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path: root/hypervisor/src/kvm/
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Diffstat (limited to 'hypervisor/src/kvm/')
1 files changed, 382 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/hypervisor/src/kvm/ b/hypervisor/src/kvm/
index 43d6c97..06774f4 100644
--- a/hypervisor/src/kvm/
+++ b/hypervisor/src/kvm/
@@ -2,12 +2,17 @@
 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
 // found in the LICENSE file.
+use std::convert::TryInto;
 use kvm_sys::*;
 use libc::E2BIG;
 use sys_util::{ioctl_with_mut_ptr, Error, Result};
 use super::{Kvm, KvmVcpu, KvmVm};
-use crate::{CpuId, CpuIdEntry, HypervisorX86_64, Regs, VcpuX86_64, VmX86_64};
+use crate::{
+    CpuId, CpuIdEntry, HypervisorX86_64, IoapicRedirectionTableEntry, IoapicState, LapicState,
+    PicState, PitChannelState, PitState, Regs, VcpuX86_64, VmX86_64,
 type KvmCpuId = kvm::CpuId;
@@ -93,11 +98,222 @@ impl VcpuX86_64 for KvmVcpu {
+impl From<&kvm_pic_state> for PicState {
+    fn from(item: &kvm_pic_state) -> Self {
+        PicState {
+            last_irr: item.last_irr,
+            irr: item.irr,
+            imr: item.imr,
+            isr: item.isr,
+            priority_add: item.priority_add,
+            irq_base: item.irq_base,
+            read_reg_select: item.read_reg_select != 0,
+            poll: item.poll != 0,
+            special_mask: item.special_mask != 0,
+            init_state: item.init_state.into(),
+            auto_eoi: item.auto_eoi != 0,
+            rotate_on_auto_eoi: item.rotate_on_auto_eoi != 0,
+            special_fully_nested_mode: item.special_fully_nested_mode != 0,
+            use_4_byte_icw: item.init4 != 0,
+            elcr: item.elcr,
+            elcr_mask: item.elcr_mask,
+        }
+    }
+impl From<&PicState> for kvm_pic_state {
+    fn from(item: &PicState) -> Self {
+        kvm_pic_state {
+            last_irr: item.last_irr,
+            irr: item.irr,
+            imr: item.imr,
+            isr: item.isr,
+            priority_add: item.priority_add,
+            irq_base: item.irq_base,
+            read_reg_select: item.read_reg_select as u8,
+            poll: item.poll as u8,
+            special_mask: item.special_mask as u8,
+            init_state: item.init_state as u8,
+            auto_eoi: item.auto_eoi as u8,
+            rotate_on_auto_eoi: item.rotate_on_auto_eoi as u8,
+            special_fully_nested_mode: item.special_fully_nested_mode as u8,
+            init4: item.use_4_byte_icw as u8,
+            elcr: item.elcr,
+            elcr_mask: item.elcr_mask,
+        }
+    }
+impl From<&kvm_ioapic_state> for IoapicState {
+    fn from(item: &kvm_ioapic_state) -> Self {
+        let mut state = IoapicState {
+            base_address: item.base_address,
+            ioregsel: item.ioregsel,
+            ioapicid:,
+            current_interrupt_level_bitmap: item.irr,
+            redirect_table: [IoapicRedirectionTableEntry::default(); 24],
+        };
+        for (in_state, out_state) in item.redirtbl.iter().zip(state.redirect_table.iter_mut()) {
+            *out_state = in_state.into();
+        }
+        state
+    }
+impl From<&IoapicRedirectionTableEntry> for kvm_ioapic_state__bindgen_ty_1 {
+    fn from(item: &IoapicRedirectionTableEntry) -> Self {
+        kvm_ioapic_state__bindgen_ty_1 {
+            // IoapicRedirectionTableEntry layout matches the exact bit layout of a hardware
+            // ioapic redirection table entry, so we can simply do a 64-bit copy
+            bits: item.get(0, 64),
+        }
+    }
+impl From<&kvm_ioapic_state__bindgen_ty_1> for IoapicRedirectionTableEntry {
+    fn from(item: &kvm_ioapic_state__bindgen_ty_1) -> Self {
+        let mut entry = IoapicRedirectionTableEntry::default();
+        // Safe because the 64-bit layout of the IoapicRedirectionTableEntry matches the kvm_sys
+        // table entry layout
+        entry.set(0, 64, unsafe { item.bits as u64 });
+        entry
+    }
+impl From<&IoapicState> for kvm_ioapic_state {
+    fn from(item: &IoapicState) -> Self {
+        let mut state = kvm_ioapic_state {
+            base_address: item.base_address,
+            ioregsel: item.ioregsel,
+            id: item.ioapicid,
+            irr: item.current_interrupt_level_bitmap,
+            ..Default::default()
+        };
+        for (in_state, out_state) in item.redirect_table.iter().zip(state.redirtbl.iter_mut()) {
+            *out_state = in_state.into();
+        }
+        state
+    }
+impl From<&LapicState> for kvm_lapic_state {
+    fn from(item: &LapicState) -> Self {
+        let mut state = kvm_lapic_state::default();
+        // There are 64 lapic registers
+        for (reg, value) in item.regs.iter().enumerate() {
+            // Each lapic register is 16 bytes, but only the first 4 are used
+            let reg_offset = 16 * reg;
+            let sliceu8 = unsafe {
+                // This array is only accessed as parts of a u32 word, so interpret it as a u8 array.
+                // to_le_bytes() produces an array of u8, not i8(c_char).
+                std::mem::transmute::<&mut [i8], &mut [u8]>(
+                    &mut state.regs[reg_offset..reg_offset + 4],
+                )
+            };
+            sliceu8.copy_from_slice(&value.to_le_bytes());
+        }
+        state
+    }
+impl From<&kvm_lapic_state> for LapicState {
+    fn from(item: &kvm_lapic_state) -> Self {
+        let mut state = LapicState { regs: [0; 64] };
+        // There are 64 lapic registers
+        for reg in 0..64 {
+            // Each lapic register is 16 bytes, but only the first 4 are used
+            let reg_offset = 16 * reg;
+            let bytes = unsafe {
+                // This array is only accessed as parts of a u32 word, so interpret it as a u8 array.
+                // from_le_bytes() only works on arrays of u8, not i8(c_char).
+                std::mem::transmute::<&[i8], &[u8]>(&item.regs[reg_offset..reg_offset + 4])
+            };
+            state.regs[reg] = u32::from_le_bytes(bytes.try_into().unwrap());
+        }
+        state
+    }
+impl From<&PitState> for kvm_pit_state2 {
+    fn from(item: &PitState) -> Self {
+        kvm_pit_state2 {
+            channels: [
+                kvm_pit_channel_state::from(&item.channels[0]),
+                kvm_pit_channel_state::from(&item.channels[1]),
+                kvm_pit_channel_state::from(&item.channels[2]),
+            ],
+            flags: item.flags,
+            ..Default::default()
+        }
+    }
+impl From<&kvm_pit_state2> for PitState {
+    fn from(item: &kvm_pit_state2) -> Self {
+        PitState {
+            channels: [
+                PitChannelState::from(&item.channels[0]),
+                PitChannelState::from(&item.channels[1]),
+                PitChannelState::from(&item.channels[2]),
+            ],
+            flags: item.flags,
+        }
+    }
+impl From<&PitChannelState> for kvm_pit_channel_state {
+    fn from(item: &PitChannelState) -> Self {
+        kvm_pit_channel_state {
+            count: item.count,
+            latched_count: item.latched_count,
+            count_latched: item.count_latched as u8,
+            status_latched: item.status_latched as u8,
+            status: item.status,
+            read_state: item.read_state as u8,
+            write_state: item.write_state as u8,
+            // kvm's write_latch only stores the low byte of the reload value
+            write_latch: item.reload_value as u8,
+            rw_mode: item.rw_mode as u8,
+            mode: item.mode,
+            bcd: item.bcd as u8,
+            gate: item.gate as u8,
+            count_load_time: item.count_load_time as i64,
+        }
+    }
+impl From<&kvm_pit_channel_state> for PitChannelState {
+    fn from(item: &kvm_pit_channel_state) -> Self {
+        PitChannelState {
+            count: item.count,
+            latched_count: item.latched_count,
+            count_latched: item.count_latched.into(),
+            status_latched: item.status_latched != 0,
+            status: item.status,
+            read_state: item.read_state.into(),
+            write_state: item.write_state.into(),
+            // kvm's write_latch only stores the low byte of the reload value
+            reload_value: item.write_latch as u16,
+            rw_mode: item.rw_mode.into(),
+            mode: item.mode,
+            bcd: item.bcd != 0,
+            gate: item.gate != 0,
+            count_load_time: item.count_load_time as u64,
+        }
+    }
 mod tests {
+    use crate::{
+        DeliveryMode, DeliveryStatus, DestinationMode, IoapicRedirectionTableEntry, IoapicState,
+        LapicState, PicInitState, PicState, PitChannelState, PitRWMode, PitRWState, PitState,
+        TriggerMode,
+    };
+    use kvm_sys::*;
     use super::Kvm;
     use crate::HypervisorX86_64;
-    use kvm_sys::*;
     fn get_supported_cpuid() {
@@ -121,4 +337,168 @@ mod tests {
         assert!(cpuid.cpu_id_entries.len() > 4);
+    #[test]
+    fn pic_state() {
+        let state = PicState {
+            last_irr: 0b00000001,
+            irr: 0b00000010,
+            imr: 0b00000100,
+            isr: 0b00001000,
+            priority_add: 0b00010000,
+            irq_base: 0b00100000,
+            read_reg_select: false,
+            poll: true,
+            special_mask: true,
+            init_state: PicInitState::Icw3,
+            auto_eoi: true,
+            rotate_on_auto_eoi: false,
+            special_fully_nested_mode: true,
+            use_4_byte_icw: true,
+            elcr: 0b01000000,
+            elcr_mask: 0b10000000,
+        };
+        let kvm_state = kvm_pic_state::from(&state);
+        assert_eq!(kvm_state.last_irr, 0b00000001);
+        assert_eq!(kvm_state.irr, 0b00000010);
+        assert_eq!(kvm_state.imr, 0b00000100);
+        assert_eq!(kvm_state.isr, 0b00001000);
+        assert_eq!(kvm_state.priority_add, 0b00010000);
+        assert_eq!(kvm_state.irq_base, 0b00100000);
+        assert_eq!(kvm_state.read_reg_select, 0);
+        assert_eq!(kvm_state.poll, 1);
+        assert_eq!(kvm_state.special_mask, 1);
+        assert_eq!(kvm_state.init_state, 0b10);
+        assert_eq!(kvm_state.auto_eoi, 1);
+        assert_eq!(kvm_state.rotate_on_auto_eoi, 0);
+        assert_eq!(kvm_state.special_fully_nested_mode, 1);
+        assert_eq!(kvm_state.auto_eoi, 1);
+        assert_eq!(kvm_state.elcr, 0b01000000);
+        assert_eq!(kvm_state.elcr_mask, 0b10000000);
+        let orig_state = PicState::from(&kvm_state);
+        assert_eq!(state, orig_state);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn ioapic_state() {
+        let mut entry = IoapicRedirectionTableEntry::default();
+        // default entry should be 0
+        assert_eq!(entry.get(0, 64), 0);
+        // set some values on our entry
+        entry.set_vector(0b11111111);
+        entry.set_delivery_mode(DeliveryMode::SMI);
+        entry.set_dest_mode(DestinationMode::Physical);
+        entry.set_delivery_status(DeliveryStatus::Pending);
+        entry.set_polarity(1);
+        entry.set_remote_irr(true);
+        entry.set_trigger_mode(TriggerMode::Level);
+        entry.set_interrupt_mask(true);
+        entry.set_dest_id(0b10101010);
+        // Bit repr as:  destid-reserved--------------------------------flags----vector--
+        let bit_repr = 0b1010101000000000000000000000000000000000000000011111001011111111;
+        // where flags is [interrupt_mask(1), trigger_mode(Level=1), remote_irr(1), polarity(1),
+        //   delivery_status(Pending=1), dest_mode(Physical=0), delivery_mode(SMI=010)]
+        assert_eq!(entry.get(0, 64), bit_repr);
+        let state = IoapicState {
+            base_address: 1,
+            ioregsel: 2,
+            ioapicid: 4,
+            current_interrupt_level_bitmap: 8,
+            redirect_table: [entry; 24],
+        };
+        let kvm_state = kvm_ioapic_state::from(&state);
+        assert_eq!(kvm_state.base_address, 1);
+        assert_eq!(kvm_state.ioregsel, 2);
+        assert_eq!(, 4);
+        assert_eq!(kvm_state.irr, 8);
+        assert_eq!(kvm_state.pad, 0);
+        // check our entries
+        for i in 0..24 {
+            assert_eq!(unsafe { kvm_state.redirtbl[i].bits }, bit_repr);
+        }
+        // compare with a conversion back
+        assert_eq!(state, IoapicState::from(&kvm_state));
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn lapic_state() {
+        let mut state = LapicState { regs: [0; 64] };
+        // Apic id register, 4 bytes each with a different bit set
+        state.regs[2] = 1 | 2 << 8 | 4 << 16 | 8 << 24;
+        let kvm_state = kvm_lapic_state::from(&state);
+        // check little endian bytes in kvm_state
+        for i in 0..4 {
+            assert_eq!(
+                unsafe { std::mem::transmute::<i8, u8>(kvm_state.regs[32 + i]) } as u8,
+                2u8.pow(i as u32)
+            );
+        }
+        // Test converting back to a LapicState
+        assert_eq!(state, LapicState::from(&kvm_state));
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn pit_state() {
+        let channel = PitChannelState {
+            count: 256,
+            latched_count: 512,
+            count_latched: PitRWState::LSB,
+            status_latched: false,
+            status: 7,
+            read_state: PitRWState::MSB,
+            write_state: PitRWState::Word1,
+            reload_value: 8,
+            rw_mode: PitRWMode::Both,
+            mode: 5,
+            bcd: false,
+            gate: true,
+            count_load_time: 1024,
+        };
+        let kvm_channel = kvm_pit_channel_state::from(&channel);
+        // compare the various field translations
+        assert_eq!(kvm_channel.count, 256);
+        assert_eq!(kvm_channel.latched_count, 512);
+        assert_eq!(kvm_channel.count_latched, 1);
+        assert_eq!(kvm_channel.status_latched, 0);
+        assert_eq!(kvm_channel.status, 7);
+        assert_eq!(kvm_channel.read_state, 2);
+        assert_eq!(kvm_channel.write_state, 4);
+        assert_eq!(kvm_channel.write_latch, 8);
+        assert_eq!(kvm_channel.rw_mode, 3);
+        assert_eq!(kvm_channel.mode, 5);
+        assert_eq!(kvm_channel.bcd, 0);
+        assert_eq!(kvm_channel.gate, 1);
+        assert_eq!(kvm_channel.count_load_time, 1024);
+        // convert back and compare
+        assert_eq!(channel, PitChannelState::from(&kvm_channel));
+        // convert the full pitstate
+        let state = PitState {
+            channels: [channel, channel, channel],
+            flags: 255,
+        };
+        let kvm_state = kvm_pit_state2::from(&state);
+        assert_eq!(kvm_state.flags, 255);
+        // compare a channel
+        assert_eq!(channel, PitChannelState::from(&kvm_state.channels[0]));
+        // convert back and compare
+        assert_eq!(state, PitState::from(&kvm_state));
+    }