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path: root/.github/CODEOWNERS
blob: 268f2c032adcd3275cc8378eb0e3c0837ff8f834 (plain) (tree)

# This file is used to describe who owns what in this repository. This file does not
# replace `meta.maintainers` but is instead used for other things than derivations
# and modules, like documentation, package sets, and other assets.
# For documentation on this file, see
# Mentioned users will get code review requests.

# Python-related code and docs
pkgs/top-level/python-packages.nix	@FRidh
pkgs/development/interpreters/python/*	@FRidh
pkgs/development/python-modules/*	@FRidh
doc/languages-frameworks/	@FRidh

# Darwin-related
pkgs/stdenv/darwin/*    @copumpkin @LnL7
pkgs/os-specific/darwin/*   @LnL7
pkgs/os-specific/darwin/apple-source-releases/* @copumpkin