# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Alyssa Ross { pkgs ? import {} , terminfo ? pkgs.foot.terminfo }: pkgs.pkgsStatic.callPackage ( { lib, stdenv, runCommand, writeReferencesToFile, buildPackages , s6-rc, tar2ext4, xorg , busybox, connmanMinimal, dbus, execline, kmod, mdevd, nftables, s6 , s6-portable-utils }: let inherit (lib) cleanSource cleanSourceWith concatMapStringsSep; connman = connmanMinimal; packages = [ connman dbus execline kmod mdevd s6 s6-portable-utils s6-rc (busybox.override { extraConfig = '' CONFIG_DEPMOD n CONFIG_INSMOD n CONFIG_LSMOD n CONFIG_MODINFO n CONFIG_MODPROBE n CONFIG_RMMOD n ''; }) (nftables.override { withCli = false; }) ]; packagesSysroot = runCommand "packages-sysroot" { inherit packages; nativeBuildInputs = [ xorg.lndir ]; passAsFile = [ "packages" ]; } '' mkdir -p $out/usr/bin $out/usr/share/dbus-1 ln -s ${concatMapStringsSep " " (p: "${p}/bin/*") packages} $out/usr/bin ln -s ${kernel}/lib "$out" ln -s ${terminfo}/share/terminfo $out/usr/share for pkg in ${dbus} ${connman}; do lndir -silent $pkg/share/dbus-1 $out/usr/share/dbus-1 done ''; packagesTar = runCommand "packages.tar" {} '' cd ${packagesSysroot} tar -cf $out --verbatim-files-from \ -T ${writeReferencesToFile packagesSysroot} . ''; kernel = buildPackages.linux.override { structuredExtraConfig = with lib.kernel; { VIRTIO = yes; VIRTIO_PCI = yes; VIRTIO_BLK = yes; VIRTIO_CONSOLE = yes; EXT4_FS = yes; DRM_BOCHS = yes; DRM = yes; AGP = yes; }; }; in stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "spectrum-netvm"; src = cleanSourceWith { filter = name: _type: name != "${toString ./.}/build"; src = cleanSource ./.; }; nativeBuildInputs = [ s6-rc tar2ext4 ]; PACKAGES_TAR = packagesTar; VMLINUX = "${kernel.dev}/vmlinux"; installPhase = '' mv build/svc $out ''; enableParallelBuilding = true; passthru = { inherit kernel; }; meta = with lib; { license = licenses.eupl12; platforms = platforms.linux; }; } ) {}