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path: root/src/plugin
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/plugin')
3 files changed, 384 insertions, 375 deletions
diff --git a/src/plugin/ b/src/plugin/
index ef55afe..ddff643 100644
--- a/src/plugin/
+++ b/src/plugin/
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ mod vcpu;
 use std::fmt;
 use std::fs::File;
 use std::io;
-use std::os::unix::io::{IntoRawFd, FromRawFd};
+use std::os::unix::io::{FromRawFd, IntoRawFd};
 use std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram;
 use std::path::Path;
 use std::result;
@@ -17,17 +17,21 @@ use std::sync::{Arc, Barrier};
 use std::thread;
 use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
-use libc::{socketpair, ioctl, c_ulong, AF_UNIX, SOCK_SEQPACKET, FIOCLEX, EAGAIN, EINTR, EINVAL,
+use libc::{
+    c_ulong, ioctl, socketpair, AF_UNIX, EAGAIN, EBADF, EDEADLK, EEXIST, EINTR, EINVAL, ENOENT,
 use protobuf::ProtobufError;
 use io_jail::{self, Minijail};
-use kvm::{Kvm, Vm, Vcpu, VcpuExit, IoeventAddress, NoDatamatch};
+use kvm::{IoeventAddress, Kvm, NoDatamatch, Vcpu, VcpuExit, Vm};
 use net_util::{Error as TapError, Tap, TapT};
-use sys_util::{EventFd, MmapError, Killable, SignalFd, SignalFdError, PollContext, PollToken,
-               GuestMemory, Result as SysResult, Error as SysError, block_signal, clear_signal,
-               SIGRTMIN, register_signal_handler, geteuid, getegid};
+use sys_util::{
+    block_signal, clear_signal, getegid, geteuid, register_signal_handler, Error as SysError,
+    EventFd, GuestMemory, Killable, MmapError, PollContext, PollToken, Result as SysResult,
+    SignalFd, SignalFdError, SIGRTMIN,
 use Config;
@@ -123,7 +127,9 @@ impl fmt::Display for Error {
             Error::MountPlugin(ref e) => write!(f, "failed to mount: {}", e),
             Error::MountPluginLib(ref e) => write!(f, "failed to mount: {}", e),
             Error::MountRoot(ref e) => write!(f, "failed to mount: {}", e),
-            Error::NoRootDir => write!(f, "no root directory for jailed process to pivot root into"),
+            Error::NoRootDir => {
+                write!(f, "no root directory for jailed process to pivot root into")
+            }
             Error::ParsePivotRoot(ref e) => write!(f, "failed to set jail pivot root: {}", e),
             Error::ParseSeccomp(ref e) => write!(f, "failed to parse jail seccomp filter: {}", e),
             Error::PluginFailed(ref e) => write!(f, "plugin exited with error: {}", e),
@@ -154,14 +160,11 @@ impl fmt::Display for Error {
-            } => {
-                write!(f,
-                       "process {} died with signal {}, status {}, and code {}",
-                       pid,
-                       signo,
-                       status,
-                       code)
-            }
+            } => write!(
+                f,
+                "process {} died with signal {}, status {}, and code {}",
+                pid, signo, status, code
+            ),
             Error::SignalFd(ref e) => write!(f, "failed to read signal fd: {:?}", e),
             Error::SpawnVcpu(ref e) => write!(f, "error spawning vcpu thread: {}", e),
             Error::TapOpen(ref e) => write!(f, "error opening tap device: {:?}", e),
@@ -185,7 +188,10 @@ fn new_seqpacket_pair() -> SysResult<(UnixDatagram, UnixDatagram)> {
         let ret = socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_SEQPACKET, 0, fds.as_mut_ptr());
         if ret == 0 {
             ioctl(fds[0], FIOCLEX);
-            Ok((UnixDatagram::from_raw_fd(fds[0]), UnixDatagram::from_raw_fd(fds[1])))
+            Ok((
+                UnixDatagram::from_raw_fd(fds[0]),
+                UnixDatagram::from_raw_fd(fds[1]),
+            ))
         } else {
@@ -242,12 +248,13 @@ fn create_plugin_jail(root: &Path, seccomp_policy: &Path) -> Result<Minijail> {
     // Create a tmpfs in the plugin's root directory so that we can bind mount it's executable
     // file into it.  The size=67108864 is size=64*1024*1024 or size=64MB.
-    j.mount_with_data(Path::new("none"),
-                         Path::new("/"),
-                         "tmpfs",
-                         (MS_NOSUID | MS_NODEV) as usize,
-                         "size=67108864")
-        .map_err(Error::MountRoot)?;
+    j.mount_with_data(
+        Path::new("none"),
+        Path::new("/"),
+        "tmpfs",
+        (MS_NOSUID | MS_NODEV) as usize,
+        "size=67108864",
+    ).map_err(Error::MountRoot)?;
@@ -277,8 +284,14 @@ enum PluginObject {
         length: u32,
         datamatch: u64,
-    Memory { slot: u32, length: usize },
-    IrqEvent { irq_id: u32, evt: EventFd },
+    Memory {
+        slot: u32,
+        length: usize,
+    },
+    IrqEvent {
+        irq_id: u32,
+        evt: EventFd,
+    },
 impl PluginObject {
@@ -289,119 +302,114 @@ impl PluginObject {
-            } => {
-                match length {
-                    0 => vm.unregister_ioevent(&evt, addr, NoDatamatch),
-                    1 => vm.unregister_ioevent(&evt, addr, datamatch as u8),
-                    2 => vm.unregister_ioevent(&evt, addr, datamatch as u16),
-                    4 => vm.unregister_ioevent(&evt, addr, datamatch as u32),
-                    8 => vm.unregister_ioevent(&evt, addr, datamatch as u64),
-                    _ => Err(SysError::new(EINVAL)),
-                }
-            }
+            } => match length {
+                0 => vm.unregister_ioevent(&evt, addr, NoDatamatch),
+                1 => vm.unregister_ioevent(&evt, addr, datamatch as u8),
+                2 => vm.unregister_ioevent(&evt, addr, datamatch as u16),
+                4 => vm.unregister_ioevent(&evt, addr, datamatch as u32),
+                8 => vm.unregister_ioevent(&evt, addr, datamatch as u64),
+                _ => Err(SysError::new(EINVAL)),
+            },
             PluginObject::Memory { slot, .. } => vm.remove_device_memory(slot).and(Ok(())),
             PluginObject::IrqEvent { irq_id, evt } => vm.unregister_irqfd(&evt, irq_id),
-pub fn run_vcpus(kvm: &Kvm,
-                 vm: &Vm,
-                 plugin: &Process,
-                 vcpu_count: u32,
-                 kill_signaled: &Arc<AtomicBool>,
-                 exit_evt: &EventFd,
-                 vcpu_handles: &mut Vec<thread::JoinHandle<()>>)
-                 -> Result<()> {
+pub fn run_vcpus(
+    kvm: &Kvm,
+    vm: &Vm,
+    plugin: &Process,
+    vcpu_count: u32,
+    kill_signaled: &Arc<AtomicBool>,
+    exit_evt: &EventFd,
+    vcpu_handles: &mut Vec<thread::JoinHandle<()>>,
+) -> Result<()> {
     let vcpu_thread_barrier = Arc::new(Barrier::new((vcpu_count) as usize));
     for cpu_id in 0..vcpu_count {
         let kill_signaled = kill_signaled.clone();
         let vcpu_thread_barrier = vcpu_thread_barrier.clone();
         let vcpu_exit_evt = exit_evt.try_clone().map_err(Error::CloneEventFd)?;
         let vcpu_plugin = plugin.create_vcpu(cpu_id)?;
-        let vcpu = Vcpu::new(cpu_id as c_ulong, kvm, vm)
-            .map_err(Error::CreateVcpu)?;
-        vcpu_handles.push(thread::Builder::new()
-                              .name(format!("crosvm_vcpu{}", cpu_id))
-                              .spawn(move || {
-            unsafe {
-                extern "C" fn handle_signal() {}
-                // Our signal handler does nothing and is trivially async signal safe.
-                // We need to install this signal handler even though we do block
-                // the signal below, to ensure that this signal will interrupt
-                // execution of KVM_RUN (this is implementation issue).
-                register_signal_handler(SIGRTMIN() + 0, handle_signal)
-                    .expect("failed to register vcpu signal handler");
-            }
-            // We do not really want the signal handler to run...
-            block_signal(SIGRTMIN() + 0).expect("failed to block signal");
-            // Tell KVM to not block anything when entering kvm run
-            // because we will be using first RT signal to kick the VCPU.
-            vcpu.set_signal_mask(&[])
-                .expect("failed to set up KVM VCPU signal mask");
+        let vcpu = Vcpu::new(cpu_id as c_ulong, kvm, vm).map_err(Error::CreateVcpu)?;
+        vcpu_handles.push(
+            thread::Builder::new()
+                .name(format!("crosvm_vcpu{}", cpu_id))
+                .spawn(move || {
+                    unsafe {
+                        extern "C" fn handle_signal() {}
+                        // Our signal handler does nothing and is trivially async signal safe.
+                        // We need to install this signal handler even though we do block
+                        // the signal below, to ensure that this signal will interrupt
+                        // execution of KVM_RUN (this is implementation issue).
+                        register_signal_handler(SIGRTMIN() + 0, handle_signal)
+                            .expect("failed to register vcpu signal handler");
+                    }
-            let res = vcpu_plugin.init(&vcpu);
-            vcpu_thread_barrier.wait();
-            if let Err(e) = res {
-                error!("failed to initialize vcpu {}: {:?}", cpu_id, e);
-            } else {
-                loop {
-                    let run_res =;
-                    match run_res {
-                        Ok(run) => {
-                            match run {
-                                VcpuExit::IoIn(addr, data) => {
-                                    vcpu_plugin.io_read(addr as u64, data, &vcpu);
-                                }
-                                VcpuExit::IoOut(addr, data) => {
-                                    vcpu_plugin.io_write(addr as u64, data, &vcpu);
-                                }
-                                VcpuExit::MmioRead(addr, data) => {
-                                    vcpu_plugin.mmio_read(addr as u64, data, &vcpu);
-                                }
-                                VcpuExit::MmioWrite(addr, data) => {
-                                    vcpu_plugin.mmio_write(addr as u64, data, &vcpu);
-                                }
-                                VcpuExit::Hlt => break,
-                                VcpuExit::Shutdown => break,
-                                VcpuExit::InternalError => {
-                                    error!("vcpu {} has internal error", cpu_id);
-                                    break;
-                                }
-                                r => warn!("unexpected vcpu exit: {:?}", r),
+                    // We do not really want the signal handler to run...
+                    block_signal(SIGRTMIN() + 0).expect("failed to block signal");
+                    // Tell KVM to not block anything when entering kvm run
+                    // because we will be using first RT signal to kick the VCPU.
+                    vcpu.set_signal_mask(&[])
+                        .expect("failed to set up KVM VCPU signal mask");
+                    let res = vcpu_plugin.init(&vcpu);
+                    vcpu_thread_barrier.wait();
+                    if let Err(e) = res {
+                        error!("failed to initialize vcpu {}: {:?}", cpu_id, e);
+                    } else {
+                        loop {
+                            let run_res =;
+                            match run_res {
+                                Ok(run) => match run {
+                                    VcpuExit::IoIn(addr, data) => {
+                                        vcpu_plugin.io_read(addr as u64, data, &vcpu);
+                                    }
+                                    VcpuExit::IoOut(addr, data) => {
+                                        vcpu_plugin.io_write(addr as u64, data, &vcpu);
+                                    }
+                                    VcpuExit::MmioRead(addr, data) => {
+                                        vcpu_plugin.mmio_read(addr as u64, data, &vcpu);
+                                    }
+                                    VcpuExit::MmioWrite(addr, data) => {
+                                        vcpu_plugin.mmio_write(addr as u64, data, &vcpu);
+                                    }
+                                    VcpuExit::Hlt => break,
+                                    VcpuExit::Shutdown => break,
+                                    VcpuExit::InternalError => {
+                                        error!("vcpu {} has internal error", cpu_id);
+                                        break;
+                                    }
+                                    r => warn!("unexpected vcpu exit: {:?}", r),
+                                },
+                                Err(e) => match e.errno() {
+                                    EAGAIN | EINTR => {}
+                                    _ => {
+                                        error!("vcpu hit unknown error: {:?}", e);
+                                        break;
+                                    }
+                                },
-                        }
-                        Err(e) => {
-                            match e.errno() {
-                                EAGAIN | EINTR => {}
-                                _ => {
-                                    error!("vcpu hit unknown error: {:?}", e);
-                                    break;
-                                }
+                            if kill_signaled.load(Ordering::SeqCst) {
+                                break;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if kill_signaled.load(Ordering::SeqCst) {
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    // Try to clear the signal that we use to kick VCPU if it is
-                    // pending before attempting to handle pause requests.
-                    clear_signal(SIGRTMIN() + 0).expect("failed to clear pending signal");
+                            // Try to clear the signal that we use to kick VCPU if it is
+                            // pending before attempting to handle pause requests.
+                            clear_signal(SIGRTMIN() + 0).expect("failed to clear pending signal");
-                    if let Err(e) = vcpu_plugin.pre_run(&vcpu) {
-                        error!("failed to process pause on vcpu {}: {:?}", cpu_id, e);
-                        break;
+                            if let Err(e) = vcpu_plugin.pre_run(&vcpu) {
+                                error!("failed to process pause on vcpu {}: {:?}", cpu_id, e);
+                                break;
+                            }
+                        }
-                }
-            }
-            vcpu_exit_evt
-                .write(1)
-                .expect("failed to signal vcpu exit eventfd");
-        })
-                              .map_err(Error::SpawnVcpu)?);
+                    vcpu_exit_evt
+                        .write(1)
+                        .expect("failed to signal vcpu exit eventfd");
+                }).map_err(Error::SpawnVcpu)?,
+        );
@@ -504,8 +512,9 @@ pub fn run_config(cfg: Config) -> Result<()> {
     'poll: loop {
         // After we have waited long enough, it's time to give up and exit.
         if dying_instant
-               .map(|i| i.elapsed() >= duration_to_die)
-               .unwrap_or(false) {
+            .map(|i| i.elapsed() >= duration_to_die)
+            .unwrap_or(false)
+        {
@@ -559,11 +568,11 @@ pub fn run_config(cfg: Config) -> Result<()> {
                                 // plugin process, report it as an error.
                                 if res.is_ok() {
                                     res = Err(Error::SigChild {
-                                                  pid: siginfo.ssi_pid,
-                                                  signo: siginfo.ssi_signo,
-                                                  status: siginfo.ssi_status,
-                                                  code: siginfo.ssi_code,
-                                              })
+                                        pid: siginfo.ssi_pid,
+                                        signo: siginfo.ssi_signo,
+                                        status: siginfo.ssi_status,
+                                        code: siginfo.ssi_code,
+                                    })
                             Ok(None) => break, // No more signals to read.
@@ -586,11 +595,13 @@ pub fn run_config(cfg: Config) -> Result<()> {
                 Token::Plugin { index } => {
-                    match plugin.handle_socket(index,
-                                               &kvm,
-                                               &mut vm,
-                                               &vcpu_handles,
-                                               tap_opt.as_ref()) {
+                    match plugin.handle_socket(
+                        index,
+                        &kvm,
+                        &mut vm,
+                        &vcpu_handles,
+                        tap_opt.as_ref(),
+                    ) {
                         Ok(_) => {}
                         // A HUP is an expected event for a socket, so don't bother warning about
                         // it.
@@ -608,21 +619,23 @@ pub fn run_config(cfg: Config) -> Result<()> {
         if vcpu_handles.is_empty() && dying_instant.is_none() && plugin.is_started() {
-            let res = run_vcpus(&kvm,
-                                &vm,
-                                &plugin,
-                                vcpu_count,
-                                &kill_signaled,
-                                &exit_evt,
-                                &mut vcpu_handles);
+            let res = run_vcpus(
+                &kvm,
+                &vm,
+                &plugin,
+                vcpu_count,
+                &kill_signaled,
+                &exit_evt,
+                &mut vcpu_handles,
+            );
             if let Err(e) = res {
                 error!("failed to start vcpus: {}", e);
-        redo_poll_ctx_sockets = !sockets_to_drop.is_empty() ||
-                                plugin.sockets().len() != plugin_socket_count;
+        redo_poll_ctx_sockets =
+            !sockets_to_drop.is_empty() || plugin.sockets().len() != plugin_socket_count;
         // Cleanup all of the sockets that we have determined were disconnected or suffered some
         // other error.
diff --git a/src/plugin/ b/src/plugin/
index 71c16c0..c99e3b6 100644
--- a/src/plugin/
+++ b/src/plugin/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
 // found in the LICENSE file.
-use std::collections::hash_map::{HashMap, Entry, VacantEntry};
+use std::collections::hash_map::{Entry, HashMap, VacantEntry};
 use std::env::set_var;
 use std::fs::File;
 use std::mem::transmute;
@@ -17,17 +17,19 @@ use std::thread::JoinHandle;
 use net_util;
 use net_util::Error as NetError;
 use protobuf;
 use protobuf::Message;
 use io_jail::Minijail;
-use kvm::{Vm, IoeventAddress, NoDatamatch, IrqSource, IrqRoute, PicId, dirty_log_bitmap_size};
-use kvm_sys::{kvm_pic_state, kvm_ioapic_state, kvm_pit_state2};
-use sys_util::{EventFd, MemoryMapping, Killable, ScmSocket, SharedMemory, GuestAddress,
-               Result as SysResult, Error as SysError, SIGRTMIN};
+use kvm::{dirty_log_bitmap_size, IoeventAddress, IrqRoute, IrqSource, NoDatamatch, PicId, Vm};
+use kvm_sys::{kvm_ioapic_state, kvm_pic_state, kvm_pit_state2};
 use plugin_proto::*;
+use sys_util::{
+    Error as SysError, EventFd, GuestAddress, Killable, MemoryMapping, Result as SysResult,
+    ScmSocket, SharedMemory, SIGRTMIN,
 use super::*;
@@ -45,47 +47,41 @@ unsafe impl DataInit for VmPitState {}
 fn get_vm_state(vm: &Vm, state_set: MainRequest_StateSet) -> SysResult<Vec<u8>> {
     Ok(match state_set {
-           MainRequest_StateSet::PIC0 => {
-               VmPicState(vm.get_pic_state(PicId::Primary)?)
-                   .as_slice()
-                   .to_vec()
-           }
-           MainRequest_StateSet::PIC1 => {
-               VmPicState(vm.get_pic_state(PicId::Secondary)?)
-                   .as_slice()
-                   .to_vec()
-           }
-           MainRequest_StateSet::IOAPIC => {
-               VmIoapicState(vm.get_ioapic_state()?).as_slice().to_vec()
-           }
-           MainRequest_StateSet::PIT => VmPitState(vm.get_pit_state()?).as_slice().to_vec(),
-       })
+        MainRequest_StateSet::PIC0 => VmPicState(vm.get_pic_state(PicId::Primary)?)
+            .as_slice()
+            .to_vec(),
+        MainRequest_StateSet::PIC1 => VmPicState(vm.get_pic_state(PicId::Secondary)?)
+            .as_slice()
+            .to_vec(),
+        MainRequest_StateSet::IOAPIC => VmIoapicState(vm.get_ioapic_state()?).as_slice().to_vec(),
+        MainRequest_StateSet::PIT => VmPitState(vm.get_pit_state()?).as_slice().to_vec(),
+    })
 fn set_vm_state(vm: &Vm, state_set: MainRequest_StateSet, state: &[u8]) -> SysResult<()> {
     match state_set {
-        MainRequest_StateSet::PIC0 => {
-            vm.set_pic_state(PicId::Primary,
-                             &VmPicState::from_slice(state)
-                                  .ok_or(SysError::new(EINVAL))?
-                                  .0)
-        }
-        MainRequest_StateSet::PIC1 => {
-            vm.set_pic_state(PicId::Secondary,
-                             &VmPicState::from_slice(state)
-                                  .ok_or(SysError::new(EINVAL))?
-                                  .0)
-        }
-        MainRequest_StateSet::IOAPIC => {
-            vm.set_ioapic_state(&VmIoapicState::from_slice(state)
-                                     .ok_or(SysError::new(EINVAL))?
-                                     .0)
-        }
-        MainRequest_StateSet::PIT => {
-            vm.set_pit_state(&VmPitState::from_slice(state)
-                                  .ok_or(SysError::new(EINVAL))?
-                                  .0)
-        }
+        MainRequest_StateSet::PIC0 => vm.set_pic_state(
+            PicId::Primary,
+            &VmPicState::from_slice(state)
+                .ok_or(SysError::new(EINVAL))?
+                .0,
+        ),
+        MainRequest_StateSet::PIC1 => vm.set_pic_state(
+            PicId::Secondary,
+            &VmPicState::from_slice(state)
+                .ok_or(SysError::new(EINVAL))?
+                .0,
+        ),
+        MainRequest_StateSet::IOAPIC => vm.set_ioapic_state(
+            &VmIoapicState::from_slice(state)
+                .ok_or(SysError::new(EINVAL))?
+                .0,
+        ),
+        MainRequest_StateSet::PIT => vm.set_pit_state(
+            &VmPitState::from_slice(state)
+                .ok_or(SysError::new(EINVAL))?
+                .0,
+        ),
@@ -132,20 +128,22 @@ impl Process {
     /// Set the `jail` argument to spawn the plugin process within the preconfigured jail.
     /// Due to an API limitation in libminijail necessitating that this function set an environment
     /// variable, this function is not thread-safe.
-    pub fn new(cpu_count: u32,
-               cmd: &Path,
-               args: &[&str],
-               jail: Option<Minijail>)
-               -> Result<Process> {
-        let (request_socket, child_socket) = new_seqpacket_pair().map_err(Error::CreateMainSocket)?;
-        let mut vcpu_sockets: Vec<(UnixDatagram, UnixDatagram)> = Vec::with_capacity(cpu_count as
-                                                                                     usize);
+    pub fn new(
+        cpu_count: u32,
+        cmd: &Path,
+        args: &[&str],
+        jail: Option<Minijail>,
+    ) -> Result<Process> {
+        let (request_socket, child_socket) =
+            new_seqpacket_pair().map_err(Error::CreateMainSocket)?;
+        let mut vcpu_sockets: Vec<(UnixDatagram, UnixDatagram)> =
+            Vec::with_capacity(cpu_count as usize);
         for _ in 0..cpu_count {
-        let mut per_vcpu_states: Vec<Arc<Mutex<PerVcpuState>>> = Vec::with_capacity(cpu_count as
-                                                                                    usize);
+        let mut per_vcpu_states: Vec<Arc<Mutex<PerVcpuState>>> =
+            Vec::with_capacity(cpu_count as usize);
         // TODO(zachr): replace with `resize_default` when that stabilizes. Using a plain `resize`
         // is incorrect because each element in the `Vec` will contain a shared reference to the
         // same `PerVcpuState` instance. This happens because `resize` fills new slots using clones
@@ -160,28 +158,26 @@ impl Process {
       , &[0, 1, 2, child_socket.as_raw_fd()], args)
-            None => {
-                Command::new(cmd)
-                    .args(args)
-                    .env("CROSVM_SOCKET", child_socket.as_raw_fd().to_string())
-                    .spawn()
-                    .map_err(Error::PluginSpawn)?
-                    .id() as pid_t
-            }
+            None => Command::new(cmd)
+                .args(args)
+                .env("CROSVM_SOCKET", child_socket.as_raw_fd().to_string())
+                .spawn()
+                .map_err(Error::PluginSpawn)?
+                .id() as pid_t,
         Ok(Process {
-               started: false,
-               plugin_pid,
-               request_sockets: vec![request_socket],
-               objects: Default::default(),
-               shared_vcpu_state: Default::default(),
-               per_vcpu_states,
-               kill_evt: EventFd::new().map_err(Error::CreateEventFd)?,
-               vcpu_sockets,
-               request_buffer: vec![0; MAX_DATAGRAM_SIZE],
-               response_buffer: Vec::new(),
-           })
+            started: false,
+            plugin_pid,
+            request_sockets: vec![request_socket],
+            objects: Default::default(),
+            shared_vcpu_state: Default::default(),
+            per_vcpu_states,
+            kill_evt: EventFd::new().map_err(Error::CreateEventFd)?,
+            vcpu_sockets,
+            request_buffer: vec![0; MAX_DATAGRAM_SIZE],
+            response_buffer: Vec::new(),
+        })
     /// Creates a VCPU plugin connection object, used by a VCPU run loop to communicate with the
@@ -195,9 +191,11 @@ impl Process {
-        Ok(PluginVcpu::new(self.shared_vcpu_state.clone(),
-                           self.per_vcpu_states[cpu_id as usize].clone(),
-                           vcpu_socket))
+        Ok(PluginVcpu::new(
+            self.shared_vcpu_state.clone(),
+            self.per_vcpu_states[cpu_id as usize].clone(),
+            vcpu_socket,
+        ))
     /// Returns if the plugin process indicated the VM was ready to start.
@@ -267,7 +265,8 @@ impl Process {
             _ => {
                 // Trivially safe
                 if unsafe { WIFEXITED(status) } {
-                    match unsafe { WEXITSTATUS(status) } { // Trivially safe
+                    match unsafe { WEXITSTATUS(status) } {
+                        // Trivially safe
                         0 => Ok(ProcessStatus::Success),
                         code => Ok(ProcessStatus::Fail(code)),
@@ -279,10 +278,11 @@ impl Process {
-    fn handle_io_event(entry: VacantEntry<u32, PluginObject>,
-                       vm: &mut Vm,
-                       io_event: &MainRequest_Create_IoEvent)
-                       -> SysResult<RawFd> {
+    fn handle_io_event(
+        entry: VacantEntry<u32, PluginObject>,
+        vm: &mut Vm,
+        io_event: &MainRequest_Create_IoEvent,
+    ) -> SysResult<RawFd> {
         let evt = EventFd::new()?;
         let addr = match {
             AddressSpace::IOPORT => IoeventAddress::Pio(io_event.address),
@@ -299,24 +299,24 @@ impl Process {
         let fd = evt.as_raw_fd();
         entry.insert(PluginObject::IoEvent {
-                         evt,
-                         addr,
-                         length: io_event.length,
-                         datamatch: io_event.datamatch,
-                     });
+            evt,
+            addr,
+            length: io_event.length,
+            datamatch: io_event.datamatch,
+        });
-    fn handle_memory(entry: VacantEntry<u32, PluginObject>,
-                     vm: &mut Vm,
-                     memfd: File,
-                     offset: u64,
-                     start: u64,
-                     length: u64,
-                     read_only: bool,
-                     dirty_log: bool)
-                     -> SysResult<()> {
+    fn handle_memory(
+        entry: VacantEntry<u32, PluginObject>,
+        vm: &mut Vm,
+        memfd: File,
+        offset: u64,
+        start: u64,
+        length: u64,
+        read_only: bool,
+        dirty_log: bool,
+    ) -> SysResult<()> {
         let shm = SharedMemory::from_raw_fd(memfd)?;
         // Checking the seals ensures the plugin process won't shrink the mmapped file, causing us
         // to SIGBUS in the future.
@@ -334,9 +334,9 @@ impl Process {
         let slot = vm.add_device_memory(GuestAddress(start), mem, read_only, dirty_log)?;
         entry.insert(PluginObject::Memory {
-                         slot,
-                         length: length as usize,
-                     });
+            slot,
+            length: length as usize,
+        });
@@ -356,42 +356,43 @@ impl Process {
-    fn handle_set_irq_routing(vm: &mut Vm,
-                              irq_routing: &MainRequest_SetIrqRouting)
-                              -> SysResult<()> {
+    fn handle_set_irq_routing(
+        vm: &mut Vm,
+        irq_routing: &MainRequest_SetIrqRouting,
+    ) -> SysResult<()> {
         let mut routes = Vec::with_capacity(irq_routing.routes.len());
         for route in irq_routing.routes.iter() {
             routes.push(IrqRoute {
-                            gsi: route.irq_id,
-                            source: if route.has_irqchip() {
-                                let irqchip = route.get_irqchip();
-                                IrqSource::Irqchip {
-                                    chip: irqchip.irqchip,
-                                    pin:,
-                                }
-                            } else if route.has_msi() {
-                let msi = route.get_msi();
-                IrqSource::Msi {
-                    address: msi.address,
-                    data:,
-                }
-            } else {
-                // Because route is a oneof field in the proto definition, this should
-                // only happen if a new variant gets added without updating this chained
-                // if block.
-                return Err(SysError::new(EINVAL));
-            },
-                        });
+                gsi: route.irq_id,
+                source: if route.has_irqchip() {
+                    let irqchip = route.get_irqchip();
+                    IrqSource::Irqchip {
+                        chip: irqchip.irqchip,
+                        pin:,
+                    }
+                } else if route.has_msi() {
+                    let msi = route.get_msi();
+                    IrqSource::Msi {
+                        address: msi.address,
+                        data:,
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    // Because route is a oneof field in the proto definition, this should
+                    // only happen if a new variant gets added without updating this chained
+                    // if block.
+                    return Err(SysError::new(EINVAL));
+                },
+            });
     fn handle_pause_vcpus(&self, vcpu_handles: &[JoinHandle<()>], cpu_mask: u64, user_data: u64) {
-        for (cpu_id, (handle, per_cpu_state)) in
-            vcpu_handles
-                .iter()
-                .zip(self.per_vcpu_states.iter())
-                .enumerate() {
+        for (cpu_id, (handle, per_cpu_state)) in vcpu_handles
+            .iter()
+            .zip(self.per_vcpu_states.iter())
+            .enumerate()
+        {
             if cpu_mask & (1 << cpu_id) != 0 {
                 if let Err(e) = handle.kill(SIGRTMIN() + 0) {
@@ -401,9 +402,10 @@ impl Process {
-    fn handle_get_net_config(tap: &net_util::Tap,
-                             config: &mut MainResponse_GetNetConfig)
-                             -> SysResult<()> {
+    fn handle_get_net_config(
+        tap: &net_util::Tap,
+        config: &mut MainResponse_GetNetConfig,
+    ) -> SysResult<()> {
         // Log any NetError so that the cause can be found later, but extract and return the
         // underlying errno for the client as well.
         fn map_net_error(s: &str, e: NetError) -> SysError {
@@ -411,15 +413,15 @@ impl Process {
-        let ip_addr = tap.ip_addr()
-            .map_err(|e| map_net_error("IP address", e))?;
+        let ip_addr = tap.ip_addr().map_err(|e| map_net_error("IP address", e))?;
         let netmask = tap.netmask().map_err(|e| map_net_error("netmask", e))?;
         let result_mac_addr = config.mut_host_mac_address();
-        let mac_addr_octets = tap.mac_address()
+        let mac_addr_octets = tap
+            .mac_address()
             .map_err(|e| map_net_error("mac address", e))?
         result_mac_addr.resize(mac_addr_octets.len(), 0);
@@ -433,13 +435,14 @@ impl Process {
     /// The `vm` is used to service request that affect the VM. The `vcpu_handles` slice is used to
     /// interrupt a VCPU thread currently running in the VM if the socket request it.
-    pub fn handle_socket(&mut self,
-                         index: usize,
-                         kvm: &Kvm,
-                         vm: &mut Vm,
-                         vcpu_handles: &[JoinHandle<()>],
-                         tap: Option<&Tap>)
-                         -> Result<()> {
+    pub fn handle_socket(
+        &mut self,
+        index: usize,
+        kvm: &Kvm,
+        vm: &mut Vm,
+        vcpu_handles: &[JoinHandle<()>],
+        tap: Option<&Tap>,
+    ) -> Result<()> {
         let (msg_size, request_file) = self.request_sockets[index]
             .recv_with_fd(&mut self.request_buffer)
@@ -470,38 +473,38 @@ impl Process {
                     } else if create.has_memory() {
                         let memory = create.get_memory();
                         match request_file {
-                            Some(memfd) => {
-                                Self::handle_memory(entry,
-                                                    vm,
-                                                    memfd,
-                                                    memory.offset,
-                                                    memory.start,
-                                                    memory.length,
-                                                    memory.read_only,
-                                                    memory.dirty_log)
-                            }
+                            Some(memfd) => Self::handle_memory(
+                                entry,
+                                vm,
+                                memfd,
+                                memory.offset,
+                                memory.start,
+                                memory.length,
+                                memory.read_only,
+                                memory.dirty_log,
+                            ),
                             None => Err(SysError::new(EBADF)),
                     } else if create.has_irq_event() {
                         let irq_event = create.get_irq_event();
                         match (EventFd::new(), EventFd::new()) {
-                            (Ok(evt), Ok(resample_evt)) => {
-                                match vm.register_irqfd_resample(&evt,
-                                                                 &resample_evt,
-                                                                 irq_event.irq_id) {
-                                    Ok(()) => {
-                                        response_fds.push(evt.as_raw_fd());
-                                        response_fds.push(resample_evt.as_raw_fd());
-                                        response_files.push(downcast_file(resample_evt));
-                                        entry.insert(PluginObject::IrqEvent {
-                                            irq_id: irq_event.irq_id,
-                                            evt,
-                                        });
-                                        Ok(())
-                                    }
-                                    Err(e) => Err(e),
+                            (Ok(evt), Ok(resample_evt)) => match vm.register_irqfd_resample(
+                                &evt,
+                                &resample_evt,
+                                irq_event.irq_id,
+                            ) {
+                                Ok(()) => {
+                                    response_fds.push(evt.as_raw_fd());
+                                    response_fds.push(resample_evt.as_raw_fd());
+                                    response_files.push(downcast_file(resample_evt));
+                                    entry.insert(PluginObject::IrqEvent {
+                                        irq_id: irq_event.irq_id,
+                                        evt,
+                                    });
+                                    Ok(())
-                            }
+                                Err(e) => Err(e),
+                            },
                             (Err(e), _) | (_, Err(e)) => Err(e),
                     } else {
diff --git a/src/plugin/ b/src/plugin/
index 5ff5366..76c58cc 100644
--- a/src/plugin/
+++ b/src/plugin/
@@ -4,21 +4,23 @@
 use std::cell::{Cell, RefCell};
 use std::cmp::min;
-use std::cmp::{self, Ord, PartialOrd, PartialEq};
+use std::cmp::{self, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd};
 use std::collections::btree_set::BTreeSet;
 use std::mem::size_of;
 use std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram;
 use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex, RwLock};
 use protobuf;
 use protobuf::Message;
 use data_model::DataInit;
-use kvm::{Vcpu, CpuId};
-use kvm_sys::{kvm_regs, kvm_sregs, kvm_fpu, kvm_debugregs, kvm_xcrs, kvm_msrs, kvm_msr_entry,
-              KVM_CPUID_FLAG_SIGNIFCANT_INDEX, kvm_lapic_state, kvm_mp_state, kvm_vcpu_events};
+use kvm::{CpuId, Vcpu};
+use kvm_sys::{
+    kvm_debugregs, kvm_fpu, kvm_lapic_state, kvm_mp_state, kvm_msr_entry, kvm_msrs, kvm_regs,
+    kvm_sregs, kvm_vcpu_events, kvm_xcrs, KVM_CPUID_FLAG_SIGNIFCANT_INDEX,
 use plugin_proto::*;
 use super::*;
@@ -81,65 +83,56 @@ unsafe impl DataInit for VcpuEvents {}
 fn get_vcpu_state(vcpu: &Vcpu, state_set: VcpuRequest_StateSet) -> SysResult<Vec<u8>> {
     Ok(match state_set {
-           VcpuRequest_StateSet::REGS => VcpuRegs(vcpu.get_regs()?).as_slice().to_vec(),
-           VcpuRequest_StateSet::SREGS => VcpuSregs(vcpu.get_sregs()?).as_slice().to_vec(),
-           VcpuRequest_StateSet::FPU => VcpuFpu(vcpu.get_fpu()?).as_slice().to_vec(),
-           VcpuRequest_StateSet::DEBUGREGS => {
-               VcpuDebugregs(vcpu.get_debugregs()?).as_slice().to_vec()
-           }
-           VcpuRequest_StateSet::XCREGS => VcpuXcregs(vcpu.get_xcrs()?).as_slice().to_vec(),
-           VcpuRequest_StateSet::LAPIC => VcpuLapicState(vcpu.get_lapic()?).as_slice().to_vec(),
-           VcpuRequest_StateSet::MP => VcpuMpState(vcpu.get_mp_state()?).as_slice().to_vec(),
-           VcpuRequest_StateSet::EVENTS => VcpuEvents(vcpu.get_vcpu_events()?).as_slice().to_vec(),
-       })
+        VcpuRequest_StateSet::REGS => VcpuRegs(vcpu.get_regs()?).as_slice().to_vec(),
+        VcpuRequest_StateSet::SREGS => VcpuSregs(vcpu.get_sregs()?).as_slice().to_vec(),
+        VcpuRequest_StateSet::FPU => VcpuFpu(vcpu.get_fpu()?).as_slice().to_vec(),
+        VcpuRequest_StateSet::DEBUGREGS => VcpuDebugregs(vcpu.get_debugregs()?).as_slice().to_vec(),
+        VcpuRequest_StateSet::XCREGS => VcpuXcregs(vcpu.get_xcrs()?).as_slice().to_vec(),
+        VcpuRequest_StateSet::LAPIC => VcpuLapicState(vcpu.get_lapic()?).as_slice().to_vec(),
+        VcpuRequest_StateSet::MP => VcpuMpState(vcpu.get_mp_state()?).as_slice().to_vec(),
+        VcpuRequest_StateSet::EVENTS => VcpuEvents(vcpu.get_vcpu_events()?).as_slice().to_vec(),
+    })
 fn set_vcpu_state(vcpu: &Vcpu, state_set: VcpuRequest_StateSet, state: &[u8]) -> SysResult<()> {
     match state_set {
         VcpuRequest_StateSet::REGS => {
-            vcpu.set_regs(&VcpuRegs::from_slice(state)
-                               .ok_or(SysError::new(EINVAL))?
-                               .0)
+            vcpu.set_regs(&VcpuRegs::from_slice(state).ok_or(SysError::new(EINVAL))?.0)
         VcpuRequest_StateSet::SREGS => {
-            vcpu.set_sregs(&VcpuSregs::from_slice(state)
-                                .ok_or(SysError::new(EINVAL))?
-                                .0)
+            vcpu.set_sregs(&VcpuSregs::from_slice(state).ok_or(SysError::new(EINVAL))?.0)
         VcpuRequest_StateSet::FPU => {
-            vcpu.set_fpu(&VcpuFpu::from_slice(state)
-                              .ok_or(SysError::new(EINVAL))?
-                              .0)
-        }
-        VcpuRequest_StateSet::DEBUGREGS => {
-            vcpu.set_debugregs(&VcpuDebugregs::from_slice(state)
-                                    .ok_or(SysError::new(EINVAL))?
-                                    .0)
-        }
-        VcpuRequest_StateSet::XCREGS => {
-            vcpu.set_xcrs(&VcpuXcregs::from_slice(state)
-                              .ok_or(SysError::new(EINVAL))?
-                              .0)
-        }
-        VcpuRequest_StateSet::LAPIC => {
-            vcpu.set_lapic(&VcpuLapicState::from_slice(state)
-                                .ok_or(SysError::new(EINVAL))?
-                                .0)
-        }
-        VcpuRequest_StateSet::MP => {
-            vcpu.set_mp_state(&VcpuMpState::from_slice(state)
-                                   .ok_or(SysError::new(EINVAL))?
-                                   .0)
-        }
-        VcpuRequest_StateSet::EVENTS => {
-            vcpu.set_vcpu_events(&VcpuEvents::from_slice(state)
-                                    .ok_or(SysError::new(EINVAL))?
-                                    .0)
+            vcpu.set_fpu(&VcpuFpu::from_slice(state).ok_or(SysError::new(EINVAL))?.0)
+        VcpuRequest_StateSet::DEBUGREGS => vcpu.set_debugregs(
+            &VcpuDebugregs::from_slice(state)
+                .ok_or(SysError::new(EINVAL))?
+                .0,
+        ),
+        VcpuRequest_StateSet::XCREGS => vcpu.set_xcrs(
+            &VcpuXcregs::from_slice(state)
+                .ok_or(SysError::new(EINVAL))?
+                .0,
+        ),
+        VcpuRequest_StateSet::LAPIC => vcpu.set_lapic(
+            &VcpuLapicState::from_slice(state)
+                .ok_or(SysError::new(EINVAL))?
+                .0,
+        ),
+        VcpuRequest_StateSet::MP => vcpu.set_mp_state(
+            &VcpuMpState::from_slice(state)
+                .ok_or(SysError::new(EINVAL))?
+                .0,
+        ),
+        VcpuRequest_StateSet::EVENTS => vcpu.set_vcpu_events(
+            &VcpuEvents::from_slice(state)
+                .ok_or(SysError::new(EINVAL))?
+                .0,
+        ),
 /// State shared by every VCPU, grouped together to make edits to the state coherent across VCPUs.
 pub struct SharedVcpuState {
@@ -171,10 +164,7 @@ impl SharedVcpuState {
             IoSpace::Mmio => &mut self.mmio_regions,
-        match space
-                  .range(..Range(last_address, 0))
-                  .next_back()
-                  .cloned() {
+        match space.range(..Range(last_address, 0)).next_back().cloned() {
             Some(Range(existing_start, _)) if existing_start >= start => Err(SysError::new(EPERM)),
             _ => {
                 space.insert(Range(start, length));
@@ -291,10 +281,11 @@ pub struct PluginVcpu {
 impl PluginVcpu {
     /// Creates the plugin state and connection container for a VCPU thread.
-    pub fn new(shared_vcpu_state: Arc<RwLock<SharedVcpuState>>,
-               per_vcpu_state: Arc<Mutex<PerVcpuState>>,
-               connection: UnixDatagram)
-               -> PluginVcpu {
+    pub fn new(
+        shared_vcpu_state: Arc<RwLock<SharedVcpuState>>,
+        per_vcpu_state: Arc<Mutex<PerVcpuState>>,
+        connection: UnixDatagram,
+    ) -> PluginVcpu {
         PluginVcpu {
@@ -320,7 +311,8 @@ impl PluginVcpu {
     /// to this VCPU.
     pub fn pre_run(&self, vcpu: &Vcpu) -> SysResult<()> {
         let request = {
-            let mut lock = self.per_vcpu_state
+            let mut lock = self
+                .per_vcpu_state
                 .map_err(|_| SysError::new(EDEADLK))?;
@@ -403,11 +395,11 @@ impl PluginVcpu {
         let mut request_buffer = self.request_buffer.borrow_mut();
         request_buffer.resize(MAX_VCPU_DATAGRAM_SIZE, 0);
-        let msg_size = self.connection
+        let msg_size = self
+            .connection
             .recv(&mut request_buffer)
         let mut request = protobuf::parse_from_bytes::<VcpuRequest>(&request_buffer[..msg_size])
@@ -449,9 +441,9 @@ impl PluginVcpu {
             let mut msr_entries = Vec::with_capacity(entry_indices.len());
             for &index in entry_indices {
                 msr_entries.push(kvm_msr_entry {
-                                     index,
-                                     ..Default::default()
-                                 });
+                    index,
+                    ..Default::default()
+                });
             match vcpu.get_msrs(&mut msr_entries) {
                 Ok(()) => {
@@ -465,8 +457,8 @@ impl PluginVcpu {
         } else if request.has_set_msrs() {
             let request_entries = &request.get_set_msrs().entries;
-            let vec_size_bytes = size_of::<kvm_msrs>() +
-                                 (request_entries.len() * size_of::<kvm_msr_entry>());
+            let vec_size_bytes =
+                size_of::<kvm_msrs>() + (request_entries.len() * size_of::<kvm_msr_entry>());
             let vec: Vec<u8> = vec![0; vec_size_bytes];
             let kvm_msrs: &mut kvm_msrs = unsafe {
                 // Converting the vector's memory to a struct is unsafe.  Carefully using the read-
@@ -493,7 +485,8 @@ impl PluginVcpu {
                 let cpuid_entries = cpuid.mut_entries_slice();
                 for (request_entry, cpuid_entry) in
-                    request_entries.iter().zip(cpuid_entries.iter_mut()) {
+                    request_entries.iter().zip(cpuid_entries.iter_mut())
+                {
                     cpuid_entry.function = request_entry.function;
                     if request_entry.has_index {
                         cpuid_entry.index = request_entry.index;