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path: root/pkgs/tools/misc/statserial/default.nix
blob: 8b5ae4cdc86e99e5c413c0f62bf098fa98e95581 (plain) (tree)



{ lib, stdenv, fetchurl, ncurses, glibc }:

stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
  pname = "statserial";
  version = "1.1";

  src = fetchurl {
    url = "${pname}-${version}.tar.gz";
    sha256 = "0rrrmxfba5yn836zlgmr8g9xnrpash7cjs7lk2m44ac50vakpks0";

  postPatch = ''
    substituteInPlace Makefile \
      --replace '-lcurses' '-lncurses'

    substituteInPlace Makefile \
      --replace 'LDFLAGS = -s -N' '#LDFLAGS = -s -N'

  buildInputs = [ ncurses glibc ];

  installPhase = ''
  mkdir -p $out/bin
  cp statserial $out/bin

  mkdir -p $out/share/man/man1
  cp statserial.1 $out/share/man/man1

  meta = with lib; {
    homepage = "";
    description = "Display serial port modem status lines";
    license = licenses.gpl2;

    longDescription =
      '' Statserial displays a table of the signals on a standard 9-pin or
      25-pin serial port, and indicates the status of the handshaking lines. It
      can be useful for debugging problems with serial ports or modems.

    platforms = platforms.unix;
    maintainers = with maintainers; [ rps ];