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path: root/pkgs/os-specific/linux/kernel/linux.nix
blob: d4b4ad6c763800aa5da5dbee6b07e53e08ebd1c1 (plain) (tree)

{ stdenv, fetchurl, perl, mktemp, module_init_tools, lib

  # The base source file
, src

  # A list of patches to apply to the kernel.  Each element of this list
  # should be an attribute set {name, patch} where `name' is a
  # symbolic name and `patch' is the actual patch.  The patch may
  # optionally be compressed with gzip or bzip2.
, kernelPatches ? []

  # A list of commands to run on patched kernel before 
  # mke oldconfig
, preConfigure? ""

, # Whether to build a User-Mode Linux kernel.
  userModeLinux ? false

, # Allows you to set your own kernel version for output
  version ? "unknown"

  # To change how kernel thinks of itself
, localVersion ? ""

, # Your own kernel configuration file, if you don't want to use the
  # default. 
  kernelConfig ? null

, # A list of additional statements to be appended to the
  # configuration file.
  extraConfig ? []

assert stdenv.system == "i686-linux" || stdenv.system == "x86_64-linux";


  lib = import ../../../lib;


stdenv.mkDerivation {
  name = if userModeLinux then "user-mode-linux-${version}" else "linux-${version}";
  builder = ./;
  inherit src;
  preConfigure = preConfigure;

  patches = map (p: p.patch) kernelPatches;
  extraConfig =
    let addNewlines = map (s: "\n" + s + "\n");
        configFromPatches =
          map (p: if p ? extraConfig then p.extraConfig else "") kernelPatches;
    in lib.concatStrings (addNewlines (configFromPatches ++ extraConfig));

  config =
    if kernelConfig != null then kernelConfig else
    if userModeLinux then ./config-2.6.23-uml else
    if stdenv.system == "i686-linux" then ./config-2.6.23-i686-smp else
    if stdenv.system == "x86_64-linux" then ./config-2.6.23-x86_64-smp else
    abort "No kernel configuration for your platform!";
  buildInputs = [perl mktemp];
  arch =
    if userModeLinux then "um" else
    if stdenv.system == "i686-linux" then "i386" else
    if stdenv.system == "x86_64-linux" then "x86_64" else
    abort "Platform ${stdenv.system} is not supported.";

  makeFlags = if userModeLinux then "ARCH=um SHELL=bash" else "";

  inherit module_init_tools;

  allowLocalVersion = false; # don't allow patches to set a suffix
  inherit localVersion; # but do allow the user to set one.

  meta = {
    description =
      (if userModeLinux then
        "User-Mode Linux"
        "The Linux kernel") +
      (if kernelPatches == [] then "" else
        " (with patches: "
        + lib.concatStrings (lib.intersperse ", " (map (x: kernelPatches))
        + ")");