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path: root/gpu_buffer/src/
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authorZach Reizner <>2018-06-14 17:58:37 -0700
committerchrome-bot <>2018-07-25 00:14:24 -0700
commite9717c4b7bf1a43cd540215a0ff1962613c994b2 (patch)
treee19ca534553e88faf39460c8e7b879b95a08e69e /gpu_buffer/src/
parent940259c548dc13dd04adf938dc047a5faa48908e (diff)
gpu_buffer: fix reading and writing to GPU buffers
The original methods for reading and writing to GPU buffers naively
assumed that the mappings returned by GBM were to the first byte in the
buffer. In fact, the returned mapping is to the first pixel of the
mapped rectangle. This would lead to segaults when the copy routine
would breeze past the end of the mapping into segault territory.

This change fixes the read and write algorithms and adds lots more guard
rails in to prevent future undefined behavior (hopefully).

TEST=boot kernel with VT and VIRTIO_GPU

Change-Id: Ia7c968b6dd274551b6d218e2f0b255af6e55bd35
Commit-Ready: Zach Reizner <>
Tested-by: Zach Reizner <>
Reviewed-by: Dylan Reid <>
Diffstat (limited to 'gpu_buffer/src/')
1 files changed, 277 insertions, 110 deletions
diff --git a/gpu_buffer/src/ b/gpu_buffer/src/
index a75159e..dcabc9d 100644
--- a/gpu_buffer/src/
+++ b/gpu_buffer/src/
@@ -38,22 +38,106 @@ pub mod rendernode;
 mod raw;
 mod drm_formats;
-use std::os::raw::c_void;
-use std::fmt;
 use std::cmp::min;
+use std::fmt;
 use std::fs::File;
+use std::isize;
+use std::os::raw::c_void;
 use std::os::unix::io::{AsRawFd, FromRawFd, RawFd};
-use std::ptr::{copy_nonoverlapping, null_mut};
+use std::ptr::null_mut;
 use std::rc::Rc;
 use std::result::Result;
-use data_model::VolatileSlice;
+use data_model::{VolatileSlice, VolatileMemory, VolatileMemoryError};
 use raw::*;
 use drm_formats::*;
 const MAP_FAILED: *mut c_void = (-1isize as *mut _);
+pub enum Error {
+    GbmFailed,
+    ExportFailed(sys_util::Error),
+    MapFailed,
+    UnknownFormat(Format),
+    CheckedArithmetic {
+        field1: (&'static str, usize),
+        field2: (&'static str, usize),
+        op: &'static str,
+    },
+    InvalidPrecondition {
+        field1: (&'static str, usize),
+        field2: (&'static str, usize),
+        op: &'static str,
+    },
+    Memcopy(VolatileMemoryError),
+impl fmt::Display for Error {
+    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+        match *self {
+            Error::GbmFailed => write!(f, "internal GBM failure"),
+            Error::ExportFailed(e) => write!(f, "export failed: {:?}", e),
+            Error::MapFailed => write!(f, "map failed"),
+            Error::CheckedArithmetic {
+                field1: (label1, value1),
+                field2: (label2, value2),
+                op,
+            } => {
+                write!(f,
+                       "arithmetic failed: {}({}) {} {}({})",
+                       label1,
+                       value1,
+                       op,
+                       label2,
+                       value2)
+            }
+            Error::InvalidPrecondition {
+                field1: (label1, value1),
+                field2: (label2, value2),
+                op,
+            } => {
+                write!(f,
+                       "invalid precondition: {}({}) {} {}({})",
+                       label1,
+                       value1,
+                       op,
+                       label2,
+                       value2)
+            }
+            Error::UnknownFormat(format) => write!(f, "unknown format {:?}", format),
+            Error::Memcopy(ref e) => write!(f, "error copying memory: {}", e),
+        }
+    }
+macro_rules! checked_arithmetic {
+    ($x:ident $op:ident $y:ident $op_name:expr) => ($x.$op($y).ok_or_else(||
+        Error::CheckedArithmetic {
+            field1: (stringify!($x), $x as usize),
+            field2: (stringify!($y), $y as usize),
+            op: $op_name,
+        }
+    ));
+    ($x:ident + $y:ident) => (checked_arithmetic!($x checked_add $y "+"));
+    ($x:ident - $y:ident) => (checked_arithmetic!($x checked_sub $y "-"));
+    ($x:ident * $y:ident) => (checked_arithmetic!($x checked_mul $y "*"));
+macro_rules! checked_range {
+    ($x:expr; <= $y:expr) => (if $x <= $y {
+            Ok(())
+        } else {
+            Err(Error::InvalidPrecondition {
+                field1: (stringify!($x), $x as usize),
+                field2: (stringify!($y), $y as usize),
+                op: "<="
+            })
+        });
+    ($x:ident <= $y:ident) => (check_range!($x; <= $y));
 /// A [fourcc]( format identifier.
 #[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
 pub struct Format(u32);
@@ -304,11 +388,11 @@ impl Device {
                          height: u32,
                          format: Format,
                          usage: Flags)
-                         -> Result<Buffer, ()> {
+                         -> Result<Buffer, Error> {
         // This is safe because only a valid gbm_device is used and the return value is checked.
         let bo = unsafe { gbm_bo_create(self.0.gbm, width, height, format.0, usage.0) };
         if bo.is_null() {
-            Err(())
+            Err(Error::GbmFailed)
         } else {
             Ok(Buffer(bo, self.clone()))
@@ -393,15 +477,22 @@ impl Buffer {
-    /// Reads the given subsection of the buffer to `dst`.
-    pub fn read_to_volatile(&self,
-                            x: u32,
-                            y: u32,
-                            width: u32,
-                            height: u32,
-                            plane: usize,
-                            dst: VolatileSlice)
-                            -> Result<(), ()> {
+    fn map(&self,
+           x: u32,
+           y: u32,
+           width: u32,
+           height: u32,
+           plane: usize,
+           flags: u32)
+           -> Result<BufferMapping, Error> {
+        checked_range!(checked_arithmetic!(x + width)?; <= self.width())?;
+        checked_range!(checked_arithmetic!(y + height)?; <= self.height())?;
+        checked_range!(plane; <= self.num_planes())?;
+        let bytes_per_pixel = self.format()
+            .bytes_per_pixel(plane)
+            .ok_or(Error::UnknownFormat(self.format()))? as u32;
         let mut stride = 0;
         let mut map_data = null_mut();
         // Safe because only a valid gbm_bo object is used and the return value is checked. Only
@@ -413,78 +504,77 @@ impl Buffer {
-                       GBM_BO_TRANSFER_READ,
+                       flags,
                        &mut stride,
                        &mut map_data,
         if mapping == MAP_FAILED {
-            return Err(());
+            return Err(Error::MapFailed);
-        let copy_size = (y as u64) * (stride as u64);
-        let res = if copy_size <= dst.size() {
-            // The two buffers can not be overlapping because we just made a new mapping in this
-            // scope.
-            unsafe {
-                copy_nonoverlapping(mapping as *mut u8, dst.as_ptr(), copy_size as usize);
-            }
-            Ok(())
-        } else {
-            Err(())
-        };
-        // safe because the gbm_bo is assumed to be valid and the map_data is the same one given by
-        // gbm_bo_map.
-        unsafe {
-            gbm_bo_unmap(self.0, map_data);
-        }
-        res
+        // The size of returned slice is equal the size of a row in bytes multiplied by the height
+        // of the mapped region, subtracted by the offset into the first mapped row. The 'x' and
+        // 'y's in the below diagram of a 2D buffer are bytes in the mapping. The first 'y' is what
+        // the mapping points to in memory, and the '-'s are unmapped bytes of the buffer.
+        // |----------|
+        // |--stride--|
+        // |-----yyyyx| h
+        // |xxxxxyyyyx| e
+        // |xxxxxyyyyx| i
+        // |xxxxxyyyyx| g
+        // |xxxxxyyyyx| h
+        // |xxxxxyyyyx| t
+        // |----------|
+        let size = checked_arithmetic!(stride * height)?;
+        let x_offset_bytes = checked_arithmetic!(x * bytes_per_pixel)?;
+        let slice_size = checked_arithmetic!(size - x_offset_bytes)? as u64;
+        Ok(BufferMapping {
+            // Safe because the chunk of memory starting at mapping with size `slice_size` is valid
+            // and tied to the lifetime of `buffer_mapping`.
+            slice: unsafe { VolatileSlice::new(mapping as *mut u8, slice_size) },
+            stride,
+            map_data,
+            buffer: self,
+        })
-    /// Writes to the given subsection of the buffer from `src`.
-    pub fn write_from_slice(&self,
+    /// Reads the given subsection of the buffer to `dst`.
+    pub fn read_to_volatile(&self,
                             x: u32,
                             y: u32,
                             width: u32,
                             height: u32,
                             plane: usize,
-                            src: &[u8])
-                            -> Result<(), ()> {
-        let mut stride = 0;
-        let mut map_data = null_mut();
-        // Safe because only a valid gbm_bo object is used and the return value is checked. Only
-        // pointers coerced from stack references are used for returned values, and we trust gbm to
-        // only write as many bytes as the size of the pointed to values.
-        let mapping = unsafe {
-            gbm_bo_map(self.0,
-                       x,
-                       y,
-                       width,
-                       height,
-                       GBM_BO_TRANSFER_WRITE,
-                       &mut stride,
-                       &mut map_data,
-                       plane)
-        };
-        if mapping == MAP_FAILED {
-            return Err(());
+                            dst: VolatileSlice)
+                            -> Result<(), Error> {
+        if width == 0 || height == 0 {
+            return Ok(());
-        let copy_size = (height as u64) * (stride as u64);
-        let copy_sg_size = min(src.len() as u64, copy_size);
+        let mapping =, y, width, height, plane, GBM_BO_TRANSFER_READ)?;
-        // The two buffers can not be overlapping because we just made a new mapping in this scope.
-        unsafe {
-            copy_nonoverlapping(src.as_ptr(), mapping as *mut u8, copy_sg_size as usize);
-        }
-        // safe because the gbm_bo is assumed to be valid and the map_data is the same one given by
-        // gbm_bo_map.
-        unsafe {
-            gbm_bo_unmap(self.0, map_data);
+        if x == 0 && width == self.width() {
+            mapping.as_volatile_slice().copy_to_volatile_slice(dst);
+        } else {
+            // This path is more complicated because there are gaps in the data between lines.
+            let width = width as u64;
+            let stride = mapping.stride() as u64;
+            let bytes_per_pixel = match self.format().bytes_per_pixel(plane) {
+                Some(bpp) => bpp as u64,
+                None => return Err(Error::UnknownFormat(self.format())),
+            };
+            let line_copy_size = checked_arithmetic!(width * bytes_per_pixel)?;
+            let src = mapping.as_volatile_slice();
+            for yy in 0..(height as u64) {
+                let line_offset = checked_arithmetic!(yy * stride)?;
+                let src_line = src.get_slice(line_offset, line_copy_size)
+                    .map_err(|e| Error::Memcopy(e))?;
+                let dst_line = dst.get_slice(line_offset, line_copy_size)
+                    .map_err(|e| Error::Memcopy(e))?;
+                src_line.copy_to_volatile_slice(dst_line);
+            }
@@ -497,51 +587,94 @@ impl Buffer {
                                                                     width: u32,
                                                                     height: u32,
                                                                     plane: usize,
-                                                                    sgs: S)
-                                                                    -> Result<(), ()> {
-        let mut stride = 0;
-        let mut map_data = null_mut();
-        // Safe because only a valid gbm_bo object is used and the return value is checked. Only
-        // pointers coerced from stack references are used for returned values, and we trust gbm to
-        // only write as many bytes as the size of the pointed to values.
-        let mut mapping = unsafe {
-            gbm_bo_map(self.0,
-                       x,
-                       y,
-                       width,
-                       height,
-                       GBM_BO_TRANSFER_WRITE,
-                       &mut stride,
-                       &mut map_data,
-                       plane)
-        };
-        if mapping == MAP_FAILED {
-            return Err(());
+                                                                    src_offset: usize,
+                                                                    mut sgs: S)
+                                                                    -> Result<(), Error> {
+        if width == 0 || height == 0 {
+            return Ok(());
-        let mut copy_size = (height as u64) * (stride as u64);
-        for sg in sgs {
-            let copy_sg_size = min(sg.size(), copy_size);
-            // The two buffers can not be overlapping because we just made a new mapping in this
-            // scope.
-            unsafe {
-                copy_nonoverlapping(sg.as_ptr(), mapping as *mut u8, copy_sg_size as usize);
+        checked_range!(src_offset; <= isize::MAX as usize)?;
+        let mapping =, y, width, height, plane, GBM_BO_TRANSFER_WRITE)?;
+        let mut dst_slice = mapping.as_volatile_slice();
+        let stride = mapping.stride() as u64;
+        let mut height = height as u64;
+        let mut src_offset = src_offset as u64;
+        if x == 0 && width == self.width() {
+            // This path is a simple copy from the scatter gather iterator to the buffer objection,
+            // with no gaps in the data.
+            let mut copy_size = checked_arithmetic!(stride * height)?;
+            for sg in sgs {
+                // Skip src_offset into this scatter gather item, or the entire thing if offset is
+                // larger.
+                let sg_size = match sg.size().checked_sub(src_offset) {
+                    Some(sg_remaining_size) => sg_remaining_size,
+                    None => {
+                        src_offset -= sg.size();
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                };
+                let copy_sg_size = min(sg_size, copy_size);
+                let src_slice = sg.get_slice(src_offset, copy_sg_size)
+                    .map_err(|e| Error::Memcopy(e))?;
+                src_slice.copy_to_volatile_slice(dst_slice);
+                src_offset = 0;
+                dst_slice = dst_slice
+                    .offset(copy_sg_size)
+                    .map_err(|e| Error::Memcopy(e))?;
+                copy_size -= copy_sg_size;
+                if copy_size == 0 {
+                    break;
+                }
-            mapping = mapping.wrapping_offset(copy_sg_size as isize);
-            copy_size -= copy_sg_size;
-            if copy_size == 0 {
-                break;
+        } else {
+            let width = width as u64;
+            // This path is more complicated because there are gaps in the data between lines.
+            let bytes_per_pixel = self.format().bytes_per_pixel(plane).unwrap_or(0) as u64;
+            let line_copy_size = checked_arithmetic!(width * bytes_per_pixel)?;
+            let line_end_skip = checked_arithmetic!(stride - line_copy_size)?;
+            let mut remaining_line_copy_size = line_copy_size;
+            let mut sg_opt =;
+            while !sg_opt.is_none() {
+                let sg = sg_opt.unwrap();
+                // Skip src_offset into this scatter gather item, or the entire thing if offset is
+                // larger.
+                let sg_size = match sg.size().checked_sub(src_offset) {
+                    None | Some(0) => {
+                        src_offset -= sg.size();
+                        sg_opt =;
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                    Some(sg_remaining_size) => sg_remaining_size,
+                };
+                let copy_sg_size = min(sg_size, remaining_line_copy_size);
+                let src_slice = sg.get_slice(src_offset, copy_sg_size)
+                    .map_err(|e| Error::Memcopy(e))?;
+                src_slice.copy_to_volatile_slice(dst_slice);
+                src_offset += copy_sg_size;
+                dst_slice = dst_slice
+                    .offset(copy_sg_size)
+                    .map_err(|e| Error::Memcopy(e))?;
+                remaining_line_copy_size -= copy_sg_size;
+                if remaining_line_copy_size == 0 {
+                    remaining_line_copy_size = line_copy_size;
+                    height -= 1;
+                    if height == 0 {
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    src_offset += line_end_skip;
+                    dst_slice = dst_slice
+                        .offset(line_end_skip)
+                        .map_err(|e| Error::Memcopy(e))?;
+                }
-        // safe because the gbm_bo is assumed to be valid and the map_data is the same one given by
-        // gbm_bo_map.
-        unsafe {
-            gbm_bo_unmap(self.0, map_data);
-        }
@@ -560,6 +693,32 @@ impl AsRawFd for Buffer {
+struct BufferMapping<'a> {
+    slice: VolatileSlice<'a>,
+    stride: u32,
+    map_data: *mut c_void,
+    buffer: &'a Buffer,
+impl<'a> BufferMapping<'a> {
+    fn as_volatile_slice(&self) -> VolatileSlice {
+        self.slice
+    }
+    fn stride(&self) -> u32 {
+        self.stride
+    }
+impl<'a> Drop for BufferMapping<'a> {
+    fn drop(&mut self) {
+        // safe because the gbm_bo is assumed to be valid and the map_data is the same one given by
+        // gbm_bo_map.
+        unsafe {
+            gbm_bo_unmap(self.buffer.0, self.map_data);
+        }
+    }
 mod tests {
@@ -656,7 +815,15 @@ mod tests {
         let mut dst: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
         dst.resize((bo.stride() * bo.height()) as usize, 0x4A);
         let dst_len = dst.len() as u64;
-        bo.write_from_slice(0, 0, 1024, 1024, 0, dst.as_slice())
+        bo.write_from_sg(0,
+                           0,
+                           1024,
+                           1024,
+                           0,
+                           0,
+                           [dst.as_mut_slice().get_slice(0, dst_len).unwrap()]
+                               .iter()
+                               .cloned())
             .expect("failed to read bo");