# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2022 Alyssa Ross # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT { config, runCommand, e2fsprogs }: let netvm = import ../../vm/sys/net { inherit config; # inherit (foot) terminfo; }; appvm-catgirl = import ../../vm/app/catgirl.nix { inherit config; }; appvm-lynx = import ../../vm/app/lynx.nix { inherit config; }; appvm-mg = import ../../vm/app/mg.nix { inherit config; }; in runCommand "ext.ext4" { nativeBuildInputs = [ e2fsprogs ]; } '' mkdir -p root/svc/data/appvm-{catgirl,lynx,mg} cd root tar -C ${netvm} -c data | tar -C svc -x chmod +w svc/data tar -C ${appvm-catgirl} -c . | tar -C svc/data/appvm-catgirl -x tar -C ${appvm-lynx} -c . | tar -C svc/data/appvm-lynx -x tar -C ${appvm-mg} -c . | tar -C svc/data/appvm-mg -x mkfs.ext4 -d . $out 16T resize2fs -M $out # The generated image will have all files owned by the uid and gid # mkfs.ext4 was run as, so we need to normalize ownership to root. find -exec echo $'set_inode_field {} uid 0\nset_inode_field {} gid 0' ';' | debugfs -wf - $out ''