{ bash, stdenv, lib, runCommand, writeText, fetchFromGitHub }: let version = "1.0.0"; shab = stdenv.mkDerivation { pname = "shab"; inherit version; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "zimbatm"; repo = "shab"; rev = "v${version}"; sha256 = "02lf1s6plhhcfyj9xha44wij9jbphb1x5q55xj3b5bx2ji2jsvji"; }; postPatch = '' for f in test.sh test/*.sh; do patchShebangs "$f" done ''; doCheck = true; doInstallCheck = true; checkPhase = '' ./test.sh ''; installPhase = '' mkdir -p $out/bin cp ./shab $out/bin/shab ''; installCheckPhase = '' [[ "$(echo 'Hello $entity' | entity=world $out/bin/shab)" == 'Hello world' ]] ''; passthru = { inherit render renderText; }; meta = with lib; { description = "The bash templating language"; homepage = https://github.com/zimbatm/shab; license = licenses.unlicense; maintainers = with maintainers; [ zimbatm ]; platforms = bash.meta.platforms; }; }; /* shabScript: a path or filename to use as a template parameters.name: the name to use as part of the store path parameters: variables to expose to the template */ render = shabScript: parameters: let extraParams = { inherit shabScript; }; in runCommand "out" (parameters // extraParams) '' ${shab}/bin/shab "$shabScript" >$out ''; /* shabScriptText: a string to use as a template parameters.name: the name to use as part of the store path parameters: variables to expose to the template */ renderText = shabScriptText: parameters: render (writeText "template" shabScriptText) parameters; in shab