#!/bin/sh -eu # # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2022 Alyssa Ross # SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2 # # usage: make-gpt.sh GPT_PATH PATH:PARTTYPE[:PARTUUID]... ONE_MiB=1048576 TWO_MiB=2097152 # Prints the number of 1MiB blocks required to store the file named # $1. We use 1MiB blocks because that's what sfdisk uses for # alignment. It would be possible to get a slightly smaller image # using actual normal-sized 512-byte blocks, but it's probably not # worth it to configure sfdisk to do that. sizeMiB() { wc -c "$1" | awk -v ONE_MiB=$ONE_MiB \ '{printf "%d\n", ($1 + ONE_MiB - 1) / ONE_MiB}' } # Copies from path $3 into partition number $2 in partition table $1. fillPartition() { sfdisk -J "$1" | jq -r --argjson index "$2" \ '.partitiontable.partitions[$index] | "\(.start) \(.size)"' | (read start size; dd if="$3" of="$1" seek="$start" count="$size" conv=notrunc) } # Prints the partition path from a PATH:PARTTYPE[:PARTUUID] string. partitionPath() { awk -F: '{print $1}' <