= Communication in Spectrum :description: Channels, announcements and so on. :page-nav_order: 1 :page-parent: Contributing // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019-2024 Alyssa Ross // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Unikie // SPDX-License-Identifier: GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-or-later OR CC-BY-SA-4.0 There are several places online in which announcements, discussion, and collaboration happen. Rather than tell you about them all at once, though, it is best to tell you which ones are relevant to you, given how you would like to participate (or not) in the project. Our primary methods of communication are Matrix and mailing lists. [#chat] == Matrix Chat There is a single Matrix chat room, https://matrix.to/#/#spectrum:fairydust.space[#spectrum:fairydust.space], for all kinds of Spectrum discussion. You can also join through IRC — link:ircs://irc.libera.chat:6697/spectrum[#spectrum] on https://libera.chat/[Libera.Chat]. == Mailing Lists If you are interested in participating in the project, or even just following along with it, the best thing to do is subscribe to one or more of the Spectrum mailing lists. Each list has https://spectrum-os.org/lists/archives/[archives] that can also be accessed via the web, NNTP or Atom. If you have the capacity to mirror them, please do! [#spectrum-announce] === announce@spectrum-os.org This is a one-way list where announcements from Spectrum's developers will be posted. Subscribe by sending a message to announce-subscribe@spectrum-os.org. Unsubscribe by sending a message to announce-unsubscribe@spectrum-os.org. [#spectrum-discuss] === discuss@spectrum-os.org This list contains high-level discussion about the project. Subscribe by sending a message to discuss-subscribe@spectrum-os.org. Unsubscribe by sending a message to discuss-unsubscribe@spectrum-os.org. [#spectrum-devel] === devel@spectrum-os.org This list is where low-level technical discussions happen, and where patches are sent. There is a separate guide for the Spectrum development process, including how patches are sent to this list and discussed. For more information, see xref:working-with-patches.adoc[Working with Patches]. Subscribe by sending a message to devel-subscribe@spectrum-os.org. Unsubscribe by sending a message to devel-unsubscribe@spectrum-os.org.