTags = sourceWithTagsDerivation (ghc68_extra_libs ghcsAndLibs.ghc68).mtl.sourceWithTags;
+  testSourceWithTags = sourceWithTagsDerivation (ghc68_extra_libs ghcsAndLibs.ghc68).happs_server_darcs.passthru.sourceWithTags;
+  addCTaggingInfo = deriv :
+    deriv // { 
+      passthru = {
+        sourceWithTags = {
+         inherit (deriv) src;
+         name = "${}-source-ctags";
+         createTagFiles = [
+               { inherit  (deriv) name;
+                 tagCmd = "${toString ctags}/bin/ctags --sort=yes -o \$TAG_FILE -R ."; }
+          ];
+        };
+  }; };
   # Return an attribute from the Nixpkgs configuration file, or
   # a default value if the attribute doesn't exist.
@@ -234,7 +244,7 @@ rec {
     let co = lib.chooseOptionsByFlags { inherit args flagConfig optionals defaults collectExtraPhaseActions; }; in
       args.stdenv.mkDerivation ( 
-        inherit (co) configureFlags buildInputs /*flags*/;
+        inherit (co) configureFlags buildInputs propagatedBuildInputs /*flags*/;
       } // extraAttrs co  // co.pass // co.flags_prefixed );
@@ -311,6 +321,13 @@ rec {
     inherit stdenv darcs nix;
+  # only temporarely  / don't know yet wether it's save to switch
+  # but I have trouble getting HAppS repos
+  fetchdarcs_2pre = import ../build-support/fetchdarcs {
+    inherit stdenv nix;
+    darcs = darcs_2_pre;
+  };
   fetchsvn = import ../build-support/fetchsvn {
     inherit stdenv subversion openssh;
     sshSupport = true;
@@ -1103,6 +1120,12 @@ rec {
     inherit fetchurl stdenv gawk;
+  flapjax = import ../development/compilers/flapjax {
+    inherit fetchurl stdenv;
+    ghc = ghcsAndLibs.ghc68.ghc;
+    libs = with (ghc68_extra_libs ghcsAndLibs.ghc68 // ghcsAndLibs.ghc68.core_libs); [ mtl parsec random ];
+  };
   g77 = import ../build-support/gcc-wrapper {
     name = "g77";
     nativeTools = false;
@@ -1200,18 +1223,21 @@ rec {
      { ghcPkgUtil = ../development/libraries/haskell/generic/; }
      "mkdir -p $out/nix-support; cp $ghcPkgUtil \$out/nix-support/setup-hook;";
-  ghcsAndLibs = 
+  ghcsAndLibs =
     assert builtins ? listToAttrs;
     recurseIntoAttrs (import ../development/compilers/ghcs {
       inherit ghcboot fetchurl stdenv recurseIntoAttrs perl gnum4 gmp readline lib;
-      inherit ghcPkgUtil annotatedDerivations hasktags ctags;
+      inherit ghcPkgUtil hasktags ctags;
   # creates ghc-X-wl wich adds the passed libraries to the env var GHC_PACKAGE_PATH
   createGhcWrapper = { ghcPackagedLibs ? false, ghc, libraries, name, suffix ? "ghc_wrapper_${}" } :
         import ../development/compilers/ghc/createGhcWrapper {
-    inherit stdenv ghcPackagedLibs ghc name suffix libraries ghcPkgUtil
-      annotatedDerivations lib sourceWithTagsDerivation annotatedWithSourceAndTagInfo;
+    inherit ghcPackagedLibs ghc name suffix libraries ghcPkgUtil
+      lib sourceWithTagsDerivation annotatedWithSourceAndTagInfo 
+      readline ncurses stdenv;
+    #inherit stdenv ghcPackagedLibs ghc name suffix libraries ghcPkgUtil
+    #  annotatedDerivations lib sourceWithTagsDerivation annotatedWithSourceAndTagInfo;
     installSourceAndTags = true;
@@ -1224,10 +1250,10 @@ rec {
   # classic expression style.. seems to work fine
   # used now
   # goSrc contains source directory (containing the .cabal file)
-  ghcCabalDerivation = args : null_ : with lib; with args;
+  ghcCabalDerivation = args : with args;
     stdenv.mkDerivation ({
       goSrcDir = "cd ${srcDir}";
-      inherit name src propagatedBuildInputs;
+      inherit (args) name src propagatedBuildInputs;
       phases = "unpackPhase patchPhase buildPhase";
       buildInputs = (if (args ? buildInputs) then args.buildInputs else [])
                     ++ [ ghcPkgUtil ];
@@ -1256,28 +1282,21 @@ rec {
          echo \"\$propagatedBuildInputs\" > \"\$out/nix-support/propagated-build-inputs\"
-  } // (subsetmap id args [ "patchPhase" ])); 
-  # creates annotated derivation (comments see above
-  annotatedGhcCabalDerivation = args : null_ : with lib; with args;
-  rec {
-    inherit name;
-    #aDeps = concatLists ( catAttrs ( subsetmap id args [ "buildInputs" "propagatedBuildInputs" ] ) );
-    aDeps = []; #TODO 
-    aDeriv = ghcCabalDerivation (args // (annotatedDerivations.delAnnotationsFromInputs args) ) null;
-   # annotation data
-    sourceWithTags = {
-     inherit src srcDir;
-     name = name + "-src-with-tags";
-     createTagFiles = [
-           { name = "${name}_haskell_tags";
-             # tagCmd = "${toString ghcsAndLibs.ghc68.ghc}/bin/hasktags --ctags `find . -type f -name \"*.*hs\"`; sort tags > \$TAG_FILE"; }
-             tagCmd = "${toString hasktags}/bin/hasktags-modified --ctags `find . -type f -name \"*.*hs\"`; sort tags > \$TAG_FILE"; }
-      ];
+  } // ( if args ? pass then args.pass else {} ) ); 
+  # creates annotated derivation (comments see above)
+  addHasktagsTaggingInfo = deriv : deriv // {
+      passthru = {
+        sourceWithTags = {
+         inherit (deriv) src;
+         srcDir = if deriv ? srcDir then deriv.srcDir else ".";
+         name = + "-src-with-tags";
+         createTagFiles = [
+               { name = "${}_haskell";
+                 # tagCmd = "${toString ghcsAndLibs.ghc68.ghc}/bin/hasktags --ctags `find . -type f -name \"*.*hs\"`; sort tags > \$TAG_FILE"; }
+                 tagCmd = "${toString hasktags}/bin/hasktags-modified --ctags `find . -type f -name \"*.*hs\"`; sort tags > \$TAG_FILE"; }
+          ];
+       };
@@ -1309,6 +1328,33 @@ rec {
                            src = fetchurl { url = "";
                                         sha256 = "0jg5i1k5fz0xp1piaaf5bzhagqvfl3i73hlpdmgs4gc40r1q4x5v"; };
+          # using different name to not clash with postgresql
+          postgresql_bindings = rec { name = "PostgreSQL-0.2"; p_deps = [x.base x.mtl postgresql x.haskell98];
+                          src = fetchurl { url = "";
+                                       sha256 = "0p5q3yc8ymgzzlc600h4mb9w86ncrgjdbpqfi49b2jqvkcx5bwrr"; };
+                          pass = {
+                             inherit postgresql;
+                             patchPhase = "echo 'extensions: MultiParamTypeClasses ForeignFunctionInterface EmptyDataDecls GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving FlexibleInstances UndecidableInstances' >> PostgreSQL.cabal
+                                           echo \"extra-lib-dirs: \$postgresql/lib\" >> PostgreSQL.cabal
+                                           echo \"extra-libraries: pq\" >> PostgreSQL.cabal
+                                          ";
+                          };
+                };
+          #wash = rec { name = "WashNGo-2.12"; p_deps = [x.base x.mtl x.haskell98 ];
+          #                src = fetchurl { url = "";
+          #                             sha256 = "1dyc2062jpl3xdlm0n7xkz620h060g2i5ghnb32cn95brcj9fgrz"; };
+          #           patches = ../misc/WASHNGo_Patch_ghc682;
+          #      };
+          #hsql = rec { name = "hsql-1.7"; p_deps = [x.base x.mtl x.haskell98  x.old_time ];
+          #               src = fetchurl { url = "";
+          #                            sha256 = "0j2lkvg5c0x5gf2sy7zmmgrda0c3l73i9d6hyka2f15d5n1rfjc9"; };
+          #             patchPhase = "echo \"extra-lib-dirs: \$postgresql/lib\" >> *.cabal
+          #                           echo 'build-depends: old-locale, old-time' >> *.cabal";
+          #     };
           # 1.13 is stable. There are more recent non stable versions
           haxml = rec { name = "HaXml-1.13.3"; p_deps = [ x.base x.rts x.process x.pretty x.containers x.filepath x.haskell98 ];
                        src = fetchurl { url = "${name}.tar.gz";
@@ -1333,33 +1379,40 @@ rec {
           parsep = { name = "parsep-0.1"; p_deps = [ x.base x.mtl x.bytestring ];
                          src = fetchurl { url = "";
                                         sha256 = "1y5pbs5mzaa21127cixsamahlbvmqzyhzpwh6x0nznsgmg2dpc9q"; };
-                         patchPhase = "pwd; sed -i 's/fps/bytestring/' *.cabal";
+                         pass = { patchPhase = "pwd; sed -i 's/fps/bytestring/' *.cabal"; };
+          time = { name = "time-"; p_deps = [ x.base x.old_locale ];
+                         src = fetchurl { url = "";
+                                        sha256 = "0zm4qqczwbqzy2pk7wz5p1virgylwyzd9zxp0406s5zvp35gvl89"; };
+                  };
         # HAPPS - Libraries
           http_darcs = { name="http-darcs"; p_deps = [ x.parsec];
-                   src = fetchdarcs { url = ""; md5 = "4475f858cf94f4551b77963d08d7257c"; };
+                  src = bleeding_edge_source "http_darcs";
+                   #src = fetchdarcs { url = ""; md5 = "4475f858cf94f4551b77963d08d7257c"; };
           syb_with_class_darcs = { name="syb-with-class-darcs"; p_deps = [x.template_haskell x.bytestring ];
-                   src = fetchdarcs { url = ""; md5 = "b42336907f7bfef8bea73bc36282d6ac"; };
+                   src =
+                    # fetchdarcs { url = ""; md5 = "b42336907f7bfef8bea73bc36282d6ac"; };
+                     bleeding_edge_source "syb_with_class"; # { url = ""; md5 = "b42336907f7bfef8bea73bc36282d6ac"; };
-        happs_data_darcs = { name="HAppS-Data-darcs"; p_deps=[ x.base x.mtl x.template_haskell x.syb_with_class_darcs x.haxml x.happs_util_darcs x.regex_compat x.bytestring x.pretty ];
-                    src = fetchdarcs { url = ""; md5 = "10c505dd687e9dc999cb187090af9ba7"; };
+        happs_data_darcs = { name="HAppS-Data-darcs"; p_deps=[ x.base x.mtl x.template_haskell x.syb_with_class_darcs x.haxml x.happs_util_darcs x.regex_compat x.bytestring x.pretty x.binary ];
+                    src = bleeding_edge_source "happs_data"; # fetchdarcs { url = ""; md5 = "10c505dd687e9dc999cb187090af9ba7"; };
         happs_util_darcs = { name="HAppS-Util-darcs"; p_deps=[ x.base x.mtl x.hslogger x.template_haskell x.array x.bytestring x.old_time x.process ];
-                    src = fetchdarcs { url = ""; md5 = "693cb79017e522031c307ee5e59fc250"; };
+                    src = bleeding_edge_source "happs_util"; # fetchdarcs { url = ""; md5 = "693cb79017e522031c307ee5e59fc250"; };
         happs_state_darcs = { name="HAppS-State-darcs"; p_deps=[ x.base x.haxml
                       x.mtl x.stm x.template_haskell x.hslogger
                         x.happs_util_darcs x.happs_data_darcs x.bytestring x.containers
                         x.random x.old_time x.old_locale x.unix x.binary ];
-                      src = fetchdarcs { url = ""; 
-                                         md5 = "956e5c293b60f4a98148fedc5fa38acc"; 
-                                       };
-                    };
-        happs_plugins_darcs = { name="HAppS-plugins-darcs"; p_deps=[ x.base x.mtl x.hslogger x.happs_util_darcs x.happs_data_darcs x.happs_state_darcs ];
-                    src = fetchdarcs { url = ""; md5 = "693cb79017e522031c307ee5e59fc250"; };
+                      src = bleeding_edge_source "happs_state";
+                      #src = fetchdarcs { url = ""; 
+                      #                   md5 = "956e5c293b60f4a98148fedc5fa38acc"; 
+                      #                 };
         # there is no .cabal yet 
         #happs_smtp_darcs = { name="HAppS-smtp-darcs"; p_deps=[];
@@ -1369,35 +1422,40 @@ rec {
         happs_ixset_darcs = { name="HAppS-IxSet-darcs"; p_deps=[ x.base x.mtl
                           x.hslogger x.happs_util_darcs x.happs_state_darcs x.happs_data_darcs
                           x.template_haskell x.syb_with_class_darcs x.containers ];
-                    src = fetchdarcs { url = ""; 
+                    src = bleeding_edge_source "happs_ixset";
+                    #src = fetchdarcs { url = ""; 
                                        #md5 = "fa6b24517f09aa16e972f087430967fd"; 
                                        #tag = "0.9.2";
                                         # no tag
-                                       md5 = "fa6b24517f09aa16e972f087430967fd"; 
-                                     };
+                                       #md5 = "fa6b24517f09aa16e972f087430967fd"; 
+                                     #};
         happs_server_darcs = { name="HAppS-Server-darcs"; p_deps=[x.haxml x.parsec x.mtl
        x.regex_compat x.hslogger x.happs_data_darcs
                   x.happs_util_darcs x.happs_state_darcs x.happs_ixset_darcs x.http_darcs
                   x.template_haskell x.xhtml x.html x.bytestring x.random
                   x.containers x.old_time x.old_locale x.unix];
-                    src = fetchdarcs { url = ""; md5 = "e1bb17eb30a39d30b8c34dffbf80edc2"; };
+                    #src = fetchdarcs { url = ""; md5 = "e1bb17eb30a39d30b8c34dffbf80edc2"; };
+                    src = bleeding_edge_source "happs_server_darcs";
         # we need recent version of cabal (because only this supports --pkg-config propably) Thu Feb  7 14:54:07 CET 2008
         # is be added to buildInputs automatically
-        cabal_darcs = { name=cabal_darcs_name; p_deps = with ghc.core_libs; [base rts directory process pretty containers filepath];
-                  src = fetchdarcs { url = ""; md5 = "8b0bc3c7f2676ce642f98b1568794cd6"; };
-                };
+        cabal_darcs = 
+        { name=cabal_darcs_name; p_deps = with ghc.core_libs; [base rts directory process pretty containers filepath];
+                  src = bleeding_edge_source "cabal";
+          #fetchdarcs { url = ""; md5 = "8b0bc3c7f2676ce642f98b1568794cd6"; };
+        };
       toDerivation = attrs : with attrs;
       # result is { mtl = <deriv>;
-        annotatedGhcCabalDerivation ({
-            inherit name src;
+        addHasktagsTaggingInfo (ghcCabalDerivation {
+            inherit (attrs) name src;
             propagatedBuildInputs = p_deps ++ (lib.optional ( != cabal_darcs_name) derivations.cabal_darcs );
             srcDir = if attrs ? srcDir then attrs.srcDir else ".";
             patches = if attrs ? patches then attrs.patches else [];
             # add cabal, take deps either from this list or from ghc.core_libs 
-        }//( lib.subsetmap attrs [ "patchPhase" ] )) null;
+            pass = if attrs ? pass then attrs.pass else {};
+        });
       derivations = with lib; builtins.listToAttrs (lib.concatLists ( lib.mapRecordFlatten 
                 ( n : attrs : let d = (toDerivation attrs); in [ (nv n d) (nv d) ] ) pkgs ) );
@@ -1415,14 +1473,14 @@ rec {
       ghcPackagedLibs = true;
       name = "ghc${ghc.version}_wrapper";
       suffix = "${ghc.version}wrapper";
-      libraries = # map ( a : __getAttr a (ghc68_extra_libs ghcsAndLibs.ghc68 ) ) [ "mtl" ];
+      libraries = map ( a : __getAttr a (ghc68_extra_libs ghcsAndLibs.ghc68 ) ) [ "mtl" ]
         # core_libs  distributed with this ghc version
         #(lib.flattenAttrs ghcsAndLibs.ghc68.core_libs)
-          map ( a : __getAttr a ghcsAndLibs.ghc68.core_libs ) [ 
-            "cabal" "array" "base" "bytestring" "containers" "containers" "directory"
-            "filepath" "ghc-${ghc.version}" "haskell98" "hpc" "old_locale" "old_time"
-            "old_time" "packedstring" "pretty" "process" "random" "readline" "rts"
-            "template_haskell" "unix" "template_haskell" ]
+          #map ( a : __getAttr a ghcsAndLibs.ghc68.core_libs ) [ 
+          #  "cabal" "array" "base" "bytestring" "containers" "containers" "directory"
+          #  "filepath" "ghc-${ghc.version}" "haskell98" "hpc" "old_locale" "old_time"
+          #  "old_time" "packedstring" "pretty" "process" "random" "readline" "rts"
+          #  "template_haskell" "unix" "template_haskell" ];
         # some extra libs
            ++  (lib.flattenAttrs (ghc68_extra_libs ghcsAndLibs.ghc68) );
@@ -1796,6 +1854,17 @@ rec {
+  bleeding_edge_repos = import ../development/misc/bleeding_edge_repos;
+  # name must be foudn in bleeding_edge_repos attr set 
+  bleeding_edge_source = name : (
+    let targz = nixRepositoryManager.repoDir+"/dist/${name}.tar.gz"; in
+    if builtins.pathExists targz
+    then targz
+    else let attr = __getAttr name bleeding_edge_repos;
+         in if (attr.type == "darcs")
+           then fetchdarcs_2pre { inherit (attr) url md5; }
+           else throw "TODO");
   ecj = import ../development/eclipse/ecj {
     inherit fetchurl stdenv unzip jre ant;
@@ -5937,6 +6006,12 @@ rec {
     db4 = db45;
+  nixRepositoryManager = import ../tools/package-management/nixRepositoryManager {
+    inherit fetchurl stdenv bleeding_edge_repos lib writeText;
+    ghc = ghcsAndLibs.ghc68.ghc;
+    fetchdarcs = fetchdarcs_2pre;
+  };
   nixStatic = import ../tools/package-management/nix-static {
     inherit fetchurl stdenv perl curl autoconf automake libtool;
     aterm = aterm242fixes;
@@ -6079,5 +6154,38 @@ rec {
     inherit (xlibs) libX11;
+  # idea: provide environment so that you can use let nix assemble all dependencies
+  # while keeping the same source base when developping 
+  # experimental
+  my_environment = args:  stdenv.mkDerivation ( 
+    { userCmds =""; } // {
+    phases = "buildPhase";
+    buildPhase = "
+      ensureDir \$out/bin
+      name=${}
+      o=\$out/bin/$name
+      echo -e \"#!/bin/sh --login\\n\" >> \$o
+      export | grep -v HOME= | grep -v PATH= >> \$o 
+      echo \"export PATH=\$PATH:\\\$PATH entering $name\" >> \$o
+      echo \"echo entering $name\" >> \$o
+      echo \"$userCmds\" >> \$o
+      echo \"/bin/sh\" >> $o
+      echo \"echo leaving $name\" >> \$o
+      chmod +x $o
+    ";
+  } //args);
+  # example for nix itself adding glibc tag file to an env var.
+  # experimental
+  env_nix = my_environment rec {
+   buildInputs = [perl curl bzip2 aterm242fixes db4] 
+          ++ map (x : sourceWithTagsDerivation ( (addCTaggingInfo x ).passthru.sourceWithTags ) ) [ glibc ];
+   db4 = db44;
+   aterm = aterm242fixes;
+   name = "env_nix";
+   userCmds = ". ~/.bashrc
+    PS1='\033]2;\h:\u:\w\007\\nenv ${name} \[\033[1;32m\][\u@\h: \w ]$\[\033[0m\] '
+     ";
+  };