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path: root/pkgs/development/interpreters/python/python-packages-base.nix
blob: 91ca84b34b83d740f5979422816851827f884573 (plain) (tree)










{ pkgs
, stdenv
, lib
, python


  inherit (self) callPackage;

  namePrefix = python.libPrefix + "-";

  # Derivations built with `buildPythonPackage` can already be overridden with `override`, `overrideAttrs`, and `overrideDerivation`.
  # This function introduces `overridePythonAttrs` and it overrides the call to `buildPythonPackage`.
  makeOverridablePythonPackage = f: origArgs:
      args = lib.fix (lib.extends
        (_: previousAttrs: {
          passthru = (previousAttrs.passthru or { }) // {
            overridePythonAttrs = newArgs: makeOverridablePythonPackage f (overrideWith newArgs);
        (_: origArgs));
      result = f args;
      overrideWith = newArgs: args // (if pkgs.lib.isFunction newArgs then newArgs args else newArgs);
      if builtins.isAttrs result then result
      else if builtins.isFunction result then {
        overridePythonAttrs = newArgs: makeOverridablePythonPackage f (overrideWith newArgs);
        __functor = self: result;
      else result;

  mkPythonDerivation = if python.isPy3k then

  buildPythonPackage = makeOverridablePythonPackage (lib.makeOverridable (callPackage mkPythonDerivation {
    inherit namePrefix;     # We want Python libraries to be named like e.g. "python3.6-${name}"
    inherit toPythonModule; # Libraries provide modules

  buildPythonApplication = makeOverridablePythonPackage (lib.makeOverridable (callPackage mkPythonDerivation {
    namePrefix = "";        # Python applications should not have any prefix
    toPythonModule = x: x;  # Application does not provide modules.

  # See build-setupcfg/default.nix for documentation.
  buildSetupcfg = import ../../../build-support/build-setupcfg lib self;

  # Check whether a derivation provides a Python module.
  hasPythonModule = drv: drv?pythonModule && drv.pythonModule == python;

  # Get list of required Python modules given a list of derivations.
  requiredPythonModules = drvs: let
    modules = lib.filter hasPythonModule drvs;
  in lib.unique ([python] ++ modules ++ lib.concatLists (lib.catAttrs "requiredPythonModules" modules));

  # Create a PYTHONPATH from a list of derivations. This function recurses into the items to find derivations
  # providing Python modules.
  makePythonPath = drvs: lib.makeSearchPath python.sitePackages (requiredPythonModules drvs);

  removePythonPrefix = lib.removePrefix namePrefix;

  # Convert derivation to a Python module.
  toPythonModule = drv:
    drv.overrideAttrs( oldAttrs: {
      # Use passthru in order to prevent rebuilds when possible.
      passthru = (oldAttrs.passthru or {})// {
        pythonModule = python;
        pythonPath = [ ]; # Deprecated, for compatibility.
        requiredPythonModules = requiredPythonModules drv.propagatedBuildInputs;

  # Convert a Python library to an application.
  toPythonApplication = drv:
    drv.overrideAttrs( oldAttrs: {
      passthru = (oldAttrs.passthru or {}) // {
        # Remove Python prefix from name so we have a "normal" name.
        # While the prefix shows up in the store path, it won't be
        # used by `nix-env`.
        name = removePythonPrefix;
        pythonModule = false;

  disabled = drv: throw "${removePythonPrefix (drv.pname or} not supported for interpreter ${python.executable}";

  disabledIf = x: drv: if x then disabled drv else drv;

in {

  inherit lib pkgs stdenv;
  inherit (python.passthru) isPy27 isPy37 isPy38 isPy39 isPy310 isPy311 isPy3k isPyPy pythonAtLeast pythonOlder;
  inherit buildPythonPackage buildPythonApplication;
  inherit hasPythonModule requiredPythonModules makePythonPath disabled disabledIf;
  inherit toPythonModule toPythonApplication;
  inherit buildSetupcfg;

  python = toPythonModule python;
  # Dont take pythonPackages from "global" pkgs scope to avoid mixing python versions
  pythonPackages = self;

  # Remove?
  recursivePthLoader = toPythonModule (callPackage ../../../development/python-modules/recursive-pth-loader { });
