{ stdenv, fetchFromGitHub , talloc, docutils, swig, python, coreutils, enablePython ? true }: stdenv.mkDerivation { pname = "proot"; version = "20190510"; src = fetchFromGitHub { repo = "proot"; owner = "proot-me"; rev = "803e54d8a1b3d513108d3fc413ba6f7c80220b74"; sha256 = "0gwzqm5wpscj3fchlv3qggf3zzn0v00s4crb5ciwljan1zrqadhy"; }; postPatch = '' substituteInPlace src/GNUmakefile \ --replace /bin/echo ${coreutils}/bin/echo # our cross machinery defines $CC and co just right sed -i /CROSS_COMPILE/d src/GNUmakefile ''; buildInputs = [ talloc ] ++ stdenv.lib.optional enablePython python; nativeBuildInputs = [ docutils ] ++ stdenv.lib.optional enablePython swig; enableParallelBuilding = true; makeFlags = [ "-C src" ]; postBuild = '' make -C doc proot/man.1 ''; installFlags = [ "PREFIX=${placeholder "out"}" ]; postInstall = '' install -Dm644 doc/proot/man.1 $out/share/man/man1/proot.1 ''; meta = with stdenv.lib; { homepage = https://proot-me.github.io; description = "User-space implementation of chroot, mount --bind and binfmt_misc"; platforms = platforms.linux; license = licenses.gpl2; maintainers = with maintainers; [ ianwookim makefu veprbl dtzWill ]; }; }