On ti, joulu 6 2022 at 20.31.48 +00:00:00, Alyssa Ross <alyssa.ross@unikie.com> wrote:
Yes, that's a compelling argument. I wonder if it would make sense to add some special configuration option for development, that would enable extra development tools and other goodies? (I often find myself adding strace…) (I think they probably shouldn't be present by default, because then it could be difficult to be sure nothing was depending on them in future when it came time to remove them. But something that any given developer could set once and then always have developer stuff available, and toggle off when they wanted to test a production build, could make things a lot nicer.)

I often add strace and ltrace :-) Logging and extra access to the internals of host/VM are also good.
I agree about thati it's good idea to have developer-support features in place and have an ability to make production and development builds with a simple switch between them.

vadik likholetov