{ stdenv, lib, rustPlatform, fetchFromGitHub, pkgconfig, ncurses, python3, openssl, libgpgerror, gpgme, xorg, AppKit, Security }: with rustPlatform; buildRustPackage rec { version = "0.3.0"; pname = "ripasso-cursive"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "cortex"; repo = "ripasso"; rev = "release-${version}"; sha256 = "1rkb23i9gcfmifcl31s8w86k7aza6nxrh3w33fvhv1ins1gxxk7w"; }; cargoSha256 = "1p0bsl4h2w257vfjbpqiga693gaslfq34g30dghpqb5n4kl416zp"; cargoBuildFlags = [ "-p ripasso-cursive -p ripasso-man" ]; nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgconfig ]; buildInputs = [ ncurses python3 openssl libgpgerror gpgme xorg.libxcb ] ++ stdenv.lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [ AppKit Security ]; preFixup = '' mkdir -p "$out/man/man1" $out/bin/ripasso-man > $out/man/man1/ripasso-cursive.1 rm $out/bin/ripasso-man ''; meta = with stdenv.lib; { description = "A simple password manager written in Rust"; homepage = "https://github.com/cortex/ripasso"; license = licenses.gpl3; maintainers = with maintainers; [ sgo ]; platforms = platforms.unix; }; }