"Jamie McClymont" writes: > Hello > > If anyone else has struggled with sepectrum-vm on AMD graphics, where > the "child virtio-pci (virtio-wl)" process dies without a descriptive > error, I believe the issue is fixed here: > https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromiumos/platform/crosvm/+/2570453/2/seccomp/x86_64/video_device.policy > > It doesn't cleanly apply (I assume the seccomp policies have been shuffled between files), but --disable-sandbox is there as a functioning workaround :) Thanks for the tip. :) I haven't tested with AMD graphics -- not sure if anybody else will have. > Does anyone have a branch where the chromium-os upstream-info is more > up to date? I can have a go myself, but didn't want to duplicate > effort :) I don't think so. Somebody was interested in updating to a more recent Nixpkgs a few weeks ago but I don't think they got anywhere. I was planning on doing it once I got some stuff I have locally cleaned up and committed. If you wanted to have a go that'd be great, and I'll happily provide any help you need. :) In particular, if you were to run into any failures due to versions of dependencies being too old or something, we might need to sync with upstream Nixpkgs first. If that's the case I can prioritise getting that done unless you'd like to try that as well -- I'd expect it to be easier than updating chromiumOSPackages because we don't heavily modify Nixpkgs, just add to it. > Thanks > - Jamie McClymont > > -- > > P.S. an introduction: Hi everyone! > > I have just started a new job where VM isolation is necessary, and > have been hoping for a way to get integrated window management across > VM boundaries - it looks like this is clearly the ideal approach, and > I'm already a NixOS user, so am keen to contribute :) Nice to make your acquaintance! I'm Alyssa, and I'm the main person behind Spectrum at the moment. I hope you stick around. :)