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path: root/pkgs/applications/editors/eclipse/plugins.nix
blob: 95e8d1f331624585dccdd8fd3b4cacdd3e34fbcc (plain) (tree)


{ stdenv, fetchurl, unzip }:


  # Helper for the common case where we have separate feature and
  # plugin JARs.
  buildEclipsePlugin = { name, version, javaName, srcFeature, srcPlugin, meta }:
    stdenv.mkDerivation {
      name = "eclipse-" + name;
      inherit meta;

      srcs = [ srcFeature srcPlugin ];

      buildInputs = [ unzip ];
      phases = [ "installPhase" ];

      installPhase = ''
        mkdir -p $dropinDir/features/${javaName}_${version}
        unzip ${srcFeature} -d $dropinDir/features/${javaName}_${version}

        mkdir -p $dropinDir/plugins
        cp -v ${srcPlugin} $dropinDir/plugins/${javaName}_${version}.jar


in {

  anyedittools = buildEclipsePlugin rec {
    name = "anyedit-${version}";
    version = "";
    javaName = "de.loskutov.anyedit.AnyEditTools";

    srcFeature = fetchurl {
      url = "${version}.jar";
      sha256 = "19hbwgqn02ghflbcp5cw3qy203mym5kwgzq4xrn0xcl8ckl5s2pp";

    srcPlugin = fetchurl {
      url = "${javaName}_${version}.jar";
      sha256 = "1i3ghf2mhdfhify30hlyxqmyqcp40pkd5zhsiyg6finn4w81sxv2";

    meta = with stdenv.lib; {
      homepage =;
      description = "Adds new tools to the context menu of text-based editors";
      license = licenses.epl10;
      platforms = platforms.all;
      maintainers = [ maintainers.rycee ];

  emacsplus = buildEclipsePlugin rec {
    name = "emacsplus-${version}";
    version = "4.2.0";
    javaName = "com.mulgasoft.emacsplus";

    srcFeature = fetchurl {
      url = "${javaName}.feature_${version}.jar";
      sha256 = "0wja3cd7gq8w25797fxnafvcncjnmlv8qkl5iwqj7zja2f45vka8";

    srcPlugin = fetchurl {
      url = "${javaName}_${version}.jar";
      sha256 = "08yw45nr90mlpdzim74vsvdaxj41sgpxcrqk5ia6l2dzvrqlsjs1";

    meta = with stdenv.lib; {
      homepage =;
      description = "Provides a more Emacs-like experience in the Eclipse text editors";
      license = licenses.epl10;
      platforms = platforms.all;
      maintainers = [ maintainers.rycee ];
