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path: root/pkgs/applications/virtualization/crosvm/default.nix
blob: 106b39b033660c95196f3b955f532775e76f4cec (plain) (tree)

{ stdenv, rustPlatform, fetchgit, runCommand, symlinkJoin
, pkgconfig, minijail, dtc, libusb1, libcap


  upstreamInfo = with builtins; fromJSON (readFile ./upstream-info.json);

  arch = with stdenv.hostPlatform;
    if isAarch64 then "arm"
    else if isx86_64 then "x86_64"
    else throw "no seccomp policy files available for host platform";

  # used to turn symlinks into real files because write permissions are necessary for the vendoring process
  delink = src: runCommand "${}-delinked" {
    preferLocalBuild = true;
    allowSubstitutes = false;
  } ''
    cp -prL --reflink=auto ${src} $out

  # used to place subtrees into the location they have in the Chromium monorepo
  move = src: target: runCommand "moved-${}" {
    preferLocalBuild = true;
    allowSubstitutes = false;
  } ''
    mkdir -p $(dirname $out/${target})
    ln -s ${src} $out/${target}

  # used to check out subtrees from the Chromium monorepo
  chromiumSource = name: subtrees: delink (symlinkJoin {
    inherit name;
    paths = stdenv.lib.mapAttrsToList (
      location: { url, rev, sha256, fetchSubmodules, ... }:
      move (fetchgit {
        inherit url rev sha256 fetchSubmodules;
      }) location) subtrees;


  rustPlatform.buildRustPackage rec {
    pname = "crosvm";
    inherit (upstreamInfo) version;

    src = chromiumSource "${pname}-sources" upstreamInfo.components;

    sourceRoot = "${}/chromiumos/platform/crosvm";

    patches = [

    cargoSha256 = "16cfp79c13ng5jjcrvz00h3cg7cc9ywhjiq02vsm757knn9jgr1v";

    nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgconfig ];

    buildInputs = [ dtc libcap libusb1 minijail ];

    postPatch = ''
      sed -i "s|/usr/share/policy/crosvm/|$out/share/policy/|g" \

    preBuild = ''
      export DEFAULT_SECCOMP_POLICY_DIR=$out/share/policy

    postInstall = ''
      mkdir -p $out/share/policy/
      cp seccomp/${arch}/* $out/share/policy/

    passthru.updateScript = ./;

    meta = with stdenv.lib; {
      description = "A secure virtual machine monitor for KVM";
      homepage = "";
      license = licenses.bsd3;
      platforms = [ "aarch64-linux" "x86_64-linux" ];